APUSH Summer Assignment Quiz Review

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What is the significance of the message on the left of the gate?

"Everyone is welcome and good but the Chinese."

Andrew Carnegie's strong belief in philanthropy is evidenced by which of the following quotations?

"The man who dies rich, dies disgraced."

How much time did Thoreau serve for his great action of "Civil Disobedience" according to paragraph 26?

1 night.

In the following table, match each person in the dropdown menus at right with his historic role.

1) In the following table, match each person in the dropdown menus at right with his historic role. -Jay Gould 2)President assassinated during his first year in office -James A. Garfield 3)Obscure candidate who was at one point dubbed "The Great Unknown" -Rutherford B. Hayes

As a result of electoral irregularities, how many contested electoral votes were there in this election? Meaning that the election's results would have to await the settlement of these votes.


Haymarket Square (Identify the historical significance)

A May Day rally that turned violent when someone threw a bomb into the middle of the meeting, killing several dozen people. Eight anarchists were arrested for conspiracy contributing to the disorder, although evidence linking them to the bombing was thin. Four were executed, one committed suicide, and three were pardoned in 1893.

Horace Greeley (Identify the historical significance)

A New York newspaper editor, Greeley ran for president in 1872 under the mantles of the Liberal Republican and Democratic parties.

Plessy v. Ferguson (Identify the historical significance)

A Supreme Court case that upheld the constitutionality of segregation laws, saying that as long as blacks were provided with "separate but equal" facilities, these laws did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment. This decision provided legal justification for the Jim Crow system until the 1950s.

In paragraph 5, what is Thoreau referring to that politicians and citizens should hold themselves to?

A higher moral standard, and serve the state with their conscience.

After the Civil War, some businesspeople and newspaper editors—such as the Atlanta Constitution's Henry Grady—promoted the idea of a New South. Which of the following best describes their vision for the southern states?

A mixed economy no longer primarily dependent on cash crops

Jay Gould (Identify the historical significance)

A railroad magnate who was involved in the Black Friday scandal in 1869 and later gained control of many of the nation's largest railroads, including the Union Pacific. He became revered and hated for his ability to manipulate railroad stocks for his personal profit and for his ardent resistance to organized labor.

Tweed Ring (Identify the historical significance)

A symbol of Gilded Age corruption, "Boss" Tweed and his deputies ran the New York City Democratic party in the 1860s and swindled $200 million from the city through bribery, graft, and vote-buying. Boss Tweed was eventually jailed for his crimes and died behind bars.

Gilded Age (Identify the historical significance)

A term given to the period 1865-1896 by Mark Twain, indicating both the fabulous wealth and the widespread corruption of the era.

Closed Shop (Identify the historical significance)

A union-organizing term that refers to the practice of allowing only unionized employees to work for a particular company. The AFL became known for negotiating closed-shop agreements with employers, in which the employer would agree not to hire nonunion members.

In paragraph 24, why are many men fearful of following Thoreau's idea and practice?

All 3 of the other options listed.

What does Thoreau men by the following statement from paragraph 40? "I believe that the State will soon be able to take all my work of this sort out of my hands, and then I shall be no better a patriot than my fellow-countrymen."

All 3 other choices. a.That he will be ineffective in changing anything. b.That the state will eventually keep him from his ability to protest. c.That he will become a bystander like most Americans.

In paragraph 39, if Thoreau was to say this: "...and say it is the will of God." what would it mean?

All 3 other choices. : a.That God controlled all of what happens. b.That he had no reason to protest. c.That no one is in control of what they do, only God.

Grover Cleveland (Identify the historical significance)

All choices are correct. -Cleveland's first term was dominated by the issues of military pensions and tariff reforms. He lost the election of 1888, but he ran again and won in 1892. During his second term, he faced one of the most serious economic depressions in the nation's history but failed to enact policies to ease the crisis. -During his second term, he faced one of the most serious economic depressions in the nation's history but failed to enact policies to ease the crisis. -President from 1885 to 1889 and again from 1893 to 1897.Cleveland's first term was dominated by the issues of military pensions and tariff reforms. He lost the election of 1888, but he ran again and won in 1892. During his second term, he faced one of the most serious economic depressions in the nation's history but failed to enact policies to ease the crisis.

Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad Company v. Illinois (Identify the historical significance)

All choices are correct. : -A Supreme Court decision that prohibited states from regulating the railroads because the Constitution grants Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce. -As a result, reformers turned their attention to the federal government, which now held sole power to regulate the railroad industry. -This decision occurred in 1886.

Crédit Mobilier scandal (Identify the historical significance)

All choices are correct. : -A construction company was formed by owners of the Union Pacific Railroad for the purpose of receiving government contracts to build the railroad at highly inflated prices—and profits. In 1872 a scandal erupted when journalists discovered that the Crédit Mobilier Company had bribed congressmen and even the vice president to allow the ruse to continue. -In 1872 a scandal erupted when journalists discovered that the Crédit Mobilier Company had bribed congressmen and even the vice president to allow the ruse to continue -Was an example of some of the corruption that occurred during this period of time.

America's first big business was


Thoreau was thrown in prison for one night in 1847 because he

refused to pay the poll tax.

Interstate Commerce Act (Identify the historical significance)

All choices are correct. : -Railroads quickly became adept at using the act to achieve their own ends. but it gave the government an important means to regulate big business. -Congressional legislation that established the Interstate Commerce Commission, compelled railroads to publish standard rates, and prohibited rebates and pools. Railroads quickly became adept at using the act to achieve their own ends, but it gave the government an important means to regulate big business. -It gave the government an important means to regulate big business.

In its efforts on behalf of workers, the National Labor Union won which of the following?

An eight-hour day for government workers

The People's Party (Populist) advocated which of the following?

An increase in the money supply

In paragraph 3, Thoreau talks about government. What is the term commonly used to describe the lack of government?


How are federal soldiers portrayed in the image on the left?

As slave masters.

In paragraph 11, what does Thoreau state the main reason that should drive one`s vote be?

Because one passionately believes in what they are voting for.

During the Gilded Age, which of the following groups generally voted Republican?

Black northerners

The method of mass production that developed during the nineteenth century was a process that

relied on the use of power-driven machinery

In paragraph 12, what does Thoreau state is taking precedent over humanity by the United States government here?


Industrialization in the "New South" was best characterized as

resulting in economic growth, but with much of the wealth controlled by Northern investors

How did Congress intend to decide the disputed election?

By a special electoral commission created by Congress

How did J. P. Morgan eliminate his banking competition?

By establishing interlocking directorates

What classification is Thoreau putting most of America in the last part of paragraph 11?


During the late nineteenth century, politicians such as the one depicted in the image most likely would have opposed which of the following?

Calls for reforms to local and state governments

Who is likely buried in the image on the right?


According to Thoreau in the end of paragraph 27, what must man do to survive in an oppressive or unjust situation?

Change nature.

In paragraph 22, what does Thoreau believe the result of these protests will be?

Changing of policy.

Which was a result of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?

Chinese immigration was prohibited in the United States until 1943.

All of the following were true of the Election of 1884 except:

Cleveland chose to "lie like a gentleman" about his illegitimate son.

Blaine lost the election of 1884 for all of the following reasons except:

Cleveland had been involved in an amorous affair with a Buffalo widow, who had an illegitimate son, for whom Cleveland had made financial provision.

In contrast to the Knights of Labor, what did the American Federation of Labor advocate for?

Concentrating on improving wages and hours and avoiding general social reform

Pendleton Act (Identify the historical significance)

Congressional legislation that established the Civil Service Commission, which granted federal government jobs on the basis of examinations instead of political patronage, thus reining in the spoils system.

Who would have most likely agreed with the tenets of social Darwinism?

Corporate leaders

The assassination of President James Garfield by a disappointed office seeker did which of the following?

