APWH Unit 2

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Mali Empire 2.4

-Mali's founding ruler, Sundiata was a muslim and used his connections with others of his faith to establish trade relationships with north african and arab merchants -cultivated a thriving gold trade-Mali's wealth grew tremendously -taxed all other trade in mali LO 9- Since they taxed all trade in Mali they became super wealthy, and more people would want to come to trade there. They would bring their cultures with them and connect to everyone.

Effects of Mongols-China 2.2

-Kubilai (genghis's other grandson) -finally conquered song dynasty created new dynasty called Yuan dynasty -created a delineation between mongol and chinese, by mongol spoken at top gov't level, no intermarrying, no civil service exam -however still used chinese traditions such as rituals, lived in china palace, worship ancestors -women had a lot of rights -religiously tolerant

Inca Empire 1.4

- tribal leader Pachacuti and his son combined small tribes into the incan empire -extends from present day ecuador in the north to chile in the south -incan empire split into 4 provinces, each with its own governor and bureaucracy -mit'a system: men (15-50) had to provide agricultural and infrastructural labor as form of taxation -built roads, bridges (road system across andes mtns. called carpa nan), created quipu (series of knotted rope to record messages and trade info LO 9- With their road system they were able to connect the whole inca empire from ecuadar to chile. They were able to run their territory efficiently with splitting into 4 provinces

Mexica Empire 1.4

-(aztecs) were originally hunter-gatherers who migrated to central mexico -founded capital Tenochtitlan(Mexico City) -created tribute system -gov't was theocracy -inventions: floating gardens(chinampas), great pyramid, aqueducts LO 9- With the tribute system, the aztecs were able to have dominance.

Pax Mongolica 2.2

-(mongolian peace) -mongols were pro-trade, pro-merchant, so they protected the silk roads -punished anyone that might attack the merchants -led to a new golden age of trade along silk roads which then made europe obsessed after the crusades LO 3- During the Pax Mongolica, mongols were pro-trade, so they protected the silk roads from anyone that would attack merchants. So more and more people traded, giving an increase in demand for goods around the world. LO 4- One impact of the Mongol empire was that they helped facilitate trade.

Flying Cash 2.1

-(paper money) -during Tang Dynasty LO 1- Paper money made it easier to trade because instead of carrying so many coins, you have paper money you can deposit in a banking house in one location and withdraw in another location.

Malay Diasporic Communities 2.3

-b/c of monsoon winds led to merchants staying in other places -some married local women and stayed in new region, creating diasporic communities -ex: Malay- malaysian merchants who stayed in sri lanka to trade nutmeg, pepper, and cloves LO 6- Effects of these diasporic communities is that people diffused religions everywhere and created new communities with trade.

Astrolabe 2.3

-calculated distance north or south from equator -helped navigate LO 5- With the help of the astrolabe, it helped a lot of merchants navigate in the Indian Ocean for trading.

Swahili City-States 2.3

-created a syncretic language(bantu & arabic) -goods traded were ivory, gold, slaves -thriving city-states LO 5- With more trade, the Swahili City-States grew and a lot of people moved and lived in other places creating diasporic communities. They also created a syncretic language.

Champa Rice 2.6

-created an increase in food LO- With methods that increase the amount of rice, there's more demand and more goods are being made.

Effects of Mongols-Russia 2.2

-effectively cutted off russia from europe development and gave rise to more centralized rulers -Batu (Genghis's grandson) led only successful winter invasion of russia b/c good for horses and rivercrossing -250 yrs of mongol rule which started serfs in russia, led to rule of moscow -moscow's power increased and eventually kicked out mongols LO 3- The Mongols efficiently cutted off Russia's communication with Europe.

Srivijaya Empire 1.3

-hindu kingdom based on Sumatra -built up navy and prospered by charging fees for ships traveling between india and china LO 8- They became wealthy by taxing ships that go by.

Effects of Mongols-Abbasid 2.2

-hulegu (another one of genghis's grandson) took over the abbasid -mongols conquered abbasid caliphate in 1258 -begin improving silk roads -defeated by the alliance of muslim mamluks, led by baibars, allied with christian crusaders -new khan in golden horde converted to islam, keeping hulegu from coming back to muslim world LO 3- By taking over the Abbasid, they begin improving the silk roads for trade. LO 2- The mongols built their empire with improving trade and connecting so many places. It's very hard to keep control of such a vast place, so because many people formed alliances to take them down.

