ATY Final Exam Notes

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The Chinese were so advanced, having invented the compass, that they did not need any assistance making their way to India, Arabia, or Africa.


The Vikings could not survive on Greenland because the weather made it impossible for anyone to survive.


The fact that Homer's Iliad was used to find Troy means that Plato's account can be used to find Atlantis.


The real person on which the Arthur legend was based would have lived in a castle and been a knight in shining armor.


If archaeologists found fragments of a boat associated with Solutrean materials in Europe then it would prove that Clovis people came from Europe.

False (Just because people had boats does not mean that they could cross the Atlantic or did so.)

The hand writing interpreters that make precise measurements of more variables are more accurate.

False (The number of measurements cannot make a technique valid if the underlying proposition (handwriting reveals personality) is invalid.

Since archaeology is a science, archaeological excavations are experiments that can be repeated to verify the results.

False (archaeological excavations cannot be repeated, once its gone its gone)

Twain's book was a complete work of fiction, whereas Typee is based on Melville's actual experiences in the South Pacific. Nevertheless, not all parts of the story may have happened. Based on the principles of diffusion, what event is least likely to have occurred?

Fayaway's ride in a canoe-she would not have been allowed to break the taboo.

Which of the following would be the proper format for referencing your text book? Remember to Use the AAA Style Guide (the agreed upon format for all papers submitted in the Anthropology Dept at UNCG.

Feder, Kenneth. 2018. Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Al Goodyear thought there may be a "pre-Clovis" occupation at the Topper Site because other researchers had started to find sites that were older than Clovis. If he found artifacts or materials that may have been modified by people (ecofacts) below the Clovis layer then people may have lived in the area before Clovis times. He excavated lower into an Ice Age Sand and found stones in piles and some pieces had sharp edges that would not have been made by rolling down the hill. He asked Steve Foreman to date the sediment because he did not find any preserved carbon. Steve could not date the same soil layer but dated an area above where the modified stones were found. The sediment dated to ~15,000 years ago. Therefore the modified rocks are older than Clovis. In future excavations at the Topper Site Al is going to look for more materials below the Clovis layers at the site. Based on the narrative above the statement, "If there are "pre-Clovis" occupations at other sites there may be other places that were occupied before Clovis," represents what phase of the scientific process?

Inductive Thinking

The Yankee set up a number of schools such as "West Point." These institutions are an example of ...

Intermediary diffusion.

What does the following sentence mean? Science is a positive enterprise

Scientists assume that the universe is real and knowable.

In the film, the narrator implies that Indian drama copies Chinese drama because of their similarities. What would be necessary for this to have taken place?

Since drama and its performance are complex phenomena long term and intensive interaction would be required for this trait to be diffused.

The archaeologist at Monticello has a hypothesis for why subfloor pits disappear near the end of the 18th century, what is it?

Slave houses became smaller and may represent family living

Based on the attribute of complexity, which of the following was the most likely to have diffused between the Yankee and King Arthur's Britain?

Stove pipe hats.

Which of the following is NOT a principle of Darwinian Evolution?

Successful individuals are those that adapt to their environment.

Given the data presented in the film. No theory explaining how people got into the New World is better supported than any other. Nevertheless some of the "data" presented in the film was better than others. Which of the following is the weakest?

Suwanee Points must date to the peak of the last glacial period because they were found associated with a Walrus tusk in the Chesapeake Bay Area.

Tommo spent several months with the Typee, however he never really came to understand their concept of Taboo. Why might that be?

Taboo was a complex concept and therefore its meaning was not easily diffused

Tommo spent several months with the Typee, however he never really came to understand their concept of Taboo. Why might that be?

Taboo was a complex concept and therefore its meaning was not easily diffused.

Which of the following is a supposition for which no evidence is provided?

Tartessos is Atlantis.

What do graphologists believe?

That the slants observed in a person's handwriting can reveal aspects of a person's personality.

Which of the following is an example of an absolute date?

The C-14 date for the earliest domesticate maize in Mexico is approximately 6000BC.

As archaeology can demonstrate what was the major difference between the slave owner diet and the slave diet.

The percentage of and the quality of cut domestic animals consumed.

