Astronomy Exam #1

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Just because not the brightest it is still the most important

what is important to note about polaris?

Andromeda and Milky Way

will collide in about 3.75 billion years


Speed equation=


push or pull on an object


usually made of rock and metal

1) the Universe is expanding. Edwin Hubble found that almost all galaxies (except those in Local Group) are moving away from us, and that the farther away the galaxy, the faster its speed. 2) Galaxies in the Universe that were originally close to one another, and as the Universe goes on they move farther apart. 3)Space, and the rising of the dough is the expansion of space. 4)Stay the same size. Space inside galaxies doesn't get bigger, but space between galaxies gets stretched.

1) The raisin bread dough analogy is used to help explain what? 2) What do the raisins represent? 3) What does the dough represent? 4) Do the "raisins" get larger or stay same size?

1 light year

800 solar systems wide=


A large cloud of dust and gas in space

Scientific Notation (note: small #'s have negative exponents and move to the left, large #'s have positive exponents and move to the right)

A shorthand way of writing very large or very small numbers. On calc: 1.234 X 10^9 is 1.234 2nd button EE , button then 9 Examples: 0.0000023 → 2.3 x 10^-6 93,000,000 → 9.3 x 10^7

C)the elevator is speeding up as it moves downwards

A student is standing on a bathroom scale in our classroom and the scale reads 175 lbs. This person stands on the scale while riding an elevator. At one point, the scale reads 170 lbs. Which scenario could describe the motion of the elevator? A)the elevator is in free fall B)the elevator is speeding up as it moves upwards C)the elevator is speeding up as it moves downwards D)the elevator is moving at constant velocity upwards

Every galaxy in the universe sees the same effect-all other galaxies rushing away which is due to space expanding between galaxies. If every galaxy sees this then there is not center.

A student reading about Edwin Hubble's cosmological redshift of galaxies discovery makes this statement:"We must be at the center of the Universe because we see almost every galaxy rushing away from us."Do you agree or disagree with the student? Why or why not?


We are about _____ light years from the core on the fringes of a spiral arm

Disagree because this person means closest to our solar system. (We live in the Milky Way Galaxy which contains our Sun and about 100-200 billion stars. Solar system consists of Sun, planets and other stuff like comets, asteroids, moons, etc.)

An astronomy student makes the following statement,"The closest star to our galaxy is Proxima Centauri, which is about 4.2 light years away from us."Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not?

Newton's 1st Law

An object moves at a constant velocity unless a net force acts to change its speed or direction. Velocity = 0 m/s (rest) or Velocity that is constant and not zero No NET forces! (all forces are balanced)

3.527E15 miles (600 light years/ 1 x 1 mile/ 1.701 x 10-13 light years)

Betelgeuse is a star about 600 light years away. How many miles away is it? 1 mile = 1.701 x10-13 light years

79 AU

Diameter of solar system

Milky Way = galaxy

Discoveries went from the earth being a sphere, then it orbits the sun to...

Yes, because of the lower gravity on the Moon, it would take more chocolate to weigh a pound than on earth.

Does it make sense? If you could buy a pound of chocolate on the Moon, using a pound scale from Earth, you'd get more chocolate than if you bought a pound of chocolate on Earth.

C) the forces are equal

In outer space, a bowling ball and a ping pong ball attract each other due to the gravitational forces between them. How do the strengths of these attractive forces compare? A) the bowling ball exerts a greater force on the ping pong ball B) the ping pong ball exerts a greater force on the bowling ball C) the forces are equal D) the forces are zero because they cancel out

Decrease your speed Increase your speed Change the direction of travel

In what ways can you change velocity?

Newton's 3rd law

Every force has a reaction force, in the opposite direction FA,B=-FB,A

R is large and V is small when arms are out. When she tucks in, her R is small and her V is large. Arms out means slower, arms in are fast. Her mass is the same.

Explain the physics behind why a spinning ice skater speeds up when she brings her arms in toward her body.


Force of gravity equation=

equal opposite

Forces are always ___ but ___. Ping pong ball and bowling ball pulling on each other in outer space are equal!!!!

