APUSH Chapter 23 Fill in the Blank

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Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion


Half Breeds

Republican party faction led by Senator James G. Blaine that paid lip service to govemment reform while still battling for patronage and spoils


Republican party faction led by Senator Roscoe Conkling that opposed all attempts at civil-service reform

Liberal Republican Party

Short-lived third party of 1872 that attempted to curb Grant administration corruption, ·

Civil Service

System of choosing federal employees on the basis of merit rather than patronage introduced by the Pendleton Act of 1883

Compromise of 1877

The complex political agreement between Republicans and Democrats that - resolved the bitterly disputed election of 1876


republican clean-government advocates who supported democrat cleveland in 1884 because of the corruption of republican nominee Blaine

Gilded Age

Mark Twain's sarcastic name for the post—Civil War era, which emphasized its _ atmosphere of greed and corruption


Precious metal that "soft-money" advocates demanded be coined again to compensate for the "Crime of '73

Greenback Labor Party

"Soft-money" third party that polled over a million votes and elected fourteen congressmen in l878 by advocating inflation


Asian immigrant group that experienced discrimination on the West Coast

Grand Army of the Republic

Civil War Union veterans' organization that became a potent political bulwark of the Republican party in the late nineteenth century

Credit Mobilier

Corrupt construction company whose bribes and payoffs to congressmen and others created a major Grant administration scandal

Crop-Lien System

Enables storekeepers to extend credit on small farmers' crops and thus keeping them permanently in debt.

Bloody Shirt

The symbol of the Republican political tactic of attacking Democrats with reminders ofthe Civil War

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