apush truman thru coldwar test review

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Following the Second World War, President Truman was unable to expand significantly his predecessor's New Deal programs primarily because of a. the domination of Congress by Republicans and conservative Democrats b. the need to maintain a large military force in Asia c. budget expenditures required to rebuild Europe d. controversy surrounding the Truman Doctrine e. the continuation of the Great Depression


In calling for Black Power, Stokely Carmichael expressed the view that blacks a. should reject integration and assert their racial pride and independence b. should reject the preaching of Malcolm X and rally to support Martin Luther King Jr. c. must elect black members of Congress to achieve civil rights d. should join the antiwar movement and unify with white radicals e. must seek their heritage by returning en masse to Africa


Influential critics of the 1950's, such as David Riesman, were most concerned with which of the following aspects of life in the United States following the Second World War? a. Alienation and conformity in modern society b. Schooling for the baby-boom generation c. The economic responsibilities of being a world superpower d. The threat to the nation from communist subversion e. The spread of political corruption


Organized labor opposed the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 because it a. abolished the closed shop b. outlawed strikes against defense companies c. reversed all the gains made by the Wagner Act of 1935 d. did not defend against Communist infiltrations of unions e. was supported by President Truman who was labor's enemy


Richard Nixon's 1968 political comeback to win the presidency can be partly attributed to a. dissension within the Democratic party over Vietnam b. the defection of Black voters to the Republican party c. Nixon's cordial relations with the news media d. Nixon's great popularity as Eisenhower's vice president e. Nixon's promise of immediate withdrawal of American forces from Vietnam


The Port Huron Statement was significant in the 1960s because it a. reflected young peoples' disillusionment with American society and their commitment to political change b. made it clear that union workers were planning to defend traditional values against the counter-culture c. was a declaration of resistance to United States policies in Vietnam d. called on young people to support President Johnson's Vietnam policy e. called on young men to avoid the draft and flee to Canada


The major objective of the antipoverty program of Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society was to a. break the cycle of poverty among poor people through education and job training b. provide temporary benefits to the "new program" during times of recession c. transfer the federal government's responsibility for welfare back to the states d. simplify welfare by replacing job programs with cash grants for the poor e. build a socialist society in the United States


The primary power granted to the Civil Rights Commission created in 1957 was the authority to a. investigate and report on cases involving discrimination b. issue writs to enforce its decisions after a hearing c. initiate court cases to challenge gender discrimination d. fine employers found guilty of discriminatory hiring practices e. grant monetary awards to victims of discrimination


Through his "flexible response" philosophy, President Kennedy hoped to a. have a variety of military options to fight Communist aggression b. develop a wide variety of nuclear responses in Third World wars c. use a variety of economic weapons to fight Communists d. reverse containment and roll back communism in both Asia and Europe e. rely more on the navy than the army in the Cold War


Which of the following best describes President Eisenhower's civil rights beliefs? a. He opposed integration by judicial decree and did little to promote civil rights beyond the legal requirements. b. He was a strong advocate of civil rights and placed this issue high on his presidential agenda. c. He worked closely with Martin Luther King Jr. to expand the Brown v. Board of Education ruling into all aspects of American life. d. He wanted Congress rather than the courts to take the lead in desegregating schools. e. He supported segregation and believed America was better off divided along racial lines.


Which of the following civil rights groups is NOT correctly matched with one of its leading figures? a. Southern Christian Leadership Conference. . Marcus Garvey b. Black Panthers. . Huey Newton c. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. . Roy Wilkins d. Black Muslims. . Malcolm X e. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. . Stokely Carmichael


Which of the following is a correct statement about Harry S Truman? a. He proposed, through the Fair Deal, to continue and expand the aims of the New Deal. b. He enjoyed the consistent support of the public throughout his presidency. c. He experienced few problems in the transition from a wartime to peacetime economy after the Second World War. d. He pursued an increasingly conciliatory foreign policy toward the Soviet Union following the Second World War. e. He enjoyed the consistent support of Congress throughout his presidency.


Which of the following statements about George Wallace's third-party presidential campaign in 1968 is correct? a. He appealed to many middle-class voters upset by the civil disobedience associated with the Civil Rights and antiwar demonstrations. b. He appealed to the isolationists who opposed United States involvement in Vietnam. c. He supported the integrationist goals of Martin Luther King, Jr., but opposed the more extreme tactics of the Black Muslims and Black Panthers. d. He was strongly supported by intellectuals and college students who thought the Democratic and Republican parties were both too conservative. e. He advocated an expansion of poverty programs in an effort to win the support of the inner-city poor.


