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When Earth catches up to a slower-moving outer planet and passes it in its orbit, in the same way that a faster runner overtakes a slower runner in an outside lane, the outer planet...

exhibits retrograde motion

In the elliptical orbit shown, the given areas were made in the same amount of time. Match the correct description of the change in speed the planet would experience to the proper segment.

faster closer to sun

label the parts of a telescope

focal plane, objective lens, and focal length

energy =


focal length

distance from lens to focal plane

If a planet is in equilibrium, the energy coming in ________ the energy going out.


Match each of the indicated layers of Jupiter with the correct material.

DBAC A Ices B Metallic hydrogen C Rock D Molecular hydrogen CH10 Q15

Correctly position these four planets within the accretion disk of our early Solar System based on the materials that were present where they formed.

DBCA D Earth B Jupiter C Saturn A Uranus. (ch 7 q12)

A chunk of iron weighing a few kilograms flies into the inner Solar System, is captured by Earth's gravity, enters the atmosphere burning brightly, and lands on solid ground. Three different names apply to the different stages of its journey. Place them in order from first to last

First stage Meteoroid Meteor Meteorite Last stage

Properly identify the features of an impact crater using this image of a Moon crater.

From farthest out to center: D Ray A Secondary crater C Crater wall B Central peak

Indicate the correct motion of a comet as it orbits the Sun.

From top of curve to bottom: ACEDB A Moving toward the Sun, less fast B Moving away from the Sun, less fast C Moving toward the Sun, faster D Moving away from the Sun, faster E Moving fastest CH12 Q4

Study the size difference of the gas giants as shown in the above image (distance from the Sun increases from left to right), and choose the best explanation below for your observations.

Gas giants decrease in size with increased distance from the Sun because the Solar Nebula was less dense farther out.

Order the moons of Jupiter from nearest the planet to farthest.

Io(the light brown one with blackheads), Europa(the tan and white one that looks scratched up), Ganymede(grey with sparkles. kind like the moon), and Callisto(dark with the most sparkles-- like a goth disco ball)

The following graph shows the concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in Earth's atmosphere for the past few hundred thousand years along with global temperatures. How do the current levels of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere compare with the values seen over the last 800,000 years?

The current concentrations of both are far higher than the rest of the graph.

Given what you learned in the video, why do we find rocky material everywhere in the Solar System, but large amounts of volatile material only in the outer regions?

The outer regions of the Solar System are cooler.

Imagine that you are observing a car that is out of control and spinning on the ice on the highway. The car suddenly stops spinning and starts spinning in the other direction as it slides down the highway. In order for this to happen, what must have taken place?

There must have been external forces acting on the car—for example, the spinning car struck another car.

Why are Ganymede and Callisto geologically dead while the other two Galilean moons of Jupiter are active?

They are farther from Jupiter.

This chapter deals with leftover planetesimals. What became of most of the others?

They became part of larger bodies.

Neptune's existence was predicted because

Uranus did not obey Newton's laws of motion.

An occultation occurs when

a planet passes between Earth and a star.

The oxygen molecules in Earth's atmosphere

are the result of life.

Differentiation refers to materials that are separated based on their


As shown here, Jupiter has a faint, but complex, ring system. Which of the following mechanisms contribute significantly to the formation of planetary rings?

destruction of a moon by tidal forces

The dynamo theory says that a planet will have a strong magnetic field if it has

fast rotation and a liquid core.

Gravitational interactions with moons produce

fine structure within rings

Oort Cloud objects will only pass close to Earth and become comets if their orbits are:

highly elliptical.

Identify the example of tectonic activity in this image of the Moon's surface.

horizontal line (CH 8 question 7)

If the velocity of a charged particle is perpendicular to the magnetic field, the magnetic force on the particle will cause it to move

in a circle

Io has the most volcanic activity in the Solar System because

its interior is tidally heated as it orbits Jupiter.

The radial velocity method preferentially detects

large planets close to the central star.

The transit method preferentially detects

large planets close to the central star.

Match each of the following materials with the proper layer of Uranus.

left to right ACB A. Molecular hydrogen B Rock C Ices CH10 Q16

The figure below shows a cutaway view of the wind patterns in the upper layer of a Jovian planet's atmosphere. Drag and drop each label to its appropriate location on the diagram to properly identify the processes that cause Jovian storms.

left to right CAB A Convective upwelling B Zonal winds C Coriolis deflection CH10 Q7

Earth's interior is heated by

radioactive decay and tidal effects.

Sort each of the five terrestrial bodies into the appropriate category based on the type of atmosphere it currently retains, if any.

secondary atmosphere- Venus, earth, mars no atmosphere- mercury, earths moon

asteroids are

small rock and metal objects orbiting the Sun.

Newly forming stars are surrounded by gas and dust. Based on this observation, what is the most likely scenario for the formation of the Solar System?

A cloud of gas and dust collapsed into a flattened disk, within which the Sun and planets formed.

Identify the various air flows found on Venus.

