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Early Portuguese explorations focused on Africa, however, the eventual explicit goal of Portuguese explorers was to...

Find a passage to India

Marco Polo's description of the wealth of Hangzhou's merchants is the best understood in the context of which of the following trends of the 600-1450 period?

Increasing demand for foreign luxury goods in Afro-Eurasia

Between 1500 and 1800, Europeans were primarily interested in tropical colonies in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and in the Caribbean because...

Large profits could be made from products like sugar, coffee, and pepper

The excerpt above reveals which of these about Abkar's policies?

Like other major religions, Islam adapted to local cultural conditions

Which of the following is a reason for why Justinian issued laws targeting heretics?

New people were drawn to the Byzantine Empire with the growth of Constantinople as the western end of the Silk Roads

How was the work of monks shown above transformed by Chinese technology during this period?

Printing technology made the copying of manuscripts by hand obsolete

Which of the following developments would have contributed to an increase in the trade of goods such as those displayed in the image?

An increase in new forms of credit and monetary systems

Based on the image, which of the following can be inferred regarding Chinese economic activity during the post-classical period?

An increased growth in the trade of luxury goods

What method did European rulers use to control their domestic and colonial economies?

European rulers and merchants used joint-stock companies to compete against their rivals in global trade

One of the major reasons for the growth of the world population after 1700 was...

The spread of more high-calorie per care staple cops like maize and potatoes from the New world

A significant Byzantine achievement in the ninth century, carried out by Cyrial and Methodius, was...

The spread of the Orthodox Christianity among the Slaves

In the eighth century, which of the following contributed most directly to the change in the volume of silver trade on the Southern African route?

The expanded activities of chartered and joint-stock companies

Why did rulers continue to use monumental architecture during the period from 1450 to 1750?

To legitimize their rule

Based o the passage above, one can assume that Columbus's primary objective was...

To make a profit for the throne

The trends shown in the graph through the eighteenth century would be the direct result of...

The development of the plantation system for sugar production

Along with new farming techniques, another factor that led to increased agricultural productivity was...

The diffusion of fast-ripening rice from Vietnam

Which of the following major changes in Afro-Eurasia technologies resulted from the activity described in Marco Polo's account?

The diffusion of gunpowder technologies across the Mongol Empire

the layout of the manor most directly caused which of the following human environmental developments during the period between 600 CE to 1450 CE?

A growth in agricultural productivity which gave rise to an increasing population

The clearest effect of the growth in agricultural productivity was...

A massive population increase

From the point of view of this secondary source, the Crusades should be viewed as...

A mutual beneficial cultural diffusion of knowledge and trade between cultures

The expantion of sugar plantations in the West Indies required...

A sharp increase in the African slave trade

The protestant missionary's description of the Chinese practice of foot-binding best illustrates which of the following continuities in world history?

A strong patriarchy persisted from the Chinese classical period into the Chinese post-classical period

According to mercantilist theory, a national economy could only grow if the home country...

ALL OF THESE ARE CORRECT... - were to forge a trade-tight system of national commerce - imposed navigation laws and tariffs on its colonies - and its colonies were to trade exclusively with each other

Which of these events during the Age of Exploration was a cause of the other three?

Advances in learning and technology made long ocean voyages possible... IT CAUSED: - European brought food, animals, and ideas from one continent to another - European disease had an adverse effect on the native populations of new territories - warfare increased as European nations competed for land and power

Which factor below served to partially offset some of the Western African population losses from the Atlantic Slave Trade?

Agricultural products from the Americas caused an increase in the birth rate throughout West Africa

How were the Incan and Aztec civilizations alike?

Both civilizations successfully adapted to their unique environments to suit their agricultural needs

What was Catherine the Great's attitude towards the program of Westernization?

Catherine flirted vigorously with the ideas of the French Enlightenment, but failed to take steps to abolish serfdom

All of the following are part of pillars of Islam EXCEPT...

Chador (modest clothing)

Which of the following statements is a supportable inference based on the image?

Changing patterns of long-distant trade intensified regional trade networks and spurred the growth port cities

Which of the following economic conditions was most important in creating the global trade network illustrated by the two diagrams?

Chinese and Indian demand for precious metals and European demand for Asian textiles and luxury goods

The events described in this secondary source are best understood in the context of conflict between which of the following cultures?

Christian kingdoms vs. the Islamic Caliphates

Which of the following would have caused the serfs on this manor to revolt during the time period shown on this diagram?

Coercive taxation and tributes demanded by the state on agricultural production

Pedro de Cieza de Leon's description of the Inca best illustrates which of the following continuities in world history?

Commercial growth was often aided by state practices such as the building of highways

Unlike Mongol rule in other areas, Mongol rule in Russia was indirect, and the Mongols...

Did not adopt local customs

The passage above refers to which statement below as the source of political power in the Byzantine Empire?