Accounts of early voyages to the New World...

a)emphasized the features of New World Natives that Europeans would find to be negative b)included fantastical fictions to sell books. c)exaggerated the wealth to be had to encourage investors

Which of the following can establish the relative date of an artifact?

a)its location in a soil layer b)how its style compares to a known typology c)the species of animals it was found with

According to Berkhofer (1978), Europeans tended to ...

a)take the features from one native group and assign these features to a generalized view of Indians. b)judged native groups in moral terms based on Christian and civil values. c)described Indians in terms of what they lacked with regards to European society.

If the Star Fleet had 28,000 men including sailors from India, Arabia, and possibly Africa we would expect...

a)that Arabian or Indian sailors to have quickly returned to the New World. b)there to be accounts and maps in the archives of several countries of the Old World. c)artifacts from the Americas to have circulated in several parts of the Old World.

When considering diffusion there are five major lines of consideration, which include all of the following EXCEPT...

a)the recipient context b)the donor context. c)the nature of the phenomena. (d)the distance between the donor and recipient.

In the hospital's experiments testing the efficacy of touch therapy since one touch therapist was able to have an impact on the cancer cells it must be a valid technique.

False (Many more experiments are needed to determine what other variables may have affected the cancer cells.)

He published a text called "Principles of Geology", and paved the way for wide scale acceptance that the earth was very old.

Charles Lyell

Who penned the earliest widely distributed description of "Indians" in Europe?

Christopher Columbus

Since materials from the Gault site in Texas suggest that the people living there and using Clovis points lived a different lifestyle from mammoth hunting Clovis people in New Mexico one researcher working at the Gault proposed that...

Clovis points are a technology that spread between groups not a group of people that moved and expanded across the continent.

Based on the attribute of role, which of the following is the most likely to have diffused?


How was Arlington Springs Woman's remains dated to more than 13,000 years old?

Collagen from her bones was directly dated with radiocarbon dating.

Why were Native Americans called indios or Indians?

Columbus thought he had landed in some part of Asia.

When those who support the claim that an alien ship crashed in Roswell, NM ignore the newspaper description of the debris (e.g., tape printed with floral designs) they are failing which of the following FiLCHeRS rules?


Based on the attribute of association which of the following was the least likely to have been established in King Arthur's Britain because of the Yankee?


What type of evidence existed in the 1800s that linked Native American Indians to the construction of prehistoric mounds?

Ethnohistoric accounts by De Soto and others that documented Native American groups building and using mounds.

Melville's character seems to admire the natives most of the time, but is horrified by some of their behaviors. His feelings about _________________ prevented this attribute from diffusing between the Typee and Tommo.

Facial Tattoos

Which "type of knowledge" does the statement, "The bone from Arlington Springs Woman was dated using radiocarbon to between 13,500-13,200 years ago. " represent?


At Hierakonpolis the earliest mummies all had burial masks.


Clovis points are easily made and exclusively used to hunt mammoths and mastodons.


Diffusion of traits always occurs from a more advanced civilization to a less developed society.


Dowsing might work if a person had the correct tool or was skilled at dowsing.


In the film "Beyond Science" the claim that healing touch therapy could improve a person's energy is an example of...(according to Lett)

undeclared claim

The dowsing in Sugarbush Vermont was...

unsuccessful because the drillers found an insufficient amount of water.

Which of the following is not a term used to categorize archaeological societies?


Touch therapy is a healing technique based on Asian practices, in the video a hospital:

was trying to find a way to objectively test if touch therapy is actually effective.

Since the Broken Mammoth site and older site with microblades are both located in Alaska they...

were part of Beringia and may not be related to sites in the other areas of North America.

The dowser determined that Alan Alda could be a successful dowser because...

when Alan Alda was holding a wire clothes hanger loosely in his hand it turned toward his chest.

Which of the following attributes did not continue from the earliest mummification to later Dynastic Egypt?

burial in the fetal position

In New Mexico, Clovis points were considered older than Folsom points because they were found in lower strata. This is an example of...

relative dating

The principle of association asserts that materials found in the same strata or in the same tomb are roughly the same age, and is an essential component of ...

relative dating.

Which came first?

rock art of giraffes

What is epistemology ?

the study of knowledge

For the girl's science fair project she was testing if...

the touch therapists could feel her energy.

If Marheyo were spotted by a cultural anthropologist after Tommo's departure they might conclude he wore shoes around his neck as a result of...

stimulus diffusion

The use of fine Ming white and blue porcelain vessels in the stone cities of the East African Coast are an example of...

stimulus diffusion.

