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"Affirmative action" refers to extra efforts—for example, hiring, scholarships, etc.—undertaken by the government and corporations to help counter the discrimination that women and minorities faced in the past.

In waging war against Japan, the United States relied mainly on a strategy of?

"island hopping" from the South Pacific to within striking distance of Japan

Which statement best summarizes the Open Door Policy?


According to the information in the above table, the worst year of the Depression was



A major key to President Johnson's "Great Society" was that the programs involved reform in the approach to poverty without necessitating significant spending increases.

made benefits available to all elderly Americans, regardless of economic need.

A significant reason that the Medicare proposal was able to overcome opposition and win congressional approval was because it

Which of the following statements about the civil rights movement up to the 1970s is not true?

All civil rights activists continued to believe that nonviolent protest was the best means to gain change.


Barry Goldwater, the Republican nominee for president in 1964, represented the moderate-liberal wing of his party, and his defeat laid the groundwork for the conservative takeover of the Republican Party that would follow.

Who wrote The Feminine Mystique, drawing the conclusion that many college-educated women felt trapped by domestic life, rather than fulfilled by it?

Betty Friedan

RFK and California

Bobby Kennedy is assassinated after winning California by sir han sir han

Which of the following was the principal target of Thomas Nast's political cartoons?

Boss Tweed

The south gained diplomatic recognition and active support from Great Britain because

British factories needed southern cotton


By the late 1960s, the civil rights movement had begun to focus on racial discrimination that existed by custom and practice outside the South, as well as on legal restrictions in the old Confederate states.

Which of the following historians is most closely associated with the idea that economic factors have shaped American history?

Charles Beard

freedom rides.

Civil rights activists traveled through the South on buses to protest segregation in seating on buses and in depots. These efforts were generally called

The 1963 March on Washington led by Martin Luther King, Jr., provided critical support for a. the War on Poverty. b. the Democratic party. c. the Voting Rights bill. d. the civil rights bill to end segregation. e. jobs and medicare.

D) the civil rights bill to end segregation.


Despite Martin Luther King, Jr.'s philosophy of nonviolence, there were major riots in several American cities following the assassination of King.


Despite pleas for help from anti-Castro exiles, the preparation for the Bay of Pigs invasion was undertaken by Cuban refugees without assistance from any agency of the U.S. government.

voting rights.

Each of the following was part of the 1964 Civil Rights Act EXCEPT

The battle of Saratoga resulted in

France entering the war on the side of the colonies

President Johnson called his package of domestic reform proposals the a. Great Crusade. b. Fair Deal. c. New Frontier. d. Johnson Revolution. e. Great Society.

Great Society

In 1947, President Truman told Congress that the United States could not realize its postwar objectives unless we were willing to help free peoples to maintain their free institutions and their national integrity against aggressive movements that seek to impose upon them totalitarian regimes. This policy was first implemented in?

Greece and Turkey

In 1947, President Truman told Congress that the United States could not realize its postwar objectives unless we were willing to help free peoples to maintain their free institutions and their national integrity against aggressive movements that seek to impose upon them totalitarian regimes. This policy was first implemented in?

Greece and Turkey.

Which of the following statements about the Emancipation Proclamation is NOT accurate?

IT immediately freed all slaves living in the UNited States

displayed remarkable skill in influencing Congress.

In contrast to Kennedy, President Lyndon B. Johnson

massive spending on social problems in the ghettoes.

In response to urban racial violence, in 1968 the Commission on Civil Disorders appointed by President Johnson recommended

busing of school children for racial integration, expanding government regulations and social programs, and soft treatment of rioters and demonstrators were destroying America.

In the 1968 presidential election, George Wallace enjoyed an unusually high degree of support for a third-party candidate because he argued that

both sides realized how close they had come to the brink; tensions eased somewhat, and a nuclear test ban treaty was signed.

In the aftermath of the Cuban missile crisis,


In the immediate post-World War II period, there was a major exodus of black population from the industrial cities of the Northeast back to the South because of urban riots and the loss of wartime jobs.

All of the following statements about indentured servitude in colonial America are true EXCEPT

Indentured servants could not be sold as property

The mood of the "Beat Generation" is best reflected in which of the following?