Created the impetus to establish the first civil service system for federal employees

The scandal in which millions of dollars were being skimmed off government subsidies to the Union Pacific Railroad during the presidency of Ulysses S. Grant is known as the

Credit Mobilier scandal

In this statement in paragraph 4, "...but because they are physically the strongest", what type of theory is being applied to the world or politics?

Darwin's Theory (Survival of the Fittest)

In referrence to paragraph 45, what famous U.S. document refers to all men being created equal?

Declaration of Independence

What document does Thoreau put above the Constitution as far as a wise document?

Declaration of Independence

Which of the following was LEAST involved in the struggle for women's rights?

Dorothea Dix

States in which of the following time zones were not compelled by the federal government to cede land to railroad companies?

Eastern Time

The Interstate Commerce Act achieved all of the following except:

Eliminated government supervision of the railroads

What modern day term would describe this phrase from paragraph 33? "I saw to what extent the people among whom I lived could be trusted as good neighbors and friends; that their friendship was for summer weather only;..."

Fair-Weather Friends

True or False: Democrats and Republicans were at opposite ends of the room on questions of the tariff and civil-service reform during the postwar period.


According to paragraph 34, was Thoreau greeted with respect and adulation after leaving jail?

Fear and intimidation.

Grover Cleveland is the only president to have

served two nonconsecutive terms as president

What does Thoreau mean by "men of `87" in paragraph 42?

Framers of the United States Constitution.

Which of the following was the most important factor promoting the construction of railroads after the Civil War?

Government subsidies in the form of loans and land grants

Which one of the following railroad companies did not receive a land grant from the federal government?

Great Northern Railroad

Why was the Democrats' nomination of Horace Greeley as their presidential candidate in 1872 politically disastrous?

Greeley had spent many years denouncing Democrats as morally deficient slave traders and traitors.

According to paragraph 32, what type of tasks were expected of the other prisoner every day?

Hard labor.

Who was declared the victor in 1876?


Public opinion turned against the Knights of Labor as a result of the

Haymarket bombing

For Thoreau, majority opinion in a democracy

should be disregarded if it supports unjust or immoral policies.

What did Thoreau man by this phrase in paragraph 30? "I pumped my fellow-prisoner as dry as I could, for fear I should never see him again..."

He heavily questioned the other prisoner.

The American Federation of Labor under the leadership of Samuel Gompers organized

skilled workers in craft unions in order to achieve economic gains

What type of candidate is Thoreau calling for in paragraph 12?


The depression that began with the panic of 1873 created the first major clamor for which of the following?

Inflationary policies to be promoted by issuing greenbacks and other forms of soft money

What did a vertical integration like the Carnegie Steel Corporation accomplish?

It established monopolistic control of every phase of business, from raw material to final consumer.

Which of the following is true of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890?

It had little immediate impact on the regulation of large corporations.

What best describes the primary base of the Democratic Party?

It included wealthy easterners, poorer midwesterners, and debt-burdened agrarians.

What was the significance of the Supreme Court ruling in Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad Company v. Illinois?

It prohibited states from regulating interstate commerce.

Which of the following was true of the American labor movement in the late nineteenth century?

It was involved in a number of violent strikes.

In paragraph 31, why was this a "far country" for Thoreau?

It was surroundings greatly different than he was accustomed to.

All of the following are true of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act except:

It was very effective.

Which of the following best accounts for the success of the American Federation of Labor in organizing labor in the late 1800s?

Its policy of organizing only skilled craftsmen

According to paragraph 31, what did this experience add to for Thoreau?


Which statement best describes a philosophy of Samuel Gompers?

Labor should reward its supporters and punish its enemies in Congress.

What type of government is Thoreau describing in paragraph 1?


To justify their economic domination of their industries, large trusts like Standard Oil and those of Swift and Armour claimed what?

Large-scale methods of production and distribution could provide superior products at low prices.

What does Thoreau state that he is willing to lose to not be controlled by the state in paragraph 27?


"Every contract, combination in form of trust orotherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade orcommerce in any territory of the United States . . .is hereby declared illegal." The passage above was most effectively used for which purpose in the late nineteenth century?

