Audio GRE - List 34,35 - eon-expatriate

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ভ্রান্ত; mistaken; wrong; incorrect >>> The adjective ~ describes something or someone as mistaken and incorrect. Early explorers had the ~ notion that the oceans were full of dragons. >>> Mnemonic: Sounds like: "Error in us"--> Something that is full of errors and mistakes.


মনের স্থিরতা; calmness of temperament; composure >>> If you take the news of your brother's death with ~, it means you take it calmly without breaking down. ~ refers to emotional calmness and balance in times of stress. >>> Mnemonic: EQUAL+ENEMY(ity) Seeeing enemy as a friend i.e., with CALMNESS OF TEMPERAMENT.


উপাধি; word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing; descriptive phrase to characterize a person (often contemptous) >>> The noun ~ is a descriptive nickname, such as "Richard the Lionhearted," or "Tommy the Terrible." When it takes a turn for the worse, it can also be a word or phrase that offends. >>> Mnemonic: Concentrate on the latter part of the word, ~ (Threat): If someone threatens you, he's going to use abusive words.


অত্যল্প; small in amount; minute >>> If I had more than an ~ amount of space here, I'd be able to tell you more about the fact that ~ means a tiny amount. >>> Mnemonic: exe+go+us: Very small people go to us in exe class.


অনিয়মিত; (of a story or play) loosely connected; made up of separate and loosely connected parts; N. episode: incident in the course of an experience >>> If you have an ~ interest in professional sports, you pay attention to sports from time to time, but you're not a regular fan. The adjective ~ is often used to mean "occasional" or "every once in a while." >>> Mnemonic: episode+ic...we watch the serial saas bhi kabhi bahu thi in episodes from mon to thur and not we are watching it in seperate parts WHICH HARDLY CONNECT TO OUR BRAINS .....lolzzz hence ~-loosely connected


অনিশ্চিত; odd; irregular in movement or behavior; unpredictable >>> The adjective ~ describes things that are unpredictable, unusual, and that deviate from the norm. An ~ quarterback might completely confuse his receivers waiting for a pass. >>> Mnemonic: focus on ERR + atic..part of it, and err is nothing but ERROR, and errors always look ODD, AND ARE unpredictable in nature.


অস্তিত্ব - সম্বন্ধীয়; pertaining to existence; pertaining to the philosophy of ~ism >>> If something is ~, it has to do with human existence. If you wrestle with big questions involving the meaning of life, you may be having an ~ crisis. >>> Mnemonic: ~ related to existence of anything.


আধিক্যপূর্ণ; (of costs or demands) excessive; exceeding reasonable bounds >>> Use the adjective ~ when you want to describe something that is really just too much! You'll often hear people griping about ~ bank fees or ~ interest rates. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;jya da orbit chewing gum khane se teeth kharab hote he);ex(out) + orbit - that is out of orbit or limitations that are binding it.


আপত্তিকর; objectionable; likely to cause dislike; offensive; CF. un~: entirely acceptable >>> If something is ~, someone is bound to find something wrong with it. >>> Mnemonic: He is not exceptional but ~ hence he is open to objections or he is a person to which objection may be taken


আবির্ভূত করান / স্মৃতিতে জাগিয়ে তোলা; call forth (memory or feeling); Ex. That old film ~d memories of my childhood; N. evocation >>> The verb ~ most commonly means to bring a feeling, memory, or picture into the mind. When you visit your old elementary school, the smells, sounds, and colors there can ~ memories from the past. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is to CALL FORTH and ~ sounds like awake, now, in order to awake someone from sleep you have to call out.


উচ্চে স্থাপন করা; raise in rank or dignity; praise highly; inspire; Ex. ~ the imagination; ADJ. ~ed; N. ~ation >>> You might like your manager, but if you ~ her, it means you really put her on a pedestal and treat her like royalty. >>> Mnemonic: ex(tra) + alt(itude) = rise high = praise


উচ্ছৃঙ্খল আচরণ; prank; flighty conduct; reckless adventure that disobeys rules >>> An ~ is an adventure, tinged with a hint of danger. A road trip could be an ~, or a few weeks making a living as a professional gambler, or posing as your twin sister and taking a test for her in math. >>> Mnemonic: You cannot ESCAP(ad)E from the police by giving PRANK calls.


উত্তেজিত করা; vex; annoy or make angry (by testing the patience) >>> To ~ someone is to annoy him or her to the point of impatience, frustration and irritation, like when you ~ a busy waiter by asking questions like "what are all the ingredients in the salad dressing?" and making him repeat the specials five times. >>> Mnemonic: ~(excess + parade)=hence u r ill and if u r asked to parade excess u will annoy and become angry as it may worsen your health condition


উত্তেজিত করা; worsen; aggravate; embitter >>> For a formal-sounding verb that means to make worse, try ~. If you're in trouble, complaining about it will only ~ the problem. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Latin);Latin ex+acerb+ate; Latin acerb- means bitter, harsh; So ~ means to make bittter, to worsen.


