Art Chapter 18-20

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The spread of Buddhism followed a path through Japan, India, and China. In what order did this occur?

India- China- Japan

The Tairona ornament made of tumbaga was fashioned using what technique?

Using a lost-wax technique.. fashioned of a gold and copper alloy

In the Japanese Asuka period, what does the author claim to be, perhaps, the most important art form?

Architecture? Religious aspects? *** page 446

Identify the culture whose speech was rich in metaphors?


What are the accomplishments of the Mayan civilization of the Yucatán Peninsula?

(including astronomy, biology, and mathematical concept of zero) they developed the most sophisticated version of the mesoamerican calendar and the most advanced of the region's many writing systems.

What was the function of a kiva? What civilization?

- Large, round chambers, mostly underground and originally roofed, used for religious or other ceremonial purposes. Anasazi

What are the physical characteristics of Nok sculpture?

smooth surfaces and D-shaped eyes

What was the most famous Nubian kingdom called? When did it exist?

Kush, during the 10th century bCE and lasted over 1,400 years

A ram's head was used as a symbol of a sun god in which two African cultures?

Kushan and Berbers

When did the Aborigines arrive in Australia? Generally, where were they from?

50,000 years ago, first islang around 1500 bCE. They were from southeast asia.

How was the Taj Mahal influenced by Persian architecture?

Because each of its four facades is set with an iwan( A form that served to mark the entry to a royal recpetion hall in persian palaces)

Which African culture discussed in the text still survives today?


What does the mural detail known as The "Beautiful Bodhisattva," Padmapani expresses?

Bodhisattavs are saintly beings who have delayed their own release in order to help others attain enlightenment. Padmapani is the Lotus-GIver. His smooth languorous body resembles that of the Buddha image from Sarnath. The artist has given unforgettable form to the compassion a perfected being feels for the rest of humanitty, still trapped in the world's illusions.

Which of the following became an important device for Islamic artists as a result of Islamic doctrine forbade images of animate beings in religious contexts. What effects did this have on Islamic design?

Calligraphy **

What art form became the most highly regarded art in the Islamic world? Why?

Calligraphy because it was involved in writing the Qu'ran, which Islamic scholars commonly memorized and viewed as an act of prayer

What was the chief concern of Daoism?

Daoism is concerned with bringing human life into harmony with nature. Concerns about daoism include its mystical concerns such as the search for immortality

When did Islam begin?

Early 7th century

What is Muhammad's emigration from Mecca to Medina called?


Why does much of the artwork from Africa no longer exist?

In 1897 british forces attacked the Benin palace and took much of the art it contained.

The use of gold in the Americas was first developed in what contemporary country?

In Peru

Many Mimbres ceramics recovered from graves have been shattered or pierced. Why?

In death the vessel is broken and the soul released

What was the role of Quetzalcoatl?

It is a feathered serpent that is the god of windstorms to the olmecs. Its aggressive head emerging from a collar of feathers alternate with the more abstract figure of the god of rain, distinguished by his goggle eyes. Rain and the wind that brought it were essential to the agricultural societies of Mesoamerica.

What does the term "pre-Columbian mean? What is problematic about this designation, as far as indigenous people are concerned?

It was created before Columbus' voyages to the americas. It acknowledges that the arrival of Europeans changed everything, and that the civilizations of the Americas were interrupted as decisively as if they had been hit by a meteor.

How did the early art represent the presence of Buddha?

It was represented by symbolic traces of his presence. A chair, a pathway, to represent his presence.

What was the role of tobacco in the creation of art for many North American peoples?

It was viewed as a form of prayer. The rising smoke faded into the other world, bidding its spirits to come witness or sanction human events.

Be familiar with the subject and form of Song dynasty landscapes, particularly those of Li Cheng?

Li built on the work of his predecessors of the early 10th century-- they had explored- mobile midair perspective, monochrome ink, vertical format, flowing water, shrouding mists, and a buidlup of forms. Li Chengs vision of nature ordered by some higher force and human life in harmony with it clearly echose the ideas of daoism.

Like the ziggurats of Mesopotamia, pyramids of this geographic area were symbolically understood as mountains.

Mesoamerican-- Teotihuacan

What is the term for the containers people of Kongo use to hold materials that aid in rituals for harnessing the powers of the dead?


Be familiar with the Mughals; the culture that influenced them, the famous building they constructed, their connection to India, and their art forms.

Mughals are islamic people from central asia. They were influenced by persian culture. In india, persian forms mingled with indian elements to create a uniquely indian form of islamic art. Famous building: Taj Mahal . Their art forms: Iwan ways, central domed interior, crowning ornamential dome, chattri, and illustrated books.

In what context could illustrations of people be used in Islamic culture? What example was given in the text?

Other books. Bahram Gur and the Princess in the Black Pavilion is the example in the text.

What is the name of the holy book of Islam?


Several cultures are known collectively as the "mound builders." What is the most famous of these mounds?

The Serpent Mound in Ohio

What is the similarity between the feather cloaks of Hawaii and the meetinghouses of the Maori people of New Zealand?

The feather cloaks of hawaii embody ideas about the order of society, the respective roles of men and women, the continuing presence of ancestors, and the protective power of the gods-- similar concerns are given architectural form in the mens meeting houses.

