Area of Responsibility 1

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When calculating mortality statistics in a population, the health education specialist needs to weigh deaths of the very young more than the deaths of the very old. Which of the following would he/she calculate?


The health education specialist must analyze the meaning of the data collected during the assessment and determine health education/promotion needs. If the health education specialist aggregates the data, which cognitive process of qualitative research is he/she focusing on?


When inferring needs of a priority population, the health education specialist:

considers feedback from the priority population along with data collected on health issues in the population

A health education specialist is trying to find data on emergency room visits and hospitalization in the community. Which of the following secondary sources is the best source of this data?


Print material was selected as the appropriate way to provide a take-home message to reinforce concepts presented during a behavior change intervention. The first step in planning the specific materials to be developed is to:

define the audience for the material

Which of the following is the first step in designing a survey?

determining the objectives of the survey

The health education specialist is charged with establishing collaborative relationships with organizations to gain access to data for country wide community needs assessments. Which of the following is the best approach to secure the data needed?

establish a data sharing agreement including the outcome, purpose, data ownership, and conditions of release

The health department administrator just returned from a meeting where someone used a focus group to gather data and now has a great idea. The administrator tasks the health education specialist with conducting a focus group of low income citizens from the south side of town to answer questions about which heart disease intervention the department should offer city wide. Knowing the limitations of this strategy, the health education specialist is rightfully concerned about:

generalizability of the findings

For people with less than 12 years of education, the infant mortality rate and overall death rate is almost twice as high as people with 13 or more years of education. These are examples of:

health disparities

Which represents primary sources that could be used for a community needs assessment?

informal interviews, observations, and surveys

A health education specialist is asked to measure actual use of a walking trail in a local community. Which of the following methods is best to measure actual use of the trail over a period of a week?


The health education specialist is working with a local community to institute a smoke free environment in local businesses, agencies, and restaurant throughout the entire community. What type of health strategy would the health education specialist implement in the community?


Administrative support was secured and a program planning committee was formed for a school-based health promotion program. Which of the following should the committee members identify next before advancing the needs assessment process?

planning parameters

In a community, twice as many people died over the course of one year in house fires than in car crashes. Community members demand the health education specialist immediately create a fire prevention intervention. Before planning the fire prevention intervention, the health education specialist should first determine the:

population at risk

A health education specialist has been charged to develop a comprehensive childhood obesity intervention in a community identified as having a high prevalence of childhood obesity. What planning model would best assist the health education specialist in developing the program?

precede-proceed model

A hospital is expanding outreach services and facilities with a new unit focused on prevention and the treatment of chronic disease. The health education specialist is tasked with gathering local data on these conditions. Which is the most useful rate to use?

prevalence rate

Using a written questionnaire, a cross-sectional survey about personal alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use behaviors was administered to a priority population. The priority population for the survey did not respond. The health education specialist would then need to find other evidence that the behaviors occurred or did not occur using:

proxy measures

conducting a capacity assessment focuses on identifying community


In a meeting, community members offer suggestions for curbing the community's obesity problem. They focus on the behaviors of individuals in the community, thinking if community members change their dietary behaviors, then the obesity problem will be solved. A health education specialist explains the solution is not this simple because:

sometimes behaviors are influenced by other factors, such as lack of access to health food, that are out of a person's control

What would a health education specialist need to know to calculate age-specific death rates from cardiovascular disease?

the breakdown of deaths by age group and the midyear population by age

The health education specialist chose the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model as the organizational framework for the needs assessment of a childhood obesity intervention. Which of the following best represents the Behavioral and Environmental Factors phase?

the school districts are institutions with agents that can make change

A health education specialist is concerned about HIV infection in the community. The health education specialist might use the data from a graph on estimated new HIV infections in the US, 2010:

to compare to primary data in the community to better understand the community need

Although the mortality rates of children have declined over the years, the leading cause of mortality in children is:

unintentional injury

A large group of tourists traveled on an ocean liner to a tropical island and developed an acute, flu-like illness. The suspected cause of illness is associated with cruising on this ocean liner. Health authorities need to know the number of all passengers who became ill, as well as those who traveled on the ocean liner. Which rate should the health education specialist calculate to provide information to health authorities?

attack rate

Consumption, medication compliance, and self-care are considered which type of factors to health?


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