APUSH Unit 3: Overlapping Revolutions

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Planter Aristocracy

...rich, southern elite. aka plantation owners. southern gentry

Industrial Revolution

1790-1860. Division of labor (everyone has a different job) will cause an increase output and the cutting of prices. Mineral based economy (coal and metal) economy. Artisan Republicanism: Freedom to make sell and produce what they want. Immigrants fuels industrialization. They bring ideas over. South grew cotton shipped north and grew clothes.

Andrew Jackson's Presidency

1829-1837. Won against JQA. His goal is to destroy the American System and everything JQA did. He vetoed internal improvements which are roads because he said this belonged to the states. Democrats=states rights. Jackson's visions were the sovereignty of the people and the rights of the states and a light and the simple government even though he uses a lot of presidential power.

Benevolent Empire

A group of social reform organizations that work together to encourage more morality in people. They think sin has crept in to the US. Led by ministers. Goal is to restore "the moral government of god". That meant the reduction of consumption alcohol and other vices (temperance movement). Devises institutions to help needy . (orphanages and asylums)

1824 Election

After the war of 1812, Democratic-Repulican splintered into competing factions... After the War of 1812 Federalists are completely done for because we have the era of good feelings and the only party left is the democratic republicans.People start to support individual people. Led to five former Democratic-Republicans running for president. Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. The Democratic-Republicans select William Crawford as the official nominee. Jackson and Adams not really running as Dem-Republicans. Problem: So many people=votes split and you need a certain number of votes to win. Jackson won most electoral votes but not the majority. According to the 12th amendment the House of Repersentitives would then choose among the three highest vote-getters (Jackson, Adams, Crawford). This hurts Jackson because they thought he would become a tyrant. John Quincy Adams knows he needs to get the House's votes so he goes to Henry Clay and tells him that if he gets the rest of the house to vote for him, JQA then he will make Henry Clay Secretary of St., a direct in for president. JQA: president Clay: Sec of St. known as CORRUPT BARGAIN. Jackson vows to destroy JQA and his entire presidency.

Specie Circular

Americans now blame Jackson for Depression. They criticized Jackson for Specie Circular: executive order that required the treausuury to accept only gold and silver for buying federal lands. If you are buying federal lands you have to use actual gold and silver. But the actual gold and silver is sitting in Jackson's pet banks. Drained specie from economy-> caused panic. Then people get mad at Van Buren because he didn't revoke the Specie Circular... took no actions to revive economy

Anti-Masonic Party and the Workingman's Parties

Anti Masons: short lived party in the late 1820's that opposed the Freemasons. Freemasons: secret ideology, mysterious symbols, semisecret character (exclusivity), very exclusive, wealthy and established. Former Anti-Masons supported the Whig Party because of self made man. Things get bad for the freemasons when William Morgan threatened to tell all of their secrets and he was murdered. On the other side of the democrats is the Workingman's party: reflected interest of ordinary, urban workers. They demanded public education and fair taxation and an end to debtor's prison. Most merged with Democratic party. This party mobilized workers.

Spoils System

Appointing people to a certain job they are not qualified for only because they helped you in some way. Martin Van Buren created the first political Machine "Bucktails". They win control of the NY legislature meaning he appoints all of his friends to government positions called the spoils system. Now when he passes any law it goes through because no one opposes him.

Dorothea Dix

Campaigned for prison and asylum reform. She travels the nations to implement a better system for mentally ill. Very successful. Establishes state asylums for mentally ill.

Panic of 1837

Caused by England. England tried to boost their own economy by limiting the flow of money and credit o the U.S. There is less $$ in people's pockets. So Americans now to pay their own debts start asking the people that owe them $$ to cash in their debts. What happens is everyone goes to the bank to withdrawl $$ to start paying their debts but then the banks fail because they dont have enough $$ to sustain them. To keep afloat banks suspended specie (actual coin $$, gold and silver) payments. Paper $$ didn't hold as much value so they would want this coin. So state governments say lets just build infostructure and increase the investment to get $$ flowing into the economy. They spend too much $$ and they o into debt. The economy fell into a deep depression.

Underground Railroad

Created by American Anti Slavery Society. Led by Harriet Tubman. 1000 African-Americans reached freedom in the North each year.

