Arts and Humanities Quick Recall Questions Part II

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Albrecht Durer

He was a German Renaissance painter. Who produced engravings of a saint in his study and a knight traveling horseback through a nightmarish scene?


He was a workmate of Laura's brother. Identify this young man who serves as the physical representation of all of Laura's and Amanda's desires who is invited to the Wingfield's house for dinnerwith the intent of being Laura's first gentleman caller in Tennessee Williams' "The Glass Menagerie".

(Abraham) Lincoln

Aaron Copland composed a "Portrait" for speaker and orchestra based on the speeches of what president?


Accelerando, rubato, and ritardando are all terms related to what musical element?


According to Buddhism, wisdom leads to what?


According to Vasari, he was the best painter of his generation because of his skill at imitating nature, recreating lifelike figures and movements as well as a convincing sense of three-dimensional objects. Identify the painter of the Brancacci Chapel, in which he created "Expulsion from the Garden of Eden" and "Tribute Money", the Pisa altarpiece, and "Holy Trinity"?

(Emma) Watson

As a UN Goodwill Ambassador, which actress has advocated for the HeforShe gender equality campaign since 2014?

(The) Assumption of the Virgin

At the right is a painting in which was commissioned by King Philip the II in Toledo. What is this painting, by El Greco?

(Hieronymus) Bosch

He is widely considered one of the most notable representatives of Early Netherlands painting school. His work is known for its fantastic imagery, detailed landscapes, and illustrations of religious concepts and narratives.Within his lifetime his work was collected in the Netherlands, Austria, and Spain, and widely copied, especially his macabre and nightmarish depictions of hell. What Renaissance painter, known by his triptych altarpieces, created the Adoration of the Magi, The Garden of Earthly Delights, The Haywain, Death and the Miser, The Temptation of St Anthony, and Christ Carrying the Cross?

(Babe) Ruth

He was an American League left-handed pitcher 1916 to 1918 who was then moved to left field in 1919. Nicknamed the Bambino, identify this hitter who amassed 714 homeruns and whose success helped build Yankee Stadium and the Yankee baseball dynasty.

Romantic (period)

During what period did Giuseppe Verdi, Modest Mussorgsky, and Richard Wagner compose?

(Robert) Schumann

He left the study of law, intending to pursue a career as a virtuoso pianist. After studying under Johann Friederich Wieck, he married his daughter, Clara, in which she argued with her father in defiance of it. In 1852, he attempted suicide in the Rhine River where the people saved him at the last minute but placed him in asylum - because they thought he had went insane - and he died of pneumonia four years later. He was, after his death, considered one of the best Romantic era composers. Name this German composer and pianist of such works as "Carnaval," "Symphonic Studies," "Kinderszenen," "Kreisleriana," and the Fantasie in C.

Gregory Hines

First and last name required. What American dancer helped spark new dance interest in tap dancing with his many theatrical and movie roles, including the movie White Nights, which also starred Mikhail Baryshnikov?

Fra Angelico

He is known for his frescoes for the monastery at San Marco. As an early Renaissance artist and a monk, he is considered to be one of the most talented fresco painters of his time. Name this 15th century Italian-Florentine painter of such works as "Coronation of the Virgin," "Annunciation," "Madonna of the Linen Draper's Child," and "Descent from the Cross".

Paul Gauguin

He is now recognized for his experimental use of color and Synthetic style that were distinctly different from Impressionism. He spent ten years in French Polynesia in which most of his paintings from this time depict people or landscapes from that region. Who painted "Tahitian Woman on the Beach," "Yellow Christ," "Vision After the Sermon," and "Two Tahitian Woman"?

(Matthew) Brady

He made portraits of many Union and Confederate Army officers, including Ulysses S Grant and Robert E Lee. His photographs of Abraham Lincoln inspired the president's portraits on the $5 bill and the penny. What photographer was the best known photographer of Civil War battles?


He built the dome of the St Peter's Basilica and painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, while created the Laurentian Library. His sculptures include David, Pieta, Bacchus, and Moses, with Pieta the only one he signed. Who painted "The Creation of Adam," "The Last Judgement," and "The Torment of St Anthony"?

