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"Reading" what is "written" in images

Betrayal of Jesus Date: Renaissance Begins Significance/Why it's important: Decisive step toward humanization of religious subject matter Medium: Tempera & gold leaf on wood Original location: Italy What it illustrates: Judas' betrayal of Jesus, Peter cutting off the ear of high priest's servant Example of period: Traditional golden sky & rock formation, style of figures != flat frontal. They have mass, modeled with range of tonalities from light to dark, arranged draperies convincingly Artistic style: Wide array of individ emotions through posture, gesture & facial expressions Political/religious content: Figures = religious drama interpreted through human actions & reactions Scale: Technique: ___________________________________________________________________ All apostles abandoned Jesus He's the only one wearing an apostle in the middle of this group Judas gives Jesus a kiss, telling chief priests the one that I kiss = one you should address Peter tries to defend Jesus by slashing the right ear of the servant of the high priest with a sword, which is depicted St. Peter doesn't deserve a halo bc Peter was quite overt, bc he was getting into the action quite overtly (?) Others = fleeing bc they're cowardly Message the faithful could look at Humans fit into the groups of apostles running away --> reflection for those looking at spiritual intent in mind Physical form, garments, etc. of central figure = quite good The apprentices did some work, but they screwed up the servant's feet Can't reconcile the legs with the torso & the hands (legs in opposite directions) Man behind peter has supposedly 3 legs Lots of people on the sides have weird feet Glimpse in the organization of painting (master & apprentices)


Effects of Good Government in the City & Country, Ambrogio Lorenzetti Date: Renaissance Begins Significance/Why it's important: One of the first instances of pure landscape painting in Western art since antiquity. Medium: Fresco Original location: Hall of Peace at Siena, Italy What it illustrates: Illusionistic panorama of 14th cent city. Example of period: Artistic style: Winged figure of Security promises safety to all who live under Sienese law Political/religious content: Allegory of good govt in Sienese republic. Depicted urban & rural effects of good government Scale: Technique: Dancing = metaphor for a peaceful commonwealth ___________________________________________________________________ City looks like Sienna Lodges, buildings, magistrates, elite on their horses with following serfs, etc. Group of dancing women Can see movement and action occurring (working, walking, conducting business, buying merchandise, shepherding, etc.) Activities in roofs - someone shaking something, construction project going on, etc. Meant to be a good model for magistrate (city) Country Hilly area, herding animals, going over little bridges with arches, in foreground & background = figures Farmhouse a little further out Land being worked as it should Donkeys with burdens on them Relatively large pigs that are black with white grey bands around the center Typical breed of pigs that existed around there is also depicted in the fresco


Lamentation Date: Renaissance Begins Significance/Why it's important: First step towards chiaroscuro (contrasts of dark & light to produce modeling) Medium: Fresco Original location: Italy What it illustrates: Congregation mourns over Christ before his entombment. Mary cradles her son's body, Mary Magedelene looks solemnly at wounds in Christ's feet St. john throws his arms back dramatically. Conveys grief, convincing presences physically & psychologically Example of period: Revived classical tradition of depicting figures from the rear. Rocky setting = Byzantine. Spatial depth, body mass, light & shade incorporated, gives volume. Artistic style: Foreshortened angels seen head-on with bodies receding into background. Shallow stage for figures, bounded by thick diagonal rock incline defining horizontal ledge provides firm visual support for figures (leads the viewer's eye toward the picture's dramatic focal point at l the lower left) Political/religious content: Single dead tree = tree of knowledge of good & evil Scale: Technique: Buon fresco technique (complete each section before plaster dries). Each group has its own definition, contributes to rhythmic order of the composition Paints incomplete figures cut off by composition's frame ___________________________________________________________________ Massive bulk of seated mourner in left corner arrests & contains all movement beyond Mary & her dead son Seated mourner to the right establishes a relation with center figures, draws viewer's attention to Christ's head Figures emphasize foreground, aid the visual placement of intermediate figures back in space Contradicts Byzantine frontality, puts viewers behind the observer figures , reinforces stage as model for painting Light = graded continuum of light & shade directed by even, natural light from single steady source not shown in the picture Lowest & saddest scene bc Christ has been taken down from Cross & is on the ground Rock formation with dead tree leads down to Christ & Mary Clear focal point, even if they're not in the middle St. John becomes a human arrow bending forward, swinging arms back, arrow pointing to the same direciton Group of mourning women who, through posture, body language & glance lead us to the scene Mary Magdalene looks at Christ Holding his feet, hands, & head Line that starts from the back of the woman holding Christ's feet Tone = profound sorrow conveyed through glance, gesture & body language Adds 2 people who's backs are to us, which is the first time this is ever seen Filling out this run of people around the body of Jesus As spectators, we stand behind them & make the next row Makes us feel like we're included Angels showing great sorrow Hand gestures & glance show extreme sorrow exhibited on face Human reaction & psychology, can see garments Anguish of Mary Magdalene, lots of focus on her hair, garments, and how the face is bended & the eyes are drawn back Humanistic POV as something that's profoundly sad (parent mourning their child) Responding to death & studying him ("how could this happen, how do I deal with this?") Examining him, which is the first time that people examine death Transcends specific meaning & lets us look at it as humans. That's why it's such a great piece. Architectural form = recessed into the building