Jack Kerouac's On the Road.

The mood of the " Beat Generation" is best reflected in which of the following?

Jack Kerouac's~ On the Road

The theory of nullification according to which a state can reject a federal law is associated with

John C. Calhoun

promise to keep the nation on the course of the 1950s.

John F. Kennedy made an attractive presidential candidate in 1960 for all the following reasons EXCEPT his

better relations between the United States and the nations of Latin America.

John Kennedy's "Alliance for Progress" was intended to provide

Which of the following facts about President Johnson is not true?

Johnson's advisors agreed that the best way to win the war in Vietnam would be to escalate the ground war.

Which of the following was the most broadly based labor organization in the late nineteenth century?

Knights of Labor

The most significant increase in immigration in recent years has come from

Latin America and Southeast Asia

Great Society.

Lyndon B. Johnson billed his domestic program as the


Malcolm X stressed that blacks should band together and strengthen their racial pride through their Christian churches.

Nation of Islam (Black Muslims).

Malcolm X was a leading member of the

Which of the following is one reason why the women's movement slowed down in the late 1970s?

Many working-class and nonwhite women felt that the movement offered little to address problems that they faced.

in front of the Lincoln Memorial as part of a march on Washington.

Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous "I have a dream" speech

The frist propietary colony was


Many of the direct, nonviolent methods used to confront racism and discrimination were based on those of

Mohandas Gandhi.

Which of the following was not a reason given by president franklin Roosevelt in his attempt to pack the Supreme Court?

Most Supreme Court justices were interpreting the Constitution too broadly

U.S. troops on a search-and-destroy mission to find Vietcong fighters killed at least 450 women, children, and elderly men

My Lai massacre

Which of the following facts about Native Americans during the 1950s was not true?

Native Americans began a policy called termination to gain access to the economic wealth of the United States.

resisted serious political or economic reforms.

Ngho Dinh Diem was probably an unfortunate choice as the basis of American hopes for creation of a viable noncommunist regime in the southern part of Vietnam because he

Which of the following is not an example of the growing "generation gap" between teenagers and young adults and their parents?

Older Americans were more likely to oppose the Vietnam War.

The principle of separate but equal facilities for blacks and whites was set down in

Plessy v. Ferguson

conservative Southern Democrats.

President Kennedy found many of his legislative initiatives blocked by

all of the following were new deal agencies Except


Which of the planks from the 1892 Populist party platform showed a concern with issues raised by organized labor

Restrictions on immigration

the first African-American cabinet member.

Robert Weaver was significant as the

black students.

Sit-ins designed to desegregate lunch counters in the South were primarily staged by

Middle-class concern for the conditions of the working class in a period of rapid industrialization and urbanization was show in all of the following except

Social Darwinism

Office of Economic Opportunity, with an emphasis on community action.

The "centerpiece" of Lyndon B. Johnson's "war on poverty" was the

Bull Connor

The Alabama police commissioner whose violence against civil rights protesters horrified the nation was

pacifying a captured region by winning "the hearts and minds" of the Vietnamese people.

The American military forces in Vietnam seemed least capable of

The Bay of Pigs invasion failed when

The Bay of Pigs invasion failed when the anti-Castro exiles were defeated by the Cuban military.

based aid on the economic conditions of students rather than the needs of schools themselves.

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965


The Green Berets were special military forces trained to fight guerilla conflicts and other limited wars.

was claimed by President Johnson as legal authorization for the military escalation of the U.S. role in the conflict.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution


The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which authorized President Johnson to "take all necessary measures" to protect American forces and "prevent further aggression" in Southeast Asia, was inspired by an alleged attack on U.S. destroyers by North Vietnamese torpedo boats.


The Immigration Act of 1965 gave preference to potential northern and western European migrants and sharply limited African and Asian immigration to the United States.


The Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), the "centerpiece" of President Johnson's "war on poverty," tried to get members of poor communities themselves involved in planning and administering social programs.


The Tet Offensive by the Viet Cong helped turn American opinion against the war in Vietnam even though the U.S. and South Vietnamese forces repelled the invasion and inflicted serious losses on the Viet Cong.

The Monroe Doctrine stated all of the following policies Except

The United States would intervene in the problems South America countries had with other nations


The Warren Commission on the assassination of President Kennedy concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone.