A | B ---|--- D | C A Polar collars B Hadley cell C Polar vortices D Day to night circulation in the thermosphere CH 9 Q 15

This graph shows the change in the brightness of a star during an occultation by a planet. Label the points on the curve with the correct description of what is happening at each point.

BCAD A Star is totally covered B Star is fully visible C Star is beginning to be covered D Star is emerging CH10 Q11

Identify the following major moons of Jupiter.

CABD in order: Io Europa Ganymede Castillo

Identify the different layers of Earth's atmosphere.

CADB A Mesosphere B Troposphere C Thermosphere D Stratosphere

Label different features of the greenhouse effect on Earth.

CBAD A Infrared radiation reradiated back to ground B Infrared radiation radiated from ground into the atmosphere C Radiation from the Sun heating the ground D Infrared radiation escaping into space CH 9 Q4

Earth is composed of differentiated layers with distinctive attributes. Starting with the center and moving outward, indicate the proper sequence of the layers.

Center Solid core Liquid core Mantle Crust Atmosphere Exterior

The process of making predictions and testing scientific models never ends, as there is always the possibility that some future experiment or observation will show that a previously well-accepted model doesn't actually work under all circumstances. However, if a hypothesis is backed up by a very large body of evidence and has never failed a test, it may be elevated to the status of a theory. According to the scientific method, choose all of the following statements that are correct.

-All theories have enough supporting evidence behind them that we can move forward under the assumption that they are correct unless some future test proves that this is not the case. -A theory has a higher probability of accurately modeling a natural phenomenon than a hypothesis does.

Steps of the Scientific Method

-start with an observation or idea -suggest a hypothesis -make a prediction -perform a test experiment, or additional observation

Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) are actually comet nuclei. Why do they not display comas and tails?

They are too far from the Sun.

Length of time it takes light to go from moon to earth


Length of time it takes light to go across the length of the milky way galaxy

100,000 years

Write the following two values in standard notation: 1.60934 x 103 and 9.154 x 10-3

1609.34 and 0.009154

Length of time it takes light to go from pluto to nearest star

4.3 years

This radio message was beamed toward globular star cluster M13 in the year 1974, for a total broadcast of less than three minutes. Assume M13 is exactly 25,000 light-years away from us. If life within the globular cluster received our message and immediately sent back a response, in what year would we receive it?


Place the following numbers in order, from smallest to largest: 40 billion 700,000,000 8x10^8 7x10^-12 2x10^11 3x10^-10

7x10^-12 3x10^-10 700,000,000 8x10^8 40 billion 2x10^11

The discovery of life on another world would be even more exciting if that life were intelligent and technologically advanced enough to communicate with us or visit our planet. How feasible would a long-distance communication be between us and life on a world around another star? The star nearest to us is Proxima Centauri, which is 4.24 light-years away. How many complete messages, including a reply, could be sent back and forth between Alpha Centauri and the Sun within a 70-year lifetime?

8 messages

Length of time it takes light to go from earth to sun


Using the following figure, determine how long multicellular organisms have been present on Earth.

800 million years

Assume that you and your sister can both throw a baseball at a speed of 50 km/h. If you are in an airplane traveling at 800 km/h and play catch with your sister who is near the front of the plane (you being toward the rear), how fast would the ball be traveling as seen by an observer on the ground when you throw the ball? and How fast would the ball be traveling as seen by an observer on the ground when your sister throws the ball back to you?

850km/h 750km/h

Two stars have the same luminosity, but Star A is 3.0 times farther away than Star B. How much fainter does Star A appear compared to Star B?

9 times fainter

zodiacal constellations viewable from Earth at different seasons


Which of the following statements about the habitable zone is correct?

A world that is found to exist in the habitable zone of another star may have a higher probability of having life on it than those outside of this zone.

Using the information in the graph, determine why the first forms of life on Earth would have been extremophiles.

Atmospheric oxygen levels were too low to be a useful source of energy.

In the diagram shown, m2 is in a circular orbit around m1. Label m2 with the arrow that shows the direction of the gravitational force acting on it from m1.


Label the different areas of the Sun.

Center: B Left to right on top: CDEA A: Convective zone B: Core C: Sunspot D: Chromosphere E: Corona F: Prominence

All planets in order them by distance from the Sun

Closest to sun: Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

What is the small object to the right of the asteroid Ida?

Dactyl, its moon

How does the spectrum of a distant star reveal the star's chemical composition?

Dark lines, also called absorption lines, within the spectra are "fingerprints" for the different atoms and molecules within a star's atmosphere.

Craters on planet surfaces are the result of impacts by large objects such as asteroids and comets. The impact of a 10-km diameter asteroid that struck Earth 65 million years ago is believed to have caused the mass extinction of over 70 percent of all living species at that time. Place these results in sequence as they occurred.

Earliest event: Asteroid impact creates a crater. The atmosphere clouds with dust and debris. Firestorms sweep the planet. Existing species die from hostile conditions. New species evolve in ecological niches. Latest event

What causes the angle of the Sun to change over the year?

