APUSH SAQ's and LEQ's Ch. 14-17

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(A) which one of the following factors most affected farmers in the 1890s: tariffs, railroad rates, or laissez-faire policies? (B) explain why you did not pick one of the other topics. (C) what was the state of the american farmer by 1900?

A) Tariffs most affected farmers in the 1890s. they were still dependent on purchasing all of their manufactured goods at artificially high, tariff-protected prices. this was while what they were producing and selling was going on depressed prices because of oversupply and competition. B) i did not pick railroad rates because although the south was being charged more for rail service than the overbuilt north, it was not as frequent or monumental of a charge as what the tariffs created for their daily needs. C) the american farmer was fighting to keep their culture. they wanted to be represented, so they requested things like rural free delivery, started the grange movement, and also formed the populist party to advocate for farmers.

(A/B) identify and explain two reasons for the dramatic growth in business after the civil war. (C) of the two reasons you selected. which is more significant, and why?

A) The completion of the first transcontinental railroad connected the entire country and made the exchange of goods much faster and easier, which fed into the start of new businesses to tend to the railroad. B) the efficiency movement and the popularity of the subject of scientific management caused people to want to start and manage their own businesses and practice that efficiency. C) the completion of the first transcontinental railroad is more significant because it created businesses and jobs in the creation of it, and then it also created more places where goods were transferred that the railroad passed through to create more traffic and business start ups, and the easier transfer of goods caused more things to be made.

(A) how did the civil war affect the north's economy? (B) how did the civil war affect the south's economy? (C) which side was affected more? how do you know?

A) for a while after the war, the economy was still good because of railroad popularity and stuff but then after some of the scandals in the grant administration the panic of 1873 happened because of the after-war loss of production and the overexpansion of business during the post-civil war days. B) the south's economy was recovering from the war as well, and they also had many freed slaves now who were looking for jobs. tenant farming grew popular, but they were also subject to the panic of 1873 in the nation. C) the north was affected more. this is because after the war business expanded largely and was unregulated in the industrial north, while the south still stuck to farming. the north had more of the scandals included too, so the panic hurt those businesses and economy more.

(A) describe the south's economy after the civil war. (B) which aspects were similar to the pre-civil war south? what was different? (C) compare and contrast the labor systems in the south before and after the civil war.

A) freed slaves changed the workforce and forced the south to come up with a new economic infrastructure. after the civil war the south's economy stagnated in the rural south because of the financial burdens that came with the crop lien system. less and less farmers could own land and had to become sharecroppers in dependency. in the southern cities, however, the railroads and new industry allowed for more direct trade with the north and cities experienced remarkable growth. there was a new wealthy urban middle class. B) in the rural south, there was still a focus on agriculture and dependency on the north for things. the new industry and railroads were different, as well as sharecropping rather than slave labor. C) before the civil war slave labor was used and wealthy plantations were widespread. after, many farmers couldn't afford to own land, and instead became sharecroppers. ex slaves became sharecroppers and tenant farmers. a lot of dependency

(A) what did freedom mean for the ex-slaves in the years following the civil war? (B) choose two of the following themes and explain their influence on the freed population: economic opportunities, gender roles, religious independence, and family security. (C) choose two themes and explain why they were not as influential as the ones you chose for (B).

A) freedom for the ex-slaves didn't change very much for them. many of them became tenant farmers and were still doing hard labor, and those who weren't were arrested and forced to labor under the vagrancy laws. there was a lot of discrimination and segregation. B) economic opportunities at first were very few, but then the Freedmen's Bureau started helping blacks with food and resources, and many african-american schools were established and learning was encouraged. Family security was influential because although families weren't separated by slavery, there was still fear from the KKK about separation or attack. The freedmen's bureau provided in terms of food and clothing, so many families finally got to stay together. C) gender roles weren't as influential because they didn't change very much. the male started providing more, so women stayed home and usually weren't admitted into the same schooling as boys were. religious independence was relevant, and many black churches started up, but there was always persecution and sometimes requirements of whites being present to gather.

(A) compare period 4 (1800-1848) to Period 5 (1844-1877). (B) identify and explain one common characteristic that is shared by both periods. (C) identify and explain one significant difference between the two periods.

A) in period four, america was focusing on growth, by purchasing more land and experiencing manifest destiny as well as westward expansion. it was also focusing on nationalism and developing an american identity. in period five, it was focusing on expanding the population and experiencing tensions over the diversity that came with it, crisis in the form of the civil war, and rebuilding after the civil war. B) one common characteristic is growth. in period four the country was growing in terms of land. this was partly seen in period five with the purchase of alaska, but mostly seen through growth of population. many immigrants came over, and america had to deal with growing and overcoming problems of discrimination through the civil war and other conflicts dealing with this. C) one significant difference is the the development of american identity. in period four the nation was still very young and needed this, however in period five the nation was focused on other issues and was established enough to have its own civil war.

