APUSH Semester Review REAL

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The Stamp Act crisis was important in the coming of the American Revolution for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: A. American patriots realized that the British inflexibility made revolution virtually inevitable B. The colonist demonstrated their willingness to use violence rather than legal means to frustrate British policy. C. The crisis coincided with a British decision to Garrison regular troops in American cities. D. The British maintained that the colonies had no right to independence from parliamentary authority E. patriot leaders claimed that the act denied them their British birthrights.


"... the descendants of Africans who were imported into this country, and sold as slaves ... are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word 'citizens' in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States." The passage above is from which of the following? A.) Dred Scott v. Stanford B.) Marbury v. Madison C.) The liberty party platform D.) McCulloch v. Maryland E.) The Freedman's bureau active 1865


"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical." This statement reflects the view of A.) Thomas Jefferson B.) Alexander Hamilton C.) George Washington D.) John Adams E.) Andrew Jackson


"I shall strenuously contend for immediate enfranchisement of our slave population. I am aware that many object to the severity of my language, but is there not a cause for severity? On this subject I do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with moderation." A. William Lloyd Garrison B. Stephan A. Douglas C. George Fitzhugh D. Abraham Lincoln E. Daniel Webster


"In consequence of complaints which have been made of frauds, speculations, and monopolies in the purchase of public lands... the President of the United States has given directions and you are hereby instructed... to receive in payment of the public lands nothing except what is directed by the existing laws, viz: gold and silver..." The document in which the above statement appeared was issued during the presidential administration of A. Andrew Jackson B. Martin Van buren C. John Tyler D. James Monroe E. John Quincy Adams


An important consequence of the "tariff of abominations" (1828) is that it led to the A.enunciation of the doctrine of nullification B. Taxation of consumer items C. Reelection of Andrew Jackson D. Alliance of southern planters and western farmers E. Expansion of the new England text out industry


By the time of the Revolution, the American colonists had generally come to believe that creation of a republic would solve the problems of monarchical rule because a republic would establish A.) A small, limited government responsible to the people B.) A highly centralized government led by a social elite C.) A strong chief executive D.) unlimited male suffrage E.) A society in which there were no differences of rank and status


During the tenure of Chief Justice John Marshall, a principal effect of Supreme Court decisions was to A.) increase the authority of the federal courts over the States B.) increase the powers of the individual states C.) apply the bill of rights amendments as the restriction on state action D.) require the northern states to extend political rights to free blacks E.) extend to corporations that protection of the due process clause of the 14th amendment


Henry Clay's "American System" called for all of the following EXCEPT A. Sale of federal lands to finance higher education B. A tariff for the protection of industry C. Internal improvements at national government expense D. Greater reliance on domestic financial resources E. Increased trade among the sections of the nation


In the 1850's, the South differed from the North in that the South had A. Fewer European immigrants B. A better-developed transportation system C. A better-educated white population D. Less interest in evangelical religion E. More cities


In the 18th century, colonial Virginia and colonial Massachusetts were most alike in that both A. were royal colonies B. relied on the marketing of a single crop C. were heavily dependent on slave labor D. had an established Anglican church E. administered local government through justices of the peace


In the first half of the 19th century, Cherokee effort to retain their tribal lands in Georgia receive direct support from A. The United States Supreme Court B. The white residents of Oklahoma C. President Andrew Jackson D. The democratic press E. the United States Congress


John Marshall's opinions as a member of the Supreme Court were characterized by a A. Tendency to assert federal supremacy B. Strict construction of the Constitution C. Tendency to protect human rights at the expense of private property rights D. Reliance on Jeffersonian principles E. Preference for States' Rights.


One advantage the Confederacy held in the Civil War was that A.) The South had only to fight into the north wearied of the war, whereas North had to conquer the south in order to win B.) Southern railroads were less expensive than northern railroads were better organized and equipped C.) The port of New Orleans remain open to receive more materials from England and France D.) Southern cotton was indispensable to England textile manufactures E.) slave labor was readily transferable from Southern agriculture to southern industry


The "Great Awakening" refers to the A. wave of religious revivals that swept the colonies in the 1740's B. Growth of European awareness of the New World in the 1500s C. Impact of the enlightenment on colonial thought in the early 1700s D. Beginning the colonial movement toward independence from Great Britain E. Growth of technology that contributed to increased industrialization in the early 1800s


The American Transcendentalists may be characterized as which of the following? A.) A group of Northern intellectuals who shared a belief in the value of human intuition, the presence of divinity in nature, and an emotional comprehension of God B.) A religious sect that believed in the concept of sitting in the necessity of forgiveness C.) A number of loosely organized communitarians who engaged in sexual experiments outside the confines of marriage D.) A sect of former Unitarian ministers who excepted Christ to to send Earth within their lifetimes E.) A persecuted band who had to flee the west because of their unpopular ideas of polygamy and other unconventional practices


The Great Awakening in the American colonies in the mid-eighteenth century has all of the following consequences EXCEPT A. The renewed persecution of witches because of the height needed interest in the supernatural B. separatism and secession from establish churches, due to the democratizing effect of more accessible forms of piety. C. The growth of institutions of higher learning to fulfill the need for more ministers to spread the gospel D. A flourishing of the missionary spirit as an outgrowth of more intensive religious devotion and assurance. E. The lessening of doctrinal rigor and a concomitant appreciation for the more direct experiences of faith.


The Ordinances of 1785 and 1787 were notable accomplishments because they A.) initiated a territorial policy that provided for the orderly creation of new States B.) established the principle that Western lands are the join property of all the states C.) made possible a policy of Native American (Indian) relations that enabled new western areas to be settled peacefully D.) put lands into the hands of the actual settler rather than the speculator E.) where the basis for the future settlement of the dispute with Brittan ov


The Supreme Court declared an action by a state unconstitutional in all of the following EXCEPT A. Marbury V. Madison B. Fletcher v. Peck C. Dartmouth college v. Woodward D. Gibbons v. Ogden E. Lochner v. New York


The Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case in 1857 effectively repealed the A.) Missouri Compromise B.) Fugitive slave act C.) Ostend Manifesto D.) Wilmot Proviso E.) Eleventh Amendment to the Constitution


The drawing above has been cited as evidence of the nineteenth century middle-class view of the A. home as a refuge from the world rather than as a productive unit B. declining influence of women in the family structure C. economic value of children to families D. importance of religious education E.widening role of women in society


The illustration above was most likely meant to symbolize which of the following? A. The principles of republican agrarianism B. Improvements in agricultural technology C. Popular sovereignty D. Large-scale plains farming E. The cult of domesticity


The mercantilist system in the eighteenth century led to A. a subornation of the colonial economy to that of the mother country B. the restriction of governmental intervention in the economy C. the protection of Native Americans (Indians) from European economic exploitation D. the expansion of colonial manufacturing E. noncompetitive commercial relations among nations