Which of the following is a direct social change brought about by the american Revolution?

The emancipation of slaves who fought against the British

Los Angeles

The first major race riot of the mid-1960s occurred in the Watts section of what major city?

instilling of racial pride and identity in black Americans.

The most important and lasting impact of the black power movement was the

All of these statements about the 1948 presidential campaign are true EXCEPT?

Truman was a heavy favorite to defeat his Republican rival, Governor Thomas Dewey of New York.

The common use of poll taxes to inhibit black voters in the South was outlawed by the a. Civil Rights Act of 1964. b. Voting Rights Act of 1965. c. Twenty-fourth Amendment. d. War on Poverty. e. Twenty-fifth Amendment.

Twenty-fourth Amendment.

Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18

Twenty-sixth Amendment

In both the Korean War and the Vietnam War, the?:

United States fought for years without Congress ever declaring war.

White law enforcement officials beat demonstrators or condoned beatings on numerous occasions and several activists were murdered.

Which of the following best characterizes the level of violence associated with the civil rights activities in the South from 1960 to 1965?

The Seneca Falls "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions" dealt with

Women's Rights

black panthers

a branch from SNICK and push the envelope when it comes to claiming rights

The essential element of the policy of containment was?

a commitment to holding communism within the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

All of the following were reasons why a consumer culture appeared in the 1950s EXCEPT?

a considerable drop in the prices of consumer goods.

At the beginning of the Cold War, U. S. policy toward the Soviet Union tended to follow the ideas of George F. Kennan, that is?

a policy of containment of Soviet expansionist tendencies.

The decade of the 1950s in the United States was characterized by which of the following?

a steady rise in the number of women employees in the overall work force.

President Eisenhower's domestic strategy of modern Republicanism advocated?

acceptance of existing New Deal programs

Truman's response to the Berlin Blockade was to?

airlift all necessary supplies into Berlin for almost a year.

Which of the following was agreed to at the Yalta Conference (1945)?

an agreement to divide Germany into four military zones.

What happened to the New Deal during World War II?

an anti-New Deal coalition moved to end many New Deal programs, and the president adapted to the new political environment.

The Chautauqua movement was

an early form of adult education

At the Casablanca Conference in January 1943, the Allies agreed to?

an invasion of Italy in the spring, invasion of France in 1944, and the concept of "unconditional surrender."

Silent Spring?

argued that the use of DDT was dangerous to the entire food chain.

The National Organization for Women was created?:

as a civil rights organization for women, working against sex discrimination in employment.

President Eisenhower was associated with each of the following EXCEPT?

bringing about the downfall of Senator Joseph McCarthy by publicly denouncing his irresponsible accusations

The Pilgrims were also know as Separatists because they

broke all ties with the Church of England

President Nixon's "Vietnamization" policy sought to?:

build up South Vietnamese forces to replace American troops.

John F. Kennedy's strategy of "flexible response" a. was an updated version of John Foster Dulles's doctrine of massive retaliation. b. was used in his battle with the leadership of the steel industry. c. called for a variety of military options that could be matched to the scope and importance of a crisis. d. required increased spending on a variety of nuclear weapons systems to be deployed around the world. e. cut back nuclear weapons in favor of guerilla forces.

called for a variety of military options that could be matched to the scope and importance of a crisis.

The removal of General Douglas MacArthur from command of the United States-United Nations forces during the Korean War exemplifies the constitutional principle of?

civilian control of the military.

In World War II the Allied strategy, agreed upon by the U. S. and Great Britain, was to?

concentrate on defeating Germany first before turning on Japan.

The largest public works project during Eisenhower's presidency was?

construction of the interstate highway system.

During the struggle in China between nationalists and communists after World War II, the United States?

continued to support Chiang Kai-shek with money and weapons even when it became clear his cause was lost.

The War Powers Act of 1973 was passed mainly in response to concern that presidents Johnson and Nixon?:

could involve the nation's armed forces in combat without congressional approval.

The Compromise of 1850 provided a concession to the South by

creating a new Fugitive Slave law

IN Marbury vs. Madison, Chief Justice John Marshall argued successfully that the Supreme Court could

declare federal laws unconstitutional

Harry Truman aided the cause of civil rights by?

desegregating the armed forces.