(A) identify and explain two reasons labor unions formed in the gilded age (1870-1900). (B) identify and explain two reasons why they struggled. (C) identify and explain one area unions made the greatest gain.

A) labor unions formed to advocate for the needs of the laborers. one reason was for an 8 hour work day, because many were forced to work for much longer. another reason was for the termination of child labor, because it was unhealthy and people wanted it to stop. B) two reasons why they struggled were the bad reputations that were held in the violent strikes and scandals, and because of the threat of violating the sherman antitrust act and going to jail. C) unions made the greatest gain in reducing the hours in a work day, which was slowly brought down through the years of striking and organizing.

(A) identify and explain two effects of gilded age economic expansion on the american west. (B) of the following groups in the west, which was impacted the most by this time period: native americans, farmers, african-americans, or mexican americans? explain why (C) which group was affected the least? explain why.

A) one effect of the new factories and industry in the gilded age was the emergence of bonanza farms. these created a specific crop that was needed for national and international markets rather than old fashioned farms. another effect was the romanticism of the cowboy in the west, and the cattle kingdom. the west was popularized as the wild, wild, west. B) native americans were impacted the most. as the west grew in popularity, more people moved out there and pushed indians further, taking their land. the indian wars then occurred, and indians were moved to reservations and taken advantage of. C) african-americans were affected the least. not as many labored in the west as did in the south, so their freedom didn't disrupt life as much there.

(A) identify and explain one political, (B) one racial, and (C) one sectional effect of the election of 1876.

A) one political effect was the disputed election itself. tilden won the popular vote, but neither won the electoral, so it was compromised that hayes would get the presidency. this caused the republicans to put a southern democrat in the cabinet and indebted the republicans to the democrats, for the most part. B) a racial effect is the removal of troops from the south and end of reconstruction which left the freed blacks without support from the republican party and led to more discrimination. C) a sectional effect is all the favors done for the south. another railroad established in the south, the end of reconstruction, aid of southern industrialization, etc. all supported the south again.

(A/B) identify and explain two results of gilded age industrialization on the american worker. (C) to what extent did workers have control over their working conditions? explain why.

A) one result of gilded age industrialization on the american worker was the new factories and jobs created. with these came hardship, and the workers were supported by unions and started participating in rallies and strikes to fight for their rights. B) another result of gilded age industrialization was the movements and organizations formed to support the american workers. things like the YMCA, salvation army, NAACP, etc. were all new things that were made to support america's lower class and support those workers. C) workers didn't really have control over their working conditions due to the laissez-faire policies in government not wanting to get control. when they joined unions and groups they could strike and advocate for better working conditions and sometimes that was fought for and won, like with the illinois factory act.

(A) identify and explain two traits that define this period of time (1844-1877), consider the following themes: politics, the economy, or society. (B) why is 1877 considered the turning point of this period? (C) explain why you did not select ___ of the three.

A) politics defines this period of time because of the unrest between republicans and democrats, and the many laws and acts passed in response to the start of the civil war and the war itself. politics were very heated as the two sides fought against each other. society was also very defining because of the turmoil that resulted from the war tensions. people were being killed and hurt in fighting, and society was a very intense time that led to a lot of ill will. B) 1877 is the turning point because that's when the compromise of 1877 came out, and reconstruction ended. the two warring sides were back to being more or less equal, and had goals met on each side, so the conflict was over. C) i did not select economy, because although there was a change because of the wartime economy, that is something that changed more after this period, in the gilded age and age of consumerism with the rise of factories and organized labor and transfer of goods rather than in this time period.

(A) explain how reconstruction changed the south. (B) how was the white population impacted? how was the black population impacted? (C) did these changes improve or worsen life in the south?

A) reconstruction caused a lot of violence and hatred in the south. the new laws and presence of republican ideals caused hateful organizations like the kkk to start up, and caused problems and namecalling in the south. it unified the nation more overall, but it still was very harsh. did get benefits in the compromise of 1877 though. B) the white population was impacted in having to integrate and decide what to do with all of the freed slaves, as well as adjusting to new reforms.. the black population got better education but was left unsupported as reconstruction ended and was persecuted immensely and segregated. C) these changes at the time worsened life in the south because they lived in a time of fear of the kkk and other conflicts, and it was a very hateful environment. overall, it helped to unify the nation more in the long run but had a really rough start.

(A) describe the african-american experience after 1865. (B) what was life like in the south? what was life like in the west? (C) to what extent were african-americans able to enjoy civil rights promised to them in the reconstruction era?

