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Silver vs. Gold Debate

*Grange Movement*- the Grangers started out as cooperatives, with the purpose of allowing farmers to buy machinery and sell crops as a group and, therefore, reap the benefits of economies of scale. Soon the Grangers endorsed political candidates and lobbied for legislation. The Grangers ultimately died out due to lack of money, but they were replaced by *Farmers' Alliances* *Farmers' Alliances*- allowed women to be politically active and they had branches all around the nation. They were even more successful than the Grange movement, and they soon grew into a political party called the *People's Party*, the political arm of the *Populist* movement

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

*W. E. B. Du Bois* headed the ________________________________ in the quest for racial justice, an uphill battle so strenuous that, after a lifelong struggle. Du Bois abandoned the US and moved to Africa

Other Early Colonies

-Connecticut was one colony, which received its charter in 1635 and producing the Fundamental Orders, usually considered the first written constitution in British North America. -Maryland was another, granted to Cecilia Calvert. Calvert hoped to create a haven colony for Catholics, who faced religious persecution in Protestant England, but he also hoped to make a profit growing tobacco.. In order to populate the colony's land more quickly, Calvert offered religious tolerance for all Christians, and Protestants soon outnumbered Catholics, recreating England's old tension between faiths. Maryland's government passed the Act of Toleration in 1649 to protect the religious freedom of most Christians, but was not well enforced.

Effects of the War of 1812

-It represented the end of Native Americans' ability to stop American expansion -The American economy by necessity, became less reliant on trade with Britain -It made Andrew Jackson into a celebrity and paved the way to his presidency -The victory in New Orleans led to national euphoria -The popularity of the war destroyed the Federalists, who had opposed it, and taught American politicians that objecting to going to war could be hazardous to their careers

Jacksonian Democracy v. Jeffersonian Republicanism

-Jefferson had conceived a nation governed by middle and upper-class educated property holders, in which the government would be only as large as necessary to provide an acceptable level of service. Jefferson also envisioned a nation of yeoman farmers (farmers who owned their land) whose liberty would be protected by limiting the power of the central government -Jacksonian Democracy benefited from universal whit manhood suffrage, meaning the extension of voting rights to all white males, even those who did not own property. Jacksonian democracy is not a coherent vision of how a government should function

Significance of the Election of 1800

-Passage of the Twelfth Amendment (allowed electors to vote for a party ticket, allowing a president to have a vice president he wanted) -America's first transfer in power from the Federalists to the Democratic Republicans-no violence occurred

Blacks in the Revolutionary War

-The Continental Army had trouble recruiting good soldiers. Eventually, the Congress recruited blacks, and up to 5,000 fought on the side of the rebels (In return, most were granted their freedom)

Paternalistic Ethos

-owners/holders valuing well-being of women, children and slaves----> slaves living closer to slave holders -obscured the horror and violence -slave trade had ended, and slave holders had to take care of slaves they had (slaves aren't readily available for import anymore) Significance: -protective over slaves (runaways) -obscures how harsh slavery still was with violence and punishment Paternalism was ingrained in slave society and enabled slave owners to think of themselves as kind, responsible masters even as they bought and sold their human property

House of Burgesses

In 1619, Virginia established the ____________, in which any property-holding, white-male could vote. All decisions made by the House of Burgesses however, had to be approved by the Virginia Company. That year also marks the introduction of slavery into the English colonies.

Korematsu v. United States

1944 Supreme Court case where the Supreme Court upheld the order providing for the relocation of Japanese Americans. It was not until 1988 that Congress formally apologized and agreed to pay $20,000 to each survivor.

Gerald Ford

1974-1977, Republican, first non elected president and VP, he pardoned Nixon WIN- Whip Inflation Now: an oil embargo organized by Arab nations (under the leadership of *OPEC*) against the US increased fuel prices, which in turn caused the price of almost everything else to rise. Inflation, coupled with an increasing unemployment rate, and the damage done to his credibility by the media,.- In 1976, he was defeated by Democrat Jimmy Carter

The Treaties of Paris

1st- Ended the French & Indian War 2nd- Ended the Revolutionary War 3rd- Ended the Spanish-American War

Massachusetts Bay Colony

In 1629, a larger and more powerful colony called _______ was established by Congregationalists (Puritans who wanted to reform the Anglican church from within). This began what is known as The Great Puritan Migration, which lasted from 1629 to 1642.

Free Soil Party

A regional, single-issue party devoted to the goals of the Wilmot Proviso. It was largely opposed to the expansion of slavery not because they were abolitionists but because they didn't want white settlers to have to compete with slave labor in new territories

Rachel Carson

An American marine biologist who wrote the seminal work of nonfiction, *Silent Spring*, a worldwide bestseller. It blew the whistle on the widespread use of the chemical pesticide DDT, leading to its eventual ban. Legislators responding to industrial pollution in the 1960s passed the Clean Air Act of 1955, the first law to control the use of airborne contaminants

Chronology of Events leading to the Revolutionary War

1763- French and Indian War Ends, Pontiac's Rebellion, Proclamation of 1763 1764- Sugar Act, Currency Act 1765- Stamp Act, Stamp Act crisis, Sons of Liberty formed 1766- Grenville replaced by Rockingham as prime minister, Stamp Act repealed, Declaratory Act 1767- Townshend Acts 1770- Townshend duties were repealed (except tea tax), Boston Massacre 1772- parts of the Townshend Acts implemented, Committees of Correspondence formed 1773- British give the Dutch East India Tea Company monopoly on tea in colonies, Boston Tea Party 1774- Coercive/Intolerable Acts, Quebec Act, First Continental Congress meets, Continental Association forms 1775- Battles of Lexington and Concord, Second Continental Congress meets 1776- Declaration of Independence

Problems with Corporate Consolidation

1.) Rapid growth required lots of money- businessmen borrowed huge sums and when their businesses occasionally failed, bank failures could result 2.) The US endured one major financial panic per decade during the the last quarter of the 19th century- irresponsible investors caused the panics, yet the lower classes suffered the most, as jobs and money became scarce 3.) Monopolies create a class of extremely powerful men whose interests clashed with those of the rest of society. As business men grew more powerful, public resentment increased, and the government responded with laws to restrict monopolies

2 Goals of the Polk Presidency

1.) Restore the practice of keeping government funds in the Treasury: Andrew Jackson had kept them in so-called pet banks, and the results had been disastrous 2.) Reduce tariffs

Halfway Covenant (1662)

A Puritan compromise that allowed the unconverted children of Puritans who had fallen away from the church to become halfway members of the church. The Covenant allowed these halfway members to baptize their own children even though they themselves were not full members of the church because they had not experienced full conversion. Massachusetts ministers accepted this compromise and it signified a drop in the religious zeal or mission that had characterized Massachusetts in its change in the religious character of New England Society.

Booker T. Washington

A Southern black born into slavery, Washington harbored no illusions that white society was ready to accept blacks as equals. Instead, he promoted economic independence as the means by which blacks could improve their lot. To pursue that goal, he founded the Tuskegee Institute, a vocational and industrial training school for blacks. Some accused Washington of being an accommodationist because he refused to press for immediate equal rights. Other believed that Washington simply accepted the reality of his time when he set his goals. In his Atlanta Exposition, a famous speech delivered in Atlanta Georgia, in 1895, Washington outlined his view of race relations

Foreign Issue with Cuba

A US friendly dictatorship had been overthrown by communist insurgents led by Fidel Castro took control of the country in 1959, American businesses owned more than 3 million acres of prime Cuban farmland and also controlled the country's electricity and telephone service. When Castro signed a trade treaty with the Soviet Union, Eisenhower imposed a partial trade embargo on Cuba. In the final days of his presidency, Eisenhower broke diplomatic relations with Cuba, and Cuba turned to the Soviet Union for financial and military aid.

The Shakers

A Utopian group that splintered from the Quakers, believed that they and all other churches had grown too interested in this world and too neglectful of their afterlives. Shakers, followers of Mother Ann Lee, isolated themselves in communes where they shared work and its rewards; they also granted near-equal rights to women, even allowing them to attain priesthood

Sojourner Truth

A charismatic speaker who campaigned for emancipation and women rights

Affordable Care Act (Obama Care)

A controversial set of laws aimed to both regulate the medical industry and provide subsidies to uninsured Americans

Oregon Treaty

Signed with Great Britain in 1846, allowed the US to acquire peacefully what is now Oregon, Washington, and parts of Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. This established the current northern border of the region

Joint Stock Company

A group of investors who bought the right to establish New World plantations from the king. Jamestown was funded by this.


A group of journalists who wrote exposes of corporate greed and misconduct. These writers revealed widespread corruption in urban management *Lincoln Steffens's The Shame of Cities* Oil Companies *Ida Tarbell's History of Standard Oil* The meatpacking industry *Upton Sinclair's The Jungle*. Their books and news articles raised the moral stakes for Progressives

Roger Williams

A minister in the Salem Bay settlement, taught a number of controversial principles, among them that church and state should be separate. The Puritans banished Williams, who subsequently moved to modern-day Rhode Island and founded a new colony, Rhode Island's charter allowed for the free exercise of religion and it did not require voters to be church members. (showed religious intolerance)

Malcolm X

A minister of the Nation of Islam. Urged blacks to claim their rights "by any means necessary". Later, two groups that previously had preached integration- the SNCC and CORE- expelled their white members and advocated the more separatist radical program of *Black Power*, with the Black Panthers being at the forefront of this movement. By 1968 when King was assassinated, the civil rights movement had fragmented

Second Great Awakening

A period of religious rival among Methodists, Presbyterians, and Baptists. In the early 1800s, the expansion of the Enlightenment in the United States encouraged more education, which led to more secularism and a decline in church attendance. Preachers like Charles Finney toured the rural regions of western New York and the rural South, spreading evangelical religious beliefs. It peaked in the 1820s and 1830s, as church membership soared in the Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches. New religions like the Mormons and the Shakers were inspired by the Second Great Awakening, as were social reform movements like the temperance movement. Women were particularly inspired by the Second Great Awakening, and were encouraged to become active leaders in their new church communities.

Johnson's Reconstruction Plan

A plan approved by Lincoln which called for the creation of provisional military governments to run the states until they were readmitted to the Union. It also required all Southern citizens to swear a loyalty oath before receiving amnesty for the rebellion. However, it barred many of the former Southern elite from taking that vow, thus prohibiting their participation in the new governments. This plan did not work, mostly because Johnson pardoned many of the Southern elite who were supposed to have been excluded from the reunification process. After the states drafted new constitutions and elected new governments, former Confederate officials were again in positions of great power. All Republicans agreed that this plan needed some modification, but Johnson refused to compromise, leading to him attempting to end reconstruction (Congress overpowered veto)

Detente (Nixon)

A policy of "openness" that called for countries to respect each other's differences and cooperate more closely. This ushered in a brief period of relaxed tensions between the two superpowers but ended when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979

Monroe Doctrine

A policy of mutual noninterference. You stay out of the Americas, Monroe told Europe, and we'll stay out of your squabbles. It also claimed America's right to intervene anywhere in its own hemisphere, if it felt its security was threatened. No European country tried to intercede in the Americas following Monroe's declaration

American Manufacturing

A positive result of the War of 1812- cut off trade with Europe, the states became more self-sufficient by necessity, New England became America's manufacturing center during the war, and after the war, the United States was less dependent on imports than it had been previously

Harriet Tubman

A prominent black abolitionist who escaped slavery and then returned south repeatedly to help more than 300 slaves escape via the underground railroad

The New Jersey Plan

A proposal for the Articles of Confederation. Called for modifications and it also called for equal representation from each state

The Virginia Plan

A proposal for the Articles of Confederation. James Madison called for an entirely new government based on the principle of checks and balances and for the number of representatives for each state, giving some states an advantage. It called to create a three-tiered federal government with an executive branch led by a president, a legislative branch composed of a bicameral Congress, and a judicial branch composed of a Supreme Court. The new legislature would have expanded powers to enforce federal taxation, to regulate trade between the states, to regulate international trade, to coin and borrow money, to create a postal service, to authorize a military draft, and to declare war.

Navigation Acts (1651-1673)

A protective tariff that required the colonists to buy goods only from England, to sell certain of their products only to England, and to import any non-English goods via English ports and pay a duty on those imports. This also prohibited the colonies from manufacturing a number of goods that England already produced. In short, this act sought to establish wide-ranging English control over colonial commerce.

Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania

A series of essays written by John Dickinson, uniting the colonists against the Townshend Acts.

Jacksonian Democracy

A strong presidency characterized this. Jackson parlayed his wide popularity into a mandate to challenge both Congress and the Supreme Court in a way that none of his predecessors had

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

A success of the Articles of Confederation. Contained a bill of rights guaranteeing trial by jury, freedom of religion, and freedom from excessive punishment. This abolished slavery in the Northwest territories (northwest of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River up to the Canadian border) and it also set specific regulations concerning the conditions under which territories could apply for statehood. This essentially claimed Native Americans' land without their consent

National Woman Suffrage Association

A suffrage group headed by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony that stressed the need for women to lead organizations on their own behalf. The NWSA focused exclusively on women's rights — sometimes denigrating men of color, in the process — and took up the battle for a federal women's suffrage amendment.

Stono Uprising (1739)

AKA Cato Rebellion. This was the first and one of the most successful slave rebellions. Approximately 20 slaves met near the Stono River outside Charleston, South Carolina. They stole guns and ammunition, killed storekeepers and planters, and liberated a number of slaves. The rebels, now numbering 100, fled to Florida, where they hoped the Spanish colonists would grant them their freedom. The colonial militia caught up with them and attacked, killing some and capturing most of the others. Those who were captured and returned were later executed. As a result, many colonies passed more restrictive laws to govern behaviors of slaves.

Coercive Acts

AKA Intolerable Acts. The British response to the Boston Tea Party. One measure closed Boston Harbor to all but essential trade and declared that it would remain closed until the tea was paid for.

24th Amendment

Abolishes poll taxes

Leading to the Civil War

Abolitionists' determination and the South's inflexibility pushed the issue of slavery into the political spotlight. Westward expansion, and the question of whether slavery would be allowed in the new territories forced the issue further. Together, they set in motion the events that led up to the Civil War.

XYZ Affair

Adam's greatest achievement was avoiding all-out war with France. After the US signed the Jay Treaty with Britain, France began seizing American ships on the open seas. Adams sent 3 diplomats to Paris, where French officials demanded a huge bribe before they would allow negotiations to even begin. The diplomats returned home, and Adams published their written report in the newspapers. This incident became known as the ____________. As a result, popular sentiment did a complete turnaround; formerly pro-French, the public became vehemently anti-French to the point that a declaration of war seemed possible. Aware of how small the American military was, Adams avoided the war

Midnight Appointments

Adams was so upset about the election that he left the capital before Jefferson took office in order to avoid attending the inauguration ceremony. Before he left town, he made a number of ________, filling as many government positions with Federalists as he could. Jefferson refused to recognize those appointments and set about replacing as many Federalist appointees as he could. By his second term, the majority of public appointees were Democratic-Republicans

Mass Transportation during the Industrial Revolution (late 1800s)

Advances in mass transportation, such as the expansion of railroad lines, streetcars, and the construction of subways, allowed the middle class to live in nicer neighborhoods, including bedroom communities in the suburbs and commute to work. As a result, immigrants and migrants made up the majority of city populations. Prejudice against the new arrivals was widespread, and many immigrants settled in ethnic neighborhoods, usually in tenements. Worse off still were black and Latino migrants

Caning of Charles Sumner

After Bleeding Kansas, these events further polarized the nation. Preston Brooks savagely beat abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner on the head with a cane for a speech in which Sumner attacked both the South and Butler, using lewd metaphors about slavery. The crisis destroyed Pierce's political career and the Democrats chose James Buchanan as their 1856 candidate

Previous to the Kansas-Nebraska Act

After California was admitted as a state, new territories proved increasingly problematic. Settlers entering the Kansas and Nebraska territories found no established civil authority. Congress also wanted to build railways through the territory, but they needed some form of government to impose order, secure land, and supervise construction.

Hampton Roads Conference

After Lincoln's reelection, he considered allowing defeated Southern states to reenter the Union and to vote on the 13th Amendment. He tried to negotiate a settlement with Southern leaders along those lines at _______________________. Lincoln also offered a 5-year delay on implementing the amendment if it passed, as well as $400 million in compensation to slave owners. Jefferson Davis's commitment to complete Southern independence scuttled any chance of compromise

Jay's Treaty

After the Battle of Fallen Timbers, Washington sent John Jay to England to negotiate a treaty concerning the evacuation of the British from the Northwest Territory, as stipulated in the Treaty of Paris that concluded the Revolutionary War, as well as to discuss British violations of free trade. Although ___________ prevented war with Great Britain, opponents of the treaty believed Jay made too many concessions toward the British, who in essence were not respecting our rights as a sovereign nation. In 1796, Congress attempted to withhold funding to enforce the treaty. The House of Representatives asked Washington to submit all documents pertinent to the treaty for consideration. Washington refused, establishing the precedent of executive privilege, which is the right of the president to withhold information when doing so would protect national security

Farmer Problems Before the Populist Movement

After the Civil War, industrial and agricultural production increased. Greater supply led to a drop in prices. For many farmers, lower prices meant trouble, as they were locked into long-term debts with fixed payments. Looking for a solution to their problem, farmers came to support a more generous money supply. An increase in available money would make payments easier. It would cause inflation, which would make the farmers' debts worth less. the banks opposed this plan, preferring for the country to use only gold to back its money supply

Force Bill

After the Tariff of 1832 failed to lower rates to an acceptable level, South Carolina nullified the tariff. Jackson had Congress enact the ___________, threatening to call in troops to enforce the tariff, but Calhoun and Henry Clay brokered a behind-the-scenes compromise, lowering the tariff and diffusing tensions. After the compromise tariff was approved and accepted by South Carolina, the legislature nullified the Force Bill, for no purpose except to support the doctrine of nullification.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)

After the US successfully invaded Mexico City, the war was over. In the _____________________, Mexico handed over almost all of the modern Southwest: Arizona, New Mexico, California, Nevada, and Utah. This is also known as Mexican Cession. The United States, in return, paid $15 million for the land Effects: New territory greatly increased the nation's potential wealth, but posed major problems regarding the status of slavery.

Election of 1952

Although peace talks began soon after, the war dragged on another two years, into the Eisenhower administration. When the 1952 presidential election arrived, the Republicans took a page from the Whig playbook and chose *Dwight D. Eisenhower*, a war hero. Truman was unpopular; his bluntness is now seen as a sign of integrity, but during his terms, it offended a lot of potential constituents. In short, America was ready for a change. Eisenhower beat Democratic challenger *Adlai Stevenson* easily

Madison's Presidency/ American System

After the War of 1812, Madison worked to promote national growth, but at the same time, he remained true to his Democratic-Republican principles and so extended federal power only cautiously. Madison championed a combination of programs that included protective tariffs on imports, improvements to interstate roads (including expansion of the National Road from Maryland to Ohio), and rechartering the National Bank after the first National Bank's charter had expired. The programs were collectively known as the ______________, or the Nationalist Program. Speaker of the House Henry Clay lobbied for them so aggressively.

Election of 2000

Al Gore v. George W. Bush- Though a convoluted series of mishaps with the voting procedure in Florida, Al Gore challenged the results of that election, but eventually the Supreme Court prevented a formal recount of the vote in Florida and George W. Bush was elected

Annapolis Convention

Alexander Hamilton was especially concerned that there was no uniform commercial policy and feared for the survival of the new republic. Hamilton convened the _____________, but only 5 delegates showed up. As a result, Congress consented to a "meeting in Philadelphia" the following May for the sole purpose of "revising the Articles of Confederation". This meeting would eventually become the famous Constitutional Convention, comprising delegates from all states except Rhode Island.

First Continental Congress

All colonies except Georgia sent delegates to the _______________________. The goals of the meeting were to enumerate American grievances, to develop a strategy for addressing those grievances, and to formulate a colonial position on the proper relationship between the royal government and the colonial governments. The Congress came up with a list of those laws the colonists wanted repealed and agreed to impose a boycott on British goods until their grievances were redressed.

Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890

Allows the government to break up companies with control of a market; prevents monopolies. This was not effective at first, as the pro-business Supreme Court at the time interpreted the law as they saw fit US v. EC Knight Company (1895)- the Court ruled that EC Knight, the company that controlled 98% of the sugar refining plants in the United States, did not violate the Sherman Antitrust Act because local manufacturing was not subject to congressional regulation of interstate commerce. On the other hand, labor unions were found to be "in restraint of free trade" and declared illegal. This loophole was closed during Wilson's administration in 1914 with the passage of the *Clayton Antitrust Act*, which made allowances for collective bargaining.

Regional Aspects of the South (1800s)

Almost entirely agrarian. Chief crops-tobacco and cotton. Southerners looked for new slave territories to include in the Union in order to strengthen their position in Congress and protect slavery from Northern legislators, who in ever-increasing numbers sought to make slavery illegal

Haymarket Square Riot

Although the Knights advocate arbitration over strikes, they became increasingly violent in efforts to achieve their goals. By the 1880s, after a series of unsuccessful strikes under the leadership of Terrence Powderly, the popularity of the Knights began to decline. The American public began to associate unions with violence and political radicalism. Propagandists claimed that unions were subversive forces- a position reinforced in public opinion by the ____________________. During the 1886 labor demonstration in Chicago's Haymarket Square, a bomb went off, killing police. Many blamed the incident on the influence of radicals within the union movement, although no one knew who set off the bomb

Northern Cities

Although without healthy sanitation, cities meant jobs. Craftsmen like tailors, cobblers, and blacksmiths found it easier to make a living in cities. Cities also offered more opportunities for social advancement (education, labor unions, clubs and associations which they could exert more influence on government and in society, leisure-time options like theater and sports). There was a great disparity in the distribution of wealth in Northern cities. Elite few controlled most of the personal wealth, beneath was the middle class made up of tradesmen, brokers, and other professionals where they worked to reach the plateau at which the women in their families could devote themselves to homemaking instead of wage earning. The middle classes also constituted much of the market for luxury goods such as housewares and fine furniture. In working class families, men often worked in factories or at low-paying crafts; women often worked at home, taking in sewing. These families lived just above the poverty level. Those in poverty were most often recent immigrants. Immigration waves from Ireland and Germany were met with hostility, as competition for jobs increased.In the 1830s and 1840s, religious, ethnic, and/or class strife could escalate to violence and even result in fatalities.


America's first railroads were built during the 1830s. By 1853, New York and Chicago were linked by rail, as were Pittsburgh and Philadelphia

Open Door Policy

America hoped to gain entry into Asian markets. To that end, McKinley sought an _________________________ for all Western nations hoping to trade with Asia. The European nations that had colonized China were not so keen of the idea; to their way of thinking, they fought for those markets and planned to keep them.When Chinese nationalists (*Boxers*) rose against European imperialism and besieged the Beijing legation quarter, the US sent troops to help suppress the rebels. In return, Germany, France, and England grew more receptive to America's foreign policy objectives.

War of 1812

American forces were ill-prepared for the war and much of the fighting went badly. The British captured Washington D.C. in 1814 and set the White House on fire. However, most battles America was able to fight to a stalemate. When English-French hostilities ended, many of the issues that had caused the war evaporated, and the British soon negotiated peace. Unaware that the Treaty of Ghent had been signed in Belgium and the war was over, General Andrew Jackson fought and won the Battle of New Orleans , which was the only clear-cut US victory of the war.

My Lai Offensive

American soldiers were becoming more and more frustrated and began to act in unspeakable ways. The most publicized of these horrific events, although not an isolated occurrence, took place in a small village in South Vietnam, where US soldiers abused, tortured, and murdered an estimated 500 innocent civilians. When the story came to light in November 1969, the American public was outraged. Public opinion turned and protests against the war grew angrier and more frequent

Mikhail Gorbachev (Reagan)

American-Soviet relations were further helped when reformer _______________________ rose to power of in the Soviet Union. He is best know for his economic policy of *perestroika*, or restructuring, and his social reforms collectively referred to as *glasnost*, or openness. He loosened Soviet control of Eastern Europe, increased personal liberties in the Soviet Union, and eventually allowed some forms of free-market commerce in the Communist country

Quemoy and Matsu

American-allied Taiwan occupied two islands close to mainland China, _______________________. The Taiwanese used the islands as bases for commando raids on the communists, which eventually irritated the Chinese enough that they bombed the two islands. In a classic example of brinkmanship, Eisenhower declared that the US would defend the islands and strongly hinted that he was considering a nuclear attack on China. Tensions remained high for years, and Eisenhower's stance forced him to station American troops on the islands. During the 1960 presidential election, Kennedy used the incident as a campaign issue, arguing that the two small islands were not worth the cost of defending them

Nixon Doctrine

Announced that the US would withdraw from many of its overseas troop commitments, relying on alliances with local governments to check the spread of communism

Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

April 1968- His murder ignited a massive wave of civil unrest, including arson and looting of largely white-owned business, in more than 150 towns and cities. In Chicago, where the Democratic convention would later be held, the mayor ordered the police to shoot arsonists on sight. During this time, the Kerner Commission report on race relations came out, stating that "our nation is moving toward two societies, one white and one black-separate and unequal"


Articulated by George Kennan. The idea of containment came from what is known as the *Long Telegram*, which Kennan sent to Washington from his duty station in Germany, in 1946. This policy said that the United States could not instigate war with the Soviet Union, but it would come to the defense of countries in danger of Soviet takeover. This policy aimed to prevent the spread of communism and encourage the Soviets to abandon their aggressive strategies


As Cleveland took office in 1893, the country entered a four-year financial crisis. HArd economic times made Populist goals more popular, particularly the call for easy money. Times got so bad that even more progressive movements gained popularity; in 1894, the _______________, led by *Eugene V. Debs*, gained support

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

As a result of the Alien and Sedition Acts, Jefferson and Madison drafted this, which argued that the states had the right to judge the constitutionality of federal laws. The resolutions went on to exercise this authority they claimed, later referred to as nullification, by declaring the Alien and Sedition Acts void.

