Audio GRE with details- part-1

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( যন্ত্রণা / উত্তেজনা / ভয় ) লাঘব করা ; calm; pacify >>> The verb ~ is used when you want to make something better or eliminate fears and concerns.


(পানাহারে) সংযম; restraint from pleasant things, esp. eating or drinking; CF. ~tion: act of abstaining from vote >>> If you are a chocolate lover you'll have to show great restraint when the dessert cart rolls over if you are practicing ~, another word for "refraining." It might take a lot of willpower not to throw yourself at the cart. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);ABS THIN ence. A person maintained ~ when he restrained from pleasant things like food and drinks!!!


(বই) ঘাঁটা; graze (পশুচারণ করা); feed on growing grass; skim or glance at casually >>> To ~ is to look casually for whatever catches your eye, rather than searching for something specific. Window shopping and scanning the newspaper for interesting headlines are forms of browsing. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);when we ~ the internet we go through sites CASUALLY...without going in detail


(বিস্ষয়ে)মুখ হাঁ করিয়া আছে; হাঁ করে; openmouthed >>> If you're watching a powerful display of nature such as an avalanche, you might stare at it with your mouth ~, which means your mouth would be wide open in awe. You should close it, before it is full of snow. >>> Mnemonic: ~ For the other meaning of the word,i.e, selfless love; treat ~ as Ag-APE ; remember Lord Hanuman who was an ape (no insult intended) and he opened his heart to show how much he selflessly loved Lord RAM and SITA.


(ভোট, পন্যের ফরমাশ) সংগ্রহের প্রত্যাশায় দারে দারে ঘোরা; determine or seek opinions, votes, etc.; go through (a region) to solicit votes or orders; conduct a survey; N. >>> A ~ is a poll, usually a political one. Around elections, political parties often ~ particular neighborhoods, looking for votes and trying to measure the pulse of the people. >>> Mnemonic: In Sri Lankan Cricket team there is a player with Name Chaminda Vas. Suppose if selectors will say "Can Vas play the next Tournament ?" They are looking for votes


(মামলা) হস্তান্তর; surrender of prisoner by one state to another; Ex. ~ treaty; V. ~ite >>> A legal word, ~ means sending someone back to the country or state where they've been accused of a crime. Getting countries to agree on the terms of ~ can take years. >>> Mnemonic: Latin prefix ex- means "from, out of," and trāditiōn- means "handing over," so ~ is the handing-over of someone from one jurisdiction to another.


অস্ফুট; speechless; producing indistinct speech; not articulate; not expressing oneself clearly >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe poor communication skills, like at your most ~ moments when you nervously fumble to find the right word and completely forget to make your most important point. >>> Mnemonic: jis ki baton ma artificialness nazar aye...uski speach achi nai hoti


অস্বাভাবিক রকমের বিবর্ণ / শবসদৃশ বিবর্ণ; like a corpse; pale >>> ~ means looking corpse-like, from being sick or too skinny, like an aging rock star or a Halloween ghoul. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Eng);the presence of a carnivorous(feeding on flesh) makes you ~ (Dracula)


অস্বাভাবিকতা, মানসিক ভার্সাম্মহিনতা; deviation from the normal; mental disorder >>> An ~ is a noun that means something that is not normal or is very typical at all. An example of an ~ is when the temperature hits 90 degrees in January — it's nice and warm, but it's really strange. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like abortion which is not normal delivery


অনর্থক বাক্যবিস্তার; indirect or roundabout expression (by using an uncecessarily large number of words esp. when trying to avoid answering a difficult question directly) >>> ~ is a long, complicated word which means a long, complicated way of expressing something. To cut to the chase, ~ means to beat around the bush. >>> Mnemonic: ~ -> circle + locution (loqui means to speak), speaking vaguely so as to avoid the topic.


অনস্বীকার্য; too certain to be disputed; beyond doubt >>> If you say something is ~, you'd better be pretty sure about it. ~ is used to describe something that is so obviously true that there is no room for questions or debate. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);In(Likely/Certainly)+Disputable.


অনিদ্রা; wakefulness; inability to sleep >>> You are suffering from ~ if you usually have trouble falling or staying asleep. There's no cure, but people with ~ are told to go to be at the same time every night, and try to clear their mind of stress. >>> Mnemonic: somna means to sleep & in means not so ~ means sleepless


অস্বাভাবিকতা; irregularity >>> An ~ is an abnormality, a blip on the screen of life that doesn't fit with the rest of the pattern. If you are a breeder of black dogs and one puppy comes out pink, that puppy is an ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like abnormally.. that is one who deviates from the normal order.


অনিবার্য / ফলস্বরূপ ঘটানো; make necessary; require; necessitate; involve; limit the inheritance of (property) to a specified succession of heirs; Ex. ~ A on/upon B >>> ~ means what something involves. "The job ~ed us standing in the snow for hours dressed as giant, human hot dogs. It ~ed far too much humiliation to justify the $3.55 an hour we were paid." >>> Mnemonic: "tail" is a necessary thing for all necessary


অনিবার্য; irresistible; not to be escaped; unavoidable >>> Huh? Are you scratching your head at this word? The ~ conclusion is that you haven't the faintest idea what it means. ~ means impossible to avoid. >>> Mnemonic: ~ -- in +luc(k)+table.. So, a person will be lucky or unlucky in his work on a particular day as per his luck-table, he can't escape from it, it's unavoidable.


অনিবার্য; unavoidable >>> If something is ~, it will definitely happen, like death or tax season. >>> Mnemonic: Remember ~ sounds like IN-EVERY-TABLE( what is UNAVOIDABLE in every table? Answer is food)Food is unavoiadable in every(dinning)table.So ineveitable=unavoidable


অনুভূতিহীন; without feeling; expressionless; imperturbable; stoical; Ex. ~ face >>> Someone who doesn't seem to react — who is always "taking a pass" in the conversation of life can be described as ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~-> A person saying-"I m Passive(Not Active)", that means he has no feelings,emotions.


অন্তর্দৃষ্টিপূর্ণ; discerning; perceptive >>> What English teachers want from students writing papers is ~ analysis -- thinking that sees beyond the obvious and expresses an original thought.


অন্তহীন; endless >>> Use ~ to describe something that has or seems to have no end. Your math class. Your sister's violin recital. A babysitting job where five kids are going through your purse and the parents didn't leave a number. >>> Mnemonic: IN + TERMINABLE = NOT + TERMINATE + ABLE


অন্ত্যোষ্টিগাথা; funeral song; slow mournful piece of music (sung over a dead person) >>> A ~ is a song of mourning, performed as a memorial to someone who's died. As you might imagine, a ~ is usually quite sad. Another word with a similar meaning that you might know is "requiem." >>> Mnemonic: ~ - di means die, so when you die and have done good things for people in life, a song of grief or lament will be sung for you. -- গির্জেয় হয় ~


অন্যায়; wicked; immoral; unrighteous; N.~y; Ex. den of iniquity >>> Something that is ~ is extremely immoral or wicked, such as an ~ political regime that assassinates its enemies. >>> Mnemonic: ~:this sounds like in quit us We should quit those habits, virtues that are bad. Thus inquitous = wicked.


অন্যের পয়সায় বনভোজন; trip especially one taken for pleasure by an official at public expense >>> A ~ is a pleasure trip, often funded by someone else. You've probably heard of a politician taking a ~ to a fancy resort, all paid for using tax payer money. >>> Mnemonic: জনতার পকেট কেটে ~


অপদার্থ ব্যক্তি; nonentity; worthless person or thing; zero; secret code; V. >>> A ~ is the numeral zero or someone without influence or importance. Don't vote your popular classmate to be the student council leader if he or she is actually a ~, someone who can't do the job effectively. >>> Mnemonic: its always difficult to de~ a SECRET CODE


অংশীভূত করা; include; consist of >>> To ~ is to make up or form. John, Paul, George, and Ringo ~ the Beatles, and the periodic table is ~d of 118 elements.


দুর্বলতা; weakness >>> A weakness or disability, especially due to old age, is called an ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);in-firm= not firm = weak= weakness


অতিশয় হালকা; sheer; very light; like cobwebs (অতি সূক্ষ্ম); N: soft and sheer fabric; cobweb >>> ~ is something super fine and delicate — like a spider web or the material of a wedding veil. >>> Mnemonic: GO+SAMMER(summer) - we wear clothes of light fabric


কাল্পনিক; imagined; unreal


জরাগ্রস্ত; shaky; infirm from old age; >>> ~ means "physically or mentally impaired due to old age," like a ~ person who can no longer live alone without assistance from family members or a visiting nurse. >>> Mnemonic: dada (grandpa) is a ~ old man


নির্বোধ; stupid; Ex. ~ remarks >>> If you want to call someone a complete stupid while sounding smart yourself, ~ is your go-to word. >>> Mnemonic: if u get NINE out of ASI(80) u r surely an ~(stupid)


পূর্ববর্তী হউয়া ; precede >>> >>> Mnemonic: it sounds like ANTI-CD..try to picture this story...we dont find CDs when we go back in time.


বাতিল করা; weaken; destroy; nullify >>> If administrators find out that students cheated on a test, the school might ~ their class grades. To ~ means to cancel something or make it void, as if it never happened.


বাদ্যযন্ত্ররুপে ব্যবহৃত ঘণ্টামালা; a set of bells (often in a tower) capable of being played >>> If you wake up in the morning to bells coming from a nearby church tower, the instrument that is being played is a ~. A ~ is a simply a set of bells in a tower. >>> Mnemonic: ca (camera) rill on - now the bell will ring


বাধাহীনতা; freedom from narrow limitations >>> Use the word ~ to describe how much freedom you have in making choices. For example, if a teacher gives you ~ in writing your paper, you might get to choose the topic and how many sources to include. >>> Mnemonic: mnemonic:~:can be interpreted as lasting attitude,...and any one who's got a good atitude will always be free from narrow thoughts, he/she will never become narrow minded because they have a good attitude.


বাধ্যতামূলক; absolutely necessary; that must be done; critically important; expressing command; Ex. It is ~ that; N: something that must be done >>> When something absolutely has to be done and cannot be put off, use the adjective ~. >>> Mnemonic: you have to attend your "important r(el)ative "...nd tht meeting is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY and IMPORTANT


বাধ্যতামূলকভাবে সৈন্যদলে নিযুক্ত; draftee; person forced into military service; V. >>> If you're ever drafted into the Turkish army, then you could be called a ~, someone who is forced to join the military. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Eng);~ = forced to CONSent and sign a SCRIPT (contract) to join the military.


বাধ্যবাধকতাপূর্ণ / দায়িত্ব আরোপিত; obligatory; imposed as an obligation; currently holding an office; N: person who holds an office >>> An ~ is an official who holds an office. If you want to run for congress, you're going to have to beat the ~. >>> Mnemonic: INCUM + BENT = OFFICIALS are BENT on(determined) to bring an INCUM home, as it is NECESSARY to survive


বারবার একই বিষয়ে কথা বলা; tiresome dwelling on a subject; V. ~[^ing]: dwell on(think or speak a lot about) tediously / বীণা (বাশি) বাজান


বাহিনী / দল; group of people who share some common quality; armed band; a group of between 300 and 600 soldiers under one commander (in the ancient Rome) >>> A cohort is a group of people who are around the same age, like a cohort of college students who have similar experiences and concerns. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = co + hort = co + head = people who have a common head(thought) or head person(knight leader) = group of people ; sometimes, group of warriors


বিকৃত করা; twist out of shape; give a false account of; misrepresent; N. ~ion >>> ~ means to twist out of shape. When you look at a tree through a twisting kaleidoscope, you ~ its image, making its branches and leaves look wavy and misshapen. >>> Mnemonic: the root word here is tort( turn..), hence we can derive words like: dis + tort- disfigure, Con + tort - twist one's face...


বিক্তৃত অবস্থা / দুমড়ানো অবস্থা; twistings; distortions; >>> If you twist your body into a ~, you might put one leg behind your ear, and clasp your arms behind your back. A contortion is a twisted position.


বিক্ষিপ্ত করা; scatter; Ex. ~ the cloud/crowd >>> To make a crowd at a party ~, you could take away the food, turn off the music and ask for volunteers to clean up. ~ is to spread out people or things, making them move in different directions. >>> Mnemonic: DISBURSE money to the poor people from your PURSE .


বিচার সহায়ক; suitable to debate or courts of law; of or used in legal proceedings and the tracking of criminals; Ex. ~ science/medicine >>> The adjective ~ describes scientific methods used to investigate crimes. If you're looking for ~ evidence, you're using your scientific know-how to find proof that will help solve crimes. >>> Mnemonic: লাশ post-mortem এর পর ~ evidence পাওয়া যায়, যা আদালতে পেশ করা হয়


বিচারবুদ্ধিসম্পন্নতা; prudence; ability to adjust actions to circumstances; freedom of action or judgment; ADJ. discreet-বিচক্ষণ; CF. ~ary >>> If you have the freedom to decide something on your own, the decision is left to your ~. You're in charge. >>> Mnemonic: discrete... means separate..that is we are separate & are not dependent on any one, hence we have the FREEDOM OF ACTION OR JUDGEMENT...


বিচ্ছিন্ন / নির্লিপ্ত / নিরপেক্ষ; emotionally removed; free from emotional involvement; calm and objective; physically separate; CF. attachment >>> If something is ~, it stands apart from something else. That goes for people, emotions, retinas, garages, and just about anything else that can be disconnected or uninvolved. >>> Mnemonic: DE (removed or cut off) + ATTACHED (emotionally involved)...if you cut yourself off an emotional involvement, you detach yourself from the relationship.


বিচ্ছিন্ন অবস্হা; act or state of separation; disunity; CF. ~ive: expressing a choice between two ideas; CF. conjunction; >>> A ~ is a broken connection. If you expect to be a doctor but you haven't taken any science courses since high school biology, you would have a ~ between your expectations and your training. >>> Mnemonic: dis+conjunction..opp of conjunction which means to unite so disconjunction is "disunify"


বিজড়িত করা / অর্থপ্রকাশ করা; incriminate; involve incriminatingly; show to be involved (in a crime); Ex. ~ someone in the crime >>> The verb ~ means "to connect or involve in something." For example, your cousins might ~ you in the planning of a big party for your grandparents. >>> Mnemonic: impli(implying)+cat(pussy cat).In indiam religion cat means something bad. so ~ is implying something involving bad.


বিজ্ঞাপন;উল্লেখ করা;নির্দেশ করা ; refer >>> This one's easy. An ~ is an ~isement: just shorten ~isement, and you get ~. Of course, as a verb, to ~ to something means to refer to it. >>> Mnemonic: ~ise is made from ~


বিতৃষ্ণা / চরম অনীহা / অপসন্দ; firm dislike >>> If you have an ~ to something, you have an intense dislike for it. Commonly its food, but you could have an ~ to black and white movies, driving with the windows open, taking calls from salespeople or being barefoot outdoors. >>> Mnemonic: u hate a+version of vista..firm dislike


বিদীর্ণ করা / সংলগ্ন হত্তয়া split or sever; cling to; remain faithful to; ADJ. cloven >>> ~, a verb, has two very different meanings. It can describe cutting or splitting something apart with a sharp instrument, or — oddly enough — it can describe sticking to something like glue. >>> Mnemonic: just relate it to cleavage (দলে বিভেদ ঘটা).. | cut the leave (leaf)


বিদ্বেষ; aversion; dislike or opposition >>> An ~ is a deep-seated dislike of something or someone. Usually it's a condition that is long-term, innate, and pretty unlikely to change — like your ~ for the Red Sox. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);CAN REMEMBER IT AS OPPOSITE OF sympathy. RHYMING n OPPOSITE WORDS - ~ n sympathy


বিদ্বেষ; hostile feeling or intent; animosity; hostility; disposition >>> Saying you have ~ toward a person is a fancy way of saying that you hate their guts. You could also say that an ~ exists between two people. That's when they hate each others' guts. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);relate it with "animal"(feeling like a raging bull)


বিদ্বেষপূর্ণ; conspicuously wicked (লক্ষণীয়ভাবে বিদ্বেষপূর্ণ), bad, or offensive; blatant; outrageous >>> Something ~ is bad — so bad you can't ignore it. A ~ foul in sports might send you to the bench, and a ~ violation of the law might send you to the slammer. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);flag + rent --renting the national flag!(No offense meant) It is shocking & scandalous.


বিদ্যুত্প্রবাহপ্রয়োগে বলীয়ান্ করা / রাংঝালাই করা; stimulate or shock by an electric current; stimulate by shock; shock into action; stir up; coat with rust-resistant zinc by using electricity >>> The verb ~ refers to stimulating muscles with an electrical current, and is also used to suggest stimulating someone into action. >>> Mnemonic: Imagine a Van filled with Girls(gals) appear, (GALs in VAN)how will you react, you will be STIRRED UP or REVITALIZED as if you have HAD A SHOCK.


বিদ্রুপ মূলক / পরিহাস ; joking talk; good-naturedly ridiculing; >>> ~ is how you can describe clever chit-chat. If you are out to flirt or impress, using a ~ tone is always a good bet. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~=ban+tearing i.e ban (ধর্মগুরুদের অভিশাপবলে ধর্মসম্প্রদায় হইতে বহিষ্কার) tears and to ban tears we crack jokes and do joyful talks.


বিদ্রূপ; hidden sarcasm or satire; use of words that seem to mean the opposite of what they actually mean; >>> Reserve ~ for situations where there's a gap between reality and expectations, especially when such a gap is created for dramatic or humorous effect.


বিপদ্ / বিপর্যয় / চরম দুর্দশা; disaster; misery >>> Use the word ~ to describe an event that causes great harm and misery, or a general state of distress or misery: the ~ of war. >>> Mnemonic: divide it as cal (call..)+ amity(almighty).. when you are in deep MISERY or when you face DISASTER .. you turn to the almighty..


বিপন্ন; endanger; imperil; put at risk >>> ~ means to put at risk or pose a threat. ~ your career by posting silly pictures of yourself on Facebook. ~ your friendships by posting silly pictures of your friends on Facebook >>> Mnemonic: sounds like leopard... leopard r now ENDANGERED species


বিবরণাদি; addition of details; intricacy >>> ~ means "adding details." Kids are famous for answering, "Good," when asked how school was, and, "Nothing," when asked what they learned. If pressed for ~, they will tell about their classes and maybe even what they had for lunch.


বিভিন্ন উপাদানে গঠিত; dissimilar; mixed; not homogeneous; consisting of dissimilar elements or plants >>> ~ can be used to describe the diversity of nearly anything — populations, classrooms, collections. A ~ array of immigrants passed through Ellis Island to help create the American "melting pot." >>> Mnemonic: If you have a group of people of various sexes and races, you have a HETERO GENUS group of people.


বিরক্ত করা; make discontented >>> >>> Mnemonic: people are ~d from pig's grunt (ঘোঁৎ ঘোঁৎ) - they dont grant it


বিরক্তি বা ভয়ের কারণ; bugbear; object of baseless terror >>> Use the noun ~ to describe something that causes worry, like the ~ of having three tests on the same day at school. >>> Mnemonic: boo!! u use it when u wonna scare relates to a ghost..ghosts are bugbears n they the baseless terror since they dont stand on floor


বিরক্তি; annoyance and disappointment; vexation (caused by humiliation or injured pride) >>> ~ is a noun that represents an emotion or feeling and it's an uncomfortable one. If you feel ~ it means that you are embarrassed or distressed as a result of a failure. >>> Mnemonic: চ্যাগরানো causes ~


বিরক্তিকর / ক্লান্তিকর; annoying; tedious; V. irk: annoy >>> If your little brother keeps saying the same phrase over and over again, you might find it ~ — that is, annoying in a tiresome way. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = irk - irritate + vex


বিরত থাকা; refrain; withhold from participation; intentionally not use one's vote; >>> If you ~ from something, you restrain yourself from consuming it. People usually ~ from things that are considered vices — like drinking alcohol or eating chocolate. >>> Mnemonic: ab+stain...we tend to stay away from stain....


বিরতি / বিচ্ছেদ; gap; pause; gap or interruption in space or time; break >>> A temporary gap, pause, break, or absence can be called a ~. When your favorite TV show is on ~, that means there are no new episodes — not forever, just for a little while. >>> Mnemonic: HI+AT+US - if anyone says 'Hi' on the way, we will definitely stop for a while.


বিরতি; period between two successive reigns or governments >>> ~ describes the period between the reigns of two leaders. If you're a rebel leader, you may try to gain power during an ~. >>> Mnemonic: reg stands for king or kingly styles (e.g. in regicide,regalia etc.) so inter regnum = in between two kings(referring to their ruling period).


বিরস; lacking in flavor; lacking interest; dull; Ex. ~ food/character >>> Some ~ is lacking in flavor or interest. You'll probably find the generic poems inside of greeting cards ~. >>> Mnemonic: in+sip+id(it) in-'not, -ve prefix', so when you do not sip it, i.e a juice ,then it means the juice lacks flavor.


বিরুদ্ধাচরণ করা; contradict; oppose; violate (a rule, law, or custom); >>> To ~ means to go against or defy. You might ~ your parents' ban on sweets when your friend offers to share her candy because chocolate tastes too good to resist! >>> Mnemonic: ~ is like opposing


বিরোধিতা করা; dispute or contradict (often in an insulting way); attack as false or questionable; challenge; gainsay; CF. fight >>> To ~ means to call into question or attack as wrong. If your usually grumpy brother is suddenly nice and sweet, you'll ~ his motives if you're smart — he probably just wants something from you. >>> Mnemonic: pugn is root word meaning fight...(for eg ..pugnacious means quarrelsome) so ~ means sense of contradicting in order to cause a dispute


বিরোধিতা; পরস্পরবিরোধী; hostility; active opposition; opponent; adversary; principal character in oppostion to the protagonist >>> ~ means hostility. You might feel ~ to the teacher who gave you a D on your last test, and she might be angry at you for not working harder--there's ~ between you. >>> Mnemonic: ANTI+GOnism....when you say aunty go, she will show active apposition....every women hates being called as an aunty....


বিলম্বিত; delayed >>> Something ~ comes after the fact. If you are late to deliver a birthday greeting, then make it a "happy ~ birthday" card. >>> Mnemonic: we says ~ happy b'day on next day means delayed


বিশালতা; hugeness (in a bad sense); excessive wickedness; Ex. ~ of the crime; ADJ. ~ous >>> An ~ is something extreme or huge, almost beyond comprehension. If you call having to paint the house all by yourself an ~, your friends might take pity on you and show up with brushes and rollers. >>> Mnemonic: ~ resembles ~ous, which means huge


বিশুদ্ধতা পরীক্ষা করা; analyze (to discover what materials are present); evaluate (soil or ore) >>> An ~ is a breakdown of a material, examining the individual parts that make up the whole. When you ~ a situation, you look at all the elements that created the problem in order to come up with a solution. >>> Mnemonic: its not like mnemonic...just rem tis saying"~ THE ESSAY" means evaluate the essay


বিশুদ্ধতা প্রমাণ করা; prove genuine >>> When you ~ something, you establish that it's the real thing. If you ~ a painting, for example, you're sure that it's an original work, not a copy. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;wtf);Please provide your Athen tickets to ~ you paid the money to see Athen in Greece


বিশৃঙ্খল / নৈরাজ্যিক; in utter disorder >>> Something ~ is really out of control or disorganized. ~ starts with a hard "K" sound (kay-AH-tick), but things that are ~ are usually not OK, they're crazy disordered, like your crammed locker at the end of the school year. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);in hindi we call tea as imagine a situation someone who is confused which chae(~)should he bye.eithr taj mahel or tata tea.


বিশৃঙ্খলা; state of disorder; a disorderly or untidy state; Ex. with her clothes in ~ >>> If something is confused or disorganized, use the noun ~, like the ~ that follows your little brother everywhere he goes because he spills everything and never puts away his toys. >>> Mnemonic: array is an orderly collection. dis-array = no order, disorderly,


বিশেষণ / বর্ণনামূলক আখ্যা; word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing; descriptive phrase to characterize a person (often contemptous) >>> The noun ~ is a descriptive nickname, such as "Richard the Lionhearted," or "Tommy the Terrible." When it takes a turn for the worse, it can also be a word or phrase that offends. >>> Mnemonic: Concentrate on the latter part of the word, ~ (Threat): If someone threatens you, he's going to use abusive words.


বিশ্বজনীন / সর্বজনীন / উদার; (of likings and interests) universal; general; broad; including many different parts; wide-ranging liberal; Ex. ~ opinions/tastes >>> When capitalized, ~ refers to the ~ Church. With a lower-case "c," ~ means "universal" and "inclusive." If you listen to anything from hip-hop to Baroque, you have ~ taste in music. >>> Mnemonic: ~ Christians are found everywhere in the they are present universally.


বিশ্বস্ততা; loyalty; accuracy >>> ~ is the quality of being faithful or loyal. Dogs are famous for their ~. >>> Mnemonic: look for the root word fid...means faith, words like ~, confide, diffident, bonafide, fiduciary..all have fid in it and all these words are related to involving trust or faith, similarly ~..


বিশ্বাস; belief >>> ~ means truthfulness, or believability. A video of a funnel cloud entering Central Park would give ~ to rumors of a tornado in Manhattan. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like "confidence". If you have the confidence in someone, you have belief in him. People believe you after seeing your ~+tial = credential


বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা; be unfaithful; reveal (unconsciously or unwillingly); Ex. Her trembling hands ~ her anxiety. >>> When you ~ someone or something, you provide information whether you mean to do it or not, like the loud growling of your stomach that ~s your hunger or the secret you tell about your friend that ~s her trust. >>> Mnemonic: bet.+ray a bet that was won by your friend by cheating you, so you are noW unfaithful about hIS NATURE, as his behaviour has left NO RAY OF HOPE.


বিশ্বাসপ্রবণতা; belief on slight evidence; gullibility; >>> Did you know that if you say ~ ten times fast it starts to sound like orange? If you believe that, then you have a lot of ~. ~ means gullibility, or a willingness to believe anything. >>> Mnemonic: credibility means belief on proved evidences and ~ means believing too easily


বিষণ্ণ; dejected; dispirited >>> If you are ~, you are dark, depressed, and down in the dumps. You are in need of a pep talk, or at least a hug. >>> Mnemonic: after fell from the everest(crest).u felt sad and disappointed.


বিসদৃশ / আলাদা; basically different; impossible to compare; unrelated >>> The trunk of some people's cars may contain items as ~ as old clothes, rotting food, and possibly a missing relative. ~ things are very different from each other. >>> Mnemonic: Dis(this) + parate(parrot) - parrot বাথরুমে হাগু করে


বিস্তার;প্রচুর পর্যাপ্ত, প্রশস্ত; enough; abundant; spacious; large in size; Ex. ~ opportunity/garden; abundance; largeness of space >>> ~ describes an abundance of something. An ~ supply of apple muffins at the bake sale is a good thing, as is ~ legroom in your new van, but you probably don't want your ~ waistline spilling over the top of your jeans. >>> Mnemonic: amplifier means to increase in strength of signal so ~ means in abundance


বিস্তৃত / প্রসারিত; (of a person) outgoing and sociable; broad and extensive; able to increase in size >>> ~ is all about being able to grow or get larger. An ~ piece of land is large, an ~ mind is one that is always thinking of the big picture, an ~ vocabulary is one that holds lots of words. >>> Mnemonic: expand (v), expansion (n),~ (adj)


বিস্তৃত করা; expand; ~ on/upon: speak or write at length on (a subject) >>> To ~ something is to make it wider. When the light fades, the pupil of your eye will ~, meaning it looks bigger. >>> Mnemonic: If you DIE LATE - u expand your life


বিস্তৃতভাবে আলোচনা করা; talk at length; speak or write in detail >>> The verb ~ means "to add details to in order to clear up." If your story is confusing to everyone who hears it, certain key parts must be missing. Better ~ so that people can understand it. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);~ - ex + pati (husband in hindi) + ate - your ex husband ate your brain talking some nonsense tried to convince you to remarry him, means he talked at length.


বিস্ফোরিত হওয়া; thunder; explode; issue a severe denunciation >>> Watch a bomb ~ or explode and hope you're under safe cover. Have your parents ~ or blow up at you for coming home past curfew and hope you're not grounded for too long. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like full + illuminate During an explosion or lightning, everything is illuminated completely.


বীরত্বপূর্ণ সহিষ্ণুতা; bravery; courage; strength of mind >>> ~ refers to strength in the face of adversity or difficulty. Eating fried worms might require a lot of intestinal ~. >>> Mnemonic: fort (দুর্গ) guarding attitude - অনেকদিন আটকে থাকতে হতে পারে


বুঝিয়ে নিরস্ত করা; persuade not to do; discourage; >>> When you ~ someone, you convince that person not to do something: "When Caroline saw Peter's broken leg, she tried to ~ him going on the ski trip." >>> Mnemonic: '~' is the antonym of 'Persuade' (প্ররোচিত করা)


বুদ্ধিজীবী সম্প্রদায়; intellectuals; members of the educated elite (often used derogatorily) >>> These people are more than class presidents and valedictorians. They're more than super nerds. They're the ~, the intellectual super stars of society. >>> Mnemonic: Intelligent gents of Asia.


বুদ্ধিবৃত্তি; higher mental powers; person of great ~ual ability >>> ~ is how much intelligence you have. Einstein was known for having a great ~. Mickey Mouse's friend Goofy has almost no ~ to speak of.


বুদ্বুদ / উল্লাস - প্রবন / উত্ফুল্ল; inner excitement or exuberance; showing high spirits; emitting bubbles forming inside; bubbling from fermentation or carbonation; >>> Soda has ~. How can you tell? Just look for bubbles. Things that bubble have ~. >>> Mnemonic: FREVOR is hot; SCENE sex scene in hollywood movie. VERY EXITING


বুনা; contract into wrinkles; grow together; join together closely; make (a fabric or garment) by interwining yarn or thread; Ex. ~ the brow; Ex. The bones should ~ together in a few weeks. >>> If you decide to ~ a sweater, you will need yarn, ~ting needles, an instruction manual, and lots of patience! ~ting involves different kinds of stitches or consecutive loops that you create in rows. >>> Mnemonic: She wanted everything neat and when it wasnt she would ~ her eyebrows in anger!!


বুনো; being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native; indigenous; N. aborigine >>> The native, indigenous people of a country are often called ~s. In Canada, the First Nations — Inuits and Métis — would be considered ~s. >>> Mnemonic: see the word origin which means first of a kind. #N/A >>> A gambit is a strategic move, often in chess but also in politics or business, where a player sacrifices something up front for future gain.


বৃদ্ধা; hag; ugly old woman >>> The haggard old woman who lives down the street in a ramshackle house, shaking her fist while chasing children out of her yard? You might call her a ~, if you're brave. (But be careful: the term is insulting.) >>> Mnemonic: sounds similar to ugly woman can never be crowned, Miss World.


বৃদ্ধি করা; increase; make greater (as in value, reputation, or usefulness); improve >>> Many people use the expression "~ your chance" to point out ways to increase your chances of winning or earning a contest or prize. When you ~ something, you heighten it or make it better. >>> Mnemonic: when you are given a chance you try to improve more... that is ~


ব্যঙ্গ / হাস্যকর অনুকরণ; give an imitation that ridicules; imitate mockingly >>> In contemporary usage, ~ is a playfully nostalgic form of striptease — think fans and feather boas rather than explicit nudity — but this is just the latest form of an ironic style of entertainment dating back to medieval times. >>> Mnemonic: ~..can be pronounced as bure log in hindi..wha do bad ppl do?? ridicule others.. --- Spanish-burla means taunt; a scournful challenge


ব্যাখ্যা করা / বিশেষভাবে বোঝা; explain; interpret; Ex. ~ her silence as meaning that she agreed; CF. mis~ >>> If you interpret something or make sense of it, you ~ its meaning. If the new girl in your class asks to sit with you at lunch, you could ~ that she wants to be friends. You can never have too many friends! >>> To make an assumption based on evidence is to ~ ---- Connection (Cons) of Trues - connection true evidence to assume


ব্যাখ্যা করা; explain in detail; interpret; clarify; >>> To ~ is to explain or interpret something, maybe putting it in plain terms to make it more comprehensible for others. It might help to remember that it begins with "ex-," like the word explain, which is similar in meaning. >>> Mnemonic: [explic]it + elabor[ate]


ব্যাখ্যা; explanation, especially of biblical(of the bible) passages >>> If your teacher gives an explanation of a difficult text you are reading, she is giving you an ~ on it. An ~ is a critical look at a text. >>> Mnemonic: ~- EXEcuted, JESUS please explain how Jesus was executed.


সংক্ষিপ্ত করা; shorten >>> To ~ is to shorten. Words are often ~d, like when we say sked instead of schedule. >>> Mnemonic: ~ consists of brevity(means brief) the meaning would be 'to make brief'


সগোত্রতা / জন্মসূত্রে আত্মীয়তা; kinship; relationship by birth >>> The noun ~ means "relation by blood," so if you want to dazzle your brother, point out that ~ isn't the only reason you hang out with him — he's also a great guy! >>> Mnemonic: sanguinary means blood... so bloody relation is ~


স্থিতিকাল; length of time something lasts >>> ~ is how long something lasts, from beginning to end. A ~ might be long, such as the ~ of a lecture series, or short, as the ~ of a party.


হাটতে সক্ষম; able to walk >>> >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);after getting in ambulance we go to hospital get treatment and are finaly able to walk


অকপটতা; frankness; open honesty; >>> ~ usually means the quality of being open, honest, and sincere. If someone tells you they think you are dumb, you might reply with, "While I appreciate your ~, I don't think we need to be friends anymore." >>> Mnemonic: ~ (Can + Do + r) During an interview you reflect your "Can Do" attitude to the interviewer.


অকাট্য; decisive; ending all debate >>> If you've got a theory that you're trying to prove, and you uncover a ~ piece of evidence, then the case is closed. ~ means you've got your answer, you've proved your theory, and there can't be any doubt about it.