Earth's North Pole always points in the same direction in space. Sometimes this is toward the Sun, and sometimes it's away from the Sun.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the ________ shadow falls on the ________.

Earth's; Moon

The image provided shows a light source moving relative to three different observers: Fred, Velma, and Daphne. If the light source is emitting green light and moving with sufficient speed, identify which colors each person could possibly see.

For light changing the frequency changes the wavelength which changes the color. Blueshift When the source moves towards you frequency increases which means wavelength decreases which causes a shift towards the blue part of the visible spectrum. Redshift When the source moves away from you frequency decreases, wavelength increases which is a shift towards the red part of the visible spectrum

places on the celestial sphere

North celestial pole South Celestial pole Celestial equator ecliptic

Energy stored in matter itself—mass energy—can be very powerful. Per Einstein's famous equation E = mc2, energy is equivalent to mass times a constant (the speed of light squared). The speed of light is very large, so just a small amount of mass can result in a very large amount of energy. How can mass turn into energy?Consider the two most common elements in the universe: hydrogen and helium. As shown in this figure, a hydrogen nucleus (where most of its mass is contained) is made of one proton (p). A helium nucleus is made of two protons and two neutrons (n). Nuclear reactions can change what a nucleus is made of. The mass of hydrogen is 1.6726 x 10-27 kg, and the mass of helium is 6.6465 x 10-27 kg. Given this, which of the following nuclear reactions would result in a decrease of total mass, and thus a release of energy, while keeping the same number of particles involved?

Four hydrogen nuclei combine into one helium nucleus.

Sort the positions marked on the diagram of Earth into categories based on whether they are experiencing high or low ocean tides when the Moon is in the location shown. You may neglect the effects of Earth's rotation.

High tide: 0º 180º Low tide: 90º 270º

important reference points and their location in your sky depending on your location on earth

Horizon-your personal horizon (left to right) North Celestial pole-true north (based on the planet not YOU) Zenith- directly above you celestial equator: based on planet not you (horizontal) .

The following diagram shows the details of the proton-proton nuclear reaction chain that occurs in the core of the Sun. Sort the particles into the categories describing whether they are input particles that get used up in the reaction, new output particles persisting after the reaction, or intermediate particles that exist only temporarily during the reaction.

Input: Hydrogen Electron Output: Neutrino Gamma ray Helium-4 Intermediate: Deuterium Helium-3 Positron

What is a neutrino?

It is an almost massless, neutral particle that is produced in nuclear processes.

Label the layers of the Sun as represented in this graph of density and height above the solar surface.

Left to right: BCA A: Corona B: Photosphere C: Chromosphere

The following diagram shows the main components of the Urey-Miller experiment that attempted to replicate how life may have started on Earth. Label each component with the real-world condition it represents.

Left top to bottom: AD Right top to bottom: BC A: Oceans B: Lightning C: Clouds D: Volcanic heat

Weight refers to the force of gravity acting on a mass. We often calculate the weight of an object by multiplying its mass by the local acceleration due to gravity. The value of gravitational acceleration on the surface of Mars is 0.38 times that on Earth.Assume your mass is 85.00 kg. Then your weight on Earth is 833.00 newtons (833.00 N = m × g = 85.00 kg × 9.8 m/s2). What would be your mass on Mars? What would be your weight on Mars?

Mass: 85.00kg Weight:316.54N

Why do photons take so much longer than neutrinos to emerge from the Sun?

Photons interact strongly with matter, while neutrinos do not.

In 2006, shortly after the discovery of Eris, the International Astronomical Union settled on a physically meaningful definition of a planet: an object that orbits around the Sun, is large enough to be spherical, and has cleared the neighborhood around it of other objects orbiting the Sun. An object that meets the first two criteria, but not the last, was given the new classification of dwarf planet. Sort the objects below according to how they are classified under these new definitions.

Planet: Earth & Saturn Dwarf Planets: Ceres, Pluto, & Eris Not planets ot dwarf: Eros & Io

Examine the following images that were taken simultaneously of the same part of the Sun but at different wavelengths. What do the images tell you about the relationship between sunspots and solar flares?

Solar flares happen where there are sunspots.

Which of the following is the biggest disadvantage of putting a telescope in space?

Space telescopes are much more expensive than similar ground-based telescopes.

From the vantage point of Earth in the diagram shown, how will the parallax of Star A compare to that of Star B?

Star A has twice the parallax of Star B.

Stars A and B appear equally bright, but star A is twice as far away from us as star B. Which of the following is true?

Star A is 4 times as luminous as star B.

The following graphs plot the number and latitude of sunspots. The top graph shows the number of sunspots counted on the Sun as a function of time. The bottom graph plots individual sunspot latitudes on the Sun as a function of time. It is sometimes called a "butterfly diagram" because of its shape. Identify the statement that best describes how the latitude of sunspots varies over a sunspot cycle, which is defined to begin at solar minimum.

Sunspots are at higher latitudes at the beginning of a cycle, and lower latitudes at the end of the cycle.