Boston Massacre

As a result of the Quartering Act, numerous confrontations came about, most notably on March 5, 1770. A mob pelted a group of soldiers with rock-filled snowballs. The soldiers fired on the crown, killing 5.

Martin Luther King Jr.

As a result of the bus boycott, it brought ________________________ to national prominence. King was a pastor at Rosa Park's church. He encouraged others to organize peaceful protests, a plan inspired by his studies of Henry David Thoreau and Mohandas Gandhi. In 1960, black college students in *Greensboro, North Carolina*, tried just that approach, organizing a sit-in at a local Woolworth's lunch counter designated "whites only". News reports of the sit-in, and the resultant harassment the students endured, inspired a sit-in movement that spread across the nation to combat segregation

African Slaves

As colonization spread, the use of ______ purchased from African traders from their home continent became more common. Africans adapted to their new environment by blending the language and religion of their masters with the preserved traditions of their ancestors. Some such as the Maroon people even managed to escape slavery and form cultural enclaves (an African culture formed within a contrasting European culture). Slave uprisings were not uncommon, most notably the Haitian Revolution.

Impeachment of Johnson

As expected, Johnson rejected the Military Reconstruction Act of 1867, as he did everything in his power to counteract the congressional plan. The conflict reached its climax when the House Judiciary Committee initiated impeachment proceedings against Johnson, ostensibly for violating the Tenure of Office Act (stated that the president had to secure the consent of the Senate before removing his appointees once they'd been approved by that body) but really because he was getting in the way of Reconstruction

Before WWII

As it became more apparent that Europe was headed for war, roosevelt lobbied for a repeal of the arms embargo stated in the first neutrality act so that America could help arm the Allies. When the war broke out, COngress relented with a third neutrality ct, which allowed arms sales and was termed "cash and carry". It required the Allies to (1) pay cash for their weapons and (2) come to the US to pick up their purchases and carry them away on their own ships. From the outset of the war until America's entry in 1941, Roosevelt angled the country toward participation, particularly when Poland fell to German troops and other countries followed in rapid succession. In 1940, Hitler invaded France, and a German takeover in both France and England appeared a real possibility.

Economies of Scale

As more and faster machines became available to manufacturers, businessmen discovered that their cost per unit decreases as the number of units they produced increased. The more raw product they bought, the cheaper the suppliers' asking price. The closer to capacity they kept their new, faster machines running, the less the cost of labor and electricity per product. The lower the costs, the cheaper they could sell their products. The cheaper the product, the more they sold

Chesapeake Region

As new settlements sprang up around Jamestown, the entire area came to be known as the _________. That area comprises of Virginia and Maryland.

Insular Cases (1901-1903)

As the US acquired an overseas empire, a fundamental question arose as to the legal status of the native population living in these territories: Were colonial subjects entitled to the same protections and privileges granted to US citizens by the Constitution? The Supreme Court settled this issue by a series of rulings known collectively as the __________________. The Court ruled that the Constitution did not follow the flag; Congress was free to administer each overseas possession as it chose

Regional Aspects of the North (1800s)

Becoming industrialized, technological advances in communications, transportation, industry, and banking were helping it become the nation's commercial center. Farms played less of a role in the Northeastern economy than it did elsewhere in the country, and legal slavery became increasingly uncommon in this region's states throughout the early 1800s

Jim Crow Laws

As the federal government exerted less influence over Southern states, towns and cities passed numerous discriminatory laws. The Supreme Court assisted the states by ruling that the 14th Amendment did not protect blacks from discrimination by privately owned businesses and that blacks would have no seek equal protection from the states, not from the federal government. In 1883, the Court also reversed the Civil rights Act of 1875 (businesses and public facilities couldn't be segregated), thus opening the door to legal (*de jure*) segregation

The Pequot War (1636-1638)

As the population of Massachusetts grew, settlers began looking for new places to live. One obvious choice was the Connecticut Valley, a fertile region with lots of access to the sea (for trade). The area was already inhabited by the Pequots, however, who resisted the English incursions. When the Pequots attacked a settlement in Wakefield and killed 9 colonists, members of the Massachusetts Bay Colony retaliated by burning the main Pequot village, killing 400, many of the women and children. The result was the near-destruction of the Pequots.

Turner/Frontier Thesis

As the railroads pushed the country westward, settlers started filling the territory. Progressive historian Frederick Jackson Turner declared that the frontier was gone, and with it the first period of American history. Turner argued that the frontier was significant in (1) shaping the American character, (2) defining the American spirit, (3) fostering democracy, and (4) providing a safety valve fore economic distress in urban, industrial centers by providing a place to which people could flee

Yalta Conference

As the war neared its end in Europe, the apparent victors-the Allies- met to discuss the fate of postwar Europe. In February of 1945, the Allied leaders met at ____________________ and in effect redrew the world map. By this time, the Soviet army occupied parts of Eastern Europe, a result of the campaign to drive the German army out of the USSR

Declaratory Act

Asserted the British government's right to tax and legislate in all cases anywhere in the colonies.

Hoover's Response to the Depression

At first, Hoover opposed any federal relief efforts because he believed they violate the American ideal of "rugged individualism", but as the Depression worsened, he initiated a dew farm assistance programs and campaigned for federal work projects (such as the Hoover Dam, and the Grand Coulee Dam) that would create jobs. He hoped that raising tariffs would help American business, but the *Hawley Smoot Tariff* actually worsened the economy. It was the highest protective tariff in US history and it was enacted during one of the worst economic depressions ever. After that, Hoover had Congress create the *Federal Emergency Relief Administration*. This provided government money to bail out large companies and banks, but only ones big enough to potentially pay the money back later on

Native Americans and Americans during the late 1800s

At first, pioneers approached the tribes as sovereign nations. They made treaties with them, which the settlers or their immediate successors broke. The result was warfare, leading the government to try another approach. The new tack was to force Native Americans onto reservations, which were made up of the least desirable land in a tribe's traditional home region. The reservation system failed for a number of reasons, including the inferiority of the land, the grouping of incompatible tribes on the same reservation, and the lack of autonomy granted the tribes in managing their own affairs. Moreover, some Westerners simply ignored the arrangement and poached on reservation lands. Helen Hunt Jackson's book A Century of Dishonor detailed the injustices of the reservation system and inspired reformers to push for change, which cam in 1887, in the form of the *Dawes Severalty Act*

Decline of the Huron Confederacy (1634-1649)

At one time, the Hurons numbered up to 40,000, living primarily near Lake Ontario and in parts of Quebec, but with some groups as far south as West Virginia. During the 1630s, though, smallpox ravaged the tribes, and their numbers declined to around 12,000. Added to their woes were constant conflicts with other tribes for fur rights. The Huron were allies with the French and fought alongside them in the Seven Years' War.

DIFFERENT! Netherlands Colonization of the New World

Attempted to build a great trading empire, and while it achieved great success elsewhere in the world, its settlements on the North American continent, which were essentially glorified trading posts, soon fell to the English. This doesn't mean they were unimportant. One of the Dutch settlements was New Amsterdam, later renamed New York City


Banned the manufacture, sale, and transport of alcoholic beverages. The Prohibition movement had its roots in reform campaigns of the 1830s and remained a mainstay of women's political agendas until on the eve of women's enfranchisement (1917), the 18th Amendment outlawed American liquor industry. Many people soon came to resent the government's intrusion in what they considered a private matter. Open warfare between competing gangs and between criminals and law enforcement earned this period the title of the *gangster era* which inspired many movies and television series. Prohibition was repealed by the 21st Amendment

Hiram Revels and Blanche K. Bruce

Became the first black Senators in the US Congress and were elected in 1870 and 1875 only a few short years after the end of the Civil War.

Role of tobacco in Jamestown

Because tobacco requires a vast acreage and depletes the soil, the prominent role of tobacco in Virginia's economy resulted in rapid expansion. The introduction of tobacco would also lead to the development of plantation slavery.

American Colonization Society

Before the 1830s, few whites fought aggrssively for the liberation of the slaves. The Quakers believed slavery to be morally wrong and argued for its end. Most other antislavery whites sought gradual abolition, coupled with colonization, a movement to return blacks to Africa. The _______ established in 1816, sought to repatriate slaves to the newly formed country of Liberia in Africa. Many politicians supported the cause, including Henry Clay. The religious and moral fervor that accompanied the Second Great Awakening persuaded more and more whites that slavery was a great evil.

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Began in 1955 when *Rosa Parks* was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man as was required by *Jim Crow* laws. Outrage over the arrest, coupled with long-term resentment over unfair treatment, spurred blacks to stay off Montgomery buses for more than a year

Korean War

Began in June of 1950, when communist North Korea invaded US-backed South Korea. Believing the Soviet Union to have engineered the invasion, the United States took swift countermeasure. Originally intending only to repel the invasion, Truman decided to attempt a reunification of Korea after some early military successes. Under the umbrella of the United Nations, American troops attacked North Korea, provoking China. China ultimately entered the war, pushing American troops and South Korean troops back near the original border dividing North and South Korea. US commander *Douglas MacArthur* recommended an all-out confrontation with CHina, with the objective of overthrowing the Communists and reinstating Chiang Kai-shek. Truman thought a war with the world's most populous country might be imprudent and so decided against MacArthur. When MacArthur started publicly criticizing the president, who was also the commander-in-chief, Truman fired him for insubordination.


Believed that humans contained elements of the divine, and thus they had faith in man's. and ultimately society's perfectibility. Most notable writers: Nathaniel Hawthorne (The Scarlet Letter), Ralph Waldo Emerson, and David Thoreau (Walden- an acocunt of the two years he spent living alone in a cabin on Walden Pond outside Concord Massachusetts.)

National Organization of Women (NOW)

Betty Friedan was one of the founders of ______________ formed in 1966 to fight for legislative changes, including the ill-fated Equal Rights amendment to the Constitution. The modern movement for gay rights also began to solidify in the 1960s, with the first Gay Pride parades occuring on the anniversary of the *Stonewall riots*, an event at which gays fought back against the police in NYC

Corrupt Affairs in the Grant Administration

Black Friday, 1869 Credit Mobilier scandal, 1872 New York Custom House ring, 1872 Star Route frauds, 1872-1876 Sanborn incident, 1874 Pratt & Boyd scandal, 1875 Whiskey Ring, 1875 Delano affair, 1875 Trading post scandal, 1876 Alexander Cattell & Co. scandal, 1876 Safe burglary, 1876

Wilson's Fourteen Points

Called for free trade through lower tariffs and freedom of the seas; a reduction of arms supplies on all sides; and the promotion of self-determination, both in Europe and overseas (end of colonialism). This also called for the creation of the League of Nations, a mechanism for international cooperation. This served as a basis for initial negotiations

The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (1890)

Book by naval Captain Alfred T. Mahan, piqued the government's interest in imperialism. Mahan argued that successful trade relied on access to foreign ports, which in turn required overseas colonies, and colonies in turn required a strong navy. The book popularized the idea of the *New Navy* and after the United States invested in upgrading its ships, it turned its attention to foreign acquisitions

The Age of Salutary Neglect (1650-1750)

British treatment of the colonies during the period preceding the French and Indian war is often described as ___________, or benign neglect. Although England regulated trade and government in its colonies, it interfered in colonial affairs as little as possible. Because of the distance, England set up absentee customs officials and the colonies were left to self-govern. Thus, the colonies developed a large degree of autonomy, which helped fuel revolutionary sentiments when the monarchy later attempted to gain greater control of the New World.

Fireside Chats

Broadcasts over the radio where Roosevelt, for example, reassured the public that the banks were once again secure. More than 60 million Americans listened

Dawes Severalty Act

Broke up the reservations and distributed some of the land to the head of each NAtive American family. Similar to the Homestead Act, the allotment was 160 acres of land. This time, however, it was required that the family live on the land for 25 years, after which time the land was legally theirs. And the grand prize was American citizenship. The Dawes Act was intended as a humanitarian solution to the "Indian problem": its main goal was to accelerate the assimilation of Native Americans into Western society by integrating them more closely with whites.


Building on the Populism's achievements and adopting some of its goals (direct election of senators, opposition to monopolies), the ________________ came to dominate the first 2 decades of 20th century American politics. While Populists were mainly aggrieved farmers who advocated radical reforms, the Progressives were urban, middle-class reformers who wanted to increase the role of government in reform while maintaining a capitalist economy. Progressives were Northern and middle class, therefore the Progressive movement did not intensify regional and class differences, as the Populist movement had

Moral Majority (George HW Bush)

Bush called for "a kinder, gentler nation" and did not want new taxes, liberalism, or feminism. The conventional wisdom held that Americans had settled back into traditional American lifestyles that celebrated values such as family and abstinence from sex and drugs


By 1876, Southern Democrats had regained control of most of the region's state legislatures. These Democrats called themselves ____________________, and their use of the word redemption suggested they intended to reverse Republican reconstruction policies as they returned to power

William Jennings Bryan (Democrat) v. William McKinley (Republican)

By 1896, the Populists were poised for power. They backed William Jennings Bryan against William McKinley, and Bryan ran on a strictly Populist platform; he based his campaign on the call for *free silver*. He is probably best remembered for his "Cross of Gold" speech. He argued that an easy supply, through inflationary, would loosen the control that Northern banking interests held over the country. The Republicans became solidly allied with big businesses, as McKinley received huge campaign contributions from large companies. Business leaders told employees that they would lose their jobs if Bryan won the election. Bryan lost the campaign; this coupled with an improved economy, ended the Populist movement

Japan before WWII

By 1941, France had fallen to Germany, and the British were too busy fighting Hitler to block Japanese expansion, which had continued south into French Indochina. The US responded to JApanese aggression by cutting off trade to Japan, which was dependent on foreign imports. The embargo included oil, which Japan needed to fuel its war machine. Despite peace talks in November of 1941 between the United States and Japan to avoid war, the United States had broken Japan's secret communication codes and knew that Japan was planning an attack but did not know the location. Secretary of War *Henry Stimson* encouraged Roosevelt to wait for the Japanese attack in order to guarantee popular support for the war it home. He did not have to wait long. The Japanese attacked *Pearl Harbor*, Hawaii, on December 7, and the US participation in the war began

The West and Frontier Living

By the early 1840s, the frontier had expanded to include the Pacific Northwest. In 1849, the Gold Rush drew numerous settlers, Forty-Niners, to California. The US government actively encouraged settlers to move west. It gave away, or sold at reduced rates, large tracts of land to war veterans, The government also loaned money at reduced rates to civilians so that they too could move west. Some settlers called *squatters* ignored the requirement to buy land and simply moved onto and appropriated an unoccupied tract as their own. Settlers in the Ohio Valley and points west produced grain and dairy farmed with mechanical plows and reapers. Transportation advances made shipping produce easier and more profitable. *Fur trading* was another common commercial enterprise on the frontiers. "Over-mountain men" were often the first pioneers in a region, and they constantly moved west, one step ahead of farming families. They had hunted beaver to near extinction. A group of former trappers formed the first American government in the Oregon Territory and began lobbying for statehood. The western frontier was also home to cattle rancher and miners. Settlers in the west constantly struggled against the climate, elements, and the Native Americans who were not anxious for the whites to settle, having heard about their treatment of Eastern tribes. Still, the frontier offered pioneers opportunities for wealth, freedom, and social advancement- opportunities that were less populated, competitive East, and the aristocratic South

Freedman's Bureau

By the early spring of 1865, a Union victory was virtually assured, and the government established the ________________ to help newly liberated blacks establish a place in postwar society. The Bureau helped with immediate problems of survival (food, housing) and developed social institutions, such as schools.

Era of Good Feelings

Called this during Monroe's presidency because of the demise of the Federalists briefly left the US with only one political party. This was a period of unity, although the term belies the growing tension created by economic development and increased sectionalism. Chief Justice John Marshall's rulings continued to strengthen the federal government and its primacy

Gospel of Wealth

Carnegie further argued that the concentration of wealth among a few was the natural and most efficient result of capitalism. Dubbing his belief the __________________________, he advocated philanthropy, as by building libraries and museums or funding medical research, but not charity

The Carolinas

Carolina was a proprietary colony. In 1729, it split into North and South Carolina. This territory was settled by the descendants of Englishmen who had colonized Barbados (their primary export was sugar and its plantations were worked by slaves). Barbados were the first Englishmen in the New World who had seen *widespread* slavery at work. This arrival truly marked the beginning of the slave era in the colonies.

Sugar Act, Currency Act, and the Proclamation of 1763

Caused a great deal of discontent in the colonies, whose residents bristled at what they correctly viewed as British attempts to exert greater control. These acts signaled a clear end to Britain's long-standing policy of salutary neglect. Colonial protests to these acts were uncoordinated and ineffective.

Life in Colonial New England

Centered on trade. Boston was the colonies' major port city. The population farmed on subsistence, not for trade, and mostly subscribed to the rigid Puritanism

Jane Addams

Charitable middle-class organizations mad efforts at urban reform. These groups lobbied local governments for building-safety codes, better sanitation, and public schools. Frustrated by government's slow pace, their members also founded and lived in *settlement houses* in poor neighborhoods. These houses became community centers, providing schooling, childcare, anc cultural activities. In Chicago, _________________ founded Hull House to provide such services as English lessons for immigrants, day care for children of working mothers, childcare classes for parents, and playgrounds for children. She also campaigned for increased government services in the slums

Warren Court

Chief Justice Earl Warren's Court worked to enforce voting rights for blacks and forced stated to redraw congressional districts so that minorities would receive greater representation. In Gideon v. Wainwright, the Court ruled that a defendant in a felony trial must be provided a lawyer for free if he or she cannot afford one. In *Miranda v. Arizona*, the Court ruled that, upon arrest, a suspect must be advised of his or her right to remain silent and to consult with a lawyer

Columbian Exchange

Christopher Columbus's arrival in the New World (1492) marked the beginning of the Contact Period, during which Europe sustained contact with the Americas and introduced a widespread exchange of plants, animals, foods, communicable diseases, and ideas. When Columbus returned to Spain and reported the existence of a rich new world with easy-to-subjugate natives, he opened the door to along period of European expansion and colonialism.

Life in the lower South

Concentrated on cash crops, such as tobacco and rice. Slavery played a major role on plantations, although the majority of Southerners were subsistence farmers who had no slaves. Blacks constituted up to half the population of some Southern colonies.

Life in Colonial Cities

Conditions in cities were often much worse than those in the country. Because work could often be found there, most immigrants settled in the cities. The work they found generally paid too little, and poverty was widespread. Sanitary conditions were primitive and epidemics such as small pox were common. Cities served as centers for progress and education. Almost all colleges established during this period served to train ministers.

Congress during Reconstruction

Congress was divided among conservative Republicans, who generally agreed with Johnson's plan; moderates, who were a large enough contingent to swing a vote in one or the other direction; and Radical Republicans. The Republicans wanted to extend democracy in the South. Following the Civil War, most important political positions were held by appointees; very few officials were directly elected. The most radical among the Radical Republicans advocated a reconstruction program that punished the South for seceding

Second Continental Congress

Convened in May 1775 just weeks after the Battles of Lexington and Concord. The Congress prepared for war by establishing a Continental Army, printing money, and creating government offices to supervise policy. The Congress chose George Washington to lead the army because he was both well-liked and a Southerner (bolstered support in an area with many Loyalists)

Miliken v. Bradley (1974)

Court ruled that the Constitution only forbids segregation and it does not require any particular racial balance.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty. Stephen Douglas supported this and worked to create a coalition of Southerners who would want to repeal the Missouri Compromise and Northerners who wanted the railroad to end in the Illinois region, getting the act passed through Congress over the strong objection of antislavery Whigs and antislavery Democrats. Northerners considered the new law a betrayal, regarding it as further evidence of the Slave Power's domination of government.

War Industry Board

Created during WWI to coordinate all facets of industrial and agricultural production, sought to guarantee that not only the US but also the rest of the Allies would be well supplied- This was slow and inefficient

WIlliam Howard Taft (Progressive)

Created the 16th Amendment- instituted a national income tax Created the 17th Amendment- allowed for the direct election of Senators. He pursued monopolies more aggressively than Roosevelt. On the foreign policy front, Taft is best known for "*dollar diplomacy*" the attempt to secure favorable relationships with Latin American and East Asian countries by providing monetary loans

Selective Training and Service Act of 1940

Created the first peacetime draft in US history and gave birth to the current incarnation of the Selective Service System, which ultimately provided that about 10 million soldiers toward the war effort

Bureau of Investigation

Created to prevent radicals from taking over, as Americans began to fear a communist takeover seen through the Russian Revolution *J. Edgar Hoover* headed the nascent agency- Business assumed great power, while unions lost power. In April of 1919, a series of bombs exploded in several American cities. Ongoing fears of radicalism and the spread of communism following the Russian Revolution encouraged Palmer to organize a series of raids on suspected Radical groups around the country. In the *Palmer Raids* in early 1920, the government abandoned all pretext of respecting civil liberties as its agents raided union halls, pool halls, social clubs, and residences

Hamilton's Financial Plan

Creation of the National Bank, handling of the national debt accrued during the war, the federal government to assume the states' debt, and to repay those debts by giving the debt holders land on the western frontier, The plan favored Northern banks. Hamilton was accused of helping the monied elite at the expense of the working classes.

Headright System

In 1618, the Virginia Company introduced the _________ as a means of attracting new settlers to the region and to address the labor shortage created by the emergence of tobacco farming, which required a large number of workers. A "headright" was a tract of land, usually about 50 acres, that was granted to colonists and potential settlers.

Shays's Rebellion

Daniel Shays was a Revolutionary War veteran who was not receiving his pay from the war. As then Massachusetts government was enforcing the ability of banks to repossess farms and foreclose on farms of people who could not pay, Shays was facing foreclosure. His plan was to take over the courthouses that were making these rulings. He and his men seized a weapons armory in Springfield and used those weapons to attack courthouses. The Massachusetts government couldn't mobilize any forces to stop Shays and his men, so private citizens organized to put the rebellion down. This was one of the leading reasons for the Constitutional Convention. This revealed lingering resentment on the part of the back country farmers toward the coastal elite

14th Amendment

Declares that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws. Intended to clarify the status of newly freed slaves, address the issue of citizenship raised by the Dred Scott decision, and limit the effects of the black codes.

Continental Association

Delegates at the First Continental Congress agreed to form this, with towns setting up committees of observation to enforce the boycott. This association also led acts of insubordination by collecting taxes, disrupting court sessions, and organizing militias and stockpiling weapons.

John Tyler

Democrat who championed states' rights, much to his own party's chagrin. Tyler vetoed numerous Whig bills, which alienated Whig leadership; eventually his entire cabinet resigned in protest

Platt Amendment

Despite the Teller Amendment, which the US claimed it would not annex Cuba after Spain's departure from the island in 1898, US troops remained in Cupa for another few years. In 1901, when Cuba was compelled to include a series of provisions in its new constitution. The US made it clear that its troops would not leave Cuba unless they agreed to these provisions, collectively known as the ________________________. The US was basically given control over CUba's foreign affairs. This included: (1) Cuba was not permitted to sign any foreign treaty without the consent of the US, (2) the US could intervene in Cuban domestic and foreign affairs, and (3) the US was granted land on which to build a naval base and coaling station. For 10 of the years between 1906 and 1922, the American military occupied Cuba, arousing anti-American sentiments on the island

Market Economy

Developments in manufacturing and transportation changed the way self-serving Americans lived. People traded their labor for goods or cash, which they then use to buy other people's labor or goods. These grow more quickly and provide more services than subsistence economies, and they also make people more interdependent. Any number of factors can halt a period of prosperity and throw the economy into a skid like the panics of 1819 and 1837. These changes are referred to as boom-and-bust cycles. During the first decades of the 19th century, the United States made a rapid transition from a subsistence economy to a market economy


Diem, it turned out, was a vicious leader. He took despotic control of south Vietnam, imprisoning political enemies, persecuting Buddhist monks, and closing newspapers that criticized his government. As a result, many South Vietnamese citizens joined the North Vietnamese side. These communist South Vietnamese insurgents were called the ___________________. Rather than cut its losses, the US continued to support Diem and the South Vietnamese economically. Committed to the policy of containment and intent on nation building, President Kennedy increased America's involvement in Vietnam by sending military advisers known as the Green Berets. Finally i 1963, the CIA helped the South Vietnamese military stage a coup to overthrow Diem's government. During the coup, Diem and his brothers were killed and Kennedy was appalled by the outcome. A few weeks later, Kennedy was assassinated, and LBJ took control of America's war efforts

DIFFERENT! English Colonization of the New World

Differed significantly from the three other powers in that the other three all depended on Native Americans in different ways: as slave labor, as allies, or as trading partners. English colonies, by contrast, attempted to exclude Native Americans as much as possible. The English flooded to the New World in great numbers, with entire families arriving in many of the colonies rather than just young men, and intermixing between settlers and natives was rare. Instead, when English colonies grew to the point that conflict with nearby tribes became inevitable, the English launched wars of extermination. For instance, the Powhatan Confederacy was destroyed by English "Indian fighters" in the 1640s.