The system of indentured labor used during the Colonial period had which of the following effects? A. it enabled poor people to seek opportunity in America B. it enabled England to deport most criminals C. it delayed the establishment of slavery in the south until about 1750 D. it facilitated the cultivation of cotton in the South E. it instituted social equality


Thomas Jefferson opposed some of Alexander Hamilton's programs because Jefferson believed that A.) Hamilton's programs favored wealthy financial interests B.) The common bond of the substantial national debt with served to unify the different states C.) The French alliance threaten to spread the violence of the French Revolution to the US D.) The federal government should encourage manufacturing and industry E.) Hamiltons programs were weakening the military strength of the nation


To make the new government viable, the first Congress of the United States did all of the following EXCEPT A. grant subsidies to encourage industrial development B. organize a federal court system under the Supreme Court C. draft a bill of rights and send it to the States of ratification D. pass a tariff of the purpose of raising revenue E. establish the State Department


Under Chief Justice Marshall, Supreme Court decisions tended to A.) promote business enterprise B.) restrict federal powers of taxation C.) restrict corporate development D.) expand state control of economic activity E.) reduce federal control of the economy


When Thomas Jefferson said in 1801, "We are all republicans - we are all federalists," he meant that A. The principles of American government were above party politics B. Americans would never alley themselves with monarchial governments C. federalist would be appointed to his cabinet D. The two parties platforms were identical E. he admired Hamilton's policies


Which of the following best describes the position on slavery of most Northerners during the sectional crises of the 1850s? A.) they were willing to except slavery where it existed but opposed further expansion to the territories B.) they were active supporters of complete abolition C.) they favored continued importation of slaves from Africa D.) they advocated expansion of the slave system to provide cheap labor for northern factories E.) they advocated complete social and political equality for all races in the United States


Which of the following best explains why Massachusetts Bay officials banished Anne Hutchinson? A.) she challenged gender roles in Puritan orthodoxy B.) she was found guilty of practicing witchcraft C.) she preach the doctrine of predestination D.) she gave birth to a child out of wedlock E.) she opened the unlicensed tavern


Which of the following groups was LEAST likely to respond with enthusiasm to the religious fervor of the Great Awakening in the 1730's and 1740's? A. Established merchants in cities like Boston and Philadelphia B. Presbyterians in the southern colonies C. Backwoods farmers isolated on the colonial frontier D. Landless sons in England communities E. Itinerant preachers unable to find permanent parishes for themselves


Which of the following had the greatest impact on the institution of slavery in the United States in the first quarter of the nineteenth century? A.) invention of the cotton gin B.) Demands of Southern textile manufactures for cotton C.) Introduction of crop rotation and fertilizers D.) Use of more stringent techniques of slave control E.) the "three-fifths" compromise


Which of the following is correct about the tariffs passed during the period 1816-1828 A. They were the first tariffs whose major purpose was protection B. They reduced barriers to free trade C. They were supported by all sections of the nation D. Their constitutionality was tested in the courts E. They were primarily intended as revenue-raising measures


Which of the following moved in greatest numbers into Appalachia as the American Indians of the region were defeated? A. Scotch-Irish, German, and English immigrants B. Immigrants from Sweden C. Slaveholders, indentured servant, and slaves from coastal plantations D. Puritans from New England E. White immigrants from the west Indies


Which of the following resulted from the policies of the Andrew Jackson administration? A. The number of banks, each issuing its own paper currency, increased B. A central bank was established C. The value of paper currency issued by individual banks became uniform D. A nationwide banking system was begun E. Federal fiscal activities begin linked to a system of federal banks


Which of the following statements about the Dred Scott decision is correct? A. It stated that black people were not citizens of the United States B. It recognized the power of congress to prohibit slavery in the territories, but refused on technical grounds to free Scott C. It upheld the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise D. It upheld the principle of popular sovereignty E. It freed Scott, but not other spaces in circumstances similar to Scott's


Which of the following states the principle of "popular sovereignty?" A. The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery shall be permitted. B. Congress has the right to decide where slavery shall and shall not exist C. Individual citizens can decide for themselves whether or not to hold slaves D. The American people shall decide where slavery will exist through a national plebiscite E. Individual states have the right to reject congressional decisions to slavery


Which of the following was a characteristic of colonial Pennsylvania? A. there was no established church B. founder William Penn endorsed a policy of removing Native Americans to the western region of the colony. C. Poor farmland in the back country aggravated the colonies economic woes D. all white males could vote E. The office of governor was an elective post


Which of the following was true of a married woman in the colonial era? A. she generally lost control of her property when she married B. she would be sentenced to debtors prison for debts incurred by her husband C. she could though as her husband's proxy in elections D. she was the primary beneficiary by law of her husband's estate


Which of the following was true of the Northeast American Indian tribes at the time Europeans first began colonization? A. their political and linguistic differences hindered their united opposition to the Europeans B. their economies depended entirely on hunting and gathering C. their populations were immune to European disease D. their warriors rarely engaged in intertribal warfare E. their culture made no distinction between men's work and woman's work


all of the following statements about pre-Civil war American slavery are true EXCEPT A. Because of the relative ease with which slaves could gain their freedom by manumission or by purchase, the proportion of freedom to slaves was almost equal in many areas of the South B. Although experience varied from one plantation to another, investments in slaves generally yielded rates of return equal to or better than other forms of investment of comparable risk in the pre-Civil war American economy C. Although Southern legal codes did not uniformly provide for the legalization and stability of slave marriage, slaves were generally able to marry, and the institution of marriage was common on Southern Plantations. D. Although slaves were mainly employed in agriculture, by the 1850s they also were employed as construction workers and industrial laborers. E. Despite the geographical diffusion of slavery throughout the South, at no time did the majority of white families in the South own slaves.


Adopted the Continental Association as a plan for commercial nonintercourse with England A.) First Continental Congress B.) Second Continental Congress C.) Declaratory Act D.) Intolerable Acts E.) Constitutional Convention


Declared an act of the Georgia legislature unconstitutional as a violation of contract A. Fletcher v. Peck B. Gibbons v. Ogden C. Hammer v. Daggenhart D. McCulloch v Maryland E. Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge

A (Pecks declare)

"... if the people of a territory want slavery, they have a right to have it, and if they do not want it, no power on earth can force it upon them. I hold that there is no principle on earth more sacred to all the friends of freedom than that which says that no institution, no law, no constitution, would be forced on an unwilling people contrary to their wishes..." A. William Lloyd Garrison B. Stephan A. Douglas C. George Fitzhugh D. Abraham Lincoln E. Daniel Webster


"In the new Code of Law which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make I desire you would remember the Ladies." The appeal quoted above was made by A.) Judith Sargent Murray B.) Abigail Adams C.) Philip Freneau D.) Mercy Otis Warren E.) Thomas Paine