Divine Connections

What concept supported the ruler's power?

Divine right

How did the spread of Chinese technologies shown above transform Europe?

Easier access to knowledge and technology stimulated fresh thinking during the Renaissance

Identify an important feature of Chinese culture during the Ming dynasty...

Emperors conducted elaborate public performances of Confucian rituals to legitimize their rule

How is the commercial activity described in this source similar to trade practices in Qing-dynasty China?

English traders were expected to be subservient and obedient to rulers in both areas

The Mongols brought about greater integration among Eurasian peoples by all of the following means EXCEPT...

Establishing a common religion

Which of the following best describes the political landscape of the world between 400 and 1000 C.E. (i.e. the early Middle Ages)?

Europe declined, while Indian and the Islamic world flourished

Pertaining to the map above, which of the following was a consequence of trans-Atlantic trade?

European colonization of the Americas led to the spread of disease that were endemic in the Eastern Hemisphere among Amerindian populations

Which was an immediate result of the European Age of Exploration?

European influence spread to the Western hemisphere

Based on this secondary source, what is the best conclusion about cultural diffusion (borrowing) into Europe after 1000 c.e?

Europeans borrowed ideas from other civilizations and improved as a result of cultural diffusion

Identify a direct result of the demand for increased transoceanic travel and trade?

Europeans built on the technological knowledge of past empires and their understanding of wind patterns to create new ship designs

The European voyages of discovery primarily originated with competition...

For the riches of the spice trade

Likely causes for the development of the feudal system described above in Japan were...

Frequent warfare and dependence on agriculture

Based on the passage and the image, it can be inferred that women who were forced to participate in foot-binding were mostly...

Girls and women of upper class families

Which statements best describes the reason behind this leader's actions?

He considered Christians and Jews to be "People of the book"

The Mali king Mansa Musa is perhaps most famous for...

His religious piety and making Timbuktu a center of Islamic culture

The spread of knowledge of Chinese farming techniques is an example of how...

Improvements in the printing process led to the spread of knowledge and new techniques

Which of the following would be a valid comparison between the economy of China, following Polo's description, and the economy of Western Europe at the same time?

In comparison to Western Europe, China's economy experienced more urban growth

The tributary system was supposed to be a practice in which...

Independent countries acknowledged the supremacy of the Chinese emperor

The economic activities referenced in the map most directly contributed to which of the following demographics changes in the period 1450-1750 C.E.?

Indigenous populations were ravaged by disease transferred from Europe

What economic effects did the increase flow of silver into Spain have on its economy?

It caused significant price inflation in Spain

Which of the following accurately describes Sufism?

It is a mystic strain of Islam that rejects materialism and embraces a simple lifestyle

What effect did the Treaty of Tordesillas have on European commerce in the Eastern hemisphere?

It relieved Portugal of some competition in the region

Which of the following was NOT one of the reasons that Italy emerged as the center of the early Renaissance?

Italy was spared the Black Plague due to its geographic location

The spread of Islam to sub-Saharan Africa contributed...

Military and commercial developments, the Qur'an and literature culture, & new architectural and technical skills... (ALL OFF THE ABOVE)

What enabled the Ming empires to maintain centralized control over the population and resources?

Ming emperors recruited elites to prepare for the Chinese examination system

Which of these is true about the impact of the Crusades?

New connections were established between Europe and Asia

Though decimated by the export if involuntary human labor, the population of Africa increased during the 1450-1750 timeframe because of...

New foods imported from the Americas

Which is the BEST description of the effects of the Black Death on Europe

One-third of the population died, creating economic and social problems for feudal kingdoms

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of Renaissance art?

Only focusing on secular topics

Akbar's policies towards the cultures of his subjects were most similar to the policies of which of these empires?


The dominant form of labor organization shown in this example of a Medieval Manor was...

Peasant agriculture

How did the growth f a centralized Russian Empire affect the peasants?

Peasants became serfs, people who were tied to the land

The increased demand for American foods and cash crops during the Columbian Exchange directly led to the development of which of the following?

Plantation systems supported by coerced labor in Latin America

By instituting civil service examinations for entrance into the government bureaucracy, the Song...

Recruited the most talented men for government service

Which characterized Russian patterns of territorial expansion and settlement during this period?

Russia expanded into central Asia and into western Siberia, where peasants were recruited to settle the new lands

The Ming Empire attempted to reestablish Chinese predominance and prestige in the Indian Ocean by...

Sending out seven imperial fleets between 1405-1433

The system of labor mentioned in the last paragraph is most similar to which of the following systems of labor?

Serfdom in Europe

The patterns of cultural diffusion described in this secondary source are most SIMILAR to which of the following events between 600 to 1450 C.E.?

Sharing of technological innovations between warring Mongol and East Asia peoples

What was a unique about the development of states in the Iberian peninsula?

