APUSH Ch 13-15

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In early nineteenth century America, the urban population was growing at an unprecedented rate, why?

1. more children born 2. beginnings of immigrants

By the 1850s, the crusade for women's rights was eclipsed by abolitionism, similar to

1950s-1960s civil rights movement

Andrew Jackson's veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the United States was A) the first presidential veto B) a major expansion of presidential power C) unconstitutional D) overturned by a two-thirds vote in Congress E) supported by the Anti-Mason party

B) a major expansion of presidential power

The South Carolina nullifying convention sets the tone for?

Civil War

Supporters of the Whig party included all of the following except A) backers of the American System B) backers of southern states' rights C) large northern industrialists D) many evangelical Protestants E) opponents of public education

E) opponents of public education

Andrew Jackson and his supporters disliked the Bank of the United States for all of the following reasons except it A) minted gold and silver coins but issued no paper money B) controlled much of the nation's gold and silver C) was a private institution D) foreclosed on many western farms E) put public service first, not profits.

E) put public service first, not profits

German immigrants to the US left their homeland to escape economic hardships and autocratic government, how is this different than their Irish reason?

Irish were leaving because of famine and no economic possibilites

John C. Calhoun's "South Carolina Exposition" was an argument for states' rights, branched off previous document of?

Kentucky Virginia Resolution

The American phase of the industrial revolution first blossomed with textile mills, mostly where?

New England

(multiple answer) Transcendentalists were dedicated to a. individualism b. self reliance c. respect for authority d. conventional wisdom e. political activism

a. individualism b. self reliance

The Deist faith embraced all of the following except a. the concept of original sin b. the reliance on reason rather than revolution c. belief in a supreme being d. belief in human beings' capacity for moral behavior e. denial of the divinity of Jesus

a. the concept of original sin

In general, ___ tended to bind the West and South together, while ___ and ___ connected West to East, steamboats, canals, railroads. branch off the ___ system by H___ C___

american, henry clay

(multiple answer) In the early nineteenth century america, a. the lines between male and female roles in society were becoming blurred b. women could not vote c. married women could not retain ownership of their property d. women were growing less aware of themselves as individuals and as one another's "sisters" e. women turned away from patriarchal religion

b. women could not vote c. married women could not retain ownership of their property

The influx of immigrants to the US tripled, then quadrupled, in the a. 1810s and 1820s b. 1820s and 1830s c. 1830s and 1840s d. 1840s and 1850s e. 1860s and 1870s

d. 1840s and 1850s

The second great awakening tended to promote religious diversity which results or promotes?


One strong prejudice inhibiting women from obtaining higher education in the early nineteenth century was the belief that too much learning would injure women's brains and ruin their health, cult of...


"Civil Disobedience" an essay that later influenced both Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr, was written by the transcendentalist a. Louisa May Alcott b. Ralph Waldo Emerson c. James Fenimore Cooper d. Margaret Fuller e. Henry David Thoreau

e. Henry David Thoreau

Neal Dow sponsored the Maine Law of 1851, which called for a. the abolition of capital punishment b. a ban on war c. a ban on polygamy d. woman suffrage e. a ban on the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor

e. a ban on the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor

Transcendentalists believed that all knowledge came through a. the writings of John Locke b. the senses c. observation d. inherent rational capacity e. an inner light

e. an inner light

All of the following are true of the Second Great awakening except that it a. resulted in the conversion of countless souls b. encouraged a variety of humanitarian reforms c. strengthened democratic denominations like the Baptists and Methodists d. was not a reaction against the growing liberalism in religion e. was not as large as the first great awakening

e. was not as large as the first great awakening

Early nineteenth century American families a. were becoming more loosely knit and less affectionate b. usually included three generations in the same household c. taught their children to be unquestioningly obedient d. usually allowed parents to determine choice of marriage partners e. were getting smaller

e. were getting smaller

The nullification crisis started by South Carolina over the Tariff of 1828 ended when congress passed the compromise Tariff of 1833, but set the tone?

for more sectionalism

The "father of the factory system" in the US was Samuel Slater, meaning?