"Let me... warn you in the most solemn manner against the ruinous effects of the spirit of party... The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension... is itself a frightful despotism." This statement reflected which of the following political positions? A.) Abraham Lincoln's reaction to the southern threats of secession B.) George Washington's concern about the development of political parties during his administration C.) Ulysses S Grant reaction to the disclosure of corruption in the Republican Party D.) Andrew Jackson's disparagement in the anti-Masonic party E.) John C Calhoun's explanation of the reasons of his withdraw from the presidential campaign of 1824


Although Congress accepted most of Alexander Hamilton's economic proposals, it rejected his A. Report on the public credit B. call for direct subsidies to manufacturers C. Plans for a bank of United States D. Call for a whiskey tax E. Call for a Tariff


Andrew Johnson's conception of what was to be done following the Civil War is best described by the term A. "squatter sovereignly" B. "restoration" C. "scalawag supremacy" D. "reconstruction" E. "forty acres and a mule"


Between 1820 and 1844, The Native American (Indian) population east of the Mississippi River decrease from 125,000 to 30,000. This decrease is best explained by the A.) Indians' preference for western lands B.) removal of Indians by the federal government C.) famine brought about by the disappearance of the buffalo herds D.) slaughter of thousands of warriors in battle E.) intermarriage and assimilation of Indians into American culture


Constitution specifically gave Congress the power to A.) prohibit the interstate slave trade of 1808 B.) prohibit the importation of slaves as of 1808 C.) emancipated slaves with compensation to their owners D.) return freed slaves to Africa E.) prevent the spread of slavery to the territories


Daniel Webster's address to the Senate in 1830 in reply to Senator Hayne is bets remembered for its A. attack on the Tariff of Abominations B. defense of the principle of national union C. assertion of the idea of states' rights D. apology for New England's disloyalty in the war of 1812 E. praise for President Andrew Jackson


During the War for Independence, the principal reason the American government sought diplomatic recognition from foreign powers was to A. Rally all the states behind a common cause B. facilitate the purchase of arms and borrowing of money from other nations C. Convince the British of the justice of the American cause D. Make it easier to levy taxes on the citizens of the several states E. Allow Von Struben, Lafayette, and other Europeans to join the American army


France assisted the american colonies in their struggle for independence against Great Britain mainly because of A. Frances enthusiasm for the cause of liberty and republicanism B. Frances desire to avenge recent defeats at the hands of Great Britain C. Skillful american diplomacy D. Frances desire to monopolize the lucrative american trade E. Diplomatic pressure from Spain


Harvard College and Yale College were established primarily to A. Train lawyers and doctors B. ensure an adequate supply of minsters C. Encourage scientific advances D. Prepare young men for political leadership E. Preserve the traditions of classical scholarship


In addition to the cotton gin, Eli Whitney's major contribution to American technology was his A. Development from the first practical locomotive B. introduction to interchangeable parts C. Invention of the mechanical reaper D. Installation of the first textile mill E. Development of steam power


In adopting the Fourteenth Amendment, Congress was primarily concerned with A.protecting the powers of the southern state governments established under Andrew Johnson B. protecting legislation guaranteeing civil rights to the former slaves C. Ending slavery D. Guaranteeing all citizens the right to vote E. Establishing the Freedmen's Bureau


In part, President Lincoln refrained from taking action to emancipate slaves until the Civil War had been in progress for almost two years because A.) slavery still exists in most northern states B.) he sought to retain the loyalty of the border states C.) Congress had not grant 20th already D.) he was preparing a plant to send all the slaves to Liberia E.) he feared a hostile reaction on the part of the British and French


In the pre-Civil War era, the railroad's most important impact on the economy was the A.) creation of a huge new market for railroad equipment B.) accessibility to Eastern urban markets provided to Midwestern farmers C.) creation of the basis for greater cooperation between Southern planters and Northerns textile manufacturers D.) generation of new employment opportunities for unskilled urban workers E.) participation of the federal government in the financing of a nationwide transportation network


It is popularly believed that Patrick Henry, in his speech against the Stamp Act of 1765, implied that George III would be assassinated, and then concluded with the phrase, "If this be treason, make the most of it." Four differing reports of this speech, who of which omit the concluding phrase, are found in the following sources: the diary of a Frenchman who was an eyewitness and described the event the same day; a letter printed in a London newspaper about six weeks later; a history of Virginia written in 1805; and a note written in 1817 by Thomas Jefferson, who was also an eyewitness. Which of the following facts casts the greatest doubt on the accuracy of Jefferson's note confirming the concluding phrase of Henry's speech? A. Jefferson and Henry had each served as governor of Virginia B. Jefferson's note was written fifty-two years after the speech was delivered C. Jefferson was only twenty-two in 1765 D. Jefferson's note was written to a man who was writing a biography of Henry E.Jefferson was not actually a member of the House of Burgesses in 1765


Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the New World, was founded by A.) three aristocratic proprietors seeking private gain B.) a joint stock company anxious to return a profit to investors C.) Sir Walter Raleigh, wishing to give favor with Elizabeth D.) King James I, eager to gain a base of expeditions again Spanish shipping E.) John Smith, seeking to spread Christianity


Marbury v. Madison (1803) is famous for establishing the principle of A.) the sanctity of contracts B.) judicial review C.) the supremacy of the executive over the legislative branch D.) due process of law E.) equal access by any citizen to federal courts


Of the following, which was the principle issue on which the United States sought settlement with Great Britain at the outset of the War of 1812? A. A guarantee of new England fishing rights off newfound land B. an end to impressment C. free navigation of the Mississippi River D. cancellation of pre-Revolutionary debts E. access to trade it with the British West Indie


President Jackson's Native American (Indian) policy resulted in which of the following? A.) Jackson's loss of popularity in the country B.) The removal of the Cherokee from the Southeast to settlements across the Mississippi C.) The first efforts to grant citizenship to Native Americans D.) The division of tribal lands into small units and their allotment to heads of families in each tribe E.) Widespread uprising among the Sioux in the Dakota territory


Shays' Rebellion frightened many Americans when A.) city mobs raided flour supplies in Philadelphia B.) debt-ridden farmers attacked courts in western Massachusetts C.) native Americans raided frontier settlements in Virginia D.) squatters terrorized proprietors in New York E.) Vigilantes in South Carolina patrolled the frontier


The "Three-Fifths Compromise" originally contained in the Constitution referred to the A.) proportion of states permitted to practice slavery B.) rate it which one slaves counted toward congressional representation C.) number of African Americans who could vote D.) number of adult women who could vote E.) number of Native Americans allowed citizenship


The Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862, is considered pivotal to the outcome of the Civil War because it A. represented the Unions deepest trust into Southern territory B. forestalled the possibility of European intervention C. resulted in the border states joining the confederacy D. marked the first use of black troops by the Union Army E. confirm George McClellan's status as the leading Union general


