APUSH: Unit 5 Multiple Choice Test

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A political effects of fighting Kansas in 1855 and 1856 was to: A. Further divide the Democratic Party B. Cause the founding of the Republican Party C. Gain increased congressional support for proslavery forces in Kansas D. Unite Northern and Southern Democrats against Republicans E. Elect a Republican president in 1856

A. Further divide the Democratic Party

John Brown's primary purpose in attacking Harpers Ferry was to: A. Gain contribution from northern abolitionists B. Take revenge for the death of anti-slavery settlers in Kansas C. Start a slave rebellion in Virginia D. Open up a new path for underground railroad E. Destroy the federal arsenal in Virginia

C. Start a slave rebellion in Virginia

The Republican Party originate in the mid 1850s as a sectional party committed to which of the following? A. Opposition to the further expansion of slavery into the territories B. Immediate emancipation of slaves C. Repeal of whig economic policies D. Restriction of immigration E. Acknowledgment of popular sovereignty as the basis for organizing federal territories

A. Opposition to the further expansion of slavery into the territories

Of the following, the most threatening problem for the union from 1861 to 1863 was: A. Possible British recognition of the Confederacy B. Spanish intervention in Santo Domingo C. French objections to the Union blockade D. British insistence of the abolition of slavery E. British objections to the union position of "continuous voyage"

A. Possible British recognition of the Confederacy

The results of the Mexican American war included: I. Acquisition of California by the United States II. Important military experience that would be good to use in the Civil War III. Contempt for the abilities of the U.S. Navy IV. Extension of the 36° 30 minute slavery wine to the Pacific Ocean A. I only B. I and II only C. I and IV only D. I, II, and III only E. I, II, and IV only

B. I and II only

The Lincoln-Douglas debate resulted in all of the following EXCEPT: A. Lincoln's emergency as a national political figure B. Increased support for Douglas in the south C. Douglas' reelection to the Senate D. Douglas's attempt to reconcile popular sovereignty with the Dred Scott decision E. Increase public awareness of slavery as a moral issue

B. Increased support for Douglas in the south

Which of the following best describes the policy of the government of Mexico toward Texas? A. It tried to sell Texas to the United States at the time of the Louisiana purchase. B. It encouraged American settlement in Texas in the 1820s and early 1830s. C. It governed Texas with stringent regulations in the 1820s. D. It encouraged the establishment of the strong local government in Texas in the mid-1830s. E. If favored the annexation of the republic of Texas by the United States in 1830s and early 1840s.

B. It encouraged American settlement in Texas in the 1820s and early 1830s.

Which of the following statements about the Dred Scott decision is correct? A. It recognize the power of Congress to prohibit slavery in the territories, but refused on technical grounds to free Scott. B. It stated that black people were not citizens of the United States. C. It upheld the constitutionality of Missouri compromise. D. It upheld the principle of popular sovereignty. E. It freed Scott, but not other slaves and circumstances similar to Scott's.

B. It stated that black people were not citizens of the United States.

The Kansas-Nebraska act of 1854 increased sectional tension because it: A. Enriched Northern railroad investors at the expense of the South B. Reopen the issue of slavery in a territory of North 36, 30 C. Supported proslavery state constitutions in Kansas and Nebraska D. Repealed the Compromise of 1850 E. Persuaded the Whig party to side with the South

B. Reopen the issue of slavery in a territory North of 36,30

In the 1860 election, what was the position of Lincoln and the Republican Party on slavery? A. Slavery was immoral ad should be abolished immediately B. Slavery should not be allowed to expand into the territories C. Popular sovereignty would be allowed in the new territories north of 36,30 D. The Dred Scott decision should be supported in the territories but not in the states E. The federal government should act to bring about the gradual emancipation of slaves in the south

B. Slavery should not be allowed to expand into the territories

Which of the following states the principle of "popular sovereignty?" A. Congresshas the right to decide where slavery shall and shall not exist. B. The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there. C. Individual citizens can decide for themselves whether or not to hold slaves. D. The American people shall decide where slavery will exist through national plebiscite. E. Individual states have the right to reject congressional decisions pertaining to slavery.

