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Exhibit it in the salon of 1819, the paining immortalized July 2, 1816, shipwreck off the Mouradian coast of the French frigate ..., Which ran aground on a reef due to the incompetence of it's in experience captain, a political appointee


Like basquieat and wiley, ... has examined the lives or more precisely the death by lynching of african amercan men in his art

Melvin edwards

__________________ Holy Trinity mural in Santa Maria Novella, is the premier early-15th-century example of the application of mathematical linear perspective.


What does razor Sharp edges and clearly Delineated it simple abstract shapes,... Is a character rustic example of his work from the 1960s

Red blue green

Another scope there are often considered a minimal is because of pure geometric work such as... Which he created for the sidewalk in front of the New York City skyscraper is...

Red cube Isamu Noguchi

german artist...studied art in dusseldorf with joseph beuys in the early 1970s and has lived and worked in barjac, france since 1992

anselm kiefer

Four years later, then a young man, Vosdanik changed his name to... Bitter Achilles in Russian and moved to New York City, where he continued the art education that he had begun in Boston

arshile Gorky

golub is best known for his two series of paintings titled... and ...

assassins mercenaries

... tells the witty story of the family of the stereotypical black mammy in the mind of the public, but here jemima is a successful african american businesswoman.

aunt jemima

A canopy on columns, frequently built over an altar. term derives form baldacco


...,who studied at Syracuse university and then at the Parsons school of design in new york, examines similar issues in her photographs.

barbara kruger

Chuck Close is best know for his large scale portraits, such as ...

big self portrait

the ... series takes its name from the faint red lines connecting the figures a device used earlier by frida kahlo


zhang is best known for his ...portraits


one of the most successful and certainly one of the most market savvy abstract artists active today is ... of japan

yayoi kusama

political and social commentary is also the principal interest of chinese painter...

zhang xiaogang

... Devoted his career to painting the English countryside during the agrarian crisis

John constable

The expatriate American artist ..., born in Florence, Italy, was a younger contemporary of Eakins

John singer Sargent

the work, ... was Oldenburt's first large scale public sculpture

lipsitck on caterpillar tracks

After Vigee Le Brun, the second most important woman painter in Paris at the end of the 18th century was ......

Adelaide Labille-Guiard

Intellectuals in the late 15th and early 16th centuries who dreamed of idealistic societies based on peace, morality, and Christian virtue and sought to realize the ethical ideals of the classical world and the Scriptures. Their ideals applied the techniques and outlook of renaissance humanism to Christianity and the Bible and strongly influenced Martin Luther and other early Protestant reformer, such as Erasmus and Thomas More

"Christian humanists"

title given to Louis XIV because he was an absolute monarch. "I am the State" all visual arts had to glorify the king.

"Sun King"

Poussin's "formula" for successful artworks, involving three components: 1) choose great subjects (e.g. great stories from history or the bible); 2) avoid minute details (which can distract from the story); and 3) use good judgment (e.g. propriety, restraint, moderation)

"grand manner"

The literal meaning of perspective is _____________________.

"to see through "

The twisty road and the grotto conjured for our the voyage of Aeneas and the entrance to the underworld in Vergils ... , required reading (in the original Latin) for any properly educated British gentleman


... Is the pictorial equivalent of a solemn Requiem

Abby in the oak forest

The first use of iron in Bridge design was in The cast iron bridge built over the Severn river, near Coalbrookdale in England, were ........., kne of the bridge's two designer, the ah hid family's cast iron business

Abraham Darby III

It was there that the first major American Avantgard art movement... Emerged

Abstract expressionism

Vigorous physical interaction between the painter and the canvases let the critic Harold Rosenberg to describe the work of the New York school as....

Action painting

Inspired by the archaeological discoveries at Herculaneum and Pompeii in the mid 18th century... Inc. decorative noticed from Roman Miral painting into his Etruscan room at Oesterle Park


Perhaps the most reproduced of the Civil War photographs is gardeners print of O'Sullivan's...

A harvest of death Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

... Traveled west in 1858 and produced many paintings depicting the Rocky Mountains, Yosemite valley, and the other dramatic locals

Albert bierstadt

The sculptures of Swiss artist ....perhaps best express the existentialist spirit

Alberto Giacometti

Famous Northern Renaissance artist, he often used woodcutting along with Italian Renaissance techniques like proportion, perspective and modeling. (Knight Death, and Devil; Four Apostles)

Albrecht Durer (1471-1528)

The photographs taken of the Crimean war by Roger Fenton end of the American Civil War by Matthew B brady..., And... Remain unsurpassed and incisive accounts of military life, unsparing in their truthful detail and Paden it is expressions of human experience

Alexander Gardner Timothy O'Sullivan

One of pages students in the 1950s was...

Allan kaprow

... is one of a series of gigantic femmages that Schapiro based on the patterns of Japanese kimonos, fans, and robes.

Anatomy of a kimono

Interview reproduced Flitcroft champion beyond the Palladian bridge on the far side of the lake and Stourhead specifically emulates Clydes 1672 landscape with.... in the national Gallery in turn inspired by the...

Anaïs at Delos Aeneid

He hated, and attacked through his writings, the arbitrary despotic rule of kings, the selfish privileges of the nobility and the Church, religious intolerance, and above all, the injustice of the French ......(the "old order")

Ancien regime

Blakes vision of the Almighty in... Combined his ideas and interests in a highly individual way

Ancient of days

He chose... As the frontispiece for his book..., And juxtaposed it with a quotation, when he set a compass upon the face of the deep, from Proverbs 8:27

Ancient of days Europe: a prophecy

the work of german photographer ... is also rooted in representation, although his photographs, like kiefer's paintings, verge on abstraction.

Andreas gursky

The quintessential American pop artist was...

Andy Warhol

Muybridge discoveries received extensive publicity through the book..., And his motion photographs and him a place in the history of science as well as art

Animal loco motion

The work of... It's also an important bridge between neoclassicism and romanticism.

Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson

Of a family that founded a private art academy which began art academy tradition.

Annibale Carracci

The focus of attention in... Is the white draped patient surrounded by a circle of darkly clad doctors

Early operation

Models what is the publication in 1762 of the first volume of... By two British painters and architects,... And Nicholas Rivette

Antiquities of Athens

The painter whom scholars most closely associate with French Rococo is .....

Antoine Watteau

Chief among those artists was..., Whose works for example,... English tourist avidly acquired as evidence of their visit to Italy's magical city of water

Antonio Canaletto Riva Degli Shivani, Venice

Neo classical sculpture also was in vogue under Napoleon. His favorite sculptor was..., Who somewhat reluctantly left his native Italy to settle in Paris and serve the emperor.

Antonio Canova

-Apollo- God of the sun, had cows of the sun, very intellectual, god of poetry, medicine, music, sun, prophecy -Daphne- daughter of a river god, apollo fancied her, changed daphne into a tree, made her leaves into a crown

Apollo and Daphne

Ingress exhibited... At the salon of 1827

Apotheosis of homer

On the basis of works such as..., INGRES soon became the leader of the academic forces in their battle against the barbarism of Delacrouix Theodore Gericault and the romantic movement

Apotheosis of homer

In....., a ceiling fresco in the Villa Pisani Family, a ceiling fresco in the Villa Pisani at Star in the northern Italy, Tiepolo depicted seemingly weightless figures glittering through vast sunlit skies and fleecy clouds, their forms casting dark accents against the brilliant light of high noon

Apotheosis of the Pisani Family

The style of the graceful center arc echoed the grand architect of Roman......


The ship... Spotted the raft and rescue those still alive


Dubuffet promoted ...untaught...

Art brut Crude art

female Baroque artist born in Rome, studied painting with her father, moved to Florence and made works of her own, entering the Florentine Academy of Design as the first woman to do so at 23; painted portraits and women in the Old Testament.

Artemisia Gentileschi (c1593-1653)

Robert combines are in a sense, his personal variation on..., Artworks constructed from already existing objects


one of superrealism's pioneers was lifelong new yorker... who studied the history of art at new york university's institute of fine arts after graduating from yale

Audrey Flack

One of the most splendid examples is the pilgrimage church of Vierzehnheiligen(fourteen Saints; near Bad Staffelstein, which the German architect...... began as construction was about to be concluded on the grandiose palace he had designed in 1719 for the prince-bishops of Wurzburg.

Balthasar Neumann

In his early paintings, New York native... Present an organic abstractions inspired by his study of biology and his fascination with Native American art

Barnett Newman

tradition blanked of designation for European art form 1600-1750. This stylistic term which describes art that features dramatic theatricality and elaborate ornamentation in contrast to the simplicity of Renaissance art, is most appropriately applied to Italian art of this period. derives form term barroco


The baroque grandeur of the layout and of the buildings ornamental appointments is characteristic of a architectural style called...Which was most popular in the late 19th and early 20th century's in France


Some American artist also became well known in England......., Born in Pennsylvania on what was then colonial frontier, traveled on the continent early in life to study art and then went to England, where he met with almost immediate success

Benjamin west

Younger than both Corbett and carpeaux, the painter... Was also influential in articulating realist principles

Edward Manet

Although art historians a romantic artist, he incorporated many classical references in his works.


The calendar pictures of _________________________ represent the 12 months in terms of the associated seasonal tasks, alternating scenes of nobility and peasantry, and featuring the duke's relationship with his courtiers and peasants.

Book of Hours

Prosperous visitors to Rome of the grand tour frequently commissioned... To paint their portraits.


