APUSH Questions of The Day

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Question #17: Which of the following actions best illustrates the policy of salutary neglect?

a. *Lack of enforcement of the Navigation Acts prior to 1763* b. Creation of royal colonies such as the Carolinas c. The practice of non-importation within the colonies after 1765 d. The use of vice admiralty courts to prosecute smugglers e. Lack of interference with indigenous populations west of the Appalachians prior to 1763

Question #31: Improvements in transportation and communication during the first part of the 19th century affected economic relations between regions of the U.S. by

a. *Making the regions more interdependent* b. Making the regions more self-sufficient and independent c. Making industrial regions economically dominant over agricultural regions d. Making agricultural regions economically dominant over industrial regions e. Furthering individual states' ability to regulate interstate commerce

Question #47: Lincoln's primary objective for suspending the writ of habeas corpus was to:

a. *Suppress Southern sympathizers in the border states* b. Better control the newspapers in the North c. Bolster the size of the army with a draft d. Be allowed to end slavery officially in the capital e. Increase taxes to better fund the war effort

Question #16: Which of the following actions does not illustrate the strategy employed by Lord William Pitt during the French and Indian War?

a. *Taking over the French forts located along both sides of the Mississippi River* b. Making peace with important Native American allies c. Changing the British fighting style to better match the frontier d. Fighting in North America rather than on the European mainland e. Establishing control of the St. Lawrence Seaway

Question #65: What was the Allied strategy in the Second World War?:

a. *The allies would focus on defeating the Axis powers in Europe and then the Pacific* b. The allies would focus on defeating the Axis powers in the Pacific then Europe c. The Soviet Union would focus on Germany, and the U.S. would focus on Japan d. The U.S. would focus on the Pacific, while the other Allies focused on Europe e. The allies would divide their forces, simultaneously attacking in Europe and the Pacific

Question: #40: The Dred Scott decision ruled that:

a. Accused fugitive slaves had a right to trial by jury b. Only Congress had the right to prohibit slavery c. The federal ban on the importation of slaves was unconstitutional d. *Slaves were not citizens and did not have legal protection* e. Dred Scott had to be returned to the South

Question #19: Which of the following actions was a result of the Boston Tea Party?

a. All of the other colonies rejected the Bostonians actions b. The tea tax was repealed c. The British gov't reopened Boston Harbor for trade d. *The Coercive Acts were issued* e. Britain opened negotiations with Boston concerning taxation

Question #45: Which of the following statements best describes the impact of the Emancipation Proclamation?

a. All slaves were freed in both the North and the South b. The practice of slavery was ended in the border states only c. All slaves who joined the Union Army would be freed d. Slaves were freed in the North but not in the border states e. *The slaves of the Confederacy were freed*

Question #71: During the Vietnam War, television influenced popular opinion of the conflict by:

a. Allowing President Johnson to directly justify the war through public televised addresses b. Being used to create propaganda to garner support for the conflict c. *Bringing images of the brutality of the conflict into people's homes* d. Giving the antiwar movement a platform to deliver its message e. Showing national debated on war, allowing viewers to make their own decisions

Question #30: Industrialism emerged in the northern states prior to the Civil War as a result of the following conditions except:

a. Availability of water power from the streams and rivers b. Availability of capital c. Poor agricultural conditions d. *A shortage of labor* e. Access to developed ports and railroads

Question #64: Which of the following battles is considered to be a turning point in the Pacific Campaign during World War II?:

a. Battle of Guadalcanal b. Battle of Iwo Jima c. Battle of Leyte Gulf d. *Battle of Midway* e. Battle of the Coral Sea

Question #43: Which of the following would not be considered an event illustrating the tensions that directly led to the Civil War?

a. Bleeding Kansas b. Bleeding Sumner c. Harper's Ferry d. Uncle Tom's Cabin e. *Nat Turner's Rebellion*

Question #8: John Winthrop referred to the Massachusetts Colony as "a city upon a hill" because:

a. Boston's elevation made it clearly visible from the Atlantic Ocean. b. Its views of religious freedom made it a safe haven for the oppressed. c. The colony's fair treatment of Native Americans was to be an example for others. d. *The colony was to serve as an example of Christian virtue and charity.* e. The term distinguished Massachusetts from the lower-elevation Tidewater settlements in Virginia.