অকাট্য; indisputable; incontrovertible; undeniable >>> Have you ever had to prove a point? If so, you probably needed to find evidence that could not be denied — that was absolutely true. That evidence would be considered ~, impossible to disprove. >>> Mnemonic: not refusable


অকৃতজ্ঞ; ungrateful person (not expressing thanks) >>> If your kind act of buying a donut for your friend gets you nothing but a complaint that the chocolate icing looks runny, then it sounds like your pal is an ~, someone who is not thankful for others' kindness. >>> Mnemonic: ~: antonym of grateful


অখণ্ডনীয; indisputable; impossible to dispute; not open to question; unquestionable >>> When something is ~, it is undeniably, absolutely, 100 percent, completely true. That rain is wet is an ~ fact. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);in-controvertible; here relate controvertible with controversy thus something which cannot have any controversy is in-controvertible and thus is indisputable


অগ্রদূত / সঙ্কেত; forerunner (which foreshadows what is to come) >>> A ~ is something that comes before and that shows what will follow in the future. The robin is a ~ of spring--its presence means spring is coming soon. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like HER + FINGER, she shows me what is about to happen by gesturing with her finger.


অঙ্কিত করা; portray; depict; sketch; describe; N. ~tion >>> Though you pronounce it duh-LIN-ee-ate, there is a "line" in the middle of ~. This might help you remember that to ~ is to outline and define something in detail or with an actual marking of lines and boundaries


অঙ্গহীন করা / অঙ্গ বিভাজন করা; cut into small parts; cut (a body) apart limb from limb >>> The verb ~ means to sever the limbs from a body. If you watch a horror movie, one of the necessary plot elements is for the villain to ~ a body or two... or twelve. >>> Mnemonic: member means it is a part of something.. ~ is to remove or cutoff..


অঙ্গীকারপত্র; agreement; contract; ADJ: tightly packed; firm; brief; concise; Ex. ~ statement (নিচ্ছিদ্র বিবৃতি) >>> A ~ is a signed written agreement that binds you to do what you've promised. It also refers to something small or closely grouped together, like the row of ~ rental cars you see when you wanted a van. >>> Mnemonic: com+PACT.. A pact is an agreement


অচলাবস্থা; standstill resulting from the opposition of two unrelenting forces; stalemate >>> Use the noun ~ to describe a standstill, as when two people or sides cannot move beyond a disagreement. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;enlish);"dead+lock". The dead can't move(are still) and lock (firmly kept in one place).


অচেতন; unconscious; unresponsive; insensitive; unaware; imperceptible; Ex. ~ of his danger/to pain; Ex. ~ change; CF. not the opposite of sensible >>> The adjective ~ is used to describe someone who is unconscious. If you keep your bowling ball on the top shelf of the closet and it rolls out and conks you on the head, you will be probably rendered ~. >>> Mnemonic: in (without..) +sensible (sense..)i.e. without sense we are UNCONSCIOUS or UNRESPONSIVE..


অজ-পাড়াগাঁও; back country; inner part of a country; OP. foreland >>> The ~ are affectionately called "the sticks," or the "boonies," short for "boondocks." Use it to specify an area that is far away from a city or town, or even civilization as we know it. Cell-phone reception and cable television aren't guaranteed. >>> Germany: hinter ("behind") + land ("land") = land lying inland — or behind — an ocean coast or river shore, which is why backwaters and ~ are used interchangeably. Use ~ when you want to make fun of an area's backwardness, or to celebrate its natural beauty


অট্টহাসি; boisterous laughter; V. >>> A ~ is a belly laugh: a laugh that bubbles up with good feeling and plenty of volume. At the end of a stressful day of work, it's good to have some ~s with your friends. >>> Mnemonic: গোফের নিচে হাসা => gu + faw + faw => হু হা হা হা হা আহা


অতল; ভয়ানক; bottomless >>> If you want to say something is really, really bad — then call it ~. If one person shows up to your party, well then that is an ~ turnout. The 1958 Ford Edsel? An ~ failure. >>> Mnemonic: a+bys(take dis as 20 i.e.bees in hindi)+mal(take it as mile) a 20 mile deep pit in the ground looks like its bottomless


অতি রূঢ়ভাবে জেরা; question severely; cook on a ~; broil; N: cooking surface of parallel metal bars >>> Not all ~ing involves fire and delicious food. Sometimes, to ~ means to ask a person really intense questions, like when you suspect them of doing something wrong and you want to make them confess the truth. >>> Mnemonic: Remember ~s in Police station. Behind will be examined thoroughly


অতি সরবরাহ; overstock; fill beyond capacity (with food); fill to excess; N: oversupply >>> A ~ is too much of something. A ~ of gas in the marketplace can lower its price. A ~ of heavy metal T-shirts in your dresser, however, has nothing to do with the economy but might be a signal that it's time to clean your room. >>> Old French gloter, meaning "to swallow too much." The glottis (শ্বাসরন্ধ্র) is the part of your body where your vocal folds reside and where you swallow


অতিভোজন; stuff oneself (with food); glut; CF. ~ous: dazzlingly beautiful >>> Your ~ refers to your throat, your stomach, and/or the passage between the two. Use this word figuratively when you want to indicate disgust. Your ~ will most likely rise at the sight of the roasted monkey knuckles. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;learn 2 words);~: eat too much dis~: vomit


অতিরঁজিত করা; make greater; increase in power, wealth, rank, or honor; N. ~ment >>> If you are a window washer, but you refer to yourself as a "vista enhancement specialist," then you are aggrandizing your job title — that is, making it sound greater than it is. >>> Mnemonic: grand- this resembles to somthing huge,great,wealthy.


অতিশয় আনন্দ করা; rejoice >>> Sometimes you might feel so happy about something you could just burst. This is the time to ~, or rejoice, and you might show your great happiness by laughing, dancing, and shouting with pure joy. >>> Mnemonic: EXam+resULT - he was very happy when the exam result was out because he had topped in his exams.


অতিশয় দর - কষাকষি করা; argue about prices (in an attempt to bargain) >>> If you want a great deal on a used TV, then you can try to ~ with the sellers to see if they'll bring the price down. To ~ is to negotiate or argue over something, usually a price. >>> Mnemonic: Hey + girl, what`s ur price.Girl ->Rs 5000. Thoda kam karo na..


অতিশয় সজাগ; (of someone) suspicious; wary; cautious >>> You can use the adjective ~ to describe someone who's suspicious of a person or situation. After his brother came out with bald (নেড়া) spots and uneven patches of buzz-cut hair, he was ~ of having the same barber get near his own head. >>> *wary*


অতিশয়োক্তি / অতিরঞ্জন; exaggeration; overstatement; ADJ. ~[^e]ic: of ~; of a ~[^e]a >>> Praising your favorite sports team is one thing, but if you call the team the most incredible group of humans ever to walk the earth, then you're going overboard and indulging in ~. >>> Mnemonic: hyper(beyond the limit)+bole(means speak) = statement beyond his limit, overstating


অত্যধিক জমকালো; pompous; using inflated language >>> To be ~ is to be full of hot air — like a politician who makes grand promises and doesn't deliver. >>> Mnemonic: BOMBS and firecrackers are used to impress people and they cause high sound


অত্যল্প পরিমাণ; very small quantity >>> If you don't care one ~ about something, it means you don't care about it even one little bit. An ~ is something very small. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);ATTA(flour) has very small grains.


অত্যল্প; small in amount; minute >>> If I had more than an ~ amount of space here, I'd be able to tell you more about the fact that ~ means a tiny amount. >>> Mnemonic: exe+go+us: Very small people of US go to exe (exercise) class.


অথর্ব / নশ্বর / ভঙ্গুর; weak; N. ~ty >>> Something that is delicate and fragile can be described as ~. Grandma's favorite vase is probably too ~ to use for football practice; some of us have learned that the hard way. >>> Mnemonic: fragile - How frail the human heart must be.


অদম্য; bold; fearless >>> A ~ person is someone who isn't easily frightened or intimidated. If your dance moves bring to mind a marionette being jerked around by a five-year-old but you jump on the dance floor anyway, you could be considered ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - Daunt + less .. If daunt(Fright or FEAR) is less , it means you are bold and ~.


অদম্য; unable to be restrained or held back; impossible to hold back >>> Something that's ~ can't be restrained. If you find yourself constantly looking up the definitions of interesting words, you have an ~ desire to expand your vocabulary. You just can't stop! >>> Mnemonic: u pressurize some1 to control him so, ~ means un-controllable.


অদ্ভুত (মূর্তি); fantastic; comically hideous; strange and unnatural (causing fear or amusement) >>> Use ~ to describe things that are very strange and ugly in an unnatural way. If something "grosses you out," you can safely refer to it as ~. ~ also refers to a *style of art* that uses odd and fanciful combinations of natural, human, and animal forms. The original reference was to *cave paintings* found in ancient Roman ruins. Our English word is from French, from Italian *grottesca pittura "a cave painting,"* from grotta "cave." Italian grotta is the source of English word grotto


অদ্ভুত / অলংকারবহুল কিন্তু অতিরনজনমূলক; highly ornate >>> Something ~ is overly ornate, like a paisley red velvet jacket with tassels, or music that has a lot going on and might include a harpsichord. >>> Mnemonic: ~ Obama....when we think of him, we see white house which is highly ornamental and extravagent in style....


অদ্ভুতস্বভাব / খামখেয়ালী / অদ্ভুত; irregular; odd; unconventional; whimsical; bizarre; not concentric >>> You're most likely to encounter the adjective ~ in a description of an unusual or quirky person — like a scatter-brained aunt who leaves her life savings to her cat. >>> Mnemonic: ec(x)-centric(normal): going away from the center that is departing from the norms


অদ্যাপি বর্তমান; (of something written or painted) still in existence >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe old things that are still around, like your ~ diary from third grade or the only ~ piece of pottery from certain craftspeople who lived hundreds of years ago. >>> Mnemonic: Opposite of extinct is ~


অধার্মিক কথাবার্তা; irreverence; sacrilege; cursing; bad language about God or holy things; CF. sacrilege >>> Saying offensive things about God or religion is ~. ~ can be used for offensive ideas in other areas too. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;300);in movie 300 he shouts THATS ~ n pushes him into well.. this situation comes when the messenger gives him a suggestion n king doesnt like it


অধিবাসী; (animal, person, or plant) inhabitant or resident of a particular place; regular visitor >>> A ~ is an inhabitant or frequenter of a particular place: a citizen of a country, a resident in a neighborhood, a maven of a museum, a regular at a bar, or, even, a plant that is naturalized in a region. >>> Mnemonic: CITIZEN of a place is ~ to that place


অধ্যবসায়; steadiness of effort; persistent hard work >>> If you practice ~, you are a hard and careful worker. Do you have the ~ to read all the collected works of Henry James? Of course not. Nobody has, but a couple of his early novels won't hurt. >>> Mnemonic: ডেলি (dili) যিনি (gen) patience (ce) নিয়ে পড়তে বসেন


অধ্যবসায়ী; diligent >>> If you call someone ~, it's a compliment. It means they're careful, methodical and very persistent. Good detectives are classically ~ types. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~+ass+in+the+dust.a donkey working hard in the dust.meaning hard working or industrious or diligent


অনড়; unalterable; irreversible; impossible to revoke >>> If you're on a diet but eat one tiny piece of chocolate, it might start an ~ slide into bad eating. Describe something as ~ if it cannot be undone or taken back. >>> Mnemonic: not+REWORKABLE..that cannot be reworked


অনতিক্রম্য; overwhelming; unbeatable; insuperable >>> The adjective ~ describes some barrier that is incapable of being overcome. The Great Wall of China was meant to be an ~ deterrent to would-be invaders. >>> Mnemonic: In (nahi)+sur (head/peak)+mountable.So the mountain peak on which one cannot reach is unbeatable and challenging.


অনধিকার প্রবেশ; gradual intrusion; Ex. I resent all these ~s on my valuable time; V. ~: take another's possessions or right gradually or stealthily; intrude; Ex. ~ on/upon >>> An ~ is a something that intrudes and has the power to influence whatever it encounters. Someone might consider text messages an ~ of impersonal technology on true, heartfelt interactions. >>> Mnemonic: Encroach sounds like cockroach when a cockroach enter in ur territory then it annoyed u.


অনধিকারপ্রবেশ করা; put or force in without being asked; trespass; enter as an uninvited person; Ex. ~ one's own opinion into the report; CF. thrust in >>> When someone says, "I hate to ~, but..." you can bet she is in fact going to interrupt your conversation or insert her opinion, even though it isn't wanted. House burglars also ~, but they don't usually announce it first. >>> Mnemonic: INT(rhymes with ENTER) + RUDE: So person who enters rudely ~


অননুকরণীয় / নকল করা অসম্ভব; matchless; not able to be imitated >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe someone or something that is so special or unique, it is impossible to duplicate, like that superstar tennis player with the ~ serve no other player can copy. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);imitable= which can be imitated or copied in-imitable =which cannot be imitated


অনন্ত; infinite; limitless >>> Use ~ to describe something that has no limits, like the universe, or your little brother's capacity for annoying you. >>> Mnemonic: il(not or un),a -ve prefix + limitable meaning unlimited i.e.infinite


অনভিজ্ঞ / অর্বাচীন; youthful; immature; inexperienced >>> If you're a rookie or new to something, you could be described as ~ — like ~ freshmen in high school or the ~ receptionist who can't figure out how to transfer a call. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = Cal + low; caliber is low. (madness) as well as cal-low= YOUTH N IMMATURE PPL DO THAT!


অনভিজ্ঞ লোক; inexperienced; N: young bird that has acquired wing feathers and is learning to fly; inexperienced person >>> A ~ is a fuzzy baby bird just learning to fly, or someone (like a baby bird) who's brand new at doing something. Awww. >>> Mnemonic: ডানা ফেলে লেজ নিয়ে running, ডানা নাই, উড়বে কিভাবে!!


অনিয়মিত; (of a story or play) loosely connected; made up of separate and loosely connected parts; N. ~: incident in the course of an experience >>> If you have an ~ interest in professional sports, you pay attention to sports from time to time, but you're not a regular fan. The adjective ~ is often used to mean "occasional" or "every once in a while." >>> Mnemonic: episode+ic...we watch the serial saas bhi kabhi bahu thi in episodes from mon to thur and not we are watching it in seperate parts WHICH HARDLY CONNECT TO OUR BRAINS .....lolzzz hence ~-loosely connected


অনির্ণেয় / ওজনহীন; weightless; that cannot undergo precise evaluation; CF. pound >>> ~ describes a situation that isn't able to be completely explained. "Where did we come from?" is one of those ~ questions that defy human's ability for understanding. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;root);IM means UN....... PONDER means THINK...... pondeerable-Capable of being "thought/considered/weighed........ so ~ means..... Difficult or impossible to evaluate with precision


অনিশ্চিত; odd; irregular in movement or behavior; unpredictable >>> The adjective ~ describes things that are unpredictable, unusual, and that deviate from the norm. An ~ quarterback might completely confuse his receivers waiting for a pass. >>> Mnemonic: focus on ERR + atic..part of it, and err is nothing but ERROR, and errors always look ODD, AND ARE unpredictable in nature.


অনিশ্চিত; uncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite >>> ~ means not known or decided. When someone contracts a rare stomach parasite but has not been traveling internationally, you might say it had ~ origins. >>> Mnemonic: take it as 'determine output of this expression' means find a precise value so ~ means not precise / uncertain


অনুকরণ করা; imitate; rival; try to equal or excel (through imitation) >>> When you ~ someone, you imitate them, especially with the idea of matching their success. >>> Mnemonic: simulate - ~


অনুগত; নিয়ন্ত্রিত হতে আগ্রহী; obedient; compliant; readily managed; responsive; willing to be led; answerable or accountable legally; responsible; able to be tested by; Ex. ~ to sensible suggestions; Ex. He is very ~; Ex. ~ to the usual tests >>> If your friends want to try sky diving and you're ~ to the idea, sounds like you're going to be jumping out of a plane. If a person or thing is ~ to something, they are ready, willing, or responsive. >>> Mnemonic: Amen is a word used in islam and christinity. meaning of which is i agree. So ~ means something able to be agreed.


অনুগ্রহ ভাজন করান / তোষামোদ করে নিজেকে কারো নেকনজরে আনা; become popular with; bring (oneself) in favor of another; Ex. ~ himself with the boss >>> To ~ is to make obvious efforts to gain someone's favor, in other words — to kiss up to someone. >>> Mnemonic: ~, take the word as intake of you do something to gain gratitude of others


অনুতপ্ত; penitent; repentant; >>> We are sorry to inform you that the adjective ~ means to feel regret, remorse, or even guilt. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);SPLIT AS cont (COUNT) - rite (RIGHT). COUNT THE CASH RIGHT, ELSE YOU WILL REGRET IT.


অনুনয় - বিনয় করা; plead; ask earnestly >>> To ~ is to ask for something that is really important, like when you say "I ~ you to never, ever tell my father what happened tonight." >>> Mnemonic: asking your friend to give a treat for getting a job ...


অনুনয় - বিনয়; সবিনয় অনুরোধ ; solemn urging; V. ~: entreat earnestly; enjoin solemnly >>> Use the noun ~ to describe the serious, whole-hearted way you begged your parents to let you have a puppy when you were little. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);On finding that there was no groceries left the wife asked her husband "AAJ ZARA RAASHAN" le aaiye... A sincere and honest request for an action


অনুনয় করা; beg; plead with >>> If you're begging for something but you want to sound formal and a little old-fashioned, say "I ~ you!" It really captures how urgent and desperate you are, yet perhaps saves a shred of your dignity. >>> Mnemonic: begger (be) + speech (seech) = beg = ~


অনুপ্রাণিত করা / বাধ্য করা; drive or force onward; drive to take action; urge to action >>> ~ means to force to move forward. A person sleep walking might move as if ~led by a force beyond their control. Loneliness might ~ you to talk to someone you don't know. >>> Mnemonic: rhymes with when you are compelled or in a compulsion , you are FORCED to do the work.


অনুবর্তী / গুরুত্বপূর্ণ; self-important; significant; consequent; following as a result; Ex. ~ air; CF. subsequent >>> Things that are ~ are important — extremely important. Electing a new president and having a baby are ~. Killing a fly? Not so much. >>> Mnemonic: Whatever task we do it is IMPORTANT to realize its CONSEQUENces


অনুবর্তী; readily acting in accordance with a rule, order, or the wishes or others; yielding; comforming to requirements >>> If you are willing to submit to someone's request, then you are ~. Parents like it when their teenagers are ~ and follow the rules. Teenagers, on the other hand, are probably not as ~ as parents would like to think! >>> Mnemonic: one who never complains and obeys everything is ~ !


অনুভুতি নাশক পদার্থ বা কলা কৌশল; substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness; >>> The next time you go to the dentist, make sure you know the word ~. This drug causes a temporary loss of feeling, making it your best friend if the drill has to be used. >>> Mnemonic: substance that produces 'anesthesia'


অনুভূতিহীন / শুষ্ক ও শক্ত / নিশ্চেতন / উদাসীন; hardened; unfeeling; without sympathy for the sufferings of others; unkind >>> A ~ person is insensitive or emotionally hardened. If you laugh at your little sister while she's trying to show you her poetry, you're being ~.


অনুভূতিহীন; without feeling; lacking sense; foolish >>> ~ is a word to describe something without feelings or consciousness. Cars, computers, and stuffed animals are all ~ (though some of us occasionally project thoughts and personalities onto them). >>> Mnemonic: ~: who has no sense can not be moved or has no sense


অনুমান / জানা পরিমাপের সাথে তুলনা করে অজানা কিসুর পরিমাপ করা; projection (অভিক্ষেপ); conjecture; V. ~late: infer (unknown information) from known information >>> An ~ is kind of like an educated guess or a hypothesis. When you make an ~, you take facts and observations about a present or known situation and use them to make a prediction about what might eventually happen. >>> Mnemonic: During election time many news channels show extrapole of elections they just try to make predict who will going to win election based on current known information ~ is similar


অনুমান করা; deduce; conclude; N. ~ence >>> When you ~ something, you read between the lines. To ~ is to make a well informed guess — if you see your mom's bag on the table, you might ~ that she's home. >>> Mnemonic: in-fer is like re-fer(send for making decision) and ~ is making decision


অনুমান; surmise; guess; V. >>> Can you guess what ~ means? It's a word to use when you are not sure of something and have to "guess or surmise." >>> Mnemonic: conclusion drawn on base of junk... conjuction


অনুমোদন করা; approve; support; write one's signature on the back of; N. ~ment; CF. dorsal >>> To ~ is to give support to someone or something. "I ~ this!" means "I think this is a good thing, and so should you." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);en+dor+se—DOR( a string) SE hum kite fly karte hai, dor is used to SUPPORT the kite


অনুমোদন; an act of yielding; conceding; something conceded; point, right, etc. given unwillingly; privilege of maintaining a business in a certain place; Ex. oil ~s in the North sea; CF. ~aire >>> The noun ~ comes in handy in negotiations — between countries, political parties, or even parents and their kids. Want a raise in your allowance? You may have to agree to do more chores as a ~ before your parents will agree. >>> Mnemonic: ~al, after a session it is YES for contract


অনুমোদন; approval >>> ~ is an official, important-sounding, and somewhat old-fashioned word for approval or praise. A princess, for example, might only consider marrying a prince that is met with her father's, the King's, ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Assimilator);Ap+PROBATION: You get CONFIRMATION/APPROVAL in your job after your Probation period


অনুমোদন; ইতিবাচক দৃঢ়উক্তি ; positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath; >>> An ~ is a big fat YES, an assertion that something is true. >>> Mnemonic: If u usually play any games like Counter strike or so wen u order ur sub ordinates they often say ~.. so...


অনুমোদন না করা; express disapproval of; deplore (পরিতাপ করা); protest against; belittle; >>> To ~ is to show disapproval or to make someone feel unimportant by speaking to them disrespectfully, like seniors who ~ younger students just for fun. >>> Mnemonic: JAVA - ~d functions - not approved to use, may be diminished from next version


অনুরক্ত; tending or leaning toward; bent; V. ~: slant; dispose; be disposed; tend >>> If you're ~ to do something, you want to do it, you like doing it, and you may even have an inherent talent for doing it. Alternatively, if the sidewalk outside your house is ~, that means it slopes upward.


অনুর্বর ;শুস্ক আবহাওয়া; (of land) dry; barren; unproductive >>> ~ is so dry that nothing will grow. Death Valley in California features an ~ climate, which is why it's called Death Valley and not Life Valley. >>> Mnemonic: A + rid- A farmer getting rid(dry) of the dry land


অনুশাসন / ফরমান; decree (especially one issued by a sovereign); official command >>> If your mom orders you to clean your room, that's an order. If the king asks you to do it, that's an ~ — an official order from some higher up. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);dict means commanding or dictating; ( dictator)


অনুশোচনাহীন; not repentant >>> To be ~, is to have no remorse or regrets. Try not to be ~ about that pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream you ate in one sitting. Everyone deserves a treat once in a while! >>> Mnemonic: inside a tent if you do some thing wrong with a girl by giving penni(money) you will repent it later. - if you not you are ~


অনুসিদ্ধান্ত; natural consequence (which naturally follows from something else) >>> ~ describes a result that is the natural consequence of something else. You could say that your weight gain is a ~ of the recent arrival of a bakery across the street from your house. >>> Mnemonic: Corolla- My decision to buy a Corolla is a natural consequence of my desire to own the most popular car in the world.


অনেক পেছনে; furthest behind; farthest to the rear >>> The ~ of something is the part that's farthest back, like the caboose of a train, the tail of a plane, or an elephant's great big...rear end. >>> Mnemonic: hind=behind.. hind most.. most behind or furthest behind..


অনৈক্য / বেসুরো ; discord >>> Disagreeable sounds can be called ~. You know it's ~ if you have the strong desire to cover your ears with your hands. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);dis-sonance::DIS RESONANCE--not not in harmony


অনৈক্য; lack of consistency or agreement as between facts; difference; Ex. ~ between two descriptions >>> A ~ is a lack of agreement or balance. If there is a ~ between the money you earned and the number on your paycheck, you should complain to your boss. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);break into dis+creep+fancy= this is creep and this is fancy what an inconsistency with this item .i.e fancy and creep are different


অনৈক্য; lack of harmony; absurdity; >>> ~ means out of place — something that doesn't fit in its location or situation. The art show patrons couldn't help but chuckle at the ~ of a toilet sitting in the middle of an exhibition of Renaissance paintings. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Politics);IN+CONGRess+no UnITY...take it as fun ppl..;)


অনৈতিক; nonmoral; having no understanding of right and wrong


অন্তর্মূখী করা; one who is introspective or inclined to think more about oneself; ADJ. ~ed >>> An ~ is person who is wrapped up in herself. If you are extremely shy and would rather examine your feelings in your diary than have a conversation, then you are an ~. >>> Mnemonic: INTRO(oneself) and VERT(TURN) so, person who turns on oneself is ~


অন্বেষণ করা / খনন করা; dig; search deeply; investigate >>> The verb ~ means to dig into, loosen, or investigate. She ~d into her family's history and discovered an inventor, a checkers champion, and a circus equestrian in her ancestry. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~ sounds like ~ out the shelves for your girlfriends photo..


অপচয় করা / ছড়ান ছিটানো; squander; waste foolishly; scatter >>> ~ means "disperse" or "fade away" — as a bad smell will ~ (usually) if you wait long enough. >>> Mnemonic: I Sip (coke) + Ate (burger) to ~ hunger --- (দেশী পেট আমারদের - আমার খাওয়ার চেয়ে ছড়াই বেশি)


অপব্যয় করা (v) / উদারচিত্ত (adj); liberal; wasteful; generous or wasteful in giving or using; abundant; profuse; great; Ex. decorated ~ly; V. give in abundance >>> ~ means generous and extravagant (উড়নচণ্ডে) as an adjective and to give generously as a verb. If you don't like it when people ~ you with attention, you might appreciate a ~ spread of excellent food instead. >>> Mnemonic: ~( read it as love ) in love boy spends money generously s0 generous in spending money


অপভাষা; language used by special group; technical terminology; gibberish; nonsensical or incoherent talk >>> ~ usually means the specialized language used by people in the same work or profession. Internet advertising ~ includes the new words "click throughs" and "page views." >>> Mnemonic: in gaun (village) ppl use typical or different laguage from metro cities.


অপভাষা; কোনো বিশেষ শ্রেণীর বা গোষ্ঠীর ব্যবহৃত বিশেষ ভাষা; slang; speech spoken by only a small group of people >>> ~ is language particular to a specific group. It can mean a kind of slang, a technical language or a code. In high school, only those who spend their time studying computer manuals could understand the ~ of the computer lab kids. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - it is the j'ar'gon that we 'got' here that no other person understands


অপমান করা; insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect; V: insult or hurt the feelings of intentionally >>> An ~ is an action that causes offense. If someone blows smoke in your face after you've asked him to put out his cigarette, you would consider it an ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;global);~ sounds like infront, when someone is infront of others in something the other people try to insult them.


অপরাধমূলক / দণ্ডনীয়; deserving blame; blameworthy >>> If a child tells his mother he was not to blame for the cookie jar being broken, she could still find him ~ if he was the only one home. ~ means to be at fault. >>> Mnemonic: culp( culprit) a culprit is always DESERVING OF BLAME FROM EVERYONE.


অপরিবর্তনীয়; unchangeable >>> If you can't change it, it's ~. There are many things in life that are ~; these unchangeable things include death, taxes, and the laws of physics. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;science);mutation implies changes in genes etc. Therefore, it is im(non) + mutable ie cannot change


অপরিমিত; beyond reasonable limits; unrestrained; excessive; Ex. ~ demands >>> Something that's excessive or that goes way beyond normal limits is ~ — like an overly obsessive love for chocolate or a fantasy football junkie who spends an ~ amount of time checking his team. >>> Mnemonic: no co-ordination thus everyone is taking whatever he likes


অপরিষ্কার করা; wet thoroughly; ADJ. ~d: draggled >>> ~ is a verb that means to make disheveled, wet, and dirty. Rain and mud ~ children who go tromping through the outdoors in their dressiest clothes right before family pictures. >>> Mnemonic: the bed and the rag was made wet thoroughly by the child.


অপরিসর; not spacious; inconvenient >>> ~ is an adjective that describes something that is uncomfortable or inconvenient, especially by being awkwardly small. If you had visions of a roomy office coming with your new promotion, guess again. The new ~ space barely has room for a desk and a chair! >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);relate commodious of in-COMMODIOUS with accommodate thus ~ is something which does not have much of an accomodating capacity and so it is not spacious and is inconvenient to live in or use.


অপসৃত / সরিয়া আসা; vary; go in different directions from the same point; ADJ. ~nt: differing; deviating >>> When two roads ~, they split and go in different directions. If your opinion ~s from mine, we do not agree. To ~ means to move apart or be separate. >>> Mnemonic: The Driver DIVER(GE)TED into different directions


অপুরণীয়; not able to be corrected or repaired; impossible to repair >>> If something is broken or destroyed for good — a toy, a relationship, a pair of pants — you can say it is ~ or unable to be repaired.


অপেশাদারী লোকসমূহ / স্বেচ্ছাসেবক; laypersons; laymen; persons not connected with the clergy (পাদরীবর্গ) >>> If you are a member of a religious group, but you are not an ordained (নিযুক্ত) minister or priest, then you are a member of the ~. Sometimes members of the ~ will play a role in the church service, for example, doing one of the readings or running a youth group. >>> Mnemonic: *LAY* (অপেশাদার) + *TY*


অপ্রতিরোধ্য ধ্বংসাত্মক শক্তি; irresistible crushing force; overwhelming advancing force that crushes everything in its path >>> ~ means a massive force. If the army marching into your country is a ~, you're doomed. If you're trying to market a new Cola product, you're up against corporate giant Coca-Cola, a beverage ~ if ever there was one. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);At the festival, the crowd at Jagannath temple in India is ~. Actually this word came into use from the British rule. On the day of festival a british officer saw the crowd and mispronounced Jagannath as ~.


অপ্রত্যাশিত সাফল্য; unlikely occurrence; stroke of fortune; accidental stroke of good luck >>> A ~ is an unexpected stroke of good luck. It was a ~ to find that fifty dollar bill on the ground, and it made you smile for the rest of the day. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);F(ortunately)LUKE(Y) means fortunately lucky


অপ্রধান পেশা; secondary or minor occupation >>> An ~ is an activity that you pursue when you're not at work — a hobby. Pretty much anything can be an ~: tennis, soduko, writing poetry. If you're the journalist Clark Kent, your ~ is changing into a skin-tight red-and-blue jumpsuit and fighting crime. >>> Mnemonic: ~-->in a vacation. u do very little /minor work only....hence ~ implies minor occupation


অপ্রবেশ্য; impenetrable; impermeable; incapable of being damaged or distressed; incapable of being affected (in one's opinions); Ex. ~ to water/criticism >>> An ~ surface is one that can't be penetrated. The word is often followed by "to," as in "His steely personality made him ~ to jokes about his awful haircut." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);im(not)+pravesh(enter) so unpenetrable... --- Latin: in- + pervius (প্রবেশ), meaning "not letting things through." A common synonym is impermeable.


অপ্রস্তুতে ফেলা; অপ্রতিভ করা; embarrass >>> Although ~ sounds like a big party or what firefighters do to get through a locked door, ~ is, in fact, a verb that means you have caused another person to feel awkward, bashful, embarrassed, or ashamed. >>> Mnemonic: A=ALWAYS B=BRINGS a S=SHAME


অপ্রাপ্তকাল / অনুপযুক্ত; untimely; inappropriate or ill-timed; poorly chosen >>> Since the meaning of "opportune" is "favorable" or "well-timed," it's easy to guess that the meaning of ~ means something that is ill-timed or inappropriate. That little prefix in- means "not," and it totally turns the meaning of a word around. >>> Mnemonic: not ready to take the opportunity


অপ্রাসঙ্গিক; (of a person or writing) digressing; rambling (without any clear plan) >>> If people accuse you of rambling from topic to topic in your speech or writing, they may say you have a ~ style — with changes in subject that are hard to follow. But it's okay because unicorns are shiny. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Think of it as cursive writing which deviates from the central point.


অপ্রাসঙ্গিক; insolent; rude; >>> If someone's rude without being openly nasty, like a kid in the back row of class quietly heckling his teacher, you can call him ~. >>> Mnemonic: im~ = relate to pertaining....which means relevant to => im(not)


অবজ্ঞা করা; treat with scorn or contempt >>> If you feel that something isn't worthy of your consideration, you may ~ it (or treat it with ~). >>> Mnemonic: try to relate it with WISDEN...Wisden is the official site that honours ~ is the opposite of that.


অবনতি; humiliation; debasement; degeneration; V. ~: debase; disgrace; degenerate; reduce (something) in worth; demote (someone); reduce in rank >>> ~ is the act of lowering something or someone to a less respected state. A president resigning from office is a ~. It's also a downcast state. Once the president has resigned, he might feel ~. >>> Mnemonic: de(means less) when you get less GRADS in your see humiliation from all sides.


অবরোধ; restraint; compulsion; repression of feelings; reticence; hold back; restrain; compel; oblige; confine forcibly; imprison >>> A ~ is a limit or restriction. Hopefully your school won't cut the sports or music programs due to budget ~s! >>> Mnemonic: in constrain - strain. You will get strained if you are forced to do something over and over again.


অবসন্নতা; languor; weariness; listlessness >>> After running 10 miles, bicycling 20 miles, and swimming 10 miles, the triathlete was overcome with ~ — a great weariness (শ্রান্তি) or lack of energy. >>> Mnemonic: After a heavy lunch, if you drink a glass of LASSI, you will go into a ~ i.e. weariness, lethargy and ultimately go to sleep.


অবসন্নভাবে ঝুলিতে থাকা; droop; grow feeble; decline in vigor or strength; ADJ. ~ging; CF. un~ging >>> Stopping for a snack may help when your energy or attention begin to ~, meaning you are getting tired or losing your focus. >>> Mnemonic: white ~ is used to indicate surrender as in a war, a white ~ is used to indicate acceptance of defeat. thus low in vigour, grow feeble


অবসাদ / মানসিক ক্লান্তি; boredom; listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest; CF. annoy >>> The French word ~ describes a feeling that combines tiredness and boredom. ~ is one version of "the blahs." >>> Mnemonic: Actually the previous mnemonic is better...~ sounds like YEH NAHEEEE!!!!