Newton developed a universal law of gravitation that can be used under most circumstances, not just for objects on the surface of the Earth. Here is the law:𝐹=𝐺𝑚1𝑚2𝑟2F=Gm1m2r2 where G is a constant.Think about what happens when you increase and decrease each of the variables in Newton's equation for the gravitational force between two objects of mass m1 and m2, a distance r from one another. Given your results, what is the likely cause of Kepler's observation that planets travel faster when they are closer to the Sun?

The force of gravity is stronger closer to the Sun.

What can you conclude from this, assuming that the geocentric model holds that the Sun, Moon, and planets like Mars all orbit around Earth in simple circles?

The geocentric model is wrong because it falsely predicts that Mars should always move in the same direction with respect to the stars.

If the Moon had twice the mass that it does, how would the strength of the lunar tides change?

The highs would be higher and the lows would be lower.

Did the neutrino enter the reaction, or was the neutrino produced in the reaction?

The neutrino was produced in the reaction.


The rate at which velocity changes. (slowing down is acceleration but constant speed going straight is not)

Celestial motions over time periods longer than a day are less obvious. Say you went out at exactly the same time each night and looked at the sky, noting the position of a specific set of stars at that time with respect to reference objects on Earth, such as trees and buildings. The following figure shows how the stars would change position. Based on this figure, what is the most correct conclusion?

The stars appear to move westward from one night to the next.

Space telescopes that exist in orbit above most of Earth's atmosphere are expensive, so they must therefore be supported with a very compelling motivation. If you were trying to justify funding for a space telescope in orbit around the Earth, which of the following would be the best argument to use?

The telescope could observe wavelengths of light that are not visible from the ground.

Astronauts in a space shuttle can float while orbiting Earth. Why are these astronauts weightless?

They are falling around Earth at the same rate as the shuttle.

Rank the distance of Venus from Earth, from closest to farthest, based on the images given.

We see more of the lit side of the planet when it is farther away from Earth. Closer: bigger and less illuminated

If Earth's axis were tilted by 45°, instead of its actual tilt, how would the seasons be different than they are currently?

Winters would be colder and summers would be hotter

Imagine a planet moving in a perfectly circular orbit around the Sun. Is this planet experiencing acceleration?

Yes. It is changing its direction of motion all the time.

When an electron moves from a higher energy level to a lower energy level in an atom,

a photon is emitted.

increasing aceleration

a= f/m


ability to distinguish objects that appear close together in the sky

The average distance of Mars from the Sun is 1.4 AU. How bright is the Sun on Mars compared with its brightness on Earth?

about 2 times fainter

For a pair of objects, the center of mass is located

along the line between the two objects, closer to the more massive object.

The Urey-Miller experiment produced ______ in a laboratory jar.

amino acids

Where on Earth can you stand and, over the entire year, see the entire sky?

at the equator

The "square" in the inverse square law for intensity of light means that

at three times the distance, the intensity is 1/9 as great.

Electrons prefer to be in the lowest ground state energy level and will therefore spontaneously fall back to this state when excited, releasing the excess energy in the form of light emitted in a random direction. Given this, what would observer 2 (who does not see the star through the gas) observe in the spectrum of the cloud of gas in the picture above? Select the appropriate spectrum below


When you look at the sky on a dark night and see stars of different colors, which are the hottest?


Light acts like

both a wave and a particle

Which shape best represents Earth's orbit?


Looking down on Earth from above the North Pole, the Moon orbits Earth


As wavelength increases, the energy of a photon __________ and its frequency __________.

decreases; decreases

Cameras that use adaptive optics provide higher spatial-resolution images primarily because

deformable mirrors are used to correct the blurring due to Earth's atmosphere.



This image was taken in infrared light by Hubble's NICMOS camera in September 1997. It shows a young star cluster within the Milky Way Galaxy. Why do the stars appear to be different colors?

difference in temperature

Building effective detectors for particles or waves that scientists would like to study is a real challenge. Some are easily detected, while others are not. Rank the following items in order of increasing difficulty of detection.

from easy to difficult to detect: infrared photons neutrinos gravity waves

CCD cameras have much higher quantum efficiency than other detectors. As a result, CCD cameras can

generate a signal from fewer photons.

Uranus and Neptune are different from Jupiter and Saturn in that Uranus and Neptune

have a higher percentage of ices in their interiors.

Identify the element whose emission spectrum is shown in the graph by comparing it to the known spectra of five different elements.


Match the eccentricity values with the properly shaped ellipse.

higher the eccentricity levels the wider the ellipse (no greater than 1 tho)

At the densities of the Sun, hydrogen nuclear fusion can occur at temperatures greater than about 10 million degrees Kelvin (K). Based on these graphs of the Sun's pressure, density, and temperature in its interior, where are the nuclear reactions occurring?

in a central region 20% the size of the entire Sun

A meteoroid is found _____________, a meteor is found ____________, and a meteorite is found ________________.

in space; in the atmosphere; on the ground

If the distance between Earth and the Sun were cut in half, the gravitational force between these two objects would

increase by a factor of 4.

wavelength and frequency are

inversely related

In the phrase "theory of evolution," the word theory means that evolution

is a well-tested, well-corroborated scientific explanation of natural phenomena.

