ASU COM 100 Exam 2

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In the small rural community where Ken lives, the firehouse whistle sounds at noon each day to signal to the farmers that it's time for lunch. The whistle is an example of _____. a soundscape a demographic lurking a vocal cue

A soundscape

Monique enjoyed Professor Kirchoff's class because her lectures were well-organized and error-free, and she always asked the students if they had any questions about the topic. Monique is a(n) _____-oriented listener. people action time content


Corrine reminded her 10-year-old daughter that she needed to have patience when listening to her grandfather because he is hard of hearing and doesn't always know what the other person says. Which individual influence is playing a role in this listening process? gender nationality biology age


Jerome, Adrian, and Whitney have decided to do their class project on intimate partner violence. They want to create a message for college-aged men and women about what partner abuse is. Now they need to know what their audience thinks and knows about the topic and how frequently violence occurs. They are in which stage of the Dewey sequence of problem solving? identify alternative solutions choose the best solution analyze the problem define and delineate the problem

Analyze the problem

Which of the following is an example of using Machiavellian tactics? Telling your roommate directly that you don't want to live with him because he is too messy. Telling your roommate that you don't want to live with him because you don't want to hurt your friendship. Asking a friend to tell your roommate that you don't want to live with him next semester because he is messy. Telling your roommate a "white lie"—that you don't want to live with him because you need to live alone so you can study more.

Asking a friend to tell your roommate that you don't want to live with him next semester because he is messy.

Keith noticed Carla at a party and thought she was pretty. He went over to talk to her and soon found out they were both interested in distance running. They have now been dating for six weeks. Which theory best explains what drew Keith and Carla together? predicted outcome theory attraction theory the matching hypothesis uncertainty reduction theory

Attraction Theory

Which of the following is the best strategy for making accurate and ethical attributions? Make an educated guess and stick with it. Avoid overemphasizing the negative. Focus on the positive information you hear. Employ self-serving bias.

Avoid overemphasizing the negative.

After spending several months dating, Ari and Ellen no longer go on any dates or weekend excursions together. In fact, they both work late shifts so they have an excuse for why they aren't available to spend time together. According to Knapp's stage model, Ari and Ellen's relationship development is at the _____ stage. differentiating avoiding circumscribing stagnating


Health psychologist James J. Lynch conducted research that established a connection between human interaction, which includes listening, and _____. digestive health mental awareness sociocultural awareness cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular Health

Kendall likes the members of her work team because they all trust each other and know everyone will do their part to get a task done. In other words, her work team has achieved _____. groupthink cohesion complacency diversion


Rather than assign a leader, the study group decided that they would all be responsible for all facets of the presentation. What type of leadership does this represent? transformational charismatic authoritarian collaborative


In the field of communication, _____ is/are understood to be the categories that people develop to help them organize information. outlooks sensory input constructs knowledge


When Trevor goes to a live theater performance, he remembers the main themes of the show, how well the themes were developed, and how credibly the themes were performed by the actors. Trevor displays which of the listening styles? time-oriented content-oriented people-oriented action-oriented


What are the two types of hurtful messages? primary and secondary ritual and societal aggressive and nonaggressive intentional and unintentional

Intentional and unintentional

When Dale first meets Li, he wants to make a good impression, so he talks a lot about himself and a recent award. Instead of being impressed, Li, who is from another country, thinks he is a braggart. This is an example of the role of _____ in perception. social comparison historical time period power culture


Pat made an anniversary dinner for Grayson. He accidently burned the meat and the corn-on-the-cob was raw. At the end of dinner, Grayson told him, "Dinner was wonderful." Which of the following best characterizes Grayson's behavior? jealous deceptive honest critical


You are concerned that the person you are dating likes to talk about a lot of topics, but doesn't share personal information or private thoughts with you. You are concerned about which dimension of social penetration theory? frequency depth vividness breadth


Steve's parents frequently advise him on what he should do to be successful in his undergraduate program. Because they have never been to college, he is dismissive of what they have to say. Which type of inauthentic communication does this example demonstrate? disqualification topic avoidance meaning denial withdrawal