A) the african-american experience changed a lot, but was still very poor. although they were no longer enslaved and were aided some by the government had more educational opportunities, they were endangered and discriminated against more than ever. B) in the south there was a lot of hate from groups like the kkk and the black codes caused a lot of difficult situations. in the west there was a lot more acceptance and opportunities but they were still discriminated against. C) they could enjoy it in no longer being a slave and more opportunities, but they still often were forced to labor and were not treated equally in the least bit. often couldn't vote and stuff.

(A) compare and contrast the post-civil war impact of two technological advancements. (B) of the two inventions you selected, which had the greater impact on US society, and why? (C) explain one additional technological advancement and why you did not select it.

A) the invention of the telephone opened worldwide communications and made businesses operate faster and more directly. the invention of the typewriter also changed the workplace and sped up how things were being reported and kept track of. the telephone was more direct, but the typewriter was easier to use. B) the typewriter had a greater impact on us society because the typewriter ushered in a much greater popularity and relevancy of newspapers, magazines, typed letters and reports, and made writing much faster and easier. C) the phonograph is another technological advancement that was made post-civil war. it was able to capture sound and play it back. although it was important, it was used as more of a plaything. the telephone and typewriter were more widespread and used in businesses and the media

(A) why did the ku klux klan form after the civil war? (B) what was the group's purpose? give an example to support. (C) to what extent did the federal government respond to its presence in the south?

A) the kkk formed because they wanted to maintain absolute white supremacy in response to the newly gained political and civil rights given to blacks after the war. B) the main purpose was to intimidate blacks by asserting white supremacy and democrats over the republicans and freed men. one example is in south carolina 500 men of the kkk attacked a county jail and lynched eight black prisoners to show their 'power' and suppress the freedom. C) the federal government did try to stop it in laws they passed directed at suppressing the terrorism, like the Third Force Act, allowing grant to use military force against those organizations, but it was never truly stopped, although there were several arrests in regard to the law.

(A) explain the united states experience with rapid change in the late nineteenth century. (B) how did these changes affect women and immigrant groups? (C) which group experienced more new opportunities?

A) the rapid change led to many new organizations and involvement in government by all types of people. the new businesses ushered in new workers, which led to unions and tensions over the horrible working conditions. the age of consumerism and the gilded age brought new ideas and values into the homes of americans, and led to greater involvement by women and other minorities. B) immigrant groups were affected by first handling a lot of discrimination, especially those from asia. many areas like chinatowns, little italys, etc. were established to give the immigrants a place in the country to keep their culture. many were workers and tried to americanize. women were affected by becoming involved in groups to help unions, advocating for better conditions, working in factories, etc. they were also included in much of the marketing for shopping in new department stores and malls that were established. C) women experienced more new opportunities through the formation of groups like the WCTU, the women's trade union league, etc. they were also included in ads for department stores, shopping, and interest from marketing. this brought them more into society and gave them more power.

(A) how did the redeemer governments influence the south? how (B) did they dismantle congressional reconstruction? (C) how did their economic vision benefit the south?

A) they influenced the south by furthering the feeling of hate and worsening segregation and discriminatory feelings towards blacks for years to come. they also cut funding in many state governments and sped up the end of reconstruction. B) they dismantled congressional reconstruction by cutting funding to stop support of race relations and crippling african american education. in the compromise of 1877 they pushed for drawing an end to reconstruction and involvement. argued democratic supremacy over republicans. fed government couldn't end all the turmoil. C) since they cut funding of reconstruction efforts and pushed for less funding of black education, this gave the south a lot more money. also, they fined many african americans for very small things which gave the governments more money and helped the south recover a lot faster from the war.

6. strikes advanced the cause of industrial workers in gilded age america. support, refute, or modify that statement. in your answer, consider the following strikes: the great railroad strike of 1877, the homestead strike (1892), the pullman strike (1894).

Strikes mostly did not advance the cause of industrial workers in gilded age america. 1) the great railroad strike of 1877 was EV- put down by local and federal troops, and 100 workers were killed. however, was successful because EV- a worker pension plan was established as a result, as well as a relief association for workers. also EV- many local militia members sympathized and refused to put down strike which brought notice to cause. 2) pullman strike. not advance at all. it had to be EV- broken up by federal troops, and 30 people were killed. got a lot of hate because of the violence. also, the EV- american railway union dissolved because of this. and EV- eugene v debs went to jail for violating sherman antitrust.