Limiting the power of labor unions

The union membership card pictured above is designed to accomplish which of the following?

Link union membership with patriotic and religious images

The Knights of Labor, under Terence Powderly, supported all of the following EXCEPT

supporting strikes

What terminology was and is commonly used to describe the settlement of the West which Thoreau speaks of in paragraph 2?

Manifest Destiny

Civil Disobedience influenced which of the following people?

Martin Luther King Jr. & Mahatma Ghandi

Where is Thoreau advocating that this "peaceful revolution" take place in paragraph 22?


Which Constitution is Thoreau referring to as "evil" in paragraph 19?


Reconstruction ended on an incomplete note thanks to

the Compromise of 1877

Which of the following groups would most likely agree with the quote above?

Midwestern farmers

What does Thoreau fear can happen from a government in paragraph 41?

Minimal control over citizens.

In the last part of paragraph 24, what does Thoreau mean by costing him less to disobey the state than to obey it?


The Compromise of 1877 resulted in all of the following except:

More rights for blacks in the South

What does Thoreau men by this statement from the end of paragraph 33? "This may be to judge my neighbors harshly; for I believe many of them are not aware that they have such an institution as the jail in their village."

Neighbors do not understand all aspects of the society in which they live.

According to Thoreau in paragraph 38, should people involve themselves in others affairs?


According to paragraph 33, would Thoreau have been let out of prison after one night if someone else had not paid the tax he owed?


As described in paragraph 7, is Thoreau proud and supportive of the existing government?


In paragraph 11, is there any guarantee that even a well educated voter who places a vote for a particular candidate will be rewarded with what was expected?


In paragraph 5, does Thoreau have respect for the individuals who serve the state as machines?


In the beginning of paragraph 8, does Thoreau feel as though the situation in the United States is perceived by most to warrant an uprising or revolution?


Is Thoreau referring to the individuals who observe the Bible and Constitution this way favorably in paragraph 43?


Was Thoreau traumatized by his night in jail according to his account in paragraph 28?


What is the voter who just goes along with the main party candidates relinquishing himself to, as described by Thoreau in paragraph 13?

No changes or status-quo.

What type of protest is Thoreau advocating in paragraph 21?


How many times does Thoreau use the term "civil disobedience" in his essay?


The use of civil disobedience is legitimate when citizens abide by which of the following conditions?

Nonviolent means of protest.

Who does Thoreau state is the only man safe from the tyranny of government in paragraph 24?

One who has no possessions.

In the last part of paragraph 8, what is Thoreau`s overview of the government at this time?


Which of the following best describes the impact of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

Organized labor received national support.

What term would be used to describe this interpretation of the U.S. Constitution according to Thoreau in the following quote from paragraph 42? "Beacause it was part of the original compact - let it stand."


What does the image indicate about urban life in Chicago?

People worked in one part of the city and lived in another.

Which of the following most directly affected the lives of the late-nineteenth-century workers?

Political machines that provided social services in exchange for votes

Who did southern textile mills generally employ?

Poor whites recently off the farms

According to paragraph 22, if one is to truly protest, where must they be willing to go?


Based solely on the image, what can be inferred about manufacturing in 1900?

Public advertising was important to sales.

What was one cause of the Panic of 1873?

Railroad companies could not repay the loans they received from the federal government

What is Thoreau advocating as a protest by individual citizens against the government in paragraph 14?

Refusal to pay taxes.

What was one consequence of the Compromise of 1877?

Republican commitment to African-American equality came to an end.

In 1868, Republicans generated enthusiasm for their candidate, Ulysses S. Grant, by doing what?

Reviving gory images of the Civil War

Which term referred to the wealthy industrialists at the end of the nineteenth century who ostentatiously displayed their wealth?

Robber barons

A major difference between Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller was

Rockefeller recognized that the company that controlled one stage of production would be able to determine production and prices, and therefore dominate the industry

What was the significance of the Supreme Court's ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson?

Segregation laws were upheld as constitutional.