he actually gave the blueprint on how to physically set up a factory

Andrew Jackson's inauguration as president symbolized the newly won ascendancy of the masses, how so?

let the common people come to the white house

The strong regional support for the Tariff of 1833 came from the South, why?

lowered the tariff a little bit

Andrew Jackson's veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the United States was a major expansion of presidential power, how so?

nothing was in the constitution

The early factory system distributed its benefits mostly to the owners, meaning?

only the elite profitted

The influx of immigrants to the US tripled, then quadrupled, in the 1840s and 1850s, due to... and who...

opportunity of jobs and economic opportunity, Irish and germans

Andrew Jackson's political philosophy was based on his suspicion of the federal government, makes him a...?

protector of the common man

The American medical profession by 1860 was noted for its still primitive standards, shows lack of?

science and technology development

Most of the cotton produced in the American South in the early nineteenth century was sold to England, big deal why?

their major profit maker

Innovations in the election of 1832 included adoption of written party platforms, positive why?

then know what your party stance is

Spanish authorities allowed Moses Austin to settle in Texas because they believed that Austin and his settlers might be able to civilize the territory, lead the settlers to demand?

to have less slaves- leads to conflict

The policy of the Jackson administration toward the eastern Indian tribes was forced removal or become like the ___ man?


Early nineteenth century American families were getting smaller, why?

women controlled the family size- got married later and didn't want as many kids

Native born Protestant Americans distrusted and resented the Irish mostly because these immigrants were Roman Catholic, the history?

Irish Catholics did not get along with British Protestants

Virtually all the distinguished historians of the early nineteenth century America came from new england, meaning point of view was?

WASP (white anglosaxon protestant) like

Spanish authorities allowed Moses Austin to settle in Texas because a. they believed that Austin and his settlers might be able to civilize the territory b. they believed that the militarily powerful Austin would otherwise have taken the land by force c. Spanish control of the territory was a subject of dispute between Spain and the US d. Spain planned to sell the land to the US e. he paid them a sizable sum of money

a. they believed that Austin and his settlers might be able to civilize the territory

(multiple answer) In his veto of the bank recharter bill, President Jackson claimed that the bank was a. unconstitutional b. anti western c. too much influenced by aristocrats and foreigners d. corrupt and monopolistic e. controller only by the government

a. unconstitutional b. anti western c. too much influenced by aristocrats and foreigners d. corrupt and monopolistic

In the case of Commonwealth v Hunt, the supreme court of Massachusetts ruled that a. corporations were unconstitutional b. labor unions were legal c. labor unions were illegal d. the boston associates employment of young women in their factories were inhumane e. the states could regulate factory wages and working conditions

b. labor unions were legal

By the 1850s, the crusade for women's rights was eclipsed by a. the temperance movement b. the "lucy stoners" c. abolitionism d. prison reform movements e. evangelical revivalism

c. abolitionism

The government of Mexico and the Americans who settled in Mexican controlled Texas clashed over all of the following issues except a. slavery b. immigration c. allegiance to Spain d. local rights e. Santa Anna raising an army to use against Texas

c. allegiance to Spain

As a result of the transportation revolution, a. division of labor became a thing of the past b. new orleans became an even more important port c. each region in the nation specialized in a particular type of economic activity d. self-sufficiency became easier to achieve for american families e. the midwest became the first industrialized region

c. each region in the nation specialized in a particular type of economic activity

John C. Calhoun's "South Carolina Exposition" was an argument for a. secession b. protective tariffs c. majority rule d. states' rights e. trade with England

d. states' rights

The force bill of 1833 provided that a. the congress could use the military for indian removal b. the congress would employ the navy to stop smuggling c. the president could use the army to collect excise taxes d. the military could force citizens to track down runaway slaves e. the president could use the army and navy to collect federal tariff duties

e. the president could use the army and navy to collect federal tariff duties

Women became especially active in the social reforms stimulated by the second great awakening because evangelical religion emphasized their spiritual dignity and religious social reform legitimized their activity outside the home, controlled the?

house and morals of the church

"Civil Disobedience" an essay that later influenced both Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr, was written by the transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau, sparks?

