APUSH Period 1

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Spanish caste system

1. Spaniards 2. Mestizos- mix of spanish and native American 3. Mulatto- euroe an and African 4. Zambo- African and native american

Dividing the americas

1493 Pope drew vertical line on map, Spain got west and Portugal got east 1494- new line drawn

French claims

1524 Giovanni da Vera zany on North Atlantic Coast Cartier explored st. Lawrence river

Slave trading

15th century Portugal began trading from west africa Produced sugar from slave labor


A member of a Native American people originally from New Mexico and Arizona Lived in mud huts, some irrigation

Marroon Community

Africans that escaped from slavery in America's and created permanent, independent settlement


Ancient civilization (1200-1500AD) that was located in the Andes in Peru, created their own calendar


Ancient civilization located in Yucatan Peninsula and present day Guatemala from 300 - 800 AD

3 reason Columbus was a hero

Brought 1st contact with the new world that lasted Led to Colombian exchange, profited europe Led to establishment that would be permanent

English claims

Cabot in Newfoundland in 1497 Roanoke island in north Carolina in 1587 but failed


Capital was Tenochtitlan in central Mexico

Religious conflict

Catholic church threatened by Islamic turks from ottoman empire and from rebellions against Pope's authority within church

What was the impact of the Catholic victory in Spain and the European reformation in north america?

Catholic victory in Spain showed clearly the intolerance for non catholics. Reformation had an impact because many people traveled to NA for religious freedom and to spread their religion.

Identify on cause and effect of spanish settlement in North america

Cause: searching for a way to acquire gold and spread their faith Effect: led to native American population decreasing and increasing wealth for spain


Columbian exchange- transfer of plants, animal, disease

Developing nation-states

Countries where majority of people share common culture and loyalty towards government Monarchs depended on trade to stay in power and used power for exploration


Critical of Columbus and say he as at the right place and right time Exploited his opportunity, conquerer Just a good navigator

Colombian Exchange

Crops include corn, potatoes, and tomatoes led to increase in pop. and grew well in Europe Gold/silver- influx of gold and silver into europe Led to sense of nationalism and nation-states Many African slaves entered America's Europe to new world- horses, rice, wheat, and smallpox

President Franklin roosevelt

Declared national holiday for Columbus on Oct 12

Columbus' legacy

Died in 1506 Viewed as failure because no path to India good navigational skills

Spanish Policy

Entered Aztec and Inca empires Natives died from disease and from slavery/forced labor Explorers intermarriage with natives Class system developed

English policy

Established colonies in areas without large population of natives Many colonists came with their families English coexistence with natives


God, glory, gold St. augustune in 1565 to protect claims and other ports

New routes

Going around Africa or sailing west to China across Atlantic Portugal went around africa, Spain went west


Good canoe builders and fisherman Often traded with europeans and interactions were peaceful

Christopher Columbus

He mistakenly discovered the Americas in 1492 while searching for a faster route to India. Funded by ferdinand and isabella of spain Found little gold and no path to china/india

Dutch claims

Henry hudson tried to find passage through north america in 1609 Founded hudson river, later led to new amsterdam

Southwest settlements

Hokokan, Anasazi, Pueblo Dry

Cultures of North America

In 1490 population was 1-10 million Societies smaller and less sophisticated with no more than 300 people Crops like corn, bean, squash

Explain why 1607 is a major turning point in United States history.

Jamestown settlement was established and lead to other Europeans making the Americas their home, increasing immigration

Pueblo indians

Lived in Pueblo houses (clay on side of cliff In sw america, maize became foundation of settlement from hunter - gatherer to settling down with learned irrigation

3 reasons Columbus is not a hero

Many natives were killed Believed he reached the indies Not successful in finding riches

Iroquois Confederacy

Mix of hunting/fishing and had crops More food led to permanent settlements and more advanced societies Moved around when area was invaded

Native American reaction

Native Americans were not unified and did not have a unified resistance Some tribes allied themselves with A european power to gain support and survive -or- migrated to new land to avoid invasion

Atlantic Seaboard Settlements

New Jersey to Florida coast on coastal plains rich source of food

Sioux (aka Dakotas)