The Principle of Uniformatarianism is

that geological change happened at the same rate and through the same processes in the past as in the present.

When Thomas Jefferson excavated mounds on his property in Virginia he found

that the mounds were built in stages with burials included in each phase of construction

If an object was made using the same production steps in two societies but was made with different raw materials it is likely...

that the production technology diffused from one group to another.

If Da Conti sailed for 3 years with the Star Fleet and returned to China after traveling with them to the New World we should expect that...

there to be a detailed account and several maps with many more details than the Pizzigano chart.

In the video it is suggested that Arthur and Riothalmus may be the same person because...

they both campaigned in France.

Archaeologists were able to determine that Tintagel was occupied during the 5th/6th centuries because...

they found a slate with Latin writing from that period.

New World natives may have wanted to exchange with European explorers because...

they wanted items that no other person had. Rare goods were an important status symbol in many New World Societies.

The researchers looking for Atlantis in the film are being very selective in their reading of Plato's description of Atlantis. Which of the following attributes do they completely ignore?

time period

Which of the following is an ecofact?

a)an adobe brick b)a grindstone c)a bowl (d)a fish vertebrae

According to the narrator of the film, the Chinese Emperor built the Star Fleet to...

broaden the tributary system.

Which "type of knowledge" does the statement, "People did not have boats during the Ice Age" represent?


The monks at Gastonbury...

may have lied about finding Arthur's grave since there is no material evidence.

The Star Fleet (the original, not of Star Trek origin) brought many Chinese products with them to trade for foreign products at different ports of call. Match the products with their place of origin.

1)Black Rhino Horn---> Africa 2)Medicinal Remedies--->Arabia 3)Horses--->Arabia 4)Spices--->India

Geoffry of Monmouth wrote about the exploits of King Arthur is what century?


Handwriting analysis or graphology could be shown to be accurate if...

A large sample of people (more than 1000) took the personality test and the results agreed with the results of the hand writing analysis. (Correct! If a test has a positive result multiple times there is a high probability that the hypothesis is correct.)

Dr. Freund (with his degree in history specializing in Judaic Theology) is not qualified to be labeled as an archaeologist or trained to interpret material culture. This may explains some of his unsubstantiated assumptions. Which of the following were unsubstantiated assumptions presented in the film?A. Atlantis was built on sand bars that developed in the ancient bay, which is now filled.B. A circle with a line on top would have only been used by the Egyptians as a symbol for metallurgy.C. Artifacts on the surface provide clues to what is buried below the surface.D. Patterns of soil color on the surface can indicate buried features.E. Linear anomalies do not occur in nature and must have been made by people.

A, B, and E.

How do archaeologists know there was a great hall on Cadbury Hill that measured 60 by 30 meters?

Archaeologists found post holes, which are the remains of the perimeter wall of the building

Who defended the inhabitants of the New World against the brutality of European Imperialism?

Bartolome de las Casas

How did archaeologists find the original Jamestown fort?

By using historical accounts and the location of later Jamestown constructions.

At one point in the video there is a graphic that shows a map with red lines indicating the routes of the Star Fleet that Menzies proposes in his book. One of these routes shows the Chinese reaching Australia and returning to China from the pacific Coast of the Americas. This scenario is unlikely because...

Documents from the period indicate the Chinese thought the world to be flat.

Which of the following scholars was influenced by Marx and advocated that a neolithic and urban revolution had taken place in the past?

Gordon Childe

According to Lovell, disease reached some areas before European colonizers such as...

Guatemala and Ecuador

Sometimes people can use real data to draw the wrong conclusions (or use them to jump to conclusions). Which of the following represents Dr. Freund jumping to conclusions.

He concludes that the linear anomalies revealed by the electrical conductivity study are buried walls

How did archeologist Dirk Huyge date the rock art of the solar boats?

He correlated the boat's design with decorated pottery.

How did the Yankee use the attribute of value in his effort to diffuse cultural traits?

He enlisted knights errant as traveling salesmen since they were high status members of society.

The earliest burial masks have been found at...


The Yankee lived in King Arthur's Britain for several years. Considering the types of contact he had with different groups of people, which of the following would have had the greatest effect?

His direct and daily contact with Clarence.

Since the best evidence for direct contact between groups is material evidence, which of the following would prove that the Chinese went to Africa in the early 1400s.

