ART 105 Exam 3

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The Moche created this realistic portrait vessel which may depict a warrior, ruler, or a royal retainer. It is crafted from:

painted clay

Which of the following is built over the spot associated with Adam, Abraham, and Muhammad?

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem

The frieze on the wall of this structure includes animal figures - except on the exterior wall of the mosque - in keeping with Islamic law. This is the:

Umayyad palace at Mshatta

The arches in the hypostyle prayer hall of this building are in a unique horseshoe shape, that may have been inspired by Visogothic architecture. This is the:

Great Mosque of Cordoba, Spain


In Islam, the leader of collective worship.


In Islamic architecture, a vaulted recess opening onto a courtyard.


In Mesoamerican architecture, the nesting of of a series of buildings inside each other.


In a mosque, the pulpit on which the imam stands.


In some mosques, a screened area in front of the mihrab reserved for a ruler.

What architectural feature has been found in nearly all Mesoamerican cultures?

a ball court

This ivory mask consisting of nine parts that can be combined to create several faces, both human and animal, was created by the __________________________ culture .



Islam's sacred book.

This unique artifact has a utilitarian function. What is it?

a ewer

Who does this Mayan statue represent?

a fallen warrior


A Mesoamerican statuary type depicting a fallen warrior on his back with a receptacle on his chest for sacrificial offerings.

hypostyle hall

A building with a roof supported by many columns.


A chapter of the Koran, divided into verses.


A communal multistoried dwelling made of stone or adobe brick by the Native Americans of the Southwest.


A monumental tomb


A semicircular niche set in to the qibla wall of a mosque.


A small, cubical building in Mecca, the Islamic world's symbolic center.


A square or circular underground structure that is the spiritual and ceremonial center of Pueblo Indian life.


A theological college devoted to the teaching of Islamic law.


A tower from which the faithful are called to worship.

In what building will you find the Court of Lions?

Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain

mosaic tilework

An Islamic decorative technique in which large ceramic panels are fired, cut into smaller pieces, and set in plaster.


An early form of Arabic script.

In this Mayan wall mural, who is represented in the middle zone?

Captives with mutilated hands awaiting their death

ashlar masonry

Carefully cut and regularly shaped blocks of stone, fitted together without mortar.

effigy mound

Ceremonial earthworks built in the shape of animals or birds by native North American peoples.

Haida totem poles display emblems that express which of the following ideas?

Clan origin stories

What makes this canteen unique in Islamic art?

It includes scenes from the life of Christ.

Why is Machu Picchu of great archaeological importance?

It was undisturbed since the time of the Inka.

At the winter and summer equinoxes, the sun casts a shadow along the staircase of the Castillo that is said to represent:

Kukulkan (the Mayan Quetzalcoatl), the feathered serpent god

Which North American culture produced the Eagle transformation mask?


When confined to the reservations, Plains Indians took to recording their past exploits and history. They also recorded their reactions to their new surroundings often far from their places of birth. Which of the following would they use for this purpose of record-keeping?

Ledger books

What do the pipe, painted buffalo robe, bear-claw necklace, and feather decorations represent in Karl Bodmer's portrait entitled Hidatsu Warrior Pehriska-Ruhpa (Two Ravens) from 1833?

Military accomplishments

The Ottomans viewed this building by architect Sinan the Great as proof that they had surpassed Christian Byzantine architecture. This is the:

Mosque of Selim II at Edirne

Which culture created this hummingbird by scraping aside a dark layer of pebbles to reveal the lighter clay and sand beneath?


It has been proposed that colossal stone heads like this one represent rulers. They were carved by the _________________ culture.



Painting on lime plaster, either dry or wet.


Pigments mixed with egg yolk, glue, or casein.

Teotihuacán as well as its key pyramids are carefully oriented. Which of the following is the commonly suggested reasoning for such placement?

Related to astronomical phenomena


Stucco decorations of Islamic buildings in which stalactite-like forms break a structure's solidity.


The Islamic building for collective worship.


The cultures that flourished in the Western Hemisphere before the arrival of Europeans.


The direction (toward Mecca) Muslims face when praying.


The flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medin in 622, the year from which Islam dates its beginnings.

The depiction of Mictlantecuhtli and Quetzalcoatl seen in the Borgia Codex illustrates which of the following themes?

The inevitable relationship of life and death

warp and weft

The vertical and horizontal threads of a loom or cloth, respectively.

These colossal statue-columns once held up the roof of a temple. They were created by which Mesoamerican culture?


This structure erected by Sultan Hasan in Cairo, Egypt includes: a madrasa a mosque a mausoleum all of the above

all of the above

What aspect of the Seduction of Yusuf miniature painting prevents it from becoming an icon? The people are floating. The flattened perspective. The addition of text. all of the above

all of the above

The Great Mosque at Damascus shows us: That the hypostyle type of mosque closely recalls the layout of Muhammad's house in Medina. That early Islamic architecture owes a debt to Roman and early Christian architecture. That Islamic builders salvaged stone blocks, columns and capitals from earlier structures on this site.

all of the above are true

The Inka constructed the Temple of the Sun at Cuzco, Peru using:

ashlar masonry

The mihrab from the Madrasa Imami in Isfahan is decorated with:

mosaic tilework

What is the elaborate stucco decoration on the interior of this dome called?


The glass and enamel decorated mosque lamp of Sayf al-Din from Egypty bears an inscription that _________________________.

compares God's light to the light in a lamp

What are the circular semisubterranean structures visible at the base of the Cliff Palace built by the Ancestral Puebloans?


The Aztec Great Temple at Tenochtitlan was constructed by building shells over the older, existing structures - in this case, seven times. This method of construction is called:


What is this structure called?

the Gateway of the Sun

The Mississippian Serpent Mound may have been built in response to:

the appearance of Haley's Comet

What is depicted on this Aztec disc that was discovered at the Great Temple of Tenochtilan?

the dismembered moon goddess, Coyolxauhqui

This Paracas funerary mantle was created using:

the technique of embroidery

This Hopi Katsina doll wears a mask painted in geometric patterns symbolic of:

water and agricultural fertility

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