individualism and individual rights

Life on the frontier was downright grim for most pioneer families, how so?

it was the last chance for these people to succeed

A major economic consequence of the transportation and marketing revolutions was a steady improvement in average wages and standards of living, why?

markets and businesses could expand and lead to more opportunities and less limits

One of the positive aspects of the Bank of the United States was its promotion of economic expansion by making credit abundant, meaning?

people could take out more loans

Southerners feared the Tariff of 1828 because they believed that the federal power this bill represented could be used to suppress slavery, how so?

they feared the federal government would become too powerful

One of the main reasons Andrew Jackson decided to weaken the Bank of the United States after the 1832 election was A) his fear that Nicholas Biddle might try to manipulate the bank to force its recharter B) his desire to halt the rising inflation rate that the bank had created before 1832 C) his desire to fight the Specie Circular, which hurt the West D) that he lost money he had invested in it E) all of the above

A) his fear that Nicholas Biddle might try to manipulate the bank to force its recharter

Innovations in the election of 1832 included A) direct election of the president B) adoption of written party platforms C) election of the president by the House of Representatives D) presidential nominations of "favorite sons" by state legislatures E) abandonment of party conventions

B) adoption of written party platforms

The policy of the Jackson administration toward the eastern Indian tribes was A) a war of genocide B) gradual assimilation C) forced removal D) federal protection from state governments E) to encourage them to preserve their traditional culture.

C) forced removal

One of the positive aspects of the Bank of the United States was A) its officers' awareness of the bank's responsibilities to society B) its preservation of the public trust C) its promotion of economic expansion by making credit abundant D) its issuance of depreciated paper money E) that it loaned money to western farmers.

C) its promotion of economic expansion by making credit abundant

Andrew Jackson made all of the following charges against the Bank of the United States except that A) the bank was antiwestern B) it was controlled by an elite moneyed aristocracy C) the bank was autocratic and tyrannical D) it refused to lend money to politicians E) profit, not public service, was its first priority.

D) it refused to lend money to politicians

In an effort to assimilate themselves into white society, the Cherokees did all of the following except A) adopt a system of settled agriculture B) develop a written constitution C) become cotton planters D) refuse to own slaves E) develop a notion of private property.

D) refuse to own slaves

Andrew Jackson based his veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the United States on A) constitutional grounds exclusively B) advice from Henry Clay C) the Supreme Court's McCulloch v. Maryland decision D) the fact that he found the bill harmful to the nation E) all of the above

D) the fact that he found the bill harmful to the nation

The Panic of 1837 was caused by all of the following except A) rampant speculation B) the Bank War C) financial problems abroad D) failure of wheat crops E) taking the country off the gold standard

E) taking the country off the gold standard

In the first half of the nineteenth century, tax supported schools were a. chiefly available to educate the children of the poor b. most in evidence in the South c. continuously opposed by wealthy, conservative whites d. open only to tuition paying children of the well to do e. more academically demanding than private academics

a. chiefly available to educate the children of the poor

(multiple answer) The South Carolina nullifying convention a. declared the Tariff of 1832 null and void within South Carolina b. ordered the South Carolina state legislature to make military preparations to defend the state c. nullified the force bill passed by congress d. threatened to secede from the union if the national government tried to force the state into compliance with congressional law e. put the national interest above sectional interest

a. declared the Tariff of 1832 null and void within South Carolina b. ordered the South Carolina state legislature to make military preparations to defend the state c. nullified the force bill passed by congress d. threatened to secede from the union if the national government tried to force the state into compliance with congressional law

Women became especially active in the social reforms stimulated by the second great awakening because a. evangelical religion emphasized their spiritual dignity and religious social reform legitimized their activity outside the home b. they refused to accept the idea that there was a special female role in society c. they were looking to obtain as much power as possible d. many of the leading preachers and evangelists were women e. they saw the churches as the first institutions that needed to be reformed

a. evangelical religion emphasized their spiritual dignity and religious social reform legitimized their activity outside the home

