ASL Oral

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Clock Signs (am/pm=early morning, morning, noon, afternoon, evening/night, late night)

12:00-11:59 half hour/30 minutes time remaining/time left Tense(s): recent, soon, finish/complete, haven't/not yet Arrive Leave Early Late Before/After Punctual/on time On the dot; right on the nose; barely (pay attention to facial grammar) Attendance Unreliable/erratic attendance Reliable attendance Absent/not present Always Missing/skipping work; being hooky Failure to notice, hear, or understand

Comments relating to one's status in a course

A unit of study counting toward a degree or diploma; course credit A successful completion of an examination or course; to pass A grade that is not high enough to pass an examination or course; to fail Barely; only just; almost not; barely passed; by a whisker; by a hairbreadth An official document attesting to a status or level of achievement; certification (e.g. CPR certification) A permit from an authority to own or use something, do a particular thing, or carry on a trade (e.g. driver's license) An academic degree given after completion of a course of study To specialize in a particular subject at a college or university; major A study or qualify in as a subsidiary subject at college or university; minor To concentrate on and become an expert in a particular subject or skill; specializing in... A rate, number, or amount in each hundred; percentage Grade Point Average (0.0-4.0) Letter Grades

Reasons for Absence/being late: (from ASL 2)

Bad traffic; congestion Car wreck; accident; vehicle collision Not feeling well; ill; feeling under the weather Flat/punctured tire Pulled over by a cop Not being mindful to one's time; lost track of time Overslept Power outage Misplaced one's keys; lost keys Ran out of gas

Job Information

Contact Information Phone Number Email Address To hire someone To fire someone To transfer to a different workplace To apply for a position Work Ethic Honesty Work Ethic Flexibility Communication Skills Creativity Ability to pick up things quickly; learn quickly Experience

Unit 11 Vocabulary List

Discussing Plans and Goals Knowledgeable; intelligent and well informed A person who has expert knowledge of something and is qualified to judge; a connoisseur Ignorant: clueless: lacking knowledge or awareness Skilled; talent; to excel at Unskilled: not having the necessary training or skills; not excelling at Extensive knowledge; substantial knowledge Little knowledge; basic; shallow; superficial Expert; aptitude Inability to do something; not knowing how to... Can not; to be unable to Awkward in movement or in handling things; without skill or elegance uncoordinated; clumsy Expertise; experience A lot of experience; veteran; well-versed; seasoned; very experienced Lacking experience Academic Course/Class/School Subject


Factory Restaurant Hospital Office Farm Prison (not on test) Government Company Urgent Care Emergency Room Surgery Room Bakery Church Computer LabNumber Types (1-12) Cardinal Ordinal Age Dollars Cents Clock Minutes Hours Days Weeks Months Years

Common Types of Skills/Requirements for a major

Gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in something by study, experience, or being taught; to learn Take note of something in the course of a scientific study; notice or perceive something and register it as being significant; to observe Examine methodically and in detail the structure of information for purposes of explanation or interpretation; to analyze Critical Thinking Skills Problem Solving Skills Research Skills Communication Skills Emotional Intelligence; People Skills

Common Utilities/Bills

Gas Rent Heating Phone Car Insurance Water Electricity Cable Internet Childcare Credit cards Student loans Gym Membership

Types of Degree

High School Diploma GED Associate Degree Bachelor's or Baccalaureate Degree Graduate Degree Masters Degree PhD A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F

Money Vocabulary

How much does it cost? How much? Dollar Cent Expensive Cheap Moderately expensive Moderately cheap Free Response to $ that you find hard to believe; something that is extraordinary; preposterous (money-wise) Debt-free because it is paid off Pay Buy Credit Card Cash Check 1-5 cents 6-9 cents 15-99 cents 1-9 dollars 10-100 dollars

Common Subjects

Literature Linguistics ASL Specialist Speech Therapist Interpreting Cultural Studies Deaf Studies History Art History Science Biology Chemistry Physics Math Medicine Nutrition Psychology Law Politics Counseling Social Work Sociology Architecture Engineering Information Technology Computer Science Audiology Accounting Graphic Design Marketing/Advertising Communication Business Management Human Resources Economics/Finance Physical Education; Kinesiology Personal Training Theater

