APWH voices of islam
What animal did Muhammad ride in The Night Journey of Muhammad (Visual Source 9.2)?
A buraq
Map 9.5 The Ottoman Empire by the Mid-fifteenth Century
As Turkic-speaking migrants bearing the religion of Islam penetrated Anatolia, the Ottoman Empire took shape, reaching into southeastern Europe and finally displacing the Christian Byzantine Empire. Subsequently, it came to control much of the Middle East and North Africa as well.
Map 9.4 The Sultanate of Delhi
Between 1206 and 1526 a number of Muslim dynasties ruled northern India as the Delhi sultanate, while an explicitly Hindu kingdom of Vijayanagar arose in the south after 1340. It drew on north Indian Muslim architectural features and made use of Muslim mercenaries for its military forces.
Map 9.6 West Africa and the World of Islam
Both trans-Saharan commerce and Islam linked the civilization of West Africa to the larger Muslim world.
Map 9.2 The Arab Empire and the Initial Expansion of Islam, 622-900 C.E.
Far more so than with Buddhism or Christianity, the initial spread of Islam was both rapid and extensive. And unlike the other two world religions, Islam quickly gave rise to a huge empire, ruled by Muslim Arabs, which encompassed many of the older civilizations of the region.
Passages concerning the Zakat in The Sharia (Document 9.3) offer practical advice about which of the Five Pillars of Islam?
Giving alms to the poor
Where did Runi in his Poem ultimately find God?
His own heart
Map 9.3 The Growing World of Islam, 900-1500
Islam as a religion, a civilization, and an arena of commerce continued to grow even as the Arab Empire fragmented.
What important moment is captured in Muhammad and the Archangel Gabriel (Visual Source 9.1)?
It depicts Muhammad receiving the word of God through God's messenger, the Archangel Gabriel.
Map 9.1 Arabia at the Time of Muhammad
Located adjacent to the Byzantine and Persian empires, the eastern coast of Arabia was the site of a major trade route between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.
Which of the following best reflects the Quran's (Document 9.1) teachings on Jews and Christians?
That all Jews and Christians who believe in God and do righteous deeds shall be rewarded by Allah.
What message does the following passage from The Hadith (Document 9.2) seek to convey?
That charity towards the less fortunate is a central tenet of the Islamic faith.
Which basic teaching of the Islamic faith does The Destruction of the Idols (Visual Source 9.4) seek to convey?
The Hajj
Which visual source depicts the moment when Muhammad comes closest to being in the direct presence of Allah?
The Night Journey of Muhammad (Visual Source 9.2)
Which source in Voices of Islam focuses almost exclusively on a personal spiritual relationship with God?
The Voice of the Sufis (Document 9.4)
What role does the angel play in The Battle of Badr (Visual Source 9.3)?
The angel represents divine support for the Muslim forces.