The American medical profession by 1860 was noted for a. its still primitive standards b. having abandoned the practice of bleeding c. its discovery of germs as the cause of illness d. pioneer work in dentistry e. its well established medical schools

a. its still primitive standards

(multiple answer) The turnpikes, canals, and steamboats as new transportation links generally encouraged a. lowering of freight rates b. economic growth c. rising land values d. migration of peoples e. states' rights

a. lowering of freight rates b. economic growth c. rising land values d. migration of peoples

The early factory system distributed its benefits a. mostly to the owners b. evenly to all c. primarily in the south d. to workers represented by unions e. to overseas investors

a. mostly to the owners

Most early railroads in the US were build in the a. north b. old south c. lower mississippi valley d. far west e. appalachian mountains

a. north

(multiple answer) The panic of 1837 was the result of a. overspeculation in internal improvements b. the Bank War and Specie Circular c. the independent treasury system d. economic distress in Europe e. Jackson's removal of the US from the gold standard

a. overspeculation in internal improvements b. the Bank War and Specie Circular d. economic distress in Europe

The second great awakening tended to a. promote religious diversity b. reduce social class differences c. blur regional differences d. discourage church membership e. weaken women's social position

a. promote religious diversity

(multiple answer) Southerners disliked the Tariff of 1828 because it a. raised the price of manufacturing goods b. represented the growing power of the federal government c. signaled abandonment of the idea of protectionism d. was clearly designed to ensure the reelection of President Adams e. raised the price of imported rice

a. raised the price of manufacturing goods b. represented the growing power of the federal government

(multiple answer) Factors encouraging the growth of immigration rates in the first half of the nineteenth century included the a. rapid growth of the european population b. perception of america as a land of freedom and opportunity c. introduction of transoceanic steamships d. economic and political turmoil in europe e. religious oppression by european state churches

a. rapid growth of the european population b. perception of america as a land of freedom and opportunity c. introduction of transoceanic steamships d. economic and political turmoil in europe e. religious oppression by european state churches

As a result of the development of the cotton gin, a. slavery revived and expanded b. american industry bought more southern cotton than did British manufacturers c. a nationwide depression ensued d. the south diversified its economy e. the textile industry moved to the south

a. slavery revived and expanded

In general, ___ tended to bind the West and South together, while ___ and ___ connected West to East a. steamboats, canals, railroads b. railroads, canals, steamboats c. canals, steamboats, turnpikes d. turnpikes, steamboats, canals e. turnpikes, railroads, steamboats

a. steamboats, canals, railroads

The American work force in the early nineteenth century was characterized by a. substantial employment of women and children in factories b. strikes by workers that were few in number by usually effective c. a general lengthening of the workday from ten to fourteen hours d. extensive political activity among workers e. reliance on the system of apprentices and masters

a. substantial employment of women and children in factories

The strong regional support for the Tariff of 1833 came from a. the south b. new england c. the middle atlantic states d. the west e. the frontier

a. the south

(multiple answer) The growth of the early nineteenth century American manufacturing was stimulated by the a. war of 1812 b. peace of ghent c. louisiana purchase d. tariff of 1816 e. rise of the "know nothing" party

a. war of 1812 d. tariff of 1816

A genuinely american literature received a strong boost from the a. wave of nationalism that followed the war of 1812 b. writing of Charles Wilson Peale c. religious writings of the second great awakening d. federal support for the arts e. none of the above

a. wave of nationalism that followed the war of 1812

The second great awakening tended to a. widen the lines between classes and regions b. open episcopal and Presbyterian churches to the poor c. unite southern baptists and southern methodists against slavery d. bring the more prosperous and conservative eastern churches into the revivalist camps e. increase the influence of educated clergy

a. widen the lines between classes and regions

Religious revivals of the second great awakening resulted in a. little increase in church membership b. a strong religious influence in many areas of american life c. surprisingly few humanitarian reforms d. greater attention to the church history and doctrine e. all of the above

b. a strong religious influence in many areas of american life

(multiple answer) The northeast became the center of early nineteenth century american industry because it had a. a superior transportation system b. abundant water power c. investment capital available d. a local supply of raw materials used in manufacturing e. a relatively large labor supply

b. abundant water power c. investment capital available e. a relatively large labor supply