(Miles) Davis

He innovated the technique of using a mode instead of fixed chords to improvise. Name this jazz trumpet player whose recordings included "Sketches of Spain" and "Kind of Blue".

(Giovanni) Bellini

He was considered to have revolutionized Venetian painting, moving it towards a more sensuous and colorist style. Through the use of clear, slow-drying oil paints, he created deep, rich tints and detailed shadings. His style and landscapes had a great effect on the Venetian painting school, especially on his pupils Giorgione and Titian. Who created "The Feast of the Gods," the "San Zaccaria Altarpiece," "Madonna and Child," "St Jerome in the Desert," and "Christ Blessing"?

(Anthony) van Dyck

He was most famous for his portraits of Charles I of England and his family and court, painted with a relaxed elegance that was to be the dominant influence on English portrait-painting for the next 150 years. He also painted biblical and mythological subjects, displayed outstanding facility as a draughtsmanship, and was an important innovator in watercolor and etching. Who painted the "Charles the I at the Hunt," "Charles the I in Three Positions," "Self-Portrait with a Sunflower," "Silenus Drunk," and "Equestrian Portrait of Charles I"?


His masterwork is the decoration of the Scrovegni Chapel, also known as the Arena Chapel, which was completed around 1305, and was regarded as one of the supreme masterpieces of the Early Renaissance. Who painted the "Life of Christ" and "Life of the Virgin"?

(Billy) Graham

His son, Franklin, founded Operation Christmas Child, and is the president of Samaritan's Purse. He himself was a spiritual adviser to several US presidents, including Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. Identify this Southern Baptist preacher is known for his large-scale "crusades" who died recently in his library in 2018?

(Vaslav) Nijinsky

In his childhood, he stayed in the Caucasus region of Europe and danced with his brother where his father gave him his first lessons, in the 1890s. At age 9, he joined the Imperial School of Dancing where he graduated. He then moved to the Mariinsky Theater where he earned critical acclaim in his performance with Julia Sedova. Sergei Diaghalev grabbed his attention in 1909 where he performed in Paris. Who choreographed "Afternoon of a Faun" and "The Rite of Spring"?


Identify the musical instrument pictured that was popular in the 16th and 17th century Europe?

simple (time)

Identify this time signature or meter in which each beat divides naturally into two equal parts, as opposed to three.

The Artist

In 2012, a black and white silent film won the Academy Award for Best Motion Picture for the first time since 1929. Identify the title of this unusual film.

(Artemisia) Gentileschi

In an era when women painters were not easily accepted by the artistic community or patrons, she was the first woman to become a member of the Academia di Arte del Disegno in Florence. Whose most famous painting is Judith Slaying Holofernes?

El Greco

In his early career, he studied in Venice with Titian before going to Rome. He then there went to Toledo where he (worked to his death, and) made commissions for King Philip II. There he created mannerism paintings such as "The Assumption of the Virgin" and "The Burial of Count Orgaz". Also famous for his self-portraits, who created the "Portrait of an Old Man," "The Crucifixion," "The Adoration of the Shepherds," and "View of Toledo"?

The Anatomy Lesson (of Dr Nicholaes Tulp)

In it, doctors gazed upon an open arm of a dead body. What is this Rembrandt masterpiece?


In painting vigorous brush strokes are combined with rich colors and deep shadows. It developed from the late 1700s to about 1900 and was characterized by violent activity. Name this major art movement characterized by Turner's "The Slave Ship" and Goya's "The Third of May".


In science, this is described as what we see when light reflects off of a surface. There are many groups of these. The primary group consists of red, blue, and yellow, and they created the next set. Secondary forms of these are created from the primary form. They are orange, green, and violet. Lastly, neutral varieties of this are created by the combination of the primary and secondary forms. They are grey, black, brown, and white. What is this element of art that can either be achromatic or chromatic?

Mona Lisa

In this background of this painting, a winding road leads into the mountains. In the center lies a smiling woman. What is this da Vinci masterpiece?


In this type of theater, plays are highly stylized and depend upon music, lavish costumes, pantomiming, and masks. Traditionally, it was the theater of the upper classes. Identify this Japanese drama that began as a religious ceremony in the 14th century.