Spain/Portugal developed effective new governments with a special sense of religious mission & religious support

This chart best demonstrates which of the following?

Spanish sponsorship of the Columbian voyages across the Atlantic dramatically increased European interest in transoceanic travel and trade

The decentralization of power to the daimyo and shogun likely contributed to...

Stability for Japan's Emperors

The "process of the Black Death" shown on this map could be used as evidence to support which of the following claims?

Starting in East Asia, the Black Death spread via the silk routes to the west

Pedro de Cieza de Leon's description of the Inca best illustrates which of the following continuities in world history?

States developed legal codes that facilitated the rule of governments over the people

Which of the following historical cultural developments was a direct consequence of the trade networks seen in the map above?

Syncretic religions of the Caribbean

Given that their capital city was located on a heavily populated island, which innovation did the Aztecs originate to provide adequate farmland to support their capital's inhabitants and increase agricultural yield?

The Aztecs use of floating platforms of fertile soil to compensate for the lack of space

Which statement accurately describes the historical context for the fith section of the passage?

The Byzantine Empire was still connected to remnants of the Roman Empire by adapting religious institutions

The interactions described in the passage are best understood in which of the following contexts?

The Ottoman ruler Selim I accuses the Shi'ite Safavids of heresy and is preparing for battle

What role did the variants of Islam play in the interactions between the Mughal, Ottoman, and Safavid empires?

The Ottomans and Safavids engaged in frequent warfare because of the diverse competition between Muslim sects

What was the outcome to the controversy depicted in the image and passage?

The Protestant Reformation and the creation of syncretic belief systems and practices

The difference between the Spanish Empire and the Portuguese Empire was that...

The Spanish Empire was a territorial Empire, while the Portuguese Empire was a trading empire

Which of the following contributed most directly to the creation of the sistema de castas (caste system) during the 17th and 18th centuries in Spanish America and the Spanish Philippines that can been seen in the images above?

The Spanish linked the idea of purity of blood to race, particularly pertaining to mixing of whites and non-whites as an attempt to designate those who are impure to create racial hierarchy

Which of these statements is most accurate for the era C. 1450-C.1750?

The amount of trade goods exported from China to Europe and the Americas increased dramatically

All of the following were long-term causes of the Protestant Reformation EXCEPT...

The emergence of European nation-states

This map is best understood in the context of which of the following overarching themes of Unit 1?

The growth of urban areas that was caused by the expansion of trade routes

The monk working in the Scriptorium in the image above demonstrates...

The importance of monasteries in preserving knowledge during the "Dark Ages"

Which of the following aws an important direct effect on Europe of the processes reflected in the diagrams?

The intensification of state rivalries over control of trade routes, leading to colonial wars

The products described in the networks depicted on this map illustrate which of the following features of mid-eighteenth century North Atlantic trade?

The links between Eastern and Western hemispheres in the Columbian Exchange

Which of the following best accounts for the system of labor mentioned in the third paragraph?

The mit'a/ mita

The primary source above would be most useful to a historian researching...

The mortality rate of African slaves during transport from Africa to the West Indies

Which of the following was an important continuity underlying the trade interactions illustrated by the two diagrams?

The resileance of the Chinese economy, despite the dynastic change from Ming to Qing

All of the following were consequences of the Hundred Years' War EXCEPT...

The rise of Burgundy to the status of a major European power

What is the central subject of the image and passage

The sale of indulgences

This passage about religion in the seventh century provides evidence of?

The toleration of other religions by Muslims in conquered territory

The Columbian Exchange led to the development of mercantilism, an economic system that is best described by which of the following?

The use of joint stock companies by European rulers to control their domestic and colonial economies

Of what is St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow an example?

The use of religious ideas, art, and monumental architecture to legitimize the position of rulers

Which of the following was not an important continuity between the Toltec and Aztec civilizations?

The use of the same capital city for administrative purposes

What was a direct result of the use of gunpowder, canons, and armed trade by the Ottoman and Mughal empires?

Their land empires expanded dramatically in size

Which of the following was the primary goal of Zheng He's expeditions?

To impress foreign people with the power and might of the Ming dynasty

Which of these was a significant change in long-distance trade networks in the era C. 1450-C.1750?

Trade networks expanded to cover the globe for the first time

Which contemporary society employed a similar system to Japan's?

Western Europe

Which of the following was a major environmental effect of the migration reflected in the graph?

Widespread deforestation and depletion of siol nutrients

Which of the following statements regarding women's status during the Ming and Qing dynasties is true?

Women continued to be subjugated, and the practice of foot-binding was prevalent among the elite

The early-fifteenth-century Incas...

engaged in a substantial amount of trade, but it was regulated by the government

Byzantium's major advantage was...

its strategic position on a narrow strait between Europe and Asia

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