The Halfway Covenant provided for which of the following? A. The granting of suffrage to nonchurch members B. The baptism of children of baptized but converted Puritans C. The expansion of women's power within the Congregational church D. The granting of full membership in the Congregational church to all new Englanders E. The posting of banns by engaged couples


The Radicals in Congress after the Civil War generally believed that A. the south would accept their Reconstruction plan B. the federal government should enforce political equality for the freedmen C. the freedmen were not yet ready for the responsibility of citizenship D. political considerations should not affect Reconstruction policies E. Lincoln's plan of Reconstruction was a proper model to follow


The United States reversed it's earlier refusal and proceeded to annex Texas for all the following reasons EXCEPT A.) England was showing a strong interest in preserving an independent Texas B.) A Mexican Army was on its way toward Texas to reconquer it C.) The activities of British abolitionists in regard to Texas were considered a threat to the security of the South D.) The President-elect had been on an expansionist platform E.) An independent Texas was becoming a rival source of cotton


The call for the "immediate and uncompensated emancipation of the slaves" is associated with the position of A. The free soil party B. William Lloyd garrison in The Liberator C. The evangelical churches in both the North and South D. Ibrahim Lincoln and his debate with Stephen Douglas at Freeport, Illinois E. John Quincy Adams in his demands to repeal the "gag rule"


The establishment of Brook Farm and the Oneida Community in the antebellum United States reflected A. The influence of social Darwinism on American thinkers B. The blossoming of perfectionist aspirations C. The continued impact of Calvinist ideas on American thought D. Attempts to foster racial integration E. The implementation of Masonic schemes for social improvement


The graph above refutes which of the following statements? A. There were more black people than white people in the antebellum South B. Most southern families held slaves C. Most southern families lived in rural areas D. The southern population was much smaller than that of the North E. Slaveholders were an extremely powerful group


When the Emancipation Proclamation was issued at the beginning of 1863, its immediate effect was to A. End the Civil War B. Strengthen the moral cause of the Union C. Abolish slavery D. Free slaves held in the border states E. Alienate Brittan and


Which of the following achievements of the "carpetbag" governments survived the "Redeemer" administrations? A. Participation by both whites and African Americans in local government B. Establishment of a public school system C. Election of African American majorities to State legislatures D. Establishment of a vigorous Republican Party in the South E. Opening of public facilities to African Americans


Which of the following is a correct statement about the use of slave labor in colonial Virginia? A.) It was forced on reluctant white Virginians by profit-minded English merchants and the mercantilist officials of the crown. B.) It spread rapidly in the late seventeenth century, as blacks displaced white indentured servants in the tobacco fields. C.) It was the first case in which Europeans enslaved blacks D.) It fulfilled the original plans of the Virginia Company E.) It first occurred after the invention of Eli Whitney's cotton gin, which greatly stimulated the demand for low-cost labor.


Which of the following is a true statement about the Treaty of Paris that ended the American Revolution? A.) it resulted in the return of all property and confiscated from loyalist by individual American states during the war B.) it recognize United States sovereignty over territory east of the Mississippi, between the Great Lakes in Florida C.) it let speedy withdrawal of all British troops for American soil D.) American negotiators consistently follow the guidelines specified by the constitutional congress E.) The only parties to the treaty with Great Britain and allied nations, the United States and France


Which of the following statements about he Monroe Doctrine is accurate? A. It was announced by the president over the serious objections to Secretary of State John Quincy Adams B. It stressed that European and the Western Hemisphere had essentially different political systems C. It was issued simultaneously with a British policy statement on Latin America D. It was immediately excepted E. It was promptly challenged militarily by the "Concert of Europe"


Promulgated the Articles of Confederation A.) First Continental Congress B.) Second Continental Congress C.) Declaratory Act D.) Intolerable Acts E.) Constitutional Convention


Ruled that a State's power over commerce could not interfere with federal control over interstate commerce A. Fletcher v. Peck B. Gibbons v. Ogden C. Hammer v. Daggenhart D. McCulloch v Maryland E. Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge

B (Ogden obsessed with COMMERCE)

"Goaded to desperation by the tactics of the frontier trappers and traders, affronted by the refusal of the English to continue the French practice of annual gifts, and foreseeing the crowding of the territory by English settlers, the Indians of the Ohio valley formed a grand confederacy under the leadership of the chief of the Ottawa." The situation identified above led to A.) King Phillips war (1765) B.) The French and Indian war (1754) C.) Pontiac's conspiracy (1763) D.) The Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768) E.) Battle of fallen Timbers (1794)


A major defect in the national government established by the Articles of Confederation was that it lacked A. a means of amending the Articles B. to power to declare war C. the authority to tax D. the authority to make treaties E. a legislative branch


According to Alexis day Tocqueville in Democracy in America, American individualism arose as a result of A. limited geographic mobility B. the uneven distribution of wealth C. the absence of an aristocracy D. urbanization E. the Enlightenment


After the Dred Scott case was decided, Stephen Douglas did which of the following? A. praised the decision in the case as a perfect expression of his doctrine of popular sovereignty B. believed there was no practical way in which the people of a territory could exclude slavery C. Continued to believe that the people of a territory could exclude slavery if they wished to do so D. supported the view held by southern fire eaters concerning slavery in the territories E. Called for chief Justice Taney's removal


All of the following led Congress to impose Radical Reconstruction measures EXCEPT the A. enactment of Black codes by southern legislates B. outbreak of race riots in new orleans and memphis C. massive exodus of former slaves from the South D. election of former Confederates to congress E. response of Southern Legislatures to the fourteenth amendment


All of the following were major factors in purchase a precipitating the formation of the first party system, which included the federalist and Jeffersonian Republicans, EXCEPT A.) attitude toward England B.) policy with respect to the public debt C.) attitude toward slavery D.) viewpoints about the extension of central government power E.) opinion about the French Revolution


American leaders during the Revolutionary period were profoundly influenced by British thinkers who stressed A.) direct democracy B.) the divine right of kings C.) the natural rights of man D.) the natural unity of church and state E.) the organic concept of the state


Asserted the right of Parliament to legislate all matters regarding the colonies A.) First Continental Congress B.) Second Continental Congress C.) Declaratory Act D.) Intolerable Acts E.) Constitutional Convention


Before 1861 the Republican party's view on the slavery issue was best characterized by which of the following? A.) slavery should be permitted to continue only in those areas where it was economically profitable B.) slavery should be extended westward only in the area south of 36° 30' C.) Slavery should be permitted only in those areas where it already existed D.) slavery should be abolished by constitutional amendment E.) slavery should be extended only on the basis of popular sovereignty


Colonial cities functioned primarily as A. Places where most poor immigrants settle and worked as independent artisans B. Centers where large scale financial and banking operations were conducted C. Mercantile centers for collecting agricultural goods and distributing imported manufactured goods D. Places to which wage earners commuted from numerous surrounding communities E. Centers of light manufacturing


