APUSH: Period 2

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Which of the following best sums up population diversity in colonial British America?

Great Britain originally promoted emigration to the colonies as a means of ridding itself of excess population but cut back in the eighteenth century, opening the colonies to a more diverse group of settlers.

What was one of Pennsylvania's only restrictions on religious liberty?

Holding office required an oath affirming a belief in Jesus Christ, which eliminated Jews from serving.

As colonization began, the European idea of freedom:

Included the idea of abandoning sin to embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Europeans generally believed all of the following about Indians EXCEPT that:

Indians had enormous potential to assimilate European ways.

Which statement about the Indian of North America is FALSE?

Indians lacked genuine religion.

In what ways did England reduce colonial autonomy during the 1680s?

It created the Dominion of New England, run by a royal appointee without benefit of an elected assembly.

How did the new Massachusetts charter of 1691 change that colony's government?

It made Massachusetts a royal colony rather than under the control of Puritan saints

How did the colonial elite view their role in society?

It meant the power to rule--the right of those blessed with wealth and prominence to dominate others.

Which statement about the Pueblo Revolt is FALSE?

It was inspired by the Pope, but he died before the actual revolt took place.

Which one of the following was true of French relations with Native Americans?

Jesuit missionaries tried to convert Native Americans, but gave them far more independence than did Spanish missionaries.

Which of the following was true of poverty in the colonial period?

Limited supplies of land, especially for inheritance, contributed to poverty.

What was the impact of King Philip's War (1675-1676)?

Native Americans destroyed twelve Massachusetts towns, which helped establish them in the minds of New Englanders as bloodthirsty savages.

Europeans tended to think which one of the following about Native Americans and their cultures?

Native Americans failed to make use of the land, so it was acceptable for Europeans to take it and use it.

Before founding Pennsylvania, William Penn assisted a group of English Quakers to set up a colony in what became:

New Jersey

The Glorious Revolution witnessed uprisings in colonial America, including ones in:

New York and Maryland

Which one of the following statements about African slavery within Africa is FALSE?

Only men were taken for the slave trade.

Pennsylvania's treatment of Native Americans was unique in what way?

Pennsylvania purchased Indian land that was then resold to colonists and offered refuge to tribes driven out of other colonies/

What historical evidence demonstrates that blacks were being held as slaves for life by the 1640s?

Property registers list white servants with the number of years they were to work, but blacks (with higher valuations) had no terms of service associated with their names.

William Penn was a member of which religious group?


Which one of the following is true of religion in seventeenth-century Europe?

Religious uniformity was thought to be essential to public order.

The first permanent European settlement in the Southwest, established in 1610, was:

Santa Fe

Which of the following is true of slave resistance in the colonial period?

Some slaves were the offspring of white traders and therefore knew enough English to turn to the legal system, at least until Virginia lawmakers prevented them from doing so.

Of colonists in British North America, which group was the wealthiest?

South Carolina rice planters

The Spanish set up outposts from Florida to South Carolina in part because:

Spanish missionaries hoped to convert local Native Americans to Christianity.

The transatlantic flow of people and goods such as corn, potatoes, horses, and sugar cane is called:

The Columbian Exchange

Which European country dominated international commerce in the early seventeenth century?

The Netherlands

How did Spain justify enslaving Native Americans?

The Spanish believed that enslavement could liberate Native Americans from their backwardness and savagery and introduce them to Christian civilization.

Which of the following was true of small farmers in 1670s Virginia?

The lack of good land, high taxes on tobacco, and falling prices reduced their prospects.

Portuguese trading posts along the western coast of Africa were called factories because:

The merchants were known as factors

As accusations and executions multiplied in Salem, what was the long-term impact of the witchcraft trials there?

The number of witchcraft prosecutions in Massachusetts declined markedly.

Why did the accusations of witchcraft in Salem suddenly snowball in 1692?

The only way to avoid prosecution was to confess and name others.

What ironic consequence did William Penn's generous policies, such as religious toleration and inexpensive land, have?

They contributed to the increasing reliance of Virginia and Maryland on African slave labor.

Which of the following was true of the colonial elite?

They controlled colonial government.

What role did Native Americans play in British imperial wars during the eighteenth century?

They did much of fighting in the wars.

How did the Dutch manifest their devotion to liberty?

They supported freedom of religion in their colony.

Which statement about gender relations is FALSE for most Native American societies?

Tribal leaders were almost always women.

To Quakers, liberty was:

Universal entitlement

Which statement about New Netherland is FALSE?

Women had many liberties, but could not retain their legal identity after marriage.

As English colonial society became more structured in the eighteenth century, what were the effects on women?

Women's work became more clearly defined as tied closely to the home.

Adam Smith recorded in 1776 that the "two greatest and most important" events in the history of mankind were the:

a discovery of America and the Portuguese sea route around Africa to Asia

Who in the Pennsylvania colony was eligible to vote?

a majority of the male population

In Europe on the eve of colonization, one conception of freedom, called "Christian liberty,":

mingled ideas of freedom with servitude to Jesus Christ--concepts that were seen as mutually reinforcing, not contradictory.

New France was characterized by:

more peaceful European-Indian relations than existed in New Spain.

The economy of the Carolina colony:

originally centered on cattle-raising and trade.

The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina:

proposed a feudal society in the New World, complete with hereditary nobility.

The Charter of Liberties and Privileges in New York:

reflected in part an effort by the British to exert their influence and control over the Dutch.

What was William Penn's most fundamental principle?

religious freedom

According to New England Puritans, witchcraft:

resulted from pacts that women made with the devil to obtain supernatural powers or interfere with natural processes.