....was Madame de Pompadour's favorite artist. in this Rococo tableau, he painted a pyramid of rosy infant and female flesh and fluttering draperies set off against a cool, leagy background .


For this English Villa,... And... Emulated the simple symmetry and unadorned plains of the Palladian architectural style

Boyle and Kent

In......, as in all his work, Hogarth proceeded as a novelist might, elaborating on his subject with carefully chosen detail, the discovery of which heightens the comedy.

Breakfast scene

........ from........, is the one in a sequence of six paintings satirizing the marital immoralities of the moneyed classes in England

Breakfast scene Marriage a la mode

The artist whose name is synonymous with our board is the British painter... Who painted in a neo pointillist manner in the 1950s before developing her signature black and op art style

Bridget Riley

In 1857, Jules François-Felix Hudson champ Fleury, what is the first credit to recognize and appreciate Corbetts work, route of..., It represents a small town funeral and yet reproduces to funerals of all small towns

Burial at Ornans

Many art historians regard Corvettes... As his masterpiece

Burial at Ornans

No one had ever painted a genre subject on the scale. Furthermore, Corbett had the audacity to submit... To the 1851 salon in the category of history painting, but the client to identify deceased

Burial at Ornans

... It's not a record of the burial of a Christian martyr or a heroic soldier

Burial at ornans

... Speaks here to emotions, rather than inviting philosophical cool meditation or revealing some grand order of nature and form.

Burial of Attalla

Garodet based his 1808... On the novella..., Included in the first edition of the treaties... By François René de châteaubriand

Burial of Attalla Attalla The genius of Christianity

Inside the __________________________, the first perspective view of a ceiling from below, the viewer becomes the viewed as figures gaze into the room from a painted oculus opening onto a blue sky.

Camera Picta

In 1807 the invention of the... Replace the enclosed chamber of the camera Obscura

Camera lucida

.... was the leading painter of a nation of adult, which were treasured souvenirs for 18th century travelers visiting Italy on the grand tour.


... Was napoleons favorite sculptor.


Viewers of ... may recognize WHite's nominal subject as a detail of a landscape, but in his hands, nature becomes the springboard for meditation

Capitol Reef

Italian painter noted for his realistic depiction of religious subjects and his novel use of light

Caravaggio (1573-1610)

Some artist, notably... In the United States and members of the concrete art association in Japan, produce artworks integrating painting and performance

Carolee schneemann

Like lorna simpson ...has chosen photography as her favored medium of expression to address the racial and social issues of concern to african american women

Carrie mae weems

Among the first Northern European artist to depict the romantic Transcendental landscape was..., Who was born in Greifswald, Germany, near the Baltic Sea; studied art in Copenhagen; and settled in Dresden

Caspar David friedrich

.......embraced naturalism and celebrated the simple goodness of ordinary people, especially families of ordinary means, who lived in a world far from the frivolous Rococo salons of the Parisian elite


The first submitted to the salonOf 1812, was...

Charging Chesseur

... Impress the judges at the 1812 salon and Earned the then unknown gericault a gold medal

Charging chasseur

...with the assistance of ..., won the commussion for the new Houses of Parliament in 1835

Charles Barry Augustus welby northmore pugin

The Paris opera, designed by... With facade sculptures by Jhené Battisti carpeaux rocks and others, is the leading example of... Architecture

Charles Garner Neo Baroque

As Bhutani's... Vividly illustrates, the popularity of the grand tour them on the cultural elite of Europe both reflect the anchorage beauty to the heightened interest in classical antiquity during the Enlightenment.

Charles John Crowle

Painted when he was 21, gigantic More than 11 foot tall canvas depicts a French cavalry officer...


Painted for the Vatican, Perugino's _________________________________, depicts the event on which the papacy bases its authority. The converging lines of the pavement connect the action in the foreground with the background.

Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to Saint Peter

Perhaps the most famous Superrealist is ..., who grew up near Seattle and attended the university of washington and yale university.

Chuck Close

After studying painting in Buffalo, ... switched to photography as her primary means of expression

Cindy Sherman

In the 1960s... Also produce pop artworks the incisively call minute on American consumer culture but his media was sculpture

Claes Oldenburg

Donatello's Saint Mark introduced ______________________ weight-shift stance into Quattrocento sculpture - the drapery falls naturally and moves with the body.


I Dona a member of the New York school, another American painter who's work art historians usually classified as post painterly extraction was..., Whom Clement Greenberg held in very high esteem

Clyfford steel

... Another barrier of post painterly abstraction, also emphasize paintings basic properties

Color field painting

Robert sit out to create words that would be open and indeterminate, and he began by making multimedia words he called ... which interspersed painted passages with sculptural elements


Diderot, who reviewed the exhibition for .....,reported that it was difficult to get near the canvas because of the throngs of admirers.

Correspondance litteraire

the reaction of the Roman Catholic Church to the Reformation reaffirming the veneration of saints and the authority of the Pope (to which Protestants objected)


a series of closely spaced drawn or emgraved parallel lines. Crosshatching employs these lines placed at right angles


In the 1960s, he create a series of large scale words call... Which he intended to be seen in the open air


Made of stainless steel sections powder on top of one another often at unstable angles, and then weld it together... sculptures make a striking visual statement


.... presents a rosy pyramid of infant and female flesh set off against a cool, leafy background, with fluttering draperies both hiding and revealing the nudity of the figures.

Cupid a Captive

Another founder of the pre-Raphaelite brotherhood was ... , who established an enviable reputation as both a painter and poet

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

... Depicted the revolutionary Marat as a tragic murder, stabbed to death in his bath


... Was neoclassical painter ideologist of the French revolution.


At his patrons insistence, ...recorded Napoleon and his 1804 coronation crowning his wife with the pope as witness, does_in the Emperor's authority and independence from the church


After experimenting with a variety of school drawls dollars in materials, Indiana born in Ohio raise... Produce metal sculptures that has affinities with the abstract expressionist movement in painting

David Smith

...was a gay rights activist who dropped out of high schoool in his hometown of red bank, new jersey, and moved to new york city, where, like basquiat he lived on the streets before achieving success as an artist

David wojnarowicz

In 1793,David painted..., Which he wanted not only to serve as a record of an important episode in the struggle to overthrow the monarchy but also to provide inspiration and encouragement to the revolutionary forces.

Death of Marat

Although... Represents a seventh century BC E drama, Delacrouix , like Gericault also turn to current events, particularly tragic or sensational ones, for his subject matter.

Death of Sardanapalus

With it's exotic an erotic overtones and violin orientalist subject,... Tapped into the romantic fantasies of the 19th century viewers

Death of Sardanapalus

In......, West depicted the morally wounded Young English commander just after his defeat of the French in the decisive battle of Quebec in 1759, which gave Canada to Great Britain.

Death of general Wolfe

Delacrouix 1827... Is perhaps the greatest romantic pictorial drummer ever painted

Death of sardanapalus

In the late 18th century, the ancient world increasingly became the focus academic research. For example, a visit to Rome inspired Edward gibbon to begin his monumental..., Which appeared between 1776 and 1788.

Decline and fall of the Roman empire

This artist was the artist of Philip IV's court in the 17th century. He is known for his realistic portraits of the royal family in Spain's Golden Age.

Diego Velazquez (1599-1660)

The realist photographer and scientist... Came to the United States from England in the 1850s and settled in San Francisco, where he established a prominent international reputation for his photographs of the western United States

Edward Muybridge

Spanish painter (born in Greece) remembered for his religious works characterized by elongated human forms and dramatic use of color (1541-1614)

El Greco

The number of women in a witches' coven is also 13 and the artist intended her feminist ... additionally to refer to witchcraft and the worship of the mother Goddess

Dinner Party

Undulating space is in continuous motion, creating unlimited vistas they are bewildering in their variety and surprise effects, as is also true of the contemporaneous Wieskirche (Church of the Meadow;) by .......

Dominikus Zimmermann

Another important minimalist sculptor was..., Who embraced a spare, universal aesthetic corresponding to the core tenants of the movement

Donald Judd

The first Renaissance sculptor to portray the nude male figure in statuary was _______________________.


Not surprisingly, many sculptors also were superrealists, including Minnesota ... who spent much of his career in southern florida

Duane Hanson

A key figure in the post painterly abstraction movement is...

Ellsworth Kelly

Both intellectuals and the general public increasingly embraced... And...

Empiricism Positivism

(The......... 21-century descendant is Wikipedia, which had a similar goal of collecting all that is known as making that knowledge universally available.)


He became editor of the pioneering ....... a compilation of stickers written by more than a hundred contributors, including all the leading philosophes.


The painter was also a favorite of Diderot, the leading art critic of the day as well as the editor of the .......


The..... was truly comprehensive (it's formal title was .....,.......,and....) and included all available knowledge historical, scientific, and technical as well as religious and moral and political theory.

Encyclopedie Systematic dictionary of the sciences, arts, and crafts

One of the most exciting developments in postwar Art and architecture has been... Sometimes called earthworks

Environmental art

Art historians often present deep history of painting during the first half of the 19th century as a contest between two major artist Ingres , the neo classical draftsman, and..., The Romantic colorist home contemporary characters at least twice depicted as dueling

Eugene Delacrouix

Nadars ... Shows the painter at the height of his career

Eugene Delacrouix

Dramatic, sweeping, curvilinear reinforced concrete roof lines are also characteristic features of the buildings designed by finish born architect...