উত্সাহিত করা; urge (by strong argument or advice); Ex. The general ~ed his men to fight bravely; N. ~ation >>> French roots for the word ~ mean "thoroughly encourage," so to ~ is to fill up with encouragement! "When he heard the crowd ~ him with stomping and cheers, he knew that he could finish the marathon." >>> Mnemonic: My friend ~ED us that we go for the EXORCIST movie and we EXCORIATED him for such an EXECRABLE idea.but then we EXCULPATED him.


উদ্ধৃতি; selected passage (written or musical) taken from a longer work; V. >>> Instead of sharing all 147 lines of your favorite poem in class, you might want to read an ~, that is, just a part of the verses, so no one dozes off. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENG);ex+cer+pt= extract certain part (or passage)


উল্লাসজনক; invigorating and refreshing; cheering; V. exhilarate: make cheerful and excited; Ex. exhilarated by the ride in the sports car >>> Something ~ is so exciting it makes you a little giddy. "Snowboarding that black-diamond trail was ~!" >>> Mnemonic: hilarating -> hilarious means cheering


এড়াইয়া চলা; avoid habitually; Ex. ~ alcoholic drinks >>> If you ~ something, you deliberately avoid it. If you live the bohemian life in the city, then most likely you ~ the suburbs. >>> Mnemonic: es+CHEW... CHEWING a CHEWINGGUM IS A BAD HABIT while working in an office, so you must avoid this HABIT.


কবর খুঁড়িয়া তোলা; dig out of the ground; remove from a grave >>> When you see your mysterious neighbor digging around in his backyard, you may wonder if he's trying to ~ something. Chances are he's only digging up potatoes — when you ~ something, it means you're digging up a corpse. >>> Mnemonic: ex meaning out and hume sounds similar to ~ is to take out the human body from the grave.


কাল / ইতিহাসের ঘটনাবহুল সময়; period of time >>> An ~ is a period of time marked by certain characteristics: you might describe several peaceful decades in a nation's history as an ~ of peace. >>> Mnemonic: epics are based on ~'s


ক্ষণজীবী; short-lived; fleeting >>> Something that is fleeting or short-lived is ~, like a fly that lives for one day or text messages flitting from cellphone to cellphone. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like e-funeral. Electric funeral is SHORT


গগনচারী / বায়বীয় / স্বর্গীয়; like a spirit or fairy; unearthly light; heavenly; unusually refined; Ex. She has an ~ beauty; CF. ether: upper air >>> ~ is something airy and insubstantial, such as a ghostly figure at the top of the stairs. It might also be something delicate and light, like a translucent fabric, or a singer's delicate voice. >>> Mnemonic: Ether is used in scents.Its smell is so pleasant that it makes person light and heavenly


গূঢ় / দুর্বোধ্য; hard to understand; known only to the chosen few, esp. initiates; N. ~a >>> Pssst... do you know the secret handshake? If you haven't been brought into the inner circle of those with special knowledge, ~ things will remain a mystery to you. >>> Mnemonic: HISTORIC things are known to few people


ঘৃণা করা; curse; express abhorrence for; detest >>> Just when you thought you knew every word in the book for hate, here's a new one: ~. The word means to despise or also to curse. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = exe + crate. This *.exe file is a 'curse' for my computer; it 'created' thousands of folders automatically.


চতুর / এড়িয়ে যেতে চাই এমন; not frank; trying to hide the truth; eluding; evading; V. evade: avoid (a duty or responsibility) or escape from by deceit >>> To be ~ is to avoid something, whether it's a touchy subject or the person who's "it" in a game of tag. >>> Mnemonic: ~ when pronounced include evade which means avoid answering and escape physically or mentally..


জঘন্য; very bad; detestable >>> If something's ~ it's really and truly, unbelievably, absolutely the worst. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;anything inbad excess is always );~ = exe + cr + able; this *.exe file is a 'crappy' virus and is 'able' to badly harm your computer.


জাতিতত্ত্ব / নৃতত্ত্ব; study of humankind; study of the different races of human beings; CF. anthropology >>> ~ is a science that deals with the study of humans, looking at everything from the question of where we all come from to analyzing data about how we choose to live our lives now. >>> Mnemonic: ETHANOL is family of alcohol discovered by HUMAN. OLOGY is study.. i.e HUMAN+STUDY.. implies study of humankind ;-)


দলবদ্ধভাবে প্রস্থান; departure (of a large number of people) >>> If the fire alarm goes off in your building, be sure to join the ~ of people who are heading outside to the parking lot. This is a departure of a large number of people. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);~- sounds like ek sau(100 in hindi) + dus(bus)= means 100 buses - a 100 buses carrying hundreds of pilgrims are just leaving from the bus depot.