অবসাদগ্রস্ত; lacking interest or effort; lacking purpose or zest; lazy; halfhearted; languid >>> Even though ~ sounds like it has something to do with a shortage of daisies, know that what it really means is lacking in spirit or liveliness. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds as LACKADIZEALCAL... hence the meaning " lack of zeal"


অবাধ্য / একগুঁয়ে; stubborn and disobedient; resisting authority (esp. disobedient to an order made by a court) >>> That ornery horse that keeps heading back to the barn, no matter how much you coax and kick and try and convince him to stay on the trail? He's showing you his ~ side, meaning he's stubbornly resisting authority. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);(In Hindi language) Break the word as CON - TU - MA - CI- OUS n tat can be read as Kaun Tu Ma Ki one who says this is disobedient


অবিচ্ছেদ্য; not to be taken away; nontransferable; Ex. ~ rights >>> Something that is yours forever, that can't be taken away and given to your little brother instead? That something would be called ~. The word refers to a natural right that cannot be revoked by an outside force. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;:));"alien" == like "koi mil gaya" Hrittik Roshan was given power by the alien which was not 'taken away' or not 'transferred',,, it was with him


অভদ্র; boorish; rude; yahoo >>> A ~ person is one whose middle name might as well be Rude. He's the one who was never taught to mind his manners and avoid telling vulgar jokes at the dinner table. >>> Mnemonic: ~ == boorish ,,the same rhythm !! =D


অভাব; scarcity >>> If there is a ~ of something, there is not enough of it. A ~ of affordable housing is bad, but a ~ of bed bugs is a blessing. >>> Mnemonic:~ of natural resources on EART


অভিজ্ঞ / জ্ঞাত / পরিচিত; familiar with; having knowledge of >>> If you know a lot about computer programming, then you could describe yourself as ~ with the latest updates in coding languages. This means you have current working knowledge of the topic. >>> Mnemonic: Through conversations you can gain more knowledge and thus become ~.


অভিজ্ঞতা; specialized knowledge (in a particular field); expert skill >>> When you're an expert at something, you show ~ — or an exceptional knowledge of the subject. "He had ~ in accounting, having excelled in math, but he had even more ~ in dancing, his hobby since a small child." >>> Mnemonic: An Expert has ~ knowledge on special subject.


অভিধান লেখক; compiler of a dictionary >>> Ever wonder who writes dictionaries? They're called ~s. A ~ studies words and compiles the results into a dictionary.


অভিযুক্ত করা; accuse of or implicate in a crime; serve as evidence against; cause to seem or make guilty of a crime; Ex. ~ing evidence >>> Is your homework in shreds and the dog chewing something? Then you can ~ poor Fido for eating your homework. To ~ someone (or some dog) of a crime, is more than just accusing them; it's offering some evidence they're guilty. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);here we need to remember two things the prefix IN intensifies or strengthen the suffix added to it. suffix here is criminate= to make some one criminal in-criminate = make someone further a criminal thus we we accuse someone who had a previous


অভিযুক্ত করা; charge; N. ~ment >>> If you accuse someone of committing an offense, you ~ them. A book that ~s the entire education system might lay out all the reasons that schools are failing kids. >>> Mnemonic: sorry for the bad language :( but will make you learn the word : if you push your dick in a girl without her permission she will accuse you of rape


অভিযোগ; cause of complaint; complaint >>> A ~ is a complaint. It can be formal, like an employee files ~ because of unsafe working conditions, or more of an emotional matter, like a ~ against an old friend who betrayed you. >>> Mnemonic: grief (griev) + ance = when u are in grief(sorrow) u complain against everything


অভিশাপ; curse; swearword >>> If you really don't like someone you can shout out an ~ at them. More than simply the use of bad language (although that can be involved, too), an ~ is a damning curse wishing them nothing but ill. >>> Mnemonic: ~=pre-*caution (সাবধান)* <VS> im-pre-*cation (শাপ দান )*


অভিশাপ; solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse; V. ~tize >>> Something that one absolutely and positively cannot stand is ~. Garlic is ~ to vampires (ditto for stakes and daylight). So is kryptonite to Superman or a silver bullet to a werewolf. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);sounds like ashwathema who had SOLEMN CURSE of Lord Krishna


অভেদ্য ঢাল; shield; protection; defense >>> The noun ~ comes from the Greek word Aigis, which was the name of Zeus's shield. That's Zeus, the most powerful Greek god, who probably had a pretty tough shield, even though it was made of goatskin. To say that something or someone is under the ~ of another is basically saying that they have the strength of Zeus on their side. Or, at least, whoever is protecting them will be as Zeus-like as possible in their support. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like ages of empire.. the game where the soldiers wear that shield.. for protection


অভেদ্য; impervious; not permitting passage through its substance; >>> If you have a waterproof raincoat, you could say that your coat is ~ to the rain. Something that is ~ does not allow water or liquid to pass through it. >>> Mnemonic: im(no)+permeable(permission)that means no permission for seepage.


অভেদ্য; incapable of injury; impossible to damage or injure >>> Something that's ~ is impossible to damage or injure, like the strongest, most rock solid concrete fort reinforced with steel bars. Or Mother Theresa's reputation.


অভ্যস্ত করান; accustom or familiarize; addict >>> When you ~ something, you're helping it to get accustomed to a new home. Workers in zoos spend a lot of time habituating animals. >>> Mnemonic: your habits u get accustomed n familiarized..


অভ্যস্ত; accustomed; hardened; Ex. ~ to the Alaskan cold; CF. unfeeling >>> If you have gotten so many mosquito bites in your life that they no longer bother you, you have become ~ to them. This means you have become accustomed to tolerating them. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Global);someone INJURED again and again will become TOUGH


অমোচনীয়; not able to be erased >>> If something is ~, you better hope you never regret it, like the ~ tattoo of the name of your favorite band or the ~ first impression it might give people you meet years from now, especially if your taste in music changes. >>> Mnemonic: ~: in + delete + able- which can't be deleted


অযোগ্য; unsuited; inappropriate; lacking skill; incompetent; CF. inapt: (of statements or ideas) inappropriate >>> A clumsy, incompetent person — or an ineffective action — is ~. When you're ~, you don't know what you're doing or just can't get it done. >>> Mnemonic: IN (not) + EPT (like apt ; which means suitable) = not suitable


অরাজকতা; absence of governing body; state of disorder >>> Use the noun ~ to describe a complete lack of government — or the chaotic state of affairs created by such an absence. A substitute teacher might worry that an unruly classroom will descend into ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~-Sounds like 'monarchy' (like tibet was ruled by monarchy), absenceof government


অর্থহীন কথাবার্তা; nonsense; nonsensical or unintelligible talk or writing; babbling >>> ~ is nonsense sounds or writing. A baby's babble is often called ~. When someone is speaking a foreign language you don't understand, what they're saying will sound to you like ~. >>> জিহবা barish (rain) -> নাল / থুতু বের হয়ে আসা -> fluent babbling


অর্থহীন; silly; senseless; Ex. ~ remarks >>> If something is ~, it's silly or senseless. If you just want to space out, you won't mind the ~ chatter on TV, as long as it's on. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Remember the word insane. Insane person doesnt have a mind to think and understand and hence he is void.


অর্থোদ্ধার; decode; CF. in~able >>> ~ means translate from code, or more generally, figure out. If you can't ~ your teacher's writing, it means you can't read it. You might feel like you're being asked to ~ a code. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENGLISH);CIPHER means CODE so ~ means DeCode


অলংকৃত করা ; decorate >>> To ~ is to dress something up by decorating it. You might ~ your poncho with fringe or your poodle's dog collar with rhinestones. >>> Mnemonic: ad + orn(ornamentals) used to decorate


অলস; drowsy; dull >>> When you feel ~, you're sluggish or lacking energy. Being sleepy or hungry can make anyone ~. >>> Mnemonic: Sounds like alergic. When you have lack of interest in doing something i.e. alergy


অলীক কিছুর অস্তিতে বিশ্বাস; delusion; false idea; false perception of objects with a compelling sense of their reality; objects so perceived >>> If you see your teacher morph (রূপান্তর) into a dancing elephant, chances are you're having a ~, or an illusory perception. In other words, it sounds like you are seeing things!


অলীক; illusive; deceptive; not real >>> If something is based on something that is not real, you can say it is ~. Tales of seeing Elvis and Big Foot eating together at McDonalds are probably based on an ~ experience.


অল্পকথায় অর্থপূর্ণ; brief and to the point; using few words; terse >>> ~ is an adjective that describes a style of speaking or writing that uses only a few words, often to express complex thoughts and ideas. A more ~ way to write that last sentence might be this: ~ means brief. >>> Mnemonic: LAC..LACK, SO LACK OF WORDS in her speech, specify that she used very few words to portray her ideas.


অশরীরী; without a material body; insubstantial >>> Something that has no material form or physical substance can be described as ~. If you believe in spirits or ghosts that can't be touched or seen but only felt, then you believe in the ~. >>> combination of the Latin root words in- meaning "not" and corpus meaning "body."


অশোধনীয়; uncorrectable >>> Someone ~ seems to be beyond correcting or improving. When you talk about an ~ drunk, you're saying they're never going to stop drinking. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);(in)corr(gible)==in eligible to be corrected or cant be corrected


অশোভনতা / অযোগ্যতা; improperness; unsuitableness >>> When the boss' wife shows up at a formal dinner party and proceeds to stuff her purse full of hors d'oeuvres, no one dares to mention her ~ above a whisper, especially to the boss. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~= im-proper i.e. unsuitable


অশ্বারোহীদের শোভাযাত্রা; procession of riders or horse-drawn carriages; parade; CF. cavalry >>> If you are traveling with a procession of people on horseback, you are part of a ~. >>> Mnemonic: caval(ry) (horses) + parade = parade on horses.


অসংযমী; lacking self-restraint; not continent; licentious >>> One of the less glamorous parts of parenthood is being responsible for an ~ newborn who can't control the urge to urinate or defecate. >>> Mnemonic: on continent or island say, there is no bahtrooms.. sou feel ~ on continent or island. --- adjective that describes someone who "goes to the bathroom" without actually being able to make it to the bathroom. Babies and children are ~ until they are potty-trained and adults can be ~ as a result of illness or injury.


অসঙ্গত হাস্যরস / ছেবলামি; lack of seriousness or steadiness; frivolity; lightness of manner >>> Joking that your dead grandmother "never looked better" could inject some ~, or frivolity, into her funeral, but your relatives might find your joke inappropriate to the occasion. >>> Mnemonic: lev(leave)+it+y(.yaar) casually leave things without any seriousness


অসঙ্গতি; state of being self-contradictory; lack of uniformity or steadiness; erratic; contradictory; incompatible >>> >>> Mnemonic: conistent= uniform, inconsistent means opp to consistent n i.e not uniform.


অসন্তোষ প্রকাশ করা / গরগর করা; complain; fuss; grumble; grouch; N: plump chickenlike game bird >>> A ~ is a small game bird. But the verb to ~ is different. It means to gripe about how unhappy you are. It's not recommended for most people, because grousing is unattractive. >>> Mnemonic: spouse .... complain a lot


অসম / অপ্রতিসম; not identical on both sides of a dividing central line >>> You describe something as ~ when it lacks the mirror-image quality of symmetry. That dress your sister sewed for you may appear stylishly ~, but really the reason the sleeves are different lengths is because she doesn't know how to use a tape measure.


অসমতা; difference; condition of inequality; OP. parity >>> If there is a ~ between how great you think you are at tennis, and how you actually play, you are probably surprised by how often you lose. ~ is the condition of being unequal, and a ~ is a noticeable difference. >>> Mnemonic: parity means ~ meanus unequal ..different!...


অসম্পৃক্ত / পৃথক্; disconnected; lacking coherence; >>> ~ isn't when you can bend your thumb all the way backwards — that's double-jointed. ~ means "unorganized" or "disconnected." >>> Mnemonic: DIS (not) + JOINTED (connected) ~ is disconnected or scattered.


অসম্পৃক্ত; separate; unconnected >>> ~ means separate or divided. A ~ unit is a separate part of something larger. A room is a ~ space within a house, just as the transmission is a ~ part of a car engine. >>> Mnemonic: this crate (thats used to keep cold drink bottles ) that keeps the bottles separate n unconnected... so that they don break dis+crate


অসম্মান; treatment or situation that causes shame or loss of dignity, respect; offensive or insulting treatment; humiliating or degrading treatment; Ex. I suffered the ~ of having to say that in front of them. >>> An ~ is something embarrassing. An ~ is usually something that happens to us rather than something we do ourselves. >>> Mnemonic: in(not)+dignity.....if you lose your dignity then you will get insulting treatment


অসাবধানতাবশত; unintentionally; by oversight; carelessly >>> ~ is an adverb that means "without knowledge or intent," like when you ~ take someone else's coat from the coatroom because it looks just like yours. >>> Mnemonic: in (no) + advert (পর্যবেক্ষণ) = ~


অসার / যথেষ্ট নয়; lacking substance; insignificant; frail; immaterial >>> ~ is an adjective that means lacking form, substance or nutritional value. If you're really hungry, a bowl of clear broth will seem pretty ~.


অস্তিত্ব - সম্বন্ধীয়; pertaining to existence; pertaining to the philosophy of ~ism >>> If something is ~, it has to do with human existence. If you wrestle with big questions involving the meaning of life, you may be having an ~ crisis. >>> Mnemonic: ~ related to existence of anything.


অস্ত্রচিকিত্সকের তীক্ষ্ণাগ র ছোটো ছুরি; small surgical tool for making incisions >>> The noun ~ describes a small, double-edged surgical knife used to make incisions. >>> Mnemonic: lance - বর্শা


অস্ত্রাগার; storage place for military equipment >>> An ~ is a storehouse for weapons. It wouldn't be wise to let your enemies get a hold of the keys to your ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);SENA(HINDI) ke use mai aane waala saaman


অস্থির উড়াউড়ি করা; fly; fly or move lightly or quickly; dart lightly; pass swiftly by; Ex. a bee ~ting from flower to flower >>> A ~ is a quick movement. You might ~ around a crowded party, greeting everyone briefly with some light-hearted chatter and moving on quickly. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;general);~=fly like it(can be anything) which is lite..n something thats lite fly's swiftly..


অস্থিরচিত্ত; insane >>> ~ is an adjective describing behavior that is crazy, unhinged, or insane. Someone is ~ when they have gone off the deep end. >>> Mnemonic: de + MENT + ed..focus on the bold letters ment(MENTAL).....SO A MENTAL PERSON IS AN INSANE PERSON.


অস্বাস্থ্যকর; unwholesome; not healthful; Ex. ~ place >>> ~ is a formal way to say something is bad for your health. Whether it's the smog in the city, the atmosphere at your workplace, or a load of coal tar — they all sound ~. >>> Mnemonic: salu = healthy (salu for salman khan is very healthy)... ~ = not friend of salu... not healthy


অস্বীকার করা; deny >>> >>> Mnemonic: GAIN weight but SAYing no


অস্বীকার; renunciation; self-sacrifice; self-~ >>> When you purposely deny yourself something, especially in favor of the needs of others, you would describe this act as an ~. This has to be your choice, not the choice of others — so it's not ~ when your parents don't let you stay out all night. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);abnegate: ab+nahi+get; meaning giving up something


অসৎ সন্তুষ্টিতে (লুটের মালের দিকে) তাকিয়ে থাকা; express evil satisfaction; look at or think about with evil satisfaction; view malevolently; Ex. The thief ~ed over the stolen jewels. >>> If you ~, you express great satisfaction at the misfortune of others. If your team scores a big win, it would be better not to ~. Be happy for your win, but don't laugh at their loss. >>> Mnemonic: think of dacoits who express their evil satisfaction after looting houses of people.


অহংকার; pride; arrogance >>> If you are shy and have a hard time talking to others, people might wrongly interpret your quietness as ~. ~ is thinking a lot of yourself and not much of others. >>> Mnemonic: HOTTIE girl shows ~


অহমিকা / দাম্ভিকতা; vanity or self-love; too high opinion of one's own value; extravagant metaphor (in poetry) >>> If you're always boasting and can't stop talking about yourself, you have that character flaw known as ~. Your friends — if you have any — may also complain about your arrogance, vanity, and egotism. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);kaun(con)+ ceit(seat) . person who asks who sat on my seat is arrogant!


অ্যাপ্লিকেশন; গভীর মনোনিবেশ করা; diligent attention; diligence; V. apply oneself >>> An ~ is a request for a job, assistance or admission to a school. Colleges might want you to submit your ~ by Dec. 1, but they won't let you know if you've been accepted until sometime in April. >>> Mnemonic: While writing an ~, one is diligently attentive


আইনশাস্ত্র; science of law >>> You want a word that's a whole mouthful? Try ~, the study and philosophy of law. You want to study ~? Get ready for law school, where you'll find even longer, more troubling words. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);juris = pertaining to law; prudence = intelligence/science


আকর্ষক / বাধ্যতামূলক; drive or force into action; irresistible in effect; holding one's attention; that compels one to do something; Ex. a ~ adventure story; >>> ~ means attractive, or irresistible, or really, really convincing. You know your argument for backpacking across Europe is ~ when your parents not only let you go but also pay for all your expenses. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like come yelling ..which is overpowering and also which gathers attention of everyone


আকস্মিক বিপর্যয় (ভূমিকম্প বা অগ্নিকান্ড); calamity ; disaster >>> A ~ is a disaster. If a wedding reception is disrupted by a fistfight between the bride and her new mother-in-law, you could call the occasion a ~. >>> Mnemonic: Cut a trophy:: if we loss the trophy then that event will be big loss misfortune , so is the meaning --> event resulting in great loss and misfortune


আকুলতা; glowing ardor; intensity of feeling; quality of being fervent or fervid; zeal; intense heat >>> Use ~ to describe an intensity of emotion or expression. Fans of the Los Angeles Dodgers show so much ~ that they "bleed Dodger blue." >>> Mnemonic: ~ - relate it to exam fever. U become so much ardent and enthusiastic to study for that one night to get good marks.. U have an intense feeling to study.. Hope this helps


আকুলতা; heat; passion; zeal; >>> Are you inspired to write love poems to your crush? Sprinkle rose petals in her path? Then you're feeling ~ — an intense kind of warmth and fervor most often associated with love. >>> Mnemonic: Our-"darr" is of falling in intense love!!


আকুলভাবে কামনা করা; seek to attain (position or status); long for; Ex. ~ to become president; Ex. ~ to/after the leadership >>> Does your life goal include world domination? Have an ambitious plan that involves gold medals and international fame? Then you definitely know what it means to ~ toward something big. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like vampire which always ~ for blood


আক্রমণমূলক; abuse >>> ~ is harsh, abusive language, like, "you dirty rotten scoundrel." I'm sure you can think of harsher and more obscene examples, but we won't get into them here. >>> Mnemonic: ENVY + ACTIVE or Active jealousy can cause you to ABUSE the other person.


আগুন জ্বালানো; start a fire; ignite; inspire; arouse >>> When you start a fire burning, you can say you ~ the fire. Knowing how to ~ a campfire is an important survival skill. It can help keep you warm at night, and keep you from eating cold beans for dinner. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Global);~ sounds like CANDLE..which when lighted can cause something to catch fire.


আচমকা আক্রমণ; raid; sudden raid or military advance; V. >>> ~ means brief excursion. If you're in the army, that's a literal excursion into enemy territory. For the rest of us, it means trying something out. "My ~ into rugby ended with my spending a week in the hospital." >>> Mnemonic: ওরে বাবা.... - someone attack you from back


আচার - সংক্রান্ত; marked by formality; extremely formal and polite; CF. ~: conventional social courtesy >>> When people are involved in a ceremony, they often behave in a solemn way, exhibiting the respect they feel for the ritual. Their behavior can be described as ~. >>> Mnemonic: in ceremony we often be formal

gloss over

আচ্ছাদন / গোপন করা; explain away with the intention of deceiving or hiding faults >>> cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error >>> Lip gloss is used to gloss over the faulty lips.


আটকান; shut in an enclosed space; restrict; keep within limits; N. ~ment >>> ~ is all about setting limits. If you are ~d to the house, it means you can't leave it. If you're really sick, you might be ~d to your bed. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENGLISH);when a person is 'on fine'(~),he will be in limits or else he behaves as he like


আতঙ্কে/বিস্ময়ে হতবুদ্ধি; filled with great surprise or fear; horrified >>> Would you be ~, or shocked, to find out that your friends believe in ghosts, or would you share their frightened, or ~, looks when a floating white being hovers over the campfire? >>> Mnemonic: A Ghost...when you see a ghost you are filled with fear and surprise


আত্মবিশ্বাস; আত্মস্থতা; poise; composure in difficult situations; assurance; self-confidence >>> ~ is the ultimate test for cool: grace under pressure. Use ~ to show great restraint under even the most trying circumstances. In retail, it's always a good idea to handle the angry customers with ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Take it as a-bomb, so a bomb defusing team must have following characteristics: assurance, balance, confidence, coolness, equanimity, nerve, nonchalance, poise, surety, tact... Nd these are the synonyms of ~!!!


আত্মবিশ্বাসহীনতা / সংশয়; shyness; lack of self-confidence; timidity; >>> The noun ~ refers to a lack of self-confidence. Your ~ might be the reason why you never say "hi" to the cute guy or gal in the elevator or why you never ask for a raise. >>> Mnemonic: lack of confidence - ~


আত্মম্ভরি / দেমাগ / অহংকার; egotistic; excessively self-centered(egocentric); self-important; conceited >>> Someone who is ~ is full of himself; completely self-absorbed. Like the ~ actor who blocks the audience's view of every other actor in the play during the curtain call so that he can hog the applause.


আত্মসন্তুষ্টি; self-satisfaction; smugness; >>> The word ~ is often hurled, in a rather scornful manner, at people who are unwilling to be political. It connotes a sense of ease and contentment with the status quo. >>> Mnemonic: COMP(Company)+PLACEncy- When you get placed in a company you get lot of self satisfaction i.e ~.....


আত্মসমালোচনাকারী; looking within oneself; N. ~tion: self-examination >>> Someone who is ~ spends considerable time examining his own thoughts and feelings. If you take to your diary after an unhappy break-up, you are being ~. >>> Mnemonic: intro means oneself spect is spectacles which is used for looking and hence introspect means looking within oneself


আত্মসাৎ; taking for one's own use in violation of trust; stealing (of money placed in one's care) >>> If you are glee club treasurer, and you pocket twenty glee dollars saying you used it to buy lozenges, you are committing ~, the theft of money or property that you officially manage. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);When the thieves were trying to enter and rob the bank, the alarm suddenly started BUZZING !!!


আত্মস্থতা / মানসিক শান্তি; mental calmness >>> When you stay calm under pressure, you keep your ~. Keeping your ~ for a skinned knee? Easy. Keeping your ~ during an avalanche? Not so easy. >>> Mnemonic: A R Rahman is a composer. He need all his ~ to compose music.


আদর সোহাগ; fond word or act; expression of affection >>> Next time you cringe (আশঙ্কা ইত্যাদিতে কুঁকড়ে যাওয়া) when a family member calls you by your childhood nickname in public, remember, Snoopy (নাক গলানো), it's just a term of ~ — meant to show affection, not make you miserably embarrassed. >>> Mnemonic: Focus on word DEAR, whoever is dear for you, you show affection to him


আদিরূপ; prototype; primitive pattern >>> An ~ is a perfect example of something. If you have blond hair, a perfect size six body and are on the cheerleading squad, you're the ~ of a high school cheerleader. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);arch + type - so a model for architecture


আদুরে গোপাল করে তোলা; treat gently; indulge excessively; pamper; molly~; baby; cook in water just below boiling point; Ex. ~d eggs >>> While it is okay for parents to ~, spoil, or pamper a young child, it's a little unnerving when parents ~, or pamper adult children. And downright weird when adult children wear Pampers. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;~ - Cuddle/Pamper);~ - sounds like cuddle - cuddling is pampering (লাই দেত্তয়া) kids, showing excessive love, indulge in excess of cuddling that is molly~, which will spoil kids.


আধিক্যপূর্ণ; disgustingly excessive; offensively flattering; Ex. ~ praise/expressions of admire >>> Compliments usually make you feel pretty good, but ~ compliments, which are exaggerated and usually insincere, may have the opposite effect. >>> Mnemonic: You can FOOL SOME people with excessive and insincere praise..


আনত করান; slope; slant; Ex. steep ~ >>> Something that slopes — that is, something that deviates from the straight horizontal or vertical — can be called an ~. If you like to walk up and down hills, you enjoy walking on ~s. >>> Mnemonic: I ~ to recline on the Sofa


আনন্দধ্বনি; rejoicing; great joy >>> ~ is a happy word. Where there is ~, there are laughter, smiles, laughs, joy, and gladness. >>> Mnemonic: At the golden JUBILEE of the organization the workers were very jubilant.


আনন্দময়; giving or showing bliss; blissful >>> That blissful grin on your face? It could be described as ~, meaning it projects a peaceful sense of joy. >>> Mnemonic: Beautiful beats makes one feel heavenly blissful


আনমনা; absentminded; distracted >>> ~ means "preoccupied with worry." If you can't concentrate on the hot gossip your friend is sharing with you because you can't stop thinking about what your mom is going to say about the window you accidentally broke, you're ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - dis + straight -> not driving straight since ~


আনাড়ি; clumsy (in social behavior); coarse and uncouth >>> Use the word ~ when you want to call something tacky, graceless, tactless, rude, boorish, or awkward and foolish. Have you just pointed out someone's misuse of this word? Oh dear, how ~! >>> Mnemonic: *গাউয়া* (গ্রাম্য) *ছেলে*


আনুগত্যহীন; disloyal; lacking loyality; V. ~: cause to lose affection or loyalty >>> The adjective ~ describes someone who is dissatisfied or rebellious. Usually if you're ~, you're upset with people in authority. You and your fellow ~ workers might become so upset about the lack of raises that you decided to boycott work. >>> Mnemonic: Dis+Affection


আনুষঙ্গিক বস্তু; subordinate possessions; something added to a more important thing >>> Something that is an accessory to something but not an integral part of it is an ~. If you buy a car, you may want to purchase a few ~ for it, like an ice scraper and fuzzy dice to hang from your rear view mirror.


আনুষঙ্গিক; additional object; useful but not essential thing >>> Whether we're talking about a fog light for your boat or just a nice hat to go with your boating outfit, an ~ is something you add to something else to make it better. >>> Mnemonic: access(EXCESS)+ory(ornaments)..SO you have got excess of ornaments ,which are not very essential for you,as your clothes,then why do you waste so much money on additional objects like this.


আনুষ্ঠানিকতা; ceremonious quality; ceremonious adherence to rules; something done just for form's sake; Ex. mere ~ >>> A ~ is something that follows traditional rules. Even though you knew your request for time off at work would be approved, you still went through the ~ of filling out all the required paperwork.


আপত্তিকর; objectionable; likely to cause dislike; offensive; CF. un~: entirely acceptable >>> If something is ~, someone is bound to find something wrong with it. >>> Mnemonic: He is not exceptional but ~ hence he is open to objections or he is a person to which objection may be taken


আপোষ; adjust or settle by making mutual concessions; endanger the interests or reputation of; put into danger, disrepute, or a dishonorable position; Ex. ~ one's principle; N. >>> A ~ is a way of settling differences by everybody making concessions. If you want to stay out until 10 and your friend wants to stay out until midnight, 11 is a good ~.


আপোষমূলক; reconciling; soothing; win the friendly feelings (by removing anger) >>> If you're in a fight with a friend and you want to end it, you should make a ~ gesture, such as inviting her to a party you're having. ~ describe things that make other people less angry. >>> Mnemonic: Heyy thz sounds like CONSOLING...which means soothing...


আবদ্ধ স্থান সম্পর্কে অস্বাভাবিক ভীতি; fear of being locked in >>> ~ is an irrational or abnormal fear of being in an enclosed space. If your heart races in an elevator, or you break out in a cold sweat in a walk-in closet, you might have ~. >>> Mnemonic: claust-this seems like closed...u are closed in a room only if the room is locked, phobia means feear..


আবর্জনা; waste matter; worthless impurities >>> Things that are a total loss — really worthless or damaging — are ~. You could call that gunk between your teeth that comes out when you floss, ~. No one wants it, and it's harmful if it stays. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is GROSS (স্থূল) material


আবাদী.চাষযোগ্য; fit for growing crops; Ex. ~ land >>> If you describe land as ~, it means that something can grow there. If you're looking to raise crops, you better find yourself a patch of ~ land. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);associate the word with ARAB.The desert is totally unfit for what they want most is land for agriculture


আবির্ভূত করান / স্মৃতিতে জাগিয়ে তোলা; call forth (memory or feeling); Ex. That old film ~d memories of my childhood; N. ~ation >>> The verb ~ most commonly means to bring a feeling, memory, or picture into the mind. When you visit your old elementary school, the smells, sounds, and colors there can ~ memories from the past. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is to CALL FORTH and ~ sounds like awake, now, in order to awake someone from sleep you have to call out.


আবেগ অনুভূতিহীন অভিব্যক্তি; wooden; impassive; with no show of feeling; with an expressionless face >>> Use the word ~ to describe someone who uses no expression when speaking, such as the ~ way some comedians deliver even their funniest jokes — which can make them even funnier. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like deadman... a deadman shows no feelings, is wooden..


আবোল - তাবোল বলা; chatter idly or foolishly; make continuous sounds like water running gently over rounded stone; N. >>> ~ is to talk on and on without a particular goal, to bubble at the mouth, but not in a pretty way. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = bab - ble bla bla bla ( ble) which means to chatter foolishly


আভাসে - ইঙ্গিতে বলা / ঠেস দিয়া মন্তব্য করা; hint; imply; suggest indirectly; creep in; introduce or insert (oneself) by artful means; Ex. ~ himself into the boss's favor; CF. ingratiate >>> ~ means you imply or suggest something that may or may not be true. If you say things seemed to go wrong about the time your brother took over, you ~ that he had something to do with the decline. >>> Mnemonic: The girl has lost her memory. The boy telling her - This is the INStitute IN which U ATE. He is trying to HINT, IMPLY to her.


আমদানি / গুরুত্বপূর্ণ; significance; ~ance; meaning >>> ~s are the products shipped into our country from other places. We ~ Japanese autos and export our pop music to Tokyo. ~ also means to signify something. Is it of ~ to our economic security to have so many Japanese ~s on our roads? >>> Mnemonic: ~ is short for ~ant


আমলাতন্ত্র; overregulated administrative system marked by red tape; ADJ. ~tic >>> A ~ is an organization made up of many departments and divisions that are administered by lots of people. If you've ever had to deal with health insurance or financial aid, you're familiar with the dark side of ~. >>> Mnemonic: bureau(noun........means..a source which provide information..may be an office or an organization.)+cracy(means...goverment or the rule....) goverment run by officials......or officials doing the kind of work that either a rular or a g


আর আমোদ - প্রমোদ চাহে না এমন; bored with pleasure or dissipation; uninterested or bored >>> If the thrill is gone, you are blasé. If you yawn on a roller coaster, then maybe you've had one too many rides. >>> Mnemonic: having party all day with *blazer* - now need to give up - ~


আরোপ করা; refer; attribute; assign >>> ~ means to give credit to, like if you ~ the A you got on your group project to the hard work of your partners! >>> Mnemonic: Scribe means refer to ex. describe-refer to something and expalin. Monthly subscribption to a magzine means referring to the mag wil be possible monthly


আলিঙ্গন করে শুরু করা; commence; go on board a boat; begin a journey >>> When you ~ on something, you are starting it — and it's exciting. You might ~ on a new career or ~ on a trip to the Galapagos Islands. You wouldn't ~ on a trip to the grocery store. >>> Mnemonic: bark is used to build a boat..or a bark is used to row a boat,or commence a journey by rowing..


আলিঙ্গন; hug; clasp with the arms; adopt or espouse; accept readily; encircle; include; Ex. ~ the cause/socialism; CF. brace; CF. bracelet >>> To ~ something is to welcome it with open arms, hold, hug, accept completely. You might ~ your sweetheart, or even changes in technology. >>> Mnemonic: Concentrate on the word "bra"!!!!!!!! u understood my intentions rite!!!


আলোকিত করা; brighten; clear up or make understandable; enlighten; enable to understand; Ex. ~ing remarks >>> To ~ is to light up — with physical light or with an idea. A spotlight might ~ an actor on stage, and a good Chemistry teacher might ~ students with a lesson on the atomic structure of hydrogen. >>> Mnemonic: when divided sounds like I+ll(will..i'll)+luminate...(means..shine light on something,make a way clear for somebody.) you have decided to clear the way for your friend,which shows your understanding with him.


আলোচ্যসুচী; items of business at a meeting >>> An ~ is a list of things to do. If you're going to attend a meeting with a long ~, you'll want to take your coffee mug along.


আশীর্বাদ; blessing >>> A ~ is a blessing — either a formal one that you might hear in a church service or an informal one that you might utter when you take any leap of faith. >>> Mnemonic: saint BENEDICT always used to bless people...


আশ্রম / মঠ; monastery or convent >>> A ~ is an enclosed garden, usually surrounded by covered walkways. Because such spaces are often featured in buildings that house religious orders, ~ can be used to mean "monastery" or "convent." >>> Mnemonic: ~....close+sister...where sisters (nuns) are getting closed or where sisters are resides.....


আশ্রয়স্থল / পোতাশ্রয়; place of safety; refuge; harbor; Ex. tax ~ >>> Need to find shelter, from the weather or from other troubles? Then you need a ~. >>> Mnemonic: it sounds like 'heaven'...a place which is always safe.


আশ্রয়স্থান / নিরাপত্তা; place of refuge or shelter; protection (religious or political) >>> Any mom taking care of the kids day in and day out is probably more than ready to seek ~, or refuge, at a local spa. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like slum...people living in slums need place for shelter,refuge, or protection during rainy season from rain.


আসক্তি; compulsive habitual need >>> An ~ is an abnormally strong craving for something, which can sometimes grow so strong you have trouble living without it. >>> Mnemonic: diction sounds like fiction.reading fiction stories became a compulsary habbit to me to read until i will complete the book.