Desist of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries believed that A.) Prayer has been the power do make significant changes in a persons life B.) The idea of God is merely the childish imagining of simple minds C.) Natural laws, set by the creator, govern the operation of the universe D.) The universe was created by a natural, spontaneous combining of elements. E.) Intuition rather than reason leads human beings to an awareness of the divine


France's support for the United States during the American Revolutionary War was motivated primarily by A.) enthusiasm for the revolutionary principles espoused by the Americans B.) A desire to regain Canada in the Florida's C.) a desire to weaken its rival, Great Britain D.) pressures from its ally, Spain E.) The hope of converting the United States into a French dependency


If the following bills had been introduced in Congress about 1796, which would most Federalists probably have voted for and Republicans against? I. Government aid to American Shipping II. Increasing the appropriation for military purposes III. Increasing domestic federal taxation IV. a homestead bill granting free land to settlers A. I and II only B. III and IV only C. I, II, and III only D. II, III, and IV only E. I, II, III and IV on


In consequence of complaints which have been made of frauds, speculations, and monopolies in the purchase of public lands... the President of the United States has given directions and you are hereby instructed... to receive in payment of the public lands nothing except what is directed by the existing laws, viz: gold and silver..." Issuance of the document which contained the statement above resulted in A. the beginning of an inflationary spiral B. and increase in the sale of public lands C. the revelation of the instability of many small western banks. D. the retention of gold supplies in the East E. the destruction of the second bank of the united states


In the early 1830's, the majority of workers in the textile mills of Massachusetts were A. newly arrived immigrants from Ireland B. men who were heads of households C. Young unmarried woman from rural New England D. married woman whose children were of school age E. free African-Americans from urban areas


James Madison, in The Federalist paper number 10, stated that representative government would work in the United States because A.) American leaders were of high moral character B.) The stimulation of Industri would produce essential government revenue C.) A republic spread over a large territory would discourage the formation of effective political factions D.) The United States had retained all important British political institutions with the exception of the monarchy E.) The United States would never experience the growth of different socioeconomic classes


Of the following, the most threatening problem for the union from 1861 through 1863 was A. Spanish intervention in Santo Domingo B. French objections to the Union blockade C. Possible British recognition of the Confederacy D. British insistence on the abolition of slavery E. British objections to the union position on "continuous voyage"


Parliament enacted the Stamp Act (1765) primarily to A.) regulate trade between the colonies of European nations B.) strengthen the communication network within the colonies C.) raise revenue to pay for British troops in the colonies D.) regulate commercial activity within the colonies E.) control population movement to the colonial back country


The are marked X on the map was part of A. Massachusetts' Western Reserve B. The Northwest Territory C. The Louisiana Territory D. The Mexican Cession E. The Oregon Country


The early Virginia colony began to grow and prosper when A.) The Native Americans (Indians) were moved to reservations west of the appellation Mountains B.) The defeat of the Spanish Armada into the threat of foreign intervention C.) the settlers found they could export tobacco on the profitable basis D.) quinine was introduced to con that malaria E.) Broyles fletch Virginia following their defeat in the English Civil War


The first attempt to apply the doctrine of popular sovereignty in determining the status of slavery occurred in A.) Texas B.) California C.) Kansas D.) Missouri E.) Oregon


The map above shows the United States immediately following the A.) passage of the Northwest ordinance B.) negotiation of the Adams-Onis treaty C.) passage of the Missouri compromise D.) settlement of the Mexican war E.) passage of the compromise of 1850


The people who settled New England in the seventeenth century were known as Puritans from their attempt to purify the A.) Roman Catholic Church B.) Parliament of England C.) Church of England D.) methodist church E.) morals of the English


Which of the following best describes the policy of the government of Mexico toward Texas? A. It try to sell Texas to the United States at the time of the Louisiana purchase B. It governed Texas with stringent regulations in the 1820s C. It encouraged American settlement in Texas in the 1820's and early 1830's D. It encourage the establishment of a strong local government in Texas in the mid-1830s E. It favored the annexation of the republic of Texas by the United States in the 1830s and early 1840s


Which of the following describes "the Lowell system" in early nineteenth-century New England? A. An agreement among the New England states to secede and form a new England confederacy B. A reform eliminating property holding as a qualification for voting C. A plan to promote and expand textile manufacturing activities D. A strategy to defend New England during the war of 1812 E. A congressional reappointment plan during the 1820s


Which of the following did NOT contribute to the United States decision to declare war against Great Britain in 1812? A.) American concern for national honor B.) The impressment of American seamen C.) American military and economic preparedness for war D.) British interference with United States commerce E.) American fears of British aid to Native Americans (Indians) on the frontier


Which of the following if true of the slave system in the 18th century British North America? A. The slave system was legal only in the Southern colonies B. Indentured servants increasingly replaced slaves in the southern colonies C. Slave owners gained increased legal power over their slaves D. Most slaves worked on cotton plantations E. All the southern colonies passed laws against freeing slaves


Which of the following provided sources of revenue for the federal government in the period from 1800 to 1860? I. Income tax II. Sales tax III. Customs duties IV. Land sales V. Real estate taxes A.) I and II only B.) I and III only C.) III and IV only D.) II and IV only E.) III, IV, and V only


Which of the following was true of the Continental Congress in its drafting of the Articles of Confederation? A. It gave Congress the exclusive right to issue currency B. It gave the national court system the power to review both national and State Law C. It was cautious about giving the new government powers it had just denied Parliament D. It gave Congress control of interstate commerce E. It rejected the arguments of men like Samuel Adams and Richard Henry Lee who feared strong governments


Which of the following would most likely have expressed opposition to the idea of Manifest Destiny? A. advocates of the foreign-policy of Secretary of State William H Seward. B. voters for James K Polk in 1844. C. members of the wig party in Congress during the Mexican war. D. supporters of the treaty of Paris of 1783 E. supporters of the Ostend manifesto


"The Negro slaves of the South are the happiest, and in some sense, the freest people in the world. They enjoy liberty, because they're oppressed neither by care nor labor. The free laborer must work or starve. He is more a slave than the Negro." A. William Lloyd Garrison B. Stephan A. Douglas C. George Fitzhugh D. Abraham Lincoln E. Daniel Webster


"Let it not be said I am contending for the establishment of political and social equality between the whites and blacks. I have already said the contrary. I am not now combating the argument of NECESSITY, arising from the fact that the blacks are already amongst us; but I am combating what I set up as MORAL argument for allowing them to be taken where they have yet been- arguing against the EXTENSION of a bad thing, which where it already exists we must of necessity, manage as best we can." A. William Lloyd Garrison B. Stephan A. Douglas C. George Fitzhugh D. Abraham Lincoln E. Daniel Webster


"That it be and hereby is recommended to the legislatures of the several states represented in this convention, to adopt all such measures as may be necessary effectually to protect the citizens of said states from the operation and effects of all acts which have been or may be passed by the Congress of the United States, which shall contain provisions, subjecting the militia or other citizens to forcible drafts, conscriptions, or impressments, not authorized by the Constitution of the United States." This resolution was adopted by the A. Albany Congress B. Congress of the Confederation C. Constitutional Convention D. Hartford Convention E. Congress of the Confederate States of America


