Art Through History - South Americas

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Another version of a quipu was discovered, what is it called and why is it so exciting?

Hieroglyphic Quipu - writing system

What three animals are considered to be polymorphs?

1. Felines 2. Reptilians 3. Avians

Name at least 5 other uses for textiles besides record-keeping, clothing, and blankets

1. Mummy Bundles 2. Soft sculptures 3. Bowls 4. Boats 5. Portable houses for camping

Name the five types of stirrup-sprout vessels by the Moche culture? And the features?

1. Portrait vessels: characterization of person 2. Figural Vessels: scenes of people and their daily lives 3. Deck-figure vessel: sexual intercourse, Lord and the feline, ear spools 4. Parts-Portraits Vessel: body parts: hands, feet, breasts 5. Fineline Painting Vessel: white background with red paint that dries black illustrating fineline designs on them

Chimu are famous for what kind of architecture?

Adobe architecture and relief carvings

What does the female staff god represent?

Agriculture and earth goddness

A later textiles that was woven on a simple device. What was it called?

Backstrap Loom: device worn by the weaver by putting a strap around their back and the other end would attach to something like a pillar. they would pull back and forth between the thread.

What was the capital of the Sican?

Batan Grande

Why were these two large pyramids destroyed by the Spanish?

Because they looted the prized possessions that were buried within each tier of the pyramid with the rules when they died

What two kinds of stonework architecture did the Inca produce?

Boulder masonry and the Ashlar masonry

Beast-of-burden native to Americas; what animal is this? What are the four major species?

Camelids 1. llamas 2. guanacos 3. alpacas 4. vicunas

What other motif was very popular in Paracas textiles?

Cat Textile

What kinds of textiles are the Paracas most famous for making?

Cat Textile, Bird Impersonators, and the "Dancing Figure"

What was the capitol of Moche?

Cerro Blanco

What is the capital of Chimu?

Chan Chan

These cultures used textiles for a special kind of robe that was a blanket worn around the shoulders. What was this called?

Chavin - Mantle

What culture developed a technologically advanced ceramic vessel. What is this vessel called? Why?

Chavin - Stirrup-spout Vessel. It looks like a stirrup and can be attached to animal

What was the culture during the Early Horizon?

Chavin culture

What was the culture unifying force behind the Early Horizon?

Chavin culture

Chavin is named after what capital city?

Chavin de Huantar

The Sican were absorbed by what culture?


What does the male staff god represent?

Creator and skygods

What is the capital of the Inca?


What kind of textiles are Wari-Tiwanaku famous for making? Explain the designs

Developing textiles that were extremely complex and abstract. Composed in a "zig zag step fret" design

What was a new city site that indicate that were was a horizon even earlier than the Early Horizon? How old is it?

El Caral - 2000 BCE

What were textiles that had designs that were sewn onto a finished pieced of cloth?


What other artforms did the Chimu produce?

Featherwork and incorporated it into their textiles

What does the figure in the center of the Sun Gate represent? What do the figures in the rows on each side of the central figure represent?

Figure centered on the Sun Gate was a "wing staff bearing attendant;" political

How did the Inca found their empire? How did they maintain it?

Found by great military power and conquest

What kind of architectural did the Wari-Tiwanaku produce?


The Nazca lines were properly known as what?


What is gold, in Inca mythology? What is silver?

Gold: "sweat of the sun" vs Silver: "tears of the moon"

Which are the time periods of cultural unification? What does this mean?

Horizon - a time period of cultural integration and unity

What were the two proper names of the Moche's two largest structures (pyramids)?

Huaca del Sol and Huaca de la Luna

Explain the patters on the Inca Royal Tunic?

Illustrated complex designs representing certain towns (town crest)

What else did the Chavin culture develop?

Metalwork and textles

Which are time periods of regional variation? What does this mean?

Intermediate - a time period of regional variation

The Chavin de Huantar was a U-shaped temple platform with a sunken circular plaza. Why was this significant?