Samarkand 2.1

-in present day Uzbekistan in the Zeravshan River valley -was a stopping point on the Silk Roads between China and the Mediterranean -center of cultural exchange, center for trading goods -one of the many trading cities -known for its artisans as well as centers of Islamic learning and magnificently decorated mosques LO 1- Because of silk roads, new trading cities began to form for people to trade in. One of the biggest trading cities is Samarkand. Effects of this place include people exchanging cultures, and spreading the Bubonic plague.

Indian Ocean Trade 2.3

-included swahili city-states, india, southeast asia -traded many goods such as spices, cotton, gold, etc. -created a diffusion of religions,(theravada buddhism popular in southeast asia, hindu merchants in southeast asia) -created diasporic communities -used new technology(dhows, lateen sail, astrolabe) LO 5- As places are becoming more connected, people are using new technology to trade across the ocean as a demand for luxury goods increase.

Mansa Musa 2.4

-leader Sundiata's nephew went on a pilgrimage to Mecca where his lavish displays of gold left a lasting impression LO 9- When Mansa Musa went on his journey to the Hajj, he gave everyone gold which made more and more people want to trade in mali. All these people followed him back and brought prosperity to mali and connected places.

Great Zimbabwe 1.5

-massive wall of stone surrounded capital city known as Great Zimbabwe -powerful trading empire -accessed indian ocean trade LO 10- Since zimbabwe was able to trade in the indian ocean trade, they became wealthy. Zimbabwe also built its prosperity with agriculture, grazing, and gold.

Genghis Khan 2.2

-mongol leader -spent early decades of his life creating tribal alliances and defeating neighboring groups -intensely focused on building power -ruthless -gathered mongol chieftains at a meeting called kuriltai where he was elected ruler of mongolian kingdom LO 3- Because Genghis Khan was able to control so many people under one empire, the Mongol Empire, they were able to get everything under control. For example they had the silk roads under their control, and protected it and made it safe for merchants to trade and go to different places.

Malacca 2.3

-muslim kingdom -very wealthy by taxing trade along strait of malacca -connected south china sea and indian ocean LO 5- The strait of malacca became the center of trade, and many people passed by and spread many religions

Trans-Saharan Trade 2.4

-network of trading routes across the great desert -traded gold, ivory, slaves in exchange for salt and other goods -new invention like saddles LO 8- With new inventions like saddles it makes it easier for more merchants wanting to trade, with more merchants trading empires along these routes started to prosper.

Ethiopia 1.5

-powerful trading nation along red sea in east africa -coptic christianity: adopted after constantinople in roman epire -remained christian with spread of islam LO 10- Since Ethiopia was able to control the red sea trade, they became a very powerful trading nation. Due to trade, islam also spread here as well.

Monsoon winds 2.3

-seasonal winds across the indian ocean -affected trade LO 7- Because of these monsoon winds, merchants often had to wait at places for a long time so some decided to marry the local women creating diasporic communities.

Silk Roads Trade 2.1

-silk roads finally controlled by one empire, the mongols -because of more and more merchants trading, created big trade cities -created new inventions (camel saddles, bills of exchange) -diffusion of religions and bubonic plague LO 1- Since the Mongols conquered the whole central asia, the silk roads are under one empire's control. And the mongols supported trade, so they protected merchants thus increasing the number of people wanting to trade. The effect from these silk road trades are increases of big trade cities where people diffused religions.

Caravanserai 2.1

-trade inns spread out 100 miles from each other -became base of trade cities -travelers would rest, trade, replenish LO 1- Caravanserai helped increase the amount of merchants for trade because they can rest and replenish themselves and their camels after a long day of travel.

Marco Polo 2.5

-traveled along the strait of malacca -italian native -wrote a book on his travels (how prosperous and innovative china was, descriptions of customs of many people) LO 10- With all these trade routes, there are more and more intellectual people documenting their travels and sharing their journeys.

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