Astronomy 105 HW#3

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2.5 AU

A hypothetical takes 4 years to orbit the Sun. Approximately how far away from the Sun is it? (a) 0.5AU (b) 1.75AU (c) 2.5AU (d) 8AU (e) 12.5AU

All would be the same

For which will the orbit period be longest? (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) all would be the same

Decreased by a factor of 4

If the distance between two bodies is doubled the gravitational force between them is (a) increased by a factor of 2 (b) increased by a factor of 4 (c) increased by a factor of 3 (d) decreased by a factor of 2 (e) decreased by a factor of 4


The Earth is nearest to the Sun during our winter season in the northern hemisphere. From this fact and by applying Kepler's second law we can deduce that the shortest season in the northern hemisphere is (a) winter (b) spring (c) summer (d) fall (e) all of the seasons are of equal length


The foci of an ellipse are most closely related to which part of a circle? (a) circumference (b) diameter (c) radius (d) center (e) pi

6 AU

What is the planet's aphelion distance?

5 AU (10 Divided by 2=5)

What is the planet's average distance from the sun?

11 years (according to the formula used in Kepler's third law)

What is the planet's orbital period?

All of kepler's Laws

Which of Kepler's laws are followed by a chunk of space debris moving in orbit around the Sun? (a) Kepler's first law (b) Kepler's second law (c) Kepler's third law (d) All of Kepler's laws (e) None of Kepler's laws

The finding that a planet's distance from the Sun is related to its orbital period

Which of the following is not a contribution made by Galileo to science? (a) The demonstration that heavy and light objects fall at the same rate to the ground (b) The finding that a planet's distance from the Sun is related to its orbital period (c) The discovery of the 4 Moons of Jupiter (d) The discovery of the phases of Venus (e) The discovery that the Milky Way consists of numerous faint stars


Which of the orbits has the largest eccentricity? (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) all have the same

All have the same

Which of the orbits has the largest semi-major axis? (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) all have the same

Mercury= 0.206 and Mars 0.093

Which two planets have the largest orbital eccentricities? What are their values?

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