Euro Saarinen

The cynicism pervading Europe in the 1940's found a voice in what?


one of the best known today is harlem native ... who studied painting at the city college of new york and taught art in the new york public schools for 18 years

Faith ringgold

McCallum on which Washington lanes is a bundle of rights with an ax attached the ancient Roman ..., and emblem of authority used much later as the emblem of Mussolini's fascist government in 20th century Italy


Developed by __________________________, linear perspective enables artists to determine mathematically the relative size of rendered objects to correlate them with the visual recession into space.

Filippo Brunelleschi

Her paintings for example... Of 1962 came to the publics attention after being featured in the December 1964 issue of life magazine


In..., Raleigh filled the canvas with black dots a very sizes and shapes, crane the illusion of a pulsating surface that case in at the center


Jan van Eyck 's Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife is representative of the growing importance of secular portraiture as an income producing artistic genre in 15th-century ________________________.


... Design for the Hoares Wiltshire estate included a replica of the pantheon overlooking an artificial lake, the grotto alluding the Aeneas journey to the underworld from Lake Avernus


Other cage students interested in the composers search to find aesthetic potential in the non-traditional and common place for the... Group


Saarinen Who is responsible for selecting a kindred spirit, the danish architect... To build the Sydney opera house in Australia

Jorn utzon

________________________is the use of perspective to represent in art the apparent visual contraction of an object that extends back in space at an angle to the perpendicular plane of sight.


Constables great contemporary in the English school of landscape painting was...

Joseph Mallard William Turner

... Was an exception as a proponent of undraped architecture

Joseph Paxton

Although... Was David contemporary, their work has a little in common

Francisco Jose de Goya y lucientes

The device of using character and/or story elements symbolically to represent an abstraction in addition to the literal meaning.


King of France; a Renaissance monarch; patron of the arts; imposed new controls on the Catholic church; ally of the Ottoman sultan against the Holy Roman emperor.

Francis I (r.1515-1547)

Although born in Dublin, Ireland...was the son of a well to do Englishman

Francis bacon

Surviving him with his wife,..., Whom artist historians recognize as a major abstract expressionist painter although overshadowed by pollock during her lifetime

Lee Krasner

The most important champion of this straight... And emphasis on an artworks visual elements rather than its subject was the American art critic Clement Greenberg who will get considerable influence from the 1940s through the 1970s


Attended by his faithful dog, Crowell is surrounded by a bandit evidence of his learning a passion for antiquity. Most prominent are copies of reduce size of the... Enables end of a statue of the sleeping Ariadne in the Vatican

Forniss Hercules

Jefferson economist, educational theorist, and gifted amateur architect, as well as statesman admired Palladio immensely and read carefully Italian architects...

Four books of architecture

Italian architect, leading figure in emergence of Roman Baroque architecture; basing his designs on geometric figures rather than on the proportions of the human body

Francesco Borromini (1599-1667)

The French Rococo style quickly spread beyond Paris. The Amalienburg, a small lodge that the French architect........ built in the park of the Nymphenburg Palace in Munich, is a prime example of Germany's adoption of the Parisian style.

Francois de Cuvillies

The architect most closely identified with deconstructivist architecture is canadian born american ...

Frank Gehry

Another artist associated with the post painterly extracts and movement of the 1960s is Massachusetts born... The leading exponent of...

Frank Stella Hard edge painting

Dutch painted during the Dutch Golden Age. AS a portrait painter, considered by some as second in the Netherlands only to Rembrant. Displayed extraordinary talent and quickness in his art

Frans Hals (1581-1669)

Among the other prominent New York school abstract expressionist we're Pennsylvania born..., Who is predominantly black and white paintings resemble Chinese and Japanese calligraphy, and..., Best known for his series of paintings inspired by the Spanish Civil War

Franz Kline Robert Motherwell

Another painter usually associated with the Hudson river school was..., But his interest in landscape scenes extend it beyond America

Frederic Edwin church

The transition from neoclassicism to romanticism mart a shift in emphasis from reason to Philly.... Was among the first painters to be picked the dark terrain of the human subconscious


In this life size portrait, ........sought to match mrs. Sheridan's natural beauty with that of the landscape. The rustic setting, soft-hued light, and feathery brushwork recall Rococo painting.


... Painted in 1943, is the third in a series of canvases with identical titles named after a black sea resort but inspired by Gorkys childhood memories of the garden of wish fulfillment in his birthplace

Garden in Sochi

The brightly colored and thinly outline forms in..., Which initially appeared to be a purely abstract biomorphic shapes, or loose sketches representing, at the lift, a bare breasted woman, and, epicenter, a tree trunk with fluttering fabric

Garden in Sochi

Donatello's ________________________ was the first since antiquity to rival the grandeur of Roman imperial mounted portraits, such as that of Marcus Aurelius which the artist must have seen in Rome.


The repetition and redundancy of the Coke bottle reflect the saturation of this product in American society in homes, at work, literally everywhere, including gas stations, as immortalized by... In 1963

George Segal

Decades later in Germany, ..... would paint a series of grey damaged landscapes for example,... that conjured the aerial bombardments of 1940s

Gerhard ritcher Townscape Paris

Two other feminist artists who used their bodies as key comphonents of their artworks were New yorker ..., who left her native land as a child when Fidel Castro came to power

Hannah Wilke

A typical French Rococo room is the Salon de la Princesse in the Hotel de soubise in Paris, designed by..... in collaboration with the painter .... and the sculptor....

Germain Boffrand Charles-Joseph Natoire Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne

The abstract expressionist movement developed along two lines... And...

Gestural abstraction Chromatic abstraction

the intimate Rococo style could also be adapted for paintings of huge size, as the work of ......demonstrates

Giambattista Tiepolo

most influential figure of the Roman Baroque whose sculpture emphasizes drama and incites the viewer to respond to it rather than sit and observe; also influential in architecture

Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598-1680)

... Depiction of native American lovers in the Louisiana wilderness appeal to the French Publix fascination with what it perceived as the passion and primitivism of the New World


And... He depicted three impoverished women members of the lowest level of peasant society performing the back breaking task...

Gleaners Gleaning

Paiks Best known video work,..., What is commission for broadcast over the United Nations satellite

Global groove

All of those sources are evident in his group..., Which based on a passage in... In which count UGolino in his foursome and starve to death while shut up in a tower

Golino and his children Dantes inferno

... Encouraged empathy for the Spanish peasants massacred on May 3, 1808, by portraying horrified expressions on their faces, endowing them with a humanity lacking in the French firing squad


...depicted himself asleep all threatening creatures converge on him, revealing his embrace of the romantic spirit the unleashing of imagination, emotions, and nightmares.


In....., Chardin ushers the viewer into a modest room where a woman is setting a table before dinner.


Louis XV, the royal personification of the Rococo in his life and tastes, once owned .....


... Again shows ingress admiration for Rafael and his borrowing of that masters type of female head

Grande odalisque

The most famous is... Painted for napoleons sister Caroline Morat, queen of Naples

Grande odalisque

This rather strange mixture of artistic allegiances the combination of precise classical draftsmanship, mannerist proportions, and romantic things elicited the human criticism, and when INGRES first exhibited ...In 1814, the paining drew acid criticism

Grande odalisque

This fire burned for four days and destroyed five-sixths of the city, yet only six deaths occurred.

Great Fire of London 1666

In this post humus portrait,... Like in Washington to a God by defeating him seminide and enthroned in the manner of Phidias Olympian statue of Zeus, king of the Greek gods


......was a master of sentimental narrative, which appealed to a new audience that admired "natural" virtue.


An image of historical record this early Dungeerotype predates Eakins... By almost 3 decades, but the theme have been explored in painting much earlier by Rembrandt

Gross clinic

An early example of this audacious architectural mode is the hysolar institute at the university of stuttgart, germany, by....

Gunter Behnisch

The leading figure of the realist movement in the 19th century art was...

Gustave Courbet

German Painter noted for his portraits and religious paintings, and painted for Erasmus, More, and King Henry VIII. Famous work = "The Ambassadors" (1533), which portrayed the major themes of the era, including exploration, religious discord, preoccupation with death, and the rising tide of international relations in an age of expansion.

Hans Holbein the Younger (c.1497-1543)

In October 1862, he joined the union campaign as an artist reporter for...

Harper weekly

Beyond church is precise depiction of the magnificent spectacle of nature, the paining, like constables... It's remarkable for what it is not depict

Hay wain

She returned to a smaller scale with words based on human forms...... Multiply in each type for exhibition in groups as symbols for the individual and society lost in the crowd yet retaining some distinctiveness

Heads, seated figures and backs

The Bibliothèque Saint T Genevieve designed by ..., is an interesting mix of renaissance revival style and modern cast iron construction

Henri labrouste

Another early masterpiece of the picturesque garden genre of 18th century English architecture is the part of the Stourhead, designed by... In collaboration with the property owner,..., The son of a wealthy banker

Henry Flitcroft Henry hoare

Realist painter ...studied art with Eakins at the Pennsylvania academy of fine arts before moving to pairs in 1891

Henry osssawa tanner

.....won game for his paintings and prints satirizing English life with comic zest. This is one of a series of six paintings in which he chronicled the mRigL immoralities of the moneyed class


Among the primary sources of the movement was work of Joseph Albers who series of paintings called... Explored the optical effects of placing different colors next to each other

Homage to the square

Realist Artist ... In his art he boldly confronted authority with social criticism and political protest

Honors daumier

With few exceptions however, such as Strawberry Hill, Owned and largely design by..., The revival of interest in the Gothic architectural style did not take hold until the following century.