Corrupt Bargain

Election of 1824... Jackson gets most votes but not majority. Up to House of Representatives. John Quincy Adams knows he needs to get the House's votes so he goes to Henry Clay and tells him that if he gets the rest of the house to vote for him, JQA then he will make Henry Clay Secretary of St., a direct in for president. JQA: president Clay: Sec of St.

Charles Grandison Finney

Famous revivalist preacher. Associated with Second Great Awakening. Held massive revivals in the North. Denounced alcohol and slavery. Said God made mad a "moral free agent..." could chose salvation.

Susan B. Anthony

Political activist for women's rights

Second Bank of the US

Henry Clay tries to destroy Jackson with the bank. Henry Clay says what if even though the bank has four years to run, which would end after Jackson is already elected to a second term, what if I push through an early renewal before the election forcing Jackson to make a decision on the bank meaning, either way, he's gonna lose supporters. A large majority of Jacksons voters were the South who did not like the bank but he also has a lot of Northerners who like the national bank and prefer states rights. Clay hopes to split the Democratic party before the election. Jackson turns the tables on Clay. He vetoes the bank but gives a speech with it... a patriotic message. He says Congress had no constitutional authority to charter a bank or infringe on states rights and was dangerous to farmers and laborers. For northerners, he said that British aristocrats owned much of the bank's stock meaning Americans don't technically own the national bank. This carries Jackson to victory in 1832. So the bill is vetoed for a renewal but the bank still has a few years to run.

Nullification Crisis

In 1832 Congress re-enacted the Tariff of Abominations. Supporters of Jackson get mad because they thought this was all over. A large part of the South voted for Jackson so why are they pushing through this tariff again. Jackson just didn't veto it. In responses, South Carolina adopted the "ordinance of nullification" declaring the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void meaning they are not gonna follow it. Their arguments are written in Calhoun's South Carolina Exposition and Protest saying each state has very different regional interests so one law should not apply to all states. Reflected arguments in Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions in 1798. South Carolina threatens to secede. In response... Jackson says Constitution gave federal government authority to establish tariffs. Jackson declared S. Carolina's nullification order was unconstitutional. Wanted to show the strength of federal government. Encourages Congress to pass the force bill that says South Carolina you will follow this and if you do not we will send troops into your state and subdue you. Passed a new tariff that reduced rates over a decade to their regular levels which appeased it enough to rid the crisis.

William Henry Harrison

In the election of 1836 the whig party went aganist the democratic party. The democratic nominee was Martin Van Buren. The Whig party ran four canidates. William Henry Harrison won the most votes out of them but Buren wins. but the whigs win 49% of the popular vote, showing party's popularity. Nominated again and wins but dies a month after.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Influenced American Renaissance. Flourishing of literature and philosophy leading voice of transcendentalism. Lectured in a lyceum (lecture halls). Had a pantheistic view of nature (nature was saturated with the presence of God). Not popular in South because education is not the priority.

American System

JQA is president and endores Henry Clay's American System. Henry Clay's basis of how a government should run but he encourages JQA to endorse it and he does. Three parts: 1. Protective tariffs to stimulate manufacturing ( tax on foreign goods so people will buy American goods, great for the North because they make all of the goods, not great for the South because they are agriculture. Before the tariff two choices: cheap foreign goods or expensive American goods. Now the cheap foreign goods are too expensive so they are forced to buy American goods. They spend so much.) 2. National bank to control credit and provide for a uniform currency. 3. Federally subsidized roads and canals (federal government funded and controls ALL transportation, the former Dem-Republicans do not like this because they favor states rights)

Tariff of 1828

JQA passes this high protective tariff so that people will buy more American goods since imports from foreign places will be super expensive. Raised taxes on textiles and iron goods. This enraged the South because it cost them $100 million a year. They either had to buy high cost American goods or highly-dutied British imports. Called the Tariff of Abominations. Not great for the South because they are agriculture. Before the tariff two choices: cheap foreign goods or expensive American goods. Now the cheap foreign goods are too expensive so they are forced to buy American goods. They spend so much.

Roger B. Taney

Jackson appointed Roger B. Tany as head of Treasury. Jackson orders Taney to transfer gold and silver from Second Bank to various state banks. known as Jackson's pet banks. That is a sweeping use of Presidential power. Appoints Roger B Tanney as Marshall's successor. Taney is opposite. All about states rights and free enterprise. One of his court cases: Charles River Bridge Company vs. Warren Bridge company: a competing bridge could be chartered to promote the general welfare. Competing forms of transportation=cheaper.

