APUSH Finals Study Set 4

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All of the following statements regarding the Allied development of an atomic bomb during World War II are true EXCEPT that

Albert Einstein was in charge of the development program.

Between 1945 and 1957, the growth of American consumerism was aided by

All of these answers are correct.

During the 1950s, the popularity in the United States of suburban living was partly explained by

All of these answers are correct.

Factors in the rise of the civil rights movement included

All of these answers are correct.

In February 1945, an Allied bombing attack on Dresden, Germany

All of these answers are correct.

In mid-1945, evidence of Japan's desperation to continue the war included

All of these answers are correct.

The 1968 Tet offensive

All of these answers are correct.

The Allied decisions that delayed an invasion of France

All of these answers are correct.

The National Security Act of 1947

All of these answers are correct.

In the 1960s, the philosophy of "black power"

Called for an increased awareness of racial differences

In the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, the

United States ordered a naval and air blockade of Cuba

The most significant and largest public works project of the federal government under President Dwight Eisenhower involved

a federal highway system

In 1948, President Harry Truman responded to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin by

airlifting supplies to West Berlin

All the following statements regarding the "zones of occupation" of Germany in 1945 are true EXCEPT that

all of Berlin was to be placed under Soviet control

In 1943, to simplify tax collections, Congress enacted

automatic payroll deductions

The Truman administration responded in 1950 to the onset of fighting in Korea by

calling on the United Nations to intervene

In the Vietnam War, the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" was

continually moved by the North Vietnamese

Great Society reforms

contributed to the greatest reduction in poverty in American history

The Soviet Union's 1948 blockade of West Berlin was primarily a response to the

creation of a unified West Germany

In 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

declared that an attack on one member nation was an attack on all.

The Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

declared that separate educational facilities were unlawful

During the 1950s in the United States, married women who worked outside the home

decreased in number throughout the decade.

The Immigration Act of 1965

eliminated rules that gave preference to immigrants from Northern Europe

During World War II, American shoppers

faced many shortages of consumer goods.

During World War II, the War Production Board

favored large over small contractors

In 1961, the "freedom rides" sponsored by CORE attempted to

force the desegregation of bus stations.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

gave President Lyndon Johnson wide latitude to escalate the conflict

The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944

gave economic and education subsidies to veterans.

During the 1950s, television networks

generally sought to convey an idealized image of a homogeneous America

Following World War II, the American economy

grew, between 1945 and 1975, nearly ten times faster than the population.

During Joseph McCarthy's investigation into alleged subversion in government,

he never produced conclusive evidence that any federal employee was a communist

All of the following statements regarding the 1968 Tet offensive are true EXCEPT that it

involved the fall of Saigon to the communists.

Prior to ordering the use of an atomic bomb against Japan, President Harry Truman

issued an ultimatum to Japan to surrender or face utter devastation.

The Soviet Union's announcement in 1960 that it had shot down an American U-2 spy plane

led Soviet Premier Khrushchev to withdraw his invitation to Eisenhower to visit Moscow

In February 1960, the first "sit-in" demonstration protesting segregation was held at a

lunch counter

The Montgomery bus boycott of 1955-1956

marked the emergence of an effective form of racial protest

The immediate cause of the Korean War, in 1950, was the

military invasion by North Korea into South Korea

In 1946, Dr. Benjamin Spock's best-selling Baby and Child Care contended that

mothers should subordinate their physical and emotional needs to those of their children

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947

permitted the "union shop."

In 1951, President Harry Truman relieved General Douglas MacArthur of command because MacArthur

publicly criticized President Truman's policy in Korea

Regarding European Jewish refugees, between 1939 and 1945, the United States

refused to accept large numbers of refugees

One of the chief obstacles in John Kennedy's presidential bid in 1960 was his


The McCarran Internal Security Act

required communist organizations to register with the government

Between 1945 and 1960, the birth rate in the United States

reversed a long pattern of decline.

In the civil rights movement, the spirit of "massive resistance" is associated with the actions of

southern whites

In the 1968 presidential campaign, Richard Nixon called for

stability and national law and order

The United States dropped a second atomic bomb on Japan in August 1945 after

the Japanese failed to provide a response to the first bomb.

All of the following statements regarding Korea are true EXCEPT that

the United States left Korea in 1946

The political decline of Senator Joseph McCarthy began when he investigated

the army.

Beginning in 1947, the United States' policy of "containment" was

the basis for its foreign policy for more than forty years.

All of the following statements regarding the Allied invasion of France in June 1944 are true EXCEPT that

the landing was made across the narrowest part of the English Channel.

In 1947, the first target of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was

the movie industry

In 1957, the effort to integrate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, required

the presence of federal troops to enforce court orders

In 1942, when the United States interned Japanese Americans in "relocation centers,"

there was no evidence that the Japanese Americans were a domestic security risk

Under John Foster Dulles's policy of "massive retaliation," announced in 1954, the United States would

use nuclear weapons against communist aggression

Following World War II, the great majority of working American women

wanted to keep working

Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech

was given during the greatest civil rights demonstration in the nation's history

U.S. aid through the Marshall Plan

was offered to the Soviet Union.

In 1968, antiwar protesters at the Democratic convention in Chicago

were attacked by police in a bloody riot

During World War II, organized labor in the United States

won automatic union memberships for new defense-plant workers.

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