Nye Commission

Disenchantment with the result of WWI fed isolationist sentiment, a stance amplified by the findings of the __________________. Led by Senator Gerald Nye, the commission's report in 1936 revealed unwholesome activities by American arms manufacturers; many had lobbied intensely for entry into WWI, others had bribed foreign officials, and still others were currently supply fascist governments with weapons. Congress responded by passing a series of *neutrality acts*. The first neutrality act (1935) prohibited the sale of arms to either belligerents in a war. The second act banned loans to belligerents

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Douglas faced stiff competition for his Illinois Senate seat from Abraham Lincoln, a rising star in the newly formed Republican party. The race for Illinois's Senate seat gained national attention in part because of the railroad and telegraph. Stephen Douglas- Democrat, Lincoln-Whig (opposed to Mexican War and the Kansas-Nebraska Act). It was in this campaign that Lincoln delivered "House Divided" speech while Douglas destroyed his political career in attempt to defend popular sovereignty in what became known as the *Freeport Doctrine*. Douglas tried to depict Lincoln as an abolitionist, but Lincoln skillfully backed Douglas into a corner when he pushed him to reconcile popular sovereignty with the Dred Scott decision.

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Dred Scott was a former slave whose master had taken him to territories where slavery was illegal, declared himself a free man, and sued for his freedom. Scott won the case but lost the appeal, and the case finally wound up in the Supreme Court where Dred lost. At a time when many wanted to ignore the big questions surrounding slavery, Chief Justice Roger Taney chose to attack head-on. Taney's one-sided, proslavery decision declared that slaves were property, not citizens, and further, that no black person could ever be a citizen of the United States. Because blacks were not citizens, Taney argued, they could not sue in federal courts. He ruled that Congress could not regulate slavery in the territories. This part of the decision not only nullified the now obsolete Missouri Compromise but also the Kansas-Nebraska Act

Whitewater (Clinton)

Dubious real estate dealings- impeached Clinton for perjury, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power (impeachment- formal accusation of wrongdoing)

Indian Removal Act (1830)/Court Cases/The Trail of Tears

During Jackson's presidency, there were "Five Civilized Tribes" living in the South in the area east of the Mississippi River, among those the Cherokee nation. The Cherokees had developed a written language, converted to Christianity, and embraced agriculture way of life. Some Cherokees even owned slaves. The Cherokees had developed their own government and deemed themselves to be an independent republic within the state of Georgia. The problem arose when gold was discovered ob Cherokee land and the citizens of Georgia demanded that the Cherokees comply with the provisions of the Indian Removal Act. This act demanded that the Indians resettle in Oklahoma, which had been deemed Indian Territory. The Cherokees refused and brought the court cases Cherokee's Nation v. Georgia and Worcester v. Georgia, where the Supreme Court sided with the Cherokees. Between 1835 and 1838, thousands of Cherokees walked to Oklahoma under the supervision of the US Army. Thousands died of sickness and starvation along the way

Sherman's March to the Sea

During ____________________ from Atlanta to the sea in the fall of 1864, the Union Army burned everything in its wake, foreshadowing the wide-scale warfare of the 20th century


During the 16th century, English Calvinists led a Protestant movement called ____________ in England. English monarchs of the early 17th century persecuted the Puritans, and so the Puritans began to look for a new place to practice their faith. (The New World)

Private Virtue

During the 1790s, women's roles in courtship, marriage, and motherhood were all reevaluated in light of the new republic and its ideals. Although women were largely excluded from political activity, they had an important civil role and responsibility. They were to be the teachers and producers of virtuous male citizens. Women argued for better education for themselves to be better mothers

Slave Power

During the Mexican American War, these were rich Southerners who allegedly were "pulling the strings". The gag rule in 1836 raised suspicions of a Slave Power (slave owners who had control of the government) and the defeat of the *Wilmot Proviso*

Wilmer Proviso

During the Mexican American War, this was a congressional bill prohibiting the extension of slavery into any territory gained from Mexico, reinforced those suspicions. *Outcome of the Vote*: Northern Whigs- All in favor, Northern Democrats- all but 4 in favor Southern Whigs- All but 2 opposed, Southern Democrats- All opposed

Oregon Territory

During the early 1840s, thousands of settlers traveled to the Willamette Valley, braving a six-month journey on the Oregon Trail. The Americans were not the first ones in; not only was their a large Native American population, but the British were also there, claiming the territory for Canada. The Russians also staked a claim, and both the British and the Americans saw them as a threat, The Polk administration eventually settled the territorial dispute by signing a treaty with England


During the next century starting in 1491, Spain was the colonial power in the Americas. The Spanish founded a number of coastal towns in Central and South America and in the West Indies, where the ___________ collected and exported as much of the area's wealth as they could.

Treaty of San Lorenzo/Pickney's Treaty

During the time of Jay's Treaty, Washington sent Thomas Pickney to Spain to negotiate use of the Mississippi River, duty-free access to world markets, and the removal of any remaining Spanish forts on American soil. During this mission, Pickney was able to extract a promise from Spain to try to prevent attacks on Western settlers from Native Americans. The _________ was ratified by the US Senate in 1796

Regional Aspects of the West (1800s)

Economic interests were varied but were largely rooted in commercial farming, fur trapping, and real-estate speculation. Westerners generally distrusted the North, which they regarded as the home of powerful banks that could take their land away. Most Westerners wanted to avoid involvement in the slavery issue, which they regarded as irrelevant to their lives.

Eisenhower's Domestic Goals in the 1950s

Eisenhower prepared to impose conservative values on the federal government. He sought to balance the budget, cut federal spending, and ease government regulation of business. The military buildup required by the continuing Cold War prevented Eisenhower from making the cuts to the military budget that he would have liked. He reduced military spending by reducing troops and buying powerful weapons system (thus shaping the *New Look Army*), but not enough to eliminate deficit spending. the popularity of remaining New Deal programs made it difficult to eliminate them; circumstances required Eisenhower to increase the number of Social Security recipients and the size of their benefits. Under Eisenhower, the government also began developing the *Interstate Highway System*, partly to make it easier to move soldiers and nuclear missiles around the country. In 1953, Eisenhower sought to change federal policy toward Native Americans. His new policy, called *termination*, would liquidate reservations, end federal support to Native Americans, and subject them to state law. This plan failed, but not before causing the depletion and impoverishment of a number of tribes

Interchangeable Parts

Eli Whitney created this to help manufacturing. They also gave birth to the machine-tool industry, which produced specialized machines for such growing industries as textiles and transportation. These advances helped promote the development of assembly line production

Cotton Gin

Eli Whitney revolutionized Southern agriculture by making it much easier to remove the seeds from cotton plants. It made it easier and cheaper to use cotton for textiles, and as a result, the demand for cotton grew very rapidly in the early 1800s. As demand grew, so did cotton production in the South. This intensified the South's dependence on slave labor

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Bill Clinton Democrat

Eliminated trade barriers among the US, Mexico, Canada- severely criticized by US labor unions who feared American companies would move elsewhere in order to reduce costs with lower wages and operation costs

Griswold v. Connecticut

Established that there is an implied right to privacy in the U.S. Constitution

The First New Deal

Emergency Banking Relief Bill- put poorly managed banks under the control of the Treasury Department and granted government licenses to those that were solvent Banking Act of 1933- created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)- guarantee bank deposits, which was a big deal since people used to lose all of the money in their accounts if a bank went bankrupt Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)- provided payments to farmers in return for their agreement to cut production by up to one half Farm Credit Act- provided loans to those farmers in danger of foreclosure National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)- consolidated businesses and coordinated their activities with the aim of eliminating overproduction and stabilizing prices Public Works Administration (PWA)- set aside $3 billion to create jobs building roads, sewers, public housing units, and other civic necessities Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)- provided grants to the states to manage their own PWA-like projects Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)-(provided energy to the Tennessee Valley region)- expanded its operations greatly, which led to the economic recovery of the region National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)- mediated labor disputes Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)- regulated the stock market

Sir Walter Raleigh, the Lost Colony

England's first attempt to settle North America came a year prior to its victory over Spain, in 1587, when _______________ sponsored a settlement on Roanoke Island. By 1590, the colony had disappeared, which is why it came to be known as __________________.


England's strategic location and superior navy allowed it to impose an effective _________________ on shipments headed for Germany, particularly those coming from the US. Protests proved futile; the British government impounded and confiscated American ships. They then paid for the cargo, reducing the pressure that American merchants would otherwise have put on the US government to take action against the blockade Germany attempted to counter the blockade with *submarines* or *U-boats*. The Germans warned that they would attack any ship, but that did not satisfy Wilson, who believed that the Germans should adhere to the strict letter of international law. When German submarines sank the passenger ship Lusitania in 1915, the action provoked the condemnation of both the government and much of the public.

Battle of Lexington and Concord

English government officials believed if colonial ringleaders were arrested and arsenals were taken away, violence could be avoided. The troops were headed to Concord, Massachusetts in April 1775 and first had to pass through Lexington. They were confronted by colonial militia called the minutemen and left 18 casualties (minutemen). The British then continued to Concord, where a much larger contingent of minutemen awaited them. This militia caused numerous casualties on the British redcoats and forced them to retreat. The Battle of Concord is known as "the shot heard 'round the world".

Virginia Company

English joint-stock company that received a charter from King James that allowed it to found the Virginia colony in Jamestown.

Reason for European dominance in the New World

Europeans were generally victorious, not due to major advances in technology, but disease overtook Native population. Native Americans had never been exposed to European microbes and had never developed immunites to them. Epidemics, such as the smallpox, devastated Native American settlements, sometimes killing 95% of the population years before Europeans themselves arrived to mop up the few survivors.

Propriety and Royal Colonies

Eventually, most of the __________ colonies were converted to __________ colonies; that is, their ownership was taken over by the king, who could then exert greater control over their governments. By the time of the Revolution, only Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and Maryland were not royal colonies.

Colonial Governments

Every colony had a governor (similar to King in England), who was dependent on colonial legislatures for money. His power relied on the cooperation of the colonists. Except for Pennsylvania (had unicameral legislature), all the colonies had bicameral legislatures modeled after the British Parliament. Lower house (House of Representatives) had its members elected by white, male property holders and its powers included the "power of the purse". The upper house was made up of appointees who served as advisors to the governor and had some legislative and judicial powers.

Expansionism v. Imperialism

Expansionism- America moved into regions to do business, which most Americans supported Imperialism- When the US took control of another country

Keynesian Economics

FDR used John Maynard Keynes's economic ideas to relieve the US from the Depression- used deliberate deficit spending as the multiplier effect would ensure that every dollar spent would do several dollars' worth of good reviving of the economy

Nixon's Presidency

FOREIGN The US increased trade with the Soviets, and the administration negotiated the first of a number of arms treaties between the two countries After a series of negotiations with China, Nixon traveled to the communist country whose government the United States had previously refused to acknowledge. Nixon's trip eased tensions, partly because at the time of the trip, Americans trusted the anticommunist Nixon to improve relations with China. This also allowed Nixon to use his friendship with the Chinese as leverage against the USSR DOMESTIC The economy worsened, going through a period of combined recession-inflation (*STAGFLATION*). Nixon attempted to combat the nation's economic woes with a number of interventionist measures, including a price-and-wage freeze and increased federal spending

Internment of Japanese Americans

Farfi; that the Japanese might serve as enemy agents within US borders, the government imprisoned more than 110,000 Asian Americans, over 2/3 of whom had been born in the US and thus were US citizens. Some were not even of Japanese descent. None of those interned was ever charged with a crime; imprisonment was based entirely on ethnic background. The government placed these Japanese Americans in desolate prison camps far from the West Coast, where they feared a Japanese invasion would take place

Hispanics and Asians (1970s-2000s)

Fastest growing ethnic minorities. Hispanics outnumber African Americans as the largest minority in the US- fueled by immigration

Margaret Sanger

Feminist who faced wide opposition for promoting the use of birth control. The women's groups campaign for suffrage finally won the right to vote with the 19th Amendment in 1920

Roe v. Wade

Feminists fought against discrimination in hiring pay, college admissions, and financial aid. They also fought for control of reproductive rights, a battle reached the Supreme Court in the 1973 case ___________________, which enabled women to obtain abortions in all 50 states within their first trimester

Lebanon (Reagan)

Foreign policy setback came when the Reagan administration sent marines to ________________ as a part of a United Nations peacekeeping force. A suicide bomb killed 240 servicemen and led to an eventual pullout of troops

Shirley Chisholm (1968)

First African American woman elected to Congress

Stamp Act of 1765

First, it was a tax specifically aimed at raising revenue, this awakening the colonists to the likelihood that even more taxes could follow. It demonstrated that the colonies' tradition of self-taxation was surely being unjustly taken by Parliament. Second, it was a broad-based tax, covering all legal documents and licenses (affected almost everyone, especially lawyers). Third, it was a tax on goods produced within the colonies.

Townshend Acts

First, they taxed goods imported directly from Britain. Second, some of the tax collected was set aside for the payment of tax collectors, meaning that colonial assemblies could no longer withhold government officials' wages in order to get their way. Third, the Townshend Acts created even more vice-admiralty courts and several new government offices to enforce the Crown's will in the colonies. Fourth, they suspended the New York legislature because it had refused to comply with a law requiring the colonists to supply British troops.

Ku Klux Klan (post Civil War)

Focused on murdering freedmen, openly operating paramilitary forces such as the White League, who focused on murdering Republicans. Enforcement Acts were passed to send federal troops to oppose the Klan and were successful in limiting that Klan's violence


Followers of Thomas Jefferson who favored a weak federal government

Currency Act

Forbade the colonies to issue paper money

The Battle of Gettysburg

Fought in southern Pennsylvania. It was the most northern point the Confederacy had reached at the time. Lee's troops suffered massive casualties and were forced to retreat. This served as a massive confidence boost for the Union

Knights of Labor

Founded in 1869 by Uriah Stephens, a Philadelphia tailor. The Knights organized skilled and unskilled workers from a variety of crafts into a single union. Their goals included (1) an eight-hour workday; (2) equal pay for equal work for men and women; (3) child labor laws, including prohibition of working under the age of 14; (4) safety and sanitary codes; (5) a federal income tax; and (6) government ownership of railroad and telegraph lines

Gettysburg Address

Four months after the Battle of Gettysburg, President Lincoln delivered his most famous speech, the ______________. In only 2 minutes, the Address helped to redefine the War as not only a struggle to preserve the Union, but also as a struggle for human equality.

French Colonization of North America

French colonized Quebec City in 1608, the French Jesuit priests were trying to convert native peoples to Roman Catholicism, and were much more likely to spread diseases, like small pox, than to convert large numbers to Christianity. Few French settlers came to North America, and those who did tended to be single men, some who intermarried with women native to the area. They also tended to stay on the move, especially if they helped trade the furs that became the rage in Europe. The Edict of Nantes prevented the French from shaping the region soon known as British North America in 1598

The Railroads of the West (late 1800s)

From 1863 to 1869, former farmers, immigrants, freed slaves, and Civil War veterans worked to have a Transcontinental Road. the railroads were built largely at the public's expense, through direct funding and substantial grants of land to the railroads. Both federal and governments were anxious for rails to be completed and so provided substantial assistance. Until they were regulated, the railroads would overcharge wherever they owned a monopoly and undercharge in competitive and heavily trafficked markets. This was harmful to farmers in remote areas. This installed "railroad time", by which rail schedules were determined, gave the nation its first standardized method of time telling with the adoption of time zones

Eerie Canal

Funded entirely by the state of New York, this linked the Great Lakes region to New York and thus to European shipping routes. Suddenly, it became lucrative for a Midwestern merchant or farmer to sell his products to Eastern buyers, and as a result, the Northeast soon established itself as the United States' center of commerce. This was so successful that by 1835, its width and depth had to be nearly doubled to handle the traffic. During the 1830s, thousands of miles of canals were constructed throughout the Northeast and the Midwest

Election of 1828

Furious that he had been denied presidency in 1824, Jackson put together a support network to assure wide popular support. A coalition of state political organizations, newspaper publishers, and other community leaders rallied around the campaign. That group became the present-day democratic party. The campaign was vicious. Jackson's men accused Adams of being a corrupt career politician, while Adams's men accused Jackson of being a stupid and violent drunkard and that his wife was a bigamist. The Coffin Handbill accused Jackson of murdering his enlisted men during the Indian Wars.

Socialists/ Communist Party of America

Gained popularity around the time of the Second New Deal which called for the nationalization of businesses (takeover by the government)

Gag Rule

Garrison fought against slavery and against moderates as well, decrying their plans for black resettlement in Africa as racist and immoral. Garrison's persistence and powerful writing style helped force the slavery issue to the forefront. Some southern states banned the newspaper, and others prohibited anyone from discussing emancipation. When congressional debate over slavery became to heated, Congress adopted a __________ that automatically suppressed discussion of the issue. It also prevented Congress from enacting any new legislation pertaining to slavery. This rule outraged many Northerners and convinced them to join the abolition movement

Washington Conference (1921)

Gathered 8 of the world's great powers; the resulting treaty set limits on stockpiling armaments and reaffirmed the Open-Door Policy toward China. In 1928, a total of 62 nations signed the *Kellogg-Briand Pact* which condemned war as a means of foreign policy

Treaty of Versailles

Germany was forced to cede German and colonial territories of the Allies, to disarm, to page huge reparations, and admit total fault for the war. By leaving Germany humiliated and in economic ruin, this helped set the stage for WWII

Gilded Age

Gilded metal have a shiny, gold-like surface, but beneath lies a cheap base. After reconstruction, America looked to have entered a period of prosperity, with a handful of families having amassed unprecedented wealth, but the affluence of a few was built on the poverty of many. Similarly, American politics looked like a shining example of representative democracy, but just beneath the surface lay crass corruption and patronage. Political machines, not municipal governments, ran the cities. Big business bought votes in COngress and then turned around and fleeced consumers. Workers had little protection from the greed of their employers because the courts turned a deaf ear to worker complaints

Quebec Act

Granted greater liberties to Catholics, whom the Protestant colonial majority distrusted, and extended the boundaries of the Quebec Territory, thus furthering impeding western expansion.

Movies (1920s), Sports (1920s), Literature (1920s)

Grew popular during the 1920s- reflected back at the nation its idealized self-image; on movie screens, young, independent-minded, gorgeous heroes and heroines defied all odds to succeed in romance and- at the same time- strike it rich. Sports grew popular as well, especially baseball, whose greatest player of the era, Babe Ruth, was idolized by millions. America gained international prominence through such world-class authors as*F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and playwright Eugene O'Neill*

Ku Klux Klan (1920s)

Grew to more than 5 million members and widened its targets, attacking blacks, Jews, urbanites, and anyone whose behavior deviated from the Klan's narrowly defined code of acceptable Christian behavior. Anti-immigration groups grew in strength as well, targeting the growing number of southern and Eastern European immigrants Sacco and Vanzetti -In 1920 these two men were convicted of murder and robbery. They were found guilty and died in the electric chair unfairly. They were Italian immigrant anarchists (nativism)

Congressional Caucus

Groups of Congressmen that choose their parties' nominees, and electors, often chosen by those same congressmen or by their friends, had not challenged the choices

DIFFERENT! French Colonization of the New World

Had significantly friendlier relations with indigenous tribes, tending to ally with them and adopt native practices. The French had little choice in this: French settlements were so sparsely populated that taking on the natives head-on would have been very risky.

National Bank

Hamilton proposed this to help regulate and strengthen the economy. Both houses of Congress approved Hamilton's plan, but Washington, uncertain of the bank's constitutionality, considered a veto. Washington listened to both arguments of Hamilton and Jefferson and signed the bill.

Nikita Khrushchev

He denounced Stalin's totalitarianism and called for "peaceful coexistence" among nations with different economic philosophies. Some Soviet client states took Khrushchev's pronouncements as a sign of weakness; rebellions occurred in Poland and Hungary. When the Soviets crushed the uprisings, US-Soviet relations returned to where they were during the Stalin era. Soviet advances in nuclear arms development (USSR exploded its first hydrogen bomb a year after the US blew up its first H-bomb) and space flight (USSR launched the first satellite, Sputnik, into space, motivating the US to quickly create and find the *National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)*) further heightened anxieties

Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive)

He directed the Justice Department to investigate a major railroad company, and then broke it up following the Sherman Antitrust Act. "good trusts and bad trusts" He was the first to successfully use the Sherman antitrust Act against monopolies and did so repeatedly during his term. That same year, he worked to negotiate a labor conflict between coal mine owners and coal workers, giving large concessions to the workers. Roosevelt went beyond regulation corporations. Inspired by Upton Sinclair's book The Jungle, he encouraged Congress to pass the Meat Inspection Act, which created federal standards for meatpacking factories. Congress also passed the Pure Food and Drug Act, which required all processed food and drugs to include ingredient labels. Roosevelt's desire to conserve natural resources led him to preserve millions of acres of forested land and to encourage Congress to create the National Park Service and the National Forest Service Roosevelt's policies are referred to as *New Nationalism* During his administration. the US built a canal through the Central American isthmus; a canal would greatly shorten the sea trip from the East Coast to California. Congress approved a plan for a canal through *Panama*. Because Colombia asked for more than the government was willing to spend, the US encouraged Panamanian rebels to revolt and then supported the revolution. The new Panamanian government gave the US a much better. Because American commercial interests were so closely tied to the canal's successful operation, the US military became a fixed presence throughout the region. During the next 20 years, troops intervened repeatedly, claiming that Latin American domestic instability constituted a threat to American security. This became to be known as the *Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine* or *Big Stick Diplomacy*

WIlliam "Boss" Tweed

He expanded his influence by gaining a seat on New York's Board of Supervisors, which allowed him to embezzle millions of dollars through corruption in city construction projects. Tweed also became a prominent leader in Tammany Hall, the political machine of New York's Democratic Party. Tweed gave out jobs, homes, and protection to new immigrants in exchange for their votes in local elections. By the 1870s, Tweed's power became noticeable to leading journalists, including the New York Times and political cartoonist Thomas Nast. Tweed was eventually found guilty and died in prison in 1878

Washington's Farewell Address

He warned future presidents to "steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world". It warned Americans against sectional divisions as well as political party conflict. Washington promoted the notion of having friendly relationships with all nations, but to avoid any permanent alliances

Military Reconstruction Act of 1867

Imposed martial law on the South; it also called for new state constitutional conventions and forced the states to allow blacks to vote for convention delegates. The act also required each state to ratify the 14th Amendment and to send its new constitution to Congress for approval

James Buchanan

He worked to enforce the fugitive slave act and opposed abolitionist activism in the South and West. Like many of the nation's leaders at the time, he was at a loss when it came to a permanent solution to the question of slavery. He hoped merely to maintain the Union

Automobile (1920s)

Henry Ford perfected the assembly line and mass production, which lowered the cost of ____________________, allowing more than just the wealthy to purchase them. The automobile allowed those who worked in cities to move farther away from city centers, thus giving birth to the suburbs, which changed the automobile from a convenience to a necessity. This forced the development of roadways

Election of 1854

His greatest political asset that he had been out of the country for the previous four years and so could avoid blame for the disastrous results of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. In a sectional vote, Buchanan won the election, carrying the South, while the North split between Buchanan and Republican John Fremont.

Horizontal v. Vertical Integration

Horizontal- created monopolies within a particular industry, the best-known example being Standard Oil created by Rockefeller. Several smaller companies within the same industry are combined to form one larger company, either by being bought out legally or by being destroyed through ruthless business practices such as cutthroat competition or pooling agreements. Many of these business practices are illegal Vertical- one company buys out all the factors of production, from raw materials to finished product. For example, Swift Premium might control the stockyards, the slaughterhouse, and the processing and packaging plants but still compete wotj Oscar Mayer or Hebrew National

Supply-Side Economics (Reagan)

If corporate taxes were reduced, those corporations would earn greater profits. They would then use those profits to buy new equipment and hire more employees. As a result, wealth would *trickle down* by creating more jobs and reinvigorating the economy. Reagan coupled this with large-scale deregulation of banking, industry, etc. He successfully lobbied Congress for an across-the-board tax cut for all Americans (hurt poor)

Crittendon Compromise

Immediately after the election of 1860, Southern leaders who wanted to maintain the Union tried to negotiate and came up with the _________. All hope of resolution died when Lincoln refused to soften the Republican demand that slavery not be extended to the territories

Molasses Act of 1733

Imposed an exorbitant tax upon the importation of sugar from the French West Indies.

The Beginnings of the War of 1812

In 1805, the British and the French were at war and at a stalemate. In an effort to gain an advantage, each side began blockading each other's trade routes. The US, dependent on both as trade partners, suffered greatly from the blockades. In addition, the British began stopping American ships and impressing sailors, that is, that those sailors had deserted from the British navy and they forced them back into it. American navy was too weak to fight against the British, therefore Jefferson boycotted while improving military and naval appropriations.

Power Loom

In 1813, textile manufacturers could produce both thread and finished fabric in their own factories quickly and efficiently. The resulting product was both of high quality and inexpensive -so much that women who had previously woven their own fabrics at home started to buy cloth. *Samuel Slater*, the "Father of the American Industrial Revolution", designed the first American textile mills

Tariff of 1828/Tariff of Abominations

In 1828, John C.Calhoun, a South Carolinian who was Jackson's vice president, anonymously published "The South Carolina Exposition and Protest" arguing that states who felt the 50% tariff was unfairly high could nullify the law. By 1830, southern states were openly discussing nullification, as such protectionist tariffs cut into the trade with Britain on which the South relied to sell its cotton and buy British wools and other raw materials in return. Jackson believed in state's rights, but thought nullification endangered the Union.

William Henry Harrison

In 1841, he became the first Whig president who died of pneumonia a month after taking office

Thomas Edison

In 1876, _________ built his workshop in Menlo Park, New Jersey and proceeded to produce some of the most important inventions of the century.His pioneering work in the development of power plants also proved immensely important. His advances allowed for the extension of the workday, which previously ended at sundown and the wider availability of electricity. With that wider availability, Edison and other inventors began to create new uses for electricity, both for industry and the home.