Question #75: Which of the following statements is true of the impeachment of both President Clinton and President Johnson?

a. Both Presidents were accused of illegally firing advisers b. Both Presidents were accused of committing perjury while under oath c. Both Presidents were found guilty by the Senate d. Because of the impeachments, neither President sought reelection e. *Both Presidents were found not guilty by the Senate*

Question #20: Which of the following terms was not part of the 1783 Treaty of Paris?

a. Britain agreed to remove troops from U.S. territory b. *The importation of slaves was banned* c. The borders of the U.S. were established d. The U.S. agreed to pay existing debts owed to England e. The U.S. agreed not to persecute loyalists remaining in the country

Question #26: Which of the following was not a direct reason for the U.S. to declare war on Britain in 1812?

a. Britain's support of Native Americans uprisings b. A desire to take Spanish-held lands in North America c. British impressments of American sailors d. *British actions during the XYZ Affair* e. Election of the War Hawks in 1810

Question #59: The use of installment plans during the 1920s was significant to the economy because it:

a. Caused the average wage of workers to decline b. Illustrated a rejection of materialism and luxury pragmatism c. Greatly limited the number of people who had access to credit d.* Served as a catalyst for a new consumer-based economy* e. Illustrated the need for lower tariffs to promote trade

Question #38: Which of the following actions was not considered part of the Compromise of 1850?

a. Citizens of New Mexico and Utah were granted popular sovereignty b. Slave trade was abolished in Washington D.C. c. *Texas' borders were extended to Santa Fe* d. California was admitted into the Union as a free state e. The Fugitive Slave Act was created

Question #33: Many Northern workers rejected the goals of the abolitionist movement because:

a. Congress imposed a gag rule b. African-Americans lacked education c. *They feared competition for jobs* d. The Constitution clearly supported slavery e. They believed it was states' rights issue

Question #57: Which of the following objectives was not considered part of Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal?

a. Controlling the corporations b. Providing consumer protection c. Protecting business from extreme union demands d. *Expanding America's international* e. Conserving America's natural resources

Question #29: Which of the following is not considered part of Andrew Jackson's legacy?

a. Creation of a two-party political system b. The modern media-driven election campaign c. *Reduction of influence in the executive branch over the branches of the federal government* d. Increase in the average person's access to political power e. Establishment of the second national bank

Question #51: Though Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois both believed in improving conditions for African- Americans, in what way did their views differ?

a. DuBois fought only for social equality, and Washington fought for only economic equality b. They both fought for social equality, but only DuBois fought for economic equality as well c.* DuBois fought for complete equality, while Washington fought only for economic equality* d. DuBois focused on achieving political equality in the South, while Washington focused on political equality in the North e. DuBois felt African-Americans should focus only on vocational training, while Washington called for liberal arts education

Question #22: The main purpose of the three-fifths compromise was to:

a. Established the number of votes needed to approve legislation b. *Appropriate congressional seats* c. Formalize a number of state votes needed to ratify the Constitution d. Develop a method to amend the Constitution e. Create a system to override a Presidental Veto.

Question #74: What were the two major areas of focus of Ronald Reagan's economic plan?

a. Expanding federal assistance programs and increasing government b. Adopting Keynesian economics and cutting military spending c. Funding urban development and lowering taxes on the wealthy d. *Lowering taxes and reducing gov't regulations* e. Increasing taxes and expanding the Great Society

Question #67: Which of the following was an accomplishment of President Eisenhower's domestic policy?

a. Expansion of the Tennessee Valley Authority b. Launch of the first satellite into space c.* Creation of a national interstate highway system* d. Creation of federally funded health care for the elderly e. Creation of the Department of Housing and Urban Affairs

Question #44: Which of the following was not a position supported by the Republican Party prior to the Civil War?

a. Free homesteads b. Protective tariffs c. Construction of a transcontinental RR d. *Stemming the influx of immigrants* e. Halting the expansion of slavery

Question #55: Which of the following territories were acquired by the U.S. as a result of the Spanish-American War?

a. Guam, Philippines, Cuba b. Hawaii, Guam, Philippines c. Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines d.* Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico* e. Cuba, Hawaii, Guam