A Maryland master placed the following newspaper advertisement in 1772 after Harry, his slave, had run away: "He has been seed about the Negro Quarters in Patuxent, but is supposed to have removed among his Acquaintances on Potomack; he is also well acquainted with a Negro of Mr. Wall's named Rachael; a few miles from that Quarter is his Aunt, and he may possible be harbored thereabouts." Which of the following statements about conditions under slavery is best supported by the passage above? A. Slaves had no opportunity to development their own culture and society B. Slaves commonly formed settlements of their own away from the plantations C. Slaves lived entirely independently of their masters D. Slaves maintained social networks among kindred and friends despite forced separations E. Slaves frequently associated with free black people


A major effect of Nat Turner's revolt on the South was A. A call for the strengthening of federal garrisons B. A reduction in the amount of cotton produced C. A call for no slaveholding white farmers to migrate to the South D. Stringent enforcement of the Black Codes E. A rise in the use of white indentured laborers


A major reason why Thomas Jefferson was interested in purchasing Louisiana from France was that he A. Wanted to establish a precedent for the expansion of presidential authority B. Wanted an area beyond the Mississippi River to which Easter Native Americans (Indians) could be moved C. He learned from Lewis and Clark of the untapped mineral resources in western areas D. hoped to preserve an agricultural society by making abundant lands available to future generations E. Hoped to cement a Franco-American alliance against the British


Disestablishment of the Anglican church in Virginia in 1785 meant that A.) all lands held by the church were confiscated and sold B.) other Protestant sects were free, for the first time, to worship in public C.) oaths on the Bible could no longer be given in Virginia courts D.) tax money was no longer used to support the church E.) schools controlled by the church had to close


For colonists in America, the most important result of the British victory in the Seven Year's War (1756-1763) was the A.) acquisition of large amounts of French military supplies B.) opening the Western lands to settlement C.) reduction of taxes and import duties D.) decision in London to make the colonies pay for their own governance and defense E.) increasing opportunities for colonist to receive royal appointments


From the table above, which of the following can be concluded about New York City businessmen in the period 1828-1851? I. A majority supported Andrew Jackson but did not support Martin Van Buren II. They became politically more active during Andrew Jackson's presidency III. A majority failed to identify with a political party A.) I only B.) I and II only C.) I and III only D.) II and III only E.) I, II, and III


In 1787-1789, which of the following groups was most likely to oppose ratification of the Constitution? A. export merchants B. former officers in the continental Army C. Southern planters D. farmers in isolated areas E. urban Artisans


In the colonial period, Quakers were known for all the following EXCEPT their A. acceptance of a greater role for women in public worship B. opposition to the institution of slavery C. advocacy of freedom of worship D. refusal to pay taxes E. refusal to bear arms


In the presidential campaign of 1860, which of the following positions was asserted by the Republican party platform with respect to slavery? A. Slavery should be abolished immediately by the federal government B. The extension of slavery to other countries should be prohibited C. The Missouri Compromise line (36 degrees 30') should be extended to the pacific ocean, and slavery should be prohibited in territories above that line D. The extension of slavery to United States territories should be prohibited by the federal government, but slavery should be protected in the States where it already existed E.The gradual emancipation of the slaves should begin, and the federal government should compensate slave owners for the loss of slave property


Members of the Hudson River School were best known for their paintings of A.) portraits B.) battle scenes C.) Sporting scenes D.) landscapes E.) still life


Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy, and Washington, the capital of the union, we're only 100 miles apart. Yet for nearly four years neither the Confederate nor the Union armies would capture the others capital mainly because A. each army was primarily concerned with the western theater and only secondarily interested in capturing the others capital B. each army was afraid of the other C. The Appalachian Mountains form a natural barrier between the two cities D. The natural path of armies between the capitals was hampered by the wind rivers and estuaries E. neither Jefferson Davis more Abraham Lincoln sanctioned a policy of invasion of the enemies population center


Ruled that the power of a State to tax a federal instrumentality implied the power to destroy that instrumentality and, therefore, that such taxation was unconstitutional A. Fletcher v. Peck B. Gibbons v. Ogden C. Hammer v. Daggenhart D. McCulloch v Maryland E. Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge


The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, the Hartford Convention, and the South Carolina Exposition and Protest were similar in that all involved a defense of A.) freedom of the seas B.) freedom of speech C.) the institution of slavery D.) states' rights E.) presidential power in foreign affairs


The Northwest Ordinances did which of the following? A. Provided for the annexation of the Oregon Territory B. Established reservations for native americans C. Granted settlers a free homestead of 160 acres D. Established the terms for settlement and admission of new States E. Banned slavery north of the 36 30' line


The Republican platform of 1860 included planks on all of the following EXCEPT A.) a transcontinental railroad B.) a liberal homestead C.) a high tariff law D.) the immediate emancipation of the slaves E.) the admission of Kansas to the Union as a slave state


The colonists of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island had which of the following in common? A.) they were founded by Quakers B.) they were settled primarily by non-Englishmen C.) they were settled by emigrants from other colonies D.) They were founded as refuges from religious persecution E.) they were strongly opposed to the institution of slavery


The dramatic increase in the South's slave labor force between 1810 and 1860 was due to A. An increase in the African slave trade B. The importation of slaves from the west Indies C. An increase in the severity fugitive slave laws D. the natural population increase of American-born slaves E. The acquisition of Louisiana


The first Great Awakening was A.) A slave rebellion in colonial South Carolina B.) in 18th-century religious movement among Native Americans (Indians) C.) The flowering of enlightenment political thought in colonial America D.) a religious revival that occurred throughout the American colonies E.) an early colonial protest against English imperial policy


The map above shows the United States as it appeared in A. 1784 B. 1800 C. 1812 D. 1821 E. 1845


The primary objective of the founders of the Know-Nothing party was the A.) abolition slavery B.) establish of free public schools C.) improvement the factory working D.) restriction of the rights of immigrants E.) prohibition of communitarian experiments


The primary objective of the founders of the Know-Nothing party was the A. Abolition of slavery B. Establishment of free public schools C. Improvement the factory working conditions D. restriction of the rights of immigrants E. Prohibition of communitarian experiments


The rough map above was used by Thomas Jefferson to A.) Plot American military strategy during the Revolution B.) Give Lewis and Clark their instructions for Exploration of the Mississippi C.) Plan a system of frontier fortifications D.) Begin planning the division of federal lands into new States E.) Organize voluntary militia during the Black Hawk War


The wealthiest people in pre-revolutionary America were primarily? A) lawyers doctors and other professionals B.) local government officials C.) Industrialists D.) Northern merchants and Southern planters E.) inland farmers


