APUSH chapter 18 true and false

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Douglas's Kansas-Nebraska Act was intended to organize western territories so that a transcontinental railroad could be built along a northern route


The provision of the Compromise of 1850 that aroused the fiercest northern opposition was the Fugitive Slave Law


Democratic party politicians and others attempted to avoid the issue of slavery in the territories by saying it should be left to popular sovereignty


Southerners demanded a more effective fugitive-slave law to stop the Underground Railroad from running escaped slaves to Canada


The Kansas-Nebraska Act wrecked the Compromise of 1850 and created deep divisions within the Democratic Party


The Pierce administration's expansionist efforts in Central America, Cuba, and the Gadsden Purchase were basically designed to serve southern proslavery interests


The Republican Party was initially organized as a northern protest movement against Douglas's Kansas-Nebraska Act


The Whig Party disappeared because its northern and southern wings were too deeply split over the Fugitive Slave Law and other sectional issues


In negotiating the first American treaty with China in 1844, diplomat Caleb Cushing made sure that the United States followed a more culturally respectful policy than that of the imperialistic European great powers in China


In the Senate debate of 1850, Calhoun and Webster each spoke for their respective sections in opposition to a compromise over slavery


In the key provisions of the Compromise of 1850, New Mexico and Utah were admitted as slave states, while California was left open to popular sovereignty


The Free Soil party consisted of a small, unified band of radical abolitionists


The Ostend Manifesto was designed to secure a peaceful solution to the crisis between the United States and Spain over Cuba


Both southerners and northerners were outraged by Douglas's plan to repeal the Missouri Compromise


After the gold rush of 1849, California sought direct admission to the Union as a slave state


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