Who ordered the creation of the terra-cotta army?

The first emperor of the Quin dynasty, Shihuangdi

The Moche of South America left a substantial record of what art form?

They were exceptional potters and goldsmiths. Ceramics were substantiel with the use of molds for mass production. Kneeling warriors are a standard subject of Moche ceramic art.

Contrast the way masks are viewed in Western museums with their function in African cultures.

Western museums- commonly exhibited and admired as a sculpture African- a mask is never displayed in public as an isolated, inert object. IT appears only in motion, as the head or face of a spirit being that has appeared in the human community.

What are yakshi? What do they symbolize? Were they originally part of Buddhism?

a nature spirit embodying ideas of fertility and abundance. IT is not part of the buddhist faith but belongs to older and more widespread Indian beliefs.*** page 429

Zen priest-painters used a painting technique called haboku, "splashed ink," as a metaphor for what?

a sudden appearance of meaning out of chaos.

The temple complex known as Angkor Wat indicated what, with regard to the Khmer rulers?

a temple erected to the diety and to the king. It was dedicated to vishnu and reflects the meaning and order of the spiritual universe-- Their position as a "God-King"

What was the source of the stone used for the monumental sculptures of Easter Island?

carved from the island's volcanic mountains.

What do Hinduism and Buddhism have in common?

had at their core belefs in the cyclical nature of time, including cosmic cycles of creatio, destruction, and reirth of the world and the briefer cycles of our own repeating lives within it

What are the characteristic of Japanese art?

haniwa- ( horses)they embody a taste for simple forms and natural materials. shinmei(early form of shrine architecture)

Where are Shinto deities believed to be present?

in such pituresque sites as gnarled trees, imposing mountains, and waterfalls.

What is the function of Koan, the Zen teaching tool?

irrational questions designed to "short-circuit" logical thought patterns.

A small Indus sculpture of a torso exhibits a "relaxed abdomen." What do scholars think this may represents?

its a sign that the indus people practice the breathing exercises we know from later indian culture as a component of yoga, the system of physical self-mastery that can be used to lead to spiritual insights.

What was the minaret of the Kairouan Mosque in Tunisia was modeled after?

modeled on a Roman lighthouse, and the vocabulary of column, arch, and dome is base on Roman and Byzantine architecture

What is the theme of the Bodhisattva Guide of Souls hanging scroll fragment?

portrays a bodhisattva leading the soul of a fashionably plump, well-dressed little tang lady to her eternal reward in the Western Paradise, imagined in the upper left corner as a chinese palace.the bodhisattva is a chinese fantasy of an indian. Flowers fall about the couple, symbols of holiness and grace

Why has the set of hand scrolls known as the Heiji Monogatari Emaki been described as cinematic?

scene after scee scrolls by like an epic film with a cast of thousands. Each keeps going like a story.

Although no one knows for certain how long people have lived in the Americas, the earliest-known evidence points to human habitations from about when?

sometime before 13,000 years ago and possibly as early as 25,000 years ago.

Which Mesoamerican culture is often called the "mother culture"? Why?

the Olmec Civilization.. Because it seems to have institutionalized the features that mark later civilizations of the region

In the tumbaga pendant depicting a ruler, what is the meaning of the birds that unfold like wings on either side of his head?

the birds are the spirit alter ego of the shaman head that give him access to the other world.

What is the principle concern of the philosophy of Confucius?

the creation of a peaceful society.

Cultural exchange between Islam and Byzantium is exemplified by what art form in the Great Mosque at Córdoba, Spain.

the dome before the mihrab. Eight intersecting arches rising from an octoagonal base lift a fluted, melon-shaped dome over the hall below. Gold coming from the byzantine.

What object appears at funerals of important Igbo men of Nigeria?

the ijele (a towered figure that resembles an anthill)

What is the theme of the Kwakiutl mask called Crooked Beak?

the mask manifest the four mythical Cannibal birds who live at the north end of the world and eat human flesh. The largest of them is crooked beak .They invade human community, kidnap young men and turn them into cannibals. On the final day the elders of the gathering ritually cure the young man of his cannibalism.

What architectural element marks the direction of Mecca?

the qibla wall

The Berbers were originally from what country?

they are african, they mingled with the roman population, after islamic conquests they held sway in morocco, algeria, and spain.

The ability to decipher Mayan writing has shifted our understanding of Mayan art. What did scholars use to believe Maya are was about? What do they currently think the art is about?

they believed that their art was primarily sacred and depicted cosmic events such as stories of the gods. we now realize that is is almost entirely concerned with history.

What are Minkisi? What is the function of a minkondi?

theyre containers that hold materials that allow a ritual specialst to harness the powers of the dead. Minkondoni hunt down and punish witches and wrongdoers.

In the Tolai spirit society known as duk duk, what are the duk duk?

theyre male spirits, also danced by maskers, that punish lawbreakers at the bidding of the community's leaders. theyre reborn each year from the tubuan, who are immortal

What technique did the artist use in The Tale of Genji to enable us to view the characters in the story?

written out and illustrated as a series of handscrolls. Its a bird eyes view of an interior with a roof conveniently. Page 447**

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