APWH Chapter 6.3

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Why was Benito Juarez overthrown, and what was the final result of that?

He was a full-blooded zapotec, and he didn't allow France to enter Mexico. he was overthrown because people did not like his rule, but he returned 3 years later.

What was Samory Toure's War and what was its result?

Samory Toure tried to extend to Guinea and opposed the French to conquer them. the French ended up capturing Samory.

Who were the sepoys? How did they help Britain maintain their ownership of India?

Sepoys were Indian soldiers under British employ. They helped British maintain their ownership of India because they made up the majority of the British armed forces in colonial India.

What began the Philippine Revolution?

The Filipinos had nationalist ambitions and wanted education.

How did the Cherokee Nation assimilate to white settler culture?

They adopted Colonial methods of farming, weaving and building.

Even though they assimilated, how were the Cherokees negatively impacted by expansion?

They were forced to relocate because the land they lived on had gold that everyone wanted.

Why were the Filipinos upset and why did they expect freedom?

They were upset because they wanted education and expected freedom based on US sympathy for Phillipines Independence.

Sokoto Caliphate

Founded in 1809 by Uthman dan Fodio, this African state was based on Islamic history and law.

Indian National Congress

Indian nationalist group formed to work for rights and power for Indians under British rule.

What happened after Tupac Amaru II arrested and executed a colonial administrator?

It led to a Indian revolt against Spain, and Tupac and his family were sent to Cuzco to get executed.

Who were the Xhosa people and why did they kill their cattle?

People from the Cape Colony that didn't want to be ruled by Europeans. They killed their cattle because they believed that their dead ancestors would remove the British settlers from their lands.

What was the result of the Philippines-American war?

The US won and kept control of them. Philippines suffered heavy losses.

How did the Treaty of Paris lead to the Philippine-American War?

Because it transferred control over the Philippines to the United States.

What were British relations with the Maori after the New Zealand Wars?

Britain constantly wanted Land from the Maori, they were at unease with each other.

What was the Indian Removal Act?

Forced Indian tribes to move from the Southeast to Oklahoma

How did Vietnam try to resist French rule?

Ham Nghi Became emperor and his advisers were critics of the French

Who was Tupac Amaru II and how did he attempt to resist imperialism?

He was the descendant of the last Incan ruler. He attempted to resist imperialism by continuing to identify with Incan heritage even though he received a Jesuit education.

What did the Treaty of Berlin do?

It freed Bulgaria, Romania, and Montenegro from the Ottomans but placed Bosnia and Herzegovina under Austrian-Hungarian rule.

Why was the Proclamation of 1763 significant?

It gave all the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River to the Native Americans. it was significant because it was the first time a European government recognized the territorial rights of the indigenous.

Explain what Pan-Africanism was and how it connected to resistance to imperialism.

It was a Western educated Africans had a shared identity and nationalism. Because of this they wanted to resist to European dominance.

What was the Treaty of Waitangi?

It was a treaty that wrote that Britain had promised to protect the property rights of the Maori.

What was the Anglo-Zulu War and what was its result?

It was a war between the Zulu Kingdom in South Africa vs the British. The British won and their lands were part of the British colony.

Explain Ghost Dance and how it impacted the Sioux.

It was rituals of dances and songs that would help the Dead come back and drive out the white and help the tribes get their land back. It coincided with Sioux revolts and there were conflicts between the settlers and the natives. The resistance movement ended at the Wounded Knee massacre.

What was the Yaa Asantewaa War and what was its result?

It was the final war when the British attempted to conquer the Asante Empire. the British won and it became part of the Gold Coast colony

By 1900, which states had gained their independence from the Ottoman Empire?

Serbia, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Bulgaria all gained independence.

How did the failure of that rebellion impact British control over India?

The British government had a more active role in ruling India after ending the Mughal Empire as well.

What led to the Sepoy Mutiny (Indian Rebellion of 1857)?

The British were using animal fat to grease rifle cartridges. Indians were Hindu and Muslim, and they did not like this. They believed that the British were trying to convert them to Christianity, so they rebelled.

Who was the inspiration for the Balkan states?

The French Revolution was the inspiration for the Balkan States to seek independence.

What was the Mahdist Revolt and what was its result?

The Mahdist revolt was when the Sudanese resisted Egyptian rule. After Ahmad died, the British returned to Sudan and defeated the Mahdists.

How were Aboriginals treated by the British?

They were not protected by law, and thousands were killed because they tried to defend their territory and resources.

Who were the Aboriginal people?

they had the oldest continuous culture on earth and they lived in Australia.

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