Horace Walpole

In 1840, do US Congress commissioned American sculptor ... to create a statute of the countries first president for the capital

Horatio Greenough

Mini original paintings celebrate like heroes for example, the legendary jazz musicians Charlie Parker and dizzy Gillespie home he memorialized in...

Horn players

Through his sequential photography same in... Muybridge prove that racing horses did in fact times have all 4 feet in the air

Horse galloping

The ___ (elegant private townhouse) of Paris soon became the centers of a new, softer style called Rococo.


... Portrayed Washington and contemporary garb , but he incorporated the Roman fasces and Cincinnatus player in the statue, because Washington similarly have returned to his farm after his war service


____________________ In the Renaissance was an emphasis on education and on expanding knowledge, the exploration of individual potential and a desire to excel and a commitment to civic responsibility and moral duty.


designed by the chinese american architect..., the grand louvre pyramide is the dramatic glass and steel entryway to the museum's priceless collections

I.M. (ieoh Ming) Pei

At homers feet or two statuesque women, personification of the... Holding a sword And... Holding the oar, the offspring of his imagination

Iliad Odyssey

A portrait of themselves by the leading Italian portrait painter of the day,....

Pompeo Bottani

The reclining female nude was a Greco Roman Subject, but... converted his neo classical figure into an odalisque in a Turkish harem, consistent with the new romantic taste for exotic


The swiss painter Johann Heinrich fussli , better known by his English name... Lived in Rome from 1772 1778, settled in England in 1799, and eventually became a member of the Royal Academy of Art and one of its instructors

John Henry fusilli

American artist... Matured as a painter in the Massachusetts Bay colony.

John Singleton Copley

The artist whose work best exemplifies just roll abstraction is... Who developed his signature style in the mid-1940s

Jackson Pollock

The artist who became the painter ideologies of the French revolution was...

Jacquees -Louis David

Do you Parisian church of Saint T-Genevieve, now the pantheon, design by... Stands as testament to the revived interest in classical architecture.

Jacques-Germaine souflot

In 1722, decades before souflot begin work on the pantheon in Paris,..., A Scottish architect, designed the church of Saint Martin in the Fields in London.

James Gibbs

`In England, the leading post modern architect was...

James Stirling

An artist fascinated with the effects of light and dark. He chose domestic, indoor settings for his portraits. He often painted women doing such familiar activities such as pouring milk from a jug or reading a letter. His work reveals how important merchants, civil leaders, and the middle class in general were in the 17th century Netherlands.

Jan Vermeer (1632-1675)

Architect... Codesign the Manhattan skyscraper with assistance from the firm...

John bergee Simmons architect

Many of the artists instrumental in the development of performance art or students or associates of charismatic American teacher and composer...

John cage

When the artist pivotal to the early development of American pop art was ... Who grew up in South Carolina and moved to New York City in 1952

Jasper johns

Although less specific the works of French artist ... also express a tortured vision of the world through manipulated materials

Jean Dubuffet

One black artist who, despite his very short career now figures prominently in most histories of modern Art is... Whose father was an accountant from Haiti and his mother was a black Puerto Rican

Jean Michel basquiat

The paradoxical notion of destruction as an act of creation services in a number of Canadian art words most notably in the sculpture of...

Jean tinguely

Generally considered Davis greatest pupil,... Arrive at the neo classical Masters studio in the late 1790s after Girodet-trioson Had left to establish an independent career.

Jean-Augusti-Dominique INGRES

The sentimental narrative in art became the specialty of French painter ........whose most popular work, .........,sums up the characteristics of the genre

Jean-Baptiste Greuze Village Bride

Reflecting Rousseau's values,..........0-8!63; quiet scenes of domestic life in the tradition of the 17th century Dutch genre scenes


Like Corbet, ... found his subject in the people in occupations of the every day world

Jean-François Millet

Boucher's greatest student......... was a first-rate colorist whose decorative skill almost surpassed his master's

Jean-Honore Fragonard

Neoclassicism also became the preferred style for public sculpture in the new American republic. We are members of the Virginia legislature wanted to erect a life-size marble statue of Virginia born George Washington, they awarded the commission to deleting French neo classical sculptor of the late 18th century,...

Jean-antoine Houdon

The leading french sculptor of this era was..., Who received his training at ecole des beaux arts under the direction of Francois rude, best known for..., His colossal relief on the art de triumphe in Paris

Jean-baptiste carpeaux La marseillaise

haring's painted figures are firmly rooted in popular culture, as are the sculptures of ...

Jeff Koons

Modeled on the pantheon,... Neo classical rotunda sits like a temple in a Roman forum on the elevated platform overlooking the colonnade it line of the university of Virginia


Critics in the public at large regard to action painting as a violent, heroic, and distinctly masculine art form, but some of the most prominent Abstract expressionist were women, notably lee Krasner, Helen Frankenthaler, and...

Joanne Mitchell

Although some early-18th centurery architects, such as ...., continued to design churches incorporating Baroque and classical elements for example, Kalskirche in Vienna other, especially in Germany, eagerly adopted the Parisian Rococo style of domestic architecture for ecclesiastical architecture.

Johann Bernhard Fischer vone Erlach

The Brooklyn Bridge, designed and constructed by... And... Combined the latest steel technology with motives from Gothic in a Gyptian architecture

John Augustus Roebling Washington Roebling

One of the founders of the pre Raphaelite brotherhood was ...

John Everett Millais

These and other technological advances admiringly recorded in the paintings of ...... exemplified the Enlightenment notion of progress and gave birth to the Industrial Revolution

Joseph Wright of Derby

One important German artist whose work in the 1960s were strongly influenced by the fluxus group was...

Joseph beuys

To particularly avid and resourceful and the kids are the new medium were..., The painter, and..., A pharmacist and teach

Josiah Johnson hawes Albert sans Southworth

"Judith, a beautiful widow, is able to enter the tent of Holofernes because of his desire for her. Holofernes was an Assyrian general who was about to destroy Judith's home, the city of Bethulia, though the story is emphatic that no "defilement" takes place. Overcome with drink, he passes out and is decapitated by Judith; his head is taken away in a basket"

Judith and Holofernes

A major goal of achicago native judy cohen, who took the name ... was to educate the public about women's role in history and the fine arts and to establish a respect for women and their art.

Judy Chicago

Among the most famous portrait photographers in 19th century England was..., Who did not take up photography seriously until the age of 48

Julia Margaret Cameron

one major contemporary artist who has set out to correct that discriminary imbalance is Los Angeles native...

Kehinde Wiley

Because of the similarity of Kronos and... Saturn has come to be associated with time


Ruled with an iron fist for 60 years, and always wanted war. Believed in Divine Right theory, in which God chose him to rule over the masses and that anyone who challenged him would be challenging God. Thought that an absolute monarchy was the best form of government, and that men couldn't be trusted to govern themselves.

King Louis XIV (r.1683-1715)

like the other 19 images in thge ... series this photgraph tells a universal story about personal relationships in addtion to capturing a characteristic moment in one african american household

Kitchen table

Her critically acclaimed work as a photographer and video artist includes the ... series of 20 photographs interwoven with 13 text panels and audio recordings examining the domestic life of an african american family in which weems plays the leading role, as didi cindy sherman in her... series of the 1970s

Kitchen table film stills

when working in canada in 1980, polish born... developed artworks involveing the outdoor display of enormous slide images

Krzysztof wodiczko

The allegorical figure in... Is the spiritual sister of Delacrouix liberty

La Marseillaise

Be careful state of Michelangelos male figures, carpeaux also said he had the ancient... In mind when he conceived..., Which he hoped would be a masterpiece of the human spirit

Laocoon UGolino and his children

He learned his adept application of paint in thin layers and his effortless achievement of quick and lively illusion from his study of Velazquez, whose masterpiece,..., may have influenced Sargent's family portrait...

Las meninas The daughters of Edward Darley boit

Like to see that woman in..., Olympia Mr. viewers eye and her presumed male clients gaze with a look of cool indifference

Le Dejeuner

... Depicts two clothed man and one naked and one clothed woman at a picnic

Le dejeuner

... is Manets impressive critique of European painting since to Renaissance

Le dejeuner

The style of the painting, coupled with it's an Orthodox subject matter, May... One of the most controversial artworks ever created

Le dejeuner

Titian..., With which meant it was familiar and no doubt wished his canvas to be compared... It's not populated by anonymous idealized figures in an idyllic setting.

Le dejeuner

Manet ... Widely recognized only later as a seminal work in the history of art, was rejected by the jury for the 1863 salon

Le dejeuner sue I'Herbe

Closer to home, Delacrouix captured the passion and energy of the 1830 revolution in...

Liberty leading the people

he installed ... on Ascension day, may 15, 1969, on Beineke Plaza across from the office of the university president, the site of many raucous protests against the Vietnam war


In response the authorities in prison to him, primarily because of the satirical... He contributed to the widely read, liberal journals... And...

Lithographs Caricatures Lassociation mensuelle

David even initially demanded that his people select their subjects from Plutarch, the ancient author of... And a principal source of neo classical subject matter, although he himself also painted contemporary subjects.

Lives of Noble Greeks and Romans

In contrast to the architectural nature of Nevelson's work a census organic quality recall Lindy evocative biomorphic surrealist forms of JoAnn Miro pervades the work of French American artist...