By the late 1960s, Black Power advocates in the North focused their attention primarily on a. housing. b. school integration. c. voting rights. d. black separation. e. economic demands. Some advocates of Black Power made the slogan the basis for a. emphasizing African American distinctiveness and separatism. b. upholding the leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr. c. supporting a movement "back to Africa." d. encouraging the end of racially based identity and culture. e. promoting affirmative action in education and employment.

economic demands. emphasizing African American distinctiveness and separatism.

The most important consequence of the Boston Tea Party was the

enactment by Parliament of the Coercive Acts

The INdian Reorganization Act of 1934 represented a significant chance in policy because it

ended the government's allotment policy

From the mid-1920s to the mid-1950s, the duties of the Hays Office involved which of the following?

enforcement of moral standards in motion pictures.

At the end of both World War I and World War II, the United States?

entered a period of extreme anti-communism that led to the persecution of many suspected radicals

The Civil Rights Act of 1957?

established a permanent commission on civil rights with broad investigatory powers.

The Pentagon Papers, published in 1971?:

exposed the deception that had led the United States into the Vietnam War.

Sources of discomfort among youth during the decade of the 1960s included all of the following EXCEPT?:

failure of the Johnson administration to face the social and economic problems of the underclass.

Critics of McCarthyism in the 1950s stressed the idea that?

fears of subversion can lead to the erosion of constitutional liberties.

During the Second World War, African Americans?

fought in a segregated military.

The Stonewall riots helped forge a new sense of solidarity among?:

gay Americans.

President Truman used the atom bomb against Japan for all of the following reasons EXCEPT?

he believed the bomb was an appropriate response to Pearl Harbor.

Which of the following was the MAJOR reason President Truman used to justify his decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in August 1945?

he felt it would shorten the war and eliminate the need for an invasion of Japan.

What action did President Eisenhower take to bring about school integration in Little Rock, Arkansas?

he placed the Arkansas National Guard under federal command to carry out the desegregation plan.

Which of the following was the Least significant factor in demand for restrictions on immigration from 1880 to 1924?

immigrants owed loyalty to the pope

Franklin D. Roosevelt departed from Woodrow Wilson's wartime practices when he?

included members of both political parties in the delegation to the San Francisco Conference.

World War II brought about all of the following changes EXCEPT?

increasing the gap between the wealthiest and the poorest Americans.

The main economic problem faced by President Truman in his first term was?


Under President Truman, the Department of Justice?

intervened in Supreme Court cases on behalf of organizations seeking to end segregation.

Which of the following is true of the Eisenhower administration's termination policy?

it led to the withdrawal of federal benefits from many Indian tribes.

All of the following are true regarding television during the 1950s EXCEPT?

its drama was noted for its "earthiness" and extreme violence.

All of the following factors promoted the growth of suburbs EXCEPT?

laws forbidding residential segregation by races.

The 1968 Tet Offensive?:

led to the belief in the United States that the Vietnam War was unwinnable.

By the end of Eisenhower's second term, the first Republican administration since the New Deal had?

left the size and functions of the federal government intact.

The "G. I. Bill of Rights" refers to?

legislation passed by Congress pertaining to education, unemployment compensation, loans for home building, and provisions for medical care of veterans.

To ensure that Russia would join the war against Japan, President Roosevelt in 1945?

made certain secret agreements concerning Russian territorial demands.

The Marshall Plan could be be understood as part of an American desire to?

make communism less appealing to Europeans creating economic prosperity.

The Soviet Union's launching of Sputnik in 1957 immediately led to?

massive federal aid to American higher education.

The outcome of the disputed election of 1876 was significant because it

menat the end of reconstruction

Most of Truman's Fair Deal program?

met defeat at the hands of a coalition of Republicans and Southern Democrats.

The most likely explanation for the decline in unemployment between 1940 and 1941 is

mobilization of industry for World War II

President Eisenhower opposed Truman's plan for?

national health insurance.

the term scalawag was used to describe

native white southerners who cooperated with the Republicans

At first, John F. Kennedy moved very slowly in the area of racial justice because he a. did not support civil rights. b. needed the support of southern legislators to pass his economic and social legislation. c. had not pledged any action in this area during his campaign. d. believed that initiatives in this area should come from the Supreme Court and Congress. e. was suspicious of Martin Luther King.

needed the support of southern legislators to pass his economic and social legislation.