Which of the following is a correct statement about the "Black Codes" enacted in the South after the Civil War? A. They reflected the determination of Southerners whites to prevent exploitation of former slaves B. they gave former slaves the vote but not "forty acres and a mule" C. They were used to facilitate the migration of former slaves to the north D. They prompted congressional Republicans to demand harsher measures against the South. E. They were designed by President Johnson


Which of the following most accurately describes the attitude of the Founding Fathers toward political parties? A. Parties are engines of democracy that provide citizens with a voice in government B. Parties are necessary evils in any republic C. In a large republic, parties are the bet means of creating effective coalitions of interest groups D. Parties are vehicles of ambition and selfish interest that threaten the existence of republican government E. he believed that he could negotiate successfully with France


Which of the following most likely increased Mexican suspicion of United States territorial objectives in the 1830's and 1840's? A. Abolitionists agitation in the North B. Jackson's policy toward the annexation of Texas (1836-1837) C. The Webster- Ashburton Treaty D. Rhetoric on "manifest destiny" in the American Press E. Clay's speeches in the campaign of 1844


Which of the following stressed the importance of individual inspiration, self-reliance, dissent, and nonconformity? A. George Whitefield B. James Fenimore Cooper C. Joseph Smith D. Ralph Waldo Emerson E. Abigail Adams


Which of the following supplied the largest number of immigrants to the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century? A. England B. Africa C. The German states D. Ireland E. The Netherlands


Why did Congressional Reconstruction end in 1877? A. B. the treaty ending the civil war had set such a time limit C. Most of the politically active blacks had left the south for Northern cities D. The Republican and Democratic parties effected a compromise agreement after the 1876 presidential election E. The United States needed the troops stationed in the South to confront the French in Mexico


Which of the following was a widely held belief among the Founding Fathers of the United States? A. direct democracy is superior to representative government B. Political parities and an inevitable outgrowth of the republican party C. Universal manhood suffrage is essential to a free government D. Widespread ownership of property is a bulwark of republican government E. The separation of legislative, executive, and judicial functions leads to governmental chaos


The French and Indian War was a pivotal point in Americas relationship to Great Britain because it led Great Britain to A.) Encourage colonial manufactures B.) Restrict emigration from England C.) Ignore the colonies D.) Impose revenue taxes on the colonies E.) Grant increased colonial self-government


The North's advantages over the South at the outbreak of the Civil War included all of the following EXCEPT A.) more substantial industrial resources B.) a more extensive railroad network C.) dominance in foreign trade D.) greater agreement over war aims E.) naval supremacy


The 1848 women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York, was a protest against A. The use of women in textile factories B. The abuse of slave women on Southern Plantations C. The failure of the Democratic Party to endorse D. Customs and laws that gave women a status inferior to that of men E. State restrictions that prevented women from joining labor unions


The major purpose of England's mercantilist policy was to A. Protect the infant industries of England's young colonies B. Discourage other European powers from colonizing North America C. Reduce the need fro an overseas empire D. Open the Atlantic to free trade E. Increase England's prosperity


"The prevailing ideas entertained by... most of the leading statesman at the time of the formation of the old Constitution were that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally, and politically.... Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; it's cornerstone rests upon the great truth that the Negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition." This quotation refers to the A. replacement of the articles of Confederation by the Constitution of 1787 B. resolutions of the Hartford convention C. enactment of the Missouri compromise D. decision by the Supreme Court in Dred Scott vs Sanford E. adoption of the Constitution of the Confederate States of America


All of the following conditions influenced the development of American agriculture during the first half of the nineteenth century EXCEPT A.) a government policy favoring rapid settlement of the public domain B.) the trend toward regional economic specialization C.) the enthusiasm for land speculation D.) improvements in transportation by water E.) a widespread interest in conserving soil and natural resources


All of the following reflected a states' rights position EXCEPT the A. Tenth Amendment B. Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions C. Hartford Convention D. South Carolina Exposition and Protest E. Fourteenth Amendment


An important reason for the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine was to A. end the United States alliance with France B. displace England as the chief creditor of the Latin-American countries C. counter British objections that would arise in any future United States effort to annex the West Indies or Canada D. prevent French interference in the internal affairs of Mexico E. protect republican institutions of government in the Western Hemisphere


Federal Reconstruction policies between 1867 and 1876 followed, for the most part, the wishes of A. President Abraham Lincoln B.President Andrew Johnson C. Southern plantation owners D. Northern Democrats in Congress E. Norther Republicans in Congress


The national governments under the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution of the United States were alike with respect to the A.) Power to tax B.) Power to control commerce C.) executive power D.) judicial structure E.) Power to make alliances


It is popularly believed that Patrick Henry, in his speech against the Stamp Act of 1765, implied that George III would be assassinated, and then concluded with the phrase, "If this be treason, make the most of it." Four differing reports of this speech, who of which omit the concluding phrase, are found in the following sources: the diary of a Frenchman who was an eyewitness and described the event the same day; a letter printed in a London newspaper about six weeks later; a history of Virginia written in 1805; and a note written in 1817 by Thomas Jefferson, who was also an eyewitness. The main issue raised for historians by the differing reports of Henry's speech is the A. formation of hypothesis about historical causation B. validity of historical metaphor C. use of anachronisms D. form of historical citation E. credibility of historical evidence


Many of the Founding Fathers sought to establish a republican form of government which, although extending popular participation, would nevertheless promote rule only by the worthiest and wisest. Which of the following is LEAST relevant to the Founding Fathers' ideal of "mixed government"? A.) The establishment of an electoral college under the article II of the constitution B.) lifetime tenure Supreme Court justices C.) John Adams' hope that the rich and wellborn would dominate the Senate D.) Thomas Jefferson's systematic plans for general education in Virginia, from ward schools to university E.) The lessening of regional tensions buy establishing the capital in Washington, D.C.


New Harmony and Brook Farm had which of the following in common? A. They served as station on the Underground Railroad B. They were characterized by dictatorial leadership C. They supported the Democratic Party D. They were founded by religious sects E. They were utopian communities that separated from the rest of the society


On which of the following principles did most Jacksonian agree A. Support for large, specially chartered corporations B. Opposition to slavery C. Expansion of the power of government at all levels D. The right of women to vote E. Freedom of economic opportunity


President John Adams sought to avoid war with France because A. the republican party demanded war B. he feared an invasion of the United States C. leading Federalists insisted that he avoid conflict D. Americans would not tolerate a draft to build up the army E. he believed that he could negotiate successfully with France


The American Colonization Society was established in the early nineteenth century with the goal of A. Encouraging immigration from Ireland and Germany B. Encouraging Chinese contract laborers to immigrate to the United States C. Settling white Americans on Western lands D. Settling Native Americans on reservations E. Transporting African Americans to Africa


The Constitutional Convention designed the Electoral College to A.) strengthen the legislative branch against the executive branch B.) strengthen the executive branch against the legislative branch C.) ensure the independence of the judiciary D.) protect the sovereignty to the states E.) insulate the presidency from the popular vote