Louise bourgeois

Born in Belin in 1922... moved to London with his family in 1933 when Adolph Hitler became German chancellor

Lucian Freud

Leonardo's most notable achievement in ___________________________ was to unite the figures not only by composition and gesture but by enveloping them as a group in a hazy, atmospheric, landscape by employing both Chiaroscuro and Sfumato.

Madonna of the Rocks

Not strictly feminist in subject, but created using materials traditionally associated with women are the sculptures of polish fiber artist...

Magdalena Abakanowicz

Giacometti sculptures of the 1940s, such as ...,are thin, nearly featureless figures with rough, agitated surfaces.

Man pointing

mother of Louis XII who became a regent until he was of age to rule France and ruled three years after he was of age

Marie de'Medici

The most celebrated woman artist of the 19th century was...

Marie-Rosalie bonheur a still life incorporating photographs of the face of famed hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe


The work of...also deals with universal themes

Mark Rothko

A German friar who disagreed with Johan Tetzel and the selling of indulgences and thus nailed his 95 theses to the door of Wittenberg's cathedral in 1517. Luther declared that the bible is the only source of God's word. Luther's act was just the spark needed to start the Protestant Reformation. He thought that the sole religious authority was the Bible and that bishops, pope, and the ceremonies did not help people into salvation. Just believed that the church was greedy for money

Martin Luther (1483-1546)

And words such as... Stella a Lemonade at many of the variables associated with painting

Mas o menos

A predominantly sculptural movement that emerged in the 1960s among artist seeking Greenbergian and purity a form was...


Minneapolis native... moved to portland, oregon, in 1938 and became photographer for the works progress administration.

Minor Whites

After enjoying a thriving career as a hard edge painter in California in the late 1960s Toronto born ... became fascinated with the hidden metapors for womanhood she saw in her abstract paintings.

Miriam Schapiro

Baltimore native... Who spent most of his career in Washington DC almost became a champion of color field painting

Morris Louis

A contrasting blend of "naturalistic" representation and Rococo setting is found in ......., a characteristic portrait by British painter ........

Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan Thomas Gainsborough

No I'm simply asked..., Tournachon was a French novelist, journalist, enthusiastic balloonist, and carry tourist, who became an early champion of photography


In..., the viewer observes an unnamed woman lying in an uncomfortable, almost fetal, position at the foot of a bed.

Naked Portrait

when video introduced the possibility of manipulating subjects in real time, artist such as Korean born... We're eager to work with the medium

Nam June paik

... Constructed La Madeleine as a temple of glory for his armies.


In the case of gros's..., Already examined, the choice of subject was spurred in large measure by napoleons eastern campaigns.


His....., a monumental work of 44 hooked, was especially valuable for its zoological content.

Natural History

England also celebrated its medieval heritage with...buildings

Neo gothic

a constitutional monarchy in western Europe on the North Sea


The facade of...features the undulating surfaces of Italian Baroque architecture, but its Rococo interior lacks Baroque drama

Neumann's pilgrimage church of Vierzehnhelligen (fourteen Saints)

Echoing the sentiment behind Houdon's portrayal of George Washington as the new Cincinnatus, the ...commented: "Rome took her great man from the plow, and made him a dictator we must now take our soldiers from the camp and make them farmers.

New York weekly

French painter. Founder and greatest practitioner of 17th century French classicism. Poussin's work embodies the virtues of clarity, logic, and order. 1594- 1665.

Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665)

Despite the temptation to see the paintings title as a poem because of this horse, the word... In fact derives from night and Mara


usually classified as a a pop sculptor was French born ..., because her sculptures remind many viewers of dolls and folk art.

Niki de Saint phalle

Luther was troubled by the public's niaveness to buy the Indulgences and wrote a letter to Albert, "the Ninety Five Theses on the power of indugences". he said indulgences undermined the seriousness of penance, competed with Gospel preaching, and down played the importance of Charity. He also posted these on the door of the Church at Wittenberg castle (according to Philip Melanchthon) By the end of the year they had been translated into German and spread across europe for academic debate.

Ninety-five Theses (1517)

pritzker award winning architect... began his study of architectural design at the university of manchester, england

Norman Foster

Indeed, Rococo was a syle best suted for small-scale works projecting a mood of sensual intimacy, and Rcoco salons often featured tabletop sculptures, such as ..... by Claude Michel, called ....

Nymph and Satyr Carousing Clodion

A mile stone paining in the neo classical masters career,..., depicts a story from pre-republican Rome, the heroic phase of Roman history.

Oath of the Harati

... Exemplifies the neo classical style.

Oath of the Herati

Unlike David's appeal in... The appealing that inspire public action, The appeal here is to the viewers private world of fantasy and emotion.

Oath of the heratii

... Horrified everyone who saw it at the salon of 1865 surprisingly, the jury excepted the painting for inclusion


Even more scandalous to the French dealing public, however, was Manet ..., Painted the same year and also loosely based on a painting by Titian...

Olympia Venus of Urbino

About the time the coast of Maine... His slightly older contemporary, Indiana native..., Made his artistic presence known in California when he had been in painting and turned to object making

One and three chairs Bruce nauman

A major artistic movement of the 1960s was... Which painters Salt to produce optical allusions of motion and Depp using only geometric forms on two dimensional surfaces

Op art

It served as a memorial to his wife, Elizabeth siddal, the model for millais's...


Millais ... garnered enthusiastic praise when the painter exhibited it in the exposition universelle in Paris in 1855 the exhibition at which Courbet set up his pavilion of realism


An interest and antithetical to neoclassicism

Orientalism characteristic of bacon work a reflection of each butchery and an indictment of humanity


Although the specific sources for the imagery in ... are uncertain, the work is unmistakably "an attempt to remake the violence of reality itself", as bacon often described his art, barer in what he referred to as the brutality of fact


Although his somber palette was essentially traditional, Corbett often use the... To quickly place and unify large Dobbs of paint, producing a roughly wrought surface

Palette knife

The plow behind Washington alludes to Cincinnatus, a... Of the early Roman Republic who was elected... During a time of war and resigned his position as soon as victory had been achieved in order to return to his farm

Patrician Dictator

In contrast to the grand manner portraits call please... Emphasizes the subjects down to earth character, differentiating this American work from its European counterparts.

Paul revere

Unlike grand Manner portraits, Copley's ..., Painted before the artist left Boston, conveys a sense of directness and faithfulness to visual fat Denmark the taste for honesty and planus noted by mini late 18th and early 19th century visitors to America

Paul revere

The subject the reclining new female figure follow the grand tradition of antiquity and the renaissance in sculpture as well as painting, as the Canova ...

Pauline Borges as Venus

And important new artistic genre that merged in the decades following World War II was...

Performance art

in.. Shahzia addresses homosexuality, intolerance, and hyposcrisy by portraying a gay friend in the guise of the Mughal emperor arangzeb, who was a strict enforcer of Islamic orthodoxy although reputed to be a homosexual

Perlious order

(1527-1598) King of Spain. Absolute monarch who helped lead the Counter Reformation by persecuting Protestants in his holdings. Also sent the Spanish Armada against England.

Philip II (r. 1556-1569)

Early in his career..., For example, have been a leading proponent of modernism and work with Mies van der Rohe he on the design of the Seagram building

Philip Johnson

The work of B twin and Locke also inspired many a French intellectuals, or ......


In a ..., Burke articulated his definition of the sublime: feelings of all mixed with terror.

Philosophical inquiry into the origins of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful

Determined to discover a way to connect objects were words he drew on the metal outline and..., In which the Austrian philosopher Ludewig Wittenstein encourage contradictory and nonsensical arguments

Philosophical investigations when video introduced the possibility of manipulating subjects in real time, artist such as Korean born... We're eager to work with the medium

Designed by... The grandiose Napoleonic temple includes a high podium and a bright flight of stairs leading to a deep porch in the front

Pierre-Alexandrie Barthelemy Vignone

The writing stand, which bears the words "to merat, David,"Resembles a tombstone, and David based Marat figure on the dead Christ in Michelangelos... In Saint peters in Rome


Flemish; one of the most famous painters of the Northern Renaissance; mainly painted peasant life, merrymaking, feasting, and working in extreme, realistic detail, through rich colors and balanced use of space; specialized in portraying large numbers of people; spent most of his time in Brussels and

Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c.1528-1569)

The premier example is Watteau's masterpiece (painted in two version), .........., the painting that was Watteau's entry for admission to the French Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture.

Pilgimage to Cythera

The poses of the figures, which blend elegance and sweetness, are hallmarks of Watteau's style, both in ambitious multifigure compostions such as ..... and in singel-figure studies such as .......

Pilgirmage to Cyntera L'Indifferent

In...luxuriously costumed lovers make a "pilgrimage" to Cythera, the island of eternal youth and love, sacred to Aphrodite.


Compare, for example , Antoine Watteau's 1717 ___ to ___, which unfolds in a lush landscape and celebrated the romantic dalliances of the moneyed elite, with Angelica Kauffman's 1785_____, set in an austere home of classical columns and piers and glorifying the maternal virtue of an ancient Roman woman.

Pilgrimage Cythera Mother of the Gracchi

... Ionic rotunda is a neo classical Foley that stands at the summit of a hill down which flows a cascading stream of water.


