Art MO4 quiz ch 10, Art MO3, ART MO1, quiz 1, Ch.1-3, Art MO2 quiz 2( ch.4-7

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The development of what building material enabled the Romans to revolutionize architecture?

. Concrete

What is the central feature of the plan of the palace of Knossos, shown here?

. Courtyard

Which culture had the greatest influence in Rome during the Archaic period?

. Etruscan

Which critical raw material can be found in abundance on the mainland and many islands of Greece?

. Marble

Which color was associated with the Roman emperor?

. Purple

When did the New Palace (Late Minoan) period begin on Crete?

1700 BCE

What was the date and purpose of the Edict of Milan?

313, recognized Christianity as a legal religion equal to the cults of the traditional gods

In what year did the Persians sack the Athenian Acropolis?

480 BCE

When did the eruption of Mount Vesuvius cover Pompeii and the other cities surrounding the Bay of Naples?

79 CE

Who appears as the central figure in this relief?

A combination of these figures

Which of the following is not thought to be the function of the megalithic monument at Stonehenge?

A historical memorial

How long did the Eastern Christian Empire (Byzantium) remain a cultural and political entity?

A millennium

What is the most likely function of the Neolithic site of Göbekli Tepe?

A religious center

Which of the following items was made by an additive technique?

A welded bronze warrior

Which settlement is associated with the beginning of large-scale, or monumental, sculpture?

Ain Ghazal

Which pharaoh abandoned the worship of the multitude of Egyptian gods in favor of Aton?


What aspect of the codex form enabled the production of elaborately decorated texts?

Animal skin was a good base for painting.

The pose of the Aule Metele statue most resembles that of which work?

Apoxyomenos of Lysippos

Which people dwelled in lands peripheral to the Byzantine and Sassanian empires at the time Islam arose?


In their stillness, stylized gestures, and frontality, the figures in this painting most resemble those of which Roman monument?

Arch of Septimius Severus

At Persepolis, the style of the processional reliefs depicting representatives of many nations is highly reminiscent of which contemporaneous culture?

Archaic Greece

How was the sole god of Akhenaton represented in Egyptian art?

As a sun disk

What do art historians call an element such as the winged man, eagle, lion, and ox accompanying the pictures of the four Gospel authors?


What effect did the use of concrete allow the Romans to achieve in architecture?

Build massive structures that shaped the enclosed space

Which of the following is a Late Byzantine church?

Christ in Chora, Constantinople

Which building did Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus build for Justinian?

Church of Holy Wisdom

Which monument does the continuous storytelling technique used in this page from the Vienna Genesis most resemble?

Column of Trajan

The Late Byzantine Anastasis from Christ in Chora exhibits which of the following?

Consistent vision of the eternal

Which emperor founded the "New Rome on the Bosporus" in the East in 324?


What innovative aspect of Hellenistic art does this statue convey?

Cosmopolitan realism

Which group occupied and sacked Constantinople in 1204, carting away much of its material wealth?


What pictorial narrative convention is not present on the Warka Vase?

Descriptive inscriptions

Which artwork reveals the continued attachment to pagan style and iconography among the Roman upper classes after the Theodosian ban in 391?

Diptych of the Symmachi

Who of the following was not a Fourth Dynasty pharaoh?


In which period were monumental Islamic tombs virtually unknown?

Early Islamic period

Which group had the greatest influence on the first truly monumental stone statues of the Greeks?


What is the term for the pronounced swelling at the middle of the column shaft?


In their construction, catacombs most resembled which earlier funerary structures?

Etruscan tomb chambers

Which vase painter utilized the potential of the red-figure technique to break away from the conventional composite profile for human figures?


What vase painter is the acknowledged master of the black-figure technique?


Cycladic figurines share which subject with Paleolithic art?

Female human

The army of Charles Martel stopped the Muslim advance into the lands of which modern country?


The Eshnunna votive statuettes and the statue of Napir-Asu share what formal characteristics?

Frontality and cylindrical volume

Which figure did not appear in the synagogue paintings of Dura-Europos?


What element of the mosaics of the Great Mosque of Damascus suggest they are the work of Byzantine mosaicists?

Gold background

The builders of which structure used salvaged masonry blocks, columns, and capitals from Roman and Early Christian structures?

Great Mosque, Damascus

The decoration of the Ficoroni Cista is most likely an adaptation of what art type?