আসন্ন; impending; near at hand >>> Something that is ~ is just about to happen: if you light a firecracker and then stick it down your pants, a very bad situation is ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds similar to immediate. so ~ means about to occur immediately.


আসন্ন; nearing; approaching; about to happen; imminent >>> If something is ~, it is about to happen. If you hear thunder in the distance, you might go inside to escape the ~ storm. >>> Mnemonic: ~: Im+Pending- nothing can be left pending when the deadline is near.


আসল ব্যাপার / মূল কথা; essential or main point; Ex. the ~ of the problem; ADJ. crucial: of deciding importance >>> The essential point or problem is the ~. People are always trying to get to the ~ of a matter or the ~ of a problem, while others try to distract them. >>> Mnemonic: FOCUS ON LETTERS CRU + x....cru very near to something which is crucial is always the essential thing.


আসুরিক; fiendish; cruel; N. ~: evil supernatural being; devil >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something or someone who seems to be possessed by a demon, like the ~ rantings of the actors portraying scary creatures at the haunted house. >>> Mnemonic:Demon + Maniac


ইচ্ছামতো অধিকার করা / জোরপূর্বক ঘরবাড়ি দখল করা; take (private property) for military use without needing permission or giving payment; draft for military purposes >>> What is that person doing, interrupting everyone and changing the subject every minute? He is trying to ~, or take control, of the conversation. >>> Mnemonic: come and give me your deer....i.e.take sth by force


ইন্দ্রিয়াতীত; imperceptible(not easily understood); intangible; OP. palpable: tangible; easily perceptible >>> ~ describes a feeling that, though real, you can't logically explain. If you don't know why you love peanut butter and banana sandwiches so much, maybe your reasons are ~. >>> Mnemonic: IM(negative)+PAL+PEBBLE.. My PAL is "insensitive to the touch" of smooth PEBBLE.


ইশারা; পরোক্ষভাবে উল্লেখিত বিষয়; passing reference or indirect mention; mention; reference; >>> That little nod to a Dylan Thomas poem that you sneaked into your PowerPoint presentation? That was an ~, a quick reference to something that your audience will have to already know in order to "get." >>> Mnemonic: it is similar to "illusion" which is done by showing things not there indirctly


ঈগল পাখির ঠোঁটের মতো বাঁকা; curved; hooked; of or like an eagle; Ex. ~ nose >>> ~ means like an eagle, so if someone tells you you have an ~ nose, it means your nose looks like an eagle's beak. Believe it or not, this is a compliment. >>> Mnemonic: aqui(aqua) reminds us of water(or catching fish)..a curved hook is used for fishing or catching fishes.


ঈশ্বরদত্ত আধ্যাত্মিক শক্তি; divine gift; great popular charm or appeal; magnetism >>> Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley had great ~, or a special personal charm or appeal that gives them influence or authority. >>> Mnemonic: this word sounds like KARISMA(KAPOOR BOLlYWOOD HEROINE)..she definitely has great charm and is quite appealing.


ঈষৎ লোনা; somewhat saline >>> Something that is ~ is unpleasant and harsh, like the coffee you left on too long or the water in a muddy pond. >>> Mnemonic: Bra + Kiss;suppose u r kissing under the bra which were wet with they taste salty...:) :P :P


উইল করিয়া দেত্তয়া; leave to someone by means of a will; hand down in his will; N. ~quest >>> To ~ is to leave your possessions to another person after you die. A man might love his classic cars but would be happy to ~ them to his grandsons when he writes out his last will and testament. >>> Mnemonic: 'be + qu + eath' before quitting earth, 'leave ur property to someone by a will'


উইলের ক্রোড়পত্র; supplement to the body of a will; later addition to a will >>> A ~ is a supplement to a will. If your will is already written and you want to alter it, you add a ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ (Sounds like KOTHI + SEAL) Imagine a person getting an aalishaan KOTHI through a will. But unfortunately, due to some legal reasons, government has decided to SEAL THE KOTHI and ALTER the will against his favor.


উকিল; সমর্থন করা ; speak in favor of; support (an idea or plan); urge; plead for >>> You can refer to a person who's a public supporter of a cause as an ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~...~ usually "urges"or "pleads" judge to give in his favour


উগ্র জাতীয়তাবাদী; blindly devoted patriot; zealous adherent of a group, cause, or sex; ADJ. ~ic; CF. Nicolas Chauvin >>> A ~ is someone who blindly and enthusiastically believes in the superiority of his cause or people. If you grew up in New York and refuse to eat at any pizzeria beyond a five-mile radius of the Empire State Building, you could be described as a New York pizza ~. >>> The word ~ comes from Nicholas Chauvin, a French soldier — probably fictional — who was so devoted to Napoleon that he continued to zealously support the emperor even after Napoleon rejected him. The put-down "male ~ pig" describes a man who believes that women are not as intelligent or worthy of respect as men. Often when we hear the word ~, we think of arrogant men.


উগ্র দেশপ্রেম; extremely aggressive and militant patriot; warlike chauvinist; N. ~[^m]t: extreme nationalism >>> ~s really dislike people from outside their own borders. Jingoism is an extreme form of patriotism that often calls for violence towards foreigners and foreign countries. >>> Mnemonic: ~ seems like JUNGoist .. a national who is chauvinistic nd bellicose will favor JUNG..


উচ্চ প্রশংসা করা; জয়ধ্বনি; applaud; praise; greet with great approval; announce with great approval; Ex. The new drung has been ~ed as the most important discoveries for years; N: strong expression of approval and praise >>> You know you've hit it big, when you earn ~, or enthusiastic approval. And when you have achieved "critical ~," even the grouchy critics approve of you. >>> Mnemonic: A+claim..imagine you have claimed to a news channel that you have designed a super computer ,so every where people are praising you for your great invention


উচ্চতা - ভীতি; fear of heights >>> Want to go to the top of the Empire State Building? You must not have ~. Someone who is terrified of heights will just wait for you in the gift shop — which is on the ground floor. >>> Mnemonic: a crow phobia...crows live their lives at great heights


উচ্চনিনাদ করা; loud or harsh roar or screech; dazzling blaze of light >>> To ~ means to crank up the volume — really LOUDly. ~ is what you do with your dance music if you want your neighbors to hate you. >>> Mnemonic: flare: outburst of flames or fire.Glare=outburst of light. ~: outburst of noise. FYI.. see Avaya Flare's animation screen


উচ্চশ্রেণী; hereditary nobility; privileged class; government by nobility; >>> A person who's "born to rule" belongs to the ruling class, or ~, and is "noble" just by being in the family line — whether they have done anything noble or not. In an ~, a princess who doesn't visit sick children or clear land mines is still a princess. >>> Mnemonic: aristotle was the most powerful member of the science society


উচ্চাভিলাষী; seeker after position or status >>> Ambition is the name of the game for an ~, a young person who sets her sights on rising to the top in her chosen field. >>> Mnemonic: aspire a position


উচ্চারণ করা; announce; proclaim; utter or speak, especially distinctly; pronounce clearly; articulate; Ex. This theory was first ~d by him. >>> Can't get your point across? Maybe you just need to speak more clearly or articulate your thoughts better — in short, ~. >>> Mnemonic: e+nun+ciate....sounds like A NUN CITEd....something she proclaimed about the church rules and regulations...and that is what the word means....citing means announcing something to be true..or proclaiming something.


উচ্চে স্থাপন করা; raise in rank or dignity; praise highly; inspire; Ex. ~ the imagination; ADJ. ~ed; N. ~ation >>> You might like your manager, but if you ~ her, it means you really put her on a pedestal (প্রতিমূর্তির পাদভূমি) and treat her like royalty. >>> Mnemonic: ex(tra) + alt(itude) = rise high = praise


উচ্ছ্বাসিত / অত্যুত্সাহী; showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm; boiling; N. ~ce; N. ~tion: state of boiling >>> More than chipper, more than happy, more than delighted is ~ — meaning bubbling over with joy and delight. >>> Mnemonic: Your dad purchasing you a new 'Enfield Bullet' so you show ur 'Excitement' -> ~! :D


উত্তক্তকারী; person who verbally harasses others; V. ~[^r]: verbally harass as with gibes (by interrupting a speaker or speech) >>> Have you ever screamed horrible things during a sports event, or taunted someone with cruel jokes? You might be a ~, and you're probably not very well-liked. >>> Mnemonic: Hitler = one who verbally assaults Jews


উত্তম মাধ্যম দেয়া / হাস্যকর মাত্রায় পুন: পুন: ব্যাখ্যা করা; harp on; dwell on tediously; explain or go over excessively or to a ridiculous degree; assail verbally; beat severely; attack physically >>> ~ means to go at something with everything you've got. When you say, "Don't ~ or agonize over the decision," it means, "Move on." >>> Mnemonic: Imagine boss saying "you be labour" : he is criticizing, verbally attacking


উত্তরাধিকার; gift made by a will; something handed down from an ancestor >>> Use the word, ~, for something handed down from one generation to the next. A retiring company president might leave a ~ of honesty and integrity. >>> Mnemonic: (sounds like legally ) gift obtained legally


উত্তরাধিকারসূত্রে হস্তান্তরিত করা / নিচে গড়াইযা পড়া; deputize; pass or be passed to others (power, work, or property); Ex. ~ on/upon/to >>> You've probably heard about that organisms evolve over time. Well, life is complicated, and sometimes things ~ instead — to ~ is to get worse instead of better. >>> Mnemonic: Revolve - the ball revolved and ~d to the drain


উত্তল; curving outward >>> If something is bulging outwards in a curve, it's ~ in shape. The surface of a soccer balls, old television screens, and eyeballs are all ~ in shape.


উত্তেজিত করা / বিদ্বেষ; annoy; exasperate; chafe; N: skin sore caused by rubbing (as on the skin of a horse); exasperation >>> ~ describes something irritating, like someone very rude. If you barge into a bakery and cut in front of a sweet old lady, then you have ~. >>> Mnemonic: *গাল*-এ কষে এক থাপ্পর and you are ~


উত্তেজিত করা বা হওয়া; agitation; commotion(noisy and excited activity); unrest (of a political kind); V. produce by ~ation; undergo ~ation; cause (a state of trouble) >>> The word ~ means a commotion or excitement. Consider that the ~ation that turns juice or grain into *alcohol* is the result of the agitated development of bacteria, and then you can better appreciate the word's meaning. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = firm + end, firm means stable , ~ brings end to firmness.


উত্তেজিত করা; confuse; upset; embarrass; perturb >>> To ~ is to unsettle someone, make them feel confused and out of sorts. It's a mixture of to embarrass and to creep out. >>> Mnemonic: Fire at Concert - everyone is ~


উত্তেজিত করা; vex; annoy or make angry (by testing the patience) >>> To ~ someone is to annoy him or her to the point of impatience, frustration and irritation, like when you ~ a busy waiter by asking questions like "what are all the ingredients in the salad dressing?" and making him repeat the specials five times. >>> Mnemonic: ~(excess + parade)=hence u r ill and if u r asked to parade excess u will annoy and become angry as it may worsen your health condition


উত্পাত / সনির্বদ্ধ অনুরোধ; beg persistently; make repeated requests (in an annoying way) >>> Sure, to ~ is to beg, but use it only when you're talking about going beyond mere begging into more urgent territory. The woman ~d the judge to release her innocent brother from jail. >>> Mnemonic: Im (not) + portune (fortune). Someone who doesn't have fortune BEGS PERSISTANTLY.


উত্পাদন করা; cause; produce; create >>> ~ means to produce or create. If you want to ~ really high-level ideas, you should let your mind roam freely.


উত্সাহ, উদ্দীপনামূলক; encouraging; exhortive; marked by exhortation; CF. exhort >>> ~ is a word used to describe a behavior or action that is encouraging. In the face of great economic crisis, the president's speech takes on a ~ or encouraging tone, at a time when people most need the reassurance. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Asian Villages);While ploughing farms with bullocks, farmers say "HUR HUR ;HORT HORT" to encourage bullocks to move ahead. This is ~.


উত্সাহিত করা; urge (by strong argument or advice); Ex. The general ~ed his men to fight bravely; N. ~ation >>> French roots for the word ~ mean "thoroughly encourage," so to ~ is to fill up with encouragement! "When he heard the crowd ~ him with stomping and cheers, he knew that he could finish the marathon." >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like exhaust; if you're extremely exhausted, how will you ~ the crowd to cheer louder? You need lots of energy to ~ the crowd.


উদারতা / সহৃদয়তা; cheerfulness; kindliness; sympathy >>> ~ is a fancy word for friendliness. We show ~ when we are pleasant, kind, and nice to be around. >>> Mnemonic: Genie (জ্বীন) is ~ [বলো কি চাও - বান্দা হুজুরের গোলাম!!]


উদারতা; generous gift (given to people who do not have enough) >>> >>> Mnemonic: ~=Large+S+S==> Large Social Service. that is Gift to society.


উদাসীন; unmoved or unconcerned by; having no interest in; mediocre; neither good nor bad >>> ~ is an adjective that refers to a lack of opinion or interest, or being just plain, old, average. >>> Mnemonic: A girl always looks for a guy who is different from the others, thus if he is in(not) different , he is MEDIOCRE hence she will be UNMOVED AND UNCONCERNED BY his proposals. :P


উদাসীন; without concern or care; unconcerned; indifferent >>> Only people with no real troubles can afford to be ~ during times like these. Runway models are great at looking ~, strolling the catwalk apparently without a care in the world. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Global);~: sounds like In-soup-ant or in-sauce-ant. Suppose the waiter serves you a soup with an ant in it and he is not even concerned about removing it, is ~.


উদ্দীপনা; moving force; momentum; force of a moving body; incentive; stimulus; impulse >>> An ~ is the force behind something, whether it's a boulder rolling down a hill or a person making a decision. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like fetus (ভ্রুণ) which is an unborn baby... so at time of delivery a moving force(~) makes it easier for the mother to give birth... --- push a car that's out of gas


উদ্দীপনা; সক্রিয়তা ; cheerful promptness without reluctance >>> Someone with ~ shows cheerful willingness and eager behavior, like a kid whose mother has told him he can buy anything in a candy store. >>> Mnemonic: take the suffix crity we can link it with creativity.creative people are so eager to learn n create things differently.


উদ্দীপ্ত; ardent; zealous; hot >>> ~ can be used to describe something that is physically hot such as "a ~ day in August," but it is more often used to describe heated emotions like anger, love, or desire. >>> Mnemonic: fer-fur vid-video video with girls in furs =extremely hot


উদ্ধত / যুক্তিপ্রমাণ ব্যতিরেকে ঘাউরামি; opinionated; holding stubbornly to one's opinion; arbitrary; doctrinal >>> Someone who is ~ has arrogant attitudes based on unproved theories. If you ~ally assert that the moon is made of green cheese, you'll just get laughed at. >>> Mnemonic: If you try to read "~" from back to front, you will get "i am god". the person who think that he is a god is arrogant and stubborn


উদ্ধৃত করা; quote; commend; Ex. ~d for bravery in an official record >>> To ~ something means to do right by whoever said it and give them credit — for instance, if you add a brilliant statement to a paper but you're not the one who originally wrote it, you should ~, or point to, the original author. >>> Mnemonic: re~ means to tell something :like re~ a poem: root is ~.. which means to quote


উদ্ধৃতি; selected passage (written or musical) taken from a longer work; V. >>> Instead of sharing all 147 lines of your favorite poem in class, you might want to read an ~, that is, just a part of the verses, so no one dozes off. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENG);ex+cer+pt= extract certain part (or passage)


উদ্বোধন; begin formally; install in office; induct into office by a formal ceremony >>> To ~ means to start something, to give it a kick off. The opening day pep rally ~s the high school football season. >>> Mnemonic: i formally say in august(~) we will install new computer in office


উদ্ভট; fantastic; violently contrasting; noticeably odd; strikingly unconventional >>> A person, object, or situation that's ~ is very odd or unusual in appearance, style, or character. If your teacher walked into class wearing a purple boa, cat's eyes glasses and three inch heels, you might comment, "How ~!" >>> Mnemonic: sounds like bazaar; In India, ~(bazaar) looks STRANGE and ODD to foreigners


উদ্ভাবন করা; prepare by mixing or combining; make up in concert; devise (something false) so as to deceive; Ex. ~ (মিথ্যা সাজান) an elaborate excuse for being late; N. ~ion >>> When you ~ something, you mix up different ingredients. If you want to become a mad scientist or a wizard, you'll have to learn how to ~ strange potions. >>> Mnemonic: coct - resembles a cocktail, prepared by mixing and combining. A conman is preparing it, in a concert disguised(make up) as a bartender.


উদ্ভিদ / কোনো বিশেষ যুগের; plants of a region or era >>> The ~ of a particular area consists of its plant species, considered as a whole. The word also refers to the plant life of a particular era — for example, fossilized plants can help us determine the ~ at the time of dinosaurs. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like FLOWER ...flower is from plant


উদ্ভিদবিদ্যা অনুশীলনের উপযোগী উদ্যান; place where different trees and shrubs are studied and exhibited >>> In even the busiest of cities you can often find an ~, a sort of museum for trees, where many different types of trees and shrubs are growing, kept for scientific study and for the enjoyment of the general population. >>> Mnemonic: just remember ARBOREAL : which means living in trees (ar-bore-al : think of a woodpecker who makes a bore (a hole) to live in trees). so ~ means something pertaining to trees


উদ্যমশীল করা; invigorate; give energy to; make forceful and active >>> ~ means to raise the energy level of something. If your really boring teacher suddenly starts throwing M&Ms to every student with a correct answer, he will ~ the classroom.


উদ্যোক্তা; businessperson (who assumes the risk of a business venture); contractor; ADJ. ~ial >>> An ~ is someone who starts a new business. Little stores and huge companies both have ~s behind them. >>> Mnemonic: ~s


উন্মাদনা; frenzy; great anger and excitement; CF. fury >>> A ~ is a strong and sudden reaction, often negative and shared by many people, such as the ~ that erupted when Coca-Cola replaced its beloved soft drink with "New Coke" in the 1980s. >>> Mnemonic: furious (ক্রোধান্বিত) -> ~ --- fur + গরগর (or) - fur of lion when it become angry


উপকারী ব্যক্তি; gift giver; patron; person who does good or who gives money for a good purpose >>> Every school, museum, and struggling artist is in search for a generous ~, or someone to provide the financial means to keep everything running smoothly. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Root);not a mnemonic but a root..bene is the root word and it stands for GOOD


উপদলীয় কোন্দল দ্বারা চিহ্নিত; inclined to form factions; causing dissension >>> The idea behind ~ is that of dissent, but in a rather angry way. To say that the Confederacy was a ~ group of states would be to understate the case. They wanted out of the Union, and they were willing to go to war to get their way. >>> Mnemonic: fraction of group -> faction, faction having dissent -> factious


উপবৃত্তাকার; elliptic; oval; of an ellipse; containing an ellipsis; ambiguous either purposely or because key words have been left out >>> The word ~ is derived from the oval shape known as an ellipse. Many comets have an ~ orbit around the Sun that brings them closer at some times and farther away at others. >>> Mnemonic: ~ means oval,which is not straight.If a person is not straight in his speech. That means he has omitted words and is unclear


উপযুক্ত / গণনা করা; deliberately planned; likely >>> If you do something in a ~ way, you've given it quite a bit of thought beforehand, and you're very deliberate in the way you do it. >>> Mnemonic: every calculation is well weighed n "planned"..n gives us a likely result


উপযুক্ত / মনমতো; sharing the same temperament; pleasant; friendly; in agreement with one's tastes and nature; Ex. ~ weather >>> A ~ person is easy to get along with. If you're trying to decide which of your friends to take on a road trip, choose the most ~ one. >>> Mnemonic: Genelia Desouza was suitable, appropriate ,compatible and pleasant for Jaane tu Janne na movie


উপযুক্ত শাস্তি; deserts; well-deserved punishment or misfortune; rebuke >>> ~ describes a fate or punishment that's deserved, like an arrogant trash-talking quarterback who fumbles the ball on the last play and loses the game for his team. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);A student attempts a prank during a lecture. The teacher holds up a stick in her hand and asks the student to come up and face the consequence(punishment) he deserves.


উপযোগিতা; correspondence of parts; harmonious relationship >>> ~ means compatibility. If you've been studying French, you might be glad to note, when learning Spanish, that there are many areas of ~ in grammar and vocabulary between the two Romance languages. >>> Mnemonic: In maths we have congruent triangle that completely agree which each other in every property.


উপশম করা; relieve (pain) >>> Do all these words make your head ache? If so, take an aspirin to ~, or relieve, your pain. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english!);ALL (all)+ EVI (evil)+ ATE (has been eaten up) so hence you are relieved of the pain and you feel relief


উপশমকারিতা / কোমলতা; mildness; permissiveness; ADJ. ~[^cy]t: not severe in judgment or punishment >>> ~ is a noun that refers to the lessening of a punishment or chore. Your father's ~, for example, resulted in you not having to paint the entire house like your mother wanted. Instead you just had to paint the garage. >>> *লেন (নিন) বুয়া আনছি* - আর কষ্ট করা লাগবেনা


উপশমকারী; soothing or softening remedy (for the skin); ADJ. >>> An ~ is a cream or ointment with a thick, gooey texture. When your hands are dry and cracked in the winter, you probably apply an ~ to make them softer. >>> Mnemonic: divide it as e + মালিশ+ ient. If we find a black spot on our skin, we quickly start searching for a SOOTHING REMEDY to remove it.


উপহাস করা; ridicule; treat with contempt; make fun of; OP. respect >>> The verb ~ means to show a low opinion of someone or something. The jerk would ~ the other kids on the bus by calling them names or pulling their hair until the driver decided to de-ride him by kicking him off the bus. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);de -ride -- riding a horse upside down.. ppl will make fun of you ( ridicule)


উপাদান; element; ingredient >>> It's the Ikea curse: You spend four hours figuring out how to piece together your new furniture, only to be left with one random ~, or part, that doesn't seem to fit anywhere.


উভচর প্রাণী; able to live both on land and in water; N. >>> An ~ is a cold-blooded vertebrate animal that is born in water and breathes with gills. As the larva grows into its adult form, the animal's lungs develop the ability to breathe air, and the animal can live on land. Frogs, toads, and salamanders are all ~s. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);amphi== of both kinds + bios==life


উভয়সঙ্কট; situation that requires a choice between equally unfavorable options; problem; choice of two unsatisfactory alternatives >>> A ~ is a tough choice. When you're in a difficult situation and each option looks equally bad, you're in a ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);DIL le gayi woh AMMA(mother) ab main kya karun


উর্বরতা; fertility; fruitfulness; ADJ. ~: very productive of crops or young >>> ~ means fruitfulness and fertility, the ability to produce abundant healthy growth or offspring. >>> Mnemonic: গাছের কান্ড


উল্লাসজনক / প্রাণবন্ত; invigorating and refreshing; cheering; V. ~ate: make cheerful and excited; Ex. exhilarated by the ride in the sports car >>> Something ~ is so exciting it makes you a little giddy. "Snowboarding that black-diamond trail was ~!" >>> Mnemonic: hilarating -> hilarious means cheering


উল্লাসধ্বনি; exclamation; abrupt ejection (to discharge sperm); >>> An ~ is either the discharge of semen that happens when a man has an orgasm or a suddent verbal outburst like "Hey!" >>> Mnemonic: mmmm...guys, do i have to tell u wat this means..uhh..or anyone with exclamations out there..!!! lolz...!!! hehehe...


উল্লাসপূর্ণ হৈচৈ; boisterous mirth(merriment; laughter) >>> ~ is that side-splitting, tear-inducing, laugh-until-you-can't-breathe happiness of a romping good time. >>> Mnemonic: hilari..hilari(american president candidate).....she laughed loudly when she come to know about her selection as president.


উষ্ণ; ardent; zealous (সোত্সাহ); hot >>> Use ~ to describe a person or thing that shows very strong feelings or enthusiasm. If you have a ~ desire to become an actress, you'll stop at nothing to realize your dream. >>> Mnemonic: ~/fervid both can be remembered by February -specifically Feb14 when youngsters are quite emotional regarding V-Day.


উসকে দেওয়া; stir up; incite; instigate; promote the growth of (something evil or unpleasant) >>> Stand outside the school cafeteria passing out flyers with nutritional details on school food, and you may ~ a revolution--~ means stirring up something undesirable, such as trouble. >>> Mnemonic: ~ the foam in hot water


ঊর্ধ্বে; শূন্যে; upward; high up in the air >>> Something up in the air or really high is ~. ~ has a soft, floaty sound to it, and it's a great word for talking about flying birds, airborne ballet dancers, and soaring spitballs. >>> Mnemonic: You must have heard this in cricket commentary, Batsman lofted the ball up in the air.


ঊষাসংক্রান্ত / উদীচী উষা; pertaining to the aurora borealis; >>> An aurora is an astronomical phenomenon, when colored lights seem to shimmer in the sky. ~ refers to that display--you might describe it as a show of ~ light. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);AUR RO ke LAL mat ho...have an ~ glow


ঊহ্য শব্দ / শব্দ বর্জন; omission of words from a text; mark used to indicate an omission (when the meaning can be understood without them); >>> An ~ is punctuation that is used to show where words have been left out. The ~ is usually formed by three periods (four if the ~ comes at the end of a sentence). >>> Mnemonic: dere r no word present or da words r ommited wen we do a lip kiss....hahaha --- In the sentence, "'What the . . . !' she exclaimed.", the ~ replaces an expletive (মনোভাববাচক অব্যয়). The severity of the expletive is left to the reader's imagination.


এককেন্দ্রিক; having a common center >>> ~ describes something, like circles, that have a common center. >>> Mnemonic: Think of Con(com)Center...Com - Center...COMMON CENTER!!!


একগুঁয়ে; unruly; difficult to manage; Ex. ~ problem/child >>> Can't manage your stubborn little brother who won't do what anyone says? You could call him ~, or you could call your mother. Problems are ~ when they can't be solved. >>> Mnemonic: ~: things which can not be brought in the right track... opposite of tractable.


একগুঁয়ে; willful; stubborn; unyielding; determined to have one's own way; CF. no 'excessive' >>> ~ describes something that's disobedient or willful. If you're ~, you want to do what you want to do. When you refuse to complete your homework because you want to watch a football game, you're being ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~ is a person whose head is strong and hence he doesnt change his opinions, so he is stubborn


একঘেয়ে; dull; monotonous >>> That class on 18th century feminist zoologists and their favorite poets? Surprisingly ~, or dull, tedious, and totally boring. >>> Anything that you can call ~ is so severely lacking in variety and excitement that it's sure to make you *hum and drum your fingers* out of boredom.


একঘেয়েমি; dull; lacking color; cheerless ; Ex. ~ coat/life >>> Dull, dreary, dingy, depressing: These adjectives capture the sense of ~, whether the word is used to describe a muted color, a miserable mood, or an oppressively boring existence. >>> Mnemonic: RAB এর চাকরি আর ভালো লাগেনা - its ~


একটানা উচ্চ শব্দ; continued loud noise; V: make a ~; instill by wearying repetition >>> Walk into the average school cafeteria at lunchtime, and you'll get a good sense of what a ~ is — loud, confused, continuous, generally unpleasant, and often potentially headache-inducing noise. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);~ (morning) mein you will hear the loud noises of the traffic etc, but at night its very quiet. -- বীণ বাজানো


একরোখা; irritable; easily angered >>> If you're ~, you get angry easily — perhaps blowing up in rage when someone brushes into you. >>> Mnemonic: concentrate on rasc- a rascal is one who is irritable, choleric, shor-tempered & hotheaded


একরোখা; refusal of any compromise; stubbornness; ADJ. ~t: uncompromising >>> If you refuse to compromise with your sister about whose turn it is to do the dishes, your mother might accuse you both of ~. ~ is a stubborn refusal to change your views. >>> Mnemonic: ~ -- can be thought of as in-transit....lacking movement when you are stubborn


একসঙ্গে জোড়া; link as in a chain >>> Did you just link together several memories of your brother to form one longer story for his wedding toast? If so, you ~d without knowing it! That's because ~ means to link things together to form a series or chain. >>> Mnemonic: CON CAT N 8 can you con eight cats into biting each others tails to form the number 8 (which looks like a link in a chain?


একসময়ে ঘটা / সম্মত হত্তয়া; agree; coincide; happen at the same time >>> To ~ is to agree or approve of something. If someone says something you agree with, you can say "I ~!" >>> Mnemonic: ~rent


একসময়ে ঘটা; happening at the same time; in agreement >>> ~ means happening at the same time, as in two movies showing at the same theater on the same weekend.


একসাথে বয়ে চলা; flowing together; the place where two rivers flow together; crowd; gathering together >>> ~ means a flowing together. In a literal sense, it's about rivers. But it's more often used to talk about the coming together of factors or ideas, or of cultures in a diverse city. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like influence bring people together by means of your influence.


একান্তে;একা একা থাকে এমন ; উদাসীন / আগ্রহহীন ; apart; not open in one's relationship with other people; reserved; ADV. >>> That emotionally cold and detached fellow who keeps to himself, smoking clove cigarettes and reading French philosophy, would best be described as ~. >>> Mnemonic: alone


এড়াইয়া চলা; avoid habitually; Ex. ~ alcoholic drinks >>> If you ~ something, you deliberately avoid it. If you live the bohemian (ভবঘুরে) life in the city, then most likely you ~ the suburbs. >>> Mnemonic: es+CHEW... CHEWING a CHEWINGGUM IS A BAD HABIT while working in an office, so you must avoid this HABIT.


এড়াইয়া যাওয়া / কষ্টসাধ্য দেখিয়া কার্য বন্ধ করা; stop short, as if faced with an obstacle, and refuse to continue; foil; stop or get in the way of; frustrate >>> If you ~ at your mother's suggestion that you take on more responsibility, you're saying no to added chores. To ~ means to refuse to go along with. >>> Mnemonic: sound close to bulk...when u see a bulky thing on ur way u refuse to go ahead


এড়িয়ে যাত্তয়া; outwit; defeat by behaving more cleverly; outsmart; baffle; avoid; get around >>> To ~ is to avoid. Circum in Latin means "around" or "round about," and vent- comes from venire, "to come," but painting a picture from these two parts of the word helps. Picture someone circling around a barrier instead of climbing over it. That's what you do when you ~. You find a smart way around rules or barriers, or avoid doing something unpleasant altogether. >>> Mnemonic: circle + prevent => to form a CIRCLE or a boundary around the target so as to OUTSMART your opponent. lyk abhimanyu did!!!


এলোমেলো অবস্থা; random; by chance; happening in an unplanned manner; Ex. ~ growth of the town >>> Anything ~ is random, disorganized, slipshod, or hit-or-miss. A tent erected ~ly might look more like a big nylon bag of dirty laundry than a place to sleep. >>> Mnemonic: HAP + HAZARD where HAZARD means epidemic spread due to great carelessness.


এলোমেলো / অনিয়মিত; spasmodic; intermittent; irregular >>> An adjective that sounds a little like what it means, ~ means stopping and starting, on-again off-again, switching suddenly. I had a ~ night's sleep: I woke up several times throughout the night. >>> ফিট লেগে যায় but irregular


এলোমেলো; aimless; haphazard; digressing at random >>> If you lack a definite plan or purpose and flit from one thing to another, your actions are ~. Some people call such ~ wanderings spontaneous. Others call it "being lost." >>> Mnemonic: des + ulto + ry => দেশ উল্টে গেল রে


ঐক্য / অন্বয়; harmony; accord >>> A ~ is an agreement. If you want to watch a romantic comedy and your date wants to watch a horror film, you might compromise and come to a ~ by agreeing to watch an action comedy. >>> Mnemonic: If you are a keyboard player you must be knowing about chords..chords are used for harmony...~ = con + chord...


ওলটানো; turn upside down or inside out; reverse the position or condition of >>> When you ~ something, you turn it upside down, whether it's an idea or a test you place face-down on your desk when you are finished.


ওস্তাদের মার / অভ্যুত্থান; highly successful action or sudden attack; >>> A ~ is a pretty major achievement, whether it involves taking over a government by force, or landing a major business contract. >>> Mnemonic: Imagine word cup( ~). One gets cup when they achieve something


ঔদ্ধত্য / নির্লজ্জতা; impertinence; insolence >>> When you show ~, you lack shame about your rude behavior. Examples of ~? Not tipping the waiter, sticking your tongue out, tripping your grandmother — you get the picture. >>> Mnemonic: The noun ~ is derived from the Latin impudentia, "shamelessness." --- পাদ দিয়ে sorry না বলা


ঔদ্ধত্য; arrogance; excessive self-conceit >>> ~ is an excess of confidence: a boxer who shouts "I'm the greatest!" even though he's about to get pummeled by a much stronger opponent is displaying a lot of ~. >>> *হামবড়াই* = ~ is from Greek, where it meant "excessive pride, violating the bounds set for humans"


কঠিন আবরণ; hard coating or crust; V.~ cover with a crust >>> ~ means a crust that covers something, the way a crust is baked onto a loaf of bread or jewels encrust a crown. >>> Mnemonic: in + crust + ation -> something thats covered in crust viz. coated...


কঠোর / (আচরণ) নির্মম নীতি পরায়ন / (জীবনযাত্রা) কঠোর অনারম্বর; forbiddingly stern; ascetic; without comfort or enjoyment; severely simple and unornamented; Ex. a monk's ~ life; Ex. ~ grandeur of the cathedral; N. austerity >>> The adjective ~ is used to describe something or someone stern or without any decoration. You wouldn't want someone to describe you or your home as ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENG);AUS-australia TERE-tear(sorrow). like the recent beatings of Australians in INDIA. so one should deny oneself from going there


কঠোর সমালোচনা / শাস্তিদান; punishment; severe criticism or disapproval >>> If your coach yells at your team for sloppy play, his post-game speech might be called a ~. A ~ is a harsh verbal reprimand. >>> Mnemonic: In olden days lower CAST people were severely criticized...


কথা কাটাকাটি করা; discuss lightly or glibly; discuss in a frivolous manner; exchange (words) heatedly; quarrel; Ex. ~ words with >>> ~ is a verb that means to toss many ideas around without focusing on just one. If you've ever brainstormed, you know what this is like — you ~ about different ideas until you find one that works. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi/punjabi);in hindi u call ur GF ur BANDI, so u share, discuss, have light arguments with ur bandi...