দাবিদার / অধিক চাহিদা সম্পন্ন; extremely demanding; Ex. ~ standard of safety >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something or someone very precise or strict in its requirements. If your teacher has ~ standards about spelling and punctuation, you better carefully check your final paper. >>> Mnemonic: ~.....he wants thing too be too exact and precise...hence he is making great demands!!!!


দোষক্ষালন করা; acquit; exculpate; free from blame or guilt >>> To ~ someone is to declare him not guilty of criminal charges. This word is pretty much only used in reference to proceedings in a court of law. A word with a similar meaning that might be familiar is "acquit." >>> Mnemonic: ex(purani)...ones (one) rate(value) vapas mill jana...means to get back ur lost pride by gettin ridd of d charges...


দোষক্ষালন করা; clear from blame or guilt >>> To ~ means to find someone not guilty of criminal charges. If you've been wrongly convicted of robbery, you better hope a judge will ~ you, unless you want to go to jail because you've heard prison food is amazing. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like ex-culprit = culprit...but now he has been cleared of the charges.


নাটকের শেষে বক্তৃতা; short speech at conclusion of dramatic work >>> If you like to read the end of a book first, then maybe the ~ is for you. The ~ is a short piece that wraps up the end of a story. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = Dialogue (at the end of a play/drama)


নির্বাসিত করা; exile; someone who has withdrawn from his native land; V: exile; banish; leave one's country >>> An ~ is someone who lives in another country by choice. If you leave your split-level ranch in Ohio and move to a writers' commune in Paris for good, you've become an ~. >>> Mnemonic: read ~ as EX-PATRIOT, now no more a patriot, as the person withdrew from his native land and settled somewhere else.


নির্বাহ করা; put into effect; carry out; kill as a lawful punishment; N. execution >>> To ~ means to carry out in full or perform. If you ~ all the difficult steps of the dance perfectly, you will make your instructor proud. >>> Mnemonic: Execrate: Exact+rate: if you pay exact rate in the restaurant and no tip for the server, then he will curse you...


পাণ্ডিত্যপূর্ণ; (of a person or book) learned; full of learning; scholarly; N. erudition >>> If you call someone ~, that means they show great learning. After you've earned your second Ph.D., you will be truly ~. >>> Mnemonic: taken from olden days people who were higly educated were basically very they were having profound knowledge of a subject they use to behave very rudely with less educated or illiterates people.


পান - ভোজনবিলাসী; connoisseur of food and drink; gourmet; ADJ. ~an; CF. Epicurus >>> We call a person who truly loves food—food at the highest levels—an ~. Occasionally, you might find the word ~ used for a person who loves something else, but an ~ is usually someone who delights in fine food. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English); who can write an EPIC on CURRY has to be a CONNOISSEUR OF FOOD..


প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি; expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death; V. eulogize >>> At every funeral, there comes a moment when someone who knew the dead person speaks about their life. They are delivering what is known as a ~. A ~ is a formal speech that praises a person who has died. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = eu-'good' + log 'root: logue [dialogue, talk, speech]' => Good speech


প্রসারিত; (of a person) outgoing and sociable; broad and extensive; able to increase in size >>> ~ is all about being able to grow or get larger. An ~ piece of land is large, an ~ mind is one that is always thinking of the big picture, an ~ vocabulary is one that holds lots of words. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Word derivatives);expand (v), expansion (n),~ (adj)


বিস্তৃতভাবে আলোচনা করা; talk at length; speak or write in detail >>> The verb ~ means "to add details to in order to clear up." If your story is confusing to everyone who hears it, certain key parts must be missing. Better ~ so that people can understand it. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);~ - ex + pati (husband in hindi) + ate - your ex husband ate your brain talking some nonsense tried to convince you to remarry him, means he talked at length.


ব্যাখ্যা; explanation, especially of biblical(of the bible) passages >>> If your teacher gives an explanation of a difficult text you are reading, she is giving you an ~ on it. An ~ is a critical look at a text. >>> Mnemonic: ~- EXEcuted, JESUS please explain how Jesus was executed.


ভারসাম্য; balance; balancing force; equilibrium >>> Looking for a really fancy way to say "balance" or "equilibrium"? Then stand up straight and try ~ on for size. >>> Mnemonic: equi + pose => If you hold an equal weight in both hands you will have a better pose.