Greek panel painting

Which 19th-century person first uncovered the cities of Troy, Mycenae, and Tiryns?

Heinrich Schliemann

What was the thematic emphasis of much of Trajan's building program in Rome?

His victories against the Dacians

After fire destroyed the earlier church during the Middle Byzantine period, the new Saint Mark's was modeled after which of the following churches?

Holy Apostles, Constantinople

What is the theme of the mosaic program of San Vitale in Ravenna?

Holy ratification of the emperor Justinian's right to rule

Which falcon-headed god was the son of Osiris and hunted down his father's murderer, Seth?


What was the primary objective of mummification?


Which of the following is NOT a likely source of information regarding now-lost Greek panel paintings?


Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe the pool and grotto of Hadrian's villa at Tivoli?

It included typical Greek arcuated colonnades.

What does the provenance of an artwork tell the art historian?

Its place of origin

The entrance portal at the Imam Mosque in Isfahan is notable for what aspect?

Its tilework

What city, sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims, is the site of the Dome of the Rock?


Which aspect of this mosaic from the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia is no longer rooted in the naturalist classical tradition?

Jesus carries a cross-scepter and wears purple.

The prohibition in the Second Commandment regarding the worship of images made the decorative program of which structure a surprise to art historians?

Jewish synagogue at Dura-Europos

Whose reign marks the golden age of Early Byzantine art?


What forms the decoration of this Samarkand ware plate?

Kufic script

The reliefs from the palace at Ninevah show Ashurbanipal hunting which creature?


Which dynasty was in power for much of the Middle Byzantine period?


What was the Islamic political and cultural center in the early centuries of the religion's history?


What is the most salient feature of the climatic environment of northern Europe around 9000 BCE?

Melting ice

What transitional period occurred just before Europe became climatically, geographically, and biologically much as it is today?

Mesolithic era

Which of the following art forms is NOT known to have flourished under the patronage of Shah Tahmasp?


What architectural elements (located on the southern and northern corners of the enclosure) of the Great Mosque in Damascus are the earliest in the Islamic world?


What was the source of the Etruscan accumulation of wealth and luxury goods in the seventh century BCE?

Mining and trade

Which component is lacking from large Neolithic fortifications and megalithic structures?


What was the function of cubicula in the Christian catacombs of Rome?

Mortuary chapels

The perfect aesthetic intertwining of calligraphy and tile on this mihrab was achieved by what tiling technique

Mosaic tilework

Which Old Testament figure is highlighted alongside Christ in the mosaic program of the church at Mount Sinai?


Which artwork is an example of cuerda seca tilework?

Muqarnas from the entrance portal of the Imam Mosque, Isfahan

What was the purpose of the three-cella plan of Etruscan temples?

One chamber each for Tinia, Uni, and Menrva

Constantine XI died in 1453 vainly defending Constantinople against which group?

Ottoman Turks

Which Middle Byzantine object type best demonstrates the complete rejection of iconoclasm?

Painted icon

The synagogue at Dura-Europos has an extensive program of decoration in what medium?

Painting on plaster

An art historian writing a comparative analysis would most likely focus on the differences in which aspect of the two artists' paintings?


Which of the following is an important convention for the organization of forms in a pictorial space?


What explains the large size of tesserae used in Early Christian church mosaics as compared to earlier Roman Republican mosaics?

Placement in building

Which of the following sets of terms represent graphical representations of an architectural structure?

Plan, elevation, section

What was the primary focus of much Classical art?

Portraying ideal beauty in human form

What architectural technique is used at the far-flung Neolithic sites of Hagar Qim and Stonehenge?

Post and lintel

Who are the figures called orants in Christian art?

Praying people

Which term refers to the Early Christian view of how events in the Old Testament and the New Testament are related to each other?


That her statue was intended as a permanent votive offering


What is the name of the sculptural element in the form of a bull shown here?


Which of the following is NOT a component of a Greek theater such as the one at Epidauros?


What is the effect created by the muqarnas in this dome from the Hall of the Abencerrajes?

Reflect light

What metalworking technique was used to make the Vapheio cup and the Mycenaean gold mask?


Etruscan art and iconography had a great influence on which culture?


Which culture was both heir and imitator of the art and architecture of Greece?


What legendary figures founded Rome as a modest village of huts on April 21, 753 BCE?

Romulus and Remus

In clarifying the importance of the Old Testament to Christians, who claimed "the New Testament is hidden in the Old; the Old is clarified by the New"?