Madonna Enthroned Duccio (front) Date: Renaissance Begins Significance/Why it's important: Medium: Tempera and gold leaf on wood Original location: Italy What it illustrates: Main = Virgin enthroned as queen Heaven with chorus of angel s& saints Example of period: Frontality & symmetry = Byzantine with a twist. Relaxed rigidity (turn to each other), soft drapery (curve & fall loosely), individualized faces Artistic style: Color compassion & texture manipulation (glistening, shimmering, with motifs & design patterns) Political/religious content: Scale: 7 ft central panel with 7 pinnacles above & a predella (raised shelf) of panels at the base Technique: Eliminated gold patterning of figures' garments to create 3D volume ___________________________________________________________________ Was originally an altarpiece Stored in Museo dell'Opera del Duomo Influence of Giotto Mary sits in architectural throne See it recede into distance & her occupy that space Garments pull across knee, light strikes it See body project Christ child = sitting in space created by her knees Surrounded by angels & saints 4 saints specific to Sienna = highlighted in robes of different colors Duccio & his assistants painted this over several years 3D, light, etc. = Giotto This is conservative bc of sacred role of altarpiece Wasn't place for alterations No proper profiles (see 2 eyes in all figures) = Byzantine elements Some light flickers from elements within the picture = Byzantine Can't see textures of clothing from looking at the pictures Halos = highly textured


The Good Shepherd, Jonah, and orants Date: Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art Significance/Why it's important: Medium: Frescoed ceiling Original location: Catacomb of Saints Peter and Marcillinus, Rome, Italy What it illustrates: Lunettes show Jonah being thrown off ship, emerging from whale, contemplating the mercy of God Example of period: Similar to Ostia (circular frame, circular medallion, lunettes [semicircular frames] around circumference) Artistic style: Whale = shown as Greek monster Political/religious content: Mixing of Old/New Testament themes. Jonah = pop subject bc he symbolizes Christ's resurrection Scale: Technique: ___________________________________________________________________ Orants (praying figures) --> man, woman and child between Jonah lunettes. Frontal figures, eyes & hands up Raising arms in attitude of prayer Christian family seeking heavenly afterlife, prolly generic portraits of owners Central medallion --> Christ as Good Shepherd (powers of salvation emphasized by Jonah), emphasized by animals & trees behind him COMPARE MOTIF TO: Calf Bearer [Archaic Period] Shows New Testament = built on Old & New Testament Looks as though dome (outside) is supports inside even in the myths Depicted as Sea Monster Old Testament is "supporting" old test even symbolically


Second Style Creates illusion of depth

100 BCE - 15 BCE

Ottonian Art

10th Century

Gothic France

1140 - 1300


117 - 138 AD Trajan had no plans for succession Hadrian was on good terms with Trajan's wife. Trajan adopted Hadrian on his deathbed. Donno if this is true or not Hadrian was the next appointed emperor

Gothic Germany

1180 - 1280

Romanesque Components of Romanesque design - basilicas (length) - baths & large buildings (groin vault) - Roman buildings in general (semi-circular arch) Effect: strong, articulated, heavy, logical, mystical