ভূতপ্রেত ঝাড়ান; drive out evil spirits >>> To ~ is to cast out a devil or evil spirit, using prayer and other religious tools. You're probably familiar with the name of the person who does this: an exorcist. Don't try to ~ a demon yourself. Call an exorcist. >>> Mnemonic: remember the movie which priest WHO DRIVE OUT EVIL SPIRITS suicides in the end


ভেড়ী; female sheep >>> At last, a word that only means one thing: a female sheep. A ~ is a sheep that is female. That is what a ~ is. >>> Mnemonic: Like eve -- Adam's wife in Judeo-Christian mythology: the first woman and mother of the human race; God created Eve from Adam's rib and placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden


মহাকাব্য; long heroic poem, novel, or similar work of art (celebrating the feats of a hero); ADJ: (of stories or events) resembling an ~; grand >>> An ~ is a long poem or other work of art celebrating heroic feats. After you sail around the world for seven years, fighting corruption and planting vegetable gardens, some poet will surely write the ~ of your adventures. >>> Mnemonic: ~(E+PIC)excellent pics are described in novel and heroic poems


যুগযুগান্ত / বিরাট সময়; long period of time; an age; longest division of geologic time containing two or more eras >>> An ~ is a really, really, super-long, impossible-to-measure length of time. If you sit down to dinner hanging your head and moaning that it's been an ~ since you ate anything, you're exaggerating. Four hours ago is not an ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi , English);~: Reminds of GODREJ ~ fridge ...which keeps food fresh for long period of time


যে সময় সূর্য নিরক্ষবৃত্ত অতিক্রম করে অর্থাত যখন দিন ও রাত্রী সমান হয়; period of equal days and nights; the beginning of spring and autumn; Ex. vernal/autumnal ~; ADJ. equinoctial >>> The ~ is one of the two times in a year when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator, and day and night are of equal length. "During the spring ~ you can balance eggs on end, because of the equal balance between night and day." >>> Mnemonic: Equi+ nocturnal.


শ্রুতিকটু পদের পরিবর্তে কোমলতর পদের প্রয়োগ; mild expression in place of an unpleasant one; ADJ. euphemistic >>> Pardon me, but when a polite term is substituted for a blunt, offensive one, you should call it a ~. >>> Mnemonic: Assuming: females are milder than males as they are more emotionally inclined. It reads like E(xpress) U(yourself) Phemism(like feminism).


শ্রুতিমধুর শব্দ; sweet sound; ADJ. euphonious >>> Shakespeare's language is a good example of ~: pleasant, musical sounds in harmony, as with "To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow / Creeps in this petty pace from day to day." >>> Mnemonic: Sounds like SYMPHONY. Music is sweet sounding.


সঙ্কট / জরুরি অবস্থা; urgent situation; ADJ. exigent >>> Think of a mix of excitement and emergency, and you have ~, a sudden, urgent crisis. The very word conjures up danger and intrigue that demand a cool head and an immediate effort at a solution. >>> Mnemonic: ~ and Emergency rhyme.......


সন্দেহজনক; (of words or statements) ambiguous; intentionally misleading; (of behavior) questionable; OP. un~ >>> Try to remember that uncertain means ~ and certain means un~. That's a tricky movement the un- is making, and a lot of people get stumped. >>> Mnemonic: If everyone spoke in an "equal-voice" you wouldn't be able to decipher who was calling.


সরস ক্ষুদ্র কবিতা; witty thought or saying, usually short >>> An ~ is a short, clever remark. One of Oscar Wilde's many memorable ~s is "I can resist everything but temptation." >>> Mnemonic: telegram-->simple note....~--->witty note


সামরিক কর্মচারীদের কাঁধের উপরকার চাপরাস; ornament worn on the shoulder (of a uniform, etc.) >>> An ~ is a decoration that is attached to the shoulders of a uniform. If you are a guard at Buckingham Palace, you have pretty nice ~s on your uniform, but they aren't as amazing as that hat. >>> Mnemonic: relate paulet to pilot...~s are there on pilot's uniform


সাম্যাবস্থা; balance of opposing forces; balance of the mind; equanimity >>> ~ is a state of balance. If you play sports so much that you don't have time for your studies, you need to study more and play less, unless sports and studying reach a point of ~. Or become a professional athlete.


সুপ্রজনন - সংক্রান্ত; pertaining to the improvement of race; N. ~s: study of hereditary improvement of the human race >>> ~ is the idea that self-selecting genetic characteristics, such as hair or eye color, can improve a race. The Nazis' ~ plans to create a "master race" of blonde, blue-eyed people marked one of the darkest periods in the twentieth century. >>> Mnemonic: eu+genic...trying to improve your genes which imply heriditary which imply race

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