asl test 1
Gallaudet's first Deaf President was Irving King Jordan.
handshape, location, movement, palm orientation, non- manual markers
what are the 5 parameters?
customs social etiquette conversational discourse
what are the deep elements of culture?
language, heritage, customs, arts, family
what are the five hallmarks of culture?
self determination, full access to communication, healthy identity formation, information sharing
what are the four core values of Deaf Culture?
dissonance, Resistance and immersion, awareness
what are the stages of cultural awareness?
diverse groups in the US unique ways workers are treated in a company
what are the two different ways people look at the term "culture?"
what is the better known name of the Deaf Culture Art Movement?
conformity, dissonance, resistance and immersion, introspection, awareness
5 stages of self- acceptance. the road to "deaf-hood"
morphology and discourse
ASL can be examined at the level of:
ASL uses ____ structure
ASL was not recognized as a language until the ____
has the capacity to meet the needs of its linguistic community.
American sign language: ____
CODA stands for Child of Deaf Adults
Check the following alternative label(s) that replace the word "Deaf" and have been proposed to better present themselves as a language community? - ASL users - Signing people - Seeing people - People of the eye
Deaf culture is an outcome of authentic life experiences deaf people share.
Deaf people benefit from the Americans with Disabilities Act
Deaf people do not see themselves as disabled
ASL and english
Deaf people in America are best described as being bilingual because they use the following two languages:
Deaf people's lives revolve around ____
Deaf with an uppercase "D" is different than deaf with a lowercase "d"
Gallaudet University, a University for Deaf students also allows hearing students
Hard- of - hearing and Deaf people are classified as "hearing impaired"
How many generations of author Tom Holcomb's family is deaf?
In the 1970's, most deaf children had learned an English Variation of ASL.
In what year did Laurent Clerc co- found the American school for the Deaf in Hartford, CT?
In what year was Laurent Clerc recruited to help with school for Deaf children?
Introduction to American Deaf Culture is designed to provide an academic prospective on the lives of Deaf people, their culture, and the community in which they reside
Kathryn Meadow sees deaf culture as a sub culture to French culture
The American School for the Defa was originally known as the Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons.
The deaf feel hate towards society because they feel they are silenced.
The deaf view of "VERY hard- of- hearing" and "hearing centric" as meaning the same thing
one movement/ repeated motion
The noun-verb pair SIT/CHAIR in ASL is demonstrated by ___________.
The right to dignity, the need for respect, the importance of clear and effective communication, the opportunity for self-determination and the necessity for a healthy sense of self are valued by all Deaf Cultures around the world.
Mainstreamed programs
The roles of Deaf schools are becoming relatively insignificant due to what factor?
advent of civil rights law, widespread usage of modern technology
What has minimized the communicative barriers that have traditionally made it difficult for deaf people to be fully included in the larger society?
Examining the way the language would be taught following formal rules.
What is the prescriptive method of language analysis?
Which handshape is offensive in many cultures outside of the United States? P-Handshape T-Handshape Q-Handshape C-Handshape
Which of the following is NOT one of the smallest contrastive units in ASL? Handshape Location Speed Palm Orientation
ASL dictionary
William Stokoe, Dorothy Casterline, and Carl Croneberg published the first _____ in 1965 that included a section on social and cultural characteristics
deaf dominant bicultural individual
a ____ is someone who functions well around both Deaf and hearing people. but if given a choice, they would choose to be with Deaf people or, more specifically, people who can sign. HOwever, they would invest time and energy to make their contacts with hearing people as effective as possible
hearing dominant bicultural deaf person
a deaf person who has unique hobby or interest that is not prevalent in a deaf community belongs to which group?
culturally separate person
a deaf person who intentionally keeps minimum contact with the hearing world is considered:
a deaf person who might not have sufficient ASK skills and is not as comfortable in the hearing community, usually feels ____
culturally aware
all of the following are deaf identities except: - balanced bicultural - hearing dominant bicultural - deaf dominant bicultural - culturally separate - culturally aware
almost all deaf people have hearing family members
americans are considered to be ___ according to the author
help protect each other from potential harm from outsiders, identify important hallmarks of the Deaf community, to clearly identify their connections to the Deaf community
as a part of the Deaf culture, it is custom for a person to give information such as who is deaf, who is not, who went to deaf school and who did not and who grew up signing in order to communicate
beginning around ___, the concept of Deaf culture was no longer a novelty, and courses on Deaf culture were commonly taught in Universities and Colleges throughout the country
cochlear implants are widely accepted in the Deaf community because it means that they no longer have to rely on sign language to communicate
culture consists of more than just visual aspects
deaf children frequently report feelings isolated and left out. even in their homes and school environments
deaf children from hearing families tend to be ranked higher in areas such as academics, language acquisition, and personal and social development than Deaf children from Deaf families
half full
deaf people view their culture as a status of a glass of water that is ____
deaf and hearing world
deaf people who were able to affiliate with ____ comfortably are said to have a healthier sense of well- being
deaf studies were not offered at colleges until the ____
dealing with oppression and the ignorance of hearing people are common experience of deaf people and are therefore often reflected as the focus of deaf art
during what time period was ASK forbidden in schools?