..., Another postwar American art movement developed out of abstract expressionism

Post painterly abstraction

Yeah... A term coined by claimant Greenberg, manifest a sensibility radically different from abstract expressionism

Post painterly abstraction

Depending on which doctrine they supported, memeber of the French Academy were classified either as.... or .....

Poussinistes Rubenistes

The painter elevated Pisani family member to the rank of gods in a heavenly scene recalling the ceiling paintings of ......


In England, a group of painters who called themselves the ... refused to he limited to the contemporary scenes that strict realists portrayed

Pre- Raphaelite brotherhood

Botticelli's _________________ sums up the Florentine humanist view that earthly love is compatible with Christian theology.


a wayward son who squanders his inheritance but returns home to find that his father forgives him.A parable that shows forgiveness and reconciliation

Prodigal Son

The general name given to any of the Christian denominations that broke from the Catholic Church during the 16th Reformation and to the splinter churches from these communities; More generally, the term refers to any Western Christian community not in union with the Catholic Church. Formed their own beliefs, such as personal interpretations of the Bible, ministers had no special powers, and had only 2 mentioned sacriments


Inspired by school of Athens by..., Ingress favorite painter, this huge canvas is a neo classical celebration of homework and other ancient worries, Dante, Shakespeare, and select French authors.


Gericault most ambitious project was..., And immense 23 foot wide canvas with figures larger than life

Raft of Medusa

..., Like the event itself, caused a sensation

Raft of medusa

... Is also the artist commentary on the practice of slavery

Raft of the medusa

As in Gericault ..., Dead bodies are all around

Raft of the medusa

And..., Gericault chose to represent the moment when some of those still alive so I'm in white little strength they have left to flag down there... Far on the horizon, not knowing if the ships crew consider raft

Raft of the medusa Argus

... Was a movement that developed in France around mid century against this backdrop of a increasing emphasis on science


a religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches


Was a great Dutch artist of the 1600's. He painted portraits of middle class citizens. he used sharp contrast of light and dark to draw attention to his focus. he is the most well known artist of the 1600's.

Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669)

In this grand Manor portrait,..... depicted the English commander who defended Gibraltar.


Begun only three years after the start of construction of Saint Martin in the Fields is another major monument of English neo classical architecture: Chiswick house on the outskirts of London, designed by..., Earl of Burlington, with the help of .....

Richard Boyle William Kent

In 1956 independent group members... Made a small collage,... Which is simplifies British pop art

Richard Hamilton jJust what is it that makes today's homes so different so appealing

During the short-lived partnership British architect... Italian architect... Use motives and techniques from ordinary industrial buildings in their design for the George's Pappadeaux national Center of art and culture in Paris

Richard roger Renzo piano

The documentary pole of American postwar photography is best exemplified by the work of ... who in 1955, with funding from the Guggenheim Foundation, undertook a road trip with his wife and two young children to document.

Robert Frank

A close friend of John... Began using mass media images in his work in the 1950s

Robert Rauschenberg

Where the pioneer environmental artist was New Jersey born... Who are used industrial construction equipment manipulative as quantities of earth and rock on isolated sites

Robert Smithson

one brilliant gay artist who became the central figure in a heated debate in the halls of the u.s. congress as well as among the public at large was...

Robert mapplethorpe

Designed by a French architect, this circular hall in a German lodge displays the ........ at its height, dazzling the eye with the organic interplay of mirrors, crystal, and stucco relief.

Rococo architectural style

........ such as this one, featuring sinuous curves, gilded moldings and mirrors, small sculptures and paintings, and floral ornamentation, were the centers of Parisian social and intellectual life

Rococo rooms

... Who was born in Manhattan not far from Madison Avenue, the center of the American advertising industry, developed an interest in art in elementary school and as a teenager took weekend painting classes at the Parsons school of design before enrolling at Ohio University

Roy Lichtenstein

The Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture (Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture), Paris, was founded in 1648, modelled on Italian examples, such as the Accademia di San Luca in Rome. Paris already had the Académie de Saint-Luc, which was a city artist guild like any other Guild of Saint Luke. The purpose of this academy was to professionalize the artists working for the French court and give them a stamp of approval that artists of the St. Luke's guild did not have.

Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture

Daumier With a graph..., Published in the August 1834 issue of..., A monthly French newspaper, is one of his greatest and politically most explosive words

Rue Transnonain April 15, 1834 Lassociation mensuelle

born in buguma in the niger delta region of nigeria, ... studied art at the california college of arts and crafts in oakland and at the central school of art and design and the royal college of art in london, where she has long resided

SOKARI douglas camp

And epileptic mix of a classical temple inspired body with a pyramid capped porch of Corinthian columns and Italian Baroque Bell Tower,... Is an early example of the neo classical style in architecture

Saint Martin

As was typical for women since the Renaissance banheur received her artistic training from her father, Oscar-Raymond banheur who is a proponent of..., And early 19th century Utopian socialist movement that champion the education and enfranchisement of women

Saint simonianism

Is one of the works of Louis... Series

Sarabande Veils

I don't inspired by 1821 narrative poem... My Lord Byron the painting does not illustrate the Tips faithfully


... Depicts the raw carnage and violence of Saturn wild eyed and monstrous, as he consumes one of his sons in reaction to a prophecy that one of his children would dethrone him

Saturn devouring one of his children

They gather together in the painters world of suspended time is Raphaël united them in..., Which was the inspiration for....

School of Athens Apotheosis of homer a characteristic example of the genre

Self-portrait Elisabeth Louise Vigee Le Brun

The first use of iron in bridge design was in the ..........

Severn River bridge

in the muslim world, women and homosexuals face especially difficult challenges, which ... brilliantly addresses in her work.

Shahzia Sikander

The haze of color, the subtly modeled shapes, the gliding motion, and the air of suave gentility tinged with nostalgia appealed greatly to Watteau's wealthy patrons, whom ,even as he was dying from tuberculosis, he still depicted as carefree and at leisure in his most unusual painting, .......

Signboard of Gersaint

In the early 1960s he adopted a commercial medium of... First in black-and-white and then in color, and began feeling entire campuses with appropriate it news images and anonymous photographs and city scenes

Silk screen printing

The French king's palace inspired the construction of many other grandiose homes on the Continent and across the English Channel during the early 18th century, including Blenheim Palace, which ___ and ___ designed for the duke of Marlborough.

Sir John Vanbrugh Nicholas Hawksmoor

The architectural firm..., Perhaps the purest proponent of mission inspired structures designed a number of the simple rectilinear glad she's buildings and SOM success in case the popularity of the building type

Skidmore,o wings,and merrill

This monochromatic color scheme UniFirst diverse parts and pieces such as... Which while Vegas adjusting a ritual particular lady got the church façade with symposium towers creates a mysterious field and shapes and shadows

Sky cathedral

In...,And etching from a series titled..., Goya depicted an artist, probably himself, a Sleep, slumped onto a desk, while threatening creatures converge on him at least in his dream

Sleep of reason produces monsters Los Caprichos de caprices

Rousseau exclamation man is born free but is everywhere in chains! The opening line of his... Summarizes a fundamental romantic premise

Social contract

... Pantheon is a testament to the enlightenment admiration for Greece and Rome.


African-American hairstyles are also the subject of 1988 photographs... By...

Stereo types Lorna Simpson

Most neo classical architects Used Roman buildings in Italy and France as models...., Who spent four years in Greece, based his Doric portico on a fifth century BC E temple in Athens


... Is one of the first successful plates Dungee are produced after perfecting his method

Still life in studio

These works, such as ... depict stereotypical average americans, striking chords with the public specifically because of their familiarity

Supermarket Shopper

... Is significant for precisely what it does not show the civil unrest of the agrarian working class and the resulting outbreaks of violence and arson

The hay wain

The most remarkable aspect of _____________________________ is that Botticelli used as a model for his Venus an ancient statue similar to the Aphrodite of Knidos by the famed Greek sculptor Praxiteles.

The Birth of Venus

In the early 1970s, Chicago began planning an ambitious piece, ... using craft techniques traditionally practiced by women, to celebrate the achievements and contributions women had made throughout history.

The Dinner Party

Bonheur Masterful depiction of horses at Lysol is insane from multiple angles captivated viewers who eagerly bought a grade reproductions of..., Making it one of the most popular artworks of the century

The horse fair

For..., Banheur best known work, the artist chose a panoramic composition similar to that in Corbett's...

The horse fair Burial at Ornans

Fragonard's ..... exemplifies Rococo style.

The Swing

In......, a young gentleman has convinced an unsuspecting older man(thought by some art historians to be a bishop) to swing the young man's pretty sweetheart higher and higher, while her lover (and the work's patron), in the lower left corner, stretches out to admire her from a strategic postion on the ground.

The Swing less than 3 feet in height, and Watteau's.... is barely 10 inches tall.

The Swing L'Indifferent

The images created such as... Bye... Appear spontaneous and almost accidental

The bay Helen Frankenthaler

Preferred The idealized bodies of classical sculptures one of the reasons Carpeaux was forced to remove another of his best works,..., From the facade of the Paris opera house

The dance

And important impetus for the eager embrace of the neo classical style by British architects during the early 18th century was the publication and 1715 of Colin Campbell... Three volumes of engravings of ancient buildings, pre-face by denunciation of the Italian baroque style and high praise for Palladio and Jones.