Carbon is a favorable base for life because

it can bond to many other atoms in long chains.

What happens to the appearance of an object as it gets hotter?

it gets bluer and brighter

If the energy leaving the planet is restricted, what happens to the temperature of the planet?

it increases

in order largest to smallest semimajor axis

largest to smallest: a planet with a period of 2 earth years a planet with a period of 1 earth year a planet with a period of .5 earth year a plant with a period of 84 earth days

Label the four general luminosity classes of stars on the H-R diagram.

left to right: ABDC A: White dwarfs B: Main sequence C: Giants D: Supergiants

In the binary system shown here, a small blue star orbits a larger red star, moving from left to right in front of the red star. Match the orientation of the stars to the appearance of the light curve of the system.

left to right: BCAD A: blue star on right B: blue star on left C: blue star in front D: no blue star (in back)

Label each region of the Sun with the most important process that is happening there.

left to right: BDCA A: Energy radiates outward at the speed of light. B: Nuclear fusion reactions create energy. C: Moving matter physically transports energy outward. D: Energy is absorbed, emitted, and deflected by matter in unpredictable directions.

Scientists look for water to indicate places where life might exist because

life on Earth depends on it.

Refraction is caused by

light changing speed and bending as it enters a new medium.

Extremophiles are organisms that

live in extreme conditions.

Rank the following in order of decreasing wavelength.

longest to shortest wavelength: radio waves infrared visible ultraviolet gamma rays

The diagram shows the configuration of the Sun, Earth, and Moon during a solar eclipse, and the regions on Earth from which the solar eclipse is visible. Identify how much of the eclipse can be seen at each location on Earth by dragging each label to the corresponding target.

look at diagram in hw

If you went to Mars, your weight would be

lower because Mars has lower mass and a smaller radius that together produce a lower gravitational force.

Compare the gravity between these pairs, each consisting of an Earth-like planet and its star. You are given the mass of the planet in Earth masses, the mass of the star in Sun masses, and the distance in AUs.

lowest to highest gravity: 1 Mearth / 2 Msolar / 2 AU 4 Mearth / 2 Msolar / 3 AU 1 Mearth / 1 Msolar / 1 AU 2 Mearth / 1 Msolar / 1 AU

Sunspots, flares, prominences, and coronal mass ejections are all caused by

magnetic activity on the Sun.

The connection between gravity and orbits enables astronomers to measure the __________ of stars and planets.


When observed from two widely separated locations, an object appears to move _____ against the background than when observed from two locations near one another.


phases of the moon

new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, waning crescent

If the star Polaris has an altitude of 35°, then we know that

our latitude is 35° north.

The cosmological principle states that

our place in the universe is not special

If we were to take a snapshot of where the photons are inside the Sun, and which direction they are traveling, we would find that

photons are traveling in all directions.

Kepler's second law says that

planets move fastest when they are closest to the Sun.

The structure of the Sun is determined by both the balance between the forces due to _______ and gravity and the balance between energy generation and energy _______.

pressure; loss

As shown here, the eye is an optical device that has several components that are analogous to features of another optical device—the telescope. Match each telescope component with its ocular equivalent.

pupil: aperture retina: CCD optic nerve: wiring to computer lens: objective lens

types of radiation in order of their energy, from least to greatest

radio waves infrared red visible light blue visible light xrays gamma rays

EM spectrum order

radio, micro, infrared, visible, UV, x-ray, gamma

chromatic aberration

rainbow-making effect

Telescopes that use lenses to focus light are called refracting telescopes. Bigger is better, but there is a limit to how big a lens can get before gravity distorts its shape and it can no longer focus light properly. Reflecting telescopes use curved mirrors to focus light. Gravity will also distort a mirror's shape if it gets too big. Since light passes through a lens, but bounces off a mirror, there is a fundamental difference in the way these two telescope types are designed. Mirrors are supported at the bottom, while lenses are supported at the sides by the tube surrounding them.Given that gravity pulls downward at every point on the lens or mirror, select the telescope type that can get larger (more massive) and still retain its shape.

reflecting telescope


several telescopes connected to act as one

When light enters a medium from space it

slows down

We normally write our address as a street number in a city or town, which is in a state or province, followed by a country. How would you state our cosmic address? Place its elements in sequence, starting with our planet and moving outward.

smallest to largest: earth solar system milky way galaxy local group supercluster universe

Rank the following in order of increasing size: solar system, sun, milky way, virgo supercluster, universe, earth

smallest: earth, sun, solar system, milky way, virgo supercluster, universe

Rank the following in order of size, from smallest to largest: a light-hour, a light-year, the radius of earth, a light-minute, the distance from earth to the sun, the radius of the solar system

smallest: the radius of the earth, a light-minute, the distance from earth to the sun, a light-hour, the radius of the solar system, a light-year


smearing effect due to sharp edge

spring tides vs neap tides

spring: full & new moon neap: 1st and 3rd quarter

The spectral type of a star is directly related to its color. Recall that a star emits light as a blackbody, which has a particular shape to its spectrum, as shown in this figure. Based on this, what basic property of a star determines its color (and thus its spectral type)?