Question #36: During the early 19th century, laws created in the Southern states concerning free blacks were primarily intended to:

a. Guarantee legal status of free blacks b. Establish guidelines for abolition within the state c. Establish clear rules and regulations for the treatment of slaves d. *Persuade free blacks to relocate to Northern states* e. Aid the reclaiming of runaway slaves

Question #4: John Rolfe's main contribution to the Jamestown settlement was:

a. Guiding the first settlers through the starving time b. Devising the headright system to increase the population c. Serving as Virginia's first colonial governor d. Founding the first legislative body within the colonies e. *Introducing tobacco as the colony's first staple crop*

Question #73: What action did Gerald Ford take to attempt to heal the nation following the Watergate Scandal?

a. He asked citizens to wear WIN buttons b. *He pardoned Richard Nixon* c. He provided military support to the South Vietnamese government d. He ordered a full investigation of the Nixon administration e. He signed the Helsinki Accords

Question #63: The main purpose of the Lend-Lease Program was to:

a. Isolate the Soviet Union militarily b. Attempt to convince Italy to maintain neutrality c. *Aid nations deemed vital to American security* d. Provide aid against communist insurgencies in Spain e. End the Depression through wartime production

Question #39: The Kansas-Nebraska Act was unpopular in Northern states because:

a. It furthered the Missouri Compromise b.* It could increase the number of slave states* c. It created a transcontinental railroad in the South d. The Northern states disapproved of Stephen Douglass seeking Southern support e. It weakened the influence of Northern business interests

Question #9: Which of the following statements is not true about the colony of Pennsylvania?

a. It increased its population through heavy advertising by paid agents b. Because of Quaker beliefs, it strongly supported upholding land treaties with Native Americans c. *It allowed Catholics and Jews to vote and hold public office* d. It did not require taxes to fund a state-held church e. It imposed the death penalty on those who committed murder or treason

Question #28: The Tariff of abominations of 1828 was opposed mainly because:

a. It mainly benefited western states b. It hurt northern manufacturers' long-term growth c. *It hurt the sale of southern cotton* d. It restricted the sale of slaves e. It benefited British imports

Question #5: What was a major purpose of the Toleration Act of 1649

a. It was a way to suppress rebellions such as the one led by Nathaniel Bacon b. It was an attempt to maintain order in Boston after the passage of the Coercive Acts c. *It protested Catholic rights in Maryland from the influx of Protestant colonists* d. It extended voting rights to non-protestants in New England e. It improved the conditions of indentured servants in the middle colonies.

Question #68: The approaches of Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X to the civil rights movement differed in

a. King was part of SCLC and Malcolm X created SNCC b. Malcolm X adopted a view of the "alleged inferiority of the Negro" while King did not c. *King fought for desegregation, while Malcolm X supported a separate identity for African-Americans* d. King, unlike Malcolm X, strongly promoted the ideals of black nationalism e. Malcolm X, unlike King, was a follower of Stokley Carmichael4

Question #54: William Jennings Bryan lost his 1896 campaign for the presidency because he:

a. Lacked ability as a persuasive speaker b. Supported the silver standard c. Was unable to win the support of western farmers d.* Could not win the support of eastern urban centers* e. Was seen as a pawn of the railroad industry

Question #46: Which action under Reconstruction officially overturned the Dred Scott decision?

a. Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan b. Johnson's Reconstruction Plan c. The Thirteenth Amendment d. *The Fourteenth Amendment* e. The Fifteenth Amendment

Question #27: Which of the following statements about the Missouri Compromise is not true?

a. Maine was admitted into the Union as a free state b. Missouri joined the Union as a slave state c. *Slavery as allowed in the old Northwest Territory* d. Slavery was outlawed north of latitude 36 30' e. The Missouri Compromise was deemed unconstitutional after the Dred Scott decision

Question #50: Andrew Carnegie engaged in the practice of vertical integration by:

a. Monopolizing a single product by eliminating all competition b. *Controlling all aspects of the production process from beginning to end* c. Artificially inflating the value of his companies' stock to attract investors d. Fixing railroad rates and rebates to decrease costs e. Using private detective agencies to break strikes

Question #13: Which statement is the most accurate concerning the North American colonies?

a. Most of the colonies were able to become profitable within the first years of their creation b. *Most of the colonies started as proprietary but became royal colonies by the mid-18th-century* c. Most of the colonies began as royal colonies d. most of the colonies started as independent colonies but later received charters e. Most of the colonies started as proprietary colonies but became independent by purchasing their charters