কবর খুঁড়িয়া তোলা; dig out of the ground; remove from a grave >>> When you see your mysterious neighbor digging around in his backyard, you may wonder if he's trying to ~ something. Chances are he's only digging up potatoes — when you ~ something, it means you're digging up a corpse. >>> Mnemonic: ex meaning out and hume sounds similar to ~ is to take out the human body from the grave.


কবর দেওযা; bury; N. ~ment >>> ~ means to bury, usually in a tomb or grave. If you loved your cat a lot, you might want to ~ her remains in the back yard and make a nice little memorial. >>> Mnemonic: IN + TER = enTER IN the ground


কমা - বাড়া; waver; shift; rise and fall as if in waves; change or vary irregularly >>> Something that ~s varies or changes — it's the opposite of steady. Like the ups and downs of the stock market or the relationship status of a Hollywood starlet.


কমা / কমানো, বাতিল করা; subside or moderate >>> Something that ~s becomes fewer or less intense. Your enthusiasm for skiing might ~ after falling off a ski lift and getting a mouthful of snow. >>> Mnemonic: rebate means discount... i.e reducing the price.. ~ and rebate are rhyming words


কমান; shorten; reduce >>> To ~ something is slow it down, put restrictions on it, or stop it entirely. If I give up cake, I am ~ing my cake-eating. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~. Can be read as cur + TAIL or cutting the tail of an animal, ie reducing it. So ~ is to shorten or to reduce.


কর্কশকণ্ঠ; rough-mannered; (of a voice) rough; hoarse >>> ~ is an abrupt or forbidding tone. It's the kind of short, brusque (অসভ্য) response you'd give a telemarketer who called you in the middle of dinner — right before you hung up. >>> Mnemonic: Rough voice = ~


কর্তব্য পালনে ব্যর্থ; failure to act; failure to perform a task or be present; V. >>> As a setting, a ~ is automatic. You weren't sure why your new TV kept returning to the factory ~s until you realized you were sitting on the remote. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Eng);Separate FAULT : Fault is a mistake and due to a mistake the person looses by ~.


কর্তব্যনিষ্ঠ; (of people or their behavior) respectful; obedient (filled with a sense of duty); dutiful >>> To be ~ is to be conscious of your duties and diligent in performing them. A ~ employee gets to work on time, meets every deadline, and never gossips about the boss.


কর্তৃত্ব; প্রাধান্য / প্রাবল্য; controlling influence; position of controlling influence; >>> When you assume ~ over someone else, you become more powerful than they are. ~ is the state of being in a higher position. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Global);Ascend means to rise... as u rise, u always gain power...& den u dance :p


কর্মবিমুখ; lazy >>> ~ is an adjective meaning slow or lazy. It can take an ~ teenager hours to get out of bed on a weekend morning. Often it's noon before he finally comes shuffling down to breakfast in his pajamas. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);~ - in + dolent => jo dolta nahi hai(hilta nahi hai)


কলঙ্ক / অপবাদ; malicious misrepresentation; slander >>> Use the noun ~ to characterize verbal attacks that are meant to destroy reputations or friendships. You've probably seen political ads during election time that rely on ~ to move voters. >>> Mnemonic: kali(cal) lagamu(lum) naky(ny)


কলঙ্ক; কুতসামূলক; slanderous remark; Ex. cast ~s on >>> An ~ is a disparaging remark. It almost invariably appears as a plural, following the word "cast" — when you cast ~s on someone, you are questioning their abilities or doubting them. >>> Mnemonic: Sounds like ass-person, if you defame someone you make them look like an ass. Another way to the say the same thing: Make a person look like an ass by defaming them.


কলঙ্কিত করা; soil; defile; make dirty >>> To ~ means to dirty or tarnish, particularly someone's reputation — like when you call Billy a cheater at kickball (even though you know he's just better at bunting than you). >>> Mnemonic: reputation er বিজ মেরে দেয়া (কলঙ্কিত করা) ~


কলরব / গোলমাল করা; loud continous noise; continuous demand or complaint made by a large number of people; V: make a ~; express (a demand) continually and loudly; ADJ. ~ous >>> To ~ is to make a demand — LOUDLY. It's usually a group that ~s — like Americans might ~ for comprehensive health care coverage. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENGLISH);~ rhymes wit glamourous....whenever de crowd sees a glamour girl they become NOISY


কলহ করা; conflict; lack of harmony; dissonance (when musical notes are played) >>> ~ is the strife and tension that arises when two sides disagree on something, like the high pitched screaming of two kids fighting over the front seat of the car. >>> Mnemonic: DIS(not)+ACCORD(agreement)...accord means agreement...hence ~ means disagreement....


কলুষিত করা; profane; violate the sanctity of >>> To ~ means to treat a sacred place or thing with violent disrespect. The news sometimes reports on vandals who have ~d tombstones or places of worship. >>> Mnemonic: De-Sacred


কল্পিত জীব; mythical figure, half man and half horse >>> Have you ever seen a ~ at the zoo? I doubt it! It's a mythological creature that's half-man, half- horse. >>> উরুর center theke become horse


কল্পিত; imaginary; non-existent; purposely invented to deceive; untrue; Ex. ~ name/boyfriend; CF. fictional >>> ~ means made up, or imaginary. No matter how real Scarlett O'Hara might seem in "Gone With the Wind," she's a ~ character invented by author Margaret Mitchell. >>> Mnemonic: Fiction


কষ্টসাধ্য; hard; strenuous; Ex. ~ work >>> Use the adjective, ~, to describe an activity that takes a lot of effort. Writing all those college essays and filling out the applications is an ~ process! >>> Mnemonic: ~ = read it as: "hard to do for us"


কাঁকড়া কচ্ছপ প্রভৃতির খোলা; shell covering the back (of a turtle, tortoise, crab, etc.) >>> ~ is a scientific term for protective shell. Turtles and crabs have them, but humans don't — so we make do with bike helmets and elbow pads. >>> Mnemonic: car + space....where do you have space in the car, at the back which is always the meaning is a shell covering the back.


কাউকে অভিযুক্ত করা; condemn; criticize; N. ~iation >>> To ~ is to tattle, rat out, or speak out against something. When you stand on your desk and tell the class that your partner is cheating, you ~ him or her. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ - Similar to announce. Announce is for all kind of information but ~ is to criticize...


কাকতালীয়; the chance occurrence, at the same time, of two or more seemingly connected events; >>> People love to talk about strange ~s--like you and your mother having the same birthday, or two unrelated families named "The Martins" living next door to each other. A ~ is something that's not planned or arranged but seems like it is. >>> Mnemonic: co+incident......two incidents happening at same time is ~


কাঠের হাতুড়ি; hammerlike tool; mallet(wooden hammer) used by a presiding officer or an auctioneer; V. >>> You know that wooden hammer a judge slams down on his desk when he's trying to bring order to the court? That's a ~. >>> Mnemonic: gravel (নুড়ি) - To break gravel, you need a ~(hammer)


কাঠোর আইন - সংক্রান্ত; extremely severe; Ex. ~ punishment; CF. Draco: Athenian politician >>> >>> Mnemonic: dracon(SOUNDS LIKE DRACULA)...and a dracula as we have seen in movies, gives EXTREMELY SEVERE PUNISHMENT to people. -- ড্রাকুলার আইন


কান্না / ভাবের উদ্রেক ঘটায় এমন; রেচক / বিশোধক; purgative; medicine that causes the bowels to empty; >>> A movie, play, or song that makes you cry is called ~. Most good writers try to create work that causes you to experience a strong rush of emotion. >>> Mnemonic: চোখে কেতর (cathar) এনে দেয় এমন


কাপট্য ;অনুমান / ধারণা করা; something taken for granted; the taking over or taking possession of; Ex. her ~ of power; V. assume >>> An ~ is something that you assume to be the case, even without proof. For example, people might make the ~ that you're a nerd if you wear glasses, even though that's not true. Or very nice.


কাপড় কাগজ সাঁটিয়া যে চিত্র হয়; work of art put together from fragments >>> Have you ever cut out a bunch of pictures from magazines and pasted them together to make a big picture? If you have, you have made a ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ -- college, it is a place where different mentalities/cultures of different individuals mix together...


কামুক; lustful >>> Use ~ to describe a person's behavior that is driven by thoughts of sex. If someone gives you a ~ smile, they've got only one thing in mind. >>> লালসা (las-) + পূর্ণ (vious)


কারারুদ্ধ করা; imprison >>> Use the verb ~ when you need to put someone behind bars in a big way, meaning, send them to prison, like those who, after being found guilty of a crime and sentenced, become ~d. >>> Mnemonic: inকারাগারate. Amazingly, in Latin 'carcer' pronounced /karker/, means prison


কারিগর; a manually skilled worker >>> An ~ has both the creativity and the skill to make a product. Wandering around a local craft fair, you will often see ~s selling handicrafts like pot holders or beaded jewelry. >>> Mnemonic: Arti(artist)+ san (son): Son of artist is manually skilled worker or craftsman.


কার্নিস; projecting molding on building (usually above columns or pillars); >>> If your friend wants you to help repair the ~ on his house, you'd better bring a ladder. The ~ is the decorative molding that stretches horizontally along the top of some buildings. >>> Mnemonic: corn(cone) + ice ..visualize a cone with a huge topping of ice-cream.


কার্যে পরিণত করা; put into effect; enforce; carry out; supply with tools; Ex. ~ the plan/suggestion; N: tool or instrument >>> Apply the noun ~ when you want to use a fancy word for "tool." A knife and fork are ~s for handling food.


কাল / ইতিহাসের ঘটনাবহুল সময়; period of time >>> An ~ is a period of time marked by certain characteristics: you might describe several peaceful decades in a nation's history as an ~ of peace. >>> Mnemonic: epics are based on ~'s


কালবৈষম্য; an error involving time in a story; something or someone misplaced in time; >>> An ~ is something that doesn't fit its time period, like if you say you'll "dial" your smartphone. >>> Mnemonic: you know about chronometer- means clock. Anything with "chron" is related to time. Anachronisim-an+chron+ism> here an is used in negative sense> so ~ means something or someone that is not in its correct time


কালশিটে / ঘর্ষণ দ্বারা উত্তপ্ত করা; warm by rubbing; make sore (কালশিটে) by rubbing; N. >>> If your shoes ~, you they rub your skin raw. Ouch. If you ~ at the suggestion that you should be studying more, the suggestion rubs you the wrong way. To ~ is to irritate or annoy. >>> Mnemonic: চাপে (চেপে) তাপে ঘর্ষণে ~


কালশিটে পড়া অবস্থা; bruise >>> ~ is really just a fancy word for a bad bruise. Professional athletes are often benched suffering from ~s. After all, if they're being paid millions, it sounds kinda wimpy to pull them because they're suffering from a...bruise. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - in TUITION i got several hits(BRUISES) beccause i din do homework


কাল্পনিক ক্ষুদ্র বুড়ো, পৃথিবীর অভ্যন্তরে লুকায়িত ধন-সম্পত্তি পাহারা দেয়; dwarf; underground spirit who guards treasure hoards >>> Ever seen pictures in children's books of wizened little trolls with red caps and wrinkled faces? Those are ~s, imaginary characters popular in fairy tales and folklore. For some reason, they've lately become popular as garden statuary. >>> Mnemonic: Linux uses ~ hence it is small and lightweight.


কাল্পনিক; fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic; unreal fancy; fire-breathing female creature >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something that is wildly fanciful or imaginative — like the ~ illustrations of unicorns in a children's book. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);It has "miracle" in it-> Miracle is imaginative.


কিংকর্তব্যবিমুড় / চঞ্চলমতি; uncertain how to act; weak; lacking in resolution; indecisive >>> ~ describes someone who feels stuck. A decision must be made, a plan acted on, but the ~ person just doesn't know what to do. >>> Mnemonic: (IR)not knowing... how to make resolutions.


কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ় করা; frustrate; perplex >>> To ~ is to confuse. If you are completely puzzled as to what ~ means, you might say that this word ~s you. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;local slang);baffal=bad+fal(hindi)fruit...a bad fruit frustates u


কিংবদন্তী / পরিচয়লিপি (caption); explanatory list of symbols on a map >>> A ~ is a larger-than-life story that gets passed down from one generation to the next — like the ~s of Beowulf, Robin Hood, or even Big Foot. >>> Mnemonic: leg(read:root word meaning)+ end.we are reading for the road end on a map.


কিছু আগে করা / প্রতিষেধক; prevent by taking action in advance >>> It takes a bit of planning to ~ something, meaning stop it from happening. To ~ the effects of aging, exercise and take care of your health all your life. >>> Mnemonic: Fore (আগেই) + Stall (থামান)


কুখ্যাত; notoriously bad; notorious; well known for being bad; Ex. ~ behavior; N: infamy: ~ act; evil fame or reputation >>> Someone who is ~ has a very bad reputation. If you become a Hollywood star and find yourself on the pages of gossip magazines for your affairs and addictions, you will have succeeded in becoming ~. >>> Mnemonic: IN + FAMOUS (well known)...famous for his noteriety.


কুয়াশাচ্ছন্ন; slightly obscure; misty; unclear; N. ~[^y]e: light mist or smoke; confused state of mind >>> If it's ~, it's definitely not clear — there's fog, mist, smoke or something like that blurring the view. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - when you are lazy, things are unclear to you...


কুলক্ষণ; premonition of evil; feeling of coming evil >>> When you get a ~, you get a sense that something bad is going to happen. A ~ is a foretelling, a sign or a glimpse, that "something wicked this way comes" — or might come. >>> Mnemonic: Fore(লক্ষণ) + বদ-ing - sth bad coming up


কৃত্রিম; artificial; produced artificially; sham; false; Ex. ~ tears >>> If you create a "diamond" out of plastic, then you've created a ~ diamond, meaning that it's a phony. >>> Mnemonic: sounds very similar to word something which is fictitious .. is always artificial.


কৃপাময়; kindly; favorable; not malignant (disease); >>> Someone or something that is ~ is gentle, kind, mild, or unharmful: a ~ soul wouldn't hurt a fly. >>> Mnemonic: ~- bene(good) + sign


কৃষি - বিষয়ক; pertaining to land or its cultivation; Ex. ~ reform >>> Use the word ~ to describe something related to fields, farming, or rural matters. The school calendar is still based on the old ~ calendar, when children needed to be off during the summer to help with planting and harvesting. >>> Mnemonic: agra-tkae this as agri. wen its agri,then its somthing related to agriculture.and wr is agriculture done ? Ans- on land. (hehehe-probly a silliy one),but,its gre u c..


কেঁদ্রবিমুখ; radiating; departing from the center >>> The physics principle whereby objects are forced to move out from the center is called ~ force. This apparent force is activated by something moving in a curved direction; the heavier the object the stronger the force. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = Central (CBI) + fugitive -- A fugitive always runs away from the CBI


কেঁদ্রমুখী; tending toward the center >>> ~ is an adjective describing a force that brings things toward the center, not unlike the force of a black hole. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);The petals of a flower are bound by a bud in the center, thus bending towards the center..Unifying


কেটে টুকরা টুকরা করা (কুপানো); cut to pieces with ax or sword; chop; N. >>> If you're a lumberjack (কাঠুরে), the word ~ is nothing new. You ~ things every day with one swift swing of the axe, chopping and shaping wood. >>> Mnemonic: CHEW- and you try to chop the thing with your teeth.


কেন্দ্রীভূত করা; burst inward; CF. vaccum tube >>> When something ~s, it explodes inward — instead of outward. With extremely large buildings, it helps to ~ them rather than explode them, because by falling inward they take up less space. >>> Mnemonic: ex-'out'+plode-'burst' im-'in,inwards'+plode-'burst'... so ~ means burst inwards


কোণযুক্ত; sharp-cornered; having an angle; not rounded (body); bony; lean; gaunt; stiff in manner >>> Whether it's a face with strikingly lean bone structure, a tall rect~ building, or a something written in Arabic script, anything that is characterized by sharp angles can be described as ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds angle.... so have an angle


কোমল; flabby; lacking firmness; weak; Ex. ~ muscles >>> If something is limp, loose, droopy, and wrinkly, you can call it ~, which rhymes with "acid." Think elephant skin, soggy asparagus, and the type of feeble handshakes frowned on in job interviews. >>> Mnemonic: who doesnt love ~ breast ;) soft and weak


কৈফিয়তদানকারী; one who writes in defense of a cause or institution; >>> An ~ is a person who argues in favor of something unpopular. If you're an ~ for deep sea oil drilling, you would argue that drilling in the ocean is necessary and the benefits make up for any environmental damage. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is one who is determine seek "apology" from bodies by defending or justifying strongly of some policies or matters


কৈশিক নাড়ী; কেশের ন্যায় সরু বা সূক্ষ্ম নল; having a very fine bore; resembling a hair; fine and slender; Ex. ~ attraction; N: very fine hairlike tube; >>> You are probably most familiar with the word ~ as a minute vessel that transports blood to larger vessels in the body, but a ~ can actually mean any tiny tubelike device that moves a liquid from point to point. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;KANNADA);Sounds like (CAP)GAP + Illary (no Gap) --- Capillary comes from the Latin word capillaris (কেশ), meaning "of or resembling hair."


কোনো কিছুর বিরোধিতা করা; reject; mock; show contempt for; scorn; Ex. ~ the rules >>> To ~ is to scorn or show contempt for. "I ~ the law and the concept of civilian safety by making a concerted effort to jaywalk every time I cross a street." >>> Mnemonic: ~... FOUL + OUT. When a player is sent out by foul, the player shows his contempt to the referee.


কোনো নীতিগত কারণে দ্বন্দ্বে আহ্বান; refusal to yield; resistance; V. defy; ADJ. ~nt >>> Stand up when the powers that be order you to sit down, and you've given a fine example of ~. It happens when someone or a group of someones openly flouts or challenges authority. >>> Mnemonic: you defense sth means you resist sth - you need ~ for defence


কোনো বইয়ের অশ্লীল অংশ বাদ দেওয়া; expurgate; CF. Thomas Bowdler >>> To ~ means edit offensive parts out of something. If the hero in an R-rated movie adapted for TV exclaims, "Oh shoot fudge darn!" but his lips seem to be saying something else, that movie has been ~d. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Word Root - Thomas Bowdler (1754-1825), English editor who censored and published Shakespeare's writings for family reading.


কোনো বিষয়ে আলোচনা শুরু করা; introduce as a subject; moot; open up >>> As a verb, ~ means to bring up or introduce a sensitive issue. As a noun, a ~ is one of those dowdy pins your Great Aunt Edna wears. Telling her not to wear it is a subject you should probably not ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);When a Boy appROACH a girl for the first time,he needs to ~.


কোনো ব্যাপারে অসন্তুষ্ট হওয়া; envy; give or allow unwillingly; ~; Ex. We shouldn't ~ him his success. >>> To ~ someone something is to wish them ill for it or to envy them. Try not to ~ his getting the promotion over you — he's been at the company longer. >>> Mnemonic: ~ can be broken into beg + rude... so some one who behave rudely with beggars ... the beggar 'wish ill ' for that person


কোমরের বেড়; distance around something; circumference >>> The ~ of something is the distance around its middle, and it usually refers to a person's waist. If you get pregnant with twins, your ~ will probably block your view of your toes. >>> Mnemonic: Earth - circumference of the earth is 5940302 (some no.- which makes you remember the word's meaning)


ক্যান্সারজনক / যে বস্তু ক্যান্সার এর সৃষ্টি করে; causing cancer; >>> Something is ~ if it has the potential to cause cancer. Cigarettes, for example, are ~ because studies show that smokers are more likely than non-smokers to develop certain kinds of cancer. >>> Mnemonic: CARCINO+genic carcino is pertaining to cancer causing element --- carcino (কর্কট রোগ)


ক্রন্দনশীল; producing tears; tearful >>> A good place to see a display of ~ sorrow is at a funeral — people sobbing (ফুঁপান) openly or sniffling quietly into their hankies. To be ~, in other words, is to be tearful. >>> Mnemonic: latch + remorse -> দরজা আটকে অনুতাপ করা -> কান্না


ক্রমবদ্র্ধিষ্ণু; growing by addition; ac~ >>> ~ is the total amount of something when it's all added together. Eating a single chocolate doughnut is fine, but the ~ effect of eating them all day is that you'll probably feel sick. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;math);remember ~ frequency in dat we add all frequencies..hence ~ is increasing by adding up


ক্রীড়াচঞ্চল ; prankish; gay; playful; merry; frisky >>> ~ is having a merry time of it. Picture ~ girls and boys playing tag, running through the meadow (তৃণভূমি), laughing and rolling in the grass. >>> Mnemonic: lick (চাটা) some...(e.g.~ puppy tried to lick some of the treats her master had given her...just imagine that sweet little puppy)


ক্রীড়াচ্ছলে নাচা-কুঁদা; romp; skip about; leap about playfully; frolic; N. >>> To ~ is to run around playing excitedly. There are some really fun-sounding synonyms for ~, such as "frolic," "romp," and "cavort," and though it sounds like "gamble," when you ~ with an "ol" you never lose — you just have a great time! >>> Mnemonic: GAMBLE with ~, you'll win


ক্ষণজীবী; short-lived; fleeting >>> Something that is fleeting or short-lived is ~, like a fly that lives for one day or text messages flitting from cellphone to cellphone. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like e-funeral. Electric funeral is SHORT


ক্ষতি করে না এমন; harmless >>> If you want to reassure someone that something isn't harmful or likely to cause injury, call it ~. Even an ~ letter from your boyfriend is embarrassing if your parents find it! >>> Mnemonic: in(not)+nocuous(noxious)........ means not noxious......something which is not noxious is harmless...


ক্ষতিকর; harmful >>> If something is ~, it does harm or makes things worse. Smoking has obvious ~ effects on your health, not to mention your social life. >>> Mnemonic: remember virus that delete you files are ~


ক্ষতিকর; harmful; damaging; >>> ~ is a formal way of saying "harmful." Anything ~ hurts, hinders, or puts a damper on something. ~ things do damage. >>> Mnemonic: Man on the tree is mental and it's harmful for him - coz he can slip any time => de + tri + mental


ক্ষতিপূরণ করা; make secure against damage or loss; compensate for damage or loss; CF. make uninjured >>> To pay compensation for a loss, damages, or similar expense is to ~. "The insurance company indemnified its customers for their claims after the severe storm — one customer lost three cars, a row boat, and a golf cart." >>> Mnemonic: look for the word-"demn" which can be connected to "demon" what does demon do? it destroys property.. IN(not)+demni+fy= correct what the demon inside you has done..make amends for it.


ক্ষতিপূরণমূলক; making up for; repaying


ক্ষতিসাধন করা; injure; hurt; damage >>> If you make bad decisions in the morning after drinking coffee, you might conclude that caffeine tends to ~ your judgment. When you ~ something, you damage it or make it work poorly. >>> Mnemonic: Opposite of Repair.Repair is to mend, ~ is to Injure..


ক্ষমা করা; overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; excuse >>> If you ~ something, you allow it, approve of it, or at least can live with it. Some teachers ~ chewing gum, and some don't. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);if u use condom u will be forgiven by AIDS


ক্ষমাশীলতা; disposition to be lenient in deciding punishments; mildness as of the weather; >>> Say you're playing a role-playing game and you end up in one of the other player's dungeons. You could try begging him for ~ — compassion shown by people in power towards people who rebel or break the law. >>> Mnemonic: cle+me+mercy give me some mercy...u got mercy from the person from whom u expect punishment///


ক্ষয় হওয়া; shrink; reduce gradually >>> What do love, money, and the earth all have in common? All can ~, or shrink away, if we don't handle them properly. >>> Mnemonic: if a swindler swindles (প্রতারণা) you then your savings ~. - The wind ~ soil from field


ক্ষয়কারী; eating away by chemicals or disease; (of language) fierce >>> A ~ substance, like hydrochloric acid, will eat away most things on which it is spilled. Watch out in Chemistry lab: you wouldn't want to destroy your homework, desk, or worse, your own skin by spilling something ~ on it. >>> Mnemonic: ~(corrous-Lord Shiva)lord shiva has poision(acid)in his throt


ক্ষিপ্ত; wild; distraught as from fear or worry; Ex. ~ with fear >>> When a mother loses her child, she's ~. She's a crazed sort of agitated and goes on a ~ search for her child. A scene is ~ if there's lots of action with little order. >>> Mnemonic: প্রান্তিক কৃষক আজ জোতদারদের উপর ~


ক্ষীণ হত্তয়া; let down; lessen the force of; moderate; restrain; Ex. with ~d breath; CF. a~ >>> To ~ means to hold back or restrain, and you may see it in language that's either old or meant to sound old. A relative of ~ appears in the phrase "with ~d breath," which describes what you do when you anxiously wait. >>> Mnemonic: ~: remember 'a~' we memorized while reading the A list? Notice that '~' has a similar meaning like 'A~'


ক্ষীণকায়; thin and wasted (from hunger or illness) >>> Someone who is dangerously skinny and skeletal-looking can be described as ~. It's probably how you'd start to look after a few weeks in the wilderness with only berries and bugs for dinner. >>> Mnemonic: the man is so think of starving that মাছি উড়ে বেড়ায় around him


ক্ষুদ্র চক্রিদল / (ষড়যন্ত্রের উদ্দেশ্যে সংঘবদ্ধ); small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests >>> A ~ is a secret plot, or a small group of people who create such a plot. Some conspiracy theories are based on the idea that governments worldwide are in the hands of a powerful ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ (Kabul), remember this place....Bin Laden and his men secretly united in kabul(~) to promote their interest, i.e. 9/11 attack... --- ~ comes from the word cabbala (also spelled kabbala), which refers to a Jewish tradition of interpreting texts. Cabbala is often regarded as a secret and mystical practice and, as such, the word took on the additional meaning of "secret behavior." ~ comes from this sense of the word. A well-known ~ in 17th-century England was coincidentally made up of five members whose names' initial letters spelled the word ~. (Their names were Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauderdale.)


ক্ষুদ্র পুস্তিকা; pamphlet >>> An organization wishing to advertise its products or services will often create a ~, a small booklet or folded paper giving brief details about what it's selling. It usually includes illustrations and is made to be eye-catching and easily read. >>> Mnemonic: Book to be sure.


ক্ষুদ্র মূর্তি; small ornamental statuette(very small statue) >>> A ~ is a small carved or molded statue, especially one in the shape of a person. If you have an extensive collection of ~s, you need to keep them high up and safe so your kids don't break them. >>> Mnemonic: figure এর ছোট রূপ


ক্ষুদ্র শক্ত লোম (n) / অন্তরায় (v); ক্রোধ প্রকাশ করা rising like ~es; showing irritation >>> A bristle is a stiff hair — the kind men shave off their face or the kind badgers have all over. Bristle also means to get angry. Tell an animal rights activist you use a badger's bristle shaving brush and you'll get the idea. >>> remember tooth brush ~


ক্ষুদ্রাতিক্ষুদ্র; very small >>> When it's incalculably small, when teensy seems large compared to it, then it is ~. "The equipment was so sensitive that even the ~ dust molecules that swept in with the open door altered the readings." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Read it as infinitely small


কড়াই; large kettle >>> A ~ is a large cooking pot, often with handles. If you're planning to cook chili for an entire Super Bowl crowd, it is recommended you use the ~ and not the saucepan. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;we have to remember drum for dron);c=cook,al=all,dron=drum,cook all in a drum,because dron sounds like a drum,boil all things in a vesssel,for cooking u also boil


খরিদ্দারগণ; body of customers >>> Your customers are your ~. If you own a pet food store, your ~ might be two-footed and four-pawed. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - a number of clients or customers.


খর্ব করা / অপবাদ দেওয়া / বিকর্ষণ; slandering; aspersion >>> A ~ is the opposite of an attraction--it is something bad about someone or something. If you love peace and quiet and you're thinking about buying a house, a location on a major road would be a ~. >>> Mnemonic: consider it as an opposite of attraction. The one who doesn't attract, we slander that.


খাজকৃত (বাঁশি); having vertical parallel grooves (as in a pillar); V. flute: make long parallel inward curves in; N. flute: long rounded groove incised on the shaft of a column >>> A flute is a thin woodwind instrument: you blow into it and put your fingers over the holes to make music.


খাদ; mixture as of metals; something added that lowers in value or purity; V: mix; make less pure; lower in value or quality; spoil; CF. un~ed: not in mixture with other maetals; pure; complete; unqualified; Ex. un~ed happiness >>> You may have heard of aluminum ~ on a car. What that means is that there is another metal mixed in with the aluminum, to save money and/or to strengthen the wheels. The wheels are an ~ (a mix), rather than pure. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like ALLOW, two metals are allowed to combine together


খাদ্যদ্রব্য; something fit to be eaten >>> Anything that you could possibly use for food is a ~, a synonym of "edible." It can be used as a noun ("We shopped for ~s") or an adjective ("It looked awful, but was ~"). >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);estible- resembles like edible, ie, somthing fit to be eaten...--- Since ~ shares a background with the word consume, you will hopefully remember its meaning.


খাপ খাওয়ানো; make or become suitable for a specific use; alter; modify; adjust; N. ~ation: act of ~ing; composition recast into a new form; Ex. The play is an ~ion of a short novel. >>> Say you move to a country where everyone cooks with lots of hot peppers. At first the food scalds your tongue, but over time you ~ — you change in a way that allows you to deal with the new circumstances. >>> Mnemonic: A(according)+dep(devloping) you are trying to devlop your self according to requirment.


খাপ খাত্তয়া (v) / বাক্যবাণ (n); agree; be in harmony with; gibe >>> To ~ with someone is to agree with them. ~ can also mean "be compatible with or similar to." If two people ~, they get along quite well. >>> Mnemonic: ji+be : means you ji(agree) with someone.


খামখেয়ালী; (of someone old) eccentric; odd; whimsical; bad-tempered; >>> The adjective ~ describes someone who's difficult, irritable, and ornery. If you're ~, you complain and argue and are more or less miserable to be around. >>> Mnemonic: ~-crow(crot)+chutney(chety).. r u insane sharthjntu???? something chutney of crow is odd & eccentric.... (in hindi Kauwa BIRYANI..)


খামখেয়ালী; unpredictable; fickle >>> ~ is an adjective to describe a person or thing that's impulsive and unpredictable, like a bride who suddenly leaves her groom standing at the wedding altar. >>> Mnemonic: ca(CAR) + PRIC(PRICE)...PRICE OF cars nowadays is becoming unpredictable with the launch of Tata's 1 lakh car.


খিটখিটে / খামখেয়ালী; sour; bad-tempered; peevish; difficult to read as handwriting >>> If your friend fell out of bed, spilled hot tea on his socks, and tripped in the snow, you might expect him to be ~. ~ describes someone who is grumpy, or irritable, or has a generally crotchety attitude. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ can be remembered from CRAB . CRAB is a peevish, bad tempered and is irritable in nature and it also tends to bite . So A CRAB represents properties of a ~ person.


খিট্খিটে; unruly; peevish; cranky; bad-tempered; Ex. ~ horse >>> If you're prone to picking fights, making snarky comments, and being frustratingly stubborn, you're ~. And odds are you're not invited to too many parties. >>> Mnemonic: those who get their limbs get fractured...gets annoyed or bad tempered by taking bed rest for long


খুঁত ধরা; quibble; make frivolous objections; find fault unnecessarily >>> If your only ~ to your family's trip to Disney World is that you don't like airline food, you probably won't win the argument. A ~ is a petty objection that distracts from a true argument. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;rhyme);sounds like evil.. evil people always find unnecessary faults in the good..


খুঁতখুঁতে; difficult to please; squeamish; fussy; finicky >>> If you want to describe a person who insists on perfection or pays much attention to food, clothing and cleanliness, the right word is ~. >>> Mnemonic: just like ... If your boss is a demanding person he may not leave to you time to eat.Fasting is tedious. So your boss is ~.


খুঁতখুঁতে; too particular; fussy; difficult to please; too concerned with unimportant details or quality; Ex. ~ about her food >>> You reject any vegetable that isn't yellow. You like basmati rice, but detest jasmine, Arborio, and brown. You dine at one restaurant, and you always order the same meal. You are a ~ eater — that is, you are quite particular about food. >>> Mnemonic: fin + icky -> fine kina


খুপরি; shack; small wretched house >>> A ~ is a small shed or dwelling, often messy, cramped, and crudely built, such as a shelter in a refugee camp — or possibly your apartment if you have too much stuff and not enough time to clean. >>> Mnemonic: hotel in village = very small space for night stay


খুব সাবধানে; very carefully; ADJ. >>> If something needs to be done with great care and caution, you should do it ~. Like ~ holding a newborn baby or ~ creeping down the creaky stairs when you're trying to sneak out. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;If you carefully add ginger to the tea, it's taste will be enhanced);you should not put a lot of ginger in any of the dish or tea, otherwise it will spoil the same. So you should be very careful while handling ginger.


খুলিয়া ফেলা; take off; OP. don >>> Use the verb ~ to describe removing something. You probably always ~ your cap before the playing of "The Star-Spangled Banner." >>> Mnemonic: DO + OFF or take off, remove.


খেতাব; নাম / পদবি; name; title >>> ~ means the name or title by which someone is known. Mark Twain is the famous ~ by which everyone remembers author and humorist Samuel Clemens. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;french);"j'me appelle ....." means "my name is ..... "in ~ means name or title by which u call someone


খেয়ালখুশি; whim; sudden change of mind without any real cause >>> On a whim, he sold everything and left the city for the beautiful wilderness of Alaska, but his act of ~ felt a lot less whimsical when he realized how freezing cold Alaska is. >>> Mnemonic: ca(CAR) + PRIC(PRICE)...PRICE OF cars nowadays is becoming unpredictable with the launch of Tata's 1 lakh car.


খেয়ালখুশীমত; অযৌক্তিক / খামখেয়ালী / একনায়ক সুলভ; unreasonable or capricious; random; tyrannical; Ex. ~ ruler >>> Something that's ~ seems like it's chosen at random instead of following a consistent rule. Team members would dislike their coach using a totally ~ method to pick starting players. >>> Mnemonic: < Latin arbitrarius "uncertain, depending on the judgment of an arbiter" < arbiter "judge


খেয়ালী; whimsical; visionary; imaginary; produced by imagination; Ex. ~ scheme >>> Turn ~ around and you get "full of fancy," which gives you the gist of the meaning. The adjective refers to something not quite real, usually something with a whimsical or even dreamlike quality. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is full of fancies.


