APUSH Chapter 17 - Freedom's Boundaries, at Home and Abroad, 1890-1900

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In what ways did the boundaries of American freedom grow narrower in this period?

2.5 million immigrants, many from new countries Prevented insane, paupers, anarchists from emigrating (1903) Chinese Exclusion Act excluded all Chinese Barred felons, prostitutes from entering AFL enjoyed less influence than Knights Woman suffrage ignored race discrimination, education requirements


African-Americans murdered by mob How society punished blacks who attacked status quo

What was the Immigration Restriction League and what changes to political participation did it advocate?

Against immigrants, founded in Boston (1894) Barring illiterate from entering United States Barring mentally ill, paupers, anarchists

Coxey's Army

Band of unemployed men Marched to D.C. to demand economic relief (1894) Led by Jacob Coxey

Kansas Exodus

Black migration to Kansas (1879-1880) Escape political violence, find opportunity Often ended up as unskilled laborers

Compare and contrast the goals, strategies, and membership of the American Federation of Labor and the Knights of Labor (you may want to refer back to Chapter 16).

Both advocated for better wages, conditions Both increased union membership KoL appealed to unskilled, skilled workers AFL only appealed to skilled workers KoL had broad reformist, leftist goals AFL limited to work environment

Atlanta Compromise

By Booker T. Washington (1895) Blacks should focus on economic security over public office, civil rights

Chinese Exclusion Act

Congress abrogated Burlingame Treaty (1882) Excluded all Chinese immigrants Chinese citizens must carry ID

Platt Amendment

Cuba forced to adopt before independence Allowed USA to militarily intervene

Open Door Policy

Demand that Europe open China's commercial sphere to America (1899)

Who were the Redeemers, and how did they change society and politics in the New South?

Democrats who "redeemed" South by getting office Decreased black franchise, representation Upheld segregation, white dominance

U.S.S. Maine

Destroyed in Havana Harbor on accident (2/15/1898) Yellow press blamed on Spain Event started Spanish-American War

grandfather clause

Exempted pre-Civil War voters from poll taxes, literacy tests Whites under this clause

Philippine War

Filipinos turned against USA after McKinley denied independence Both sides committee atrocities USA wanted to modernize islands

Anti-Imperialist League

Formed by opponents of imperialism Social reformers who wanted to focus on America Businessmen wary of foreign markets Racists who didn't want to assimilate nonwhites


Formed from Farmers' Alliance (early 1890s) Spoke for "producing class"

Immigrant Restriction League

Founded in Boston (1894), legacy of Know-Nothings Believed new immigrants incompatible with democracy Called for reducing immigration by barring illiterate

Plessy v. Ferguson

Homer Plessy 1/8 black, not allowed on white train car Separate facilities for blacks whites (1896) "Separate but equal"

How did employers use state and federal forces to protect their own economic interests, and what were the results?

ID Gov. declared martial law (1892) Gov sent soldiers to disperse Coxey's Army (5/1894) AG Richard Olney ordered strikers in Pullman Strike back to work Made Populist ideas less appealing Prevented Populism from becoming major party

New South

Idea that South expanding, diversifying (1880s) Many southerners in poverty

"separate but equal"

Ideology behind Plessy v. Ferguson When segregated facilities did not discriminate

new immigrants

Immigrants from nontraditional countries Italy, Russia, Austro-Hungarian Empire Seen as distinct, inferior "races"

Compare the arguments for and against U.S. imperialism. Be sure to consider the views of Josiah Strong and Emilio Aguinaldo.

Josiah Strong thought Anglo-Saxons deserved to spread ideas to inferior races Alfred T. Mahan thought frontier no longer existed Emilio Aguinaldo thought USA preferred control over liberty in territories

yellow press

Mass-circulation newspapers Sensationalism, appeal to patriotism

How did the United States emerge as an imperial power in the 1890s?

New imperialism in Europe after 1870s Corporations targeted foreign customers American missionaries went abroad Annexation of Hawaii Aggressive patriotism: yellow press, Pledge of Allegiance Roosevelt believed war could invigorate country Owned Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam New territories first pleased by USA liberty Territories did not enjoy full rights

What ideas and interests motivated the United States to create an empire in the late nineteenth century?

New imperialism in Europe after 1870s Corporations targeted foreign customers American missionaries went abroad Annexation of Hawaii Aggressive patriotism: yellow press, Pledge of Allegiance Roosevelt believed war could invigorate country Owned Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam New territories first pleased by USA liberty Territories did not enjoy full rights

Insular Cases

PR an insular territory in Foraker Act (1899) Supreme Courts ruled Constitution doesn't fully apply to territories (1901-1904) "No taxation without representation," consent of governed abandoned

What were the origins and the significance of Populism?

Perpetual poverty from declining prices Farmers' Alliance gained ground, allowed farmers to store crops as collateral Alliance evolved in People's Party (Populists) Last Jeffersonian push for union of small farmers Tried to unite black, white farmers Led to Colored Farmers' Alliance Engaged reform women James Weaver got >1M votes (1892) Increased conflict between gov, workers Pullman Strike led to gov intervention Shadowed by Republican shift

What economic and political issues gave rise to the Populist Party, and what changes did the party advocate?

Perpetual poverty, declining prices caused it Public financing for farmers Direct election of senators Gov control of money Graduated income tax Public ownership of railroads


Removing franchise from people

American Federation of Labor

Replaced Knights of Labor (1890s) Labor movements should get higher wages, better conditions Restricted membership to skilled workers

Lost Cause

Romanticized Old South, slavery Death of Confederacy = death of Christ

How did religion and the idea of the Lost Cause give support to a new understanding of the Civil War?

Slavery a minor issue compared to states, Union Confederacy died for sins like Jesus Christ Allowed Confederates to admit defeat without giving up white supremacy

What rights did Chinese immigrants and Chinese-Americans gain in these years, and what limitations did they experience? How did their experiences set the stage for other restrictions on immigration?

Tape v. Hurley forced public schools to admit Chinese (1885) Yick Wo v. Hopkins allowed Chinese to get business licenses (1886) Excluded from further citizenship, needed ID Mob violence, discrimination

Explain how changes in politics, economics, social factors, and violence interacted to effect the situation of African-Americans in the New South.

Undoing Reconstruction Blacks owned even smaller percent of land by 1900 Black middle class: teachers, businessmen Decrease in black representation Poll taxes, literacy tests limit black voting Parts of segregation reinforce others Civil War narrative rewritten; states' rights, Union > slavery

How did the liberties of blacks after 1877 give way to legal segregation across the South?

Undoing Reconstruction Blacks owned even smaller percent of land by 1900 Black middle class: teachers, businessmen Decrease in black representation Poll taxes, literacy tests limit black voting Plessy v. Ferguson claimed "separate but equal;" still unequal Parts of segregation reinforce others Civil War narrative rewritten; states' rights, Union > slavery

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