Newton's second law of motion states that

the acceleration of an object is proportional to the net force acting on it

Observations of excited gas in the lab show that every element, molecule, and ion has its own unique set of possible electron energy levels, as shown in the emission spectra below. Based on this fact, what can we find from the wavelengths of absorption lines seen in the spectrum of a star?

the composition of any gas between the light-emitting "surface" of the star and the observer

Meteorites can provide information about all of these except

the current climate of Mars.

The tilt of Earth's axis causes the seasons because

the days are longer in summer. the rays of light strike the ground more directly in summer.

Sunspots change in number and location during the solar cycle. This phenomenon is connected to

the magnetic field of the Sun.

Subsequent semi-diurnal (twice daily) tides happen precisely once every 12 hours and 25 minutes. Given what you know of the motions of the Earth and Moon, where is this extra 25 minutes likely coming from?

the orbit of the Moon around the Earth

Compared to your mass on Earth, on the Moon your mass would be

the same; mass doesn't change.

Astronomers cannot use parallax to find the distance to most stars. This is because the stars are

too far away.

The position of the larger member of a binary system is shown here, along with the orbital path of the second. Locate the companion star based on the current position of the larger star.

top left

Match the appropriate descriptions of luminosity, temperature, and size of stars to the correct portion of the H-R diagram.

top row right to left: DB bottom row right to left: CA A: Cool, small, low luminosity B: Cool, large, high luminosity C: Hot, small, low luminosity D: Hot, large, high luminosity

Label the stars by their relative surface temperature, based on the habitable zones shown in green.

top to bottom: CAB A: High temperature B: Midrange temperature C: Low temperature (top-smallest, middle-widest, bottom-medium. size)

The figure here shows two stars orbiting their center of mass in a binary system. As the stars orbit each other, a side view of the system would show changing positions of their absorption lines due to their Doppler shift.Match the absorption spectrum to the correct orientation of the stars. Assume that we are viewing the system from the bottom of each figure.

top to bottom: CAB A: one thick line B: thin line on left C: thin line on right

Astronomers use two points in Earth's orbit to get the best possible parallax measurement. Even better measurements would be possible with observations from

two points in the orbit of Mars, separated by half a Martian year.

Identify the location of the inner planet shown when it is at a superior conjunction as seen from Earth.


Label the positions in the Earth's orbit with the appropriate day in the Northern Hemisphere. In the diagram shown, north is up and south is down. The direction of the Earth's axial tilt is exaggerated.


In the proton-proton chain, four hydrogen nuclei are converted to a helium nucleus. This does not happen spontaneously on Earth because the process requires

very high temperatures and pressures.

The "second" high tide is caused by

weaker gravity pulling on Earth on the side opposite the Moon.

Match the geological process with the image of a landscape created by that process.

CH 8 Q 3 B Impact cratering |C Tectonism ---------------------|---------------- D Volcanism | A Erosion

Which data point on the plot shown represents when the initial sample of radioactive nuclei only has 12.5% (or 1/8) of radioactive nuclei remaining?

CH8 QUESTION 1!!@! (3 half lives, 2 nuclei)

The graph shown plots the radial velocity of a star that is orbiting around a point due to the gravity of an unseen planet. A negative velocity indicates that the star is moving toward the observer, and a positive velocity indicates that it is moving away.Label each area on the graph according to how the star's light is affected by the Doppler shift at that moment in time.

CHART (hw 7 question 6)

After it was discovered, astronomers predicted Uranus's orbit using Newton's laws of motion and gravity, which had worked extremely well for all of the other planets. To their surprise, they found that their observations of Uranus's motion through the sky did not match their predictions. Which of the following would be the most logical next step?

Check for other previously undiscovered factors that might alter Uranus's orbit while still allowing it to obey Newton's laws of motion and gravity.

The diagram shows a cross section of a planetesimal. Identify the types of asteroids that could result from the fragmentation of different parts of such a body.

outer ring: B center: A A. M-type asteroid B. S-type asteroid C. C-type asteroid (C is not used) CH12 Q1

Suppose an earthquake occurs on an imaginary planet. Scientists on the other side of the planet detect primary waves but not secondary waves after the quake occurs. This observation suggests that

part of the planet's interior is liquid.