Interstate Commerce Act

In 1887, one year after the Wabash decision, Congress passed the first federal regulatory law in US history. The ______________ set up the Interstate Commerce Commission to supervise railroad activities and regulate unfair and unethical practices

McKinley Tariff

In 1890, Congress enacted the ____________, which raised the level of duties on imported goods almost 50%. Certain products such as unprocessed sugar, were put on a duty-free list. In 1894, Congress passed the Wilson-Gorman Tariff, which essentially resembled the schedule established by the McKinley Tariff. The tariff issue not only dominated congressional debate, it also had a tremendous impact on foreign relations, such as one of the causes of the Spanish-American War

Sierra Club

In 1892, naturalist John Muir created the _______________________, one of the first large organizations devoted to conservation in the United States

Plessy v. Ferguson

In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled that the role of the federal government was not to maintain social equality. It went on to establish that "separate but equal" facilities for the different races were legal. In so doing, the Court set back the civil rights gains made during Reconstruction

Zimmermann Telegram

In 1917, the British intercepted a telegram from German Foreign minister Zimmermann to the German ambassador to Mexico. The telegram outlined a German plan to keep the US out of the European war. The telegram stated that if MExico were to declare war on the US, Germany would provide Mexico help in regaining the lands lost in the Mexican War. As a result, America would declare war on Germany

Scopes Monkey Trial

In 1925, Tennessee passed a law forbidding to teach the theory of evolution. John Scopes broke that law, and his trial drew national attention, due to the two prominent attorneys arguing the case- Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan. The case also captivated the nation because it encapsulated the debate over whether to stick with tradition or abandon it for progress's sake


In 1937, the economy went into a _______________, a period of continually decreasing output. The cause was because Roosevelt cut back government programs in effort to balance the budget and the Federal Reserve Board tightened the credit supply in an effort to slow inflation. This lasted 3 years and caused a substantial increase in the unemployment rate

Lend-Lease Act

In 1941, Roosevelt forced the ________________ through Congress, which permitted the US to "lend: armaments to England, which no longer had money to buy the tools of war. FDR sent American ships into the war zone to protect Lend-Lease shipments, an act which could easily have provoked a German attack. Later in the year, FDR and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill met at the *Atlantic Charter Conference*. This declared the Allies' war aims, which included disarmament, self determination, freedom of the seas, and guarantees of each nation's security

Berlin Blockade

In 1945, Germany had been divided into four sectors, with England, France, the US, and the USSR each controlling one. BErlin, though deep in Soviet territory, had been similarly divided. Upon learning that the 3 Western Allies planned to merge their sectors into one country and to bring that country into Western economy. the Soviets responded by imposing a blockade on Berlin. Truman refused to surrender the city, however, and ordered airlifts to keep that portion under Western control supplied with food and fuel. The Soviets finally gave it up after 1 year

Anti Communist Paranoia

In 1947, Truman ordered investigation of 3 million federal employees in a search for "security risks". Those found to have a potential Achilles' heel- either previous association with "known communists" or a "moral" weakness such as alcoholism or homosexuality were dismissed without a hearing. In 1949, former State Department official *Alger Hiss* was found guilty of consorting with a communist spy. Americans began to passionately fear the "enemy within". Even the Screen Actors Guild attempted to discover and purge its own communists

Truman Doctrine

In 1947, communist insurgents threatened to take over both Greece and Turkey, but England could no longer prop up these nations. In a speech before Congress in which he asked for $400 million in aid to the two countries, Turman asserted, "I believe it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures." This statement became the cornerstone of a larger policy called containment

President's Committee on Civil Rights

In 1948, this issued a report calling for an end to segregation and poll taxes, and for more aggressive enforcement of anti lynching laws. Truman also issued an executive order forbidding racial discrimination in hiring federal employees and another executive order desegregating the Armed forces. Blacks began to make other inroads. The NAACP won some initial important lawsuits against segregated schools and buses; *Jackie Robinson* broke the color barrier in baseball; black groups started to form coalitions with liberal white organizations, thereby gaining more political clout. These advances provoked an outbreak of flagrant racism in the South, and in 1948 segregationist Democrats, or *Dixiecrats* abandoned the party to support Strom Thurmond for president.

Joseph McCarthy

In 1950, he claimed to have a list of more than 200 known communists working for the State Department. Unchallenged, McCarthy went on to lead a campaign of innuendo that ruined the lives of thousands of innocent people. Without ever uncovering a single communist, McCarthy held years of hearings with regard to subversion, not just in the government, but in education and the entertainment industry as well. Industries created lists of those tainted by these charges, called *blacklists*, which prevented the accused from working, just as blacklists had been used against union organizers at the turn of the last century. Eisenhower himself was worried about McCarthy and refused to speak against hum, for fear that McCarthy would attack him. McCarthy's downfall came in 1954, during the Eisenhower administration, when he accused the Army of harboring communists. The Army fought back hard, and with help from *Edward R. Murrow's* television show, in the *Army-McCarthy hearings*, McCarthy was made to look foolish. The public turned its back on him, and the era of *McCarthyism* ended, but public distrust and fear of communism remained

Geneva Accords

In 1954, all of the involved parties in Vietnam met in Geneva Switzerland, and drew up the ______________, which divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel, with Communist forces controlling North Vietnam and democratic forces controlling the South. It agreed that this division was to be temporary and that elections would be held in two years to reunite the country and determine who would rule a unified Vietnam. The elections never took place. The US, certain that Ho Chi Minh would win an election, sabotaged the peace agreement. First, the US made an alliance with another South Vietnamese leader named *Ngo Dinh Diem* and helped oust Bai Dai. Then the CIA organized commando raids across the border of North Vietnam to provoke a Communist response. Diem pronounced South Vietnam an autonomous country and refused to participate in the agreed-upon national election

Brown v. Board of Education

In 1954, the Supreme Court heard the case of __________________________. a lawsuit brought on behalf of Linda Brown by the NAACP. Future Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall argued the case for Brown. In its ruling, the Court overturned the "separate but equal" standard as it applied to education: "separate but equal" had been the law of the land since the Court had approved it in Plessy v. Ferguson. In a 9 to 0 decision, the Court ruled that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal" and that schools should desegregate with "all deliberate speed". This did not immediately solve school segregation problems. Some Southern states started to pay the tuition for white children to attend private schools in order to maintain segregation. Some states actually closed their public schools rather tan integrate them.

Attempts to Influence Third World

In 1956 in Egypt, the US tried offering foreign aid, hoping to gain an ally by building the much-needed *Aswan Dam*. Egypt's nationalist leader Gamal Nasser suspected the Western powers of subterfuge; furthermore, he detested Israel, a Western ally. Eventually he turned to the Soviet Union for that aid. Later that year, Israel invaded Egypt, followed by Britain and France, in an effort to gain control of the *Suez Canal*. President Eisenhower pressured Britain and France to withdraw. The American government also used *CIA covert operations* to provide a more forceful method of increasing its influence abroad. In various countries, the CIA coerced newspapers to report disinformation and slant the news in a way favorable to the United States, bribed local politicians and tried by other means to influence local business and politics

Little Rock Nine

In 1957, the governor of Arkansas called the state National Guard to prevent a group of black students, the _____________________, from enrolling in a Little Rock high school. Eisenhower did nothing until one month later, when the courts ordered him to enforce the law. Arkansas, in response, closed all public high schools in Little Rock for two years

Students for a Democratic Society

In 1962, the _________________ formed. Its leftist political agenda, laid out in a platform called the *Port Huron Statement*, set the tone for other progressive groups on college campuses; these groups collectively became as the *New Left*. New Left ideals included the elimination of poverty and racism and an end to Cold War politics. One particularly active branch of the New LEft formed at the University of CA at Berkeley. In 1964, students there protested when the university banned civil rights and antiwar demonstrations on campus. These protests grew into the *Free Speech movement* which in turn fostered a number of lefist and radical political groups on the Berkeley campus

Medgar Evers

In 1963, Mississippi's NAACP director was shot to death by an anti integrationist. Not long after, demonstrators in Montgomery Alabama were assaulted by the police and fire department who used attack dogs and fire hoses against the crowd. News reports of both events horrified millions of Americans and thus helped bolster the movement

Gulf of Tonkin/Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

In 1964, the US Army started bombing the neighboring country of Laos, through which the North Vietnamese were shipping weapons to the Vietcong. Then, in August of the same year, reports stated that the North Vietnamese had fired on two American destroyer ships in the *Gulf of Tonkin*. Johnson used the event to get Congress to pass the *Gulf of Tonkin Resolution*, which allowed the president to take any measures he deemed necessary to protect American interests in the Region. This gave Johnson carte blanche to escalate US participation in the war. It is also the closest Congress ever came to an official declaration of war in Vietnam. Thus, the first ground troops began to arrive in the early months of 1965

Confederate States of America

In December 1860, three months before Lincoln's inauguration, South Carolina seceded from the Union. Within months, six other states had joined South Carolina to form the ___________________; the states chose Jefferson Davis to lead the Confederacy. Cautiously, Lincoln decided to maintain control of federal forts in the South while waiting for the Confederacy to make a move

GI Bill of Rights/Servicemen's Readjustment Act

In June of 1944, this provided an allowance for educational and living expenses for returning soldiers and veterans who wished to earn their high school diploma or attend college. This not only helped many Americans achieve the American dream but also helped stimulate postwar economic growth by providing low cost loans to purchase homes or families or to start small businesses

Good Neighbor Policy

In Latin America, the US tried to back away from its previous interventionist policy and replace it with the ____________ in 1934. The US continued to actively promote its interests in Latin America, often the detriment of those who lived there. However, the Platt Amendment was repealed at this time. The US achieved its foreign policy objectives mainly through economic coercion and support of pro-American leader. The US also figured out how to maintain a strong but less threatening military presence in the area, both paying for the privilege of maintaining military bases in the countries and by arranging to train the nations' National Guard units

Salem Witch Trials (1692)

In New England, during the first 70 years of English settlement in the region, 103 people had been tried on charges of witchcraft. Causes: the autocratic control of the Dominion of New England (an English government that attempted to clamp down on illegal trade) and the Halfway Covenant. This hysteria ended when the accusers, most of them teenage girls, accused some of the colony's most prominent citizens of consorting with the Devil, thus turning down leaders against them.

Life in the Middle Colonies

Included New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. There was more fertile land and focused primarily on farming. Philadelphia and New York City, like Boston, were major trade centers. The population of the region was more heterogeneous than was that of New England.

Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression

In October 1929, the stock market crashed and this was one of the reasons for the Great Depression. Prices dropped, and no matter how far they dropped, nobody wanted to buy. Hoover and his advisers underestimated the damage that the stock market crash would eventually cause. Convinced that the economy was sound, Hoover reassured the public that only stock traders would be hurt because of their irresponsible speculation (Traders had only been allowed to *buy on margin*, which meant that they might have to put up only 10-20% of the cost of each stock, allowing them to borrow against future profits that might or might not materialize. Unfortunately, among those speculators were huge banks and corporations, which suddenly found themselves on the verge of bankruptcy and unable to pay employees or guarantee bank deposits

Cuban Missile Crisis

In October of 1962, the US and the Soviet Union came the closest they had yet to a military confrontation. American spy planes detected missile sites in Cuba. Kennedy immediately decided that those missiles had to be removed at any cost; he further decided on policy of brinksmanship to confront the ___________________. He imposed a naval quarantine on Cuba to prevent any further weapons shipments from reaching the island, and then went on national television and demanded that the Soviets withdraw their missiles

Congressional Reconstruction

In a response to Johnson's Reconstruction Plan: 1.) 14th Amendment: stated that if you are born in the US, you are a citizen of the US and you are a citizen of the state where you reside in 2.) Prohibited states from depriving any citizen of "life, liberty, or property without due process of the law" 3.) Prevented states from denying any citizen "equal protection of the law" 4.) Gave states the choice either to give freedmen the right to vote or to stop counting them among their voting population for the purpose of congressional appointments 5.) Barred prominent Confederates from holding political office 6.) Excused the Confederacy's war debt

Effects of Dred v. Scott Decsison

In exercising judicial review and declaring the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional, Taney and the Court were in essence saying that slavery could go anywhere; the Republicans' goal of preventing the spread of slavery into the new territories was destroyed by the Court's ruling. The Dred Scott decision was thus a major victory for Southerners and a turning point in the "decade of crisis". In the North, the Supreme Court decision was viciously denounced. Even those who lacked strong abolitionist sentiments feared that the decision tilted the balance of power too far in the South's favor. Many regarded the decision as further proof of a Slave Power that would soon dominate the entire country, perhaps even forcing slavery on those states that did not want it.

Proclamation of 1763

In response to the initial Indian attacks, the British government issued the _____________________, forbidding settlement west of the rivers running through the Appalachians. The proclamation came too late. Settlers had already moved west of the line. The proclamation did have one effect, however. It agitated colonial settlers, who regarded it as an unwarranted British interference in colonial affairs. The year 1763 is often viewed as a turning point in British-colonial relations in that it marks the end of salutary neglect. The Proclamation of 1763 may be viewed as the first in a new series of restrictions imposed on the colonists by the British Parliament. It also established a pattern of demarcating "Indian Territory".

Political Effects of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

In response, many Northern states passed laws weakening the fugitive slave act. These laws, called personal liberty laws, required a trial by jury for all alleged fugitives and guaranteed them the right to a lawyer. It also drove the final stake into the heart of the Whig party. Antislavery Whigs, growing more impassioned about the issue and more convinced that the national party would never take a strong stand, joined Northern Democrats and former Free-Soilers to form a new party, the Republicans.

Indentured servitude

In return for free passage to the New World, indentured servants typically promised seven years' labor, after which they would receive their freedom. Throughout much of the 17th century, indentured servants also received a small piece of property with their freedom, thus enabling them (1) to survive and (2) to vote. Indentured servitude in America opened a path to land ownership that was not available to most working class men in populous Europe. However, indenture was extremely difficult, and nearly half of all indentured servants- most of whom were young, reasonably healthy men- did not survive their term of service. More than 75% of the 130,000 Englishmen who migrated to the Chesapeake during the 17th century were indentured servants.


In rural areas during the Great Depression, farmers struggled to survive as produce prices dropped more than 50%. Furthermore, a prolonged drought afflicted the Great Plains area of the Midwest, turning the region into a giant _________________. Thi situation encouraged agrarian unrest; farmers fought evictions and foreclosures by attacking those who tried to enforce them, Farmers conspired to keep prices at farm auctions low and then returned the auctioned property to its original owner. In addition, they formed the *Farmers' Holiday Association* which organized demonstrations and threatened a nationwide walkout by farmers in order to raise prices

Frederick Douglass

In the 1840s, ______________________ began publishing his influential newspaper The North Star. Douglass, an escaped slave, gained fame as a gifted writer and eloquent advocate of freedom and equality; his Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is one of the great American autobiographies

"War Democrats" v. Copperheads

In the North, some "_______________" conceded that the war was necessary to preserve the Union. Others, called _______________, accused Lincoln of instigating a national social revolution and criticized his administration's policies as thinly disguised attempt to destroy the South

Pontiac's Rebellion (1763)

In the aftermath of the war, the English raised the price of goods sold to the Native Americans and ceased paying rent on their western forts. In response, chief Pontiac rallied a group of tribes in the Ohio Valley and attacked colonial outposts. The attacks and resultant wars are known as _______________. In response to this, the Paxton Boys, a group of Scots-Irish frontiers-men in Pennsylvania murdered several in the Susquehanook tribe.

Harlem Renaissance/ Jazz Age

In the largest black neighborhood of NYC, theaters, cultural clubs, and newspapers sprang up- a development called the ________________. W. E. B. Du Buis opened writers' centers, and his prominence helped draw attention to Harlem's cultural movement. Among the greatest figures of the Harlem Renaissance were the poets Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, and Zora Neale Hurston. Another major black cultural development was the popularization of jazz. Probably the most popular and most gifted of the era's jazz musicians was trumpeter Louis Armstrong

California Gold Rush

In the late 1840s, the discovery of gold in the California mountains set of the ________________________, attracting more than 100,000 people to the Golden State in just two years. Most of these people did not strike it rich, but they settled the area after discovering that it was very hospitable to agriculture. Its access to the Pacific Ocean allowed major cities like San Francisco to develop as important trade centers

Wealthy and Middle Class during the late 1800s

Increased production and wealth meant greater access to luxuries and more leisure popular diversions. It was also during this period that large segments of the public began to read popular novels and newspapers. The growth of the newspaper industry was largely the responsibility of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst, both of whom understood the commercial value of bold screaming headlines and lurid tales of scandal. This new style of sensational reporting became known as *yellow journalism*

Juan de Sepulveda and Bartolome de Las Casas

Increased trade and development in the New World also led to increased conflict and prejudice. Europeans now debated how Native Americans should be treated. Spanish and Portuguese thinkers, such as ___1___ and ____2___, proposed wildly different approaches to the treatment of Native populations. ___1___ believed in dominance and enslavement, while ___2___ believed in peace and tolerance. The belief in European superiority was nearly universal.

Pueblo people

Indians who lived in the territory of the United States. They lived in the southwest desert with their multistory stone houses consisting of hundreds of rooms. These people had similar urban cultures of the Aztecs and the Maya, as they are noted for their advances in astronomy, architecture, and art.

Jimmy Carter

Inherited a weakening economy- inflation exceeded 10%, slow economic growth was coupled with inflation to worsen the stagflation that began in Nixon's term. Many of the nation's economic problems resulted from the increased cost of OPEC petroleum. Carter created the *Department of Energy* to research into alternative sources of power. Many Americans saw nuclear power as a solution to the nation's energy woes. Opponents argued that nuclear power plant failures were potentially catastrophic; their fears were reinforced when a Pennsylvania plant at *Three Mile Island* failed, releasing radioactive materials into the atmosphere. After Israel and Egyptian relations were broken, Carter hoped to capitalize on this breakthrough. He invited the two leaders to *Camp David* and personally brokered an agreement between the two nations. Not only this, but he also concluded an arms agreement with the Soviets. Carter also suffered some major setbacks. When the USSR invaded Afghanistan, Carter's efforts proved powerless in forcing a withdrawal. Carter also flip-flopped in Nicaragua, where first he befriended the revolutionary *Sandinista* government and then turned against them as they allied themselves more closely with the USSR and Cuba. Carter's worse crisis involved Iran, when American hostages were taken in retaliation for america's decades-long support of the repressive, deposed Shah. Carter made the promotion of human rights one of the cornerstones of his foreign policy- he also negotiated a treaty between the United States and Panama that gave control of the canal zone back to Panama and got the Senate to ratify it. He spent his retirement working with organizations like Habitat for Humanity

Whiskey Rebellion

Instigated by Hamilton's financial program. In Western Pennsylvania, farmers resisted on excise tax on whiskey. Hamilton imposed the tax in attempt to raise revenue to defray the debt incurred by the Revolution. Washington dispatched the militia to disperse the rebels. The Whiskey Rebellion is significant because like Bacon's Rebellion and Shays's Rebellion before it, the uprising demonstrated the lasting class tensions between inland farmers and the coastal elites who ran the new government. What is different in the way Shays's Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion was handled? National government authority


Instrumental in energizing conservatives throughout the 1970s and 1980s were right-wing evangelical Christians who emphasized a "born-again" religious experience and adherence to strict standards of moral behavior taken from the Bible. ___________________ became increasingly prominent in political life from the 1970s to the 1990s. They denounced the moral relativism of liberals and believed in a literal interpretation of the Bible. Conservative evangelicals and fundamentalists like *Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, and Pat Robertson* helped to mobilize other like-minded citizens to support the Republican Party and bring together various conservative groups to form a movement known as the *New Right*. The growing strength of the New Right was evident in the key role it played in helping to elect Ronald Reagan in 1980 and in 1994 when the Republican Party under Newt Gingrich recaptured control of both houses of Congress under Democrat Bill Clinton

Joint Stock Companies

Intercontinental trade became more organized with the creation of _____________, corporate businesses with shareholders whose mission was to settle and develop lands in North America. The most famous ones were the British East India Company, the Dutch east India Company, and later the *Virginia Company* which settled *Jamestown*.

The People's Party

It called for solidarity with industrial workers, opposition to immigration to help American workers, and trying to earn more support for Eastern laborers. Aside from supporting the generous coinage of silver, the income tax, direct election of US senators, and shorter workdays. The 1892 presidential candidate, James Weaver, came in 3rd

Role of Hollywood in WWII

It was enlisted to create numerous propaganda films, both to encourage support on the home front and to boost morale of the troops overseas. The size of the government more than tripled during the war

Second Bank of the United States

Jackson fought against the reform movements of the time that called for increased government activism against social and economic problems. He saw to it that the _______________________________ failed by vetoing Congress's attempt to recharter the bank and by withdrawing federal funds and depositing them into state "pet banks" He felt that the BUS protected Northeastern interests at the expense of the West

Specie Circular

Jackson was suspicious of paper money, preferring "hard currency" such as gold or silver. His __________________, which ended the policy of selling government land on credit, caused a money shortage and a sharp decrease in the treasury, and it helped trigger the Panic of 1837.

Jackson's Presidency

Jackson's economic policies demonstrated his distrust of both big government and Northeastern power brokers. He spent much of his two terms downsizing the federal government and strengthening the office of the presidency through his extensive use of the presidential veto

Tripartite Pact

Japan entered into an alliance with Italy and Germany in 1940

The Confederacy during the Civil War

Jefferson Davis understood the North's considerable advantages in population, transportation, and economics, and he knew that the weak, poorly organized state governments of the South could not mount an effective defense. Davis took control of the Southern economy, imposing taxes and using revenues to spur industrial and urban growth; he took control of the railroads and commercial shipping; and he created a large government bureaucracy to oversee economic developments. When Southerners opposed his moves, he declared martial law and suspended the writ of habeas corpus, a traditional protection against improper imprisonment, in order to maintain control. The use of presidential power chafed especially badly in the Confederacy, where many believed they had seceded precisely to avoid the federal government commanding too much power. Although Davis had some success in enhancing the Southern economy, the Confederacy still lagged far behind in industrialization to catch up to the Union. Rapid economic growth brought rapid inflation. Prices rose so quickly that paychecks and payments for crops became worthless, plunging many Southerners into poverty. In 1862, the Confederacy imposed conscription (draft), requiring many small farmers to serve in the Confederate Army. This caused class conflict. The government allowed the wealthy to hire surrogates to perform military service in their place and exempted anyone who owned more than 20 slaves from military service. Wealthy did not have to serve, while the poor had no choice; class tensions increased. Toward the end of the war, it led many Southerners in small towns to ignore the government and try to carry on as if there was no war. Many resisted when asked to feed, clothe, or house passing troops.

Lewis and Clark

Jefferson sent these explorers to investigate the western territories of the Louisiana Purchase. This trip included Sacajawea as the Shoshoni guide who helped Lewis and Clark negotiate with other Native tribes all the way up the Missouri River. All returned with favorable reports, causing many pioneers to turn their attentions westward in search of land, riches, and economic opportunities. Those early explorers also reported back to Jefferson on the presence of British and French forts that still dotted the territory, garrisoned with foreign troops that had been deliberately slow to withdraw after the regime changes of the previous half-century

Marbury v. Madison

Jefferson's refusal to accept Adams's midnight appointments resulted in a number of lawsuits against the government. William Marbury, one of Adams's last-minute appointees had sued Secretary of State James Madison for refusing to certify his appointment to the federal bench. Chief Justice John Marshall was a Federalist, and his sympathies were with Marbury, but Marshall was not certain that the court could force Jefferson to accept Marbury's appointment. Marshall's decision in the case established one of the most important principles of the Supreme Court: judicial review(the responsibility for reviewing the constitutionality of Congressional acts). The court ruled that Marbury did indeed have a right to his judgeship but that the court could not enforce his right.

Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton in Washington's Cabinet

Jefferson- Secretary of State: feared the country would backslide into monarchy or tyranny, favored a weaker federal government empowered mainly to defend the country and regulate international commerce. All other powers should be reserved to the states Hamilton- Secretary of the Treasury: favored a strong central government and weaker state governments

Olive Branch Petition

John Dickinson did not believe war was inevitable, therefore pushed reconciliation with Britain using this. This was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 5, 1775 following the skirmish at Bunker Hill. This was a last-ditch attempt to avoid armed conflict. King George III was hardly interested in the proposal since he considered the colonists to be in open rebellion given their boycotts, attacks on royal officials, and resistance at Lexington and Concord.