Summa Theologica

In this work, the author tries to include all of Aristotle's philosophy and the Catholic Church's doctrine. Its three parts deal with God, humanity, and Christ. What work is the unfinished masterpiece of Saint Thomas Aquinas?


In what sport are you required to pass, set, and hit?


It has a strong regular rhythm which in origin was expressly written for and performed by a military band. Wagner included it into "Götterdämmerung". What is this 2/4 time dance, or as the name suggest, did John Philip Sousa include in many of his martial hymns in the 19th-century?


It is a circular-bodied lute with twenty-four frets on its neck. Its four strings are made of steel, although earlier versions were made of silk. What is this Chinese lute?


It is about a man who commits regicide so as to become king and then commits further murders to maintain his power. Containing the following lines, "The raven himself is hoarse / That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan / Under my battlement," identify Shakespeare's shortest and and bloodiest tragedy.


It is less distinguishable as a sculptural technique. Identify this type of relief that occurs only where up to half of the subjects project from the ground as well as none of the elements of the sculpture are undercut or fully disengaged from the background field.


It was a West African historian, storyteller, praise singer, poet and/or musician.They used repository of oral tradition and is often seen as a societal leader due to his or her traditional position as an advisor to royal personages. As a result of the former of these two functions, he or she is sometimes also called a bard. What are these storytellers that transmit folk legends, religious traditions, and the West African people's history into their local tribes?


Its name means "stone writing" in Greek. The artist creates an image on a grease-treated stone, applies ink, and prints the result onto paper or a rubber cylinder. What printing method is associated with the nineteenth-century American artists Currier and Ives?


JS Bach composed the "Well-Tempered Clavier" and "Brandenburg Concertos" for what instrument?

(Jan) van Eyck

Known widely in the Netherlands, he was a very popular artist living in Bruges. He was commissioned by the Duke of Burgundy where his salary was high - by this, he was an extremely rich painter. Who painted the "Ghent Altarpiece," "Portrait of a Man in a Red Turban," "Annunciation," and "The Arnolfini Wedding"?


L Ron Hubbard's publication of Dianetics marked the founding of which twentieth-century religion?


The members view heaven and the underworld as the mental conditions of man expressed by such differences in thought as tyranny and love. Most members believe in the teachings of Jesus rather than in his divinity and conceive of God as a unity not a trinity. Identify this Protestant sect whose individual beliefs are a matter of personal choices.

Hudson River School

This mid-19th century American art movement embodied by a group of landscape painters whose aesthetic vision was influenced by romanticism. What is this movement that is expresses the air of wonder at the mystery of nature and whose prominent artist included Thomas Cole?


Like a mandolin, this instrument has a round wooden body and a fretted fingerboard. The player plucks its metal stings over a soundhole. What is this folk instrument of Greek origin?

(Antonio) Vivaldi

Many of this Baroque virtuoso's compositions were written for the all-female music ensemble of the Ospedale della Pietà, a home for abandoned children where he was employed from 1703 to 1715 and from 1723 to 1740. He composed many instrumental concertos, for the violin and a variety of other instruments, as well as sacred choral works and more than forty operas. Who wrote the Four Seasons?


Most instruments in this style of dance are accompanied with tubas and accordions. It is a Bohemian dance that has remained as a popular folk music genre in many European countries. What is this 2/4 time dance that was developed in Czech Republic and not in its namesake country?

orange, green, and violet (in any order) (Accept: purple)

Multiple answer required. These are the colors that are created by other colors in the form of mixing on a substance such as a pallet. There are three secondary colors. Name them.

red, yellow, and blue (in any order)

Multiple answer required. These are the colors that can be mixed or combined to create and generate other colors from a pallet. There are three primary colors. Name them.


Not to be confused with blues, this Christian African-American music were oral traditions passed down through slavery. "Michael Row the Boat Ashore," "Down in the River to Pray," and "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" are what type of songs?

Adoration of the Magi

Not to be confused with the painting by da Vinci or Botticelli, this triptych is pictured at the right. What is the name of this painting by Hieronymus Bosch?


Odysseus encountered this six-headed monster in his wanderings after the Trojan War. What monster was paired with Charybdis and lived in a cave, devouring anything that came within her reach?