The Kansas-Nebraska act (1854) heightened the sectional crisis because it A.) repeal the fugitive slave act B.) made Kansas and Nebraska free states C.) stimulated southern immigration to the territories taken from Mexico D.) signaled acceptance of the principle of the Wilmont prove Proviso E.) repealed the Missouri compromise


The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions took the position that A. only the United States Supreme Court have the power to restrict freedom of speech and press B. only fiscal measures initiated by state legislators would be acted on by Congress C. Congress was responsible for maintaining the vitality of "local opposition" political party D. the "supremacy" clause of the Constitution applied only to foreign affairs E. The authority of state governments included the power to decide whether or not an act of Congress was constitutional


The Stono Rebellion and the New York conspiracy trials of 1741 revealed which of the following? A. increasing resistance to taxation B. The inability of newcomers to acquire fertile farmland C. overpopulation in urban areas D. sectional divisions between Northern and Southern colonies E. resistance to slavery


The Supreme Court in the Dartmouth College case held that the State of New Hampshire could not alter the charter of Dartmouth College once issued; to make any change would "impair the obligation of a contract" forbidden to the States by the federal Constitution. The main significance of the case was that it A.) Severely limited the right of the States to control public education B.) Made it practically impossible for the States to tax private corporations C.) Established the doctrine of judicial review D.) Upset the balance of power between the State and federal governments E.) Threatened the power of the state to regulate and control business corporations.


The Whigs of the 1830s and 1840s differed from the Jacksonian Democrats in that the Whigs A. Won the support of Irish immigrants B. Secured the removal of Native American (Indians) to lands west of the Mississippi C. Favored a liaises-faire economy D. Urged the annexation of Texas E. Supported the American System of Henry Clay


The Women's movement in the antebellum period was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT A.) Close links with the antislavery and temperance movements B.) Conventions in the Northeast and the Midwest, but not the South C.) Involvement of middle-class women D.) A broad-based platform of legal and educational rights E.) Demands for equal compensation for equal work


The argument between Great Britain and its American colonies during the 1760's and 1770's over "virtual representation" concerned A. Patterns of legislative apportionmentin the colonial assemblies B. The lack of colonial participation in negotiating the Treaty of Paris C. The increasing use of jury list admiralty courts in the colonies D. The representation of free men of color in colonial assemblies E. Parliament's ability to reflect colonial interests


The election of 1800 has been referred to as constitution "another revolution: because A.The House of Representatives decided the election B. A Supreme Court decision was required to dislodge the Federalists C. Voter turnout increased dramatically D. Force was required to get John Adams to leave the White House E. the party in power stepped down after losing the election


The opening of the Erie Canal in 1825 was important because it A. Established the role of the federal government in internal improvements B. Made the invention of the steamboat economically viable C. Spurred innovation in the railroad industry D. Was the last major canal project before the Civil War E. strengthened the ties between the eastern manufacturing and western agricultural regions


The term "cult of domesticity" refers to A. an aspect of the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692, in which mainly middle-aged matrons were accused of practicing evil magic B. the Shakers, a religious sect founded by Mother Ann Lee in the eighteenth century C. the defense given by antebellum apologists for slavery, who argued that bondage was a form of benevolent paternalism D. the Puritans' insistence on the importance of the family as the cornerstone of their social order E.the idealization of women in their roles as wives and mothers during the early nineteenth century


The theme of individualism is most evident in the writings of A. Jonathan Edwards B. George Fitzhugh C. Washington Irving D. Nathaniel Hawthrone E. Ralph Waldo Emerson


Thomas Jefferson's first election to the presidency was called "the revolution of 1800" because A.) he was the first President elected to the New constitution B.) he was the first Southerner to be elected President C.) he was the first presidential candidate to be unopposed D.) be urged the immediate abolition of slavery and the extension of the franchise to all white men E.) his election brought a new party to power without violence


Which of the following most accurately describes the attitude of 17th century Puritans toward religious liberty? A.) having suffered persecution in England, they extended toleration to everyone B.) they tolerated all protestant sects, but not Catholics C.) The tolerated Catholics, but not Quakers D.) they had no coherent views on religious liberty E.) they tolerated know one who's expressed religious views varied from their own views


Which of the following most appropriately characterizes the violence exhibited in such episodes as Bacon's Rebellion, the Boston Tea Party, Shays' Rebellion, and the Whiskey Rebellion? A. Most violence occurred in urban areas B. Most violence produced no deaths C. Level of violence subsided after the American Revolution D. Most violence occurred because of the invention of foreign powers in American internal affairs E. Violence was directed at "outsiders" or representatives of distant authority


Which of the following reflected the increasing conflict between Great Britain and her American colonies from the time of the Boston Tea Party in December 1773 to the end of 1775? A.) A bitter political debate over the sugar act B.) The securing of military and economic aid form France C.) The imposition of an embargo on the shipment of goods from the colonies to Great Britain D.) the forcible removal or flight of most of the royal governors in the colonies and the execution of one of them E.) The formation of a network of local colonial committees to enforce anti-British measures and punish those sympathizing with Great Britain


Which of the following statements concerning colonial legislative assemblies before 1763 is most accurate? A.) They were dominated by merchants, lawyers, and planters B.) They worked closely with one another to solve common problems C.) They worked consciously from the beginning of the colonial period to secure independence from Great Britain. D.) They worked closely with British officials to assist in the administration of the Empire E.) They enacted laws that royal governors could not veto


Which of the following was Great Britain's justification for its continued occupation of a number of posts on United States soil despite the terms of the 1783 Treaty of Paris? A. The United States lacked the military capability to maintain the posts B. Great Britain needed a buffer zone between the United States and Canada C. Great Britain's understanding with both France and Spain permitted the British to stay D. Great Britain had promised it's ally, Tecumseh, that it would establish a state for his people in the region. E. The United States had violated the treaty clauses dealing with the restoration of loyalist property


Which of the following was a provision of the Northwest Ordinance in 1787? A. The Northwest Territory was close to the land speculators B. The northwest Territory was placed under military government C. Slavery was to be permitted in the Northwest Territory until 1820 D. The Northwest Territory was not to be organize immediately into states without the regard to the number of settlers E. New States created from the Northwest Territory were to be on an equal footing with the original States


After 1763, changes in the British imperial system threatened the interests of which of the following groups of American colonists? I. Land speculators with interest west of the Appalachians II. Newspaper editors and lawyers III. Farmers wishing to settle in the Ohio River Valley IV. Boston smugglers A. III only B. IV only C. I and III only D. I, III, and IV only E. I, II, III, and IV


Which of the following conditions in England motivated Puritans to migrate to New England in the 1630s? I Political repression of dissident Protestants II An economic recession III Restrictions on Puritan religious practices A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I and II only E. I, II, and III


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