Members of which of the following groups were most likely to support the Populist Party?

Sharecroppers from the South

What was one reason for the extremely high voter turnouts and partisan fervor between the Democrats and the Republicans of the Gilded Age?

Sharp ethnic and cultural differences in the membership of the two parties

At the end of paragraph 13, what is Thoreau associating with military action as well as other actions by the government at this time?


What conclusion may be reasonably drawn from the image about the cartoonist's views?

Southerners will thrive without outside interference.

The decisions of the Supreme Court in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries generally did which of the following?

Strengthened the position of big business.

What was the basic belief of the Social Darwinists?

Survival of the fittest.

All of the following were scandals that rocked the Grant administration EXCEPT

Teapot Dome

What is meant by the following statement in paragraph 13? "I must first see, at least, that I do not pursue them sitting upon another man's shoulders."

That Thoreau's causation does not infringe on others.

Although Thoreau speaks highly of the forefathers, what criticism does he have in paragraph 42?

That there are narrow parameters on the functioning of the United States.

Which of the following labor organizations endorsed the philosophy of "bread and butter" unionism by concentrating on demands for higher wages, shorter hours, and improved work conditions?

The American Federation of Labor

All of the following were nineteenth-century transcontinental railroad lines except:

The Canadian Railroad

Who is associated with the Haymarket Square riot?

The Knights of Labor

At the end of paragraph 9, what region of the country is Thoreau emphasizing here?

The South

Which two railroads joined to create the first transcontinental line in 1869?

The Union Pacific and the Central Pacific

Which of the following best explains a connection between the economic productivity of the United States in the mid-1800s and in the late 1800s?

The application of new technologies expanded large-scale industrial manufacturing.

What conclusion may be reasonably drawn from the image about the architecture of downtown Chicago?

The buildings were used for residential and commercial interests alike.

Which of the following was not an effect of transcontinental railroad lines?

The cost of the railroads resulted in an economic depression.

Access to natural resources for businesses changed from the mid-1800s to the late 1800s most directly as a result of which of the following factors?

The expansion of communication systems such as the electric telegraph

Rutherford B. Hayes (Identify the historical significance)

The former Republican governor of Ohio who became president after the contested 1876 election. By 1880 he had lost the support of his party and was not renominated for the office.

Which of the following phrases below best describes the symbolism of the "Golden Gate of Liberty"?

The gate represents all of the promise and hope of the American dream to everyone inside.

The immediate cause of the Panic of 1873 was

the collapse of Jay Cooke and Company

What brought a halt to Boss Tweed's widespread corruption?

The journalistic exposes of The New York Times and cartoonist Thomas Nast

These noble servants described by Thoreau, in paragraph 5, are treated as enemies by whom?

The majority of incumbent politicians.

Interlocking Directorates (Identify the historical significance)

The practice of having executives or directors from one company serve on the board of directors of another company. J. P. Morgan introduced this practice to eliminate banking competition in the 1890s.

Vertical Integration (Identify the historical significance)

The practice perfected by Andrew Carnegie of controlling every step of the industrial production process in order to increase efficiency and limit competition.

Horizontal Integration (Identify the historical significance)

The practice perfected by John D. Rockefeller of dominating a particular phase of the production process in order to monopolize a market, often by forming trusts and alliances with competitors.

What was one of the most difficult adjustments many formerly rural workers had to make to the industrial system?

The strict discipline and regimentation of time

"Waving the Bloody Shirt" (Identify the historical significance)

The use of Civil War imagery by political candidates and parties to draw votes to their side of the ticket.

In the first part of paragraph 5, what is Thoreau saying about the individuals listed?

They function as machines, and are mere tools of the state.

Which best describes the relationship between the Democrats and the Republicans during the Gilded Age?

They had few significant policy differences.

How did the government contribute to the building of the national rail network?

They provided free grants of federal land to the railroad companies.

City bosses and urban political machines in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries did which of the following?

They provided some welfare for poor immigrants in exchange for political support.

Who of the following was known as the most versatile inventor of the Gilded Age?