In his New Frontier, President Kennedy tried to promote economic growth by a. appointing the best and brightest economic his New Frontier, President Kennedy tried to advisors b. proposing tax cuts for individuals and business c. expanding military spending to rearm the nation d. reducing discrimination and including African Americans in the work force e. pressuring the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates


Major domestic developments in the United States during President Eisenhower's two terms included all of the following EXCEPT a. a rise in the gross national product (GNP) b. the dismantling of New Deal welfare programs c. the peaking of the postwar baby boom d. the exodus of Black families from the rural South e. the beginning of construction of an interstate highway system


The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is significant because it a. required Taiwan to relinquish its position on the United Nations Security Council to China b. authorized the president to take any measures necessary to repel attacks against United States forces and allies in Southeast Asia c. led to an alliance between the United States, Japan, and Taiwan to limit the power of China in Asia d. conferred the most-favored-nation status to China in its trade with the United States e. declared that the United States would continue to provide air and naval support but withdraw all ground troops in the Vietnam War


The National Organization for Women (NOW) was founded in 1966 in order to a. encourage women to believe in the "feminine mystique" b. challenge sex discrimination in the workplace c. oppose the proposed Equal Rights Amendment d. advocate restrictions on access to abortion e. advocate equal access for women to athletic facilities


The death of Ngo Dinh Diem in Vietnam led the United States to a. pull out of Vietnam because American voters demanded it b. send more military and economic aid to counter the chaos resulting from his death c. immediately launch air attacks against North Vietnam d. ask the United Nations to step into the conflict as a mediator e. turn the fighting almost completely over to the South Vietnamese army


The downfall of Chiang Kai-Shek in 1949 can most accurately be attributed to a. the alliance the Soviet Union signed with Chiang's enemy Mao Zedong b. his corrupt and incompetent leadership in the Chinese Civil War c. the refusal of the United States to send him aid after the war d. his decision to flee mainland China for Taiwan in the middle of the war e. his commitment of ground troops to fight in the Korean War


The support for former Alabama governor George Wallace in the 1968 presidential campaign best illustrates the a. impact of the economic downturn on the working class b. exploitation of race as a national political issue c. growing power of the political left in American politics d. persistence of anticommunism as a political force e. loss of faith of many Americans in Republican party policies


Which of the following best characterizes the goals of Martin Luther King, Jr.? a. A peaceful separation of Black people into powerful economic and political groups b. A peaceful integration of the races in all areas of society c. Federal compensation to Black people for past political and legal injustices d. A church-centered Black community removed from the oppression of White people e. Constant and, if necessary, violent political and social action to achieve long-sought justice


Accounts of North Vietnamese torpedo-boat attacks on United States destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin during the summer of 1964 were used to justify which of the following United States actions in Vietnam? a. Delivery of a formal diplomatic protest to Hanoi b. Discontinuation of American naval involvement c. Escalation of the American war effort d. Withdrawal of all American military advisers e. Introduction of the Vietnamization prog


One of the immediate consequences of the Tet offensive in 1968 was that a. President Johnson completed the process of Vietnamization b. North Vietnamese troops took control of Saigon c. popular support for the war declined in the United States d. the South Vietnamese government was overthrown e. Congress gave greater support to President Johnson's war policies


President Eisenhower's economic policy can be best characterized as a. the adoption of deficit financing to promote economic growth, but the repudiation of the progressive income tax b. the rejection of the New Deal and an attempt to restore laissez-faire policies c. the acceptance of the New Deal, but moderation in the expansion of governmental social programs d. a vigorous effort to increase defense spending and federal funds for health care e. a continuation of his predecessors' efforts to expand the role of the federal government


The Employment Act of 1946 did which of the following? a. Guaranteed the right of collective bargaining for labor unions. b. Provided for retaining of veterans of the armed forces. c. Declared it the objective of the federal government to foster full employment. d. Provided for large-scale public works to prevent a postwar depression. e. Created goals for the hiring of women and minorities by the federal government.


Which of the following did the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam have in common in the late 1960s? a. They advocated ending segregation in the North rather than the South. b. They sought affiliation with the American Communist Party. c. They emphasized developing a greater sense of Black nationalism and solidarity. d. They advocated nonviolent means to achieve their goals. e. They split off from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) after the death of Martin Luther King, Jr.


Which of the following is a correct statement about college-level education in the twentieth- century United States? a. State universities increased scholarship aid during the Depression. b. Private universities raised admission standards during the 1940's. c. The GI Bill financed the education of male students during the post-Second World War era. d. The "baby boomers" finished college in large numbers in the 1950's. e. There was a sharp decline in college enrollment during the Vietnam War.


Which of the following is true about the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961? a. It was a classic application of massive retaliation. b. It was a well-conceived plan to oust Fidel Castro from power. c. It assumed that the Cuban people would rise against Castro. d. It was the first Central Intelligence Agency attempt to topple an anti-American regime. e. It was consistent with the philosophy behind President Kennedy's Alliance for Progress.