Johnson had flooded the region of Gulf of Tonkin with American troops. He also authorized massive Air Force bombing raids into North Vietnam. Those strikes were supposed to last a few weeks, but continued for years. Many of them dropped chemical agents like Agent Orange and Napalm, which destroyed the Vietnamese jungles and contaminated the land. Throughout Johnson's administration, the United States took over the war effort from the South Vietnamese- hence, the __________________ of the Vietnam War. As the war ground on and the draft claimed more young Americans, opposition to the war grew. Protest rallies grew larger and more frequent, and more and more young men either ignored their draft notices or fled to a foreign country to avoid military service

Election of 1968

Johnson withdrew from presidential race- association with the Vietnam War had turned many Americans against him. Many disenchanted young Americans came to Chicago to demonstrate at the Democratic Convention against government policy. The police were ordered to break up the crowds of protesters, which they did with tear gas, billy clubs, and rifles. When the convention chose pro-war Vice President Humphrey over the antiwar McCarthy and refused to condemn the war effort, the Democrats alienated many of their core constituency on the left. Meanwhile, the Republicans handed their nomination to former Vice President Richard Nixon at a rather peaceful convention. *Richard Nixon* was elected president

Tet Offensive

Johnson's advisers continued to assure him that the war was "winnable" until January 1968, when the North Vietnamese launched the ___________________________. In conjunction with the Vietcong, the North Vietnamese inflicted tremendous damage on American forces and nearly captured the American embassy in the South Vietnamese capital. Though the North Vietnamese and Vietcong forces were decisively driven back, the severity of the strikes was an ugly shock for the American people, who had been assured by the Johnson administration that the US was winning the war. This would be a major turning point, as most Americans had been confident in their superior technology could easily defeat the underdeveloped Third World nation. The Tet Offensive was a highly calculated series of attacks carried out around the country, demonstrating that American military experts had vastly underestimated the sophistication of Vietnamese strategy. That the north Vietnamese and Vietcong could launch such a large-scale offensive and nearly succeed in taking the American embassy mad e the American public come to believe it was being lied to and perhaps the war was not winnable


Joseph Smith formed the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in 1830. His preaching, particularly his acceptance of polygamy, drew strong opposition in the East and Midwest, culminating in his death by a mob while imprisoned in Illinois. The Mormons, realizing that they would never be allowed to practice their faith in the East, made a long, difficult trek to the Salt Lake Valley, led by Brigham Young. There, they settled and transformed the area from desert into farmland through extensive irrigation. The Mormons' success was largely attributable to the settlers' strong sense of community

Women's Rights and Black's Rights (1960s)

Kennedy supported women's rights, establishing a presidential commission that in 1963 recommended removing all obstacles to women's participation in all facets of society. Congress enacted the _____________ in 1963, which required that men and women receive equal pay for equal work Kennedy openly embraced the black civil rights movement, where he enforced desegregation at the University of Alabama and the University of Mississippi. In the summer of 1963, he asked Congress for legislation that would outlaw segregation in all public facilities

New Frontier

Kennedy's domestic program which promised that the fight to conquer poverty, racism, and other contemporary dometic woes would be as rewarding as the efforts of the pioneers who settled the West. He pushed through legislation that increased unemployment benefits, expanded Social Security, bumped up the minimum wage, and aided distressed farmers

William Penn and the Quakers

King Charles II of England granted William Penn the colony of Pennsylvania. Penn established liberal policies toward religious freedom and civil liberties in his colony. He also attempted to treat Native Americans more fairly than did other colonies and had mixed results. His attitude attracted many tribes to the area but also attracted many European settlers who bullied tribes off of their land.

Great Society

LBJ- increased government activity and extended civil rights

Navigation Acts

Laws that governed trade between England and its colonies. Colonists were required to ship certain products exclusively to England. These acts made colonists very angry because they were forbidden from trading with other countries.


Leaders- Hamilton, Washington, Adams, Jay, Marshall Vision-Economy based on commerce Governmental Power- Strong federal government Supporters- Wealthy, Northeast Constitution- Loose construction National Bank- Believed it was "necessary" Foreign Affairs- More sympathetic toward Great Britain (for trade!)


Leaders- Jefferson, Madison Vision- Economy based on agriculture Governmental Powers- Stronger state governments Supporters- Yeoman farmers, Southerners Constitution- Strict construction National Bank- Believed it was merely "desirable" Foreign Affairs- More sympathetic toward France

John Winthrop

Led by Governor _______________, Massachusetts Bay developed along Puritan ideals. While on-board the ship Arabella, Winthrop delivered a now famous sermon, "A Model of Christian Charity", urging the colonists to be a city upon a hill- a model for others to look up to.

Loose Constructionists (Federalists)

Led by Hamilton. He argued that the creation of a bank was an implied power of the government because the government already had explicit power to coin money, borrow money, and collect taxes.

Strict Constructionists (Democratic-Republicans)

Led by Jefferson and James Madison. They argued that the Constitution allowed Congress only those powers specifically granted to it or those "necessary and proper" to the execution of its enumerated powers. While a bank might be "desirable" and perhaps beneficial, they argued, it was not "necessary" and thus its creation was beyond the powers of the national government

American Federation of Labor

Led by Samuel Gompers, concentrated on issues as higher wages and shorter workdays, an approach that proved successful. Gompers also realized that his union could gain more power if it excluded unskilled workers; the AFL was formed as a confederation of trade unions. Most refused to accept immigrants, blacks, and women among their memberships

Huey Long

Leftist that complained that the AAA policy of paying farmers not to grow was immoral, given that many Americans were still too poor to feed themselves. He believed in the Social Security Plan of FDR As senator in 1932 of Washington preached his "Share Our Wealth" programs. It was a 100% tax on all annual incomes over $1 million and appropriation of all fortunes in excess of $5 million. With this money Long proposed to give every American family a comfortable income, etc

Ten Percent Plan

Lincoln's plan that required 10 percent of those voters who voted in the 1860 election swear an oath of allegiance to the Union and accept emancipation through the 13th Amendment. These men would then reorganize their state government and reapply for admission into the Union.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Literacy tests that had been used by many Southern states to deny African Americans the right to vote were summarily banned

Clothing Manufacturers

Located primarily in the Northeast, transformed the textiles into finished products

Loyalists and Patriots

Loyalists- citizens in the colonies who remained loyal to the Crown (government officials, devout Anglicans, merchants dependent on trade with England, many religious and ethnic minorities who feared persecution at the hands of the rebels, slaves (thought they had better chance of freedom with English) Patriots- citizens in the colonies who wanted to separated from the Crown (white Protestant property holders and gentry, urban artisans from New England)

Fugitive Slave Law

Made it easier to retrieve escaped slaves, but it required citizens of free states to cooperate in their retrieval. Abolitionist views- found this coercive, immoral, and affront to their liberty

Sedition Act (1918)

Made it illegal to try and prevent the sale of war bonds or speak disparagingly of the government, the flag, the military, or the Constitution. Like the Alien and Sedition Acts of the late 1790s, both laws violated the spirit of the First Amendment

Macon's Bill No. 2

Madison's solution to America's trade problems- a bill that reopened trade with both France and England. However, Madison promised that if either country renounced its interference with American trade, he would cut off trade with the other one. Napoleon made that promise, forcing the United States to cut off trade with England, but France continued to harass American ships. The British, angry at the new embargo, stepped up their attacks on American ships

Whites in the South

Majority of Southerners famed smaller tracts of land. Planters (those with 20 or more slaves) were in the minority-the remaining landholders were yeomen, who sometimes had a few slaves but often none at all, working their small tracts of land with their families. They grew subsistence crops, raised livestock, and sometimes produced a few cash crops, though limited access to Northern markets hindered profit making. Less fortunate were landless whites, who either farmed as tenants or hired themselves out as manual laborers.

Women, Children, and Immigrants during the Industrial Revolution (late 1800s)

Manufacturers cut costs and maximized profits in every way they could imagine. They reduced labor costs by hiring women and children. In cities where most factories were located, manufacturers hired the many newly arrived immigrants who were anxious for work. Because manufacturers paid as little as possible, the cities in which their employees lived suffered many of the problems associated with poverty, such as crime, disease, and the lack of livable housing for a rapidly expanding population. Insurance and workmen's compensation did not exist then either

Significance of Bacon's Rebellion

Many disgruntled former indentured servants allied themselves with free blacks who were also disenfranchised (unable to vote). This alliance along class lines, as opposed to racial lines, frightened many Southerners and led to the development of what would eventually become black codes.

Debate on the League of Nations

Many people believed this curtailed America's ability to act independently in foreign affairs, specifically Congress's power to declare war. The Senate split into three groups: Democrats, who sided with Wilson and were willing to accept America's entrance into the LEague of Nations; a group of Republicans who were totally opposed to the League and were known as the Irreconcilables; and the Reservationists, a group of Republicans led by *Henry Cabot Lodge*, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Wilson's political nemesis and intellectual rival

Actions of Progressive State Leaders

Many states extended greater power to voters by adopting the *ballot initiative*, through which voters could propose new laws; the *referendum*, which allowed the public to vote on new laws; and the *recall election*, which gave voters the power to remove officials from office before their terms expired. Working-class Progressives also won a number of victories on the state level, including limitations on the length of the work day, minimum-wage requirements, child labor laws, and urban housing codes

Reasons for migration to Chesapeake Regions

Many who migrated to the Chesapeake did so for financial reasons. Overpopulation in England had led to widespread famine, disease, and poverty. Chances for improving one's lot during those years were minimal. Thus, many were attracted to the New World by the opportunity provided by indentured servitude.

Women in WWI

Many women quit domestic work and started working in factories; at one point, 20% of factory-floor manufacturing jobs were held by women. These workplace advances ended with the war, as veterans returned home and reclaimed their jobs

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Martin Luther King Jr. led this which staged sit-ins, boycotts, and other peaceful demonstrations (during JFK presidency)

Life in Chesapeake

Maryland and Virginia. Slavery and tobacco played a large role in Chesapeake, residents farmed grain and thus diversified their economies, and there was a development of major cities in this region

Cult of Domesticity

Men should work while women kept house and raised children. This was supported by popular magazines and novels that glorified home life.

King Phillip's War (1675-1678)

Metacomet, the leader of he Wampanoag tribe living near Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island, was neither a King nor named "Phillip". The Wampanoags were surrounded by white settlements and colonists were attempting to convert the Indians to English culture and religion. "Praying towns" were set up for the sole purpose of making converts to Christianity. Indians were also encouraged to give up their tribal clothing. Metacomet led attacks on several settlements in retaliation for this intrusion on Wampanoag territory. Soon after, he formed an alliance with two other local tribes. the alliance destroyed a number of English settlements, but eventually ran out of food and ammunition. When Metacomet died, the alliance fell apart and the colonists devastated the tribes, selling many into slavery in the West Indies. King Phillip's War marks the end of a formidable Native American presence among the New England colonists.

Border States

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware- fought for the Union

Moderates vs. Immediatists

Moderates wanted emancipation to take place slowly and with the cooperation of slave owners. Immediatists wanted emancipation at once. Ex: William Lloyd Garrison, who began publishing a popular abolitionist newspaper called the Liberator in 1831 and helped found the American Antislavery Society in 1833. His early subscribers were mostly free blacks, but as time passed, his paper caught on with white abolitionists as well

Effects of the Civil War

More than 3 million men fought in the war, more than 500,000 died. Both governments ran up huge debts during the war, and much of the South was ravaged by Union soldiers The war permanently expanded the role of government- both sides had governments grow rapidly to manage the economy and the war

Blacks and Women in WWII

More than a million african Americans served in the US military during WWII, but they lived and worked in segregated units. The US army was not desegregated until after the war, during the truman administration in 1948. A popular image is that of Rosie the Riveter. originally featured on a poster of the era, Rosie came to symbolize the millions of women who worked in war-related industrial jobs during WWII. Unfortunately for the cause of feminism, most women were expected to take off the coveralls and put the apron back on when the soldiers returned home

Political Bosses

Most Americans expected churches, private charities, and ethnic communities to provide services for the poor. However, may of those services were provided instead by a group of corrupt men called __________________________. Bosses helped the poor find homes and jobs; they also helped them apply for citizenship and voting rights. They built parks, funded auxiliary police and fire departments, and constructed roads and sewage lines. In return, they expected community members to vote as they were instructed. Occasionally, they also required "donations" to help fund community projects. Political bosses, whose organizations were called *political machines*-rendered services that communities would not otherwise have received. However, because the bosses resorted to criminal means to accomplish their goals, the cost of their services was high. The most notorious of these bosses was "Boss" Tweed of Tammany Hall in New York City

The Feminine Mystique

Most New Left groups, however, were male-dominated and insensitive to the cause of women's rights. Women became frustrated with being treated as second-class citizens and started their own political groups. In 1963, Betty Friedan's book ______________________ openly challenged many people's assumptions about women's place in society. Friedan identified "the problem that has no name" and is credited with restarting the women's movement, a movement that had faded once women's suffrage was achieved with the 19th Amendment

Wade-Davis Bill

Most of the Radical Republicans agreed that Lincoln's Ten Percent plan was too lenient and enacted the ______________ in July of 1864. This act provided that former Confederate states be ruled by a military governor and required 50% of the electorate to swear an oath of allegiance to the United States. A state convention would then be organized to repeal their ordinance of secession and abolish slavery within their state. Lincoln vetoed it

Nativism in the late 19th century

Most opposed to the war was New York City, where racial, ethnic, and class antagonisms exploded into draft riots in July of 1863. Irish immigrants, mostly the poor working class who were already victims of nativism, resented being drafted into a war being fought to end slavery. Many immigrants feared that once freed, former slaves would migrate into Northern cities and compete with them for low-paying labor jobs

Life in the Colonies (for blacks)

Most were slaves who lived predominantly in the countryside and in the South. Conditions were most difficult in the South, where the labor was difficult and the climate less hospitable to hard work. Those slaves who worked on large plantations and developed specialized skills, such as carpentry and cooking, fared better than did field hands.

Railroad Regulations during the Gilded Age

Munn v. Illinois- In 1877, the Supreme Court upheld an Illinois state law regulating railroads and grain elevators. This was a surprising decision, given that railroads crossed state lines and only Congress can regulate interstate commerce. The court argued that the states had the power to regulate private industry that served the "public interest". The Supreme Court would reaffirm Congress's authority nine years later in the Wabash case, when it ruled that states could not establish rates involving interstate commerce

Indians in the War of 1812

Native Americans aligned themselves with the British. The great chief Tecumseh unified area tribes in an effort to stop American expansion into Indiana and Illinois, both before and after the war. The British had been arming Native Americans in these Western territories against the new American settlers. In an earlier battle against Tecumseh, Gen. William Henry Harrison defeated Tecumseh's coalition of different tribes and saw that they had British weapons. Meanwhile, his brother Tenskwatawa, also known as the Prophet, led an extensive revival of traditional Native American culture and religion. Tecumseh's coalition fell apart after he was killed in battle

Essex Junto

New England Federalists opposed the Louisiana Purchase because they feared that more Western states would be more democratic and that they would lose political power. They formed the _______, planning to secede from the United States, but the plan never fully materialized. Some Republicans known as the Quids criticized Jefferson for violating Republican principles

Differences between Lives in New England and Chesapeake

New England- entire families immigrated to New England, the climate was more hospitable (New Englanders therefore tended to live longer and have larger families than Chesapeake residents), the stronger sense of community and the absence of tobacco as a cash crop led New Englanders to settle in larger towns that were closer to one another, New Englanders were more religious (settled near meetinghouses), New England farms were small and required less labor, and slavery was rare Chesapeake-single males tended to immigrate to Chesapeake, those in Chesapeake lived in smaller, more spread-out farming communities, and middle and southern farms were much larger, requiring a larger number of African slaves

Election of 2016

New Populism emerged in the US- many changes to domestic and foreign policies, Trump won electoral college, Clinton won popular vote

Successes of Reconstruction

New state constitutions officially allowed all Southern men to vote and replaced many appointed government positions with elected positions. New Southern governments, directed mostly by transplanted Northern Republicans, blacks, and Southern moderates, created public schools and those social institutions such as orphanages popularized in the North during the reform movement of the 1830s. New governments stimulated industrial and rail development in the South through loans, grants, and tax exemptions Blacks were serving in Southern governments


Nixon entered office promising to end American involvement in Vietnam by turning the war over to the South Vietnamese. He soon began withdrawing troops; however, he also increased the number and intensity of air strikes. He felt the US must win in Vietnam. He ordered bombing raids and ground troops into Cambodia, in hopes of rooting out Vietcong strongholds and weapons supplies. American involvement in Vietnam dragged on until 1973, when Secretary of State *Henry Kissinger* completed negotiations for a peace treaty with the North Vietnamese

Plumbers (Nixon)

Nixon lost his fight to suppress the Pentagon Papers, a loss that increased Nixon's already considerable paranoia. In an effort to prevent any further leaks of classified documents, Nixon put together a team of investigators called the ______________. The plumbers undertook such disgraceful projects as burglarizing a psychiatrist's office in order to gather incriminating information on Daniel Ellsberg, the government official who had turned the Pentagon Papers over the press. During the 1972 elections, the plumbers sabotaged the campaigns of several Democratic hopefuls and then botched a burglary of Democratic headquarters in the *Watergate Hotel*

Counterculture of the 1960s

Nonconformity with hippies, which advocated drug use, communal living, and unconventionality. By the end of the 1960s, the counterculture became more widely accepted, and artists like Andy Warhol, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones were among the biggest money makers in the arts. They vocaled protests against the Vietnam war and the fierce opposition they provoked from the government and pro-war Americans created a huge divide in American society by 1968

Election of 1860

Northern Democrats backed Douglas; Southerners backed John Breckinridge. The election showed that the nation itself was on the brink of fracture. In the North, the contest was between Douglas and Republican nominee Abraham Lincoln. In the South, Breckinridge faced off against Constitutional Union Party nominee John Bell; Lincoln didn't even appear on Southern ballots. But the North held the majority of the electoral votes, so when Lincoln achieved a clean sweep there, he won the election. The response in the Southern legislatures was to propose bills of secession

Causes of the Civil War

Northerners believed they were fighting to preserve the Union Most Southerners described their cause as fighting for their states' rights to govern themselves

Commercial Banks

These lent money to everyone so that the wheels of commerce stayed well greased

Counter Counterculture (1960s-1970s)

Not everyone in America embraced the changes of the 1960s. Dismayed with what they perceived to be the excesses of the civil rights movement, the counterculture movement, and feminism, some Americans were eager to bring the country back to traditional values based on religious principles. Other Americans were alarmed by the rising cost of social welfare programs created by the New Deal and Johnson's Great Society. The conservative resurgence began in the 1970s at the grassroots level with a variety of groups that focused on single issues such as ending abortion, criticizing affirmative action or emphasizing traditional gender roles and the nuclear family. Religious people distrusted the rejection of traditional morals and spiritual beliefs. Southern segregationists resisted the Civil Rights movement. Richard Nixon sought to appeal to Americans who did not fully embrace the cultural and political changes of the 1960s and 1970s. Conservatives voted for Nixon in large numbers, hoping that he would reverse the trend of encroaching federal power

National Security Council

Not long after the US joined NATO, the Soviets detonated their first atomic bomb. Fear of Soviet invasion or subterfuge led to the creation of the _________________________________, a group of foreign affairs advisers who work for the president, and the Central Intelligence Agency, which was the US's spy network. National Security Council 68 was a document that said the US should invest much more money into military spending because they couldn't trust other countries to help protect them against communism

Phyllis Schlafly

Notable leader in the Conservative reaction to the changes of the 1960s. Lobbied against the *Equal Rights Amendment* to the Constitution. The ERA passed Congress, but was never fully ratified by the states, in part due to Schlafly and her supporters. Opponents to the ERA claimed that it could lead to the conscription of women into war, negatively affect women in divorce cases, and even allow men entry to women's-only colleges and clubs.

Financial Crash of 2008

Obama administration responded to this, which was exacerbated by crisis in the mortgage industry, by providing financial assistance to major banks

The Battle of Saratoga

October 17,1777- Turning point of the American Revolution. It was a decisive victory of American troops against British troops, ending the British prominence in upstate New York and serving as a recruitment tool for the Americans. With this victory, the French government agreed to a formal alliance with the Continental Congress and began sending military advisers, weapons, and financial assistance

The Battle of Yorktown

October 1781- Symbolic end to the American Revolution. The major British general, Cornwallis, was surrounded by the French Navy on the York River and George Washington's troops via land, and surrendered after a lengthy siege. Cornwallis's surrender began a long period of negotiations between the American colonies and Great Britain, which would finally end the war in October of 1783

Fort Sumter

On April 12, 1861, the Confederacy made a move, attacking and capturing ___________________. No one died in the first battle of America's bloodiest war, the Civil War

Life in the West (late 1800s)

On the western frontier, ranching and mining were growing industries. Ranchers drove their herds across the western plains and deserts, ignoring property rights and Native American prerogatives to the land. Individual miners lacked the resources to mine and cart big loads, so mostly they prospected; when they found a rich mine, they staked a claim and sold their rights to a mining company

Motivation for New World exploration

Once Spain had colonized much of modern-day South America and the southern tier of North America, other European nations were inspired to try their hands at New World exploration They were motivated by a variety of factors: 1.) the desire for wealth and resources 2.) clerical fervor to make new Christian converts 3.) the race to play a dominant role in geopolitics "gold, god, glory, technology"

Separatists AKA Pilgrims

One Puritan group, called the _________ left England during the 17th century. In 1620, they set sail for Virginia, but their ship, the Mayflower, went off course and they landed in modern-day Massachusetts. Because winter was approaching, they decided to settle where they had landed. This settlement was called Plymouth.


One of Reagan's top foreign policy priorities was support for a group of Nicaraguan insurgents called the ____________________. reports that the Contras were torturing and murdering civilians led Congress to cut off aid to the group, but the Reagan administration was so fully committed to them and opposed the Sandinistas, who were communists, that devised a plan to fund them through other channels. The government secretly sold weapons to Iran and then use the income to buy guns for the Contras. The entire process was eventually discovered; it came to be known as the *Iran-Contra affair*. This represented a constitutional crisis, pointing out that the plan had denied Congress the "power of the purse" central to the system of checks and balances

George III & George Grenville

One result of the Seven Years' War was that in financing the war the British government had run up a huge debt. The new king, __________ and his prime minister __________________ felt that the colonists should help pay that debt. Colonists felt that they had provided so many soldiers that they had fulfilled their obligation.

Scalawags & Carpetbaggers

Opponents waged a propaganda war against Reconstruction, calling Southerners who cooperated ________________ and Northerners who ran the programs ______________________________ (came from the South)


Opportunity for american expansion arose when Cuban natives revolted against Spanish control. The revolution in Cuba was instigated by US tampering with the Cuban economy. A violent Cuban civil war followed, reported in all its gory detail in the sensational Hearst newspaper. When an American warship *Maine* exploded in the Havana harbor under circumstances that remain a mystery, the drumbeats for war grew deafening. The US not only drove Spain out of Cuba, but it also sent a fleet of the Spanish-controlled Philippines and drove the Spanish out of there too. In the *Treaty of Paris*, Spain granted Cuba independence and ceded the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam to the US. *Hawaii was annexed the same year, but not because of the Spanish-American War*


People lost their jobs as their employers went bankrupt or to avoid bankruptcy, laid off majority of workers. People lost their life savings as thousands of banks failed, and many lost their homes when they could not keep up with mortgage payments. The homeless built shanty towns called __________________.

Captain John Smith

Organized Jamestown. "He who will not work shall not eat". Things improved overtime with Smith in charge, but after he was injured with a gunpowder explosion and sailed back to England, the Indians of the Powhatan Confederacy stopped supplying Jamestown with food. Things got so bad during the winter of 1609-1610 that it became known as "the starving time": nearly 90% of Jamestown's 500 residents perished, with some resorting to cannibalism. The survivors abandoned the colony, but before they could get more than a few miles downriver, they ran into an English ship containing supplies and new settlers.

The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

Organized the *Freedom Riders* movement; the Freedom Riders staged sit-ins on buses, sitting in sections prohibited to them by segregationist laws


Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda organization attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. In total, almost 3,000 civilians were killed on 9/11. The Bush Administration quickly got support from NATO to launch an attack on the Taliban government in Afghanistan in October of 2001, where bin Laden and Al Qaeda were headquartered. The ensuing war led to the removal of the Taliban from power and a restoration of democracy in Afghanistan

Cities (1970s-1980s)

Overcrowding, increasing unemployment and crime rates, and decaying and inadequate housing and commercial areas- initiated a trend of mostly white, middle-class Americans leaving the cities for the suburbs; the open spaces, shopping malls, and better-funded schools of the suburbs, businesses and industries that once provided vital jobs and tax revenue for cities followed. Result- poor people and racial minorities remained in cities where there were insufficient funds for housing, sanitation, infrastructure, and schools

Holding Company

Owned enough stock in various companies to have a controlling interest in the production of raw material, the means of transporting that material to a factory, the factory itself, and the distribution network for selling the product. The logical conclusion is a monopoly, or complete control of an entire industry

Taft-Hartley Act

Passed over Truman's veto, prohibited "union only" work environments (called *closed shops*), restricted labor's right to strike, prohibited the use of union funds for political purposes, and gave the government broad power to intervene in strikes.

Immigration Act of 1965

Phased out all national quotas by 1968 and set annual limits on immigration from the Western Hemisphere and the rest of the world, relaxing restrictions on non-European immigration. It gave priority to reuniting families and to certain skilled workers (scientists) and *political refugees*. Through a vast majority of immigrants who entered under this legislation did so in order to join family members, searching for employment and escaping from persecution still ranked high among the most common reasons people came to the US

Election of 1844

Pitted James Polk against Whig leader Clay. The 2 parties, Democratic and Whig, were sharply opposed of each other. The election was close, but Polk won

Southern Paternalism

Plantation owners grew cotton throughout the Deep South and tobacco in the Middle Atlantic, alongside the crops they needed to support their families and slaves. Most convinced themselves that the slave system benefited all of its participants, including the slaves. This attitude, called ________________ relied on the perception of blacks as childlike and unable to take care of themselves. Many slaves discovered that life became easier for them when they reinforced such paternalistic instincts and adopted a submissive and grateful demeanor. Slave owners almost always converted their slaves to Christianity, again convinced that they were serving the slaves' best interests. The slaves, in turn, adopted Christianity to their cultures and incorporated their own religions and traditions into their new faith

Kent State University

Politically, American society remained divided among the conservatives and the progressives. Several confrontations on college campuses heightened political tensions, most notably when national guardsmen shot and killed four protesters at ___________________- in Ohio who were protesting the US's decision to invade Vietcong camps in neutral Cambodia. This incident became synonymous with the division between the youth and middle America

Causes of the Mexican American War

Polk tried to buy the Southwest from Mexico, and when that failed, he challenged Mexican authorities on the border of Texas, provoking a Mexican attack on American troops. Mexico was already agitated over the annexation of Texas, which had gained its independence from Mexico in 1836. Polk then used the border attack to argue declaration of war. Congress granted the declaration, and in 1846, the Mexican American War began.