Presidents Jackson and Van Buren hesitated to extend recognition to and to annex the new Texas Republic because a. Texans did not want to be annexed to the US b. antislavery groups in the US opposed the expansion of slavery c. they were old political opponents of the Texas president, Sam Houston d. public opinion in the US opposed annexation e. they feared war with Mexico's ally, Spain

b. antislavery groups in the US opposed the expansion of slavery

In their treatment of Native Americans, white Americans did all of the following except a. recognize the tribes as separate nations b. argue that Indians could not be assimilated in the larger society c. try to civilize them d. trick them into ceding land to whites e. promise to acquire land only through formal treaties

b. argue that Indians could not be assimilated in the larger society

Life on the frontier was a. fairly comfortable b. downright grim for most pioneer families c. free of disease and premature death d. rarely portrayed in popular literature e. based on tight knit communities

b. downright grim for most pioneer families

(multiple answer) In the early nineteenth century America, men usually regarded women as a. social and political equals b. having a sharply distinct economic role in society c. physically and emotionally weak but morally superior to men d. having their proper place in the home e. sexually lustful and dangerous

b. having a sharply distinct economic role in society c. physically and emotionally weak but morally superior to men d. having their proper place in the home

German immigrants to the US a. quickly became a powerful political force b. left their homeland to escape economic hardships and autocratic government c. were as poor as the Irish d. contributed little to American life e. were almost all Catholics

b. left their homeland to escape economic hardships and autocratic government

Two areas where women in the nineteenth century were widely thought to be superior to men were a. physical strength and mental vigor b. moral sensibility and artistic refinement c. political ability and organizational shrewdness d. sexual appetite and physical desire e. economic competitiveness and capacity for education

b. moral sensibility and artistic refinement

(multiple answer) Advances in manufacturing and transportation brought a. a narrowing of the gap between rich and poor in america b. more prosperity and opportunity to most americans c. innumerable cases of "rags to riches" economic mobility for ordinary americans d. increased immigration from europe to the US e. economic reliance on the export of manufactured goods

b. more prosperity and opportunity to most americans d. increased immigration from europe to the US

The sentiment of fear and opposition to open immigration was called a. the cult of domesticity b. nativism c. unitarianism d. rugged individualism e. patriotism

b. nativism

Andrew Jackson's inauguration as president symbolized the a. return of Jackson simplicity b. newly won ascendancy of the masses c. supremacy of states' rights over federal power d. involvement of state governments in the economy e. act of style over substance

b. newly won ascendancy of the masses

Most of the cotton produced in the American South in the early nineteenth century was a. produced by free labor b. sold to England c. grown on the tidewater plains d. consumed by the southern textile industry e. of the long-staple variety

b. sold to England

In early nineteenth century America a. the annual population growth rate was much higher than in colonial days b. the urban population was growing at an unprecedented rate c. the birthrate was rapidly declining d. the death rate was increasing e. the center of population moved northward

b. the urban population was growing at an unprecedented rate

Southerners feared the Tariff of 1828 because a. it would hurt their manufacturing sector b. they believed that the federal power this bill represented could be used to suppress slavery c. it might hurt Andrew Jackson's political career d. they were convinced that it would destroy the American woolen industry e. it could damage the chances of the american system's success

b. they believed that the federal power this bill represented could be used to suppress slavery

America's artistic achievements in the first half of the nineteenth century a. were remarkable for their creativity b. were least notable in architecture c. built on the achievements of the puritans d. took very little from europe e. were closely linked to democratic ideals

b. were least notable in architecture

The major application for steamboats transporting freight and passengers in the US was on a. new england streams b. western and southern rivers c. the great lakes d. the gulf of mexico e. coastal waterways

b. western and southern rivers

The American phase of the industrial revolution first blossomed a. on southern plantations b. with textile mills c. in rapidly growing Chicago d. with shipbuilding e. in coal-mining regions

b. with textile mills

Pioneering Americans marooned by geography became provincial in their attitudes, meaning?