11th - 12th century

Late Byzantine Art

1204 - 1453 AD

Gothic England Emphasizes linear pattern & horizontality instead of structural logic & verticality

1220 - 1520

Atonines Hadrian adopts Antoninus Pius (bc no sons of his own) Antoninus Pius adopts Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus

138 - 192 AD

Later Islamic Art

14th - 18th century

Gothic: Italy

14th Century

Third Style "Ornate Style" --> Augustus becomes emperor until the volcano erupts

15 BCE - 60 AD


193 - 235 AD

Roman Late Empire Abstraction Non-classical facial features Figure groupings Drapery Non-classical treatments of space Succession

193 - 337 CE

Soldier Emperors Death of last Severan - 284 Characteristic: continuous assassination of emperor. Rapid turnover of emperors

235 - 284 AD

Roman Early Empire

27 BCE - 96 CE

Diocletian and the Tetrarchy Made major changes. Made 4 leaders in charge of the empire (tetrarchy) West: 1 Augustus (big guy) - Maximian, 1 Ceasar (small guy) - Constantius Chlorus East: 1 Augustus (big guy) - Diocletian, 1 Ceasar (small guy) - Galerius Big guys would retire, juniors would step up, 2 new guys would come back up. Big guys retired, calamity ensued

284-306 AD

First Style "masonry style" Attempt to make walls look like marble walls through stucco paintings

2nd century - early 1st century BCE

Constantine Attributed victory in battle to Christ

306-337 AD

Late Antiquity/Early Christian Art 1) How styles & symbols developed in Jewish & early Christian art 2) Jew/Early Christ. art in light of Roman imperial religion --> multi-cultural & pluralistic & polytheistic 3) Subject matter changes, style stays the same

337 - 527 AD

Roman High Empire

3rd century

Roman Republic

509 - 27 BCE

Fourth Style

60 AD - 79 AD

Before Charlemagne

600-800 AD

Early Byzantine Art

6th century

Iconoclasm Byzantines believed they were offending God's 2nd commandment to not have images of him Decided to eliminate the images bc they were offensive to god Systematic campaign of destroying images & paintings

726 - 843

Roman Monarchy

753 - 509 BCE

Early Islamic Art History, religion & architecture of Islam

7th - 9th century

Middle Byzantine Art

843 - 1204 AD


98 - 117 AD Important Roman emperor During his reign, empire reached its greatest extent Conducted major campaigns in Asia (brought Mesopotamia into Roman empire) Oversees greatest expansion of empire Was middle aged. Is always portrayed as being middle aged (COMPARE TO: Augustus) Serious individual, adopted by Nerva bc he was a competent general that satisfied army Trajan was from Italian stock. His career spans the whole Mediterranean.

Carolingian Art

9th century

Cathedral of Autumn Nave Date: Romanesque Significance/Why it's important: Medium: Original location: What it illustrates: Example of period: Artistic style: Political/religious content: Scale: Technique: ___________________________________________________________________


Arena Chapel, Padua

Built into a roman amphitheater Small chapel, plain on outside Windows on south side allow light to come in & illuminate paintings

Fenestrated sequence of groin vaults

Could put a lot of groin vaults together to make this Put in great spaces (like bathing rooms)


Date: Significance/Why it's important: Medium: Original location: Function: Plan: How one experiences space: Example of period: Decoration in building: Political/religious content: Technique: ___________________________________________________________________


Date: Significance/Why it's important: Medium: Original location: What it illustrates: Example of period: Artistic style: Political/religious content: Scale: Technique: ___________________________________________________________________

Laocoön and His 2 Sons

Donno how to date Hellenistic art loves the dramatic Nothing's more dramatic than snakes Shows him writhing to escape the snakes Emulates Alchaeonius from Altar of Zeus relief Statue pays homage to earlier statue Expression similar to Seated Boxer, also similar to Gallic Chief & dead wife


Foundation of Rome: 753 BC Monarchy: 753 BCE - 509 BCE Roman Republic: 509 - 27 BCE Roman Empire: Begins 27