Election of 1864

Popular opinion in both the North and the South favored an end to the war. In fact, Lincoln's Democrat opponent, George McClellan, most likely lost his bid for the presidency by defying the will of the majority of Democrats who favored a cessation of hostilities and negotiation with the North


Position was forcefully and persuasively argued in the Federalist Papers, anonymously authored by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. The Federalist Papers were published in a New York newspaper and were later widely circulated. They were critical in swaying opinion in New York, a large and therefore politically important state.

Common Sense

Propaganda used to rally colonists to their cause. Published in 1776 by Thomas Paine. This advocated not only colonial independence, but he also argued for the merits of republicanism over monarchy. Over 100,000 pamphlets were sold in the first three months, as the argument for independence was stated in plainspoken language accessible to colonists who couldn't always keep up with the Enlightenment-speak of the Founding Fathers. This helped swing considerable support to the patriot cause.

War Powers Resolution

Postscripts of Vietnam: First, the negotiated peace crumbled almost as soon as soon as American troops started to vacate the country. In 1975, Saigon fell to the North Vietnamese Army, and Vietnam was united under communist rule. Second, Congress passed the _____________________ in 1973 in order to prevent any future president from involving the military in another undeclared war. This requires the president to obtain congressional approval for any troop commitment lasting longer than 60 days


President Monroe (1823) warned European nations that the Western Hemisphere was closed to future colonization. This policy, together with the advice given in Washington's Farewell Address, secure American neutrality all the way until WWI

Annexation of Texas

President Tyler proposed the ________________________. Northern congressmen were alarmed. Texas was huge and lay entirely south of the Missouri Compromise lain, raising the prospect that it might end up being divided into as many as 5 slave states. They demanded that Polk maintain the balance by annexing the entirety of the Oregon Country, which stretched from the Mexican Territory of Alta CA to the Russian Territory of Alaska. Polk recognized that the US could hardly fight two territorial wars at the same time. Consequently, he conceded on demands for expansion deep in Canada and set about to negotiate a more reasonable American-Canadian border

National Road

Prior to the 1820s, travel and shipping along east-west routes was difficult, and most trade centered on the north-south routes along the Ohio and the Mississippi Rivers. The construction of this from Maryland to West Virginia made east-west travel easier, but the big change came with the completion of the *Eerie Canal* in 1825

Espionage Act (1917)

Prohibited anyone from using the US mail system to interfere with the war effort or with the draft that had been instituted under the *Selective Service Act of 1917* upon America's entry into the war

Thirteenth Amendment

Prohibited slavery

Adams-Onis Treaty

Promised that in exchange for Florida, the United States would never try to take actions to gain Spanish-held Mexico. This was later nullified when Mexico gained independence from Spain in the 1820s.

Neoconservatism (George W. Bush)

Promoted the idea of spreading democracy worldwide and putting American corporate interests first through the use of military actions abroad. Global trade and open immigration is a net positive for America in neoconservative thought. For liberals, the Bush policies were symptomatic of excessive corporate power and global imperialism while traditional conservatives lamented the cost of military adventures overseas, the loss of domestic jobs incurred by global free-trade agreements, and the ravages of unrestricted immigration. Americans on both sides seemed to have lost faith in the ability of the federal government to solve social and economic problems

Control of the Philippines Debate

Proponents of annexing the Philippines- argued that if the US granted Filipinos their independence, the archipelago would simply be conquered by another European nation, with the only result being that the US would use a valuable possession. They believed the US had a moral obligation to "Christianize and civilize" the Filipinos, who were already overwhelmingly Christian. The notion that people not of European extraction were unfit to rule themselves came to be known as the *"white man's burden"* from the title of a poem Rudyard Kipling in response to the United States' annexation of the Philippines Opponents of annexing the Philippines- the US should promote independence and democracy, both noble national traditions. To control the Philippines would make the US no better than the British tyrants they overthrew during the Revolutionary War. In the end, the Senate voted to annex the Philippines. Filipino nationalists responded by waging a guerrilla war against the US. In response, the US used brutal tactics to subdue the Filipino revolt and inflict huge casualties on the civilian population. Although the US eventually gained control of the country, the Philippines remained a source of controversy for decades. The US granted the Philippines independence in 1946

Judicial Reorganization Bill

Proposed that Roosevelt be allowed to name a new federal judge for every sitting judge who had reached the age 70 and had not retired due to the fact that the Supreme Court overturned most of the First New Deal. this did not pass and Roosevelt came under intense criticism for trying to seize too much power

Ulysses S. Grant

Proposed the 15th Amendment in 1869- Was only passed due to the requirement of reentry for Southern states to the Union; Number of Northern states opposed the amendment

Sons of Liberty

Protest group that were opponents of the Stamp Act etc. Mobs burned the customs officers in effigy, tore down a customs home, and nearly destroyed the governors mansion. The opposition was so effective that, by the time the law was supposed to take effect, not one of the Crown's appointed duty collectors was willing to perform his job.

Swing Around the Circle

Public speaking tour where Johnson campaigned against the 14th Amendment and lost. In the congressional election of 1866, the North voted for a Congress more heavily weighted toward the radical end of the political spectrum

Pentagon Papers

Published a top-secret government study of the history of the US involvement in Vietnam. It covered the period from WWII to 1968 and it was not complimentary. It documented numerous military miscalculations and flat-out lies the government had told the public. Even though the documents contained nothing about the Nixon administration, Nixon fought aggressively to prevent their publication. The US was involved in secret diplomatic negotiations with North Vietnam, the USSR, and China at the time, and both Nixon and Henry Kissinger (Secr. of State) believed that the revelation of secret government dealings in the past might destroy their credibility in the present

Mercy Otis Warren

Published pamphlets calling for Revolution.

Oliver Cromwell

Puritan immigration to New England came to a near halt between 1649 and 1660, the years during which _______ ruled as Lord Protector of England. Cromwell's reign represented the culmination of the English Civil wars, which the Puritans won. During the Interregnum (literally "between kings"), Puritans had little motive to move to the New World. Everything they wanted- freedom to practice their religion, as well as representation in government- was available to them in England. With the restoration of the Stuarts, many English Puritans again immigrated to the New World.

Warren Harding

Pursued pro-business policies. Like Grant, Harding surrounded himself with corrupt advisors; several of his cabinet members wound up in prison. The most infamous incident of his administration was the *Teapot Dome Scandal*, in which oil companies bribed the secretary of the interior in order to drill on public lands. Conservative on economic issues, Harding proved more liberal than his predecessor Wilson on issues of civil liberty. He supported antilynching laws and tried to help farmers by providing more money for farm loans.

Horace Mann

Pushed for public education and education reform in general. He lengthened the school year, established the first "normal school" for teacher training, and used the first standardized books in education

Little Big Horn

Rail companies organized massive hunts for buffalo, which were considered a nuisance. Railroad bounty hunted the herds to near extinction, destroying a resource upon which local Native Americans had depended. Some tribes, such as the Sioux, fought back, giving the government an excuse to send troops into the region. While NAtive Americans won some battles (notably __________________, where George Custer met his death). the federal army ultimately overpowered them

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI/Star Wars)

Reagan convinced Congress to increase military spending. He funded a research into a space-based missile shield system called _______________

Grenada (Reagan)

Reagan sought to end the Cold War by winning it on every front he could in any way he could. He supported repressive regimes and right-wing insurgents in El Savador, Panama, the Philippines, and Mozambique, all because they opposed communism. During the Reagan administration, the US military led and international invasion of ___________________ to topple a new Communist government there

Congress of Truman

Rebuked Truman's efforts to pass health care reform; increase aid to schools, farmers, the elderly, and the disabled; and promote civil rights for blacks, the passage of the Taft-Hartley Act. The cumulative effect of all this acrimony made Truman look a lot better to those he had previously offended. Still, as the election time neared, Truman trailed his chief opponent, Thomas Dewey. He then made one of the most brilliant political moves in American history. He recalled the COngress, whose majority members had just drafted an extremely conservative Republican platform at the party convention, and challenged them to enact that platform. Congress met for two weeks and did not pass one significant piece of legislation. Truman then went out on a grueling public appearance campaign, everywhere deriding the "do-nothing" Eightieth COngress. To almost everyone's surprise, Truman won re-election, and his coattails carried a Democratic majority into Congress

Calvin Coolidge

Red Line Agreement- A deal struck between Amer/Brit/French oil companies concerning oil resources within territories of former Ottoman Empire within the Middle East. Coolidge pushed for lower-income taxes and conservative economic policies

NonIntercourse Act

Reopened trade with most nations, but still officially banned trade with the two most significant trade partners, Britain and France.

Albany Plan of the Union (1754)

Representatives from seven colonies met in Albany, New York, to consider the ________________, developed by Benjamin Franklin. The plan provided for an intercolonial government and a system for collecting taxes for the colonies' defense. Franklin's efforts to unite the colonies failed to gain the approval of a single colonial legislature. It was rejected because the colonists did not want to relinquish control of their right to tax themselves, nor were they prepared to unite under a single colonial legislature. "Join or die"

15th Amendment

Required states to enfranchise black men

Ku Klux Klan (1960s)

Resistance to civil rights was strong,as evidenced by the opposition of state governments, police, and white citizens. In Selma, police prevented blacks from registering to vote; in Birmingham, police and firemen attacked civil rights protesters. All over the South, the ___________________ and other racists bombed black churches and the homes of civil rights activists with seeming impunity. In Mississippi, three civil rights workers were murdered by a group that included members of the local police department

Embargo Act of 1807

Resulted from the British and the French harassing American ships. This shut down America's import and export business, with disastrous economic results. New England's economy collapsed, and smuggling became widespread (New England states strongly opposed the Embargo Act, as they were the ones most impacted by an end of international trade)

Retailers and Brokers

Retailers sold the clothing and other manufactured products in their stores Brokers acted as middlemen, buying and selling raw and finished products and trafficking them among manufacturers and retailers

Election of 1960

Richard Nixon (R) v. John F. Kennedy (D). Aided by his youthful good looks, Kennedy trounced an awkward Nixon in their first televised debate. In Eisenhower's final days in office, Eisenhower warned the nation to beware of a new coalition that had grown up around the Cold War, which he called the military-industrial complex. The combination of military might and the highly profitable arms industries, he cautioned, created a powerful alliance whose interests did not correspond to those of the general public

McCulloch v. Maryland

Ruled that the states could not tax the National Bank, thus establishing the precedence of national law over state law. This case also reaffirmed the supremacy clause as the opposition was trying to challenge the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States, Jackson argued that the bank was an unconstitutional monopoly, but the Supreme Court ruled against him using a loose interpretation of the commerce clause

Persian Gulf War (George HW Bush)

Saddam Hussein, the leader of Iraq, invaded Iraq's tiny but oil-rich neighbor Kuwait. When Saddam seized Kuwait's oil fields and threatened the world's access to Middle East oil, Washington reacted immediately. Having learned from Vietnam, Bush built a consensus in Congress and assembled an international coalition against Iraq in the UN. *Operation Desert Storm* consisted mostly of massive air strikes against strategic Iraqi targets. The war ended quickly with few American casualties. Although Iraq was required to submit to UN inspectors to insure that there were no *weapons of mass destruction* or chemical warfare production facilities, Saddam Hussein remained in power

Election of 1876

Samuel J. Tilden had gone after "Boss" Tweed, the most notorious among the political bosses of the time, won the popular vote by a small margin but needed to win the electoral vote to gain the presidency. Republicans challenged the election returns that favored Tilden in South Carolina, Louisiana, and Florida. Congress eventually stepped in to resolve the disputed election and created a special bipartisan electoral commission consisting of senators, representatives, and Supreme Court justices. Through a series of informal negotiations, a deal was struck called the *Compromise of 1877*. It was agreed that if Rutherford B. Hayes won the presidential election, he would end military reconstruction and pull federal troops out of South Carolina and Louisiana, therefore enabling Democrats to regain control of those states. Military reconstruction was thus ended, and it was business as usual in the South

Schenck v. United States

Schenck was a prominent socialist and ardent critic of American capitalism, who was arrested and convicted for violation of the Espionage Act when he printed and mailed leaflets urging men to resist the draft. Schenck argued that the draft was a blatant violation of the 13th Amendment, however did not mention slavery but rather prohibited "involuntary servitude". Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes ruled that one's freedom of speech and other civil liberties, were not absolute and could in fact be curtailed if one's actions posed a "clear and present danger" to others or the nation

Colin Powell & Condleezza Rice

Secretaries of State under George W. Bush who occupied the most powerful political office that African Americans had held

Fair Labor Standards Act

Set a minimum wage and established the 40-hour workweek for a number of professions (FDR)

Emergency Quota Act of 1924

Set immigration quotas based on national origins and discriminated against the "new immigrants" who came from Southern and Eastern Europe. These limits were to reduce "foreign influence" on the country (nativism(.

William H. Seward

Set the precedent for increased American participation in any and all doings in the Western Hemisphere. In particular, Seward engineered the purchase of Alaska and invoked the Monroe Doctrine to force France out of Mexico. In the next decade, American businesses began developing markets and production facilities in Latin America, and gradually they gained political power in the region

Anne Hutchinson

She was a prominent proponent of antinomianism, the belief that faith and God's grace- as opposed to the observance of moral law and performance of good deeds- suffice to earn the one a place among the "elect". Her teachings challenged Puritan beliefs and the authority of Puritan clergy. The fact that she was an intelligent, well-educated, and powerful woman in a resolutely patriarchal society turned many against her. She was tried for heresy, convicted, and banished.

Abigail Adams

She wrote a famous letter to her husband pleading the case for women's rights in the new government; she reminded John to "remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors".

Chinook people

Similar to the Pueblo people, they lived in the Pacific Northwest and subsisted on hunting and foraging or the nomadic Plain Indians.

Slavery in South v. North (colonial times)

Slavery flourished in the South. Because of the nature of the land and the short growing season, the Chesapeake and the Carolinas farmed labor-intensive crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo. Slavery never really took hold in the North the same way it did in the South, slaves were used on farms in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, in shipping operations in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and as domestic servants in urban households, particularly in New York City.

Slave Life

Slaves lived in a state of subsistence poverty. They were usually housed in one-room cabins with their families and often with another family. Conditions were overcrowded and unsanitary. Most worked extremely long hours at difficult and tedious labor, and conditions tended to be worse in the Deep South. Most slaves lived in fear that their families would be broken up by the sale of one or more of them. Most slaves survived the physical and psychological degradation of slavery by developing a unique culture that tended to blend aspects of their African roots with elements of Christianity.

Spanish Mission System, Juan de Onate

Some American Indies resisted European influence, while others accepted it. Intermarriage was common between Spanish and French settlers and the natives in their colonized territories. Many Indians converted to Christianity. Spain was particularly successful in converting much of Mesoamerica to Catholicism through the _________________. Explorers, such as _____, swept through the American Southwest, determined to create Christian converts by any means necessary -including violence.

Atomic Bomb

Some argue that American-Soviet animosity prompted Truman's decision to use the _____________ against the Japanese. However, the manner in which the war in the Pacific had been fought to the point also supported Truman's decision. The Japanese had fought to that point also supported Truman's decision. The Japanese had fought tenaciously and remained powerful despite the long war; casualty estimates of an American invasion of Japan ran upward of 500,000. Some military leaders estimated that such an invasion would not subdue JApan for years. In August, the United States dropped two atomic bombs, first on *Hiroshima* and then three days later on *Nagasaki*. The Japanese surrendered soon after

War Hawks

Southerners and Westerners saw the War of 1812 as an opportunity to grab new territories to the west and the southwest. There was also a strong desire among Western _____________ to gain Canada from the British. Their leaders were Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun. Madison held out as long as he could but finally relented and asked Congress to declare war in 1812

Ghost Dance Movement

Some displaced Indians turned to religion for comfort. In his prophecies, Wovoka promised followers that, through proper ceremony and supernatural magic, federal expansion in the West would end and Indians would live peacefully on their native lands. Many Lakota Sioux were active in the Ghost Dance Movement and later met their bloody fate at the hands of federal agents during the *Wounded Knee Massacre*, a dispute started by cavalry troops intent on disarming the members of the Pine Ridge Reservation. Hundreds of Lakota were killed or injured

Towards Emancipation

Soon after the confiscation acts, Lincoln took his first cautious steps toward emancipation. Primar reason: slaves indirectly supported the Southern war effort by growing crops and cooking meals that kept the rebel troops fed. Capturing the slaves was the Union's main goal, as it kept Britain and France out of the war and it also would provide a new source of troops for the Union side. The moment to start this was after the Union victory at Antietam

New Federalism (Reagan)

Sought to decrease the size of the size of the federal government and shift the power from the federal government to the states (unsuccessful due to fear of increase cost of state government)

Blacks in WWI

Southern blacks, realizing that the wartime manufacturing was creating jobs in the North, undertook a *Great Migration* to the big cities like New York, Chicago, St. Louis, and Detroit. During the war, more than 500,000 blacks left the South in search of work. Many blacks joined the army; W. E. B. Du Bois encouraged blacks to enlist, hoping that military service would provide an inroad to social equality. Sadly, the army segregated blacks and assigned them mostly to menial labor

Black Codes

Southern legislators passed new _______________ limiting freedman's rights to assemble and travel, instituting curfews, and requiring blacks o carry special passes. Many of them required blacks in the South to sign lengthy labor contracts

Berlin Wall

Soviets took aggressive anti-West action by erecting a wall to divide East and West Berlin. The _____________ built to prevent East Germans from leaving the country, had even greater symbolic significance to democratic West. It came to represent the repressive nature of communism and was also a physical reminder of the impenetrable divide between the two sides of the Cold War

Mestizos, Zambos

Spanish and Portuguese colonization of North America was also marked by the liberal mixing of cultures, leading to a racial caste system, with Europeans at the top of the hierarchy, followed by the ______________ (those mixed of European and Native blood), _______________________ (those mixed of African and Native American heritage), and full-blooded African Americans at the bottom of the ladder.

1994 Congressional Election (Clinton)

Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich's Contract with America outlined a specific series of laws the Republican Party wished to pass, designed to reduce taxes, consolidate government programs, and reform welfare entitlement programs

The Different Deals

Square Deal- Theodore Roosevelt- government promised to regulate business and restore competition First New Deal- Franklin Roosevelt- focused on immediate public relief and the recovery of banks Second New Deal- Franklin Roosevelt- Addressed the shortcomings of the First New Deal and responded to a changing political climate Fair Deal- Harry Truman- extension of New Deal vision and provisions for reintegrating WWII veterans into society (Ex: GI Bill)

Popular Sovereignty

Stephen Douglas created this after the Mexican American War. Southerners saw a future in which slavery was confined, not to the southern half of the country, but to the southeastern quarter of it, and where they would therefore be greatly outvoted should free-soil advocates decide to ban slavery everywhere. Southerners therefore decided that the time had come to rip up the Missouri Compromise and attempt to open up more areas to slavery. Their first step was to introduce the concept of ___________. This meant that the territories themselves would decide, by vote, whether to allow slavery within their borders.

Stalin after WWII

Stalin wanted to create a "buffer zone" between the Soviet Union and Western Europe; he wanted to surround himself with nations that were "Friendly" toward the government in Moscow. Because of the presence of the Red Army. Stalin was given a free hand in Eastern Europe, a decision the other Allies would later regret, with the promise to hold "free and unfettered elections" after the war. Despite this promise, Soviet tanks rolled into Romania 3 weeks after Yalta, thus beginning the establishment of Soviet satellites and the descent of the *Iron Curtain*. (metaphor coined by WInston Churchill to describe the division of Eastern and Western Europe)

The Quartering Act of 1765

Stationed large numbers of troops in America and made the colonists responsible for the cost of feeding and housing them.

Social Darwinism

Steel mogul Andrew Carnegie promoted the philosophy based on the work of Charles Darwin. Using Darwin's theory of evolution as an analogy, Carnegie that business, as in nature, unrestricted competition allowed only the "fittest" to survive. This theory was called __________________________. This lacked consistency; while Carnegie argued against government regulation, he supported a;; types of government assistance to business in the form of tax abatements, grants, tariffs etc.

Causes of the Great Depression

Stock market crash Immediately following WWI, the carnage if the conflict, along with Germany's disastrous attempts to satisfy its reparations obligations under the Treaty of Versailles, had to put Europe's economy, and much of the rest of the world's into a depression. Manufacturers and farmers had been overproducing for years, creating large inventories- led to factories laying off workers and making the farmers' crops worth much less on the market Supply so exceeded demand for so many goods- led to deflation, unemployment, and business failures

American Involvement in Vietnam (Before Vietnam War from WWII to 1963)

Stretched back to WWII. From the late 1800s until WWII, Vietnam was a French colony, France exported the country's resources- rice, rubber, and metals- for French consumption. The foreign exploitation of Vietnam helped foster a nationalist Vietnamese resistance called the *Vietminh* led by *Ho Chi Minh*. Ho had been schooled in France and had joined the French Communist Party before returning home. In fact, Ho Chi Minh was in Paris during the Versailles Peace Conference in 1919 and approached Woodrow Wilson at the time. Ho asked Wilson to honor his commitment to the right of nations to self-determination, as expressed in Wilson's 14 Points, and to help the Vietnamese expel the French from their country. Wilson ignored the appeal. Japan invaded Vietnam during WWII and ended French control of the country. Faced with a common enemy, the Vietnamese helped the Allies defeat Japan and probably expected to be granted their independence at the conclusion of the war. Shortly after the Japanese surrender in 1945, Ho drafted the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence. The US did not recognize Vietnamese independence nor the legitimacy of Ho's government in part because of America's alliance with France and because Ho was a communist. Instead, the US recognized the government of Bao Dai, the Vietnamese emperor whom the French had installed in the South, which France still controlled. As a result, Vietnam fought a war for independence against the French from 1946 until 1954, when the French were defeated. Although Ho appealed to President Truman for assistance on several occasions, Truman never responded. Ho hoped the US would honor its commitment to the principle of self-determination and empathize with the Vietnamese rather than support the colonial power. Truman continued to aid the French. The US financed more than 80% of France's war effort in Indochina

Federal budget deficit of Reagan

Tax cuts, military spending, and the failure of Reagan's New Federalism plan combined to escalate the *federal budget deficit*. Government spending increased while government revenues shrank, forcing the government to borrow money

Lecompton Constitution

Supported the existence of slavery in the proposed state and protected rights of slaveholders. It was rejected by Kansas, making Kansas an eventual free state. (Result of Kansas-Nebraska Act)

Women's Suffrage during the Gilded Age

Susan B. Anthony convinced Congress to introduce a suffrage amendment to the Constitution. The bill was introduced every year and rarely got out of committee, but the fight had begun in earnest. Meanwhile, organizations such as the *American Suffrage Association* fight for women's suffrage amendments to state constitutions. By 1890, they had finally achieved some partial successes, gaining the vote on school issues

Massachusetts Circular Letter

The Massachusetts Assembly sent this letter (written by Samuel Adams) to all other assemblies asking that they protest the new measures in unison. The British fanned the flames of protest by ordering the assemblies not to discuss the Massachusetts letter. There were rallies, boycotts, and protests about the Townshend Acts and other establishments. After two years, Parliament repealed the Townshend duties.

Rodney King

Televised *urban riots* in the 1960s, such as those in LA, Chicago, and NY after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., only served to widen the gap between cities and suburbs and to heighten racial tensions. One of the worst riots occurred much later in 1992 in South Central LA where many African Americans expressed outrage at the acquittal of 4 white police officers who were videotaped beating a black man, ___________________.

Radio (1920s)

Ten million families owned radios and often gathered around it and settled in for the evening


Tended to come from the backcountry and were appalled by the absence of a bill of rights in the Constitution. Some held out for the promise of the immediate addition of the Bill of Rights upon ratification

DIFFERENT! Spain Colonization of the New World

Tended to conquer and enslave the native inhabitants of the regions it colonized. The Spanish also made great efforts to convert Native Americans to Catholicism. Spanish colonists were overwhelmingly male, and many had children with native women, leading to settlements populated largely by mestizos, people of mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry.

Bonus Expeditionary Force (BEF)

Tens of thousands of impoverished veterans and their families came to Washington to lobby for the bill. When the bill was narrowly defeated, many refused to leave. They squatted in empty government offices or built shanties and stayed through the summer. In July, Hoover ordered the Army to expel them, which Douglas MacArthur chose to do with excessive force. Employing the cavalry and attacking with tear gas, Army forces drove the veterans from DC and then burned their makeshift homes. Hundreds died

Illegal Immigration

Tensions created by the new wave of immigration (1970s-2000s) have resulted in some states, and allow to curb ___________________, abolish bilingual education in some states, and allow both low-skilled and high-skill workers into the US on a temporary basis to provide needed labor and services. In 1986, Congress passed the *Simpson-Mazzoli Act*, which outlawed the deliberate employment of illegal immigrants and granted legal status to some illegal aliens who entered the US before 1982, yet problems persist

South During the Industrial Revolution

Textile mills sprang up around the South, reducing cotton farmers' reliance on the North. Postwar economic forced many farmers to sell their land, which wealthy landowners bought and consolidated into larger farms. Landless farmers farmers, both black and white, were forced into sharecropping, The method which they rented land was called the crop lien system; it was designed to keep the poor in constant debt. Because these farmers had no cash, they borrowed what they needed to buy seed and tools, promising a portion of their crop as collateral. High interest rates guaranteed that farmers would never overcome their debt

George Washington

The Electoral College unanimously chose ______ to be the first president. He had not sought the presidency, but as the most popular figure in the colonies, he was a clear choice. He used his authority with care and restraint and used his veto only if he was convinced a law was unconstitutional. Although the Constitution does not directly state the creation of a presidential cabinet, Washington created one that was made up of the heads of the various executive department and as the president's chief group of advisors.