became very isolated and territorial minded

Immigrants coming to the US before 1860 helped to fuel economic expansion, how so?

brought the energy and work force

John Quincy Adams, elected president in 1825, was charged by his political opponents with having struck a "corrupt bargain" when he appointed ___ to become ___ a. John C. Calhoun, vice president b. William Crawford, chief justice of the US c. Henry Clay, secretary of state d. Daniel Webster, secretary of state e. John Eaton, secretary of the navy

c. Henry Clay, secretary of state

With the development of cash crop agriculture in the trans-allegheny west, a. subsistence farming became common b. farmers began to support the idea of slave labor c. farmers quickly faced mounting indebtedness d. the south could harvest a larger crop e. the issue of farm surpluses came to the fore

c. farmers quickly faced mounting indebtedness

In the new continental economy, each region specialized in a particular economic activity, the south ___ for export, the west grew grains and livestock to feed ___; and the east ___ for the other two regions a. raised gran, southern slaves, processed meat b. grew cotton, southern slaves, made machines and textiles c. grew cotton, eastern factory workers, made machines and textiles d. raised grain, eastern factory workers, made furniture and tools e. processed meat, southern slaves, raised grain

c. grew cotton, eastern factory workers, made machines and textiles

Texas gained its independence with a. help from Britain b. no outside assistance c. help from Americans d. the blessing of the Mexican government e. help from the French

c. help from Americans

Virtually all the distinguished historians of the early nineteenth century America came from a. the south b. the middle atlantic states c. new england d. the midwest e. the frontier

c. new england

Andrew Jackson's political philosophy was based on his a. support of a strong central government b. advocacy of the American System c. suspicion of the federal government d. opposition to the old antifederalist ideals e. family's economic status

c. suspicion of the federal government

As president, John Quincy Adams a. was more successful than as secretary of state b. adjusted to the New Democracy c. was one of the least successful presidents in American history d. put many of his supporters on the federal payroll e. was successful in getting his programs enacted into law

c. was one of the least successful presidents in American history

Native born Protestant Americans distrusted and resented the Irish mostly because these immigrants a. were poor b. were thought to love alcohol c. were Roman Catholic d. frequently became police officers e. were slow to learn English

c. were Roman Catholic

Both the Democratic party and the Whig party a. favored a renewed national bank b. supported federal restraint in social and economic affairs c. were mass based political parties d. clung to states' rights policies e. feared the rise of the anti-masonic party

c. were mass based political parties

Andrew Jackson's administration supported the removal of Native Americans from the eastern states because a. the indians assimilated too easily into white society b. the supreme court ruled in favor of this policy c. whites wanted the Indians' lands d. Georgia and Florida tried to protect the Indians and their lands e. they continued their attacks on white settlements

c. whites wanted the Indians' lands

By the 1840s voter participation in the presidential election reached nearly 80 percent, why?

common man took interest

Both the democratic party and whig party were mass based political parties meaning?

common people were on both sides

The section of the US most hurt by the Tariff of 1816 was the south, why? what ism?

competitive prices would be high, sectionalism

Most early railroads in the US were build in the north, later on an impact with the?

connected north with the west

The major application for steamboats transporting freight and passengers in the US was on western and southern rivers, helped the economy how?

connected the factories to the West, made things cheaper

The new two party political system that emerged in the 1830s and 1840s became an important part of the nation's checks and balances, how so?

created a multi party system (more choices)

The "father of the factory system" in the US was a. Robert Fulton b. Samuel F B Morse c. Eli Whitney d. Samuel Slater e. Thomas Edison

d. Samuel Slater

A major economic consequence of the transportation and marketing revolutions was a. a lessening of the gap between great wealth and poverty b. a stabilization of the work force in industrial cities c. the declining significance of american agriculture d. a steady improvement in average wages and standards of living e. the growing realization of the "rags to riches" american dream

d. a steady improvement in average wages and standards of living

The two political parties of the Jacksonian era tended to a. promote sectionalism over nationalism b. take radical and extreme positions on issues c. take similar positions on issues such as banking d. be socially and geographically diverse e. be socially exclusive but geographically diverse