Mormonism and roots

Joseph Smith: founder of Latter-day Church and published the Book of Mormon. He urges patriarchal authority and advocated for polygamy. Brigham Young: Smith's leading disciple. led 6500 Mormon's to present-day Utah. Mormon War: Mormons were disobeying federal laws basically trying to create their own nation. President Buchanan dispatched an army. A Mormon militia massacred 120 settlers on their way to California. Buchanan offered a pardon if they submitted to federal authority because the nation was splitting and they accept it.

Married women's property laws

Mississippi, Maine, and Massachusetts enacted this law. Helped women keep the property in their name.


Moses Austin and son Stephan F. Austin sold land to Mexican citizens and American emigrants in Texas. By 1835 27000 American settlers and 3000 of their slaves outnumbered the 3000 Mexican residents in TX. It was overwhelmingly American. In 1835 Mexico adopts a new constitution that got rid of slavery. One of the reasons Texas wants independence is to keep slavery and also they want more freedom and Mexico wants a strong national government. President Santa Ana proposed a strong central government throughout Mexico. Provoked a rebellion... Rebels proclaimed independence from Texas. Santa Ana led an army into Texas wiping out soldiers at the Alamo and capturedGoliad. General Sam Houston and Texans defeated Santa Ana at the battle of San Jacinto. TX voted for annexation into the US but president Van Buren refused to bring issue to Congress because he worried it would spark war with MX and raise the issue of slavery

William Lloyd Garrison

Most determined abolitionist. he believed slavery was morally wrong and he was going to fight for that. Went against the idea of gradual composition for slave owners... you own people why should we pay them? Started his own weekly newspaper- The Liberator. Helped create American Anti-slavery society: printed millions of pamphlets- the great postal campaign and created underground railroad,


Nativist movements: condemned immigration and asserted superiority of Protestant religion and cultural values. They accused immigrants of taking jobs and driving down wages... led to violence

Classical liberalism

Opposite of liberal today which coincides with strong government intervention. The individual values freedom and limited government


Redefine freedom in a changing world. Work was increasingly regimented factory workers were inner changeable. Argued that freedom resided in an individuals power to re make oneself and maybe even the world. Intellectual movement that challenged raional movement (enlightenment). All about the individual and how the individual tries to find God around them.

1828 Election

Remember Jackson vowed to destroy everything JQA does. And the American system but to do that he has to be president. So in 1828 JQA and Jackson run aganist each other once more. Jacksonians orchestrated massive campaign for Jackson to win. They called themselves Democrats and said they were "fighting for equality." This is the birth of the Democratic party. Jackson wins by a landslide with 178 electoral votes.

Harriet Tubman

Run-away slave. Escaped to Philadelphia. Made about 20 trips back to Maryland to help slaves, friends, family to make the trip North through the underground railroad.

Inventions during the 1800's

Samuel Slater: British man who re-created a British textile mill. Known as the Father of the factory system. Eli Whitney: Cotton gin (increases slavery) and interchangeable parts. Sewing machine (women work in factories), Samuel Morse Morse code, telegraph

Whig Party

Second national party. Whigs go directly aganist Democrats and Jackson. Guided by Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. They wanted politics dominated by ability and wealth. Advocated an elite based on talent, not birth (unlike previous federalists) Celebrated the entrepreneur.

"Self-made Man"

Supported by middle class. First put forward by Ben Franklin. Hard working, productive man will become successful. It doesn't matter who you came from or where you can become great. You are gonna work hard to be successful.

Market and Transportation Revolution

The expansion of the marketplace connecting distant markets to each other through new transportation networks. Market Revolution: Saw many people moving away from producing stuff for themselves on independent farms and toward producing goods for sale to others. Begging of modern commercial industrialization. First thing that enabled this shift was new technology: transportation... reduced price drastically of shipping. first came better roads... federal government built national road (turnpike). Canals made transportation much faster and much cheaper. Only made possible because of steam boat (Robert Fulton). *****Erie Canal is the first attempt at U.S national transportation. Railroads are most important. Factories started popping up. The market revolution enabled more and more people (women) to go to work in factories instead of from home.

