APUSH ch 2

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Which word best describes England's efforts in the 1500s to compete with the Spanish Empire?


The colony of Georgia was founded..

as a defensive buffer against Spain for the valuable Carolinas.

Relations between the English colonist and the Powhatan were at first conciliatory, but remained tense, especially..

as the starving colonist took to raiding Indian food supplies.

When Lord De La Warr took control of Jamestown in 1610, he...

imposed a harsh military regime on the colony.

Tobacco was considered a poor man's crop because..

it could be produced easily and quickly.

The ___ decreed that only eldest sons were eligible to inherit landed estates.

laws of primogeniture.

After the purchase of slaves in 1619 by Jamestown settlers , additional purchases of African were few because..

they were too costly.

Despite an abundance of fish and game, early Jamestown settlers continued to starve because...

they were unaccustomed to fending for themselves and wasted time looking for gold.

The summoning of Virginia's House of Burgesses marked an important precedent because it..

was the first of many miniature parliaments to flourish in America.

Under the Barbados slave code, slaves were..

denied the most fundamental rights.

The settlement founded in the early 1600s that was the most consequential for the future United States was the...

English at Jamestown in 1607.

The financial means for England's first permanent colonization in America were provided by..

a joint-stock company.

Spain's dreams of empire began to fade with the ...

defeat of the Spanish Armada.

A major reason for the founding of the Maryland colony in 1634 was to...

be financially profitable and create a refuge for the Catholics.

Georgia's founders were determined to..

create a haven for people imprisoned for debt.

Despite its problems, Maryland prospered, and like Virginia it..

depended for labor in its early years mainly on white indentured servants.

The Virginia Charter guaranteed that English settlers in the New World would..

retain the rights of Englishmen.

Two major exports of the Carolinas were..

rice and Indian slaves.

Captain John Smith's role at Jamestown can best be described as...

saving the colony from collapse.

The early years at Jamestown were mainly characterized by..

starvation, disease, and frequent Indians raids.

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