Saint Augustine

What is the contemporary name of the monastery in Egypt that Justinian had expanded and fortified by his builders?

Saint Catherine, Mount Sinai

The octagonal dome of the Dome of the Rock most closely resembles which structure?

San Vitale, Ravenna

Which early church had a mosaic program that included many subjects common to Roman funerary art—such as putti and wine—that could be given a Christian interpretation?

Santa Costanza

Which millennium witnessed the high points of the ancient Aegean civilizations?

Second millennium BCE

What is the name of the chancellor/architect-engineer who served during the reign of Hatshepsut?


What element of this mosaic shows that Theodora is not quite equal in status with her husband?

She is still outside the sanctuary.

Who is the most famous Ottoman architect?


Why did Sultan Hasan have his mausoleum placed at the southern part of the madrasa complex he built in Cairo?

So those praying to Mecca would face his tomb

In what way does this painting differ from contemporaneous decoration of Roman houses?

Subject matter

Which of the following artists is not known as a master of calligraphy or manuscript painting?


Dura-Europos is a town overlooking the Euphrates River in which modern country?


In which modern country is there NOT a structure rebuilt or refurbished by Justinian?


What does the inscription on the statue of Queen Napir-Asu tell us?

That her statue was intended as a permanent votive offering

What is the date of the phase of the city of Troy that scholars now believe was the Troy of Homeric epic?

The 13th century BCE

What accounts for the similarity of the statue of Mentuemhet to the figure of Menkaure in the statue of Menkaure and Khamerernebty?

The Egyptian canon

What is considered the first great work of Greek literature?

The Iliad

Which two rivers defined the territory of the Etruscan cities?

The Tiber and the Arno

Which two objects share decorative technique and materials?

The bull-headed harp and the Standard of Ur

Which of the following statements about this Ardabil carpet is NOT true?

The central sunburst motif represents the moon in a starry sky.

What architectural form makes this temple at Hagar Qim especially noteworthy?

The combination of straight and curved forms

What symbol is found on architectural elements throughout the palatial center at Knossos?

The double ax

Which is an example of the internal evidence an art historian might use to date a work of art?

The hairstyle of the sculpture belongs to a specific period in Roman history.

In certain eras, such as pharaonic Egypt or imperial Rome, which class of individual had the most influence on the final appearance of a work of art?

The patron

What Middle Kingdom form took on the function of the Old Kingdom mastabas?

The rock-cut tomb

What great human advance accounts for the Neolithic origins of metalwork, weaving, pottery, and simple clay records?

The settlement into organized societies around agriculture

How do the materials of the paintings from Çatal Höyük differ from Paleolithic paintings?

They are made using brushes on a prepared surface.

Why are the man and woman on the Cerveteri sarcophagus shown in a reclining position?

They are shown at a banquet

Why was foreign trade such an important activity for the Sumerians?

They had few natural resources.

Although cylinder seals originally had an administrative use—for specific individuals to verify and secure inventory—what is their value to contemporary art historians?

They provide details of everyday life.

Why did the Byzantine emperors call themselves Romans and their empire Rome?

They saw themselves as the legitimate successors to ancient Rome.

Rome is located on which river?


The uniformity imposed by the centralized authority of the Roman Empire is best exemplified by which city?


What is the explanation for the double rows of arches in the prayer hall of the Mezquita, shown here?

To account for the height of the reused columns

What was the purpose of Egyptian royal portraiture?

To highlight the divinity of the pharaoh

Which aspect of the plan of Old Saint Peter's is unusual for an early church?


What was the effect of the gold background of tesserae in church mosaics?

Transferred figures from the real world to the spiritual plane

What was the Greek name for the Etruscans?


What is the art historical lesson told by these two portraits of the same individual?

Understanding the cultural context of artworks is vital to art history.

Which manuscript contains the earliest known illustrated dedication page?

Vienna Dioskorides

The mixing of peoples that resulted in the Etruscan culture occurred when?

Villanovan period, first millennium BCE

Which ancient author provides information about Etruscan architecture?


How do art historians know so much about the liturgical ceremonies that took place inside Hagia Sophia during the period that church was built?

Writings of Procopius

What earlier architectural form does the stepped pyramid resemble in form but not purpose?


Which of the following is not an example of the interdisciplinary nature of 21st-century art historical inquiry?

costume designer replicates the garments seen in a painting for a play.

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