Question #72: What was the primary reason behind the Watergate break-in in 1972?

a. Nixon wanted to purge his administration of possible communist infiltration b. *CREEP wanted to spy on the Democratic Party* c. President Nixon wanted to recapture the leaked Pentagon Papers d. The FBI was monitoring the Democratic Party's election campaign e. Nixon wanted to fake a break-in of his campaign headquarters

Question #10: The purpose of the headright system was to:

a. Open up more land for tobacco cultivation b. Ensure the separation between slaves and indentured servants c. Establish a basic system of laws within the Piedmont region of Virginia d. Keep non-Protestants from taking part in colonial government e. *Encourage increased migration to the Virginia Colony.*

Question #2: The Spanish colonial system of forcing Native Americans to work for individual Spaniards in the Americas was known as:

a. Peonage b. Indentured Servitude c. *Encomienda* d. Indigenous Diaspora e. Columbian Exchange

Question #60: The Republican administrations of the 1920s would best be described as:

a. Possessing a foreign policy based on expansion and heavy domestic business regulation b. *Supporting isolationism and laissez-faire business policies domestically * c. Strongly focused on building up the armed forces d. Open to increased immigration and less stringent quotas e. Strongly against high tariffs and pro labor

Question #24: The VIrginia and Kentucky Resolutions were passed in order to:

a. Promote the excise tax on whiskey b. *Nullify the power of the federal gov't* c. Support the Alien and Sedition Acts d. Call for the absorption of the state debts by the federal government e. Affirm the power of the federal gov't

Question #66: The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were similar in that they:

a. Provided justification for military actions against authoritarian governments b. *Provided economic aid while containing Soviet influence* c. Returned the U.S. to its prewar isolationist policies d. Focused on expanding American business interests in Latin America e. Were used as the basis for creating the United Nations

Question #32: Which of the following was a main goal of the educational reform movement of the early 1800s?

a. Providing vocational training b. *Creating responsible new citizens* c. Teaching young people to read the Bible d. Creating coeducational schools e. Ending public funding of schools

Question #15: Which of the following was not an intention of the Proclamation of 1763?

a. Reducing conflicts between British colonists and Native Americans b. Keeping British colonists loyal to the British government c.Limiting the growth of manufacturing within the North American colonies d. *Enforcing the authority of the Church of England within the colonies* e. Ensuring British control over colonial trade.

Question #48: President Johnson was impeached officially because he:

a. Refused to send the military to the South, as required by the 1867 Reconstruction Act b. Illegally used Reconstruction funds for personal gain c.* Illegally removed a cabinet member from office* d. Vetoed the Radical Republican plans for Reconstruction e. Illegally assumed power upon President Lincoln's death

Question #69: In foreign affairs, President Nixon's policy of détente was illustrated by:

a. Rejecting the ideals of realpolitik b. His bombing campaign of Cambodia c. Firing Henry Kissinger as Secretary of State d.* Relaxing Cold War tensions by engaging in talks with China and the Soviet Union* e. Rejecting the SALT I agreement

Question #53: Which of the following factors played the largest role in increasing the settlement of the Great Plains?

a. Removal of the Great Plains Indians b. Increase in foreign demand for agricultural goods c. Increase in the price of agricultural goods d. *Construction of the railroads* e. Extended period of economic inflation

Question #35: The Wilmot Proviso stated that:

a. Slavery would be allowed in the land taken from Mexico b. Slavery would be allowed in the New Mexico Territory and Texas, but not California c. The line between slave states and free states would be drawn at 36o 30' north d. Plantation owners in Texas could retain their current slaves, but no new slaves could be imported e. *Slavery would not be allowed in the land taken from Mexico*

Question: #14: Which of the following statements does not accurately describe slavery in the North American colonies?

a. Slaves in Georgia and South Carolina's coastal region primarily worked on large plantations in dangerous and brutal conditions b.In Virginia, slaves made up a minority of the population and had varied jobs c. In New England, slaves worked mainly in urban areas and ports d. The slaves contributed to the growth of the Atlantic economy as shipbuilders and dock workers in the middle colonies e. *Strict slave laws prevented slave revolts through the 1700s.*

Question #23: Which of the following groups would most likely support the policies of Alexander Hamilton?

a. States that independently paid off their debt from the Revolution b. Western farmers c. *Entrepreneurs in manufacturing* d. People who harbored strong anti-monarchical sentiments after the revolution e. Strict Constitutionalists.