d. be socially and geographically diverse

Western road building faced all of the following problems except a. the expense b. states' rights advocates' opposition c. eastern states' opposition d. competition from canals e. wartime interruptions

d. competition from canals

The nullification crisis started by South Carolina over the Tariff of 1828 ended when a. Andrew Jackson used the court system to force compliance b. the federal army crushed all resistance c. Congress used the provisions of the force bill d. congress passed the compromise Tariff of 1833 e. South Carolina took over the collection of tariffs

d. congress passed the compromise Tariff of 1833

One characteristic of the Mormons that angered many non Mormons was their a. highly individualistic lifestyles b. unwillingness to vote c. refusal to take up arms and defend themselves d. emphasis on cooperative or group effort e. flirtation with foreign governments

d. emphasis on cooperative or group effort

The "cult of domesticity" a. gave women more opportunity to seek employment outside the home b. resulted in more pregnancies for women c. restricted women's moral influence on the family d. glorified the traditional role of women as homemakers e. was especially strong among rural women

d. glorified the traditional role of women as homemakers

When it came to scientific achievement, america in the 1800s was a. a world leader b. a nation from which other countries borrowed c. most noted for its successes in medicine d. more interested in practical matters e. focused primarily in biology and chemistry

d. more interested in practical matters

When German immigrants came to the US, they a. often became Baptist or Methodists b. mixed well with other Americans c. remained mostly in the Northeast d. prospered with astonishing ease e. dropped most of their German customs

d. prospered with astonishing ease

The spoils system under Andrew Jackson resulted in a. a clean sweep of federal job holders b. the replacement of insecurity by security in employment c. the destruction of personalized political machine d. the appointment of many corrupt and incompetent officials to federal jobs e. the same actions of those taken by John Quincy Adams

d. the appointment of many corrupt and incompetent officials to federal jobs

Sexual differences were strongly emphasized in the nineteenth century america because a. frontier life necessitated these distinctions b. men were regarded as morally superior beings c. it was the duty of men to teach the young how to be good, productive citizens d. the market economy increasingly separated men and women into distinct economic roles e. women believed this emphasis brought them greater respect

d. the market economy increasingly separated men and women into distinct economic roles

The section of the US most hurt by the Tariff of 1816 was a. new england b. the west c. the southwest d. the south e. the middle states

d. the south

When the Irish flocked to the US in the 1840s, they stayed in the larger seaboard cities because they a. preferred urban life b. were offered high paying jobs c. were welcomed by the people living there d. were too poor to move west and buy land e. had experience in urban politics

d. were too poor to move west and buy land

The new two party political system that emerged in the 1830s and 1840s a. divided the nation further b. was seen at the time as a weakening of democracy c. resulted in the Civil War d. fulfilled the wishes of the founding fathers e. became an important part of the nation's checks and balances

e. became an important part of the nation's checks and balances

Pioneering Americans marooned by geography a. remained well informed b. grew to depend on other people for most of their clothing c. abandoned the "rugged individualism" of colonial americans d. looked to state governments for economic help e. became provincial in their attitudes

e. became provincial in their attitudes

Most of the utopian communities in pre 1860s america held___ as one of their founding ideals a. rugged individualism b. pacifism c. capitalism d. opposition to communism e. cooperative social and economic practices

e. cooperative social and economic practices

By the 1840s new techniques of politicking included all of the following except a. the use of banners b. free drinks c. parades d. baby kissing e. deference

e. deference

Immigrants coming to the US before 1860 a. depressed the economy due to their poverty b. found themselves involved in few cultural conflicts c. had little impact on society until after the Civil War d. settled mostly in the South e. helped to fuel economic expansion

e. helped to fuel economic expansion

John Quincy Adams's weaknesses as president included all of the following except a. a deep nationalistic view b. only one third of the voters voted for him c. he was tactless d. his sarcastic personality e. his firing good office holders to appoint his own people

e. his firing good office holders to appoint his own people

By the 1840s voter participation in the presidential election reached a. nearly 50 percent b. 25 percent c. 40 percent d. 15 percent e. nearly 80 percent