খেলাপ করা; breaking of contract or duty; fissure or gap; opening; V. >>> A ~ is a violation of a law, duty, or promise. If you'd contracted to mow your neighbor's lawn and don't do it, he can sue you for ~ of contract. Or he can mow the lawn himself. >>> Mnemonic: ~ ==> brea(k)(ch)...break the contract


খোদাই করা / বুটি দিয়া খচিত করা; produce a design in raised relief; decorate with a raised design >>> ~ means to carve with a design. A silver tray might be ~ed with your initials and wedding date. You might give your teacher a plaque with "World's Best Teacher" ~ed under their name. >>> ~ing and engraving have similar effects--a raised surface. But ~ing pushes the paper or metal up, working from behind, while engraving actually cuts into the surface, cutting away a bit of the media as it makes its mark.


খোশামোদ; flattery >>> When you hear a ~ come your way, you may feel flattered, as that's what a blandisher intends to do. However, beware because that flattery may come with the underlying intention of persuading you to do something! >>> Mnemonic: ~- Remember it like Brandy to an Irish women, this is like a flattery and later u can get wht u want frm the IRISH woman


খেয়ালী স্বভাব; individual trait usually odd in nature; behavioral peculiarity; eccentricity; attitude, behavior, or opinion peculiar to a person; anything highly individual or eccentric >>> If a person has an ~, he or she has a little quirk, or a funny behavior, that makes him or her different. If you only say goodbye in French, never in English, that would be an ~. >>> Mnemonic: Idiot in sync with the crazy ppl are idiosyncratic.


খোশ মেজাজি ;বন্ধুভাবাপন্ন ; agreeable; lovable; warmly friendly >>> A friendly, pleasant person could be described as ~. Airline flight attendants tend to be ~. The people monitoring the school's cafeteria? Maybe not. >>> Mnemonic: am + I + able or lovable


গণনা করা; reckon; calculate >>> When you solve a mathematical problem, you ~ the answer. To ~ is to calculate, either literally or figuratively. >>> Mnemonic: ~+(r) can also used to calculate.


গতানুগতিক; commonplace; trite >>> ~ is a word for language that doesn't pack a punch since it's overused and trite. "Roses are red, violets are..." — enough already?! That's ~ stuff. >>> Mnemonic: concentrate on hack !!! once a hacker is ALWAYS a hacker.. he overuses his techniques.


গতানুগতিক; hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality; cliched >>> If something is boring and unoriginal, it's ~. ~ things are dull as dishwater. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);abey nal to roz hi kholte hain...


গতি হ্রাস করা; slow down >>> Use the verb ~ when you want to slow down, like when you realize you are missing important moments in life by racing around, trying to do everything yourself. If you make an effort to ~, you might be happier — and healthier. >>> Mnemonic: down the accelerate


গতিরোধ করা; obstruct; prevent the free movement of; >>> Use the verb ~ to describe an action that slows progress or makes it difficult to do something, like the presence of your parents that ~ your ability to look cool at the mall. >>> Mnemonic: PAMPERS DIAPER for babies .restrict the free movement :-)


গতিশক্তি; producing motion; of motion >>> If you marvel at the ~ pace of popular cartoons, you are amazed at how lively and energetic the shows are. ~ comes from a Greek verb meaning "to move"


গপ্প; short story of an amusing or interesting event >>> A short, amusing true story is an ~. You might come back from a crazy spring break with a lot of ~s to tell. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);consider full-stop(.)as the end marker of a story. anec(anek= many)+dote(dot) a story with many dots is very short


গবেষণামূলক প্রবন্ধ; formal essay; treatise >>> A ~ is a long piece of writing that uses research to bring to light an original idea. Don't go to grad school unless you're prepared to write, say, a 300-page ~ on some topic. >>> Mnemonic: imagine u r asked 2 write an essay on *A dessert Station*..


গভীর ঘুমে আচ্ছন্ন; in a coma; extremely sleepy >>> Being ~ is being in a coma, unconscious and unable to communicate, often for long periods of time. A bad illness or unexpected accident or injury — especially to the head — can make you ~ and trapped inside a body that isn't working. >>> Mnemonic: Coma - in a coma tose - coma ka dose ... very sleepy


গভীরভাবে চিন্তা করা; think over; ponder >>> ~ is a fancy was of saying think hard on. If you spend a lot of time figuring out exactly how your French teacher does her hair, you are cogitating in order to avoid conjugating. >>> Mnemonic: Agitate the mind = ~s.


গরিব; without money >>> If you are hard up, broke, penniless, or strapped for cash, you could describe yourself as ~. Then maybe you could make some money teaching vocabulary words. >>> Mnemonic: pecuniary = One NAARY(woman) after PE-KAY(drinking)was lying on the ground beggind for money (টাকাকড়ি - সংক্রান্ত) => im is negative of it


গর্ভধারণ / শুরু / ধারণা জন্ম; beginning; forming of an idea; fertilization; V. conceive: form an idea in the mind; devise; become pregnant; CF. inception >>> ~ means any idea or concept, or a sum of ideas and concepts. Your ~ for designing the little girl's room with a princess theme was a hit. Her evil stepsisters are jealous. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is coming to a concept..or forming an idea..


গলাকাটা / অত্যধিক; (of costs or demands) excessive; exceeding reasonable bounds >>> Use the adjective ~ when you want to describe something that is really just too much! You'll often hear people griping about ~ bank fees or ~ interest rates. >>> Mnemonic: ex(out) + orbit - that is out of orbit or limitations that are binding it.


গল্প বা নাটকের নির্যাস / মূল কথা; final outcome; final development of the plot of a play or other literary work; the end of a story when everything is explained >>> You know that part of every movie after the big action scene, where things get explained, and the characters tie up loose ends? That's called the ~, or the showing of how the plot eventually turns out. >>> Mnemonic: de + NOUncEMENT(ANNOUNCEMENT)..SO you are making an annoucement of your company's FINAL OUTCOME report.DEAL + ANOUNCEMENT


গালাগালি করা; denounce; utter censure or invective; Ex. ~ against the evils of drink >>> Picture an old man banging his fist on the dinner table, ~ing against the evils of teenagers' being allowed to listen to music and dance. ~ means to rail against something with hostility and passion. >>> Mnemonic: its pronunciation is similar to envy...if u envy someone u *utter invectives* about that person


গালিগালাজপূর্ণ; শারীরিক ভাবে ক্ষতিকর; অবমাননাকর ; coarsely insulting; physically harmful >>> People or actions that are hurtful or harmful are ~. Being ~ is one of the worst things a parent — or anyone else — can do. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;slang);~ language, f***


গির্জার পাদ্রিকে বরখাস্ত করা; strip a priest or minister of church authority; unfrock >>> ~ comes from frock, an old word for "dress." Priests, nuns, monks, and other church officials wear a frock to symbolize their job. If they leave the church, they are said to be ~ed: their gown is taken away. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);The garment worn by priests is a frock like de + frock is to remove from the frock, priesthood.


গির্জাসংলগ্ন ভূগর্ভস্থ সমাধিকক্ষ; secret recess or vault usually used for burial; underground room (under a church) >>> A ~ is a vault for burying the dead, which is often underneath or part of a church building. ~ rhymes with "gripped," and if you saw a corpse come out of a ~, you would definitely be gripped with terror. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);In egypt you will find lots of ~ as there might to lot of mummies buries in recess/vault mysterious with lots of gold and wealth put along with the mummy !


গুঁজনধ্বনি; talk dully; buzz or murmur like a bee; N. >>> drone of USA - no-one knows when it comes coz its sound is very low just like ~


গুটিসুটি মেরে থাকা; shrink quivering as from fear; cringe >>> To ~ is to shrink in fear. Whether they live in the country or city, any mouse will ~ when a huge, hungry cat approaches. >>> Mnemonic: A coward ~s from fear while the bold and the brave do not.


গুপ্ত আলোচনা; private secret meeting >>> A private or secret meeting is a ~. What are some reasons you might hold a ~? You might be convening the executive committee on the board of a company, or you might be planning a surprise party. >>> Mnemonic: con+cave = conversation in a cave .. having a secret conversation in the cave


গুপ্তভাবে অগ্রসর / বিশ্বাসঘাতকতাপূর্ণ; treacherous; stealthy; sly; working or spreading harmfully in a stealthy manner; Ex. ~ spreading of dry rot >>> If something is slowly and secretly causing harm, it's ~ — like the rumors no one seems to listen to until suddenly someone's reputation is ruined. >>> Mnemonic: ~= inside+ hideous. think of something terrible, like a disease, hiding inside of the body.


গুরুতর; notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking >>> Something that is ~ stands out, but not in a good way — it means "really bad or offensive," like a tattoo on a man misspelling his girlfriend's name. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ is similer to aggressive.aggressive pepole are very bad in manner.this may help you pepole


গুরুত্ব; seriousness; ADJ. grave >>> The noun ~ means being grave or very serious. In physics, ~ is the natural force that causes things to fall toward the earth


গুরুত্বপূর্ণ; central or vital part; core; whole seed (as of corn) >>> Whether it's the ~ of a pistachio পেস্তা nut or the ~ of wisdom in a story, ~ can refer to the center or essential part of something. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds similar to colonel. In an army the colonel has an importance of being the central authority.


গুহা; small cavern >>> A ~ is a small cave, the kind of place where you feel comfortable, cozy, and protected from the harsh realities outside. >>> Mnemonic: গর্ত


গূঢ় / দুর্বোধ্য; hard to understand; known only to the chosen few, esp. initiates; N. ~a >>> Pssst... do you know the secret handshake? If you haven't been brought into the inner circle of those with special knowledge, ~ things will remain a mystery to you. >>> Mnemonic: HISTORIC things are known to few people


গেঁয়ো / বর্বর; rude; insensitive >>> If you cousin tells revolting jokes, belches, and smells like he spent the winter in a cave, he could be described as ~ — an adjective used for people with bad manners and a sloppy appearance. >>> Mnemonic: boor means =bura .... ill mannered... so make adj ~..!..:)


গোঁড়ামি; stubborn intolerance >>> If a person is intolerant of other ideas, races, or religions, we call that person a bigot. The intolerance expressed by that bigot is called ~. ~ is ugly. >>> Mnemonic: bi(by)+got(god)--think of a person who is excessively devoted to god and hence very much hypocritical.this person will not tolerate any opinion about god differing from his own.


গোঁয়ার গোবিন্দ; hard; inflexible >>> If you stubbornly refuse to change your mind about something, you are ~ about it. >>> Mnemonic: A+DAM+ant...A DAM IS GENERALLY INFLEXIBLE AND HARD so vehicles can pass through it.


গোপনীয়; রহস্যময়; esoteric; secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated; Ex. ~ ritual; Ex. ~ process closed to the uninitiated listener >>> Something ~ is understood or known by only a few people. Almost everyone knows the basics of baseball, but only an elite few possess the ~ knowledge of its history that marks the true fan.


গোলকধাঁধা; maze >>> A ~ is a structure with many connected paths or passages in which it is hard to find your way. In figurative use, a ~ is a complicated situation: our tax code is a ~ of rules and regulations. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);Break this word as LAB+YRIN(wiring)+'n'th. Generally in maths we use 1,2,3,4,...nth term. So statement is "There are so many(n)wires in the LAB which leads to complexion.--> which is the meaning.


গোলামি; hard unpleasant work; menial work >>> If you've ever had to do the laundry, wash the dishes, make the meals, change the bedding, vacuum the house, and clean the bathrooms day after day, you've experienced ~. ~ is hard, mindless, backbreaking work. >>> Mnemonic: drudge - ক্রীতদাস - the people with whom we behave rude (rudge)


গোষ্ঠী; small exclusive group of people >>> A ~ is an exclusive group of people or friends. Before Rudolph pulled Santa's sled through the fog, the ~ of flying reindeer never let him play their reindeer games. >>> Mnemonic: set of *elites* who surround a government official


গো - মাছি; animal-biting fly; irritating person >>> A gadfly is an irritating person, a nuisance who will often ask too many questions or lob lots of criticisms in order to get his or her way. >>> The prefix gad is an old word for "spike" or "pointed stick" which can be thought of, in this case, as similar to a stinger.


গোঁয়ারগোবিন্দ; rash; reckless; foolishly daring >>> If you decide you are going to scale Mt. Everest next weekend without any training or experience, that would be a ~ decision. Use the adjective ~ when someone rushes into action without considering the consequences. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Foolishly hard.


গোলগাল; full-bosomed; plump; jolly >>> Marilyn Monroe and the triple loop roller coaster: What do they have in common? Some serious curves. But you could only call the lady ~, or totally voluptuous. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;vulgar);buck"some (buy some)gals who are healthy and plumpy to play..kinds a vulgar but thts d easy way yu remember..!!


গোলাগুলির বেড়াজাল / প্রতিবন্ধক; barrier laid down by artillery fire; overwhelming profusion; large number of questions or statements; Ex. a ~ of criticism >>> A ~ is something that comes quickly and heavily — as an attack of bullets or artillery, or a fast spray of words. >>> Mnemonic: in BAR due to RAGE ppl started heavy fire of artillery.


গোলাবর্ষণ; attack (as with missiles or bombs); >>> When a lot of bombs fall on a city or area, it is a ~. But a ~ can also mean a pummeling with lots of other things: questions, spit balls, or e-mails. >>> Mnemonic: concentrate on bomb bomb is used to attack other country example atom bomb


গ্রন্থিবদ্ধ; ভাবনা ও অনুভুতিকে স্পষ্ট ভাষায় রূপদান করিতে সক্ষম; effective; distinct; expressing ideas clearly; having clear sounds; having joints; Ex. ~ speech; V: express thoughts and feeling clearly; pronounce clearly; unite by joints >>> To ~ is to say something. And, if you say it well, someone might praise you by saying you are ~. Confused yet? It's all in the pronunciation. >>> Mnemonic: arti kyun late...? now she really has to explain clearly or she is GONE !~


গ্রহনক্ষত্রাদির কক্ষপথের যে স্থান পৃথিবী হইতে দূরতম; highest point; the point farthest from the earth; OP. perigee >>> For an object in orbit around the earth, the ~ is the point that is highest or furthest from the earth. Early satellites had low ~s, so it wasn't long before they burnt up in the atmosphere. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = Up+ho+gee (ho ji -> like in hindi).. So what is up, is at the highest point


গ্রহাণু; small planet >>> An ~ is a large, irregularly shaped object in space that orbits our Sun. If one of these giant rocks ends up on a collision course with Earth, we are in for big trouble. >>> Mnemonic: remember small device's world is android


গ্রেফতার করা; টের পাত্তয়া; arrest (a criminal); dread; perceive >>> To ~ is to capture or arrest, as when the police try to ~ criminals and bring them to justice. You also ~ a concept when you understand it, grasping or capturing its meaning. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);up your hands - said the FBI before grabbing the criminal.


ঘটনাপঞ্জি; report; record (in chronological order) >>> To ~ an event is to record it as it happens, and a ~ is a record of those events. If your grandmother took the time to ~ the details of her 1910 journey to Japan, you can read her ~ today. >>> Mnemonic: DECCAN ~


ঘটানো / উত্পাদন করা; cause; produce; give rise to >>> ~ is a fancy way of saying "to make happen," like when you ~ the spirit of teamwork and cooperation by encouraging others and doing your share of the group's work. >>> Mnemonic: when two gender's male & female end up together .. they produce or give rise to a CHILD..


ঘর্ষণ; clash or conflict in opinion; rubbing against >>> When one thing rubs and grates against another, it causes ~. That can include two clashing personalities or simply a match striking the matchbox and causing a spark. >>> Mnemonic: ~


ঘষিয়া তুলিয়া ফেলিতে সক্ষম; rubbing away; tending to grind down >>> What does an obnoxious person have in common with sandpaper? Both are ~. Anything that grates or irritates — physically or metaphorically — can be described using this adjective. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Global);~:ab-Erasive:which means rubbing away


ঘাঁটান; বিক্ষুব্ধ করা; stir up; disturb >>> ~ means to stir up. If you watch a horror movie at bedtime, you may be too ~d to sleep. Movies like that can ~ all sorts of adrenaline responses in the body. >>> Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with Irritate. You get ~d if somebody constantly irritates you.


ঘিঞ্জি / মলিন; (of things and place) dirty and dull; Ex. ~ street/curtain >>> The adjective ~ comes from uncertain origins, but experts suspect in may be a backformation from the word dung, which is animal excrement. So you can imagine how dirty, dismal, grungy, and grimy something described as ~ is. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;cricket);~ reminds us about pakistan ex caption ingy(inzamam ul haq)who always remains dull and cheerless on field


ঘুচান / অদৃশ্য করে দেওয়া / দুরীভূত করা; scatter; drive away; cause to vanish >>> To ~ is to get rid of something that's bothering or threatening you, regardless of whether that's warts, worries, or wild dogs. >>> Mnemonic: di + spel - this spell(যাদুমন্ত্র) will ~ (alienate ) your proverty


ঘৃণা করা; curse; express abhorrence for; detest >>> Just when you thought you knew every word in the book for hate, here's a new one: ~. The word means to despise or also to curse. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = exe + crate. This *.exe file is a 'curse' for my computer; it 'created' thousands of folders automatically.


ঘৃণামিশ্রিত ক্রোধ; anger at an injustice; Ex. righteous ~; >>> Call your anger at an unjust situation ~. If recess gets canceled for everyone because two students get into a fight, the rest of the student body will respond with ~. >>> Mnemonic: think of india + nation, where its' very difficult to get justice. So you are angry at an injustice.


ঘৃণার চক্ষে দেখা; look on with scorn; regard as worthless or distasteful; ADJ. despicable: contemptible >>> If the mere thought of a burrito with sour cream in it turns your stomach, you could say that you ~ sour cream. You loathe it, abhor it, hate it, and think it's vile. >>> Mnemonic: de + spice ....when things happening around you are not spicy enough you regard it as distasteful and worthless.


ঘৃণাসহকারে পরিহার করা; detest; hate >>> If you ~ something, it gives you a feeling of complete hatred. Chances are you ~ that kid who used to torture the frogs in biology class. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;wtf..i like *****s);~ sounds like "a *****" and we generally hate a ***** to hate someone is ~ing that person


ঘেঁষা; border upon; adjoin >>> When something borders something else, it is said to ~ it. The term is often used in real estate to refer to a lot line. Wouldn't it be nice to have your back yard ~ a forest preserve or park? >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English );Look at your BUTT (Dont take it offensively).Its like two pieces of flesh together marked by a boundary in between them ..Thats ~ .


ঘোড়ার কদম গতি; slow gallop; V. CF. trot >>> The noun ~ describes the speed of a horse that's between a trot and a gallop. When ~ is a noun, it is a ride on a horse at that pace and so you can say to a friend, "Come with us for a ~!" >>> Mnemonic: ant is the word to see..for this moment make an ant slow and also gallop it like a horse..there u go.. দুর্গম গিরি কান্তার (canter) মরু দুস্তর পারাবার হে ...


ঘোরান; wave around (a weapon); flourish >>> To ~ something is to wave it about aggressively, as one might ~ a sword or tennis racket (if it's a particularly intense game). >>> Mnemonic: ~ = brand(brandy) once v drink brandy v vill start waving foolishly...


চকচকে; smooth and shining >>> Something that is ~ is something that shines or is attractive. Things that are ~ reflect light, like certain types of lipstick. ~ paper is smooth and has a shine to it, like the paper of most calendars. >>> Mnemonic: remember lip gives a shiny appearance to the lips


চক্র / ঘুর্নিপাক; swirling current of water, air, etc.; V. >>> An ~ is a whirlpool — what you stare at as a kid when the water is draining out of the bathtub. >>> Mnemonic: if you can rememeber the term "~ current", where the current flows .


চক্রাকার; roundabout >>> ~ means indirect or roundabout. If you're in a hurry to get to the hospital where your wife is having a baby, you want to take the straightest, fastest way, not a ~ one! >>> Mnemonic: circuit-ous -> like circuit;


চড় মারা; strike forcefully; slap; batter; knock out; N: table with food set out for people to server themselves; meal at which people help themselves to food that's been set >>> When you see the word ~, it's hard not to think "all-you-can-eat." Although the noun can refer to food set out for self-service, ~ also means "a blow, especially with the hand," and as a verb "to strike sharply." >>> Mnemonic: uff,is the one to see..wen someone slaps u ,u slap them back with a verbal assail " wat the ff "!!!


চড়াই; উর্ধমুখী খাড়া ঢাল; sharp upslope of a hill; OP. declivity >>> An ~ might be something to dread if you ride a bike a lot. An ~ is an uphill slope, so you'll have to peddle a little harder to get to the top. >>> Mnemonic: if u knwo that cliff is A steep high face of rock, then its easy to remember


চতুর / এড়িয়ে যেতে চাই এমন; not frank; trying to hide the truth; eluding; evading; V. evade: avoid (a duty or responsibility) or escape from by deceit >>> To be ~ is to avoid something, whether it's a touchy subject or the person who's "it" in a game of tag.


চরম পরিণতিমূলক; relating to the highest point; >>> Something that is the highest or most exciting point is ~. This adjective is used to describe a scene, event, or action. If you enjoy a good mystery, you probably love the ~ ending, when you find out whodunnit. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = climax... final point.


চরম ব্যর্থতা; total failure; CF. bottle >>> A ~ is a disaster. It's not a natural disaster — like an earthquake or a volcano; a ~ is usually the result of human failure. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~(fia+sco)fia ,imagine as fiat car,and sco as skoda car. both these car traveling in opposite dirction collapse when met wid an accdnt --- ফিরোজ আজ কোথায় আর আমি কোই!!


চরম যন্ত্রণাদায়ক; agonizing; distressing; traumatic; V. ~[^ing] (জমিতে দিবার মই): break up and level (soil) with a harrow; inflict (আরোপ) great distress on; agonize; N: farming machine to break up the earth >>> Being attacked by a hungry shark or being chased by an unruly mob on the streets can be described as ~, which means "provoking feelings of fear or horror." >>> Mnemonic: *arrow* - hit with arrow


চরম সীমা; highest point; climax; Ex. a series of minor clashes ~ing in war >>> The ~ is the end point or final stage of something you've been working toward or something that's been building up. The ~ of your high school career, for example, should be graduation day — and probably not prom night. >>> Mnemonic: asume guru films last scene 'kal mein nation ke top pe rahunga"


চর্মরোগবিশেষজ্ঞ; one who studies the skin and its diseases >>> The person who examines your moles, acne, and other skin problems is called a ~. Once visited mainly for acne problems, ~s have become more important, as skin problems have grown more common with our increased exposure to the sun. >>> Mnemonic: DERMA means skin


চলিত ভাষা - সংবন্ধীয়; pertaining to conversational or common speech; informal; N. ~ism: ~ expression >>> ~ language is casual and conversational: it's the difference between "What are you going to do?" and "Whatchagonnado?" >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;coll-local..);~ - can be read as Coll - local so we use local language(informal) language in our college..


চাকার দান্ত; tooth projecting from a wheel >>> An engine needs each of its part to work. It has gears which have wheels. Each wheel has ~s, or tiny teeth that fit together, making the wheel turn, the engine run. Every ~ is essential to that engine. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like dog. Remember a dog's teeth.


চাতুরী; ছল; trickery; deception >>> Have you ever gotten the sense that politicians or corporate leaders will say anything to turn public opinion their way? This tricky kind of deceit and manipulation is called ~. >>> Mnemonic: to catch free hens (CHICken) you need to be ~


চামড়া ছাড়ান; strip off skin; plunder; remove the skin from; criticize harshly >>> Nasty word, ~. It means to peel or beat the skin of a person or animal, and not necessarily a dead one, either. Nowadays it more commonly means to criticize harshly someone or something, usually in public, leaving them raw and wounded. >>> Mnemonic: to eat LAY's(chips) we need to strip off its cover --- ফেলে (~) ওর চামড়া তুলে দে


চালাকি; deception; trickery >>> If a politician pretends to be angry as a way of rousing the anger of the voters and getting more votes, he's guilty of ~ — a subtle and crafty trick. >>> Mnemonic: ~: sounds like artificial fish which is nothing but a trick.


চিত্র বর্ণন করা; portray >>> When you ~ something, you draw a picture of it, describe it or show what it looks like. So grab a crayon, a paint brush, or even an Etch-A-Sketch and start ~ing. >>> Mnemonic: ~= de(the)+pic t(picture).So relate it to portrait.


চিত্রবিচিত্র; tawny or grayish with streaks or spots (of animals) >>> ~ refers to a pattern of brown or gray markings or streaks on an animal. Picture the ~ hounds running around the race track, or the ~ pit bulls around the hood. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);~-Brindled brinjal (eggplant)


চুক্তি / বন্ধন; binding agreement between two groups or people; compact; V: enter into a ~; promise >>> ~ is an agreement between two people, or companies, or even countries. It is formal, solemn, sometimes even sacred. >>> Mnemonic: Covalent means a kind of bonding, ~ means binding between ppl.


চুপিচুপি; stealthy; quiet and secret (trying to escape notice); sneaky; Ex. ~ glance >>> If you're looking for a formal adjective to describe something sly or secret, sneak in ~. Let's hope the teacher doesn't see your ~ attempts to pass notes in class! >>> Mnemonic: One who is FARTive has to expel farts stealthily.


চুয়ান / ঝরান; flow out slowly; discharge (gradually); give forth; >>> To ~ is to give off small amounts, usually of liquids or gases, through small openings, such as pores. Think of how you ~ sweat after a workout. >>> Mnemonic: exclude is to remove and ~ is to remove but oozing (ক্ষরণ) out of liquid.. --- original Latin root, sudāre means "to sweat."


চুরি; theft; Ex. petit (নগণ্য) ~ >>> ~ is the legal term for stealing. Grand ~ is when you take something worth a lot of money, petty ~ when the stolen item is worth relatively little. >>> Mnemonic: চুরি করা *ছেনি* বেচে *লাউ* কিনে ঘরে ফেরা


চূড়া; উচ্চতম বিন্দু; tip; summit; climax; highest point >>> When there's no mountain left to climb and nothing but blue sky above, you know you've reached the highest peak — the ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ Climex (climax) gets me high of heights.


চেঁচানে / বিশ্রী ; extremely (offensively) obvious; loudly offensive; Ex. ~ lie; N. ~cy >>> Something ~ is very obvious and offensive. Don't get caught in a ~ lie, because you won't be able to weasel your way out of it. >>> Mnemonic: ~- BLOW an enemy TANK will rise uproar among the soldiers.


চোটের শব্দে প্রহার (চাবুক দিয়ে); light stroke as with a whip; V: move with a light quick blow; strike with a light quick blow (as from a whip); Ex. ~ the switch >>> A ~ is a quick, short movement, usually coming from the wrist or hand. There used to be a "~ a Bic" cigarette ad: cigarettes are awful, but starting a lighter is a classic ~. >>> Mnemonic: remember the ~ shot of Sachin or may be Dravid...tak!!!


চোখ - ধাঁধানো; (of something bad) highly conspicuous; harshly bright; shining intensely and blindingly >>> Whether it's a bright light or a fault, ~ things are obvious. You just can't miss them. >>> Mnemonic: ~~~ glowing


চোরা চালান; illegal trade; smuggling; smuggled goods; ADJ. >>> ~ means "illicit goods" and usually refers to stuff that's imported or exported illegally, like drugs, weapons, and certain exotic pets (like tigers). >>> Mnemonic: cont + brand.. selling contradictory brand. means illegal trading.


ছদ্মবেশ ধারণ করা; disguise; hide the real nature of; pretend >>> To ~ is to hide under a false appearance, to deceive. "When confronted about their human rights record, the Chinese government typically ~s." >>> Mnemonic: The word sounds like "resemble" (সাদৃশ্য)...the person/ a thing of tat type can be in disguise...


ছদ্মবেশ; >>> To ~ is to disguise, and a ~ is that which disguises. Like the leaf-colored and patterned uniforms worn by soldiers who want to blend in with their natural surroundings. >>> Mnemonic: CAMEL+FLAG=~.changing the appearance of the camel, the owner of camel can sell the camel.


ছন্দ মেনে চলে না এমন; lacking rhythm or regularity; >>> Someone who can't keep a beat is probably a bad dancer. They're also ~, which is an adjective that means having no rhythm at all. >>> Mnemonic: A(aginst-lack of)+rrhythmic. lacking rhythm


ছবি প্রভৃতির হুবহু প্রতিরূপ; copy >>> A ~ is a copy or reproduction of something. Many parents hope their children will be ~s of themselves; many children have other plans in mind. >>> Mnemonic: fac(e) + simile (same)


ছল; trick; shift; sham blow; feigned attack to draw away defensive action; V. >>> Did you ever tell your parents you were going off to school, grabbed your book bag, and headed out the door... only to spend the rest of the day hanging out with your friends? Well, that was a ~, a super sneaky move designed to fool someone. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Faint);The boxer was faked out by his opponent's ~. He then fainted because the blow he received was very strong.


ছলনা; deceit; duplicity; wiliness; cunning; Ex. persuade her by ~ >>> Use the noun ~ for cunning, craftiness, and artful duplicity. Acting like you have a job on Wall Street when you're actually unemployed would take a lot of ~. >>> Mnemonic: SOME GUYS ~ GIRLS


ছলনাবিহীন; সৎ ও সরল; without guile; open and honest >>> Yes, ~ could mean lacking in art, but more often it means lacking in superficiality or deceit. An ~ person could never make a living as a con artist. >>> Mnemonic: without the art of deception


ছাঁকনি / ঝাঁঝরি; utensil with perforated bottom used for straining >>> Most cooks would agree that a ~ is an essential piece of equipment for even the most basic kitchen. It's a bowl, usually made of plastic or metal, with holes in it to allow liquid to drain away from the food. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~- ol(hole) ander(under) ie hole in bottom..wr bottom of an utensil..!!


ছাঁকিয়া ধরা / অবরোধ করা; harass or trouble from all directions; hem in >>> ~ means to attack from all sides--an invading army will ~ a castle, or you might find yourself ~ by a devastating storm. >>> Mnemonic: ~. bees+set attack. imagine bees are setting attack on u from all directions.


ছাঁচ; metal block used for shaping metal or plastic; device for stamping or impressing; mold; CF. dice


ছাইরঙা; ash-colored; deadly pale >>> When your best friend's face drains of all color when he hears that his favorite team traded its star player, you can use the word ~ to describe the pale, white face of someone who is shocked and upset. >>> Mnemonic: split like ash coloured hen.


ছাদ থেকে বৃষ্টির জল নিকাশের জন্য কিম্ভূতকিমাকার মানুষ্য বা পশু - মুখাকৃতি পাথরের বা ধাতুর নর্দমা মুখ; waterspout carved in grotesque figures on a building >>> ~ is a fearsome word for a monster. Fortunately, it's not a real monster. It's a human-ish, animal-like beast sticking out from the gutter of a building, especially in Gothic architecture. >>> Mnemonic: word resembles gargle.. which we do every morning.. similarly imagine a structure (statue) releasing water from its mouth.. like the ~ statue in Singapore which you may have seen on TV or a magazine.


ছাদের কারুকার্য; ornamental horizontal band on a wall >>> A ~ is a decorative band, usually, but not always, above a doorframe or on the wall near the ceiling. You may find a ~ of sculptured angels too formal for the trim of your bedroom wall. >>> Mnemonic: ~ furniture & designs all over at freezed restaurant (বরফ দিয়ে বানানো হোটেল)


ছিদ্রান্বেষী / খুতখুতে / খচ্খচানি; petty criticism; fault-finding; fretful complaining; quibble >>> ~ is petty and unjustified criticism that just won't stop. People who find fault with you at every turn, who appreciate nothing and complain, complain, complain, are ~. Enough already! >>> Mnemonic: after we bump our car to road island - we start ping the car - ~ for any spot


ছিদ্রান্বেষী / খুতখুতে; faultfinding; too critical >>> If someone tends to be hypercritical and find fault with everything, you can describe that person as ~. Try not to be described as a ~ person yourself, however. No one likes a carping individual! >>> Mnemonic: First word that comes to mind -Captain, who will always find and call attention to Faults which must be altered.


ছিমছাম; neat and trim (in appearance); (of small men) neat in appearance and quick in movements; neat; spry >>> A neatly and stylishly dressed man can be described as ~. If you like to wear a well-made fedora, you appreciate clothes. Place a brightly colored feather in the brim and you're ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~(diaper)- if you can remember the diapers used for babies, should be kept neat and trim(spry).


ছেঁকা দেত্তয়া; burn (a wound or snakebite, etc.) with hot iron or caustic substance to stop bleeding and prevent infection >>> To ~ is to seal off a wound or incision (কর্তন) by burning it or freezing it, usually a hot iron, electricity, or chemicals. Metaphorically, it means to make less sensitive to feelings and emotions. >>> Mnemonic: caught the rise of wound by burn wid hot iron


ছোট পাহাড়; small hill; hillock >>> You don't swing in a ~, you climb one. A ~ is a hill, a mound, or a ridge. >>> Mnemonic: hum (humus - মাটি) + [-ock] (small) = small soil = small hill


জঘন্য / দূর্বৃত্তিপূর্ণ; atrocious; wicked; hatefully bad; Ex. ~ crime >>> A ~ crime is very evil or wicked. Of course, some people only use the term as an exaggeration, claiming that their parents' requirement that they write thank you notes after their birthdays is a ~ form of torture. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like *hyena* (a wild animal which are mostly found in asian & african continents) these animals are very cunning & wicked)


জঘন্য; detestable; extremely unpleasant >>> ~ is as bad as it gets. So if the food at camp is ~, the campers might start to shout, "Ick! Ick! Your stew is making us sick!" >>> Mnemonic: ~ means think as boman irani(vilan in 3idiots) he is bad,hated by all,his face was extremely unplesant (in dat picture)


জঘন্য; very bad; detestable >>> If something's ~ it's really and truly, unbelievably, absolutely the worst. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = exe + cr + able; this *.exe file is a 'crappy' virus and is 'able' to badly harm your computer.