During 1968 the deep divisions within the American public were demonstrated by all of the following EXCEPT a. the assassinations of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. b. urban riots in major cities across the country c. antiwar demonstrations at the Democratic national convention in Chicago d. the refusal of most Republicans to support Richard Nixon as their presidential candidate e. the strong showing of George Wallace's American Independent Party in southern states and some northern urban centers


In 1954 the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka that a. busing to achieve racial balance in public schools was constitutionally acceptable b. local school boards had no right to censor reading materials in school libraries c. prayer in the public schools was contrary to the principle of separation of church and state d. racial segregation in public schools was a denial of the equal protection of the laws e. schools could teach the theory of evolution without also teaching the creationist account of the origin of life


In negotiations to end the Cuban Missile Crisis, President Kennedy promised to a. send economic aid to Cuba under the Alliance for Progress b. allow Cuban propaganda in Latin America c. reduce the number of United States missiles on the North American continent d. refrain from a military invasion of Cuba e. establish a quota system for Cuban refugees to the United States


In terms of goals, the Great Society of the 1960s hoped to a. emulate the success of Eisenhower's "modern Republicanism" b. encourage the accumulation of wealth for America's corporate elite c. increase the number of women working outside the home d. expand the reforms of the New Deal and Fair Deal e. implement the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes


The Black Power movement of the late 1960s who advocated that African Americans a. organize political parties sympathetic to communism b. establish African American communities in Africa c. seek the racial integration of northeastern cities d. establish control of their political and economic life e. assimilate into White society


The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution showed that Congress believed the a. president's war-making powers in Vietnam must be curtailed b. United States should pull its forces out of Vietnam c. American navy was underfunded and required more resources in Vietnam d. president should have more authority to deal with the Vietnamese conflict e. president must have the authority to bomb North Vietnam to stop infiltration into South Vietnam


The Taft-Hartley Act did which of the following? a. Established wage and price controls during the Nixon administration b. Protected American manufacturers from European competition during the Depression c. Recognized the right of labor unions to establish closed shops d. Limited the powers of labor unions e. Created the interstate highway system


The United States involvement in Vietnam increased dramatically in the 1950s with the withdrawal of the a. Japanese b. British c. Chinese d. French e. Soviets


The issue decided in the case of Bakke v. Board of Regents of California was the a. right of freedom of speech during wartime b. speed by which schools should desegregate c. government's power to set clean air standards d. scope and fairness of affirmative action e. father's rights in an abortion decision


The principal reason for the formation of the Dixiecrat party in 1948 was the opposition of dissident Democrats to President Truman's a. establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency b. removal of General MacArthur from his military command c. support for the Taft-Hartley act d. proposal for civil rights legislation e. call for an investigation of the loyalty of all federal employees


Which of the following is true of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? a. It ended the Vietnam War. b. It barely passed in Congress, reflecting the bitter division over American involvement in Vietnam. c. It was a statement of American policy that followed the Tet offensive. d. It allowed the President to deploy combat troops in South Vietnam. e. It provided for the first peace negotiations between the United States and North Vietnam.


Which of the following was an achievement of the John F. Kennedy administration? a. Passage of civil rights legislation b. Passage of bills to create health insurance for the aged and to increase aid to education c. Extension of diplomatic recognition to the People's Republic of China d. Passage of the Alliance for Progress to provide economic aid for Latin America e. Passage of the Economic Opportunity Bill


As a civil rights leader in the 1950s, Martin Luther King Jr. believed that a. whites must be excluded from the equal rights crusade b. the Supreme Court was the only government body that cared about African Americans c. economic advancement was more important than political or social rights for African Americans d. only violence would change white America's racial attitudes e. protests must be grounded in Christian principles


In 1962 which of the following most directly to a crisis in Soviet-American relations over Cuba? a. Cuban attacks on the United States naval base at Guantanamo b. The failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion c. Cuban support for leftist guerilla movements in Latin America d. Cuban withdrawal from the Organization of American States e. The discovery of Soviet missile sites in Cuba


The 1962 book that helped launch the national environmental movement was a. James Baldwin's The Fire Next Time b. Michael Harrington's The Other America c. Alice Walker's In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens d. Jack Kerouac's On The Road e. Rachel Carson's Silent Spring


The primary difference between United States intervention in Guatemala in 1954 and previous United States interventions in Central America was that the Guatemalan intervention a. was not authorized by Congress b. favored the Guatemalan Right c. involved the cooperation of the Organization of American States d. was mounted for economic motives e. involved covert action by the CIA


Which of the following is correct about United States involvement in the Vietnam War? a. It was justified by an appeal to the Open Door policy. b. It was the exclusive responsibility of the Johnson and Nixon administrations. c. It came about only after a formal declaration of war. d. It was primarily anti-Soviet in purpose. e. It grew out of policy commitments and assumptions since the Second World War.


Which of the following resulted from the Cuban missile crisis? a. The Soviets were allowed to keep existing missiles in Cuba but could not increase the number of missiles. b. The United States agreed to withdraw from Berlin in exchange for Soviet withdrawal from Cuba. c. The Soviets gained none of their objectives, while the United States emerged victorious. d. The United States succeeded in eliminating all communist influence from the Western Hemisphere. e. The Soviets withdrew their missiles from Cuba in exchange for a promise from the United States not to attack Fidel Castro.


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