Thomas Edison

Which President of the United States was vehemently against a large standing army?

Thomas Jefferson

In paragraph 14, what group of people are the most difficult to change so that greater changes in government can occur?

Those who allow current actions to continue to support the existing government.

To utilize the money of the state and pay taxes to that state is to do what according to Thoreau in paragraph 24?

To hove allegiance or support that state.

What does Thoreau believe was not considered by our forefathers in paragraph 17?

To not acknowledge the authority of the government.

What is Thoreau advocating about unjust laws in paragraph 18?

To not obey them.

In paragraph 13, what did wealthy men have the ability to do instead of going to war as soldiers?

To purchase a substitute.

The situation depicted in the image contributed most immediately to

the organization of new labor unions to confront managerial power

Thoreau states that conformity is a bad thing in paragraph 40.


What is one of the main things that Thoreau protests the financing of by the state with tax money in paragraph 36?


Poll taxes apply to what in paragraph 26?


In paragraph 16, the common belief at this time was to take what type of action against what was considered "unjust laws"?

Wait for a majority agreement.

The image was created most directly in response to

the power gained by urban political machines

Which group was most dramatically altered by the new industrial age?


From paragraph 20, could one assume that Thoreau was a religious man through his statements?


"Waving the bloody shirt" was

a Republican tactic to equate Democrats with the Confederacy

In his prison account, Thoreau compares the State to

a pathetic, lonely woman

Upon his immediate release from prison, Thoreau describes feeling

alienated from his neighbors

A man has an obligation to act according to his conscience even if the latter goes against:

all three choices. : a.the laws of society. c.the presiding leadership. d.majority opinion.

The "Black Friday" scandal involved

an attempt to corner the gold market

Fill in the blank: "The progress from an absolute to a limited monarchy, from a limited monarchy to a democracy, is a progress toward ___________."

true respect for the individual

At the end of the nineteenth century, the desire of American business to control supplies of raw materials led to

vertical integration

"There remains, then, only one mode of using great fortunes; but in this we have the true antidote for the temporary unequal distribution of wealth, the reconciliation of the rich and the poor—a reign of harmony.... Under its sway we shall have an ideal state, in which the surplus wealth of the few will become, in the best sense, the property of the many, because administered for the common good, and this wealth, passing through the hands of the few, can be made a much more potent force for the elevation of our race than if it had been distributed in small sums to the people themselves. Even the poorest can be made to see this, and to agree that great sums gathered by some of their fellow-citizens and spent for public purposes, from which the masses reap the principal benefit, are more valuable to them than if scattered among them through the course of many years in trifling amounts." Andrew Carnegie, "Wealth," 1889 The "temporary unequal distribution of wealth" that Carnegie refers to in the excerpt resulted most directly from the

consolidation of corporations into trusts and holding companies

The image was created most directly in response to the

consolidation of corporations into trusts and holding companies

Between 1865 and 1900, the Southern economy relied most heavily on


The precipitating factor in the 1894 Pullman strike was Pullman's

cutting of wages without proportionate cuts in company housing rents

In the last half of the nineteenth century, the New South advocates supported

expansion of southern industry

Thoreau cites a speech by Senator Daniel Webster, who believes that

feelings of humanity toward slaves have no place in political debate.

Ulysses S. Grant's main flaw as president was

his unquestioned loyalty to supporters

Thomas Edison invented the

incandescent lamp

Although the Sherman Antitrust Act was originally intended to inhibit the growth of business monopolies, courts initially used its provisions successfully against

labor unions

Between 1870 and 1900, farmers did all of the following in an attempt to better their condition EXCEPT

limit production of crops

In the second half of the nineteenth century, the formation of labor unions was often a response to

low wages and dangerous conditions in industrial work

The cartoon above is a commentary on late-nineteenth-century

municipal corruption

In the three decades following the Civil War, the policies of the Republican Party generally favored

northern industrial interests

The Liberal Republicans, in the 1872 election, ran on a platform including

opposing corruption

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