Researchers found that individuals responded more helpfully to someone in need when they were initially exposed to smiles in a first encounter. This is a reflection of the role of _____ in perceptual processes. knowledge emotional state physical differences cognitive complexity

Emotional State

When Jessa read the derisive e-mail her co-worker had sent, she realized it wasn't actually for her and had to decide if she should forward it to the person it was intended for. Which aspect of listening is Jessa using? visual cue ethics context community


It is normal to be proud of one's national group, but one becomes _____ when engaging in polarized thinking and behavior in this regard. cognitively complex ethnocentric prejudicial ego-defensive


When 16-year-old Juno tells her parents that she is pregnant, they feel disappointed but respond with support. Their disappointment is an example of what part of the four stages of listening? hearing evaluating responding reacting


The tendency to attribute others' negative behavior to internal causes and positive behaviors to external causes is called _____. overattribution fundamental attribution error self-serving bias framing

Fundamental Attribution Error

Every time Juanita is assigned a group project for school, she ends up doing all of the work because the other people in the group are somehow unavailable. As a result, she really dislikes group work in general and prefers to do assignments on her own. Juanita is experiencing _____. groupthink ethnocentrism multiculturalism grouphate


The sound waves that a person picks up when something heavy falls to the floor are part of the _____ stage of the listening process. responding evaluating hearing understanding


Which step in Knapp's stage model occurs when both people seek to increase intimacy and connectedness? intensifying integrating circumscribing differentiating


Ron has worked as a pharmaceutical sales representative for several years. He has developed a template outlining exactly how he will introduce himself to new doctors in hopes that he can add them as clients. This template serves as a(n) _____. interpersonal frame interpersonal script schema prototype

Interpersonal Script

What does the text indicate is an advantage of working in a small group? It promotes critical thinking. It can lead to excessive closeness. It allows groupthink. It is time-consuming.

It promotes critical thinking

When people perceive a threat to an existing relationship, they often feel _____. proximity diaspora deception jealousy


When he broke up with his partner, Nicholas said it was for the best because now they could both devote more time to their studies. Which disengagement strategy did Nicholas use? positive tone behavioral negative identity justification


As social media continues to be a vital part of communication, some communication experts have added the term _____, or following social media posts without responding, to their definition of listening. phishing ghosting lurking tweeting


Cultural diversity in small group communication shows that people from collectivist countries are most concerned with _____. promoting individual views allowing competition to foster establishing the identity of individuals maintaining harmony within the group

Maintaining harmony within the group

Keeping a clear focus on the activity you are engaged in, with attention to as many of the specifics of the event as you can, is a perception skill known as _____. mindfulness selective attention perception checking cognitive complexity


What process takes place just after receiving sensory input and helps us structure and recognize what the input represents? selection interpretation retention organization


Carmen and Raoul have been in a relationship for two years. Raoul thought everything was fine, but one day, Carmen told him it was over—without giving him any prior warning. This relationship ending is an example of _____. passing away sudden death unexplained rivalry misunderstanding

Passing Away

After the first day of accounting class, Shondra stopped to talk with three other students and after a friendly exchange, discovered they enjoyed playing tennis as much as she did. She asked if they wanted to get together for a match later that week. Which listening style is Shondra displaying? content-oriented time-oriented people-oriented action-oriented


When the text discussed differing perceptions regarding the role of race in the U.S. by white Americans and African Americans, it is referring to the role of _____. historical time period power religion social comparison


When we are most influenced by and pay the most attention to information learned first, this is referred to as the _____. receiver effect primary effect primacy effect recency effect

Primacy Effect

Which of these groups is experiencing groupthink? Carson knows it is always better to work in a group than to work alone. Rather than voice her disagreement, Jessica went along with what everyone else wanted to do. Rob is the leader of the group but encourages all the group members to participate in the final decision. Mallory suggested that everyone in the group take out a sheet of paper and write down every idea that came into their thoughts.

Rather than voice her disagreement, Jessica went along with what everyone else wanted to do.