The following chemicals either have been or are now part of terrestrial planet atmospheres. Determine whether each is found in either a planet's primary or secondary atmosphere.

primary atmosphere- hydrogen and helium secondary atmosphere- carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and water

Under what lighting conditions are the tiny dust particles, found in some planetary rings, best observed?

viewed from the shadowed side of the planet, looking toward the Sun

As shown in the image to the right, there are gaps of low density in Saturn's rings, including a very large one called the Cassini Division. How could these gaps be created? Gravity has a strong influence on the behavior of astronomical objects, so we begin by looking for nearby large objects. Saturn's large moon Mimas has suspiciously coincidental orbital properties. It orbits exactly once around Saturn for every two times a particle in the Cassini Division would orbit around Saturn.Below is a diagram of the initial configuration Mimas and a particle in the Cassini Division orbiting Saturn. Categorize the four diagrams of the orbit by how many orbits the particle has moved, using the position of the particle and the position of Mimas, marked by a yellow circle.

.0.5 orbits: yellow dot at top 1.0 orbits: yellow dot at left 1.5 orbits: yellow dot at bottom 2.0 orbits: yellow dot at right CH11 Q13

If a radioactive element has a half-life of 10,000 years, what fraction of it is left in a rock after 40,000 years?


If a radioactive element A decays into radioactive element B in 1 half-life of 20 seconds, then after 40 seconds

1/4 of element A will remain.

Particles at the very outer edge of Saturn's A Ring are in a 7:6 orbital resonance with the moon Janus. If the orbital period of Janus is 16 hours 41 minutes, what is the orbital period of the outer edge of Ring A?

14.30 hours

If the radius of an object's orbit is reduced by a factor of 2.00, then in order for angular momentum to be conserved, the velocity must increase by a factor of


The obliquity of Uranus is 98°, creating seasonal effects much different from those experienced on Earth. If you were standing at the north pole on a planet with obliquity of 97.0 °, how far from the zenith would the Sun appear at the time of summer solstice? ______ degrees What would be the Sun's altitude (angular height from your horizon)? _____ degrees

7.0 83.0

A bar is a measure of atmospheric pressure, where one bar is equivalent to Earth's atmospheric pressure at sea level. Venus's atmosphere has a pressure of 92 bars. Water pressure in Earth's oceans increases by one bar for every 10 m of depth. How deep would you have to go to experience pressure equal to the atmospheric surface pressure on Venus?

920m deep

What determines an asteroid's shape? Compare the images of asteroids below and choose the answer that best fits your observations.

Asteroids have a range of sizes, with the largest being spherical and the smaller ones irregular in shape.

Based on the relation shown here between rising carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and average global temperatures, what is a logical prediction about what would happen if CO2 levels were to continue to rise?

Average global temperatures would increase.

As a comet leaves the inner Solar System, its ion tail points

away from the Sun.

Lava flows on the Moon and Mercury created large, smooth plains. We don't see similar features on Earth because

Earth has plate tectonics that recycle the surface.

The diagram shown illustrates the location of the Solar System's eight planets and three large dwarf planets. Sort each object according to its basic composition (Drag and drop into the appropriate area below)

Gaseous Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Rocky Mercury Venus Earth Mars Ceres Rock/ice mixture Pluto Eris

Because of its small size, Mercury has lost most of its internal heat from its formation and is nearly geologically dead. Io is smaller than Mercury, but it is the most geologically active object in the Solar System, with volcanic eruptions constantly repaving its surface. This image shows a couple of volcanic eruptions as they happen. Of the four large Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter, Io is the closest to the planet. Considering Io's size and location in the Solar System, what is the most likely reason for Io's high level of geological activity?

Io's proximity to Jupiter provides a current source of internal heat.

Calculate the oblateness of the following giant planets and rank them from least to most oblate. The equatorial and polar diameters in 1000s of kilometers are:Planet 1: Equatorial diameter = 160; polar diameter = 145Planet 2: Equatorial diameter = 52; polar diameter = 48Planet 3: Equatorial diameter = 120; polar diameter = 114Planet 4: Equatorial diameter = 77; polar diameter = 72

Least oblate Planet 3 Planet 4 Planet 2 Planet 1 Most oblate

Whether a planet has an atmosphere or not depends on a number of factors: mass, temperature, composition of the crust, volcanic activity, and complex evolutionary processes.Rank the planets according to how well they retain their atmospheres, using the following criteria: • The planet that still maintains its primary atmosphere, ranks first.• The planet that lost its primary atmosphere but retains a dense secondary atmosphere, ranks second.• The planet that lost its primary atmosphere and retains a tenuous secondary atmosphere, ranks third.• The planet that retained neither its primary nor secondary atmospheres, ranks last.

Most successful Jupiter Venus Mars Mercury Least successful

Rank the Galilean moons of Jupiter in order of amount of geological activity, from greatest to least.

Most to least: Io(the light brown one with blackheads), Europa(the tan and white one that looks scratched up), Ganymede(grey with sparkles. kind like the moon), and Callisto(dark with the most sparkles-- like a goth disco ball)

Uranus's orbit did not appear to behave according to Newton's laws of motion and gravity. The most likely culprit for Uranus's misbehaving orbit was the gravitational influence of another planet. Using Newton's laws, astronomers were able to calculate exactly where they would expect this still-undiscovered planet to be. When telescopes were pointed at this position, Neptune was seen. What does this imply?

Newton's laws have been verified by yet another test, so we should use them with high confidence until and unless they are falsified by future tests.