It was built in the mountains and people could look down on the ceremony. Platform was used in desert cultures and sunken circle was used in mountain cultures. By combining the two it shows unity.

What is an Andean cup called?


What was on top of the Moche pyramids?

Layers for the rulers palace. When dead, another layer was added to the top.

What other forms of art did Wari-Tiwanaku do?

Mosaic mirror and metal work

the Paracas developed a new kind of vessel. What was this called?

Nazca Bridge-Spout Vessel

The Paracas were absorbed by what culture around 1 BCE?

Nazca culture

What are a motif of a Staff God?

Oculate Beings

What is the major building block of the Chavin de Huantar?

Old Temple

What are the identifying features on the polymorphs?

Pendant eyes, big U-shaped mouth, big fangs

What bold, color designed textiles were made in the Nazca culture?


What are the kind of creatures that are in low-relief stone sculptures?


The Andean grew what important crop in the mountains? How did they do this?

Potatoes, and by building terraces into the mountains

The Andean cultures had-well developed agricultural system and ended up growing what kind of foods in coastal communities?

Potatoes, beans, peanuts

What was the textile called that was used as a record-keeping device?

Quipu - Inca

This creature can be viewed right-side-up or upside-down. How do you know which view is the primary view?

Raimondi Stone - Pendant eyes are rolled to the top

Is Raimondi Stone viewed as a political or religious statue? Why?

Religious - it's complexity is beyond understanding

What kind of people do the Bird Impersonator represent? How do we know that these motifs had to do with sacrifice?

Represent dead soldiers. We know this because motif that the souls of the soldiers were thought of as birds or butterflies as they pass on

What was one of the most important discoveries about the Moche? Why is it important?

Royal Tomb of Sipan - important because of the Great Warrior Priest was inside

What other artforms did the Inca produce?

Silver Sculptures (ex: silver llama)

What figure is a variation of a polymorph and holds a scepter-like object in one or both hands?

Staff God

What were textiles that had designs that were made while cloth was woven?


What are the cultures of South America along the Andes mountain range called?

The Andean cultures

What innovation did the Bridge-Sprout Vessel have over the Stirrup-sprout vessels?

The Nazca added a round bottom to sit in sand or dirt

How is the Stirrup-sprout technologically advanced for travel in dry, hot climates?

The sturdy handle did not break off easily and prevented spilling when upside down. If cork is lost, the water will rise, hit the top of the bottle, and not evaporate.

Why did the Moche culture build platforms out of mud-brick (adobe)?

They did not have access to stone to build with

What did the Inca use for record-keeping? What did they use as a system of writing?

They used Quipu for recording keeping and Hieroglyphic Quipu for writing system

How do we know that these cultures had trade interaction with cultures of the Amazon River Basin?

Tropical bird textiles

What is an Andean sacrificial knife called?

Tumi Knife

For what type of art is Sican famous for?

Tumi Knife and Kero

What was the function of the Nazca lines? What are they associated with?

Used for ritual pilgrimage or ceremonies

What was the capitol of Wari-Tiwanaku?

Wari and Tiwanaku

Under what culture were the Andean cultures unified during the Middle Horizon?


What is the difference between warp and weft?

Warp: stationary vertical threads Weft: threads woven through warp

The five time periods of Andean cultures alternate between ______ and _______

horizon and intermediate

What is Machu Picchu?

most famous, important city on top of the Andes mountains. Thought to be an imperial vacation home for Inca royals or a hideaway for military

What do the "Dancing figure" represent?

self sacrifice because of the visible piece of spine and the figures are holding a tumi knife

What kind of features do Oculate Beings have?

streamers coming out of their front and back and are holding a severed head that may sometimes be carrying a staff

Name the identifiable traits of the Sican Deity

teardrop shaped eyes, embellishments, ear spools

Pre-Columbian vs Post-Contact

the time before Eurpoean contact in the Americas vs after the European contact in the Americas

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