One example of this drama form would be Shakespeare's "Cymbeline" - concerns two sons, one daughter, and Cloten who tries to take over the title character's kingdom - while another example is "Pericles" - the young Prince of Tyre in Phoenicia, hears the riddle, and instantly understands its meaning: Antiochus is engaged in an incestuous relationship with his daughter. What is this drama form that is described as usually revolving around an obstacle which prevents deep and true romantic love between two people?

diatonic (scale)

Originally devised by Pythagoras, what name is given to the type of scale that includes the seven pitches that occur naturally within a given key signature, without the use of accidentals?


This operatic hero leaves Venusburg, only to stumble upon the castle at Wartburg. His singing woos Elisabeth, but he must ask the pope's forgiveness before they can wed. What legendary German figure is the title character of this Richard Wagner opera?


Reflecting the development of Old Comedy towards New Comedy, it uses such familiar character types as the stupid master and the insubordinate slave to attack the morals of the time. Name this Aristophanes' comedy that features the personified god of wealth disguised as a blind beggar.

(Mary) Chase

She wrote fourteen plays, two children's novels, and one screenplay, and worked seven years at the Rocky Mountain News as a journalist. Who is this American playwright who made the play Harvey?

Impression: Sunrise

Shown at what would later be known as the "Exhibition of the Impressionists" in April 1874, the painting is attributed to giving rise to the name of the Impressionist movement. In it, a bright orange sun light cuts through the gray mist to reflect in the water. It depicts two fisherman in Lake Havre at the title time. What is the name of this painting that is pictured, and whose's artist is Claude Monet?


Such composers as Irving Berlin, Leonard Bernstein, and George Cohan are all of what nationality?


Tenebrism, as seen in "The Calling of St Matthew" and "Sacrifice of Isaac", was a hallmark of which artist's work?

(Franz Joseph) Haydn

The "Gypsy Rondo" piano trio, "Rider" quartet, and "Emperor's Hymn" were all written by what composer?


The Five Classics is a group of five ancient books used by this group as the basis of studies. Identify this religion that was developed in the Analects.


The Pandavas have to go into exile, but when they return they engage the Kauravas in battle. Krishna fights on the side of the Pandavas, and serves as Arjuna's charioteer. The famous "Song of the Lord," or Bhagavad-Gita, is actually a book within what epic, the longest poem ever written?

(the) Hustle

The chicken dance, side twirls, and diagonal pointing are all part of what disco-era dance?

(The) Hunters in the Snow

This painting depicts men walking through a December or January ground while the local people are ice skating. It was an oil on canvas painting pictured. What is this painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder?

Hedda Gabler

The protagonist's role in this drama has often been seen as the "female Hamlet" and may be portrayed as an idealistic heroine fighting society, a victim of circumstance, or a manipulative villain. Identify this Henrik Ibsen drama in which this newlywed couple struggles with an existence she finds devoid of excitement and enchantment.


The relationship of one movement or part of a movement to another is the dance element known as time. It includes which aspect known as grouping and articulation of a group of notes?


There is a very old legend that tells of his banishment from Tlalocan. Known as the god of the Sixth Hour the Day, identify this Aztec god of dead lost souls particularly those who had died in battle.

Pieter Bruegel (the Elder)

This Flemish and Dutch artist was known for his landscapes and peasant scenes. He made "The Hunters in the Snow," "Children's Games," "The Harvesters," and "The Peasant Wedding" to created scenes based on his Antwerp home. Who painted the "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" and "The Tower of Babel"?


This architectural feature is held up by two or more posts. What is this that is shown is the photo?


This art style of the 1900s did not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead used shapes, colors, form, and gestural markings to achieve its effect. It uses unrecognizable tones imagined by the artist. Identify this style depicted by Wassily Kandinsky's "Cossack," Sonia Delaunay's "Electric Prism," Jackson Polluck's "Yellow Islands," and Theo van Doesburg's "Counter-Composition VI".

tertiary OR intermediate

This color can be generated by mixing two different colors, primary and secondary respectively. Identify this form such as yellow-green, red-orange, and blue-green.