Rather than listen to the lecture, Juliette was busy thinking about what question she could ask so she could earn participation points for the class. Which ineffective listening behavior is Juliette demonstrating? judging rejecting predicting rehearsing


During the _____ phase of the decision-making process, members of the group reach consensus and the decision solidifies. emergence conflict reinforcement orientation


Even though she has three exams next week, Asha knows she also has to do her share of the group project or it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the group. Asha is demonstrating _____ ethics. transformational relational functional primary


Nadia tried to bring harmony back to the group when she said she could understand both Lydia's view and Jason's opposing view. What type of role is Nadia playing in this group? recorder task blocker relational


In the listening process, when you _____ you show others how you regard their message. understand hear respond evaluate


When Emmaline entered the theater, she was engaged in the entire experience—the ornate surroundings, the well-dressed patrons, and the sounds of the orchestra tuning up. But when the curtain rose, Emmaline tuned everything else out and focused on the performer at center stage. This process is known as _____. organization selective attention interpretation categorization

Selective Attention

According to research, _____ may be based in part on the way others smell. personal body image sexual attraction friendship identity

Sexual Attraction

Which of these words best describes homogeneity in a relationship? complexity difference similarity attraction


Bryan listens carefully when the endodontist explains how to care for his mouth after his wisdom teeth are removed. Which societal force is affecting Bryan's communication behavior? community age vocal cues social hierarchy

Social Hierarchy

When you use openness to end a relationship, you _____. straightforwardly explain why the relationship is ending make up a false story to avoid hurting the other person's feelings make the other person jealous so they want to break up avoid contacting the other person

Straightforwardly explain why the relationship is ending

Manuel walks into his business meeting with three other colleagues. They are all chatting about the weekend and sipping coffee. At 9:00 a.m., Manuel jumps up and says, "Good morning everyone, let's get started. I think we should begin by looking at last quarter's reports." Manuel is taking on which type of group role? social relational individual task


Mindful listening involves three elements: (1) the desire to get the whole message, (2) the willingness to place your agenda lower in priority than the speaker's, and (3) _____. the need to provide effective feedback the ability to eliminate noise barriers the ability to necessitate change the desire to demonstrate empathy

The ability to eliminate noise barriers

With which of the people below are you in a close relationship? The person you say hello to in the elevator on your way to communication class. The cashier who checks out your groceries. The best friend who you text daily. The person who serves you coffee at Starbucks each morning.

The bestfriend who you text daily

Stacey says, "He's so attractive. I bet his romantic partner is very good looking too." This assumption reflects the ideas of _____. predicted outcome theory social exchange theory the matching hypothesis uncertainty reduction theory

The matching hypothesis

Valarie likes her doctor because he takes the time to listen thoughtfully to everything she has to say and advises her on the best actions to take. This demonstrates how people with good listening skills are seen as _____. dynamic pleasant complacent trustworthy


There are two unique characteristics of a virtual team: (1) they communicate electronically more so than face-to-face and (2) _____. they do not receive feedback from other group members they are more cohesive than teams that meet face-to-face they are geographically dispersed they typically speak different languages

They are geographically dispersed

The professor said that a group of five people waiting in line to eat at a hotdog stand does not constitute small group communication. Why is this true? They are not speaking to one another. There are not enough people in the line. They all have different reasons for being in line. They do not feel connected to each other in any way.

They do not feel connected to each other in any way

_____ theory suggests that leaders are born with natural communication skills, personality characteristics, and/or physical characteristics that enable them to be better leaders. Functional Shared Trait Style


Miranda is the department manager and she encourages all of her employees to come to her with ideas and innovative ways to improve how the department functions. She also encourages her employees to be supportive of each other. Miranda has a(n) _____ leadership style. democratic transformational authoritarian laissez-faire


Which of the following statements about perception is correct? Our perceptions have little impact on how others view themselves. A positive self-image makes us much more sensitive to others' negative reactions to us. When we perceive people as being polite, we are more likely to agree to their requests. When we communicate, we mostly respond to others' words.

When we perceive people as being polite, we are more likely to agree to their requests.

Which of the following is an example of unethical behavior related to perception? not partnering up with a classmate for a project when you know the classmate has cheated before informing your sister that you perceive her boyfriend to be a loud, obnoxious person treating an elderly person as a child because you believe old people are infirm not wearing a hat outside because you believe the temperature to be warmer than it really is

treating an elderly person as a child because you believe old people are infirm

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