Question #18: Non-importation is best illustrated by:

a. The British Parliament limiting the sale of gunpowder to colonists under the Coercive Acts b. The 1807 law banning the importation of slaves from Africa c.* American colonists refusing to purchase goods from Britain after the Stamp Act* d. The strict limits placed on the number of Catholics allowed into the Massachusetts Bay Colony e. The strict immigration restrictions on Japanese citizens established under the Gentlemen's Agreement

Question #76: Which of the following legislation was passed in direct response to the events of September 11th, 2001?

a. The FISA Act b. The McCain-Feingold Act c. The War Powers Resolution d.*The USA PATRIOT Act* e. The Brady Bill

Question #12: Which of the following is true concerning the Great Awakening?

a. The Great Awakening brought separatism and secession from established churches b. *The Great Awakening created a greater appreciation for the emotional experiences of faith* c. The Great Awakening brought the renewed persecution of witches d. The Great Awakening led to the strong reemergence of Catholicism e. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was created

Question #77: The 2000 Presidential election was similar to the 1824 election in that:

a. The House of Representatives decided the election b. Republicans captured all 3 branches of gov't c. *The candidate who received a majority of the popular vote lost the election* d. Neither candidate won enough electoral votes to win the presidency e. The Supreme Court had to decide the final outcome

Question #79: Which of the following events is not associated with Al Qaeda?

a. The bombing of the USS Cole b. The September 11th attacks c. The 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies d. *The Oklahoma City bombing* e. The Madrid train bombings

Question #6: Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the southern colonies during the late 17th century?

a. The economy was equally mixed between farming, trade, and small manufacturing b. African slaves were strictly segregated from white indentured servants c. The economy was dominated by skilled labor in port towns d. *Tobacco, Rice, and Indigo were the staple crops* e. The growth of upland cotton dominated

Question #25: Which of the following statements describes a result of the Embargo of 1807?

a. The embargo stopped the smuggling of goods into the United States b. The embargo was only against the British c. The embargo led to an increase of trade in the southern states d. The embargo was strongly supported by New England e. *The embargo benefited northern manufacturing*

Question #56: Which of the following is not an example of a political reform made during the Progressive Era?

a. The initiative b. The referendum c. The recall d. *Party nominating conventions* e. The Direct election of Senators

Question #41: Why did the North need to maintain control of the border states during the Civil War?

a. The land of the border states was vital for the completion of a transcontinental railroad b. President Lincoln needed the region's political support to maintain the presidency c. The border states created an impenetrable buffer zone between the North and South d. *Control of the border states would have given the South access to much-needed centers of industry* e. The North relied on the slave labor in the region for production

Question #34: Which of the following ideas would not be considered a justification for manifest destiny?

a. The merit of American democratic institutions b. The notion that the U.S. was to be a "city upon a hill" c. *The need to develop American's infrastructure* d. Belief in a divine mandate to expand e. The goal of furthering the Monroe Doctrine

Question #70: The combination of inflation and economic recession faced in the United States in 1973 was caused in part by:

a. The opening of diplomatic relations with China and the Soviet Union b. *OPEC's increasing the price of oil* c. The North Vietnamese capture of Saigon d. The signing of the Camp David Accords e. The signing of the SALT I agreement

Question #62: The Dust Bowl of the Great Depression occurred because:

a. The region was hit with heavy rains and tornadoes b. Farmers could no longer afford to plant their fields c.*Intense agriculture had depleted the topsoil* d. Farmers lacked modern irrigation e. Increased crop prices led to severe overproduction

Question #42: Which of the following was an advantage the South had in the Civil War?

a. The size of the Southern population b. Development of Southern infrastructure c. A unified and strong central gov't d. The support of Britain and France e. *Experienced military leadership*

Question #1: The Columbian Exchange would best be described as:

a. The trade networks established between Europe and the Americas b. The new agricultural goods brought to Europe from the Americas c. *The exchange of biological, ecological, and other commodities brought to Europe and the Americas * d. The introduction of European diseases that decimated indigenous populations in the Americas e. The arrival of European agricultural goods and livestock in the Americas