Human remains exhibiting Chinese physiology or DNA and dating to this period. (all the items described could have been brought by intermediaries such as Arab traders and did not require that the Chinese Star Fleet actually voyaged to Africa. Of the lines of evidence listed only the skeletal remains of a Chinese castaway would provide definitive evidence that the Chinese people actually traveled to Africa (but it would not necessarily prove that they were part of the Star Fleet).

Of the list below which of the following would not contribute to verifying Dennis Stanford's hypothesis that people entered the New World from Europe across the Atlantic?

If a hide boat successfully sailed across the Atlantic Ocean.

Steve Holen suggests that people broke mammoth bones in preClovis times. He used modern bones and modern carnivores to see what marks animals would make on bones. He and Alan Alda broke bones with stone tools to see what marks humans and stone tools would make. Steve compared modern experimental bones to the archaeological mammoth bones and concluded the breakage pattern resembled those broken with the use of stone tools. Which of the following is an example of deductive thinking?

If mammoth bones were broken by humans and stone tools and not by the activity of other animals then modern bones broken by humans using stone tools will appear the same and not resemble bones modified by animals.

One researcher interviewed in the film suggests that the Chinese took control of the straights of Malacca, which of the following evidence does not support his interpretation?

Local folktales tell that the Chinese sent a princess to marry the King of Malacca and he was so pleased he provided an area in his city for Chinese settlers.

Even though the Chinese had writing at the time of the Star Fleet's voyages details of the voyage are not available because...

Logs from the voyages were purposely burned to discourage further voyages.

Steve Holen suggests that people broke mammoth bones in preClovis times. He used modern bones and modern carnivores to see what marks animals would make on bones. He and Alan Alda broke bones with stone tools to see what marks humans and stone tools would make. Steve compared modern experimental bones to the archaeological mammoth bones and concluded the breakage pattern resembled those broken with the use of stone tools. Which of the following is an example of a hypothesis?

Mammoth bones were broken by people using stone tools before Clovis.

Of the following statements which one fails the falsifiability test?

My friend had her spiritual energy rebalanced by a healer that used two crystals.

Which of the following would be the proper format for referencing a chapter in an edited volume? Remember to Use the AAA Style Guide (the agreed upon format for all papers submitted in the Anthropology Dept at UNCG.

Nash, Donna. 2012. "The Art of Feasting: Building an Empire with Food and Drink." In Wari: Lords of the Ancient Andes, edited by Susan Bergh, 82-99. New York: Thames and Hudson.

What is the experimenter's lament?

Not knowing if you are repeating an experiment with the same conditions.

Which of the following is relevant to the question as to whether the city of Atlantis was once located in Donana National Park.

On the coast of Donana National Park the distribution of large stones suggests to a geologists that there had been tsunamis to hit the coast in the past.

Where does the professor conduct archaeological research?


Where was the Wari Empire?


What evidence does archeologist Renee Friedman use to support her hypothesis that there were pharaohs as early as 3500 BC?

Pet elephants were buried with beads and pottery

Where did the story of Typee take place?

The Marquesas Islands

Steve Holen suggests that people broke mammoth bones in preClovis times. He used modern bones and modern carnivores to see what marks animals would make on bones. He and Alan Alda broke bones with stone tools to see what marks humans and stone tools would make. Steve compared modern experimental bones to the archaeological mammoth bones and concluded the breakage pattern resembled those broken with the use of stone tools. Which of the following is an example of an observation?

The broken mammoth bones appear the same as the cow bone broken by Alan Alda using a stone tool.

Why was it important that the people present did not know where the pipes were at the scientific test of dowsing?

The dowser may rely on unconscious cues from people to identify where objects were hidden during the test.

Which of the following is an example of cosmology?

The earth rotates around the sun.

Considering the facets of the attribute of production, which of the following would have prevented diffusion as described by Twain?

The knowledge base of available laborers.

What evidence is presented in the video to suggest that Arthur may have stopped the Anglo-Saxon advance?

The limit of Anglo-Saxon burials on the eastern portion of the British Isles.

Some of the material reviewed in the video were completely irrelevant to the research hypothesis that Atlantis was destroyed by a tsunami. Which of the following was not relevant to this research question?

The location of linear formations off the coast- if a tsunami dragged a city out to sea it is unlikely that the walls would have maintained a linear configuration.