B. The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether not slavery will be permitted there.

The Dred Scott decision held that a slave: A. Could sue for his freedom in the courts B. Became free when transported to free territory C. Was a private property even in a free territory D. Was a citizen when in a free territory E. Could not be transported out of a slave state

C. Was a private property even in a free territory

The most common form of resistance on the part of black American slaves prior to the Civil War was: A. Violent uprisings in which many persons were killed B. Attempts to escape and reach Canada by means of the "Underground Railroad" C. Passive resistance, including breaking tools and slightly slowing the pace of work D. Arson of plantation building and Cotton gins E. Poisoning the food consumed by their white masters

C. Passive resistance, including breaking tools and slightly slowing the pace of work

The Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case outraged public opinion in the North chiefly because it: A. Declared the Fugitive Slave law unconstitutional B. Guaranteed citizenship to free blacks C. Remove restrictions against the spread of slavery into Western Territories D. Failed to abolish slavery in the South E. Challenged California's status as a free state

C. Removed restrictions against the spread of slavery into Western Territories

Senator Stephen A. Douglas manage to engineer the Compromise of 1850 by: A. Winning the endorsement of President Zachary Taylor for the Compromise B. Letting the southern Democrats dictate the terms of the Compromise C. Securing passage of the different parts of the Compromise as separate laws D. Threatening to remove political opponents from important Congressional committees E. A policy conciliation for all factions

C. Securing passage of the different parts of the Compromise as separate laws

What happened to southern interest in slavery after Nat Turner's Rebellion in 1831? A. It grew gradually due to the influence of abolitionism B. Southern ministers became more militant in the sermons denouncing the evils of slavery C. Southern states made it increasingly difficult for masters to free their slaves D. Because new slaves continue to be imported from Africa, it did not matter if summer freedom or who were already in America E. Southern plantations ceased to exist and slavery became eradicated

C. Southern states made it increasingly difficult for masters to free their slaves

The Compromise of 1850 did which of the following? A. Admitted Texas to the union as a slave state B. Admitted California to the union under the principles of popular sovereignty C. Prohibited slavery in the District of Columbia D. Enacted a stringent fugitive slave law E. Adjusted the Texas-Mexico boundary

D. Enacted a stringent fugitive slave law

In the 1850s, the South differed from the North in: A. A better-developed transportation system B. A better-educated White population C. Less interest in evangelical religion D. Fewer European immigrants E. More cities

D. Fewer European countries

Which of the following was a major factor in the decline of the Whig party in the 1850s? A. Death of John Calhoun B. Election of Zachary Taylor C. Lincoln-Douglas debates D. Know-Nothing movement E. "Bleeding Kansas"

D. Know-Nothing movement

All of the following statements about the election of 1860 was accurate EXCEPT: A. The Republicans won control of the presidency but not Congress B. No candidate received a majority of the popular vote C. The popular and electoral votes were divided among four candidates D. Lincoln won election because of the split in the Democratic Party E. A major consequence of the luncheon with the central something stay seceded from the union

D. Lincoln one election because of the split in the Democratic Party

Which of the following would most likely have expressed opposition to the idea of Manifest Destiny? A. Advocates of the foreign policy of the Secretary of State William H Seward B. Voters for James K Polk in 1844 C. Supporters of the Treaty of Paris of 1898 D. Members of the Whig party in Congress during the Mexican war E. Supporters of the Ostend Manifesto

D. Members of the Whig party in Congress during the Mexican war

The black codes passed in a number of southern states after the Civil War were intended to: A. Close public schools to the children of former slaves B. Promote the return of former slaves to Africa C. Enable black citizens to vote in federal elections D. Place limits on socioeconomic opportunities open to black people E. Further the integration of southern society

D. Place limits on socioeconomic opportunities open to black people

Which of the following most accurately describes the Stephen Douglas' idea of popular sovereignty? A. A section of western land would be given free to anyone who would homestead it for a certain number of years B. Only citizens of the United States would be permitted to settle territories acquired from Mexico C. Public lands in the new territories would be open on a first -come first -served basis D. The status of slavery in a territory would be determined by the voters in the territory E. New territories would be close to both slaves and free blacks

D. The status of slavery in the territory would be determined by the voters in the territory

Manifest destiny was based on all of the following ideas EXCEPT: A. Angelo-saxon racial superiority justified American absorption of inferior peoples and their lands B. New lands would extend the domain of three government free enterprise C. The will of God D. American had a specially ordained mission in the world E. Conquest of new territory would prove the American military superiority

E. Conquest of new territory would prove American military superiority

All of the following figured prominently in debates over the compromise of 1850 except the: A. Provision for a new Fugitive Slave Law B. Slave trade in the district of Columbia C. Admission of California into the Union as a free state D. Future of slavery in the Mexican Cession territories E. Extension of slavery into Kansas and Nebraska territories

E. Extension of slavery into Kansas and Nebraska territories

The dramatic increase in the south's slave labor force between 1810 and 1860 was due to: A. An increase in African trade B. The importation of slaves from the west Indies C. An increase in the severity of fugitive slave laws D. The accusation of Louisiana E. The natural population increase of American-born slaves

E. The natural population increase of American-born slaves

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