4. analyze the response of native americans to changes in government indian policy between 1850 and 1900.

led to many responses. some cases resisted, while some accepted and assimilated. 1) first they responded peacefully with the conference settling the EV- treaty of fort laramie. this is where they agreed to stop fighting with other tribes and heed the words of the americans. a lot of them ended up assimilating by EV- adopting agriculture techniques and sending their children to boarding school. 2) when the EV- reservation policy or dawes severalty act was passed, most natives simply migrated to those reservations to ensure their safety and culture, out of fear. the EV- indian appropriation act said no tribe was recognized as a nation. this really started to anger the indian leaders for the loss of their culture. 3) chiefs started out leading small resistances, like the practice of their EV- ghost dances and other rituals that scared the americans. they were strong fighters, but the US pushed them back continuously for land, and EV- had massacres like that at the Battle of wounded knee. unsatisfaction was also shown in the other indian wars-- EV-the sand creek massacre, battle of wounded knee, etc.

3. how successful were "new south" proponents at instituting their vision from 1877 to 1900?

new south goal is control by democrats and separation of races. wanted to modernize, but mostly stay the same and take back control. The new south was fairly successful in achieving this. 1) the races were separated as much as possible because EV- segregation became widely used, as well as discrimination. when it came to voting they were EV- able to impose literacy tests and the grandfather clause. the EV- KKK and other groups made sure the blacks continued to be unsupported after reconstruction. 2) the new south was able to preserve aspects of the old south by still valuing farming. EV- sharecropping became immensely popular and took the place of old slave labor. politics changed because before democrats had trouble getting elected, but now EV- democrats were very prevalent in the south and the south voted democrat for a very long time. that was a big part of their vision. 3) they did modernize and industrialize some. a lower emphasis was placed on the cotton industry, and EV- the southern transcontinental railroad was built to include them in that and industrialize. this was achieved by the EV- compromise of 1877 which took into account old southern interests and aided in industrialization as well. also, morale was supported by the EV- rebuilding of the south and the ban of alcohol.

5. To what extent did the federal government adhere to the practice of "laissez-faire economics" during the gilded age? in your answer, compare two of the following: big businesses, factory workers, labor unions, western farmers.

the federal government adhered to laissez-faire economics in most ways, but sometimes they were 'hands-on' in the favor of businesses. 1) factory workers. adhered to laissez-faire here. there was poverty, and EV-settlement houses were created to reduce this. these houses were created by private entities, however, not the government. also, other organizations to support the poor factory workers were created. many were because of the EV- social gospel movement. the government didn't help out with these however, they had private starts, like EV- Florence kelly, and organiations like the YMCA and the salvation army. 2) labor unions. no. the government released the sherman antitrust act, however it was turned against the unions by local courts. EV- eugene debs was in prison for violating this in the leading of a strike. also, the government supported the use of EV- yellow dog contracts to prevent workers from joining these unions. they also executed people that started the strike in the haymarket affair.

2. the fourteenth amendment is commonly referred to as one of the most important additions to the constitution. why?

the fourteenth amendment gave the people many more rights and helped protect against discrimination. 1)shut down values of the confederacy. the EV-due process clause stated that discriminatory laws could not be passed that infringed upon liberty, nor could anyone be denied equal protection without due process. this, along with the reconstruction policy of preventing confederate leaders from leading helped protect against unfair legislation. also, it was EV- declared all debts to slave owners were now void, which freed slaves from the influence of their past life. 2) citizenship. EV-equal rights were granted to all-included free blacks, ex-slaves, and was also very important for immigrants. changed how people were treated and viewed. EV-the dred scott case was reversed with this, anyone born in the us or naturalized is a citizen, no matter what. included everyone, for a first. 3) racial issues. EV-repealed the 3/5s clause, which makes everyone equal in the eyes of the law. EV-it extended the bill of rights to state and local rather than just federal. particular states can't pass laws prohibiting people of other races to do activities. inspiration for the 19th amendment of women's suffrage, too.

1. assess the importance of the battles of antietam, vicksburg, and atlanta to the political and military situation of the confederacy and the union during the civil war.

the monumental battles of antietam, vicksburg, and atlanta are seen as major turning points of the war, giving the union more power and weakening the confederate military. 1)EV-the bloodiest single day in the civil war at antietam. intense fighting on both sides, turned for union. made impossible for confederate help from other nations and brought down politcal credibility EV-release of emancipation proclamation after victory on january 1, 1863. also mcclellan stuff 2)vicksburg. fulfilled part of union military strategy. EV-succeeded in taking the mississippi river and dividing the south. confederate military and civilian support brought down EV-attempts to rescue failed and residents of vicksburg dug tunnels to escape bombardments. strengthens leadership. EV-gives grant reputation and puts him in a position of union leadership. 3) atlanata fulfilled union strategy in EV-taking the city of atlanta and the invaluable confederate supply lines. lowered southern morale and hurt supplies because EV-captured and burned atlanta to the ground and divided the south. helps lincoln get reelected to win and complete the war against EV- mcclellan in election of 1864.

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