Boston Tea Party

The British granted the foundering East India Tea Company, a monopoly on the tea trade in the colonies as well as a portion of new duties to be collected on tea sales. The result was cheaper tea for the colonists, but the colonists saw a more important issue: Parliament was once again imposing new taxes on them. In Boston, the colonists refused to allow the ships to unload the cargo, and the governor refused to allow them to leave the harbor. In December of 1773, a group of Sons of Liberty poorly disguised themselves as Mohawks, boarded a ship, and dumped its cargo into the Boston Harbor.

Kennedy's Foreign ISsue with Cuba

The CIA presented the ill-fated plan for the *Bay of Pigs Invasion* to the new president. The plan involved sending Cuban exiles, whom the CIA had been training since Castro's takeover, to invade Cuba. According to the strategy, the army of exiles would win a few battles, and then the Cuban people would rise up in support, overthrow Castro, and replace his government with one more acceptable to the US. Kennedy approved the plan but did not provide adequate American military support, and the United States launched the invasion in April 1961. The invasion failed, the Cuban people did not rise up in support, and within two days Kennedy had a full-fledged disaster on his hands. Not only had he failed to achieve his goal, but he also antagonized the Society and their allies in the process. This also diminished America's stature with its allies

Decline of the Catawba Nation (1700s)

The Catawbas were at one time the most powerful and numerous tribe in the Carolina Piedmont. The Catawbas were allied with the colonists and even fought alongside the Patriots during the Revolutionary War, but were engaged in constant warfare with other tribes, such as the Iroquois, the Algonquian, and the Cherokee. Catawba numbers were also weakened by smallpox epidemics. Eventually the Catawba were so decimated by war and disease that they temporarily ceded land and tribal status. Today, there are a few thousand Catawba still living in North Carolina.

The Chickasaw Wars (1721-1763)

The Chickasaw tribe (allied with the British) fought the Choctaw (allied with the French) for control of the land around the Mississippi River. The Chickasaw Wars were deadlier and more devastating than previous conflicts, since the Indians were supplied with guns from the Europeans. These prolonged wars halted only when the Treaty of Paris was signed at the end of the Seven Years' War.

Gradual Emancipation

The Civil War was not fought about war, yet many were opposed to the extension of slavery into the new territories. Lincoln had argued for _______________________, compensation to slaveholders for liberated slaves, and the colonization of freed slaves somewhere outside the United States, perhaps in Africa.

New York

The Dutch established an initial settlement near Albany called New Netherland, a fort at the mouth of the Hudson River in 1626. This fort would become New Amsterdam.

Manifest Destiny

The Louisiana Purchase removed one major obstacle to U.S. western settlement and the resolution of the War of 1812 removed another by depriving Native Americans of a powerful ally in Great Britain. By 1820, the US had settled the region east of the Mississippi River and was quickly expanding west. Americans began to believe that they had a God-given right to the Western territories, AKA _______________


The English did not try to settle North America again until 1607, when they settled ______________. The settlers, many of them English gentlemen, were ill-suited to the many adjustments life in the New World required of them, and they were much more interested in searching of gold than in planting crops. Within three months, more than half of the original settlers were dead of starvation or disease, and Jamestown survived only because ships kept arriving from England with new colonists.

Hartford Convention

The Federalists, opposed to the war because it disputed trade and unaware that its end was coming, met in Hartford, Connecticut, to consider a massive overhaul of the Constitution or, failing that, secession. When the war ended soon after, most people considered the Federalists to be traitors, and their national party dissolved soon after the ____________________. The ____________________ brought many grievances, including the notion that 2/3 majority of Congress should be required to pass any laws dealing with trade, that a 2/3 majority to be required to admit new states, and that no president can serve more than one four year term and that two presidents in a row cannot come from the same state.

Southern Blacks during and after Reconstruction

The Freedmen's Bureau helped them find new jobs and housing and provided money and food to those in need. This also helped establish schools at all levels for blacks. Unfortunately this was terribly underfunded and had little impact once military reconstruction came to an end. Blacks used sharecropping for work, in which they traded a portion of their crop in return for the right to work someone else's land. The system worked at first, but unscrupulous landowners eventually used the system as a means of keeping poor farmers in a state of near slavery and debt. Abuses of the sharecropping system grew mire widespread at the end of Reconstruction, at which point no court would fairly try the case of a sharecropper against a landowner

Louisiana Purchase

The French, who were in control of the Louisiana Territory, were more likely to take advantage of the New Orleans' strategic location at the mouth of the Mississippi, almost certainly meaning that American trade along the river would be restricted. To avoid this, Jefferson sent James Monroe to France. Monroe's mandate was to buy New Orleans or $2 million. Monroe arrived at just the right time. Napoleon was gearing up for war in Europe, and a violent slave revolt in Haiti against the French further convinced him to abandon French interests in the New World. The French offered to sell Monroe the whole Louisiana territory for $15 million. Problem?- Jefferson was strict constructionist and nowhere in the Constitution did it authorize the president to purchase land.

The Beaver Wars (1628-1701)

The Iroquois Confederacy, spurred on by the English allies, fought frequently with the French-backed Algonquian tribes of the Great Lakes region over fur and fishing rights. These conflicts were called the "Beaver" Wars because the beaver was an important fur animal hunted by Indians and European settlers throughout the region. When beaver numbers declined due to over-harvesting, territorial conflicts between trappers intensified (in the Seven Years' War, French, English, and Indian also fought over fur and fishing rights).

Bleeding Kansas

The Kansas-Nebraska Act provoked violence in the territories. Both abolitionists and proslavery groups rushed into the territories, planning to form governments in hopes of winning the two future states for their side. Just prior to the election for Kansas's legislature, thousands of proslavery Missourians called Border Ruffians temporarily relocated in Kansas, resulting in rival constitutions being sent to Washington. President Franklin Pierce recognized the Lecompton Constitution and promptly declared Kansas a slave territory. Proslavery forces took Pierce's recognition as a license to expel the free-soilers, and they demolished the free-soil city of Lawrence. In retaliation, radical abolitionist *John Brown* led a raid on a proslavery camp, murdering five. Gangs from both sides roamed the territory and attacked the opposition. More than 200 people died in the conflict

The Union during the Civil War

The Northern economy received a boost from the war as the demand for war-related goods such as uniforms and weapons spurred manufacturing. At first, the loss of Southern markets harmed the economy but soon the war economy brought a boom period. A number of entrepreneurs became extremely wealthy; many succumbed to the temptations of greed, overcharging the government for services and products (*war profiteering*). Corruption was fairly widespread within the government. Similar to the South, the North experienced a period of accelerated inflation, although Northern inflation was nowhere as extreme as its Southern counterpart. Workers formed unions, as they were worried about job security in the face of mechanization and the decreasing value of their wages. Businesses blacklisted union members, forced new employees to sign contracts in which they promised not to join unions, and used violence to break strikes. The Republican Party believed that government should help businesses but regulated them as little as possible and supported business in its opposition to unions. Lincoln, like Davis, oversaw a tremendous increase in the power of the central government during the war. He implemented economic development programs without waiting for congressional approval, championed numerous government loans and grants to businesses, and raised tariffs to protect Union trade. He also suspended the writ of habeus corpus in the border states, to make it easier to arrest secessionists, especially in Maryland. During the war, Lincoln initiated the printing of a national currency. Lincoln's able treasury secretary, Salmon P. Chase, issued green backs, government-issued paper money that was a precursor to modern currency

Free Blacks in the South (1800s)

The South was home to more than 250,000 free blacks, the descendants of slaves freed by their owners or having fought in the Revolutionary War. Black codes prevented them from owning guns, drinking liquor, and assembling in groups of more than 3 (except in church). Prejudice was a constant fact of life. Some owned land or worked at a trade, but most worked as tenant farmers or day laborers.

Court-Packing Scheme

The Supreme Court began to dismantle some of the programs of the First New Deal. In United States v. Butler which was attacking AAA, Roosevelt responded by attempting to pack the court with justices who supported his policies. As a result of FDR's attempt to increase the size of the court, Congress rejected this scheme

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

The US rallied Britain, France, Thailand, Pakistan, the Philippines, New Zealand, and Australia to form the NATO-like __________________________ (SEATO) to provide for South Vietnam's defense against Communist takeover

Conclusion of WWI

The US was not a signatory of the Treaty of Versailles, nor did it ever join the League of Nations, an internal organization envisioned by an American President to maintain world peace. Weary of the war, America was receding into a period of isolationism. The public wanted less interaction with Europe, not more, as the League would have required. Wilson tried to mister popular support for the treaty.

Chinese Revolution after WWII

The US was not successful in China, where it chose to side with Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist government against Mao Zedong's Communist insurgents, during China's 20-year civil war. Despite massive american military aid, the Communists overthrew the Nationalists, whose government was exiled to Taiwan

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

The United States formed a mutual defense alliance with Canada and a number of countries in Western Europe called the ______________________ in 1949. Truman did not have an easy time convincing Congress that NATO was necessary. NATO's primary purpose was to defend member nations from threats by communist countries.


The War Production Board allowed the government to oversee the mobilization of industry toward the war effort; in return, businesses were guaranteed generous profits. ______________________ of almost all consumer good was imposed. The government sponsored scientific research directed at improving weaponry, developing radar, sonar, and the atomic bomb during this period

Nez Perce

The ______________ were an Indian tribe in northeast Oregon. As it did with many tribes, the U.S. government forced them to migrate to a small reservation in Idaho. Chief Joseph led his people in resistance to this removal, but eventually surrendered to federal power

David Walker

The abolition movement existed prior to 1830, but it had been primarily supported by free blacks such as __________. A Bostonian, his Appeal to the Colored People of the World told all freed black people to work to end slavery. His work inspired William Lloyd Garrison. Abolition associations formed in every large black community to assist fugitive slaves and publicize the struggle against slavery; these groups met at a national convention every year after 1830 to coordinate strategies.

John Foster Dulles and the Eisenhower Administration

The administration continued to follow the policy of containment but called it *liberation* to make it sound more intimidating. It carried the threat that the US would eventually free Eastern Europe from Soviet control. Dulles coined the phrase *massive retaliation* to describe the nuclear attack that the US would launch if the Soviets tried anything too daring. *Deterrence* described how Soviet fear of massive retaliation would prevent their challenging the US and led to an arms race. Deterrence suggested that the mere knowledge if mutually assured destruction (MAD) prevented both nations from deploying nuclear weapons. Dulles allowed confrontations with the Soviet Union to escalate toward war, an approach called *brinkmanship*. Finally, the Eisenhower administration argued that the spread of communism had to be checked in Southeast Asia. If South Vietnam fell to communism , the nations surrounding it would fall quickly like dominoes, hence the *Domino Theory*

Slaughter-House Cases

The court ruled that the 14th Amendment applied only to the federal government, not to state governments, an opinion strengthened in US v. Cruiskshank v. Reese, the court cleared the way for "grandfather clauses", poll taxes, literary tests, property requirements, and other restrictions on voting privileges. Soon, nearly all Southern states had restrictive laws that effectively prevented blacks from voting

Assembly Line production

The downside of the new "economies of scale" business practice was that it required employees to work as efficiently and repetitively as machines. ________________ had begun to take hold when Eli Whitney developed interchangeable parts, but it reached a whole new level in Ford's plants in the early 20th century. This required workers to work for 12 to 14 hours. Factories were dangerous; machine malfunctions and human error typically resulted in more than 500,000 injuries to workers per year

Problems at the End of WWII

The end of WWII raised 2 major issues. The first concerned the survival of the combatants; with the exception of the US, the nations involved in WWII had all seen fighting within their borders, and the destruction had been immense. The second issue involved the shape of the new world and what new political alliances would be formed. This question would become the major source of contention between the world's two leading political-economic systems, capitalism and communism

Effects after WWII

The end of the war meant the end of wartime production, With fewer Jeeps, airplanes, guns, bombs, and uniforms to manufacture, American businesses started laying off employees. Returning war veterans further crowded the job market, and unemployment levels rose dramatically. At the same time, many people who had built up their savings during the war started to spend more liberally, causing prices to rise. In 1946, the inflation rate was nearly 20%, causing the poor and the unemployed to feel it the most

The Battle of Antietam

The first battle in the East where the Union wasn't completely defeated. By forcing the Confederacy to retreat, the Union claimed the battle was a victory. This "victory" gave Lincoln gave Lincoln the platform he needed to announce the Emancipation Proclamation. It was also important to show Britain and France that the Union wasn't a lost cause, and put off those countries possibly helping the Confederacy

Hudson River School

The first distinct school of American art- goal was to create a specific vision for American art, and they painted mostly landscapes that seemed to portray an awe for the wilderness and beauty of wild America


The first meeting of the "big three" (Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill) took place in the Iranian capital of Tehran in November of 1943. It was here that they planned the Normandy invasion, ___________________, and agreed to divide a defeated Germany into occupation zones after the war. Stalin agreed to enter the war against Japan once Hitler had been defeated. The Allies fought the Germans primarily in the Soviet Union and the Mediterranean until early 1944, when Allied forces invaded occupied France (on D-Day). The Soviet Union paid a huge price in human and material loss for this strategy and after the war sought to recoup its losses by occupying Eastern Europe. In the Pacific, both sides incurred huge numbers of casualties. the Allies eventually win a war of attrition against the Germans, and the Americans accelerated victory in the East by dropping two atomic bombs on Japan

Sugar Act of 1764

The first of the new regulations and taxes on the colonists. This established a number of new duties and which also contained provisions aimed at deterring molasses smugglers. This actually lowered the duty on molasses coming into the colonies from the west Indies. What angered the colonists the most was that this new regulation was to be more strictly enforced: duties were to be collected. Violators were to be arrested and tried in vice-admiralty courts, courts in which a single judge issued a verdict without the deliberation of a jury.

Labor Disputes Act of 1943

The government exerted greater control of labor. This was passed in reaction to a disconcerting number of strikes in essential industries. It allowed government takeover of businesses deemed necessary to national security, which gave the government authority to settle labor disputes

Committee on Public Information (CPI)

The government helped create this frenzied atmosphere through its wartime propaganda arm, the __________________. As the war progressed, newspapers and magazines, the CPI created the image of the Germans as cold-blooded, baby-killing, power-hungry Huns. During this period, Americans rejected all things German. More serious were the many acts of violence against German immigrants and Americans of German descent

Homestead Act and Morrill Land Grant Act

The government realized the potential of the Great Plains as the nation's chief agricultural center. Anxious to attract settlers to develop the West, the federal government offered 160 acres of land to anyone who would "homestead" it (cultivate the land, build a home, and live there) for 5 years. Problem: West land was very dry and more land was supposed to be given to settlers. The government was giving away land that belonged to Native Americans. Private speculators and railroad companies often exploited the law for their own personal economic gain. The Morrill Land Grant Act set aside land and provided money for agricultural colleges

Pro-Business Republican Administrations (1920s)

The government, which had worked closely with business leaders as part of the war effort, also grew to be more pro-business during this era. Government regulatory agencies more often assisted business than regulated it. Labor union fell further out of public favor, particularly when they struck against industries necessary to keeping industrial America running smoothly


The increase in travel and shipping was helped considerably by this invention, which allowed immediate long distance communication for the first time. People communicated in Morse Code

Social History 1800-1860

The inventions like the cotton gin altered Southern agriculture, resulting in the region's increased reliance on slave labor. The development of commerce led to a larger middle class, especially in the North, but also in Southern and Midwestern cities, Industrialization resulted in bigger cities with large and often impoverished migrant and immigrant neighborhoods. Westward migration created a new frontier culture as pioneers dealt with the uniqueness of the West's landscape and climate.

Age of Invention

The last quarter of the 19th century is called the _____________________________ because so many technological advances were made. These advances, in turn, generated greater opportunities for *mass production*, which then caused the economy to grow at a tremendous rate. The people known as the "captains of industry" to their fans (Andrew Carnegie) and the "robber barons" to others (John D. Rockefeller), who owned and controlled the new manufacturing enterprises, became extremely rich and powerful during this period

The South and Rural Life

The majority of Southerners lived in rural areas in near isolation. With almost no major cities, the South also had few centers of commerce, and while the North developed extensive networks of canals, railroads, and highways, the South's infrastructure remained fairly limited. The major city of the South, New Orleans, relied almost completely on waterways for its trade routes, and therefore grew much more slowly than did Northern cities such as New York and Boston. The South did not grow a strong market economy, as did the North, and many more Southerners made and grew most of their necessities for survival. the wealthy of the South dominated Southern society politically, socially, and economically while in the North, the wealthy made up a small minority. Less than 1% of the population owned more than 100 slaves. In fact, more than 3/4 of white Southerners owned no slaves.

Virtual Representation

The members of Parliament represented all British subjects regardless of who elected them. The colonists, for their part, knew that their representation would be too small to protect their interests and so never pushed the issue. What they wanted, and what the British were refusing to give them, was the right to determine their own taxes.

United Mine Workers (UMW)

The new conservatism brought with it a new round of anti-unionism in the country. Americans were particularly upset when workers in essential industries went on strike, as when the coal miners' strike cut off the energy supply to other industries, shutting down steel foundries, auto plants, etc. Layoffs in the affected industries exacerbated tensions. Americans cared little that the miners were fighting for basic rights. Truman followed the national mood, ordering a government *seizure of the mines* when a settlement could not be reached. During a later railroad strike, Truman threatened to draft into the military those strikers who held out for more than he thought they deserved. Consequently, Truman alienated labor, one of the core constituencies of the new Democratic coalition. Labor and consumers formed an alliance that helped Republicans take control of the *Eightieth Congress* in the 1946 midterm elections

Missouri Compromise

The new period of expansion resulted in a national debate over slavery. In 1820, the Union consisted of 22 states. 11 allowed slavery; 11 prohibited it. Missouri was the first state to be carved out of the Louisiana Purchase and its application for statehood threatened the balance, particularly in the US Senate. Henry Clay brokered the _____________________ which (1) admitted Missouri as a slave state, (2) carved a piece out of Massachusetts-Maine_ and admitted Maine as a free state, (3) drew a line along the 36 30' parallel across the Louisiana Territory and (4) established the southern border of Missouri as the northern most point at which slavery would be allowed in the western territories of the US

Corporate Consolidation

The overriding concern for businessmen was that profits continued to increase by huge margins. Although the government made some efforts to regulate this rapid growth, these were tentative. The government remained uncertain how to enforce regulations, and widespread corruption existed among those bureaucrats charged with enforcing the regulations. The courts of the era were extremely pro-business. With almost no restraint, businesses, such as railroad companies followed the path that led to greater economies of scale, which meant larger and larger businesses

Peace Corps

The policy of containment even motivated such ostensibly philanthropic programs abroad as the ______________. Its mission was to provide teachers and specialists in agriculture, health care, transportation, and communications to the Third World, in the hopes of starting these fledgling communities down the road to American-style progress. The government called this process *nation building*

Life in the Colonies (for whites)

The population in 1700 was 250,000; by 1750, that number was 1,250,000. Throughout these years, the colonies began to develop substantial non-English European populations (Scotch-Irish, Scots, Germans). The black population in 1750 was more than 200,000 and in a few colonies, they would outnumber whites by the time of the Revolution. Over 90% of colonists lived in rural areas, labor was divided along gender lines (men-outdoor work and farming, women-indoor work of housekeeping and childrearing). Patriarchal society. Children's education was secondary to their work schedules

John Quincy Adams

The postwar of the War of 1812 ushered in a new wave of westward expansion. As the Secretary of State under Monroe, ____________________ deftly negotiated a number of treaties that fixed U.S. borders and opened new territories. The United States acquired Florida from the Spanish by the Adams-Onis Treaty in 1819. Adams also had to handle international tensions caused by a series of revolutions in Central America and South America, as the inhabitants of those regions won their independence from Spain. The U.S. was beginning to recognize the new South American nations largely to gain access to trade. Monroe and Adams decided that America should assert its authority over the Western Hemisphere. The result was the Monroe Doctrine.

Lowell System/Waltham System

The rapid growth of the textile industry resulted in a shortage in New England, therefore these were created. They guaranteed employees housing in respectable, chaperoned boardinghouses; cash wages; and participation in cultural and social events organized by the mill. The system, widely copied throughout New England, lasted until great waves of Irish immigration in the 1840s and 1850s made factory labor plentiful. Later, as working conditions started to worsen, workers began to organize labor unions to protect their interests


The search for a port along the trade route to Asia attracted the United States to ________________. US involvement began in the 1870s, when American sugar producers started trading with Hawaiians. Due to American interference, the Hawaiian economy collapsed in the 1890s. The United States had allowed Hawaii tariff-free access to American markets. Then, when Hawaii became dependent on trade with the US, the government imposed high tariffs (McKinley Tariff to be exact), thereby greatly diminishing Hawaiian exports. The white minority overthrew the native government and eventually, the US annexed Hawaii. Japan was outraged; more than 40% of Hawaii's residents were of Japanese descent


The settlers of Massachusetts Bay Colony were strict ___________ and Calvinist principles dictated their daily lives.

The Middle Passage

The shipping route that brought slaves to the Americas was called the _______ because it was the middle leg of the triangular trade route among the colonies, Europe, and Africa. Conditions for the Africans aboard were brutally inhumane, so intolerable that some committed suicide by throwing themselves overboard. Many died of sickness, and others died during insurrections. It was not unusual for 1/5 of the Africans to die on board. Congress ended American participation in the Atlantic slave trade on January 1, 1808.

Spanish Armada

The strength of Spain's navy, the _______________, kept other European powers from establishing much of a foothold in the New World. In 1588, the English navy defeated the Armada, and consequently, French and English colonization of North America became much easier.

Role of the Tariff of Abominations after the Civil War

The tariff came to dominate national politics, as most Americans earned their living by industrial power, not farming. Industrialists competed in an international market which demanded high tariffs to protect domestic industries. Farmers and laborers, on the other hand, were hurt by high tariffs. Democrats- support low tariffs, Republicans- support high, protective tariffs


The vast expanses of largely undeveloped North America and the fertile soils in many regions of this new land, opened virtually endless potential for agricultural profits and mineral extraction. Concurrently, improvements in navigation, such as the invention of the __________ in the early 1700s, made sailing across the Atlantic safer and more efficient

Role of Women (1920s)

The vast majority of married women continued to stay home, but more, about 15%, entered the workforce. Women continued to work in predominantly female-dominated professions, such as school teaching or office-assistant work, and to earn much less than men. Despite the persistence of traditional roles for women, a new image of American women emerged and became a symbol of the Roaring Twenties- the *flappers*. Instead of the traditional manners and covering clothing, women began to wear waistless dresses worn above the knee, flesh-colored silk stockings, cute little hats, strings of long beads, a wrist full of bracelets, and ruby-red lips. Many flappers risked ruining their reputation by smoking cigarettes; drinking in public (despite Prohibition); and dancing the tango, the lindy, and the shimmy

The Seven Years' War/ The French and Indian War (1754-1763)

The war was the inevitable result of colonial expansion. As English settlers moved into the Ohio Valley, the French tried to stop them by building fortified posts at strategic entry spots. The French were trying to protect their profitable fur trade and their control of the region. A colonial contingent led by George Washington attacked a French outpost and lost badly. Most Native Americans allied themselves with the French, where they were expected to win the war. When the war finally ended, England was the undisputed colonial power of the continent. The treaty gave England control of Canada and almost everything east of the Mississippi Valley. William Pitt, the English Prime Minister during the war, was supportive of the colonists and encouraged them to join the war effort, promising them pay and some autonomy. when the leadership in Britain changed after the war, that led to resentment by the colonists against the British rule.

Problems with the Articles of Confederation

The wartime government, unable to levy taxes, tried to finance the war by printing more money, which led to wild inflation. The government was unable to impose tariffs after the British pursued punitive trade policies against the colonies (denying them access to the West Indian markets and dumping goods on American markets)


These became important freight carriers and replaced sailing ships for long sea voyages. By 1850, passengers could travel by steamship to New York to England in 10 days

Presidents of the Gilded Age

These presidents were relatively weak. Rutherford B. Hayes, James GArfield, and Chester A. Arthur concerned themselves primarily with civil service reform (spoils system), while Grover Cleveland believed that government governed best which governed least. Benjamin Harrison took the opposite tack, and he and his allies in the Capitol passed everything from the nation's first meat inspection act to the banning of lotteries to the purchase of several battleships. Much of the legislation, from the Sherman Antitrust Act to the second Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act, was passed under Harrison's watch. But the public's discomfort with the activism of Harrison and the *Billion-Dollar Congress* of 1890 led to Grover Cleveland's return to the White House

Temperance Societies

These tried to encourage people to sign the pledge not to drink and some of which sought outright prohibition of liquor, formed and remained powerful until the adoption of the Eighteenth Amendment. The temperance movement was largely promoted by Protestant churches and reformers, and tied to the rise in Irish and German immigrants who were mostly Catholic, representing the divide between the two branches of Christianity. These groups battled other vices as well, particularly gambling. By 1860, every state in the Union had outlawed lotteries, and many had prohibited other forms of gambling. Many Northern states prohibited the manufacture or purchase of alcoholic beverages during this period.

Reform Societies

They helped bring about penitentiaries, asylums, and orphanages by popularizing the notion that society is responsible for the welfare of its least fortunate. With leadership from Dorothea Dix, penitentiaries sought to rehabilitate criminals by teaching them morality and "work ethic".

