APUSH- chapter 13

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What did many of the Seminole Indians do

Moved to the Everglades

Andrew Jacksons veto of the re charter bill for the bank of the unites states was

A major expansion of presidential power

Who was the presidential winner of 1824 and why

Adams and because clay swung the vote

Who were the 4 presidential candidates in the election of 1824

Adams, clay, Crawford, Jackson

Innovations in the election of 1832 included

Adoption of written party platforms

Americans moved into Texas

After an agreement was concluded between Mexican authorities

The anti Masonic party of 1832 appealed to

American suspicions of secret societies

One reason the Anglo-Texan rebellion against Mexican rule was that the

Anglo Texans wanted to break away from government that had too much power

President Jackson and van buren hesitated to extend recognition to and to annex the new Texas republic because

Antislavery groups in the United States opposed the expansion of slavery

The people who proposed the exceptionally high rates of the tariff of 1828 were

Ardent supporters of Andrew Jackson who actually hoped it would be defeated

The two political parties of the Jacksonian ere tended to

Be socially and geographically diverse

The house of reps decided the 1824 election

Because no candidate received a majority vote from the electoral college

One of the positive aspects of the bank of the unites states was its

Being a source of credit and stability, promoting the nations expanding economy

What candidate was eliminated in the 1824 election


Who was the speaker of the house of reps


Whom did Adams appoint as Secretary of State and why

Clay and because Adams bribed him

The nullification crisis started by South Carolina ended when

Congress passed the compromise tariff of 1833

The South Carolina state legislature, after the election of 1832

Declared the existing tariff null and void in south carolina

In response to the South Carolina nullification of the tariff, Andrew Jackson

Dispatched naval and military forces to the state while denouncing nullification

What was the significance of the 1824 election

First minority president

The policy of the Jackson administration toward the eastern Indian tribes was

Forced removal

The Whigs hoped to win the election of 1836 by

Forcing the election into the house of reps

The cement that held the Whig party together in its formative days was

Hatred of Andrew Jackson

Why was Andrew Jackson angry about the outcome of his election

He was the favorite and didn't get the job

The person most responsible for defusing the tariff controversy was

Henry clay

John Adams elected president 1825, was charged by his political opponents with having struck a "corrupt bargain" when he appointed

Henry clay as secretary of state

One of the main reasons Andrew Jackson decided to weaken the bank of the United States after the 1832 election was

His fear that Nicolas biddle might try to manipulate the bank to force its recharter

Who was the popular vote winner of the 1824 election


Who was the winner of the 1828 election


What eventually happened to the Seminole Indians

Moves to Oklahoma

The nullification crisis of 1833 resulted in a clear cut victory for

Neither Andrew Jackson or the nullifiers

Andrew Jacksons inauguration as president symbolized the

Newly won ascendency of the masses

What happened in the 1824 electoral college vote

No one got a majority vote

Supporters of the Whig party included all of the following except

Opponents of public education

What scandal was there concerning the spoils system

People bought their way into authority

The force bill of 1833 provided that the

President could use the army and navy to collect federal tariff duties

Why did Andrew Jackson run for president in 1828 and whom did he run against

Ran against Adams and wanted to be president

If there was force used to collect the tariff duties, what did South Carolina plan to do

Remove themselves from the union

What was the purpose of the spoils system

Rewards political supporters with public office

Texans won their independence as a result of the victory over Mexican armies at the battle of

San jacinto

What action did Jackson take against the tariff crisis

Sent troops to settle

Who was opposed to this very high tariff


John c calhouns "South Carolina exposition" was an argument for

States rights

Andrew Jacksons democratic philosophy was based on

Suspicion of the federal government

The Whig panic of 1837 was caused by all of the following except

Taking the country off the gold standard

The nullification crisis of 1832-1833 erupted over

Tariff policy

The spoils system under Andrew Jackson resulted in

The appointment of many sorrow and incompetent officials to federal jobs

What solved the nullification crisis

The compromise tariff of 1833

Andrew Jackson based his veto of the recharter bill of the bank of the united states on

The fact that he found the bill harmful to the nation as well as unconstitutional

The section of the United States most hurt by the tariff of 1828 was

The south

What was a reason the southerners were opposed to the tariff

They believed it discriminated against them

Spanish authorities allowed Moses Austin to settle in Texas because

They believed that Austin and his settlers might be able to civilize the territory

Southerners feared the tariff of 1828 because

This same power could be used to suppress slavery

Over what issue did the nullification crisis begin

To make void of the tariffs

The purpose of the spoils system was

To reward political supporters with public office

As president, John Adams

Was one of the least successful presidents in American history

While in existence, the second bank of the United States

Was the depository of the funds of the national government

The presidential election of 1824

Was the first one to see the election of a minority president

Both the Democratic Party and the Whig party

We're mass based political parties

Andrew Jacksons administration supported the removal of Native American from the eastern states because

Whites wanted the Indians land

The tippecanoe in the Whigs 1840 campaign slogan was

William Henry Harrison

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