জটিল / গিঁট পড়া; intricate; difficult; tangled; CF. knot >>> Whether it's pine or problems, sometimes the word ~ can apply to both. ~ can describe something that has a lot of knots, either literally or figuratively. >>> Mnemonic: ~- with lots of knots -difficult to disentangle, difficult to manage.


জড়; inactive; lacking power to move; unable to move or act; Ex. chemically ~; N. ~ia: state of being ~; force which keeps a thing in the position or state >>> Something that's unable to move or moving without much energy can be described as ~. Wind up in a body cast and you'll find yourself not only itchy, but totally ~. >>> Mnemonic: recollect your chemistry . ~ gases hardly react, therefore ~ means LACKIN ABILITY TO MOVE OR ACT.


জড়ো করা; পুঞ্জিভূত করা ; collect (gradually, in a very large amount) >>> ~ means bring together or assemble. It can be a real shock to enter a room and see your ~ed friends shouting "Surprise!" >>> Mnemonic: ~-how does a mass gets made? or how does some mass gets accumulated ? ans-when it is collected( and stored).


জনগণসংক্রান্ত / সাধারণ কথাবার্তায় ব্যবহৃত; of or pertaining to the people >>> A ~ saying or expression is casual, colloquial, and used by the masses. Some forms of the Greek and Egyptian languages are also called ~, which will be relevant to you when you get your PhD in Classics. >>> Mnemonic: demo means relating to people like in a democracy.


জনশূন্য; make ~; forsake; abandon and desert >>> If you feel alone, left out, and devastated, you feel ~. A deserted, empty, depressing place can be ~ too. >>> Mnemonic: de + solate sounds like I + SOLATE..and who lives an isolated life? Obviously a person who has been ABANDONED by his family.


জনসংখ্যা - বিষয়ক; related to population balance >>> Advertising agencies like to schedule their commercials in television shows that appeal to the 18-49 ~, because this segment of the population has a lot of spending power. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Eng);Demos-People; Gk-graphikos- writing, drawing.


জন্মদান করা; father; become the father of; produce; give rise to >>> To ~ means to generate something, usually children, and it can be used to refer to the role of either a mother or a father. >>> Mnemonic: a simple proverb that "violence ~s violence" means produce or give rise -- be a father to get your child


জবানবন্দি; testimony under oath; deposing; dethroning >>> ~ means the act of putting something aside, whether you're putting aside a ruler, or putting aside legal testimony to be used later in a trial. >>> Mnemonic: ~- someone takes a position (or a side) in a court of law, he has taken a ~.


জমা; come to one as a gain; accumulate over time; come about by addition; Ex. benefits that ~ from scientific research; Ex. interest accruing in a bank account; >>> To ~ is to accumulate or to keep growing in value or size. If you can ~ enough extra credit to build up your grade, you won't have to take the final exam. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);sounds like AKDU(hindi...means haughty) a person becomes akdu when he gains a lot


জমাট বাঁধা; congeal; thicken; clot; >>> When liquid starts to thicken and become solid, it ~s. When you get a cut, the blood flowing from the wound will ~: it will start to clot and form a solid scab so you will stop bleeding. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;product);Colgate - think about the "thick" paste


জমাট বাঁধা; freeze; coagulate >>> ~ means to jell — to solidify or become gelatinous (জাউতুল্য). Sounds gross? But wiggly Jell-O is actually ~ed liquid, so it can't be that bad, right? >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENGLISH);con + geal..geal...gelatinous..means to coagulate


জরাজীর্ণতা; state of collapse or weakness caused by illness or old age >>> Many old buildings located in "ghost towns" in the Old West area of the United States are in a state of ~. In other words, they are worn out and in disrepair. >>> Mnemonic: decre(decrease) + pitude(aptitude - স্বাভাবিক ক্ষমতা) if your aptitude is decreasing, it is an indication of OLD AGE, thats when a person becomes weak and in a state of deterioration.


জল রাখিবার বোতল; glass water bottle; decanter >>> Wine is often served in a ~, a flask, usually of glass or metal, with a wide mouth. It usually presents a more elegant way to serve than using the wine's original bottle or — heavens! — box. >>> Mnemonic: try to remember it as coffee + cafe .....


জলনির্গমন - প্রণালী; aqueduct; passageway for fluids >>> Instead of complaining about your chores, be grateful for the ~, or pipe, that brings water to your home. Thanks to it, you don't have to go fetch water from the well whenever your mom wants a cup of coffee. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Logical);~ seems to have come from the two words CONDUcting circUIT. So a passage for ab electric circuit ,wire or water


জলপ্রপাত; small waterfall >>> Think of a ~ as something suddenly falling, tumbling down in a rush. >>> Mnemonic: cask+add little more water to get a small waterfall


জলশূন্য করা; remove water from; dry out >>> To make a raisin, you ~ a grape. To ~ is to remove all of the water from, or to dry up.


জলহস্তী; huge creature; something of monstrous size or power >>> You can call both a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a massive telecommunications company a ~. The word means something big and powerful. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = Mammoth


জলাতঙ্ক; fear of water; rabies >>> Foaming at the mouth? Terrified of drinking water? You're displaying all the signs of ~, a common symptom of rabies. Unfortunately by this point you're probably beyond curing. Or reading online definitions. >>> Mnemonic: HYDRO refers to water and PHOBIA is a fear of something.... therefore a fear of water.


জাঁকালভাবে চলাফেরা করা/ সম্মৃদ্ধি অর্জন করা; grow well; prosper; make sweeping gestures; wave; brandish; Ex. The trees ~ed in the sun. N: showy movement or gesture; embellishment or ornamentation (esp. in handwriting) >>> A ~ is an extra touch — a trumpet's "ta-ta-da!" announcing a king's entrance, a fancy carving atop an otherwise utilitarian pillar, a wave of a flag or a cheerleader's pompom.


জাঁকালভাবে প্রদর্শন করা; display ostentatiously; Ex. ``Honey, if you've got it, ~ it !'' >>> ~ is "to display proudly or show off," like when you ~ your new Italian leather jacket by wearing it to the beach and pretending you're cold to make sure everyone sees it. >>> Mnemonic: ~ ->Friend's aunt; my Friend's aunt always ~s.


জাঁকালো; ornate; highly elaborate; richly colored; ostentatious; showy; CF. flame >>> ~ means elaborate and ostentatious. When you think of ~, think of Las Vegas showgirls: feathers, sequins, three-inch heels, enough make-up to disguise any irregularity. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Global);~ ~ flame + boy; imagine a boy wearing a T-shirt with pictures of flame on it. will it not be ~?


জাউ / একধরনের তরল খাবার (সিদ্ধ); thin liquid porridge >>> ~ is a truly unpleasant food — weak and runny, consisting of oatmeal or cornmeal boiled in milk or water. It's the kind of "slop" prisoners and other inmates of institutions were historically forced to eat. >>> Mnemonic: *গুরু*মহাশয় এবং *EL*der (old) people eat ~


জাগতিক / পার্থিব; unrefined; coarse; of earth; Ex. ~ remarks; OP. ethereal >>> The adjective ~ runs the gamut from "crunchy" to "crude." You could use ~ to describe bohemian fashion or a vulgar comedian. Just don't use it to describe our planet. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);on earth there are many stones and all so coarse or not refined


জাগানোর বা উদ্দীপ্ত করের জন্য তীক্ষ্ণ বা উচ্চ স্বরের ডাক; shrill, trumpetlike sound; kind of trumpet used in former times >>> If you hear the ~ call of the stage, it means you want to be an actor. ~ means loud and clear, and a ~ call is a call to something that is hard to ignore. >>> Mnemonic: loud and clear


জাতি; one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society; social stratification; prestige >>> The word ~ was originally associated with India's traditional system of hereditary and rigidly stratified classes, but this noun can now be used to refer to any social group distinguished by shared characteristics, such as rank, economic wealth, or profession.


জাতিগত; characteristic of an entire class or species; of a genus >>> ~ refers to the members of a whole class of things — like "tissue," a ~ word for any soft, thin piece of paper that's good for wiping runny noses. >>> Mnemonic: (gene) it is a characteristic of the entire class/species


জাতিতত্ত্ব / নৃতত্ত্ব; study of humankind; study of the different races of human beings; CF. anthropology >>> ~ is a science that deals with the study of humans, looking at everything from the question of where we all come from to analyzing data about how we choose to live our lives now. >>> Mnemonic: ETHANOL is family of alcohol discovered by HUMAN. OLOGY is study.. i.e HUMAN+STUDY.. implies study of humankind ;-)


জাতীয় সঙ্গীত; song of praise or patriotism; Ex. national ~ >>> Rousing, reverential, sometimes even revolutionary, an ~ is a song that represents the ideals of a group of people.


জামানত; security given for loan; ADJ: secondary; descended from the same person but through different sons or daughters >>> It's what you promise to give someone if you don't repay a loan, like the car you put up as ~ when you take a loan out from the bank. As an adjective, ~ can refer to something indirect or off to the side, like ~ damage. >>> Mnemonic: When you give a loan to someone and he doesnot return the money what will you do??? You'll call him repeatedly but he will say "CALL LATER". To avoid this scene, you will take some kind of security such as property, jewellery...


জিজ্ঞাসা করা; question closely; cross-examine; cross-question >>> To ~ is to ask someone a bunch of questions. Usually, it's the police, FBI, or other law-enforcement officials who ~ suspects, but your father-in-law may ~ you about your career plans. >>> Mnemonic: ~(inter=enter,ro=rong=wrong,gate) if u enter wrong gate police question and examine closely


জিদি / সঙ্কল্পিত; determined; stubborn; stubbornly persevering; tenacious; Ex. Inspector Javert's ~ pursuit of Jean Valjean >>> In the old Looney Tunes cartoons, Wile E. Coyote's pursuit of the Road Runner is ~. He simply will not give up. The Road Runner is ~ by the Coyote, who will not stop chasing him. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENtertaghere);a dogs tail is always curved and can never be made straight thus it is ~


জিহ্বা দ্বারা চাটা / কোল; take in food or drink with one's tongue; splash gently; Ex. waves ~ping the shore; N: front area from the waist to the knees of a seated person >>> Your ~ is the top of your thighs when you sit down, where your cat might sit. ~ can also refer to a trip around a racetrack, or to the act of overtaking a competitor by a ~. >>> Mnemonic: suppose in a race, u ran 50 ~s...after dat how wil u eat/drink?? just imagine...!!!


জীবাণুক্রিয়াজনিত পচননিরোধক; substance that prevents infection in a wound; ADJ. >>> If you are out to kill some micro-organisms, an ~ will come in handy! If you go to a hospital for a cut on your arm, the nurse will apply an ~ to the wound because it will kill any bacteria, while not harming your healthy skin. >>> Mnemonic: ANTI + SEPTIC...ANTI means against and SEPTIC is a sepsis or deterioration of a an ~ is used to cure or heal a septic wound.


জীর্ণ / নি: শেষিত; having lost one's original power; barren; worn out; exhausted >>> ~ is a disapproving term meaning decadent and self-indulgent, even useless. The stereotype of the rugged Westerner is just as false as the one of the ~ East Coast liberal. >>> Mnemonic: when you walk for longer distances on your feet, you feel completely worn if you are lacking in power .......


জীর্ণ; falling to pieces; in a bad condition; ruined because of neglect; Ex. ~ old car/castle; >>> Falling down and in total disrepair, something that's ~ is going to need a lot of fixing up. >>> Mnemonic: at laptop repair shop all the laptops are ~


জোড়া লাগানো; (of societies or groups) combine; unite in one body >>> To ~ is to combine different things to create something new. Institutions — such as banks, schools, or hospitals — often join forces and ~ with one other. But other things — like musical genres — get ~d as well. >>> Mnemonic: suppose you are shy girl and you have a+ male+game+mate (~)what you should do ? of course combine or unite with your mate against other groups


জোরপূর্বক আদায়; impose (a fine); collect (a payment); impose or collect (a tax); Ex. ~ a tax on tobacco >>> Use the word ~ as you would use the word tax: "When the state government imposed a ~ on soft drinks, thousands of citizens took to the streets in protest." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);Traffic Police catches you breaking signal and says LE(le)+VY(Bhai) chalaan. chal tax de. So he LEVIED the tax on you


জোড়ামুখ বন্ধ করা; দড়ির টুকরা দিয়া জল রোধ করা; make watertight (by blocking up cracks as in a ship) >>> ~ is the sealant. It comes in a tube and is used commonly by plumbers and carpenters trying to seal up cracks where air or water might push through. When a plumber ~s a tub, he's applying ~ to its seams to make it watertight. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ sounds like cork which makes bottles watertight


জোরপূর্বক চাপিয়ে দেয়া; insert improperly; impose upon another by coercion; palm off; pass off as genuine or worthy; CF. fist (ঘুসি) >>> Did your parents ~ your baby sister on you when they went out? It means they forced her on you. Anything — a person or object or idea — can be ~ed if it's done by force upon an unwilling party. >>> Mnemonic: transfer to forest range forcefuly


জোরালো / অকাট্য; convincing >>> When you make a ~ argument, it means your argument is clear and persuasive. In these days of 24-hour entertainment news and sound-bite sized explanations of complex government policy, it's hard to find a ~ argument amidst all the emotional outbursts. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - gent - a gentle person is always the right person to convince others.


জ্ঞান; having to do with knowing or perceiving related to the mental processes; the mental process of knowing >>> If it's related to thinking, it's considered ~. Anxious parents might defend using flashcards with toddlers as "nurturing their ~ development." >>> Mnemonic: Root word COGN, recognize, ~, incognito,cognizance all means know.aur wyse v knowledge k bina kahan COGNIZANT jayse bari softwere company me placement hoti hai yaar?


জ্বালা - ধরানো মন্তব্য; sharp projection from fishhook, arrow, or other object; openly cutting remark >>> Whether it is the spikes on the wire atop a security fence or a mean remark someone said about you, ~s can hurt. When you encounter either kind of ~, you should stay away. >>> Mnemonic: Imagine a '~-e-que' being prepared with the help of a needle-like-stick..


জ্বালাতন / প্যানপ্যান করা; pester; annoy continually with demands; persuade by asking again and again; Ex. The children ~ed me into taking them into the cinema; N: a kind of mountain animal >>> ~ is to bother. Persistently. On and on. Without stop. Relentlessly. Over and over. Endlessly. It comes from the name of that chipmunk-like animal that burrows into the ground. >>> Mnemonic: BAD GIRL.....bad girls always annoy people


জ্বালাময়ী / আগ্নেয় বোমা; arsonist; ADJ: causing fire; of arson; Ex. ~ bomb >>> An ~ device is a bomb. An ~ statement is, "You're ugly, fat, and stupid." Both are likely to produce an explosion of one kind or another. >>> Mnemonic: INSane person who sets his DIARY on fire.


ঝগড়াটে; argumentative; fond of argument >>> If you're always looking for a fight, consider yourself ~. However, ~ is more appropriate for the head of the debate team rather than the playground bully. >>> Mnemonic: If you cut the word into two halves, the first part will be disput, which sounds like dispute and means, a fight. A fight generally starts with an argument...


ঝগড়াটে; quarrelsome; controversial; likely to cause arguments >>> A ~ issue is one that people are likely to argue about, and a ~ person is someone who likes to argue or fight. >>> Mnemonic: ~- (Contender+Serious) One who takes competition too serious always fights and quarrels)


ঝড়ো; windy >>> ~, the adjective, describes what the wind is like when leaves are swirling around in the air, garbage blowing all over city streets, and hats refusing to stay put. >>> Mnemonic: when the wind blows dust will form.


ঝাঁজালো; bitter (to the taste or smell); sharp; bitterly pungent >>> ~ is almost always used to describe a smell, and it ain't a pretty one. ~ is the nasty sting that you feel in your nose when you walk by a building that just burned down--it's sulfur mixed with smoke. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like ACID....all acids are bitterly pungent and corrosive


ঝামেলা / কেচাল লাগা; distorted; crooked; bent; Ex. Our plans have gone ~. >>> When something goes wrong with a decent plan, you say it has gone ~. You accidentally forget your backpack in the airport? That's a mistake. When the airline loses your suitcase? That's when something has gone ~. >>> Wry means "twisted"—so going ~ means getting "twisted up." ~ is similar to askew, which means "off, out of line," though when you compare the roots skew "turned at an angle" and wry "twisted" you see the subtle difference between the two words.


ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ; dangerous >>> The noun "hazard" means something dangerous, and the adjective ~ refers to anything that involves danger. A golf course with lots of sand traps is especially ~ for golfers. That's why those traps are called hazards. >>> Mnemonic: HAZARDS are always RISKY


ঝোঁকের মাথায় বলে ফেলা; utter impulsively from nervousness or excitement >>> If you ~ something out, you're speaking abruptly and without thinking about what you're saying. >>> Mnemonic: when ever u try to FLIRT u automatically ~....reveal all the secrets of u'r frenz,also talk all non-sense


টকো; slightly sour (in taste or manner); sharp; caustic >>> If you make lemonade and forget the sugar, the drink would have an ~ or sour taste. If someone makes a snarky comment about your culinary skills, you might call their comments ~ or bitter. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);acid+less, so slightly bitter or slightly sour


টানা হাতে লিখিত; (of writing) flowing; running; having the successive letters joined >>> ~ is a style of writing in which all the letters in a word are connected. It's also known as script or longhand. When the third-grade students learned ~ writing, they were excited to find that they could write entire words without lifting their pencil from the paper. >>> Mnemonic: re~=re running(running again and again)


টীকা যোগ করা; comment; make explanatory notes >>> When you ~, you write critical explanations to add extra insight about something. These explanations can be necessary to understanding writings in which the language might be difficult to make sense of without clarification. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);U made a note while eating, a(n)-note-ate, its a rough note , it provides explanation and reference ..


টোপ / জর্জরিত করা (মন্তব্য দিয়ে); harass; tease; torment; Ex. badger ~ing; N: food or other lure used to catch fish or trap animals >>> People who go fishing aren't the only ones to use ~. When you hold a yard sale, place your best stuff closest to the sidewalk — to serve as ~. ~ can be anything from the worms that hide a hook to a stereo that tempts shoppers to stop and browse. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;global);sounds like WAIT- a boy ALLUREs or give a "temptation" to his girlfriend by saying that he wud wait for her forever.


ঠগ; swindle; cheat >>> Ever paid a restaurant bill only to discover they charged you for stuff you never had? What they did was ~ you — cheat you out of money that was justly yours. Shady companies are forever ~ing their investors. >>> Mnemonic: ~ -> bill + milk; so you cheated the MILK man by not paying the BILL


ঠাহর / উপলব্ধি করতে সক্ষম; mentally quick and observant; having insight; perceptive; able to make good judgments; V. ~: perceive >>> ~ people pick up on subtle traits and are good judges of quality — they're the ones that can tell if your cupcakes are homemade from the finest ingredients or totally from a box mix. >>> Mnemonic: @ NOC - everyone is using dual screen for monitoring - they are ~ to get information any of the monitor any time


ঠিকানা; বক্তৃতা দেয়া, লিপ্ত হওয়া; direct a speech to; speak to; deal with or discuss; direct one's efforts or attention to; make with a destination; N: formal speech >>> When you are a student and you want to ~ your teacher, it's generally safer to call her Ms. and not ~ her by her first name, Esmeralda. >>> Mnemonic: add+dress i.e wearing good dress so as to spek in an interview


ডিঙ্গি - নৌকা; small boat (often ship's boat) >>> A long journey by sea requires a large ship, but if you're out for an afternoon on the pond, you may want to take the ~, a small boat.


ডিমে তা দেত্তয়া; hatch; warm (eggs) with the body to promote hatching; maintain at optimal environment conditions for development; be holding in one's body an infection which is going to develop into a disease; >>> When a chicken sits on an egg, it ~s it. To ~ means to keep something safe and warm so that it can grow. >>> Mnemonic: Newly born babies are often placed into an incubator


ঢিবি / গোলাকার টিলা; little round hill; hillock >>> A ~ is a small hill or mound of earth, which makes a shady ~ a perfect spot for a summer picnic. >>> The word ~is associated with the tragic assassination of President John F. Kennedy, who was shot in Dallas just as his motorcade passed a grassy ~. At first people thought that was where the shots had come from, but it was later determined that the assassin had fired from a nearby building instead. The "*grassy ~*" became symbolic of a theory that others had participated in the assassination, and the term has become shorthand for any conspiracy theory.


ঢিলা / ধৃষ্ট; lacking proper seriousness; Ex. ~ remarks about death; N. ~cy >>> When a parent scolds a teenager for missing a curfew or blowing off a test and the teen snaps back, "Whatever," you could say the teen is being ~. His reply was casual to the point of sarcasm and disrespect. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - person who flips a coin and decides is not serious...


তথ্যমূলক বর্ণনা; explanatory; serving to explain; N. ~tion: explaining; exhibition >>> The first few minutes of a first date typically consist of ~ chit-chat, meaning that that's when people fill each other in on the basics: where they're from, what they studied in school, and what they want to be when they grow up. It's background info. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ comes with EXPOS(e) means to allow something to be seen. Something that is ~ allows it to be seen or to be clear and thereby to be EXPLANATORY.


তথ্যাভিজ্ঞ আন্দাজের উপর; based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed; N. hypothesis >>> Everyone who has ever taken a science class knows the word "hypothesis," which means an idea, or a guess, that you are going to test through an experiment. A ~ is related to that. It means something based on an informed guess


তদন্তকারী; questioner (especially harsh); investigator; person making an ~ion >>> ~ is what you call someone who asks questions in an aggressive way, like a prosecutor in a courtroom, or a parent who wants to know everything you did last night. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ - sounds like in-quiz-itor, so someone in a quiz who asks questions, is a questioner.


তপস্বী; আত্মনিরোধী; practicing self-denial; avoiding physical pleasures and comforts; austere; Ex. ~ life of Buddhist monks; N. ~ism >>> Want to live an ~ lifestyle? Then you better ditch the flat panel TV and fuzzy slippers. To be ~, you learn to live without; it's all about self-denial. >>> Mnemonic: someone who leaves all AESTHETICs is an ~


তরঙ্গের মত উঠা নামা করে; swelling out in waves; surging >>> If you've ever seen a space shuttle launch, you probably remember seeing all the white smoke ~, or swelling and rolling forth, underneath. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Global);billow sounds like pillow.. pillows r usually swelled up..


তর্কাতর্কি; assertion; claim; thesis; struggling; competition >>> There is nothing "content," or satisfying, about being in ~, and that's probably because the word ~ means being in a competition that ends with one side, usually the winning one, being content. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);(IN HINDI) ~ sounds like>> kaun tension le yaar, inke claim (or thesis) ko fact maan lo.


তর্জন - গর্জন; blow in heavy gusts; threaten emptily; bully; speak in a noisy or bullying manner; CF. breeze, gust, gale >>> If you tell the captain of the basketball team that you're going to beat him at a game of hoops even though you've never played, you're speaking with a lot of ~ or false confidence and bravado. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like blast her,so when you blast someone you talk loudly.but barking dogs seldom bite,so the blasting has no effect


তলায় তলায় বোঝাপড়া; conspiring in a fraudulent scheme to cheat or deceive others; V. collude >>> If you are making secret agreements with someone, then you are in ~ with them. Every time gas prices jump, consumers suspect the gas station owners of ~ and price fixing. >>> Mnemonic: people who involve in ~, try to create an Illusion that everything is fine


তাচ্ছিল্য করে কথা বলা; belittle >>> If you haven't got anything nice to say, then it's time to ~ someone. It means to belittle or degrade a person or idea. >>> Mnemonic: DISPLAY+RAGE. When you DISPLAY your RAGE (ক্রোধ) on your juniors you belittle them in front of the others.


তাবিজ; মন্ত্রপূত; রক্ষাকবচ; charm; talisman; an object worn believed to protect against evil, bad luck >>> If you rub your pendant while praying to your gods, it sounds like you have an ~, a necklace or similar item attributed with magical powers. >>> Mnemonic: amul-et amulya(hindi)--~ which is wor in the neck is precious


তারিফ;পুরস্কার, খেতাব; award of merit; strong praise and approval >>> A knight being honored with the tap of a sword-blade was the earliest form of ~. Today, an ~ is more than a way to bestow knighthood, it is a form of praise or an award. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);it sounds like chocolate.. parents ~ if kids do home work properly


তালগোল পাকানো; mismanage; blunder; botch; blow; spoil by clumsy behavior >>> Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, dropping something, tripping and falling: these are some classic ~s — and they're always embarrassing. >>> Mnemonic: ~ like jungle ..... if on a long drive you lose your way and end up in a jungle.... now that's a blunder....


তিক্ত করা; worsen; aggravate; embitter >>> For a formal-sounding verb that means to make worse, try ~. If you're in trouble, complaining about it will only ~ the problem. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Latin);Latin ex+acerb+ate; Latin acerb- means bitter, harsh; So ~ means to make bittter, to worsen.


তিক্ততা; bitterness of speech and temper; ADJ. ~: bitter; acrid (in taste, manner, or tone) >>> A lemon in your mouth, a mean-spirited neighbor, a roomful of sarcastic people: these are examples of ~, a type of harsh bitterness that can leave you stunned. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~ - sounds like a celibrity. celibrities are sweet talking. so a+cerbity will be opposite...bitter


তিরস্কার করা; warn or speak to with gentle disapproval; reprove >>> To ~ is to scold. If you want to show someone you're not happy with his behavior, ~ him. It sounds better than "scolding," and it's less painful than spanking. >>> Mnemonic: adm(in)+on(e)+(pun)ish : (net)admin in the company is one step away (Giving strong warning now) from punishing you.bcoz you are accessing prohibited network sites.


তিলকিত; spotted >>> ~ is an adjective that means marked with spots or rounded patches. If you can picture Bambi's ~ rear, then you are on the right track. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);d+apple...just imagine a d (damaged or rotten) apple..having many spots on it.


তীক্ষ্ণ বিচারশক্তি ; mental keenness; sharpness of judgment; ability to judge quickly and well; Ex. business ~ >>> If you have ~, you are very sharp at what you do. You hope your accountant and your surgeon are both known for their ~. >>> Mnemonic: ACUTE+MIND...acute means sharp


তীক্ষ্ণবুদ্ধি / বিচক্ষণ; wise; shrewd; keen; seeing quickly something that is to one's advantage >>> Someone who is ~ is clever and has good judgment. The kid running around with a bucket stuck on his head? Not so ~. >>> Mnemonic: A(MEANS NOT)+STU(STUPID)..well think of someone who is NOT STUPID,MEANS he is very WISE ,AND INTELLIGENT.


তীক্ষ্নতা; sharpness (of mind or senses of sight or hearing) >>> ~ has to do with sharpness and smartness. Do you always get A's in math? Then you have an ~ for numbers. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);a-CUIty,CUI seems like SUI{needle} in hindi,sui is sharp and penetrating...INTELLIGENT people are such-SHARP QUICK & PENETRATING


তীব্র আকর্ষণ; কুটম্বিতা; feeling of kinship; similarity; Ex. strong ~ for her; Ex. many ~s between two languages >>> If you get along with someone very well, you have an ~ with them. Sometimes opposites attract, so you might feel a strange ~ to someone who is seemingly very different from you. >>> Mnemonic: Mathematicians have an ~ for infinity.


তীব্র ভর্ৎসনা করা; scold strongly >>> A strong verb for harshly cutting someone down with words is ~. "He didn't just correct the cashier who gave him the wrong change, he started to ~ her, calling her names in front of the whole store." >>> Mnemonic: his friends ~d(criticized) him for showing them b-rated movie..


তীব্র সমালোচনা; bitter scolding or denunciation; invective; abuse >>> It's totally overwhelming when you ask someone a seemingly innocuous question, like "Do you like hot dogs?" and they unleash a ~ about the evils of eating meat. A ~ is an angry speech that strongly criticizes a person or thing. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = di-tribe = two tribes fighting...criticize


তীরে ভিড়ান / জাহাজ থেকে নামা; debark; go ashore (from a ship); unload cargo from a ship; CF. embark >>> Use the verb ~ to describe leaving a ship, airplane or other type of vehicle, like making sure you haven't left anything in the plane's overhead compartment before you ~. >>> Mnemonic: the ship was parked so the passengers ~ed [জাহাজের উঠা - embark]


তুচ্ছ বিষয়; trinket; cheap jewel; trifle >>> ~s are trinkets or novelty items that cost little and aren't very important or valuable, such as a plastic ring in the shape of a daisy that covers half of your finger in hot-pink plastic. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Global);~ sounds like Babool, which is a cheap tooth paste, is a cheap tooth paste.


তুচ্ছতাচ্ছিল্য করা; disparage; depreciate >>> To ~ means to put down, or to make another person feel as though they aren't important. Saying mean things about another person literally makes them feel "little." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;global);be+little-->if u tell someone to 'be little',it is like deprecating them to be only 'small'


তুমুল কলহ / ঘষিয়া ক্ষয় করিয়া ফেলা; brawl; fight; V: wear away or unravel by rubbing; have loose threads developing; cause to become worn out (a person's temper or nerves); CF. rub >>> ~ is all about friction--a ~ed rope has been rubbed so much its fibers are wearing away. People experiencing friction--fighting loudly--are involved in a ~. >>> Mnemonic: frayed jeans


তুষার সংক্রান্ত; like a glacier; of an ice age; extremely cold; Ex. ~ epoch; CF. iceberg >>> Things that are ~ are super cold. A place can be ~ — like the South Pole — but a person can be ~, too, like that unfriendly girl who gave you a ~ stare. >>> Mnemonic: Ice+Glass>=Glass+ice


তূরীধ্বনি / উচ্চ স্বরে ডাকা; call by bugles or trumpets; showy display; spectacular public display >>> ~ is a loud, proud burst of something to get attention. If you open up a carpet store with one of those sky-sweeping lights, lots of balloons, and a brass band, you're doing it with great ~. >>> Mnemonic: it can b understand as FILMFARE AWARDS which cud b done in very showy manner


তৃণভোজী; grain-eating >>> A buffalo, a goose, a grasshopper, and a stegosaurus sit down to eat dinner. This isn't a joke, it's an example of ~ creatures who exist on a diet of plant life only. >>> Mnemonic: herb (herb) + i + vorous (boars). Imagine a boar eating herbs (plants).


তোষামোদ; চাটুবাক্য; flattery; admiration that is more than is necessary or deserved >>> If you've ever been to a pop concert filled with screaming fans you've probably been exposed to ~ — praise so over-the-top it's almost embarrassing. >>> Mnemonic: adult boy flattering with his girlfriend.


তোষামোদী; courting favor by cringing and flattering; V. fawn: exhibit affection as a dog; seek favor or attention by obsequiousness (চাটুকার) >>> Use ~ to describe someone who's over the top in the flattery department. Like a ~ admirer who just won't stop complimenting your looks, showering you with gifts and otherwise kissing the ground you walk on. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is what ফাউল লোকজন does


ত্যাগ করা; give up; do without >>> The verb ~ means to give up or lose the right to something. >>> Mnemonic: forgot somoking


ত্যাজ্য করা; disown; renounce claim to; deny; CF. ~er >>> To ~ is to deny, usually in order to avoid blame. If you push your brother and he trips and falls, you might ~ responsibility for the action, saying he is just clumsy. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;..);claim is to own something, ~ is to disown something..


ত্রুটিসন্ধানী; severely critical >>> ~, an adjective, describes people who are so critical, they find something wrong in everything. Do not let ~ guests come to your next dinner party! >>> Mnemonic: overly serIOUS abt CENSORing---harshly critical or disapproving


দখলচ্যতু করা; take possession of (often for public use and without payment) >>> Use the verb ~ to describe the act of taking people's property, usually by a government. If you really like your neighbor's house, you may wish you could ~ the property. >>> Mnemonic: ex+propriate; depriving someone of his property --- property + ate (eat)


দগ্ধকারক / বিদ্দ্রুপ্কারক; burning; corrosive; able to burn by chemical action; sarcastically biting; (of remarks) intended to hurt; bitter; harmful; OP. harmless >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe any chemical that is able to burn living tissue or other substances, or, figuratively, a statement that has a similarly burning effect. ~ in this sense means harshly critical. >>> Mnemonic: ~ soda is very common and its "harmful " for health if taken in large quantity....therefore ~ means harmful or burning. Since its a soda its somehow related with chemistry as well..


দণ্ডাদেশ; judgment that someone is guilty of a crime; strongly held belief >>> A ~ is something certain: a judgment of guilty in court and a strong belief are both ~s. >>> Mnemonic: he is the 'convict', i dont have any doubt about it!


দয়াশীল হত্তয়া / নামিয়া আসা; (derog.) bestow courtesies with a superior air; descend to the level of one considered inferior >>> A snooty waiter might ~ to serve you dinner at a fancy restaurant, meaning that he'd consider himself far too important to carry out the mundane task of delivering your hamburger and fries. >>> Mnemonic: It has the word descend in it ,it implies descending to a lower position


দলপ্রিয় / সঙ্গ প্রিয়; sociable; (of an animal) tending to form a group >>> If you know someone who's outgoing, sociable, and fond of the company of others, you might want to call her ~. >>> Mnemonic: remember AGGREGATION means gathering something together... similarily AGGREGATION -> GREGATION ->~


দলবদ্ধভাবে প্রস্থান; departure (of a large number of people) >>> If the fire alarm goes off in your building, be sure to join the ~ of people who are heading outside to the parking lot. This is a departure of a large number of people. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);~- sounds like ek sau(100 in hindi) + dus(bus)= means 100 buses - a 100 buses carrying hundreds of pilgrims are just leaving from the bus depot.


দলাদলি; party; clique (within a large group); dissension >>> Fractions are smaller parts of whole numbers: one-quarter, one-tenth, one-half, and a ~ is a smaller portion of a larger group that breaks away from it. A ~ might take a fraction of the people from a large group and start a new group. >>> Mnemonic: ~ -> ~ means fraction of a large party


দলিলগুচ্ছ; file of documents on a subject or person; file; CF. bundle of papers labeled on the back >>> If you're a fan of spy movies, you've probably seen countless scenes in which an intrepid secret agent breaks into a secure government facility in order to steal a ~, or a collection of files. >>> Mnemonic: DOSE (ডোজ) - all dose are written in the medical ~ (document)


দানায় পরিনত করা; form into grains or granules >>> ~d means to form or reduce into grains. You've probably seen the word on a box of ~d sugar and not thought twice about the fact that, besides its granular form, sugar exists as a liquid and also inside sugar cane.