This dynamics term refers to the decrease in loudness. What is this word that is depicted in the picture at the above?


This element of dance affects the quality of a dancer's movement. Which element determines whether a dancer's moves will be flowing smooth, or sharp and sudden?

flying buttress

This is a specific form of buttress composed of an arched structure that extends from the upper portion of a wall to a pier of great mass, in order to convey to the ground the lateral forces that push a wall outwards, which are forces that arise from vaulted ceilings of stone and from wind-loading on roofs. The defining characteristics of one of these is so it transmits the lateral forces across the span of intervening space between the wall and the pier. What is this "arch" version that made the stained windows possible in Gothic architecture?


This is related to hue. It refers to how light or dark a hue is. Every one of these ranges from light(white) to dark(black). What is this element of art can be high or low in contrast and texture can support or weaken it?


This is the area enclosed by lines that is two-dimensional. They can be divided into two group: organic (the type that is from the natural world - ex. puddle, leaf, cloud) and geometric (the type that is more mathematical - ex. square, triangle, star). It is the flat drawing that can be placed on any solid surface. Name this element of art that is the opposite of form.


This is the boundary of positive and negative space. What is this element of art that is defined as a dot moving through space or as a mark made upon a blank surface?


This is the three-dimensional that can be seen most prominently in sculptures. It turns all shapes into these objects - ex. from squares to cubes, from puddles to blobs, from triangles to cones. What is this element of art most likely affected by shading and foreshortening in their types of paintings?

(The) Night Watch

This painting is known for three things: its colossal size, the extreme use of tenebrism, and showcasing the Dutch Golden Age military. It depicts a Dutch military company moving out with the leader in the main front surrounded by nearby warriors. What is this Rembrandt piece?

Samson and Delilah

This piece depicts Samson having his hair cut by the people. What is this painting by Anthony van Dyck?

(The) Mountaintop

This play dramatizes the night before Martin Luther King Jr's 1968 assassination. It takes its title from one of King's best-known speeches. What is this Katori Hall drama?


This referred to the instruments and the instrument in Indonesia. Name this type of orchestra.


This type of popular entertainment developed in the mid-19th century as a means to present variety entertainments to the growing middle class. What is this form of entertainment that fostered future stars such as WC Fields and Will Rodgers?

tech (rehearsal)

This type of rehearsal is devoted to practicing certain aspects such as lighting, sound cues, and props. What production term can also refer to the rehearsal of special effects?


This type of shape is precise edged and has mathematically consistent curves. They are pure forms and so consist of circles, squares, spirals, triangles, while geometric forms are simple volumes, such as cubes, cylinders and pyramids. They generally dominate architecture, technology, industry and crystalline structures. What are these types of shapes that have a set of strait lines?


This type of shape is unpredictable and flowing in appearance. They are the opposite of geometric shape and are also called free-form shapes. What are these shapes that have shapes such as clouds, puddles, leaves, trees, sky, and sea?

Thomas More

What European saint was beheaded for refusing to accept King Henry VIII as the head of the Church of England?

(Giorgio) Vasari

What Italian painter was most famous today for his "Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects", considered the ideological foundation of art-historical writing, and painted the "Six Tuscan Poets"?

(Richard) Rodgers

What composer was responsible, in part, for musicals like "The Boys from Syracuse," "South Pacific," and "Oklahoma!"?

Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun

What composition is an Impressionistic tone poem for orchestra - later revised for two pianos - based on a mythological poem by Stephane Mallarme?

2/4 (time)

What is the time for polkas and marches?


What metal trough housing a number of low-wattage lamps located on the stage floor near the end of an apron?


What musical written by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein was based on the 1931 play, Green Grow the Lilacs, by Lynn Riggs?


Which ballet term refers to a beating movement in which the dancer strikes the legs together or swiftly crosses and uncrosses them during a jump?


Which religion reveres kami - ancestral spirits - who resides in shrines that are seen near these?

This Land is Your Land

Woody Guthrie, who "rambled" across the US as he sang folk songs about Great Depression sufferers, is most remembered for what song?

Mamma Mia!

Written by Bob Gaudio and Bob Crewe, what musical opened on Broadway in 2005 and is based on the career of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons?

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