Considering the de Soto expedition in the southeast US in the 1500s there are Spanish materials found all along the proposed route of the expedition but Spanish materials are also found at other sites. How should the materials found in other sites be interpreted?

The materials were obtained directly from the de Soto expedition and then traded among Native American groups

Considering the de Soto expedition in the southeast US in the 1500s there are Spanish materials found all along the proposed route of the expedition but Spanish materials are also found at other sites. How should the materials found in other sites be interpreted?

The materials were obtained directly from the de Soto expedition and then traded among Native American groups.

There is a problem with Dr. Freund's discussion of Cancho Roano...did you notice it?

The site dates to 2500 years ago, the Egyptian symbol dates to 3500 years ago, and the Atlantis they are looking for was 4000 years ago.

Which "type of knowledge" does the statement, "The bones from La Cena, Nebraska were broken by human beings." represent?


In what way did the Norse of Greenland adapt to colder conditions caused by the Little Ice Age?

They changed the configuration of their homes from one great hall to several smaller rooms and moved their animals indoors to take advantage of the livestock's body heat.

In the film, how did archaeologists working with other scientists learn about the climate conditions of the past?

They cored trees and examined tree rings.

In the film, what did archaeologists do to help them understand the circumstances of "JR's" death?

They experimented with replica guns and ammunition.

In the film, what evidence do archaeologists use to support written accounts of the "starving times" at Jamestown.

They found cuts on horse bones.

What evidence have archaeologists found to suggest that slaves supplemented their meager rations with other foods?

They have found numerous fish bones and the remains of other non-domesticated animals.

Based on principles of diffusion we would expect that...

Tommo would stimulate more change among the Typee than the Chinese Fleet would in the Americas.

Among the Typee Tommo found most of the food agreeable, but had difficulty eating whole, raw fish. He overcame his disgust by gutting the fish first. In terms of diffusion this can be attributed to his ideas about food and its proper preparation, which like religious beliefs are slow to change or diffuse.


From an economic perspective why might the size of slave quarters have changed through time?

When plantations were forced to switch from tobacco to wheat because of global market conditions they needed skilled slaves doing diversified tasks.

A small scale society that moves seasonally and primarily relies on wild resources would be classified as ...

a band

A non-testable statement that accounts for a set of observations is...

a construct

Even though the Yankee blew up all his factories and schools there would be material evidence of his presence and his activities. If an archaeologists examined the spatial patterning of artifacts and ecofacts related to the Yankees activities they would exhibit...

a continuous sparse distribution throughout Arthur's realm with clustered concentrations in areas such as Camelot, "West Point" and other schools and factories.

The man who performed the palm reading was a...

a psychologist interested in why people believe in palm reading.

In El Kab the Rock of the Vultures is...

a rock art gallery.

A well-supported and well-tested hypothesis or set of related hypotheses is ...

a theory

If Menzies is correct and Chinese sailors married into Native American populations then we would expect...

a)Chinese artifacts in Native American archaeological sites located near coastal areas. b)Chinese names and words to appear in Native American languages. c)waves of Old World disease in the Americas before 1492.

Which of the following was a way in which Thomas Jefferson hid the presence of slaves at Monticello.

a)Mulberry Row, where slaves lived was located away from the main house. b)A small elevator was used to transport wine into the dining room. c)Slaves worked in underground areas below the main house.

Small pox killed more people in the New World than the Old World because

a)New World populations had no immunity because they had never been exposed to the disease before. b)exposure to the diseases such as small pox are more fatal to adults than children. Most Europeans were exposed in childhood, whereas large populations of New World people were exposed to the disease in adulthood. c)none of these

Based on the attribute of production which of the following is the least likely to have been successfully established in 6th century Britain?

a)Newspaper. b)Schools. c)Factories. d)Telephones.

All of the following are true except:

a)The positive results from an experiment should be challenged because they may have been caused by a mistake. If the results are valid then there should be no problem with repeating those results. b)Researchers must be careful to remain objective and stick to the scientific method because it is easy to delude oneself that a pet theory is true. c)Researchers should repeat describe all the details of an experiment so that it can be repeated by other researchers to ensure a positive result was not caused by an unknown factor such as equipment malfunction. (d)A positive result during an experiment demonstrates that a hypothesis is true.