english can offer deaf people 100% access to information
every deaf person uses sign language
30 years
how long has the author, Tom Hoolcomb, been teaching deaf related courses?
improving technology is making the deaf community become less and less significant and ultimately still making children be misunderstood by family and society for lack of access to full communication
the connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb persons
in 1817, deaf children congregated for the first time at ____
Deaf Culture, Our Way
in 1977, Roy K. Holcomb published a book called Hazards of Deafness, which the book is not called ____
in a home with Deaf parents, it is unusual for ASL to be acquired as a first language and English as a second language whether or not the child is hearing
Social political linguistic audiobiological
in order to become a fully accepted member of the Deaf community, one must inhibit the appropriate attitude towards Deaf culture in 4 areas: ___
residental schools
in past generations, often the first opportunity for many deaf people to congregate with others who had a similar orientation towards life was:____
in the 1800s, a deaf teacher was recruited to come to the USA from where?
asl and english are taught
in the dual language education approach in the education of deaf children: ____
they were segregates from older students and staff who knew how to sign
in the early 1900s, the oral age, which method was used to keep young deaf children from signing?
balanced bicultural deaf person
individuals who are truly comfortable in both the hearing and deaf communities are called ____
language is the ultimate bond that holds a community together
yes, because they resist anything associated with the hearing world where they were miserable
many Deaf people during the resistance and immersion stage want to be as deaf as possible. Yes or no?
most deaf people are born to hearing parents
most deaf people grow up with an abundance of experiences and opportunities geared toward the formation of a healthy Deaf identity and the subsequent association with the deaf community and the culture of the deaf people
most deaf peoples grow up in the conformity stage; they have no appreciation of deaf culture and even shun it because of the negative messages they have received from parents, as well as professionals such as teachers, audiologists, and speech pathologists who completely discount the value of the deaf culture.
out of the following options which would a deaf person prefer to be called if labeled as anything? - hearing impaired - hard- of- hearing - Deaf - Deaf mute
research indicates that a bicultural identity if optimal for Dead people
sign language is frequently encourages among cochlear implants
the development of ASL was a natural outcome of two basic human needs: the desire to have communication with other. and to belong in a group
the lives of deaf children are controlled by people who have a limited understanding of the Deaf experience
the primary communication modality used in early years of residential schools was :____
the rules with eye contact in a deaf conversation are the same as in a hearing
there are many labels used to identify a person's status within the deaf community
there has been a change in perspective over the years of Deaf people as a linguistic minority
to this day, ASL still has no official written language
an important element in ASL conversation
topicalization in ASL is ____
what country is the primary reason for the existence and perpetuation of the deaf community?
collectivist, individualist
what two categories can culture throughout the world be divided into?
when a deaf person meets a well- rounded Deaf person that breaks the negative stigma, he/ she is going through the dissonance stage
leave them to be deaf
when parents realize that they have a deaf child, they usually do all of the following except:
when talking about deaf society, "Deaf" and "deaf" have the same meaning and it is simply grammatical preference
when was ASL initially organized?
"deaf's perspective"
which did cultural insiders not describe certain Deaf behaviors and values?
tight knit families
which historical tradition did NOT create the foundation for Deaf Culture - Deaf clubs - ASL - Tight knit families - Residential Schools
which of the five hallmarks of culture is the most crucial?
deaf and dumb
which of the following is considered offensive towards the Deaf community? Deaf, hard of hearing. late- deafened, or deaf and dumb?
which of the following is not a stage of cultural awareness? - dissonance - resistance and immersion - awareness - denial
which of the following terms is an acceptable form of referring to deaf and hard- of- hearing people?
Carol Padden
who wrote an essay that is now considered a classic in attempt to understand Deaf culture?