Vitruvius Britannicus

the paintings for example, ... are peopled by botero's trademark larger than life inflated bodies but they differ markedly from his usually tranquil domestic subjects.

abu ghraib

Assisting in the burial is a cloaked priest, whose presence is appropriate given châteaubriands support for the Christian is ation of the New World in...

The genius of Christianity

The too- brutal realism of Eakins early master piece, ... , perhaps inspired by Rembrandt's ..., promoted the art jury to reject it for the Philadelphia exhibition celebrating the American independence centennial in 1876

The gross clinic Anatomy lesson of dr. Nicolas tulp

an expressive style that uses fictional characters and events to describe some subject by suggestive resemblances


In... A beautiful young woman Lies sleep, drake the cross the bed with her limp arm dangling over the side.

The nightmare

In 1965, the exhibition... At the Museum of modern Art, which also featured paintings by Ellsworth Kelly and Morris Louis, among others, bestowed an official stamp of approval on the movement

The responsive eye

the successors of pioneering video artist nam june paik include... and ... who have explored the capabilities of digitized imagery, produceing many and varied video projects

adrian piper bill viola

Turner's paintings have a much wider range of thieves and, The..., Feature turbulent swirls a frothy pigment

The slave ship

... Can also be interpreted as Goya's commentary on the creative process and a testament to his embrace of the romantic spirit the unleashing of imagination, emotions, and even nightmares.

The sleep of reason

An early workday exemplifies Corbetts championing of every day life as the only valid subject for the modern artist is..., In which the realist painter present it a glimpse into the life of rural menial labor hours

The stone breakers

One of tanner early works, ...,characteristically depicts ordinary people engaged in everyday activities

The thankful poor

Within a few years of completing ..., he hahah painting biblical subjects grounded in direct studies from nature and in the love of Rembrandt that had inspired him from his days as a Philadelphia art student.

The thankful poor

picture showing natural scenery, without narrative lead comes


Inference, one of the artist most closely associated with the romantic movement was...

Theodore Gericault

His unfinished... Provides a glimpse into the cramped and grimy railway cars of the 1860s.

Third class carriage

Goya painted... When he was already totally deaf as a result of a mysterious illness he contracted in 1792, which is also rendered him temporarily blind and paralyzed

Third of May

The tragic event is the subject of Goya's most famous painting,... Commissioned in 1814 by Ferdinand VII, who had reclaimed the throne after the Ouster of the French

Third of May, 1808

The lithograph had the same shocking impact as Goya's ..., But in..., Daumier depicted not the dramatic moment of execution but the terrible, quiet aftermath

Third of May, 1808 Rue transnonain

a European war that broke out between the Catholic Holy Roman Emperor and some of his German Protestant states and developed into a struggle for continental hegemony with France, Sweden, Spain, and the Holy Roman Empire as the major protagonists; it was ended by the Peace of Westphalia

Thirty Years War (1618-1648)

Even more determined a realist than homer was Philadelphia born ..., whose paintings reflect his keen appetite for recording the realities of the human experience

Thomas Eakins

The fabrication of cast iron rails and bridge elements inspired Darby to work with architect ....... in designing the Coalbrookdale Bridge

Thomas F. Pritchard

Because the appeal neoclassicism was due in part to the values which it was associated morality, idealism, patriotism, And civic virtue it is not surprising that in the new American republic,... Spearhead a movement to adopt neoclassicism as the national architectural style

Thomas Jefferson

..., Often referred to as the leader of the Hudson river school, best articulated this idea

Thomas cole

And..., John's paint it a trio of overlapping American national banners of decreasing size, with the smallest closest to the viewer, reversing traditional perspective which causes the diminution of size was distance

Three flags

... Leibl most famous work and Characteristically depicts the life of rule peasants in Bavaria

Three women in a village church

A master of illusionistic ceiling painting in the Baroque tradition, .... Adapted the bright and cheerful colors and weightless figures of small Rococo easel paintings to huge ceiling frescoes.


What Delacrouix Saw in north Africa aside at his imagination with fresh impressions that lasted throughout his life and resulted in paintings such as... Which he completed more than two decades after his trip

Tiger hunt

In addition to being a tribute to the successful transition to peace, ... is and elegy to the thousands of soldiers who did not return from the war

Veteran in a new field

This harvest is far more so boring and depressing than that in Winslow Homer's Civil War painting...

Veteran in a new field

In works such as ...Dubuffet first built up an ...a layer of thickly applied pigment of plaster, glue, sand, asphalt, and other common materials, on which he painted or included crude images of the king that children, the insane, and scrawled of graffiti produce

Vie inquiete Impasto

This was the frat age of English satirical writing. And Hogarth is who admired that literary genre and included Henry fielding, the author of .......

Tom Jones

One of the leading minimalist sculptures was New Jersey native..., Who created simple volumetric sculptures such as...

Tony Smith Die

ended thirty years war in 1648; granted right to individual rulers within the Holy Roman Empire to choose their own religion-either protestant or catholic

Treaty of Westphalia (1648)

Pugin was also the author of the influential..., which..consulted for his new gothic trinity church in New York City

True principles of pointed for Christian architecture Richard Upjohn

... Presents a panoramic view of the sun setting over the majestic landscape

Twilight in the wilderness

... Dates to the 1860s, when the Civil War was tearing apart the no longer United States

Twilight in wilderness

Certainly, the storm and stress captured in his... Recall similar characteristics of the group of laocoon and his two sons


..... plan features undulating lines and a dynamic compostiion of tangent ovals and circles. it is even more complex than Borromini's influential church plans.


......was one of the few women admitted to the royal academy of painting and sculpture

Vigee Le Brun

In contrast to ......., labile guiard, her older contemporary, depicted herself as a teacher

Vigee Le Brun

The newly important middle class embraced art, and paintings such as .....particularly each gesture and each nuance of sentiment and reacted with tumultuous enthusiasm

Village Bride

His beata Beatrix is ostensibly a portrait of a literary figure Beatrice, from dante's...

Vita nuova

... Presents basic geometric boxes constructed of brass and red plexiglass and disguised by paint or other materials


Canova clearly based his work on Greek statuary the census pose and semi nude body recall Hellenist it works such as... And the reclining figure has parallels on Roman sarcophagus lids, on which Roman women frequently assume the guise of Venus

Venus de Milo

Le vau, le brun, le notre This establishment was the first structure he created to show his status as a rich powerful ruler, showing his ability to create order. The gardens are a symetrical and geometrical design creating a harmony within the whole design. The vast lines within the garden also respresnt order and the order of the palace and the king. The lavish decorations are a representation of his powerful connections and representation of his wealth as a king. also showing its boroque and how it was the center of everything, and was changed as the capitol of france.

Versailles (Palace and Gardens)

... also comments symbolically about death

Veteran in a new field

At the end of the war he painted...

Veteran in a new field

........fete galante paintings depict the outdoor amusements of French upper-class society. the haze of color suited the new Rococo taste and was the hallmark of the Royal Academy's Rubenistes


.... major innovation was to blend contemporary subject matter in costumes with the grand tradition of history painting.


by next using an ..., flack could duplicate the smooth gradations of tone and color found in photographs.


after mother's death tinggold created... a quilt composed of dyed, painted, and pieced fabric.

Who's afraid of aunt jemima

In Germany... Shared the French realist commitment to representing the contemporary world and real people in his paintings

Wilheim leibl

Dutch born... Also developed a gestural abstractionist style

Willem deKooning

Visionary English poet, painter, and engraver...

William Blake

Across the channel, truly English style of painting emerged with......., who stiricrd the lifestyle of the newly prosperous middle class with comic zest

William Hogarth

Realism received as a specially warm welcome in the United States. One of the leading American realist painters was... Of Boston

Winslow Homer

Among the canvases Delacrouix Painted immediately upon his return to France is..., Which captivated the public when exhibited in the 1834 salon

Women of Algiers

.....specialized in dramatically lit paintings celebrating the move the scientific instruments of the industrial revolution.


one of the most innovative 21st century architects is recently deceased iraqi deconstructivist ...,the first woman to win the pritzker architecture prize, the architectural equivalent of the nobel prize in literature

Zaha Hadid

Muybridge presented his work to scientist and general audiences with a device called D..., Which he invented to project his sequences of images mounted on special glass plates onto the screen


A cartoon is __________________.

a preliminary drawing for a painting

a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)


Latin, "dark room." An ancestor of the modern camera in which a tiny pinhole, acting as a lens, projects an image on a screen, the wall of a room, or the ground-glass wall of a box; used by artists in the 17th, 18th, and early 19th centuries as an aid in drawing from nature.

camera obscura

A rising merchant class, whose success depended on individual effort and talent instead of inherited nobility, spawned a new economic system—the early stage of European ____________________.


The ______________________ church is so called because the various aspects of the interior resemble one another, no matter where an observer stands.

central plan

In drawing or painting, the treatment and use of light and dark, especially the gradations of light that produce the effect of modeling


the most prominenet heir today to smithson's art works movement in canadian andy goldworthy but the most famous environmental artists of the pat few decasess are .. and ..

christo jeanne claude

...of new zealand, for example, carried on the maori tradtition of woodcarving into the 21st century, but in a distinctly modern style in works such as ...

cliff whiting tawhirimatea

th epublic reacted very differently to the installation in 2004 in chicago's millennium park of ... a 33 foot tall and 66 foot long polished stainless steel abstract sculpture by the recently knighted mumbai born british sculptor ....

cloud gate anish kapoor

... A characteristic example, consist of simple geometric forms cubes in rectangular bars

cubi xii

... Is a collection of around here at units are out with their heads protruding, within a collective cloak dotted with holes

cumul 1

Da Vinci originated the modern method of scientific illustration incorporating _________________.

cutaway views

Some of the most interesting site specific artworks being created today are by korean ... who studied at seoul national university,, the rhode island school of design, and yale university.

do-ho suh

Hans Memling's many paintings of the Virgin portray young, slight, pretty princesses, each holding a ___________________ infant Jesus.