Utopian Societies

The people who want Transcendentalism form Utopian Societies. Heaven on earth a perfect society. First example: Brook Farm outside of Boston. It was an economic failure because no one they had was a farmer. Only surrvived because of donations from wealthy people. Th fire in 1846n closed the farm. A more successful one was Mother Ann and the Shakers: first successful communal movement. They are going to go off and live by themselves. Followed "Mother Ann" because they thought she was Christ. Pledged to abstain from alcohol, politics, war and marriage. Women and men were in leadership and they founded 20 communities.

Log-cabin Campaign

The whigs want to finally be elected over the Democrats so they nominate William Henry Harisson and John Tyler as the VP The Democrats endorse Van Buren again. Democrats are struggling. We see the log cabin campaign to appeal yto the voter. The first time we see two well-organized parties cpompete for votes through a new style of campaigning. The whigs campaign for Harisson by saying he was raised in a log cabin and he was so sucsessful and became proseperous. He was raised in a mansion it was all a lie. He was advanced in age, little political experince but Henry Clay just wants a figure head. Whig campaign "Tippecanoe and Tyler too." Harrison wins.

Walt Whitman

Transcendentalist. Wrote Leaves of Grass. Poems that centered around the individual.

Henry David Thoreau

Transcendentalist. Wrote Walden or Life in the Woods. Justification for independent thinking.

Margaret Fuller

Transcendentalist. Wrote Women in the nineteenth century. Women should also be involved in this Transcendentalist movement. They deserve to have a mystical relationship with God.

Trail of Tears

Treaty of Echota: Cherokees would resettle in Indian Territory. Only 2,000 of the 17,000 Cherokees moved. President Van Buren ordered General Winfield Scott to enforce treaty. Marched 14,000 Cherokees 1200 miles... Trail of tears- 3000 died.

Nat Turner's Rebellion

Turner was a preacher and a slave. Staged bloody revolt in Virginia Most successful slave rebellion. He marched about 80 slaves from farm to farm killing the people living there... mostly women and children. Men were at religious revivals. Turner and several rebels were captured and executed. Struck fear in hearts of whites. Slavery was made more harsh.

Indian Removal Act

Under Jackson's presidency. Resettlement to the west of the Mississippi River. There is going to be a lot of resistance specifically among the Cherokee's. They were pretty established in their landholding. Backtrack: 1802- The federal government is deciding that they will manage territories so states if you had any western land claim what would happen, is they would say that the states land would be forced to give up their land claims. So Georgia has to give land to the federal government. In exchange the government promised to extinquish all indian land holding for the state meaning whatever land Native Americans currently had in the state of Georgia we are going to expel them. Jackson was not in favor of Native Americans so during his presidency Georgia cashes in their promise. Thats how this act happens. Opposed by evangelical Protestant men and many women because they believed in assimilation. It passes and creates the Indian territory but this land lacked water and timber. If they volunteer to go first and willingly give up their land they were promised money and reserved land. Impact: Bad Axe Massacre: Chief Black Hawk resists with 1000 warriors and 850 of them die while fighting to keep their land in Illinois.

Political Machine

Where a group of supporters are commanded by a political boss and they all work together in government... they all have a different job that they work in for the boss. They're job is usually a reward that was given to them for supporting the political boss. All these parts working independtly but for the same purpose. Martin Van Buren created the first political Machine "Bucktails". They win control of the NY legislature meaning he appoints all of his (6000) friends to government positions called the spoils system. The political machines utilized the spoils system. Essentially you own the government because you control all of the people in the government.

John Tyler

William Henry Harrison VP. A month after Harrison's inauguration Harrison died of pneumonia. Tyler becomes president. John Tyler says surprise I am a democrat and not a whig. Henry Clay has no president to do what he wants. He shared Jackson's hostility toward the national ban. He vetoed every Whig bill. His whole cabinet resigned. The whig party expelled Tyler from their party. Looks bad for whigs and democrats pick up steam.

John Quincy Adams

Won in the election of 1824 against Jackson. Helped by Henry Clay who he later made the Secretary of State. Endorses Clay's American System.

Seneca Falls Convention

Write the Declaration of Sentiments modeled after the DOI where women write about the rights they should have but aren't getting. Lucretia Mott and Cady Stanton organized this. Argued all men and women are created equal.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe an abolitionist woman. Depicts reality of slavery. Women were essentially enslaved so they fought for slaves rights.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

organized Seneca Falls Convention

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