27,000 light years

How far from the galactic center is our Sun/solar system?

1,000 light years

How thick is the disk of the Milky Way?

100,000 light years

How wide across is the Milky Way galaxy in light years?


If your velocity is changing in any way then you have an ____

Must orbit the sun, have enough mass for gravity to make it round, and have cleared its orbit of debris

In order to be a planet: (Pluto didn't satisfy this rule bc it is a dwarf planet - Pluto is in the Kuiper belt)

C)0 m/s

Luis runs one lap around the 400 meter track in 50 seconds. What is his average velocity for this lap? A)8 m/s B)8 s/m C)0 m/s D)200 m/s

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune (My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos)

Name the planets in order:

Newton's 2nd Law

Net Force (unbalanced) Causes a mass to accelerate Force net= mass x acceleration Fnet=m*a

B)Both will hit the ground at the same time.

Suppose you drop a feather and a 5-lb weight on the Moon, both from the same height at the same time. What will happen? A)They both will float freely, since everything is weightless on the Moon. B)Both will hit the ground at the same time. C)The feather will hit the ground before the 5-lb weight. D)The 5-lb weight will hit the ground before the feather.

5.4103 x 10^-9 4.99 x 10 ^2

Put these in scientific notation: 0.0000000054103 = 499 =


Rank the following sizes from smallest to largest. A.1 AU B. Average distance from Sun to Neptune C. Distance to center of Milky Way from our Solar System D. The Sun's diameter E. Average distance from Earth to Sun F. One light year G. Distance to Andromeda Galaxy from our Solar System

C, D

Select all that apply. Which temperatures below correspond to absolute zero? A)0 ℃ B)0 ℉ C)0 K D)-459.67 ℉ E)-100 ℃ F)273.15 K

is a supercluster that holds all of the clusters of galaxies that are moving toward a common area in the Universe called the Great Attractor. Superclusters of galaxies that are not moving toward the Great Attractor - considered part of another system of superclusters.

Short answer question: How are scientists now defining the boundary of Laniakea Supercluster?

D)13.8 billion years

The age of the Universe is about A)4.6 million years. B)4.6 billion years. C)13.8 million years. D)13.8 billion years.

A)velocity also includes a direction.

The difference between speed and velocity is that: A)velocity also includes a direction. B)velocity is the same as acceleration but speed is different. C)velocity is calculated using a physics equation. D)they are expressed in different units.

D) 240 million years

The galactic year is the time it takes our Solar System to orbit the Milky Way. About how long is it? A)13.8 billion years B)13.8 million years C)240 billion years D)240 million years


Time equation=

C) average distance between Earth and the Sun

What is the astronomical unit? A) distance between Earth and the Sun B) distance between Earth and the Moon C) average distance between Earth and the Sun D) average distance between Earth and the Moon

Used to hypothesize that the force of gravity was universal. There's a minimum speed to launch something into orbit. In space, you are constantly in free fall. (Same as elevator in free fall.)

What was Newton's orbital cannon? How does it relate to the International Space Station and the astronauts in it?

Newton's 3rd law (Every force has a reaction force, in the opposite direction)

When an apple falls from a tree the apple exerts an upward force on Earth equal to the force Earth has on the apple. Which law of motion explains this?

in the halo above and below the galactic disk

Where are globular clusters located in our galaxy? Where does most of our galaxy's dark matter reside?

D) Barred spiral galaxy with warping

Which best describes the shape of the Milky Way galaxy? A)Spiral galaxy B)Spiral galaxy with warping C)Barred spiral galaxy D)Barred spiral galaxy with warping


Which is the most massive galaxy in the Local Group? A)Milky Way B)Triangulum C)Andromeda D)Phoenix E)Sculptor

Newton's first law (An object moves at a constant velocity unless a net force acts to change its speed or direction)

Which law of motion explains why a spaceship needs no fuel to keep moving in space?

Newton's 2nd law (The greater the mass, the greater the amount of force needed)

Which law of motion explains why it takes less force to accelerate a baseball compared to a bowling ball?