If the Star Fleet had 28,000 men including sailors from India, Arabia, and possibly Africa we would expect...

a)there to be accounts and maps in the archives of several countries of the Old World. b)that Arabian or Indian sailors to have quickly returned to the New World. c)artifacts from the Americas to have circulated in several parts of the Old World.

If the Newport Tower is a Chinese observatory we would expect...

a)there to be other structures built by the Chinese in the area. b)there to be Chinese artifacts in Native American archaeological sites in the areas dating to the 15th century. c)there to be observatories of the same style in China during the 15th century.

If the Newport Tower is a Chinese observatory we would expect...

a)there to be other structures built by the Chinese in the area. b)there to be observatories of the same style in China during the 15th century. c)there to be Chinese artifacts in Native American archaeological sites in the areas dating to the 15th century.

If the Chinese wrecked in Bimini and stayed long enough to build a huge slipway for repairing their ships what else would be present?

a)tools used to quarry the stone b)Chinese artifacts in Native American archaeological sites dating to the 15th century. c)buildings made of the same rock

There is _______________Cancho Roano is linked to Atlantis because ...

absolutely no evidence....the film only presented suppositions and no facts.

Lewis Henry Morgan wrote a book called "Ancient Society in which he wrote about a wide array of societies and divided them ...

according to the three types: Savagery, Barbarism, and Civilization.


an organized society, such as a nation, state, church, or other organization, having a specific form of government

An archaeological site is...

any spot on the landscape with evidence of human activity.

In the video it is suggested that the story of excaliber is not so far-fetched because

archaeologists have found swords in the bottoms of lakes.

The researchers interested in zero point energy...

are using the scientific method.

People started living at Hierakonpolis ...

around 4500 BCE.

If the Chinese went to North or South America then we should expect...

artifacts or people from the America's to have been brought back to the Forbidden City.

What sorts of items have been found in the subfloor pits below early slave cabins?

beads favored by West Africans and locally made pipes with West African designs.

Why did the Egypt detectives look for evidence at the sites of Nekab and Nekhen?

because both sites were described as ancient on the tomb wall of Pharaoh Unas.

Why did European populations suffer more contagious deadly diseases than New World populations before the age of contact?

because people had and lived closely with their domesticated animals.

According to the narrator of the film, the Chinese Emperor built the Star Fleet to..

broaden the tributary system.

When assessing diffusion researchers consider what attributes to understand the nature of the phenomenon?

complexity, association, role, function/use, production, and value.

To understand how a stone tool was used long ago archaeologists must..

conduct experiments with tool replicas and use a microscope to compare marks or striations created during experimental uses with the marks on the tools under analysis

The following statement is an example of ... When a room is haunted it will be colder than the other areas of a house.


Which "type of knowledge" does the statement, "Since bifacial points from Cactus Hill have basal thinning like Solutrean points they were made by related people" represent?


Benjamin Franklin, an intelligent educated founding father, expressed the opinion that _________had built the mounds of North America.

de Soto

Al Goodyear thought there may be a "pre-Clovis" occupation at the Topper Site because other researchers had started to find sites that were older than Clovis. If he found artifacts or materials that may have been modified by people (ecofacts) below the Clovis layer then people may have lived in the area before Clovis times. He excavated lower into an Ice Age Sand and found stones in piles and some pieces had sharp edges that would not have been made by rolling down the hill. He asked Steve Foreman to date the sediment because he did not find any preserved carbon. Steve could not date the same soil layer but dated an area above where the modified stones were found. The sediment dated to ~15,000 years ago. Therefore the modified rocks are older than Clovis. In future excavations at the Topper Site Al is going to look for more materials below the Clovis layers at the site. Based on the narrative above the statement, "Artifacts or materials that may have been modified by people (ecofacts) would be found below the Clovis layer at the Topper Site." represents what phase of the scientific process?

deductive thinking

If Solutreans crossed the Atlantic to form a pre-Clovis occupation in the New World we should find genetic similarities (based on measurements of skull features, mDNA, or dental features) between early New World human remains and Solutrean human remains.

deductive thinking

Making specific predictions based on a hypothesis is called

deductive thinking

Archaeologists use material culture to distinguish between groups of people because...

different cultures have different ways of doing things, and have different kinds of stuff.

At one point in the video there is a graphic that shows a map with red lines indicating the routes of the Star Fleet that Menzies proposes in his book. One of these routes shows the Chinese reaching Australia and returning to China from the pacific Coast of the Americas. This scenario is unlikely because...

documents from the period indicate the Chinese thought the world to be flat.