President Eisenhower described his domestic program as "dynamic conservatism." An important part of this program was?

opposition to public power projects.

When James Meredith attempted to attend the University of Mississippi as that institution's first black student, President Kennedy?:

ordered federal marshals to protect and defend him and ultimately ordered 500 army troops onto the campus.

President Truman contributed to the anti-Communist fear after the Second World War by?

ordering investigations into the loyalty of federal employees.

Which does NOT describe the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II?

outside California, there was strong public opposition to the internment policy.

The decline in agricultural prices after WW1 was due primarily to


The Taft-Harley Act of 1947 provided for all of the following EXCEPT?

permitting union contributions to political campaigns.

In Miranda v. Arizona, the Supreme Court declared that?:

police had to advise a suspect of his or her constitutional right to remain silent.

John Foster Dulles is most closely associated with the?

policy of massive retaliation.

American military forces entered Vietnam in order to a. try to drive the communists out of North Vietnam. b. help to stage a coup against Ngo Dinh Diem. c. prevent Ngo Dinh Diem's regime from falling to the communists. d. establish defensive perimeters around Saigon and other Vietnamese cities. e. promote democratic reforms in South Vietnam.

prevent Ngo Dinh Diem's regime from falling to the communists. this is the president we choose to be in charge of south Viet.

Dorothea Dix is most closely associated with which are of social reform in the first half of the 19th century?

prisons and asylums

Title IX was passed by Congress in 1972 to

prohibit sex discrimination in any federally funded education program our activity

Between 1954 and 1961, the Eisenhower administration's policy toward South Vietnam can be characterized as one that?

propped up a corrupt and unpopular, anti-Communist dictatorship in order to contain the spread of communism in Southeast Asia.

In addition to the Embargo Act of 1807, a significant factor in the development of American industry in the period 1800-1820 was

protective tariffs

The Virginia Resolves

protested against the Stamp Act of 1765

The Kennedy Administration's (1961-1963) response to the deteriorating military situation in Vietnam was

public support of the Diem regime

During World War II, women did all of the following EXCEPT?

reaffirm traditional patterns for women's lives

The income tax amendment to the Constitution adopted in 1913

recovered revenue lost by reducing the tariff

Attitudes in the United States toward Jews fleeing persecution in Europe during World War II were reflected in the?

refusal to relax immigration restrictions for Jews

Issued by President Roosevelt in 1941, Executive Order No. 8802?

required defense industries to make jobs available without discrimination based on race, creed, color, or national origin

The House Un-American Activities Committee was?

responsible for a series of highly publicized hearings designed to expose communist influence in American life.

The invasion of Cambodia by U. S. and South Vietnamese forces int he spring of 1970?:

revived the domestic antiwar movement in the United States and led to large demonstrations.

After the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, the chief goal of the black civil rights movement in the South became to a. secure the right to vote. b. end discrimination in housing. c. gain equality in education. d. prohibit racial discrimination in employment. e. integrate private social clubs and organizations.

secure the right to vote.

According to the Proclamation of 1763

settlers were prohibited from crossing the Appalachians

The Battles of the Coral Sea and Midway were significant in?

stemming the tide of Japanese advances in the Pacific

The Eisenhower administration's policy in the Middle East included all of the following EXCEPT?

support for the British and French invasion of the Suez.

Which of the following is TRUE of White Citizens' Councils?

supported by white business and professional people, they used their economic power against black civil rights activists.

The Yalta Conference produced agreements on all of the following topics EXCEPT?

the Allied invasion of Normandy.

President Lyndon Johnson received authorization for the use of force in Vietnam through?:

the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

Woodrow Wilson won the presidency in 1912 largely because

the Republican vote was split between William H. Taft and Theodore Roosevelt

The United Nations was able to provide military assistance to South Korea in 1950 because

the USSR boycotted the session of the Security COuncil at which the decision was made

The United Nations was able to provide military assistance to South Korea in 1950 because?

the USSR boycotted the session of the Security Council at which the decision was made.