Culture: Interrupting Others

Proceed or be carried out without hesitation (similar to saying 'go ahead') Excuse me; pardon me (asking someone to move) Excuse me; pardon me (getting attention or for interrupting) To wait momentarily; hang on; gimme a second (two variations) Stay where one is until a particular time or until something happens A cessation of movement or operation; telling someone to stop A response to someone that is overly anxious or excessive quit it; to tell someone to stop doing something Something to say when you no longer want people to pay attention to what you previously said or asked; never mind Fail to interpret or understand something correctly; misunderstanding; mislead Fire ring/alarm; something that goes off as a reminder or to announce emergency Bed alarm Dog barking Baby crying Sirens flashing Excessive noise in the background due to screaming Announcement Building is open/closed

Asking opinion about

Travel companion Roommate Babysitter Employee Date Contact information/contact Experience Creative Ability to pick up things quickly; learn quickly To invite/hire someone Apply for a position Transfer to a different location

Responses to major/minor and/or career choice

Unsure Hasn't been determined; no decision Undeclared to public; haven't shared the news with others Indecisive; hesitant; on the fence

Common objects; Telling where things are located

Use sequence to tell where items are located Use textbook for vocabulary (see below) television television remote matches soap headache pain medicine screwdriver towel camera candle nail clippers magazine tablets (iPad, Kindle, etc.) tapes band-aids scissors thesaurus; dictionary stove sink oven ref for refrigerator dw for dishwasher