_______________________— portraits of the individual(s) who commissioned (or "donated") the work— became very popular in the 15th century.

donor portraits

the destructive effects of industrial plants and mines on the environment have been the motivation for the photographs of manufactured landscapes by canandian ..

edward burtynesky

probably the most unusual abstract artworks being created today are those of ghana born and educated... who unique among african artists, established his international reputation without moving his studio to erope or america

el anatsui

two contemporary artists who have experimented with alternate shapes are ... and...

elizabeth murray helen oji

the brutality of urban life and warfare was the focus of painter...during his long career

leon golub

A type of engraving in which the design is incised through a layer of wax or varnish on a copper plate; after the incising, the plate is immersed in acid, which eats away at any exposed portions of the plate


She called thes works ... from the French.. and a inversion of the French .. from...

femmages femme homage homme

perhaps the most emotionally wrenching recent artworks to express outrage against war in general and specifically the inhumane treatment of prisoners is the large series of paintings and drawings by colombian artist ...

fernando botero

Watteau was largely responsible for creating a specific type of Rococo painting genre called .....("fallant [outdoor}party")

fete galante

In the Tribute Money, mural Masaccio created the figures' bulk through modeling not with a ________________________ lacking an identifiable source but with a light coming from a specific source outside the picture.

flat, neutral light

... is a documentary photograph of the first of the earth/body sculptures in the Silueta series.

flowers on body

In The Last Supper Da Vinci uses Jesus's head as the _______________.

focal point

In the pictorial arts and sculpture, the casual representation of everyday life and surroundings. Also a type, style, or category of art.

genre scene

show ordinary people engaged in activities of everyday life

genre scenes

It is hard to imagine a sharp contrast with the almost invisible agricultural works in constanble...

hay wain

...depicts mary in a manner that departs radically from conventional renaissance and later representations.

his the holy virgin mary

The destruction of religious or sacred images.


the representation of the three-dimensional world on a two-dimensional surface in a manner that creates the illusion that the person, object, or place represented is three-dimensional


The network of economic activity that transcends national boundaries.

international economy

Gallipiolis ohio native... studied art at ohio university and the rhode island school of design

jenny holzer

fellow the leading figure painter in the freud mold of the younger generation of european and american artists

jenny saville

in the united states new yorker... who wrote and directed a 1996 film about fellow artist jean michel basquiat has like anselm kiefer experimented widely with media and materials in his forceful restatements of the premises of abstract expressionism

julian schnabel

it is hard to imagine a more vivid contrast with the figures portrayed by saville and smith than the exuberantly animated, joyful cartoonlike figures in the paintings of ..., who like jean michel basquiat began his career as a street artist in new york city

keith haring

a distinctly unflattering approach to the representation of the human body is also the hallmark of the sculptures of new york based... the daughter of minimalist sculptor tony smith

kiki smith

the shinto beliefs in the generative forces in nature and in humankind position as part of the totality of nature hold great appeal for ...

kimio tsuchiya

A picture showing natural scenery, without narrative content.


... was to be a speaker's platform for protesters, and orginally the lipstick tip was a drooping red vinyl balloon that the speaker had to inflate, underscoring the sexual innuendo.


Vandalism and exposure to the elements caused so much damge to ... that it had to be removed, and Oldenburg reconstructed it in metal and fiberglass


Jan van Eyck,s Man in a Red Turban, is the first known Western painted portrait in a thousand years where the sitter ______________________________.

looks directly at the viewer

in... weems and a man smokinjg a cigarette play cards while sonsuming alcohol.

man smoking/ malcolm x

known simply by her first name, ... grew up in a wealthy, widely traveled venezuelan family

marisol escobar

two artists who exemplify that aspect of contemporary art are... and ... who recently mounted a major exhibition in venice italy, that filled two museums on the grand canal

mark tansey damien hirst

many contemporary artists are combining new and traditional media to create vast and complex multimedia installations. one of these artists is ... who studied art at yale university.

matthew barney

the now acclaimed war memorial was designed in 1981 by ... when she was a 21 year old student at the yale school of architecture

maya ying lin

Latin, "reminder of death." In painting, a reminder of human mortality, usually represented by a skull.

memento mori

A characteristic example is ... based on Jacques lous david's painting of the same subject

napoleon leading the army over the alps

Most scholars regard Brunelleschi's Ospedale degli Innocenti as the first building to embody the ____________________________________.

new Renaissance decorative style

By converting to figure to... Women in a Turkish harem, ingress, unlike Canova, many strong concession to the burgeoning romantic taste for orientalist subjects


The Retable de Champmol foreshadowed another significant development in 15th- century art: the widespread adoption of _______________________, which Broederlam mixed with tempera in this alterpiece.

oil paints

because many superrealists used photographs as sources fdor their imagery, art historians also refer to this postwar art movement as ...


a public square or marketplace, esp. in an Italian town.


likeness of a person, especially ones showing up in paintings

portraits (individual or group)

A new age blossomed in the 15th century with a sudden technological advance that had widespread effects—the invention by Johannes Gutenberg of moveable type around 1450 and the development of the ____________________________.

printing press

this is cerainly the case with ... by ... which makes a powerful statement about racism in america

public enemy david hammons

a ceiling design in which painted scenes are arranged in panels resembling framed pictures transferred to the surface of a shallow, curved vault.

quadro riportato

another controversial memorial commisioned for a specific historical setting is the viennese holocaust memorial by british sculptor ...

rachel whiteread

The term derived from the French word ____ ("pebble"), but it referred especially to the small stones and shells used to decorate grotto interiors.


Daumier Pectoral manner is rough and spontaneous and that approach to representation, which is a central characteristic of realist art, I can't in large measure for... Remarkable force.

rue transnonain

the issue that initiated the Protestant Reformation--paying a fee to the Church so that a person could escape purgatory and go to heaven (began in the Crusades) used to raise money for the Church

sale of indulgences

street violence and armed combat are themes that have also been explored in depth by... in paintings such as ...and by ...especially in a series of photomontages called...

sandow birk death of manuel house beautiful

an image of the artist made by the artist


did same subject over and over again

series painting

Da Vinci used _________________ , the subtle modeling of forms through the gradual transition from light to shadow and the blurring of the edges of forms


born in iran, .... grew up in a westernized home and attended a catholic boarding school in tehran before leaving her homeland to study art in california where she earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from the university of california, berkeley

shirin neshat

Mendieta best known series... consists of approximately 200 earth body works completed between 1973 and 1980


picture depicting an arrangement of art the picture

still lives

A picture depicting an arrangement of inanimate objects


In this work of overwhelming emotional power, Mantegna presented both a harrowing study of a ______________________ cadaver and an intensely poignant depiction of a biblical tragedy.

strongly foreshortened

like the pop artists, the artists associated with... sought a form of artistic communication more accessible to the public than the remote, unfamiliar visual language of the abstract expressionists, post painterly abstractionists, and minimalists.


..depicts a group of congolese citizens staring transfixed at colorful pictures of life beyond africa displayed on 14 television screens

ta tele

Exquisitely wrought furniture, enchanting small sculptures, ornamented mirror frames, crystal chandeliers, delightful ceramics and silver plates and goblets, small painting, and decorative .... complemented the architecture, relief sculptures, and mural paintings.


bridging the boundar between freestanding sculpture and installation art is the work of brooklynite ... one of the leading contemporary sculptors producing abstract work

tara donovan

painting in the "shadowy manner," using violent contrasts of light and dark, as in the work of Caravaggio. the term derives from tenebroso.


chinese painter... attended the national art college in hangzhou, graduating in 1942 and then studied painting in paris at the ecole nationale superieuredes beaux arts from 1946 to 1950, when he returned to china to take up teaching postions at several prestigious art academies

wu guanzhong

also unleashing a heated public debate, but for different reasons and with a decidedly different outcome, san franciscan ...who worked in steel mills in california before studying art at yale university

tilted arc richard serra

whereas viola, piper, and other contemporary artists present video and digital imagery to their audiences on familiar flat screens, thus reproducing the format in which we most often come into ontact with electronic images, new yorker ... who studied art at the california insitute of the arts manipulates his images, projecting them onto sculptura objects

tony oursler

the deomratic republic of congo's ... is a painter trained in western artistic techniques and styles who creates works that fuse western and congolese images and objects in a pictorial blend providing social commentary on present day congolese culture

trigo piula

French, "fools the eye." A form of illusionistic painting that aims to deceive viewers into believing that they are seeing real objects rather than a representation of those objects.

trompe l-oeil

Beginning in 1977 sherman produced a series of more than 80 black and white photographs called...

untitled film stills

Flack's still life includes multiple references to death and alludes to Dutch ... paintings


Latin, "vanity." A term describing paintings (particularly 17th-century Dutch still lifes) that include references to death.


Rossellino's monument in honor of Leonardo Bruni established the ________________________ as a major genre of Italian Renaissance sculpture.

wall tomb probably th emost prominent south african artist to take up that cause

willie bester

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