The Viking settlements on Greenland were primarily...

farms with cows and sheep.

According to the Yankee the cultural trait that he introduced that was received and used most widely in the recipient context of 6th century Britain was...

his system of coins.

The hospital's efforts to determine if touch therapy has a positive effect on patients was difficult because...

human beings were involved; some patients responded to untrained therapists and some untrained therapists felt sensations and thought they were possibly providing therapy. (It is difficult to conduct a truly objective study when humans are a variable.)

Al Goodyear thought there may be a "pre-Clovis" occupation at the Topper Site because other researchers had started to find sites that were older than Clovis. If he found artifacts or materials that may have been modified by people (ecofacts) below the Clovis layer then people may have lived in the area before Clovis times. He excavated lower into an Ice Age Sand and found stones in piles and some pieces had sharp edges that would not have been made by rolling down the hill. He asked Steve Foreman to date the sediment because he did not find any preserved carbon. Steve could not date the same soil layer but dated an area above where the modified stones were found. The sediment dated to ~15,000 years ago. Therefore the modified rocks are older than Clovis. In future excavations at the Topper Site Al is going to look for more materials below the Clovis layers at the site. Based on the narrative above the statement, "The Topper Site was occupied before the Clovis period." represents what phase of the scientific process?


According to the law of superposition the oldest material should be

in the lowest strata with cultural material.

The opposite of diffusion is...

independent invention

Forming a hypothesis by using existing data to make generalizations is called ...

inductive thinking

In the video they suggest that Arthur may have been Riothalmus because...

it became a popular name for boys in the early 6th century.

Looting is considered the opposite of archaeology because...

it destroys context and information about the past.

Which of the following is not a reason why there are false claims about the archaeological past?

lack of evidence

To determine that a group migrated over a long distance to occupy a new area (like the Spanish or the Vikings) archaeologists look for...

multiple lines of evidence.

What item from "Western Civilization" did the Typee select for adoption because it was viewed as an improvement or useful for their purposes?


Al Goodyear thought there may be a "pre-Clovis" occupation at the Topper Site because other researchers had started to find sites that were older than Clovis. If he found artifacts or materials that may have been modified by people (ecofacts) below the Clovis layer then people may have lived in the area before Clovis times. He excavated lower into an Ice Age Sand and found stones in piles and some pieces had sharp edges that would not have been made by rolling down the hill. He asked Steve Foreman to date the sediment because he did not find any preserved carbon. Steve could not date the same soil layer but dated an area above where the modified stones were found. The sediment dated to ~15,000 years ago. Therefore the modified rocks are older than Clovis. In future excavations at the Topper Site Al is going to look for more materials below the Clovis layers at the site. Based on the narrative above the statement, "Excavations at the Topper Site revealed stones in piles and pieces with sharp edges in the Pleistocene Sands." represents what phase of the scientific process?


The Emperor who built the Star Fleet was..

part of the Ming Dynasty.

Menzies presents several lines of evidence for Chinese arrival to the New World. All are refuted by scientists or historians except the DNA, however...

the DNA evidence Menzies uses merely shows that both the Chinese and populations in the Americas both can be traced back to Asian ancestry.

Manifest Destiny was the idea that...

the United States was destined to control North America from Atlantic to Pacific Coast.

The best evidence that is presented in the film to suggest that there may be a buried city under the Donana National Park is...

the aerial photos and electrical conductivity profile.

The scientific method requires a number of steps, which of the following is not one of them?

the application of logic to determine the factual nature of an hypothesis

An assemblage is...

the artifacts found at a site. (assemblage can also refer to the artifacts from a single time period of a site if the site was occupied for a long period of time.)

Which of the following is the definition of the term "subsistence"?

the quest for food

Archaeologists suggest "Arthur" may have led a strong force against the Anglo-Saxons because....

the ramparts at Cadbury Hill would have required 800 warriors to defend.

Which of the following was the most scientific?

the researchers looking for evidence of zero point energy

The Egypt Detectives look for the early appearance of sun boats because...

wooden sun boats have been found buried next to Egyptian pyramids.

The idea that Clovis were the first in North America or that Clovis points were transferred rather than people migrating across North America are...

working hypotheses that researchers are collecting data to evaluate.

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