Nomadic indians Had large control over great plains Primarily lived off of the Buffalo for all resources Were Introduced to horses from spanish and then we're beneficial in this civilization

Improvements in technology

Renaissance 15 and 16th century Gunpowder, sailing compass, advancements in shipbuilding and map making Printing press


San Diego in 1769 and San Francisco in 1776

New Mexico

Santa fe was capital of new Mexico in 1610 Pueblo revolt in 1680

Identify one key similarity and one key difference between societies that developed in central and south America to those that developed in North america

Similarity: established farming system, culture, and language Difference: societies in north america were smaller and less sophisticated

Identify 3 major consequences of european contact with American Indians?

Slavery amon native Americans Death from disease/war Displacement from invading europeans


St augustine in 1565, oldest city in America from Spain


The belief that bodies of water, animals, trees, and other natural objects have spirits

Spanish exploration and conquest

Vasco Nunez de Balboa Magellan- circumnavigate the world Cortes- conquest of the aztecs

French policy

Viewed America's as economic and military allies Maintained good relations with natives Fur trading

Identify the key difference between Viking voyages of the 12th century to that of Columbus in the 15th century

Viking voyages did not have long-term impact Columbus brought people in contact with America's permanently

Joint stock company

a company in which investors buy stock in return for a share of its future profits provided encouragement for companies to take risk and send money to America's and their settlements


a small, fast Spanish or Portuguese sailing ship of the 15th-17th centuries. mor advanced and fadter

In what ways did native people's transform North American environment before European colonization?

architecture agriculture trails tools

Bartolomeo de Las casas

believed native americans should not be treated as slaves because they were Christians, but advocated African slavery

Arthur Schlesinger

believes Columbus did his voyages to search the unknown

How did new technology enable Columbus to dominate the new workd?

by allowing him to be physically stronger than natives and become an authoritarian figure

Three-sister farming practice

corn, beans, squash basis of civilization


desire to find passage through America's or west to reach goods to make money

How did european. expansion impact native American society?

disease horses many does from displacement and war

Which of the following european nations would be the least likely to share the characteristics stannard uses in describing columbus?


African Resistance

enslaved Africans resisted by running away, sabotaging work, or revolting

Which of the following factors that affected native Americans is directly implied but not stated in this excerpt?

european diseases were killing millions of native amedicans

Based on Coronado ' s observations, which of the following best describes spanish efforts in Mexico in the mid 16th century?

exploring lands new to them

Acoma war

fought between spanish and conquistadors in now new Mexico and was a massacre of the Indians

What were 3 chief features of the spanish empire in america?

gold glory God


grew in early 1700 to resist french

Northeast settlements

hunting and farming Iroquois confederacy

List 3 main effects of Europe's expanding trade in the 15th century

increased slavery technology new products

Which of the following is a reason historians are most likely to criticize the view of Columbus expressed in this excerpt?

it uses highly charged language

Northwest settlements

long houses and plank houses rich diet

Languages in early Americas

more than 20 language families and 400 languages

How did european expansion impact european society?

new products disease gold/wealth

Great Plains

nomadic hunting/farms tepees/earth lodges buffalo were plenty

How effective were native Americans in overcoming the negative aspects of european policies?

not effective due to lack of unification to resists and would migrate and face displacement

Black legend

portrays the Spaniards as cruel and unfair to the native americans

Washington Irving

praised Columbus and credited him a hero

Which of the following best explains the underlying cause of the Spaniards actions described by Las casas?


Midwest settlements

rich food supply Adena - Hopewell culture

Spanish mission system

series of religious outposts established by spain to spread Christianity

Explain the significance of the difference between central/south American and north American societies

the difference is because the north American societies are smaller it makes it easier for Europeans to quickly dismantle them and take over the land

The activities of Coronado and other spanish and Portuguese explorers in the americas in the 16th century primarily depended on the support of...

the monarchs

The primary audience that Las casas hoped to influence by his writing was...

the monarchs of spain

Encomienda System

the right to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans in a particular area.

According to Johnson, which of the following was the primary reason for the tribes to unite?

to provide for self-defense

Which of the following factors best explains why native americans efforts to unite were rare?

tribes had traditions of independence

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