Ganymede, Europa, and Io share a 4:2:1 resonance in their orbits around Jupiter. If Io's orbital period is 1.77 days, what are the orbital periods of Europa and Ganymede? Note that Io is the innermost of the three moons, and Ganymede is the outermost.

Orbital period of Europa: 3.54 days Orbital period of Ganymede: 7.08 days

If all the inner planets formed from the same processes, why would Earth and Mars be the only ones with moons? One possibility is that it was difficult for the inner rocky planets to acquire moons, and Earth and Mars obtained theirs only through some lucky event. We can compare the three moons to each other and to other objects in the inner Solar System to get an idea of what might have happened. Shown below are images of the moons, with information about their sizes and densities. Also shown are the sizes and densities of some other relatively small objects in the inner Solar System. Based on the images of the moons and the properties of the objects listed, which of the following statements is correct?

Phobos and Deimos have properties that suggest that they are the same type of object as c-type asteroids.

Why are dwarf planets considered planets despite being smaller than some moons?

They do not orbit a body other than the Sun

The diagram shown indicates the location of exoplanets orbiting their star. The light green ring represents the habitable zone for that star. Determine whether each of the planets in this system is located in a region that is too hot, too cold, or just right for liquid water to potentially exist on the surface.

Too hot for liquid water. Planet b Planet c Planet d Planet e Too cold for liquid water. N/A Just right for liquid water. Planet f CH 7 Q14!!!!!! LOOK

Label the different parts of Venus's atmosphere.

Top to bottom: CBAD A Sulfuric acid haze B Tropopause C Sulfuric acid cloud layer D Troposphere CH 9 Q 16

Properly label the various atmospheric layers for Jupiter.

Top tp bottom DBCEA A Water ice B Troposphere C Ammonia ice D Stratosphere E Ammonium hydrosulfide ice

Which of the following worlds does not show evidence of the current presence of liquid or frozen water?


Venus is hot and Mars is cold primarily because

Venus has a much thicker atmosphere.

Which of the giant planets has the most extreme seasons?


Saturn's bright rings are located within the Roche limit of Saturn. This supports the theory that these rings

are formed of moons torn apart by tidal stresses.

The main greenhouse gases in the atmospheres of the terrestrial planets are

carbon dioxide and water vapor

Over the last 800,000 years, Earth's temperature has closely tracked

carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

The similarity of Mars' tiny moons to asteroids suggests that they wandered away from the nearby asteroid belt and were captured by Mars' gravity. It is difficult to explain, however, how a relatively small planet like the Earth would be capable of capturing an object as large as the Moon. If it wasn't captured, then it must have either formed simultaneously with the Earth or separated from the Earth due to some event that happened later. We can get an idea of which scenarios are reasonable by looking at the composition of the two, which we can gather from their densities.Examine the figure below, which shows the approximate density of the Earth's layers in g/cm3. If the density of the Moon is 3.34 g/cm3, which layer of the Earth is it most similar to?


Individual cloud layers in the giant planets have different compositions. This happens because

different volatiles freeze out at different temperatures.

Rank the giant planets by the maximum measured wind speeds, from lowest (at left) to highest (at right).

lowest to highest: Jupiter(brownish. red), Uranus(rainbowy), Saturn(tan), Neptune(blue)

Imagine that a star-forming cloud collapses but retains all of its mass in a single blob. In order to conserve angular momentum, the cloud must

spin faster

Volcanoes on Enceladus affect the E Ring of Saturn by

supplying ring particles.

Zonal winds on the giant planets are stronger than those on the terrestrial planets because

the giant planets rotate faster.

Scientists know the history of Earth's magnetic field because

the magnetic field freezes into rocks, and plate tectonics spreads the rocks out.

Deep in the interiors of the giant planets, water is still a liquid even though the temperatures are tens of thousands of degrees above the boiling point of water. This can happen because

the pressure inside the giant planets is so high.

The chemical compositions of Jupiter and Saturn are most similar to those of

the sun

Less massive molecules tend to escape from an atmosphere more often than more massive ones because

they are moving faster

Congress tasked NASA with searching for near-Earth objects because

they might impact Earth, as others have in the past.

Drag each type of material to the bar indicating where each could be found in the forming Solar System.

top Refractory materials middle Water ice bottom Highly volatile materials

Identify the main parts of a comet in these two images.

top image: from top to bottom CA Bottom Image: From top to bottom DB A Dust tail B Nucleus C Ion tail D Coma CH12Q2

Label the various atmospheric layers for Uranus.

top to bottom DBCEA A Water ice B Methane ice C Hydrogen sulfide D Stratosphere E Ammonium hydrosulfide ice CH 10Q5

Label the various atmospheric layers for Saturn.

top to bottom DBCEA A Water ice B Troposphere C Ammonia ice D Stratosphere E Ammonium hydrosulfide CH10. Q4

Convection in the _________ causes weather on Earth.


The ozone layer protects life on Earth from

ultraviolet radiation

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