Responding to options in place of comparison

Used to refer to two people or things, regarded and identified together; both Which is more... Which is worse... Which is better... Who would you rather... Not applicable; doesn't matter The opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions; having a duty to deal with something or someone; responsibility easy to count on; accountable not showing a proper sense of responsibility; irresponsible facial grammar to show careful consideration, giving your best effort (serious) serious worker/hard worker "focused on the task at hand" does not pay attention; easily distracted lazy/horsing around; does not take things seriously being efficient; completing tasks delay or postpone action; put off doing something great attention to detail; being cautious not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors Arrange into a structured order; great sense of coordination; organized Not properly organized; not properly planned and controlled; being unable to plan one's activities efficiently; Disorganized; disorderly good sense of providing a particular amount of money; good with budget horrible sense of using money within one's limit; bad with budget reckless spending; irresponsible spender keep and store up money for future use financially broke; does not take care of one's money wisely Make or become silent, calm, or still; Quiet/reticent; reserved Being reserved or having or showing nervousness or timidity in the company of others Fond or given to talking in signed or spoken language; loquacious Providing encouragement or emotional help; supportive Not providing enough or lack of emotional help to others; not supportive Providing a sophisticated judgment; indicating the faults of someone or something in a disapproving way; criticizing Speak to or treat with no respect or making scornful abusive remark; insult "attacking others with words" Having a different opinion with someone or something; disagree Express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something; complain Tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen; pessimistic; negative outlook Giving support to boost confidence or hope to someone; Encouraging; building confidence in others Tending to see the positive aspect of things; optimistic; positive outlook easy to get along with others showing deference; respect; being respectful to others Having the same opinion about something; concur; agree Direct and outspoken; straightforward; forthright; blunt; candid Free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere; honest To treat a topic but omitting its main points often intentionally always vague "beating around the bush" Express untruthfulness and deceit; telling of lies or false statements; untruthfulness sharing with others; being generous refusal to share or involve others; selfish easy to trust and confide in; someone that is trustworthy Showing too much curiosity about other people's affairs; nosy; busybody Respecting others' property and affairs; leaving things alone Being free from being observed or disturbed by other people privacy (similar to secret; not known or seen) constantly touching things without any consideration of one's privacy An inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior; tendency; usually "she is known to" Avoiding or neglecting a duty or responsibility; evading one's responsibility Never takes responsible for one's actions Someone that is very clean; always keeping things organized and clean Kind and pleasant; friendly Being excessively so; fastidious; snobby; finicky; picky Having or showing behavior that is respectful and considerate; polite Offensively impolite or ill-mannered; rude Pleasing in general; delightful; sweet and considerate Unkind, spiteful, or unfair; mean Full of anger; fussy; irritated; mad; angry Having a modest or low estimate of one's importance; humble Exaggerated sense of one's importance or abilities; conceited; haughty; arrogant Talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities; boastful; always showing off Free from moral wrong; innocent; uncommonly good "goody two-shoes" Trouble maker; causing trouble Mischievous; a fondness for causing trouble Causing laughter or amusement; humorous; funny Harmlessly eccentric; foolish; Goofy; being crazy Silly; funny in a cute way Careful or proofound; demanding careful consideration or application; serious Demanding that rules are obeyed and observed strict; austere Permissive, merciful in regards to rules or punishment; not strict; lenient Being mindful of one's feelings; flexible with decisions; soft-hearted (empathetic) Insensitive and cruel disregard for others; callous (unmoved to one's plight) Personable; cool (easy to like; easy to get along with) Different from what is usual or expected; eculiar; strange; odd; causing discomfort to others Inclination to stay busy; energetic; always on the go; must be productive Relaxed and easy going; nonchalant; laid back; taking things slowly, one at a time Overly worried; anxious; worried about possible or actual problems Open-minded; open to new things or ideas Close-minded; not open to trying new things or ideas Being understanding; flexible with new ideas and trying new things Easy to work with; acquiesce; accepting; regarding as true Flexible; capable to adapt to different circumstances Inability to change one's attitude or position on something; recalcitrant; stubborn Intelligence; acumen; smart Prodigy; genius; gifted Lacking intelligence; not smart A stupid person; moron; dimwitted Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment; wise; prudent Able to accept or tolerate delays, problems without being annoyed or anxious; patience Lacking patience; impatience; easily annoyed; no patience Ability to make good and sound decision, forming an opinion objectively; good sense; good judgment; conscientious Good sense and sound judgment in practical matters; common sense Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage; brave; courageous Timid or afraid to confront danger or pain; scared to try new things Person who is always smiling, positive, likes meeting people. person who is cold, doesn't like meeting people, looks down at other people. person shows respect to the elderly people by opening doors, giving up their seat on the bus. person talks in class interrupting teacher, cuts in a line, puts feet up on furniture when visiting someone. person is nice, helpful, generous, sharing, never complaining. person is not nice, not helpful, selfish, critical of others. person is positive, friendly, encouraging. person is not friendly, negative, complaining, and crabby. person sees others as equals, respects others, works with them, does not brag. person who places oneself than anyone else, better than others, loves attention. person who is good, follows rules, is not a problem for parents or teachers, never gets into trouble. person plays pranks, teases others. person says funny things, likes to tease to see people laugh, not shy, talkative. person who is often reserved, shy, prefers watching people talk. mother tells teenage child to be home by 10pm, they get home a minute late, mother grounds them for a month. teenage arrives home past the curfew all the time. each time the child asks for forgiveness, the mother relents and forgives. person is easy to like, easy to get along with, friendly, fun. person talks and acts different. his conversation makes others feel uncomfortable. person doesn't like to sit and relax, must be on the go at all times. person is in no hurry, sits down and takes things slowly. one son went out with his friends to a birthday party and did not get back by 9pm. mother sends 100 text messages until he gets home at 11pm.

Giving opinions about one's personal qualities

explain relationship and how you met him/her describe your opinion of the person (a minimum of 3 personal qualities) provide examples listener: provides comments or questions asking for one's personal qualities: use a yes/no or WhQ What is he like? (he tends what)? Is he nice or mean? (he nice mean which)? Is he arrogant? (he arrogant?)


popcorn gum cough medicine potato chips candy ring movie ticket soup cheese milk bread butter egg sugar lettuce tomato onion banana apple orange peanut butter mayo bacon hot dog hamburger french fries cereal yogurt tea soda ice cream cookie crackers

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