Question #78: What was the overall impact of perestroika and glasnost on the Cold War?

a. They strengthened the communist system in Eastern Europe b. They brought an end to the strategic arms race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union c. *They helped lead to the collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe* d. They led to the SALT I and II agreements e. They resulted in the Iran-Contra Affair

Question #37: Which of the following statements best describes the main reason Southerners supported the annexation of Texas?

a. They wanted a safer route across the country b. They wanted new seaports to help trade with Asia c. They wanted better access to trade with Mexico d. *They wanted more territory and land where slavery had been established* e. They felt annexation would aid in Native American relocation

Question #11: Which of the following statements best describes women in colonial New England?

a. They were less likely to attend church than men b. They did not participate in outdoor farm work c. *They could own property and form contracts if they were widowed* d. They were discouraged from learning to read e. They were allowed to vote in town hall assemblies

Question #49: In return for helping Rutherford B. Hayes win the presidency, the Republicans promised the Democrats that:

a. They would stop enforcing laws that suppressed activities of the KKK b. They would repeal the 1875 Civil Rights Act c. *The occupation of the South by federal troops would be ended* d. The U.S. Treasury would adopt a policy of bimetallism to help Southern farmers e. The practice of separate but equal.

Question #7: In what way did the Jamestown Colony and the Massachusetts Bay Colony differ greatly?

a. Unlike Jamestown, Massachusetts Bay was established as a joint stock company b. Jamestown became a royal colony, while Massachusetts remained a proprietary colony. c.Unlike Jamestown, Massachusetts Bay maintained peaceful relations with the Native Americans within the region d. *Massachusetts Bay did not suffer from the same hardships as Jamestown during its first years* e. The practice of slavery was legal in Jamestown but not in Massachusetts Bay

Question #52: In what way did the Knights of Labor differ from the American Federation of Labor (AFL)

a. Unlike the AFL, the Knights of Labor limited membership to skilled labor only b. *Unlike the Knights of Labor, the AFL limited membership to skilled labor only* c. Unlike the Knights of Labor, the AFL allowed women to be members d. Unlike the Knights of Labor, the AFL allowed African Americans to be members e. Unlike the Knights of Labor, the AFL allowed farmers to be members

Question #3: In what way did early Spanish colonization differ from that of the early French efforts during the 1600s.

a. Unlike the French, the Spanish made religious conversation a major focus of settlement. b. Unlike the Spanish, the French focused on establishing larger permanent communities in their colony. c. The French focused less on the accumulation of wealth and more territorial expansion than the Spanish did. d.*Unlike the Spanish, the French based much of their colonial economy on the fur trade.* e. Unlike the Spanish, French colonization was in part motivated by French Protestants escaping persecution.

Question #61: How did Presidents Hoover and FDR differ in their attempts to respond to the Great Depression?

a. While Hoover felt that aid should be supplied directly to the people, FDR felt that gov't should only try to stabilize the corporations and banks b. *While FDR felt that aid should be supplied directly to people, Hoover felt that gov't should only try to stabilize the corporations and banks* c. Hoover's reforms focused on providing aid to farmers, while FDR focused on industrial workers d. Hoover supported the nationalization of banks, while FDR called for the redistribution of wealth through taxations e. FDR believed that the Depression should be corrected by voluntary self-regulation in business, while Hoover advocated heavy gov't regulation

Question #58: Which of the following was not a reason for the initial American neutrality during the first World War?

a. Wilson hoped neutrality would allow him to lead the peace at the end of the war b. *American military treaties prevented direct involvement* c. Neutrality allowed American businesses to trade with both sides of the conflict d. Support by the U.S. population was divided between the two sides e. Americans generally supported a policy of isolation

Question #80: In attempting to reform the nation's health care system, President Clinton wanted to:

a.* Provide health insurance to all Americans* b. Provide health care coverage for the poor c. Offer loans to students pursuing a career in medicine d. End Medicaid and Medicare e. Provide health insurance to the elderly

Question #21: Which of the following groups would likely support the Articles of Confederation?

a.* Those who held strong anti-monarchical views* b. Men who served as officers during the revolution c. Citizens who held government-issued securities d. New England merchants and bankers e. Politicians who feared rule by the masses.

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