e. nearly 80 percent

The excessive consumption of alcohol by americans in the 1800s a. was not recognized as a social problem b. did not involve women c. held little threat for the family because everyone drank d. had little impact on the efficiency of labor e. stemmed from the hard and monotonous life of many

e. stemmed from the hard and monotonous life of many

German immigrants in the early nineteenth century tended to a. settle in eastern industrial cities b. retain strong ties to Germany c. became slaveowners d. join the temperance movement e. support public schools

e. support public schools

One strong prejudice inhibiting women from obtaining higher education in the early nineteenth century was the belief that a. they would gain political and economic power through education b. women were inherently conservative and opposed to social reform c. children should grow up without the influence of educated women d. the constitution prohibited women from attending colleges e. too much learning would injure women's brains and ruin their health

e. too much learning would injure women's brains and ruin their health

Tax supported public education a. existed mainly for the wealthy b. eliminated private and parochial education in the US c. began in the South as early as 1800 d. provided little opportunity for the poor e. was deemed essential for social stability and democracy

e. was deemed essential for social stability and democracy

One characteristic of the Mormons that angered many non Mormons was their emphasis on cooperative or group efforts, why?

felt that it didn't promote individualism

All of the following are true of the Second Great awakening it strengthened democratic denominations like the Baptists and Methodists, how so?

gave people more choices

Tax supported public education was deemed essential for social stability and democracy why?

gave people more opportunity

When German immigrants came to the US, they prospered with astonishing ease, why?

had some education, finance, and were accepted

The turnpikes, canals, and steamboats as new transportation links generally encouraged lowering of freight rates, economic growth, rising land values and, migration of peoples. why?

more opportunity and less limitations

Most of the utopian communities in pre 1860s america held___ as one of their founding ideals, cooperative social and economic practices. ex:


In the first half of the nineteenth century, tax supported schools were chiefly available to educate the children of the poor, why targeted?

needed to educate the masses

The growth of the early nineteenth century American manufacturing was stimulated by the war of 1812 and tariff of 1816, made who happy?

north and northeast, made us become self reliant and self sufficient

America's artistic achievements in the first half of the nineteenth century were least notable in architecture, establishing?

our own culture

A genuinely american literature received a strong boost from the wave of nationalism that followed the war of 1812, why?

people wrote about american accomplishments

Andrew Jackson based his veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the United States on the fact that he found the bill harmful to the nation, became ___ issue?


One of the main reasons Andrew Jackson decided to weaken the Bank of the United States after the 1832 election was his fear that Nicholas Biddle might try to manipulate the bank to force its recharter, became ___, "b___ b___ b___"

personal, bury biddle's bank

In the case of Commonwealth v Hunt, the supreme court of Massachusetts ruled that labor unions were legal, why a positive?

precursor- gives a voice to the common man in the workplace

Neal Dow sponsored the Maine Law of 1851, which called for a ban on the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor, why? meaning?

problems with the household, can't drink it

The second great awakening tended to widen the lines between classes and regions, how so?

sees distinctions between groups

As a result of the development of the cotton gin, slavery revived and expanded, how so?

showed a much more profitable industry so more workers were needed

The spoils system under Andrew Jackson resulted in the appointment of many corrupt and incompetent officials to federal jobs, what's the positive?

they usually have your back

The American work force in the early nineteenth century was characterized by substantial employment of women and children in factories, why?

they were cheap and would follow the rules

When it came to scientific achievement, america in the 1800s was more interested in practical matters, why?

trying to develop an economy

German immigrants in the early nineteenth century tended to support public schools, why?

valued education to promote democracy

With the development of cash crop agriculture in the trans-allegheny west, farmers quickly faced mounting indebtnesses, why?

wanted more land so they took out more loans

The Deist faith embraced all of the following except the concept of original sin, took heat how?

was not considered a standard christian religion

The excessive consumption of alcohol by americans in the 1800s stemmed from the hard and monotonous life of many, who lead way to stop it?

women because of mean husbands and husbands not working

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