Arena Chapel Giotto Date: Renaissance Begins Significance/Why it's important: One of the most impressive & complete Christian pictorial cycles ever represented Medium: Biblical frescoes Original location: Italy What it illustrates: Lives of Virgin, her parents & Jesus Example of period: Artistic style: Naturalistic approach to representing figures in space. Project illusion of solid bodies moving through space Political/religious content: Built to atone for the moneylender's sin of usury Scale: Technique: 3 zones. Below = imitation marble veneer (sim to Roman revetment) to resemble sculpture Chapel's vaulted ceiling = blue, golden stars symbolic of Heaven Medallions bearing images of religious figures on the wall Color functions as unifying agent for decorative scheme ___________________________________________________________________

Giotto = renaissance Mixed with water on damp plaster Important for history of Renaissance Circular arches

Gothic Vaults Date: Gothic France Pointed arches channel weight of rib vaults more directly downward than do semicircular arches --> less buttressing Also makes vault appear taller than it actually is

Gothic vaults have the same heights from nave to side aisle Romanesque vaults have diff heights from nave to side aisle

Groin vault

Intersect barrel vaults with each other Makes ridges




Made out soft stone, each to carve Would bury their dead in the catacombs, seal up with front with plaster When area would fill up, they would die down * build more recessions

Hemispherical dome with oculus

Makes a circle basically

Trebonianus Gallus Date: High Roman Empire Significance/Why it's important: Medium: Bronze Original location: Rome, Italy What it illustrates: Image of brute force Example of period: Massive physique (like a wrestler's - massive legs, swollen trunk), nervous face Artistic style: Political/religious content: Scale: Over life-size Technique: ___________________________________________________________________


Complex iconographic Program

San Vitale, Ravenna Mosaics Palette of Narmer (religious activities bc Pharaoh = god, uniting Egypt [political]) & Roman (political & art statements/image on breastplate, the whole statue, eros indicating divine lineage of Augustus) Standing building with art Ares Pacis (religious, political, dynastic) Arch of Trajan (political & dynastic) Analyze the works of arts Parthenon Reconstruction, plan, Greek pediments, etc. Pediment problem Temple of Zeus @ Olympias, looks at the rearrangement of the figures to reflect new iconographic analysis Portals Lion sculpture @ Mycenea vs Moissac Propylia at Acropolis Middle Byzantine church of Hosus Loukas Mosaic program

Roman Middle Empire

Second Century


Space Light Volume Weight

Head of Odysseus

Sperlonga Very similar expressions Found in Grotto at Villa of Tiberius Hellenistic in every way, except for the date

Classical vs Non-Classical

St. Matthew depictions Charlemagne vs Suton Hoo purse lid 3 classical, 3 non-classical

Barrel Vaults

Take 2 straight walls, put cyclical arch over it, extend arch into space Helps reduce outward pressure on thin walls


323 - 31 BCE Turning point of art (when Alexander the Great died to when Cleopatra died) 3 characteristics: motion, emotion, drama Expansion of the repertoire

Late Classical

400 - 323 BCE (death of Alexander the Great)

Early Classical Period

480 - 400 BCE

Early and High Classical Period

480 - 400 BCE

Etruscan Classical & Hellenistic

480 - 89 BCE

Archaic Period

600 - 480 BCE

Etruscan Archaic

600 - 480 BCE

Etruscan Orientalizing

700 - 600 BCE

Orientalizing Period

700 - 600 BCE

Geometric Period

800 - 700 BCE


A hip lifts and the body curves at hips, waist and shoulders

The burial mound of the Athenians and plataens at Marathon

Archaic period At this battle, Athenians & platens defeated powerful Persian army If Athenians hadn't won that battle, history would've been drastically changed

Severe Style Traits

Early classical period Facial features (eyelid, chins = heavy, drapery = heavy) Draper (look like doves) Change in subject matter (inc in characterization, no loner just the type or male and female. More representation) Interest in motion Sometimes the moment of rest before/after violent motion (You know it's apparent) Emotion Predominant use of bronze


MIDTERM: Use anything from early classical periods Use examples that stand for the group instead of total


North of Rome = main area (scattered all around Italy) Rome - sandwiched between Etruscans on north, greeks on south (are influenced by people around them) 800 - 100 BC

Polygnotos - Fifth century wall painting

Nothing survives because the walls don't survive

Coded language

Parthenon marbles = should be returned to Greece

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