Art History Exam 4

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what are art movement arose in the United States as a result of the emigration of European artists after World War II?

Abstract Expressionism

Who famously said of this artwork, "What you see is what you see"?

Frank Stella

What techniques did Jean Dubuffet employ in Vie Inquiete (uneasy life)?


Which New York artists evolved in style to compositionally simple paintings in which color was the primary conveyer of meaning

Mark Rothko

Francis Bacon's paintings detailing the horrors and brutally of war often feature which class of object?


Charles Moore's postmodernist Piazza d'Italia is located in which American city?

New Orleans

Which element of Donald Judd's sculpture Untitled reflects his intention of banishing ambiguity from his work and using a visual vocabulary that does not deceive as illusionism would?

Plexiglas material

Which 20th century art movement sought to harness the communicative power of art to reach a wide audience?

Pop Art

What printing method did Andy Warhol employ to create multiple images of the same object, such as a coke bottle or a soup can?


In creating his sculptures specifically for open-air settings, what element did David Smith prioritize?

Surface Texture

By what term did Barnett Newman refer to the narrow lines that run vertically through the color fields of his paintings?


What was the source of the images of women de Kooning used as the focus of his Woman series

Advertising billboards

Which phrase best characterizes the sculptural works of Louise Bourgeois such as Cumul I?

Biomorphic Surrealism

Which artist is synonymous with the Op Art movement, relying on a pointillist manner to create the impression of movement and depth?

Bridget Riley

Barnett Newman and Mark Rothko are artists who worked in which style?

Chromatic abstraction

Which of the following artists is best known for his large-scale portraits?

Chuck Close

As evident in Ellsworth Kelly's painting Red Green Blue, which of the following is NOT one of the elements be considered essential to painting?


Post painterly abstractionists most differed from the abstract expressionists in which aspect of their work?

Cool, detached rationality

Audrey Flack's Marilyn is a meant as a reference to which earlier painting genre?

Dutch Vanitas paintings

What title did Arshile Gorky give to this work?

Garden in Sochi

Which of the following artists was a color field painter, who poured diluted paint onto unprimed canvas to emphasize that painting is simply pigment on a flat surface?

Helen Frankenthaler

The work of which artist exemplifies gestural abstraction?

Jackson Pollock

Which painter revolutionized the preparation and use of the canvas?

Jackson Pollock

Which female abstract expressionist artists painted this untitled work, with its asymmetrical composition?

Joan Mitchell

This monochromatic sculpture, incorporating found objects in frames, by Louise Nevelson is meant to evoke what mood?

Mystery and magic

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