The Glorious Revolution of 1688:

resulted mainly from the fears of English aristocrats that the birth of James II's son would lead to a Catholic succession.

Carolina grew slowly until:

rice as a staple crop was discovered to be extremely profitable.

Under English law in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, women:

surrendered their legal identities when they married.

What form of behavior did William Penn ban in his Pennsylvania colony?


When England took over the Dutch colony that became New York:

the English ended the Dutch tradition of allowing married women to conduct business in their own names.

Who finally ended the Salem Witch trials?

the Massachusetts governor

According to the economic theory known as mercantilism:

the government should regulate economic activity so as to promote national power

Slavery developed more slowly in North American than in the English West Indies because:

the high death rate among tobacco workers made it economically unappealing to pay more for a slave likely to die within a short time.

William Penn obtained the land for his Pennsylvania colony because:

the king wanted to cancel his debt to the Penn family and bolster the English presence in North America.

Bacon's Rebellion contributed to which of the following in Virginia?

the replacing of indentured servants with African slaves on Virginia's plantations

What sparked a new period of colonial expansion for England in the mid seventeenth century?

the restoration of the monarchy in 1660.

Pueblo Indians lived in what is now:

the southwestern United States

Europeans--particularly the English, French, and Dutch-- generally claimed North American Indian land as their own based on:

their view that Indians did not use the land properly.

When Europeans arrived, many Native Americans:

tried to use them to enhance their standing with other Native Americans.

By the eighteenth century, colonial farm families:

viewed land ownership almost as a right, precondition of freedom.

Governor William Berkeley's regime:

was a corrupt alliance of the Virginia colony's wealthiest tobacco planters.

The Walking Purchase of 1737:

was a fraudulent deal for the Lenni Lenape Indians.

Captain Jacob Leisler, the head of the rebel militia that took control of New York in 1689:

was overthrown and killed in so grisly a manner that the rivalry between his friends and foes polarized New York politics for years.

In England, social inequality:

was part of a hierarchical society

"Enumerated" goods:

were colonial products, such as tobacco and sugar, that could only be sold initially in English ports.

By the eighteenth century, consumer goods such as books and ceramic plates:

were found in many colonial residents' homes.

The Scottish and Scotch-Irish immigrants to the colonies:

were often physicians, merchants and teachers.

North American crops and products:

were part of a commercial trade network that knitted together a far-flung empire.

Indians in eighteenth-century British America:

were well integrated into the British imperial system.

Bacon's Rebellion was a response to:

worsening economic conditions in Virginia

Once Massachusetts became a royal colony in 1691:

it was required to abide by the English Act of Toleration, which displeased many Puritan leaders.

In its early years, Carolina was the "colony of a colony" because its original settlers included many:

landless sons of wealthy planters in Barbados.

The English Bill of Rights of 1689:

listed parliamentary powers over such individual rights as trial by jury.

Patroonship in New Netherland:

meant that shareholders received large estates for transporting tenants for agricultural labor.

Which one of the following is true of the English West Indies in the seventeenth century?

By the end of the century, the African population far outnumbered the European population on most islands.

Which of the following was not a factor that made African slavery appealing to English planters in the New World?

A long English legal tradition of discrimination against dark-skinned peoples eased the legalization of slavery.

Which of the following fits the description of a person most likely to have been accused of witchcraft in seventeenth-century New England?

A woman beyond childbearing age who was outspoken, economically independent, or estranged from her husband.

"Coverture" refers to:

A woman surrendering her legal identity when she marries.

How did English rule affect the Iroquois Confederacy?

After a series of complex negotiations, both groups aided each other's imperial ambitions.

Which man was once a slave, only to be freed and own slaves himself?

Anthony Johson

Which of the following was true of agriculture in the colonies during the eighteenth century?

Because New York's landlords had taken over so much land, agriculture grew more slowly in New York than in other colonies.

All of the following were factors enticing migration to the British colonies EXCEPT:

absence of restraints on economic opportunity.

Nathaniel Bacon:

actually was socially closer to the elite than to the indentured servants who supported him.

The first English Navigation Act, adopted during the rule of Oliver Cromwell:

aimed to wrest control of world trade from the Dutch.

What was the Covenant Chain?

an alliance made by the governor of New York and the Iroquois Confederacy

Slavery labor in the Chesapeake region increasingly supplanted indentured servitude during the last two decades of the seventeenth century, in part because:

improving conditions in England reduced the number of transatlantic migrants.

Slavery in Africa:

involved the enslavement of criminals, debtors and war captives.

During the colonial era, Philadelphia:

became home to a varied population of artisans and craftsmen.

Anglicization" meant all of the following EXCEPT:

colonists were determined to speak English as perfectly as those who lived in England.

When the Virginia House of Burgesses decreed that religious conversion did not release a slave from bondage:

it meant that, under Virginia law, Christians could own other Christians.

The separation of church and state:

existed only in a few colonies.

English and Dutch merchants created a well-organized system for "redemptioners." What was this system for?

for carrying indentured German families to America where they would work off their transportation debt

According to laws in the seventeenth-century Chesapeake:

free blacks had the right to sue and testify in court.

Spain's Las Siete Partidas, a series of laws touching on slavery:

gave slaves some opportunities to claim rights under the law in the Spain's American empire.

Ideas of race and racism in seventeenth century England:

had not fully developed as modern concepts.

What inspired the 1715 uprising by the Yamasee and Creek peoples against English colonists in Carolina?

high debts incurred by the Yamasee and Creek in trade with the English settlers

Henry Hudson:

hoped to find the Northwest Passage to Asia

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