Know-Nothings Party (American Party)

They met in private and remained secretive about their political agenda, rallied around a single issue: hatred of foreigners (nativism), a perennial favorite in US politics. This party grew quickly and dominated several state legislatures. It also spread some ugly anti-Irish, anti-German, and anti-Catholic propaganda

Women in the Revolutionary War

They were "camp followers" or by maintaining households and businesses while men were off fighting the Revolution. Many women also served as spies

Republicans (mid 1800s)

Though not abolitionist, the Republicans were dedicated to keeping slaves out of the territories. They also championed a wide range of issues, including the further development of national roads, more liberal land distribution in the West, and increased protective tariffs. As a result, the Republicans appealed to a wider constituency than the Free-Soilers had. Midwestern merchants and farmers, Western settlers, and Eastern importers all found something to like in the Republican platform. The Republican party grew quickly in the North, where it won a majority of congressional seats in 1854

Student Nonviolent Coordinating COmmittee (SNCC)

They were initially an integrated group which did grassroots work in the areas of voter registration and anti segregationist activism.

John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry

This added to the secessionist fir in 1859. Brown hoped to spark a slave revolt but failed. After his execution, new spread that Brown had received financial backing from Northern abolitionist organizations. Brown became a martyr for this cause, celebrated throughout the North

Alien and Sedition Acts

This allowed the government to forcibly expel foreigners and to jail newspaper editors for "scandalous and malicious writing". They were purely political, aimed at destroying new immigrants'- especially French immigrants'- support for the Democratic Republicans. The Sedition Act, which strictly regulated antigovernment speech, was a clear violation of the First Amendment

The Great Compromise/ The Connecticut Compromise

This blended the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan to have a bicameral legislature, and the Constitution. This bicameral legislature included a lower house (House of Representatives) elected by the people and the upper house (the Senate) elected by the state legislatures. The president and the vice president were to be elected by the Electoral College, not the citizens themselves

Republican Motherhood

This emerged in the early 1800s, as the importance of education emerged in American society. The role of the mother became more prominent in child-rearing, as mother were now expected to raise educated children who would contribute positively to the United States

Panic of 1819

This ended the Era of Good Feelings. This threw American economy into turmoil. The panic followed a period of economic growth, inflation, and land speculation, all of which destabilized the economy. When the National bank called in its loans, many borrowers couldn't repay them. The consequences included numerous mortgage foreclosures and business failures. Many people were thrown into poverty, yet Monroe easily won reelection in 1820.

Emancipation Proclamation

This freed no slaves. Instead, it stated that on January 1, 1863, the government would liberate all slaves residing those states still "in rebellion". Throughout the war, Lincoln refused to acknowledge secession and insisted on referring to the Confederate states as "those states in rebellion". The Proclamation did not liberate the slaves in the border states such as Maryland, nor did it liberate slaves in Southern counties already under the control of the Union Army. Legally, Lincoln had no power to abolish slavery in areas governed by the US Constitution. Abolitionist complained that the Proclamation liberated slaves only where the Union had no power to enforce emancipation and maintained slavery precisely where it could liberate the slaves. The Proclamation also allowed Southern states to rejoin the Union without giving up slavery. The Emancipation declared that the Civil War for the Union was a war against slavery, thus changing the purpose of the war, much as the Declaration of Independence had changed the purpose of the Revolutionary War

The Treaty of Paris (1783)

This granted the US independence and generous territorial rights

Advertising Industry (1920s)

This grew up during the decade to hype up cars, radios, and household appliance sales

Reconstruction (1865-1877)

This included readmitting the Southern states that had seceded from the Union, physically reconstructing and rebuilding Southern towns, cities, and property that had been destroyed during the war, and finally integrating newly freed blacks into American society. Lincoln had no intention on punishing the South and wanted to end the war and reunite the nation quickly and painlessly.

End of Progressivism

This lasted until the end of WWI. The Red Scare added to the split of the Progressive coalition. The Progressive movement had achieved many of its goals, and as it did, it lost the support of those interest groups whose ends had been met

The Process of the Election of 1824

This marked a major turning point in presidential elections. Prior to 1824, electors, who selected the president in the electoral college, had been chosen by a variety of methods. State legislatures chose many electors, although each election the number of states using this method decreased. By 1824, a majority of states allowed voters to choose their presidential electors directly

Marshall Plan

This sent more than $12 billion to Europe to help rebuild its cities and economy. In return for that money, countries were expected to become American allies. The countries were also required to work together to promote economic growth, and is the precursor to the European Union. Although the Marshall Plan was offered to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, no countries in the Soviet sphere participated in the program, as Stalin viewed the initiative as further evidence of US imperialism

Compromise of 1850

This was an attempt (made by Dem. Stephen Douglas and Whig Henry Clay) to soothe the sectional strife of the new territories like California (attempting to get statehood) with the main debate being the spread of slavery. This contained several bills that included (1) admission of California as a free state at the price of the enactment of a stronger fugitive slave law, (2) creation of the territories of Utah and New Mexico, leaving the status of slavery up to each territory to decide only when it came time for each to write its constitution, thus enforcing popular sovereignty, (3) abolished the slave trade in Washington D.C. Henry Clay- wanted a stringent Fugitive Slave Act John C. Calhoun- defender of slavery, opposed Compromise of 1850 Daniel Webster- Supported Compromise to protect Union, accepted Compromise of 1850


This was formed as a result of Jackson's Democratic party not having the ability to represent the interests of all its constituencies. By 1834, almost as many congressmen supported the _____________________ as the Democratic Party. The Whigs were a loos coalition that shared one thing in common: opposition to one or more of the Democrats' policies. Democrats- favored limited governments Whigs- believed in government activism, especially in the case of social issues, were deeply religious, supported the temperance movement, supported the enforcement of the Sabbath (had many of the same beliefs as the Federalists)

Franco-American Alliance

This was negotiated by Benjamin Franklin in 1778, which brought the French into the war on the side of the colonists after the war of Saratoga (French had resentment towards the British after the French and Indian War)

Articles of Confederation

This was the first national constitutions. The colonists created little to no central government since they were afraid of ridding themselves of Britain's imperial rule only to create their own tyrannical government. POWERS OF THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION -Gave the federal government to power to raise an army -Could not enforce state or individual taxation, or a military draft -Could not regulate trade among the states or international trade -Had no executive or judicial branch -The legislative branch gave each state one vote, regardless of the state's population -In order to pass a law, 9/13 of the states had to agree -In order to amend or change the Articles, unanimous approval was needed

Three-Fifths Compromise

This was to allow "proportional" representation in Congress among populations of Southern states. Each slave was considered 3/5 of a person stated within the Constitution.

The "Revolution of 1800"

Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr (both Democratic Republican) ran for president. Each received an equal number of votes in the Electoral College, which meant that the Federalist-dominated House of Representatives was required to choose a president between the two. Jefferson finally won due to Alexander Hamilton's campaign for Jefferson, with whom he disagreed on most issues, but believed Burr to be an unfit and dangerous man.

Federalists (not to be confused with the Federalists who supported the ratification of the Constitution)

Those who favored a strong federal government

Special Field Order No. 15

Under General Sherman's ____________________, land seized from the Confederates was to be redistributed among the new freedmen, but President Johnson rescinded Sherman's order, and the idea of giving freedmen 40 acres and a mule never regained much ground

Cold War

Though the major powers (US and the Soviet Union) didn't enter into combat in the Cold War, the US did fight proxy wars in Korea and Vietnam during this time. The American economy was growing more dependent on exports; American industry also needed to import metals, a process requiring (1) open trade and (2) friendly relations with those nations that provided those metals. In addition, with many postwar economies in shambles, competition among the few reasonably healthy economies grew faster. Finally, those countries that were strongest before the war- Germany, Japan, and Great Britain- had either been defeated or seen their influence abroad greatly reduced. The US and the Soviet Union emerged as the 2 new superpowers. Although they were allies during WWII, the war's end exposed the countries' many ideological differences, and they soon became enemies


Throughout the Republican administrations in the 1920s, the US government kept tariffs high; this policy is called__________________. Early in FDR's presidency, the government devised a method of using economic leverage as a foreign policy tool. The *Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act* allowed the president to reduce tariffs id he felt doing so would achieve foreign policy goals. Countries granted *most favored nation (MFN) trade status* were eligible for the lowest tariff rate set by the United States, if they played their cards right


Throughout the colonial period, most Europeans who thought about economics at all subscribed to a theory called ____________. They believed that economic power was rooted in a favorable balance of trade (exporting more than you import) and the control of specie (hard currency, such as gold coins). The colonies of North America were seen primarily as markets for British and West Indian goods, although they also were valued as sources of raw materials that would otherwise have to be bought from a foreign country.


Time of conformity. Across much of America, a consensus of values reigned. Americans believed that their country was the best in the world, that communism was evil and had to be stopped, and that a decent job, in a home in the suburbs, and access to all the modern conveniences like consumerism did indeed constitute "the good life". The 1950s also proved to be an era in which the civil rights movement built on advances of the 1940s and met some violent resistance; an era plagued by frequent economic recessions; and an era of spiritual unrest that manifested itself in such emerging art forms as *Beat poetry and novels* and *rock 'n roll*


To the Pilgrims' great fortune, they had happened to land at the site of the Patuxet village that had been wiped out by disease; one inhabitant of that village, a man named Tisquantum, AKA ____________, had been spared this fate because he had been captured years before and brought to Europe as a slave. He wound up in London, where he learned English, and then returned to his homeland only to find it depopulated. Shortly after, the Pilgrims arrived, and Squanto became their interpreter and taught them how best to plant in their new home.

Martin Van Buren

Took over Jackson's presidency in the election of 1836 while the country was entering the Panic of 1837. Van Buren continued Jackson's policy of favoring hard currency, thereby insuring that money would be hard to come by. This economic downturn guaranteed that he would not be reelected

The French Revolution

Took place during the Washington Administration. Jefferson wanted to support the revolution and its republican ideals. Hamilton had aristocratic leanings and so disliked the revolutionaries, who had overthrown the French aristocracy. When French government representative Citizen Edmond Genet visited America to seek its assistance in the English conflict, Washington declared the U.S. intention to remain "friendly and impartial toward belligerent powers". This was called the Neutrality Proclamation.

Bacon's Rebellion (1676)

Took place on Virginia's western frontier. With virtually all coastal land having been claimed, newcomers who sought to start their own farms in the region were forced west into the back country. Encroaching on land inhabited by Native Americans made frontier farmers subject to raids. In response, the western settlers sought to band together and drive the native tribes out of the region. Class resentment grew as frontiersmen, many whom had been indentured servants, began to suspect that eastern elites viewed them as expendable "human shields", serving as a buffer between them and the natives. The farmers rallied behind Nathaniel Bacon. He demanded that Governor William Berkeley grant him the authority to raise a militia and attack nearby tribes. When Berkeley refused, Bacon and his men lashed out at the natives anyway, attacking not only the Susquehannock but also the Pamunkeys, who were actually allies of the English. Rebels then turned their attention to Jamestown, sacking and burning the city. The rebellion dissolved when Bacon suddenly died of dysentery, and a conflict between the colonists and Native Americans was averted with a new treaty (Bacon's rebellion is often cited as an early example of a populist uprising in America).

Potsdam Conference

Toward the end of the war, the Allies agreed to help the United Nations to mediate future international disputes. The Allies met again at _____________________ to decide how to implement the agreements of Yalta. this time, *Harry S. Truman* represented the US

Spoils System

Trading jobs for political favors. Under Jackson, administrative jobs that had previously circulated among a relatively insular circle of political supporters fell into new hands

Nat Turner's Rebellion

Turner, a well-read preacher, had a vision, and he took this vision as a sign from God that black liberation movement would succeed. As a result, he rallied a gang that proceeded to kill and then mutilate the corpses of 60 whites. In retaliation, 200 slaves were executed, some with no connection at all to the rebellion. Fearful that other slaves would hear of and emulate Turner's exploits, Southern states passed a series of restrictive laws, known as black codes, prohibiting blacks from congregating and learning to read

The Great Awakening

Two men, Congregationalist minister Jonathan Edwards and Methodist preacher George Whitefield came to exemplify this period. Edwards preached the severe, predeterministic doctrines of Calvinism and became famous for his graphic depictions of Hell (fire and brimstone speeches). Whitefield preached a Christianity based on emotionalism and spirituality. The First ________________ is often described as the response of devout people to the Enlightenment, a European intellectual movement that borrowed heavy from ancient philosophy and emphasized rationalism over emotionalism or spirituality.

Failures of Reconstruction

ULTIMATELY FAILED Although government industrialization plans helped rebuild southern economy, these plans cost a lot of money. High tax rates turned public opinion, already antagonistic to Reconstruction, even more hostile Many who participated in Reconstruction were corrupt, selling their votes for money and favors

Economic Opportunity Act

Under LBJ- Appropriated nearly $1 billion for poverty relief. After his landslide victory in the 1964 presidential election, Johnson greatly expanded his antipoverty program. A number of programs combined to form Johnson's *War on Poverty*. *Project Head Start* prepared underprivileged children for early schooling; *Upward Bound* did the same thing for highschool students. *Job Corps* trained the unskilled so they could get better jobs while *Volunteers in Service America (VISTA)* acted as a domestic Peace Corps. *Legal Services for the Poor* guaranteed legal counsel to those who could not afford lawyers. The *Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)* increased federal aid to low-income apartment renters, and built more federal housing projects, as well as establishing Medicare and Medicaid

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Under LBJ- Enforced the employment clause of the Civil Rights Act

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Under LBJ- This law cracked down on those states that denied blacks the right to vote despite 15th Amendment. He also signed another civil rights act banning discrimination in housing, and yet another that extended voting rights to Native Americans living under tribal governments

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Under LBJ-outlawed discrimination based on a person's race, color, religion, or gender. This is the basis of all discrimination suits to this day. The law prohibited discrimination in employment as well as in public facilities

Encomienda System

Under Spain's __________________________, the crown granted colonists authority over a specified number of natives; the colonist was obliged to protect those natives and convert them to Catholicism, and in exchange, the colonist was entitled to those natives' labor for such enterprises as sugar harvesting and silver mining (form of slavery)

Reconstruction of Japan after WWII

Under the command of General Douglas MacArthur, Japan wrote a democratic constitution, demilitarized, and started a remarkable economic revival

English Arrival

Unlike other European colonizers, the English sent large numbers of men and women to the agriculturally fertile areas of the East. Despite our vision of the perfect Thanksgiving table, relationships with local Indians were strained, at best. English intermarriage with Indians and Africans was rare, so no new ethnic groups emerged, social classes remained rigid and hierarchical.

Reasons for the Founding of Selected Colonies (in short)

Virginia (1607): Economic gain Plymouth (1620): Religious freedom (Separatist Pilgrims) Massachusetts (1629): Religious freedom (Nonseparatist Puritans); later merged with Plymouth Maryland (1633): Religious freedom (Catholics) Connecticut (1636): Religious differences with Puritans in Massachusetts Rhode Island (1636): Religious freedom from Puritans in Massachusetts New York (1664): Seized from Dutch New Jersey (1664): Seized from Dutch Delaware (1664): Seized from Dutch, who took it from Swedes Pennsylvania (1682): Religious freedom (Quakers) Georgia (1732): Buffer colony and alternative to debtors' prison

Third World

WWII resulted in the breakup of Europe's huge overseas empires. In the decades that followed the war's end, numerous countries in Africa, Asia, and South America broke free of European domination. These countries allied themselves with neither of the two major powers; for this reason they were deemed the _____________. Both America and the Soviets sought to bring Third World countries into their spheres of influence, as these nations represented potential markets as well as sources of raw materials


When Mexico declared its independence from Spain in 1821, the new country included what is now Texas and much of the Southwest, including California, The Mexican government established liberal land policies to entice settlers, and tens of thousands of Americans flooded the region. In return for land, the settlers were supposed to become Mexican citizens, but they rarely did. Instead, they ignored Mexican law and especially the one prohibiting slavery. When Mexico attempted to regain control of the area, the settlers rebelled and declared independence form Mexico. It was during this period that the famous battle at the Alamo was fought. For a while, Texas was an independent country, called the Republic of Texas. The existence of slavery in the area guaranteed a Congressional battle over statehood, and Texas was not admitted to the Union until 1845

Committees of Correspondence

When the British implemented the part of the Townshend Acts that provided for colonial administrators to be paid from customs revenue, the colonists responded with the ________________. These groups traded ideas and informed one another of the political mood. The committees also worked to convince more citizens to take an active interest in the conflict.

Election of 1824

When the Democratic-Republican caucus chose William H. Crawford in 1824, others- among them John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, and Andrew Jackson- decided to challenge the nomination. Their opposition, along with their accusations that the party caucuses were undemocratic, brought the demise of the caucus system. OF the 4, Andrew Jackson received the greatest number of popular votes and electoral votes; however, as none of the four had won a majority, the election was decided in the House of Representatives. There, the speaker of the House Clay threw his support to Adams, thereby handing Adams the victory. Adams subsequently named Clay secretary of state. Jackson and other opponents of Clay's appointment alleged that Adams and Clay had struck a corrupt bargain and immediately vowed to see both removed in the election of 1828.

Radical Republicans

When the Union dissolved and the South left Congress, Lincoln was faced with a legislature much more progressive in its thoughts on slavery than he was. The _____________ wing of Congress wanted immediate emancipation. To that end, the radicals introduced the *confiscation acts* in Congress. The first (1861) gave the government the right to seize any slaves used for "insurrectionary purposes". The second (1862) was much wider in scope, allowing the government to liberate any slave owned by someone who supported the rebellion, even if that support was limited to paying taxes to the Confederate government. This act had little effect because Lincoln refused to enforce it.

Bering Strait

When the ancestors of Native Americans were migrating to North America from Asian countries, sea levels were lower due to a colder climate and they could walk across a land bridge from Siberia (in modern Russia) to Alaska. As the planet warmed, this bridge was submerged forming the ___________. These people and their descendants migrated south, either by boat along the Pacific coast or possibly along an ice-free corridor east of the Rocky Mountains, and went on to populate both North and South America.

Watergate Scandal

When the plumbers were arrested at the Watergate Hotel, the White House began an all-out effort to cover up the scandal. A Senate hearing into the matter began in early 1973 and dragged on, keeping the story alive in the news for the next year and a half. Information was slowly revealed that incriminated the president's closest advisers. They would resign, and then would be tried and convicted of felonies. At last, it was discovered that Nixon had secretly taped all conversations in the White House, including many concerning Watergate. For the next year, a legal battle over the tapes raged; the Senate demanded them, and Nixon refused to turn them over, claiming executive privilege. All of the while, more damning evidence came to light- much of it in the pages of The Washington Post, more former journalists *Bob Woodward* and *Carl Bernstein*- and more former Nixon associates were jailed. When the president lost the battle over the tapes, the Supreme Court ordered Nixon to turn them over to the Senate. Rather than face impeachment proceedings, Nixon resigned in August 1974. His vice president *Gerald Ford* took office and almost immediately granted Nixon a presidential pardon


When war broke out in Europe in August 1914, Wilson immediately declared the US policy of _______________________. Neutrality called for America to treat all the belligerents fairly and without favoritism. It was Wilson's hope that the US would help settle the conflict and emerge as the world's arbiter. The neutrality policy posed several immediate problems, owing to America's close relationship with England and relatively distant relationship with Germany and Austria-Hungary. A number of Wilson's advisors openly favored the Allies

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1852. This grew antislavery sentiments in the North. Stowe, a Northerner, based her damning depictions of plantation life on information provided her by abolitionist friends. She wisely avoided political preaching, instead playing on people's sympathies. Similar to Thomas Paine's Common Sense, this was an extremely powerful piece of propaganda, awakening antislavery sentiment in millions who had never before given the issue much thought

Whigs v. Democrats

Whigs stood for a policy of internal improvements: building bridges, dredging harbors, digging canals. and in short civilizing lands the United States already possessed. Democrats tended to be expansionists, set on pushing the nation's borders ever outward. They also felt that is was not the government's place to do anything with newly added land, and it should instead be kept in private hands, even if that meant living in a country of meandering dirt roads instead of railways.

Mexican American War

Whigs, abolitionists, and anti-imperialists opposed this. Northerners feared that new states in the West would become slave states, thus tipping the balance in Congress in favor of proslavery forces. Opponents argued that Polk had provoked Mexico into a war at the request of powerful slaveholders, and the idea that a few slave owners had control over the government became popular.

The Mayflower Compact

While on board the Mayflower, the Pilgrims, led by William Bradford, signed an agreement establishing a "body politic" and a basic legal system for the colony. It is important not only because it created a legal authority and an assembly, but also because it asserted that the government's power derives from the consent of the governed and not from God, as some monarchs known as Absolutists believed.

The Pueblo Revolt (1680)

While the French and British played their political and economic chess games with Indian tribes in the East, the Spanish sought to maintain control of the Southwest. After years of domination by the fearsome Juan de Onate, the Pueblo people of New Mexico led a successful revolt against the Spanish, killing hundreds and driving the remaining settlers out of the region. The Spanish returned in 1692, and though they regained control of the territory, they were more accommodating to the Pueblo, the fear of continued conflicts driving the need for compromise.

Labor Unions during the late 1800s

Widespread misery in cities led many to seek changes. Labor unions formed to try to counter the poor treatment of workers. Unions were considered radical organizations by many, and the government was wary of them; businesses and the courts were openly hostile to them. Hired goons and in some cases federal troops often broke strikes. Before the Civil War, the few Unions that existed were small, regional, or local and represented workers within a specific craft or industry

Woodrow Wilson (Progressive)

Wilson's ideas and policies are known as *New Freedom*. Thomas Jefferson had suggested limiting the power of the federal government in order to protect individual liberty, but Wilson now argued that federal government had to assume greater control over business to protect man's freedom. For Wilson, trusts were monopolies which violated freedom for workers and consumers. WIlson was committed to restoring competition through greater government regulation of the economy and lowering the tariff. Created the *Federal Trade Commission*- a federal agency established in 1914 to investigate and stop unfair business practices Created the *Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914*- strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act by spelling out specific activities businesses could not do Created the *Federal Reserve System* - the country's central banking system, which is responsible for the nation's monetary policy by regulating the supply of money and interest rates These all gave government greater control over the nation's finances

Robert La Follette

Wisconsin governor that implemented plans for direct primary elections, progressive taxation, and rail regulation.

Andrew Johnson

With Lincoln's assassination, Vice President ___________________ assumed presidency. Johnson, a Southern Democrat, had opposed secession and strongly supported Lincoln

Declaration of Independence

Written by Thomas Jefferson. The Declaration enumerated the colonies' grievances against the Crown, articulated the principle of individual liberty, and the government's fundamental responsibility to serve the people. With the document's signing on July 4, 1776, the Revolutionary War became a war for independence.

U.S. Fish Commission

With many families and corporation heading West, bothe government and conservation groups sought for added protection of natural resources. The __________________ was created in 1871 to study, monitor, and preserve wild fisheries.

Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act

Within the Republican Party, who dominated control of the White House following the Civil War, a split developed between *Stalwarts*, who believed that all government jobs should go to loyal Republicans, and *Half-Breeds*, who thought that qualified Democrats should be able to keep their jobs even after a Republican was elected. When a frustrated job-seeker assassinated President Garfield, it became clear that something had to be done about the way government employment was handled. His successor, Chester Arthur. had been a Stalwart, but he signed the _______________________________ that began the dismantling of the old spoils system

Second New Deal

Work Progress Administration (WPA)- generated more than 8 million jobs, all paid for by the government. Along with public work projects, such as construction, the WPA employed writers, photographers, and other artists National Labor Relations Board- democratized unions and punished businesses with anti-union policies Social Security Administration- provided retirement benefits for many workers, including the disabled The government increased taxes on wealthy individuals and top-end business profits. The cumulative effect of these programs led to the creation of the *New Deal Coalition*, made up of union members, urbanties, the underclass, and blacks

James Otis

Wrote The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved. This laid out the colonists' argument against taxes and he put forward "No taxation without representation" argument that later became a rallying cry of the Revolution. Because the colonists did not elect members to Parliament , he argued, they were not obliged to pay taxes. Otis did not advocate secession; rather, he argued for either representation in Parliament or a greater degree of self-government for the colonies. The British scoffed at the notion, arguing that the colonists were already represented in Parliament.

John Rolfe, Pocahontas, tobacco

__________ is one of the survivors of "the starving time". He married Powhatan's daughter ________________, briefly easing the tension between the natives and the English settlers. He also pioneered the practice of growing _____________, which had long been cultivated by Native Americans, as a cash crop to be exported back to England. The English public was soon hooked and the success of tobacco considerably brightened the prospects for English settlement in Virginia.

Ben Franklin And Poor Richard's Almanac

_______________ typified Enlightenment ideals in America. His _________________ was extremely popular and remains influential to this day (it is the source of such pithy aphorisms as "a stitch in time saves nine" or "a penny saved is a penny earned"). He espoused Enlightenment ideals about education, government, and religion. Toward the end of his life, he served as an ambassador in Europe, where he negotiated a crucial alliance with the French and later, the peace treaty that ended the Revolutionary War.


________________ swept through most Third World nations, recently liberated from major world powers. Enjoying their newfound freedom, these countries were reluctant to foster a long-term alliance with a large, powerful nation. Most Third World countries regarded both powers with suspicion. America's wealth fostered both distrust and resentment, prompting questions about US motives. America's racist legacy hurt it in the Third World, where most residents were nonwhite. Yet most Third World nations also saw how the Soviets dominated Eastern Europe and so had little interest in close relations with them

Powhatan Wars (1610-1677)

___________________ were the earliest conflicts between English settlers and the Powhatan confederacy in Virginia, mainly over territorial disputes. As a resolution to these conflicts, Indians were granted reservation land, one of the earliest example of this practice.

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