B) a diver on a 10-meter high platform (greatest when its farthest from the sun)

Which object has the greatest gravitational potential energy? A)a bowling ball perched on a 100-m cliff edge B) a diver on a 10-meter high platform C) a 100 kg satellite orbiting Earth

C)the farther away the galaxy, the faster it appears to be moving

Which of the following best describes Hubble's Law? A)the farther away the galaxy, the larger the size of the galaxy B)the farther away the galaxy, the smaller the size of the galaxy C)the farther away the galaxy, the faster it appears to be moving D)the farther away the galaxy, the slower it appears to be moving

B) it has a moon (This is not a requirement for a planet Mercury and Venus have no moons)

Which of the following is NOT a requirement for a planet in that it is not included in the official definition of the word "planet?" A) it has enough mass that gravity has shaped it to be round or nearly round B) it has a moon C) it orbits the Sun D) it has cleared its orbit of debris

D)Driving in a straight line at 60 miles per hour.

Which of the following represents a case in which you are not accelerating? A)Driving 60 miles per hour around a curve. B)Going from 0 to 60 miles per hour in 10 seconds. C)Slamming on the brakes to come to a stop at a stop sign. D)Driving in a straight line at 60 miles per hour.


Which of the following statements are TRUE? A. Earth is in the center of the solar system. B. The Sun is in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. C. The fact that we see all other galaxies rushing away from us means we are in the center of the Universe. D. There is no center of the Universe. E. The Universe is expanding. F. The Big Bang was an explosion OF space. G. The Milky Way Galaxy is on a collision course with the Andromeda Galaxy. H. A supermassive black hole resides in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.

A)Because there is no gravity in space.

Why are astronauts weightless in the Space Station? A)Because there is no gravity in space. B)Because the Space Station is constantly in free-fall around the Earth. C)Because the Space Station is moving at constant velocity. D)Because the Space Station is traveling so fast.

- McMichael - Elon - North Carolina - USA - North America - Earth - Solar System -Orion Spur - Milky Way -Local Group -Local Virgo Supercluster -Laniakea Supercluster -Visible Universe -Observable Universe -Universe

Write your cosmic address.

No because the suitemate is talking about time. (The light year is a unit of measurement for distance—in fact it's about 6 trillion miles. Your suitemate has basically said "It will take me 6 trillion MILES to write this paper." Unless she is writing it while traveling, she's using this term incorrectly.)

Your suitemate, feeling exasperated over a writing assignment says,"It will take me light years to write this English paper!"Has your suitemate used the term "light years" correctly? Why or why not?

Hubble Andromeda moving away faster expanding

____ Discoveries: 1. ____ "Nebula" was actually another GALAXY beyond the Milky Way. 2. All galaxies beyond the Local Group are _____ ____. 3. The farther away the galaxy the ___ the galaxy is moving away. (This means that space/Universe is ____)

Kuiper Belt

a "sprinkle" of comets (small icy bodies) that live in donut shaped region of the solar system.

angular momentum

always the same value=same at every location

1 AU (Astronomical Unit)

average distance between Earth and Sun, roughly 93 million miles.

Virgo Supercluster

contains Local Group and clusters of galaxies

2.5 million light years

distance bt Milky Way + Andromeda

Light year

distance light travels in one year which is about 6 trillion miles

Oort Cloud

encases the entire solar system (Kuiper Belt etc.)

Kinetic energy

greatest when its closest to the sun

Gravitational potential energy

greatest when its farthest from the sun

Proxima (alpha) centauri

nearest star to us (about 4.2 light years away)

Local group

our galaxy in a group with other galaxies (Milky Way + Andromeda (largest), Triangulum - 3rd largest)


region of space where many groups and clusters of galaxies are packed together.

Orion Spur

spiral arm of Milky Way Galaxy

Hubble's law

states that the farther away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away from us (expanding universe)

to find the strength of gravitational force

use Fg=GM1M23(d*d Fg= force of gravity G= constant 6.67*10-11m2kg2*N M = masses d = distance between the two masses Forces are equal but in opposite directions


velocity equation= (both your car's speed and direction)

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