Gerald Ford's main liability in the 1976 presidential election was

the Watergate scandal

The Pendleton Act was enacted in response to

the assassination of President JAmes Garfield

Which of the following statements about colonial politics in 18th century is true?

the colonial assemblies controlled taxes and expenditures

The case of Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954) concerned?

the constitutionality of racial segregation in public schools.

Which of the following made the Soviet Union suspicious of the motives of the United States and Great Britain during World War II?

the delay in opening the second front in Europe.

In 1960 which of the following contributed most directly to Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev's cancellation of a scheduled summit meeting with President Dwight D. Eisenhower?

the downing of an American U-2 spy plane over the Soviet Union.

All of the following contributed to a "sexual revolution" during the 1960s EXCEPT?:

the elimination of all state laws infringing on a woman's right to an abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy.

The legal basis for Truman's order for American air and naval forces to support South Korea was?

the federal Constitution.

The Dumbarton Oaks Conference involved primarily?

the formation of the United Nations

Which of the following best illustrates government support for the construction for the first transcontinental railroad?

the grant of thousands of acres of public lands to the railroads

A major cause of the movement to the suburbs in the decades following World War II was?

the growth of the middle class during the post-World War II period.

The outcome of the election of 1824 between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson was decided by

the house of representation

In his farewell address in January 1961, President Eisenhower warned the American people against?

the influence of the military-industrial complex.

Homeownership in Levittown in the 1950s was stimulated by all of the following EXCEPT?

the migration of African-Americans from the ghettos to the suburbs.

The "Trail of Tears" refers to

the removal of the Cherokees and other Native American tribes to Oklahoma

Which of the following is an idea of Woodrow Wilson's that came to be an accepted part of United States foreign policy after 1945?

the security of the United States is best preserved through collective security.

One of the most important domestic results of the war effort was?

the swift ending of the Great Depression.

Which of the following is most consistent with the belief expressed by Stokely Carmichael in his 1966 call for "Black Power"?:

to be truly free from white oppression, blacks must control their own economic, political, and social institutions.

The 1950s saw all of the following demographic shifts EXCEPT?

total United States population grew less than in any previous decade of the 20c.

The fear of left-wing subversion during the 1920's was reflected in the

trial of Sacco and Vanzetti

The United States during World War II adopted all of the following strategies EXCEPT?

use of atomic bombs on Germany and Japan.

While there was a large gap between what Harry Truman said about civil rights and what he was able to do, his greatest accomplishment was in?

using the prestige and visibility of his office to educate the public and set a moral agenda for future civil rights progress.

By 1964 what had become the major thrust of young African-American activists?:

voter registration drives in southern states.

The increase in the number of Mexican Americans employed in the United States during the early 1940s resulted from?

wartime labor shortages.

The 1956 boycott of the Montgomery bus system?

was instigated by the arrest of Rosa parks.

The most serious blow to Lyndon Johnson's Vietnam policy a. came with the bombing of Cambodia. b. occurred when Defense Secretary Robert McNamara resigned. c. was the Tet offensive of 1968. d. occurred when Senator J. William Fulbright's Foreign Relations Committee held public hearings on the war. e. came with the revelation that the Tonkin Gulf attacks had been provoked by the U.S.

was the Tet offensive of 1968.

We are the people of this generation, bred in at least moderate comfort, housed in universities, looking uncomfortably to the world we inherit. This statement?:We are the people of this generation, bred in at least moderate comfort, housed in universities, looking uncomfortably to the world we inherit. This statement?:

was the manifesto of the Students for a Democratic Society.

The development of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima

was the responsibility of the Manhattan Project team of scientists and engineers at Los Alamos, NM

The significance of the civil rights laws of 1957 and 1960 was that they?

were the first civil rights laws passed since Reconstruction.

The Truman administration's decision to oppose the invasion of South Korea by North Korea in June, 1950 was made?

without congressional approval.

In the final analysis, Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs a. did no good at all. b. actually increased the poverty rate. c. proved that poverty could not be papered over with greenbacks. d. won some noteworthy battles in education and health care. e. received more money than they could effectively spend.

won some noteworthy battles in education and health care.

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