apush 29 multiple choice extra

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Match each late-19th century social critic below with the target of his criticism. A. Thorstein Veblen 1. 'bloated trusts' B. Jack London 2. 'slum conditions' C. Jacob Riis 3. 'conspicuous consumption' D. Henry Demarest Lloyd 4. destruction of nature a) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1 b) A-1, B-3, C-4, D-2 c) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1 d) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4 e) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3


Of the following legislation aimed at resource conservation, the only one associated with Theodore Roosevelt's presidency was the a) Desert Land Act b) Forest Reserve Act c) Newlands Act d) Cary Act e) Clean Water Act


MM President Taft intervened militarily in ___________ to ease disorders that threatened American investments there a. Central America b. Manchuria c. the Mediterranean d. the Caribbean e. the Philippians


Match the earl 20th century muckraker below with the target of his or her expose A. David Phillips 1. the U.S. Senate B. Ida Tarbell 2. the Standard Oil Company C. Lincoln Steffens 3. city governments D. Ray Stannard Baker 4. the conditions of blacks a) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4 b) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1 c) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4 d) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1 e) A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3


The panic of 1907 stimulated reform in ______________ policy. a) banking b) tariff c) land-use d) industrial e) stock-trading


While president, Theodore Roosevelt a) greatly increased the power and prestige of the presidency b) showed no skill and little interest in working with Congress c) was a poor judge of public opinion d) was surprisingly unpopular with the public e) held rigidly to ideological principles


Progressive reform at the level of city government seeme4d to indicate that the progressives' highest priority was a) democratic participation b) governmental efficiency c) free enterprise d) economic equality e) urban planning


Progressives, who were among the strongest critics of injustice in early-twentieth-century America, received much of their inspiration from a) the Federalists b) the Greenback Labor party and the Populists c) foreign nations d) progressive theorists, like Jacob Riis e) social Darwinists


The progressive movement was instrumental in getting both the 17th and 18th amendments added to the Constitution. The 17th called for ________________, and the 18th called for _______________, a) prohibition; woman suffrage b) direct election of U.S. senators; prohibition c) woman suffrage; income taxes d) income taxes; direct election of U.S. senators e) woman suffrage; direct election of U.S. senators


As president, William Howard Taft a) was a good judge of public opinion b) held together the diverse wings of the Republican party c) was wedded more to the status quo than to change d) adopted a confrontational attitude toward Congress e) carried on the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt


Political progressivism a) made little difference in American life b) died out shortly after Teddy Roosevelt stepped down as president c) emerged in both major parties, in all regions, at all levels of government d) was more a minority movement than a majority mood e) began in Northeastern big cities


President Roosevelt believed that the federal government should adopt a policy of __________________ trusts. a) dissolving b) ignoring c) regulating d) collusion with e) monitoring


The progressive-inspired city-manager system of government a) brought democracy to urban dwellers b) was developed in Wisconsin c) was designed to remove politics from municipal administration d) made giant strides under the leadership of Hiram Johnson e) opened urban politics to new immigrants


The public outcry after the horrible Triangle Shirtwaist fire led many states to pass a) mandatory fire escape plans for all business employing more than ten people b) safety regulations and workmen's compensation laws for job injuries c) restrictions on female employment in the clothing industry d) zoning regulations governing where factories could be located e) laws guaranteeing unions the right to raise safety concerns


The settlement house and women's club movements were crucial centers of female progressive activity because they a) provided literary and philosophical perspectives on social questions b) broke down the idea that women had special concerns as wives and mothers c) introduced many middle-class women to a broader array of urban social problems and civic concerns d) helped slum children learn to read Dante and Shakespeare e) became the launching pads for women seeking political office


The muckrakers signified much about the nature of the progressive reform movement because they a) counted on drastic political change to fight social wrongs b) thrived on publicity rather than social change c) believed that the cure for the ills of American democracy lay in less democracy and more government control d) sought not to overthrow capitalism but to cleanse it with democratic controls e) refused to look beyond middle-class concerns


Theodore Roosevelt believed that trusts a) could be destroyed without damage to the American economy b) were greedy for power and wealth c) were too powerful to be regulated d) were here to stay with their efficient means of production e) should be balanced by strong labor unions


All of the following were prime goals of earnest progressives except a) the direct election of U.S. senators b) the elimination of graft c) woman suffrage d) ending prostitution and 'white slavery' e) opposition to Prohibition


Passage of the Federal Meat Inspection Act was facilitated by the publication of a) Theodore Dreiser's The Titan b) Jack London's Call of the Wild c) Henry Demarest Lloyd's Wealth Against Commonwealth d) Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives e) Upton Sinclair's The Jungle


The Supreme Court's 'rule of reason' in restraint-of-trade cases was handed down in a case involving a) Northern Securities b) United States Steel c) General Electric d) Armour Meat-Packing e) Standard Oil


Theodore Roosevelt helped to end the 1902 strike in the anthracite coal mines by a) using the military to force the miners back to work b) passing legislation making the miners' union illegal c) helping the mine owners to import strike-breakers d) appealing to mine owners' and workers' sense of the public interest e) threatening to seize the mines and to operate them with federal troops


Theodore Roosevelt weakened himself politically after his election in 1904 when he a) got into a quarrel with his popular secretary of war, William Taft b) refused to do anything in response to the 'Roosevelt Panic' c) supported the Federal Reserve Act d) began to reduce his trust-busting activity e) announced that he would not be a candidate for a third term as president


MM President Taft's image as a progressive was tarnished when he a. signed the Payne-Aldrich Tariff bill b. refused to support progressive congressmen to challenge the power of the conservation Speaker of the House c. dismissed Gifford Pinchot d. proved less aggressive at trust busting than Theodor roosevelt e. aligned himself with Republican senatorial reactionaries


MM Early-twentieth century progressive state governors included a. Hiram W. Johnson b. Robert La Follette c. William Howard Taft d. Charles Evans Hughes e. Nelson Aldrich


MM President Roosevelt and his chief forester, Gifford Pinchot, held a view of resource conservation that required policies for a. protection of small firms engaging in logging and ranching b. efficient management of resource use c. long-term planning for resource use d. removal of all private lands from private use e. opening of national parks to corporate development


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