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The event that touched off the process of secession for the majority of southern states was

the election of Lincoln to the presidency

Had commercial farms to feed the troops


The Confederacy financed its war effort primarily by

printing paper money

During the American Civil War, Great Britain adopted the policy of

remaining neutral, while permitting limited aid to the Confederates

The Confederate war effort was

somewhat centralized, but greatly hampered by state governments protecting their states' rights

The Battle of Antietam was

the bloodiest single day's fighting of the war

The greatest source of division in the South was

the doctrine of states' rights.

At the outset of the war, the North enjoyed all of the following advantages except

a stronger will to fight

The Democratic platform of 1864 called for

a truce in the Civil War

General Ulysses S. Grant was known for his

aggressive assault on Confederate resources

The Union's objectives in the Civil War included

all of the answers

By late 1860, the divisive forces that had always existed within the United States were no longer counterbalanced by

all of the answers below

During the war, the Republican Party enacted legislation designed to promote

all of the answers below

Experiences of black soldiers in the Civil War included

all of the answers below

The Emancipation Proclamation was significant in that it

All the answers bellow

Technological advances in arms and artillery in the era of the Civil War resulted in

Battles that featured almost inconceivable slaughter

The victims of mob violence in the New York City draft riots of 1863 were mainly


The Civil War began when

Confederates fired on Union forces at Fort Sumter.

By their enemies, Northern Peace Democrats were called


Before the Civil War broke out, Southern Senators favored a compromise plan known as the ________ Compromise


In the presidential election of 1864, the Democrats nominated

George B. McClellan

Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania was turned back after he lost a third of his forces at the Battle of


During the civil war, southern women played an especially important role part

Managers of farms and plantations

In 1861 the North went to war with the South primarily to

Preserve the Union

Charles Sumner, Benjamin Wade, and Thaddeus Stevens were

Radical Republicans

As the Confederacy acquired more states, its capital was transferred from Montgomery to


The victorious Union commanders who led the final major campaigns of the war were

Sherman and Grant

The first state to leave the Union after Lincoln's election was

South Carolina

In the context of the Civil War, a border state was

a slave state that did not secede from the Union

During the Civil War, the largest source of revenue for the U.S. government was


During the Civil War, the Northern economy changed in that the

coal industry increased production

During the Civil War, the U.S. Congress

created a national banking system that could issue national bank notes

In the North, the Civil War had the effect on women of

hastening the conversion of nursing into a female occupation

Had the use of the navy

describes the North

President Lincoln responded to opposition to the war effort by

engaging in widespread suspension of civil liberties

The difficulties of the Union war effort included

extended supply lines across hostile territory

The death toll in the American Civil War was

far greater than that of any other American war

The militant leaders of the South in the mid-1800s were known as

fire eaters

In his first inaugural address, Lincoln laid down all the following basic principles except

the institution of slavery would not be allowed to continue anywhere in the United States

Of the over two million men who served in the Union armies, the largest number were men who

volunteered for service

During the Civil War, the economy of the South

was devastated by the widespread destruction

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