Apush Unit 8 Test

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The quote above illustrates growing unrest between (Testimony of machinist John Morrison)

Labor and management

The Plains Indians were finally forced to surrender

by the coming of the railroads and the virtual extermination of the buffalo

The monetary inflation needed to relieve the social and economic hardships of the late nineteenth century eventually came as a result of

an increase in the international gold supply

Which 20th-century group or program initially shifted reform efforts for urban poverty from local communities and cities to the federal government? (Jacob Riss)

The New Deal

The severe economic depression of the 1890s strengthened the Populists' argument that

wage earners and farmers alike were victims of an oppressive economic system

One major problem with the Homestead Act was that

160 acres were inadequate for productive farming on the rain-scarce Great Plains.

Which of the following was the most popular destination for late 19th-century immigrants to the United States? (Immigration Map)

Cities and rural "boomtown" areas of the West

The artist(s) of the illustration above would claim (Here Lies Prosperity)

Corruption in government as it relates to big business is the problem

Which 20th-century presidential administration most supported reforms that addressed the conflicts expressed in the excerpt above? (Testimony of machinist John Morrison)

Franklin Roosevelt

A Century of Dishonor (1881), which chronicled the dismal history of Indian-white relations, was authored by

Helen Hunt Jackson

Which of the following groups or movements most opposed the process illustrated above? (Railroad Map)


Which 20th-century group or movement was the first to advocate for a change in the relationship between railroads and the federal government? (Railroad Map)

The Progressive movement

Late-nineteenth-century farmers believed that their difficulties stemmed primarily from

A deflated currency

The excerpt above is best understood in the context of (Testimony of Robert Bent)

A sense of American cultural and racial superiority

The Buffalo Soldiers were

African American cavalry and soldiers who served in the frontier wars

The passage above was a reaction to which challenge? (N. F. Thompson)

Big businesses and their government allies' inability to create a unified industrial nation void of labor conflicts

Critics of the arguments expressed in the excerpt (N. F. Thompson)

Challenged the dominate corporate ethics in the US

What was the main Gilded Age economic concern addressed in the cartoon above? (Here Lies Prosperity)


Between 1860 and 1900, railroads in the United States were (Railroad Map)

Given government subsidies to open new markets

Which 20th-century development regarding African Americans best parallels the quote above? (Booker T. Washington)

Mass mobilization of troops and expanded workforce participation during WWII provided opportunities for minorities to improve their socioeconomic positions

Much of the urban reform described above was carried out by (Jacob Riss)

Middle class women challenging their prescribed place

The first major farmers' organization was the

National Grange

The changes described in the excerpt above most clearly demonstrate an evolution in (Testimony of machinist John Morrison)

National identity

The greatest priority of western railroad development as illustrated above was to (Railroad Map)

Open new markets

Which of the following groups was most sympathetic to the concerns expressed in the testimony above? (Testimony of machinist John Morrison)


During the late 19th century, western Native American life was most affected by (The Dawes Severalty Act)

Post Civil War migrations of whites

Which 20th-century president's policies were most consistent with the sentiments expressed in "The Gospel of Wealth"? (Andrew Carnegie)

Ronald Regan

Late 19th-century urban immigrants identified in the map above most commonly relied on support from (Immigration Map)

Settlement houses

The view of the poor in the quote above is most consistent with the ideology of (Andrew Carnegie)

Social Darwinism

Which 19th-century reform movement was most closely associated with the activities described above? (Jacob Riss)

The Social Gospel

A decade after the speech above, segregation polices were reinforced by (Booker T. Washington)

The Supreme Court

The root cause of the American farmers' problems after 1880 was

low prices and a deflated currency

Historically, struggles between American Indian tribes and the federal government have stemmed from (The Dawes Severalty Act)

the Constitution's failure to precisely define the relationship between American Indian tribes and the national government

The buffalo were nearly exterminated

through wholesale butchery by whites

The Dawes Severalty Act was designed to promote Indian


The author of the quote above was most likely motivated by the (Booker T. Washington)

Opportunities in the "New South"

The illustration above was likely created in support of (Here Lies Prosperity)

Reform politics and creating stronger government oversight of the economy

Which 19th-century group would most likely oppose the regulations in the legislation above? (The Louisiana Black Code)

Republican party members

Late 19th-century critics of the ideology expressed in the quote above would most likely argue that (Andrew Carnegie)

Societal good could be advanced through the Social Gospel

Which of the following was a major consequence of the ideas expressed in the passage above? (Susan B. Anthony)

Some women's equality activists abandoned the movement to grant and protect African American rights

Between 1880 and 1900, the largest group of immigrants to the United States came from (Immigration Map)

Southern and Eastern Europe

The excerpt above best serves as evidence of which of the following? (Testimony of Robert Bent)

The increasing conflict between the U.S government and American Indians as the country expanded territorially

The ideas expressed in the excerpt above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in United States history? (Letter from Mary Abell to her family)

The migration of people seeking new economic opportunities

Sooners were settlers who "jumped the gun" in order to

claim land in Oklahoma before the territory was legally opened to settlement

The speech above attempts to (Booker T. Washington)

Convince blacks to make the best of their prescribed place in society

Popular sentiment during which 20th-century period most closely aligned with the point of view in the excerpt above? (N. F. Thompson)

New Deal Liberalism

The excerpt above is best understood in the context of (The Louisiana Black Code)

Southern resistance to radical republicans efforts to change southern attitudes

The activities described in the excerpt above most clearly show the influence of which of the following? (Letter from Mary Abell to her family)

The passage of legislation promoting national economic development

The excerpt above is best understood in the context of (Susan B. Anthony)

The passage of the 14th and 15th amendments

The practices described in the excerpt above most directly led to (Labor Contract)

The progressive stripping away of the rights of African Americans

The excerpt above would best serve as evidence of which of the following? (Labor Contract)

The social and economic continuities that characterized the antebellum and post-Civil War South

The primary goal of the government policy cited above was (The Dawes Severalty Act)

To end tribal identities

The excerpt quoted above would be most helpful to historians analyzing the (Testimony of Robert Bent)

U.S. government interaction and conflict with American Indians

Large-scale production assisted by the strategies outlined in the quote above (Testimony of machinist John Morrison)

Were supported by financial and management structures

With agricultural production rising dramatically in the post-Civil War years

tenant farming spread rapidly throughout the Midwest and South

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