দাবা খেলার চাল (গুটি খাইয়ে দেয়া) / কৌশলগত সরানো; opening in chess in which a piece is sacrificed; action made to produce a future advantage >>> A ~ is a strategic move, often in chess but also in politics or business, where a player sacrifices something up front for future gain. >>> Mnemonic: GAMBLE - on cards, ~ - on chess


দাবি করা; state strongly or positively; demand recognition of (rights, claims, etc.); make a claim to (by forceful action); Ex. ~ one's independence >>> ~ing is all about standing up for what you believe. You might ~ an opinion, your innocence, or even your authority over someone else. >>> Mnemonic: 101


দাবিদার / অধিক চাহিদা সম্পন্ন; extremely demanding; Ex. ~ standard of safety >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something or someone very precise or strict in its requirements. If your teacher has ~ standards about spelling and punctuation, you better carefully check your final paper. >>> Mnemonic: ~.....he wants thing too be too exact and precise...hence he is making great demands!!!!


দাম্পত্য; pertaining to marriage >>> The adjective ~ describes all husband-and-wife matters, so if someone who is married says, "Single people don't understand how I feel," you can be sure it's a ~ situation. >>> Mnemonic: in Indian music we have JUGALbandi, which is harmony of 2 different intruments...can imply marriage frm it


দাম্ভিক; impudent disrespect; haughtiness; CF. haughty + rude >>> ~ is a rude, disrespectful act. The teenager's ~ got her in trouble with her teachers. >>> Mnemonic: well insolent sounds a bit like associate the meaning of insult whenever you think of insolent


দাম্ভিকতা; pride; haughtiness; ADJ. arrogant: unpleasantly self-important (with a strong confidence in one's own importance and a lack of respect for other people) >>> ~ is proud's meaner cousin. It suggests a selfishness and blindness to others. If you think your tennis game is so good that you don't practice, your ~ might cause you a loss to a newer player.


দায়গ্রস্ত / বাধিত; obligated; indebted; owing thanks; obliged or indebted from gratitude >>> The adjective ~ describes owing someone for something the person did to help you — it's your duty to repay the person. If your army buddy saves your life, you're ~ to help him when he gets injured. >>> Mnemonic: ~=(BE)st thing in someone's HOLD. so u r in a moral obligation to give him what he wants and get ur precious thing back. Be Hold one's Back (pashe thaka)


দাহ্য পদার্থ; easily burned; >>> ~ means "able to catch fire," like matches or the extremely dry forest floors that people sometimes forget are ~ — until they go up in flames. >>> Mnemonic: come bustible i.e. burnable.. something which is burnable like wood


দিক ও গতি নির্দেশক কম্পাস; apparatus used to maintain balance, ascertain direction, etc. >>> A ~ is a mechanical tool that can figure out the speed and direction of anything that it's attached to, and you can find ~ technology in compasses, airplanes, video games, and cell phones


দীর্ঘ কবিতার অংশ / কান্ড; division of a long poem >>> Long books have chapters. Long poems do, too. But a chapter in a long poem is called a ~. >>> Mnemonic: কাব্য কান্ত


দীর্ঘসূত্রী; delaying; tending to delay >>> Something ~ creates a delay. If you are a high school student, once in a while you might have used ~ tactics if you forgot to do your homework. >>> Mnemonic: delay + tory


দীর্ঘস্থায়ী; long established as a disease >>> If you smoke a cigarette once, you've simply made a bad choice. But if you're a ~ smoker, you've been smoking for a long time and will have a hard time stopping. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);initial part sound as crown !! crown + ic .. A king rules the nation for long time, hence his crown last for long long lasting


দুঃসাহসী; daring; bold; >>> This adjective is very bold — if you are ~, you are daring and unconventional! >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~..auda(AUDIBLE)....IF YOU WANT to be audible to millions of people you have to be very daring and bold ,to go to the stage and deliver your massege.


দুই ভূমির/ভূখন্ডের মধ্যে সংযোগ আইল; narrow neck of land connecting two larger bodies of land >>> An ~ is a land bridge, a narrow strip of land that stretches across a body of water to connect two larger land masses. >>> Mnemonic: land which is through Myanmer and us (BD)


দুর্গ; fortress >>> A ~ is a fortified structure designed to provide protection during a battle. So, back in the days when pillaging was commonplace, it was a good idea to know where your nearest ~ was. >>> Mnemonic: cita(Seeta) was captured by Ravana and was confined to his fortress with all his sena del(dal) protecting her...


দুর্গ; stronghold; something seen as a source of protection; Ex. the last ~ of male chauvinism >>> When the battle is getting long and the odds are getting longer, retreat to your ~ to regroup and prepare for the next round of fighting. A ~ is a stronghold or fortification that remains intact. >>> Mnemonic: বেষ্টনী


দুর্ঘটনা; serious or fatal accident; person killed or wounded in an accident or battle >>> In wartime, you'll hear the word ~ used often for someone killed or injured. But ~ can also refer to deaths or injuries suffered in an accident or some other unfortunate event. >>> Mnemonic: imagine ur on the road and having CASUALLY a TEA and a car hits u causing a fatal accident


দুর্ঘটনাপূর্ণ অভিযান / উচ্ছৃঙ্খল আচরণ; prank; flighty conduct; reckless adventure that disobeys rules >>> An ~ is an adventure, tinged with a hint of danger. A road trip could be an ~, or a few weeks making a living as a professional gambler, or posing as your twin sister and taking a test for her in math. >>> Mnemonic: You cannot ESCAP(ad)E from the police by giving PRANK calls.


দুর্দশা ; great hardship or affliction; misfortune; calamitous event >>> When circumstances or a situation works against you, you face ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;global);After UNIversity when you are jobless, you are in ~ (misfortune, great hardship).


দুর্বল / শক্তিহীন; powerlessness; feebleness >>> When faced with a situation when you need to act, sometimes you freeze. That feeling is called ~, when you're unable to make a move because you feel like you have no power. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:; means powerful);Puissant means powerful


দুর্বল করা; weaken (esp. through heat, hunger, illness); enfeeble >>> To ~ something is to make it weaker. A bad flu may ~ your powers of concentration, like the New Year's resolutions that temporarily ~ bakeries' business. >>> Mnemonic: De Bill and Ate - you dont have money so cant pay bill and ~


দুর্বল করা; weaken; take away energy from >>> When you ~ something, you disturb it, possibly weakening it mentally or morally. Perhaps knowing that its gambling and nightlife has been known to ~ some visitors, a certain desert city's slogan is a promise to keep their antics a secret. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);ENERV (w)asTE whn you waste you energy you become weak


দুর্বল করা; লাঘব করা; make thin; weaken >>> ~ is a verb that means to make or become weaker. The effects of aging may be ~d by exercise. (Or by drinking from the fountain of youth.) >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);If tenu(=you) eat(ate) less you will ~


দুর্বিপাক; ভুগানি; state of distress; trial; cause of distress or suffering; >>> An ~ makes you suffer, but you have to deal with it anyway. Diseases are often said to be ~s, but the word can mean just about anything that causes great suffering. >>> Mnemonic: it can be a combination of two words..affection and when there is a conflict in affection its a cause of great distress and suffering


দুর্ভেদ্য; invulnerable; impossible to capture or enter by force; Ex. ~ fort/argument; CF. take >>> When something is ~ it is not easily taken by force and can stand up to any attack. We usually use it in reference to some form of protection, like a fort or a solid defensive line in football. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);im-pregnable = cannot be made pregnant , In early days there used to be iron clothings around chaste maidens' waste so that they can not be made pregnant by strangers. thus these women were ~= invulnerable


দূত / চর; agent (sent on a mission to represent another); messenger >>> When presidents can't attend state funerals, they send an ~ to pay their respects. An ~ performs a specific job on someone else's behalf. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;global); one with a mission i.e an AGENT


দূষিত করা; pollute >>> The verb ~ means the same as pollute. Whether it's food, air, or water, when you ~ something, you make it impure or hazardous. >>> Mnemonic: con damn inate


দেউলিয়া; bankrupt; lacking money to pay; >>> Piggy bank empty? Nothing but lint in your pockets? Then you're probably unable to meet any financial obligations. In other words, you are ~. >>> Mnemonic: in + solvent = one who cant solve his debts.


দেবত্ব আরোপ করা; turn into a god; make a god of; idolize; Ex. Kings were ~ed; CF. deity >>> When you ~ someone, you're paying the highest compliment: you're treating them like a god. >>> Mnemonic: deit(=f)y ... reminds you of God..


দেবত্ব আরোপ; মহিমান্নিত করণ; elevation to godhood; an ideal example of something >>> If your teacher says the term paper you handed in last week is a work of genius that sets a new gold standard for the school, he's telling you your work is the ~ of term papers. The epitome. Perfection. >>> Mnemonic: theo- theological, somthing related to god. theology elevates oneself to god hood.


দেশগত / জাতিগত; prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or country; peculiar to a particular region or people; CF. pandemic >>> If you want to underscore just how commonly found and present something is within a particular place, try the word ~. Tight pants are ~ in my lunch room! >>> Mnemonic: simple think of epidemic as an epidemic desease that spreads a vast area and ~ disease as a disease that spreads only a confined area


দেহকোষের সাম্যাবস্থা; tendency of a system or organism to maintain relative stability or internal equilibrium; CF. homeo-: constant; Ex. homeotherm >>> ~ is a word you learn in biology. It refers to a cell's home state--the way it wants to be, and should be if everything that regulates the cell is working. >>> Mnemonic: Homeo (সম) + Static (স্থির)


দেহধারণ; act of assuming a human body and human nature; one who personifies something; personification; Ex. previous ~/re~ >>> ~ is the embodiment of a god on earth. Or — when it comes to re~: if you are a garbage collector in this life, you might get to be royalty in your next ~. >>> Mnemonic: You Know CARNATION it is garage chain where almost all the type of cars are repaired, Similarly in ~ religion which believes that we have Manny lives


দেহধারী; endowed with flesh; invested with bodily form; personified; Ex. devil ~; V: give bodily form to; embody >>> ~ means "having a bodily form." If you encounter someone who pulls off butterflies' wings for fun, you might describe that person as "evil ~." >>> Mnemonic: ~=In+Carna(l)te thus in carnal or in flesh as carnal=flesh.... so something in flesh or given bodily form, or personified


দোষক্ষালন করা; acquit; exculpate; free from blame or guilt >>> To ~ someone is to declare him not guilty of criminal charges. This word is pretty much only used in reference to proceedings in a court of law. A word with a similar meaning that might be familiar is "acquit." >>> Mnemonic: ~ break it as EX (gone) HONOUR (pride) ~ to bring back your gone or fallen honour by getting the blame off you.


দোষক্ষালন করা; clear from blame or guilt >>> To ~ means to find someone not guilty of criminal charges. If you've been wrongly convicted of robbery, you better hope a judge will ~ you, unless you want to go to jail because you've heard prison food is amazing. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like ex-culprit = culprit...but now he has been cleared of the charges.


দোষারোপ করা; charge (a public official) with crime in office; raise doubts about; indict; Ex. ~ a witness's credibility >>> ~ means to charge someone with doing something wrong, specifically a high government official, such as the US president, a senator, or a Federal judge. Fortunately, very few presidents have had the dishonor of being ~ed. >>> Mnemonic: i m "pee"ing in the bEACH(i m pe each),so the police caught me and accused me for the crime :(


দোটানা; the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes or opinions >>> Someone who shows ~ about a person or thing has conflicting feelings. If you love your mom but find her totally embarrassing you might feel ambivalent about having her give a presentation at your school. >>> Mnemonic: matches with "ambulance" . In case of severe emergency, inside an ambulance, you have mixed emotions.. bachega ya nahi!


দোষারোপ করা; attribute; ascribe; charge >>> The verb ~ can be used to blame someone for doing something bad, give credit for good work, or just tell it like it is, like when you ~ your lateness to my not telling you where to meet me. >>> Mnemonic: first *dispute - কলহ* then ~


দ্বিকক্ষবিশিষ্ট; two-chambered as a legislative body >>> If your committee has two distinct groups responsible for setting rules and developing policies, then you're involved in a ~ system, meaning that there are two separate branches making up the system. >>> Mnemonic: its like two(bi) camera are placed in two separate chambers


দ্বিখণ্ডিত / দুটি শাখায় বিভক্ত করা; divided into two branches; forked >>> Anything that is divided into two parts can be described as ~. The tips of snakes' tongues are ~ so that they can detect slight differences between scents on their left and right sides while probing the territory ahead. >>> Mnemonic: two (bi) + fali (fur) + kete (cate)


দ্বিধা করা; object (because of doubts, scruples); raise an objection (showing qualms); hesitate; Ex. ~ at the idea of working on Sunday >>> Your mother asks you to pick up your room. You refuse: you ~. Your friend wants to go to the Death Metal Forever concert, but you hesitate: you ~. Whether you strongly object, politely disagree, or hesitate to agree, you ~. >>> Mnemonic: if your boss ask to come to office on eid-day don't ~ to de + mur (দে মাইর)


দ্বিবার্ষিক; every two years >>> If you're just as fanatical about the luge as you are about beach volleyball, you probably know that the Olympic Games are on a ~ schedule. Every two years, either the Summer or the Winter Olympics takes place. >>> Mnemonic: BI (every 2) + ANNUAL


দ্ব্যর্থক;অনিশ্চিত অর্থ বিশিষ্ট ; unclear or doubtful in meaning; having more than one possible interpretation >>> Look to the adjective ~ when you need to describe something that's open to more than one interpretation, like the headline "Squad helps dog bite victim." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Pri);ambi means two/both..guous sounds like guess..both are wild guess so its doubtful


দ্রুততর করা; move faster >>> ~ means to speed up. A car ~s when you step on the gas. You can ~ the process of getting a visa if you happen to know someone who works in the consulate. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ sound's like "XLR8" remember the alien in BEN 10 which ~s and runs really fast.


দ্রুততা; nimbleness; ability to move quickly >>> ~ is the ability to be quick and graceful. You might have ~ on the basketball court or in the courtroom, or even with your gaming remote. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~ IS SIMILAR TO ABILITY...ABILITY to move fast and quick


দ্রুততা; speed; rapidity >>> While it looks a lot like celery, ~ means something that vegetables are not — fast moving. Gossip often travels with ~, as do children trying to get to a big plate of cookies. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Relate to: Accelerate = Ac (~) = which means speed up something or doing something rapidly.


ধকল; main impact or shock (of an attack or blow); Ex. ~ of the argument >>> If you are the oldest child, you might bear the ~ of your parents' anger, even if you are not the instigator of the misdeed. ~ means the worst part of something. >>> Mnemonic: ~: It sounds like *burnt*. The area of the land which was hit the meteoroid was badly ~ due to main impact/shock created by the collision


ধনধান্য;ধনসম্পদ;সমৃদ্ধি; abundance; wealth >>> ~ means great wealth and abundance, such as the great riches found by ancient explorers who exploited the new worlds of North and South America. >>> Mnemonic: affleunce= a flow of cents means wealth


ধনলিপ্সা; greed (for wealth); >>> Remember the saying "Greed is good"? It could just as easily be "~ is good," though admittedly it doesn't roll off the tongue quite the same way. ~ means a burning desire to have more wealth than you need. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~:look for CUPID HERE..cupid is the god of love. so ~ means having an desire or greed for wealth. cupid-wealth-~...greed for wealth.


ধনলিপ্সা; greediness for wealth >>> ~ is a fancy word for good old-fashioned greed. It's one of what some call "the seven deadly sins." >>> Mnemonic: ~- a + very + rich > a strong greed to be 'a very rich' person.


ধর্মদ্রোহী; irreverent >>> To be ~ is to be disrespectful of god or duty. When someone is being ~ they are doing things that their church, synagogue, temple, mosque, school principal, government or parents would find unacceptable. >>> Mnemonic: pious means with a -ve prefix,~ means not a person who is not religious lacks respect for god. synonym:IMPIETY


ধর্মবিশ্বাস; system of religious or ethical belief >>> Without reading the long document about the group's beliefs — its ~ — he knew he didn't fit in, because he just couldn't bow to the 12-foot statue of a rabbit, no matter what it symbolized. >>> Mnemonic: every breed has it's own ~


ধর্মমত; creed >>> ~ is Latin for, literally, "I believe," and originally meant a particular religious belief. Now it has the far broader meaning of any system of principles that guide a person or group. >>> Mnemonic: ~-- personal code of break it c+redo= codes u redo again nd again


ধর্মোপাসক; enthusiastic follower; enthusiast; Ex. ~ of Bach >>> ~ is a fancy word for "fan." Some people are super fans of Neil Diamond. Others save their love and adoration for Mozart. Either way, they are huge ~s of the musicians they love. >>> Mnemonic:


ধাঁধা লাগান; confuse; puzzle >>> If you have an identical twin, you've probably tried dressing alike so that people ~ you with, or mistake you for, one another. You've also probably learned that, unfortunately, this trick doesn't work on your mom. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);CONfusion FOUND == ~


ধাক্কা মারা / কনুই দিয়ে আঘাত করা; shove; bump; push against (someone) rather roughly; Ex. ~d by the crowds >>> The verb ~ describes being bumped and pushed in a horde-দল of people — or doing the bumping, like those at a concert who ~ their way to the front, and the people ~d out of their spots when the newcomers arrive. >>> Mnemonic: HOSTEL -> Hostile -> ~ = in hostel we sometimes ~ between frieds


ধাপ্পাবাজি করা; trick which makes someone take action; practical joke; Ex. ~ mail; V. >>> If you put on big fake feet, stomp through your muddy backyard and tell everyone you saw Bigfoot fixing a steak on your grill, you are playing a ~ on your friends. ~ is believed to be a shortened version of *hocus pocus*, thus conveying the feeling of trickery and sleight of hand. April First, also known as April Fools' Day, is a day of ~es.>>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;~:);rhymes with 'JOKES'. a practical joke or simply a trick


ধারা / রকম; particular variety of art or literature >>> A ~ is a specific type of music, film, or writing. Your favorite literary ~ might be science fiction, and your favorite film ~ might be horror flicks about cheerleaders. Go figure. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = generation = every generation has his particular variety of arts & literature


ধূসরাভ / প্রাচীন; white with age >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something that is old and worn out — like the ~ jokes your great uncle Albert clings (আঁকড়ে থাকা) to. >>> Mnemonic: white or gray with age --- *roary* - বুড়ো বাঘের roar become ~


ধ্বংস করা; destroy >>> Killing ends when the thing you are killing (your sworn enemy, all hope, a gerbil) is dead. ~ goes farther—when you ~ something, you wipe all trace of it from the earth. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Can be remembered by inhalation of poisonous gas that causes destruction and death,also the incident: Union Carbide subsidiary pesticide plant released 40 tonnes of methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas, killing approximately 3,800 people.


ধ্বংসাবশেষ / বর্জিতাংশ; rubble; wreckage; scattered remains of something broken or destroyed >>> ~ is trash scattered around after a disaster, like shattered glass on the road after a car accident. >>> Mnemonic: Don't pronounce the "s": ~ rhymes with "be free." of rubbish


নকল / সতস্ফূর্ত নয় এমন; unnatural and forced; artificial; not spontaneous; Ex. The ending was rather ~. >>> If you see something that seems fake since it was too perfectly planned out, call it ~. If you can easily predict the final minutes of a made-for-TV movie, then call it ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Con(not true, as in con artist, con job)+Try --not truly trying=Contri(ved) ie forced , artificial, not spontaneous


নকুলান্ধতা; ত্রুটি যার জন্যে যথযথ বিন্দুতে বাধাগ্রস্থ হই; eye defect which prevents proper focus; OP. stigmatism >>> The eye has a cornea — a clear, curved layer that protects it. If the cornea's shape is irregular, ~ results. People who have ~ see images as distorted, so they need to wear glasses or contact lenses. >>> Mnemonic: STIGMA is "a symbol of disgrace or infamy" so ~ is lack of seeing STIGMA or "impaired eyesight resulting usually from irregular conformation of the cornea"


নঙ্গর ফেলা; নোঙ্গরের সাহায্যে শক্ত করে বাধা; secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place; N. ~age >>> On a boat, an ~ is a heavy object attached to a rope. You toss it overboard, it sinks to the bottom, and your vessel doesn't move. ~ has the sense of what holds something in place. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is also a toothpaste brand in holds ur teeth


নতজানু হওয়া; bend the knee as in worship >>> If you are ~ing, you are on your knees — either physically or in spirit. Politicians are experts at ~ing to whatever idea or person is most popular at the time. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);If you had a conflict with your jaanu.. i.e 'Jaanu + conflict' > ganuflect.. at the end of the day you will be down on your knees : That's a general perception!


নথিপত্র; public records; place where public records are kept >>> ~, a noun, refers to records or historical documents, or the place where those records are kept, like the famous writer's ~ that scholars can see by visiting the library ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ : spell it as archies is a famous gift where collection of different gifts are there so it is a collection of many things in short storage place


নদীতীরের বাঁধ; earthen or stone embankment to prevent flooding; CF. raise >>> A ~ is an embankment, like a dam, constructed to prevent the overflow of a body of water. It can also mean a formal reception. How do these two words relate? Read on... >>> Mnemonic: In French, *lever* means to lift and se lever means to rise, literally "lift yourself." When the king rose from his bed and received visitors, that was a levee. When you raise up dirt or other materials to build a dam or ~, that's also a ~.


নমিত; determined; Ex. ~ on advancing in the business; N: natural talent or inclination >>> If you have a knack or aptitude for doing something, you can say you have a ~ for it. Perhaps you have a ~ for woodworking, creating fabulous desserts, or writing poetry, you are good at it. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;global);~~sounds like "bend it like beckham" a movie where a girl is determined to prove her natural talent of football


নম্রতা / নীচাবস্থা; humbleness of spirit >>> ~ is the quality of being humble. If you meet one of your heroes and feel nervous and in awe for her, you are experiencing ~. >>> humiliation (নাকাল) = Latin word *humilis*, which literally means *low*. If you feel ~ in front of someone, you feel small in the scheme of things — that you are just a simple, insignificant person.


নরকসম্বন্ধীয়; pertaining to hell; devilish >>> Things that come from Hell, or seem like they do, are ~. If your father tells you to stop listening to that ~ music, he thinks your tunes are hellish on the ears. >>> Mnemonic: Rhymes as IN+Funeral, someone who is always in funeral could be 'devilish'.


নরত্বারোপমূলক; মানুষাক্কৃতি বা বৈশিষ্ট সম্পন্ন; having human form or characteristics >>> Your favorite TV shows when you were a toddler probably had ~ characters like Thomas the Tank Engine or Arthur, who are non-human, but have human characteristics, such as human faces and the ability to talk. >>> Mnemonic: etymologically anthropos means 'mankind' and morph means 'shape or figure' ~ is having human form or figure


নষ্ট করা; waste (time or money on unimportant things) >>> A person who ~s chooses to spend their energy on things that are wasteful. You can ~ money, time, or energy, but once you've "~ed it away," you can't get it back! >>> Mnemonic: Food that Rotten and Bitter to ~ (waste)


নাকাল করা / ঘন ঘন আক্রমন করা; harass, annoy, torment (by repeated attacks); raid >>> When one army sends raiding parties into another's territory, they're ~ing them. They're not making an all-out attack, they're just trying to bother and distract the other army. >>> Mnemonic: হারে রে রে রেরে আমায় - ছেড়ে দে রে দেরে


নাছোড়বান্দা; urging; always demanding; troublesomely urgent or persistent >>> You know those people, who are so focused on what they want, that even when it is reasonable, their asking for it over and over gets really annoying? They, and their questions, can be called ~. >>> Mnemonic: Someone who is IM (not) PORTUNATE(fortunate) urges or demands for money to buy food.


নাটকের শেষে বক্তৃতা; short speech at conclusion of dramatic work >>> If you like to read the end of a book first, then maybe the ~ is for you. The ~ is a short piece that wraps up the end of a story. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = Dialogue (at the end of a play/drama)


নান্দনিক; artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful (of a person or building); >>> The adjective ~ comes in handy when subject is beauty or the arts. A velvet painting of dogs playing poker might have minimal ~ appeal. >>> Mnemonic: aes + thetic opposite of "pathetic"..means beauty


নামহীনতা; state of being nameless; anonymousness; ADJ. anonymous >>> If you want a little bit of invisibility, you might seek ~, or being anonymous and nameless. He was a very wealthy man, and he gave most of his money away with quiet ~, so no one knew who was helping. >>> Mnemonic: A+No Name ity... state of being nameless


নাস্তিক; unbeliever (with respect to a particular religion) >>> ~ is a nasty way of referring to someone who does not follow the same religion you do. How can you call people ~s and expect them to believe your religion is tolerant? >>> Mnemonic: Infy+Dell : NO ONE will BELIEVE if someone says infy and dell merged.


নাস্তিক; অজ্ঞেয়বাদ; one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god or any ultimate reality >>> If someone believes they cannot know whether or not God exists, label them an ~. A bad joke: Did you hear about the dyslexic ~ insomniac? He stayed up all night wondering if there was a dog. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english,hindi);~:we have nostic...its like nasthik in hindi which means a person who does not belive in god.


নিঃশর্ত / ব্যতিক্রমী / চরম; without exceptions; made without any doubt in mind; unqualified; absolute >>> If someone accuses you of stealing their lunch and you give a ~ denial, it means that you absolutely deny having anything to do with the theft. ~ means absolute, unqualified, unconditional. >>> Mnemonic: assume that there are two categories A & B and you have to put an object in one of when you put that object in a are ABSOLUTEly sure that it belongs there.


নিঃস্ব; extremely poor; lacking means of subsistence; utterly lacking; devoid; Ex. ~ of any experience >>> When you think of the word ~, which means poor or lacking other necessities of life, think of someone who is in desperate straits. A very, very tight budget is poor. Living on the streets is ~. >>> Mnemonic: prostitutes are ~, that's why they do all this dirty job


নিখুত; faultless >>> The adjective ~ describes something or someone without any flaws. A stand-up comedian needs ~ timing for his jokes to work. >>> Mnemonic: im+pecca( was there in our science book in class 2)...pakka house is always faultless as compared to kutchcha house.


নিজেকে জড়ানো; bring upon oneself >>> >>> Mnemonic: ~.....MR AMBANI ~red Rs 10000k loss during the stock market crash.....:)


নিদারুন যন্ত্রণা ; acute pain; extreme suffering >>> The noun ~ refers to severe physical or emotional pain or distress. A trip to the dentist might cause a cavity-prone person a lot of ~. >>> Mnemonic: L~ causes ~.


নিন্দা করা; express strong disapproval of; condemn openly (something dangerous to the public); disparage; Ex. ~ the violence of modern films >>> When you dye your hair pink and orange, your mother decries your act as a horror and bursts into tears. She criticizes your choice of colors, stating that pink and purple would have looked better. >>> Mnemonic: CRY after ~ : next time you ~ the idea of blogging, think of how it can be relevant to your business success


নিপুণ; skillful (in using mind or hand) >>> Someone who is ~ is clever and skillful. An ~ leader will be able to persuade people to go with his ideas. An ~ sculptor can turn a lump of clay into an object of great beauty. >>> Mnemonic: Remember with Detroit which is famous for its motorcycles,which are made by able, adept, artful, brainy, canny, clever, cunning, deft, dexterous, dextrous, expert, facile, finished, good, handy, ingenious people


নিপুণতা; delicate skill; V: handle with ~ >>> Having ~ means you can handle difficult situations with diplomacy and tact, like the ~ it takes to help two friends work out their differences — without taking sides or alienating either one. >>> Mnemonic: fine-ness...


নিপুন / চৌকস; skillful; skill in using hands or mind; >>> If you're ~, you're good with your hands. To be ~ is an essential trait for knitters and sleight-of-hand magicians. >>> Mnemonic: dexter, a cartoon charecter is someone ,who is very skillfull and uses his hands and minds in a very skillfull manner.


নিবৃত্তি / অবসান; stoppage >>> ~ is an end to something, such as the stopping of a bad habit, like the ~ of smoking. >>> Mnemonic: ~ comes from cease.. which means to stop..


নিভান / জলসিক্ত করা; plunge into water or liquid; dip; immerse; drench; wet throughly; extinguish; throw water over; dowse >>> Use the verb ~ to describe covering something with water or other liquid. When you're camping, you ~ the campfire with water when you're done with it. >>> Mnemonic: Do Use water to ~ fire


নিভৃত কুঠুরি; small chamber used for sleeping or work >>> A ~ is a small space partitioned off within a larger space for a particular purpose — usually reading or studying. Or just surfing the Internet. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;en);cubi -> cabin (a small room)


নিয়মিত আহারের বাইরে হালকা খাওয়া; a light meal >>> A ~ is the collection and ordering of materials, usually paper. It can be tedious and repetitive work, so most people are more than happy to let a copy machine do the job for them. >>> Mnemonic: col(collage)+late+on -->if u r late for coll u can have only a light meal :) --- ~ actually has two separate and very different meanings. After you finish the ~ of all those document pages, you might grab a quick ~. (That is, you deserve a light snack after all that organizing.) That's right, a ~ is also a light meal, usually cold, and often set out for people to take at their leisure. It sometimes refers to a small meal eaten on fasting days.


নিরন্তর পরিবর্তন; flowing; series of changes; fluctuation; Ex. in a state of ~ >>> The noun ~ describes something that constantly changes. If your likes, dislikes, attitudes, dreams, and even friends are changing all the time, you may be in ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Eng,hindi);~, the LUX company keeps changing its soap varieties, thers LUX pink, LUX black, LUX gold etc..


নিরপেক্ষ; not biased; fair; N. ~ity >>> If you're in a contest you'd better hope the judges are ~, that is, that they aren't biased toward one competitor over another. >>> Mnemonic: There are two PARTS. You don't favor either PART. You are ~.


নিরবচ্ছিন্ন; uninterrupted; unceasing >>> Something ~ continues without interruption. When you're on a cross country flight, it's tough to tolerate the ~ crying of a baby. >>> Mnemonic: IN(MEANS not)+cessa(sounds like CEASE (MEANS TO STOP)...something which does not stop , and continues forever, hence UNINTERRUPTED AND UNCEASING.


নিরাকার ;নির্দিষ্ট আকারহীন; formless; lacking shape or definition >>> In a scientific sense ~ means lacking a crystalline structure, something without solid form. In a broader sense, the word describes anything that lacks a distinct shape or organizing theme, be it a work of art, a political movement, or even someone's direction in life. >>> Mnemonic: In Greek 'morphe' means shape/form. So, ~(a + morph + ous) means 'without shape/shapeless'. Similarly 'morphing' means shaping(the original). 'Metamorphosis' = Change in form/nature


নিরাতঙ্ক; fearless >>> ~ is just a fancy word for describing a person or action that is bold and brave. Super heroes are ~ in their struggle for truth, justice and the American way. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);IN TRAP... you are fearless and confident that you will come out of it.


নিরানন্দ / শীতল বায়ু - তাড়িত; cold or cheerless; frigid; unlikely to be favorable; depressing >>> Something that is ~ is gloomy and depressing. If it's raining and dark, you might describe the night as ~. If you have looked for work and no one will hire you, you could describe your prospects as ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like leak, when someone leak urine in his pants he feels cold and cheerless


নিরাপদ; resistant to; free or exempt from; N. ~nity >>> To be ~ to something is to be resistant to it. If you had chickenpox as a child, you should be ~ to it now.


নিরূত্সাহ করা; discourage >>> If someone tells you not to be ~ed, they want you to stay upbeat and positive. Something that brings you down or steals your sense of hope ~s you. >>> Mnemonic: his failure to pass the exam dishearted (discouarge) him -- dis(this) heart আর কিছু করিতে চাহেনা


নিরূপণ করা; find out for certain; make certain >>> ~ is a verb that means to find out something. You might have to go to the bank to ~ if there is any money in your account. >>> Mnemonic: When you have determined your chances of admission into a college AS CERTAIN, then you have ~ed your chance to be 100%


নিরূপণযোগ্য; derived by reasoning; V. ~: infer; derive by reasoning >>> When something is ~, it follows logically from a general principle, meaning you can figure it out by working through it. Your school admits only geniuses? You've been admitted to your school? It's ~ that you're a genius. >>> Mnemonic: deduce means reduce so if the trust reduces we have to reason our statements...


নির্দয় / অপ্রশম্য; incapable of being pacified; impossible to appease; Ex. ~ enemy >>> An ~ person just can't be appeased. If you really offended your best friend and tried every kind of apology but she refused to speak to you again, you could describe her as ~. >>> Mnemonic: Sounds like IMPLEASABLE -- some one who cannot be pleased or appeased -- not pacifiable


নির্দিষ্ট কর্তব্য পালনের ভারপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তি বা কর্মচারী; official (who performs a particular function) >>> A ~ is someone who fills a specific role in a political party or some other organization. We tend to picture them as people in gray suits who follow the boss's orders and don't think for themselves.


নির্দেশক; suggestive; implying; serving to indicate >>> Use the word ~ when you want to show that something is suggestive or serves as a sign of something. Your willingness to help out with the charity is ~ of your generous nature.


নির্দোষ; beyond reproach; blameless; impeccable; Ex. ~ conduct >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something or someone blameless or not deserving of criticism. It can be annoying, but your parents strive to give you ~ advice when they tell you, "Study hard in school," and not "Party on!" >>> Mnemonic: ir+re+proach+able—reproach—re+proach—one who RE(AGAIN) PROACH(APPROACH) someone has he is not satisfied with work or who CRITIZE WORK, so reproach means to be critized or doubted, ~ means the opposite,i.e, undoubtable


নির্দোষ; spotless; flawless; absolutely clean >>> ~ means spotless, pure, and clean as fresh snow on a far-off mountain. Only obsessive cleaners can keep ~ homes, but it's a goal we can strive for, like that far-off mountain. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - Im + Maculate - without macule (spots) Macule is a spot or area of discoloration of skin.... so ~ is without macules.... spotless, clean,....


নির্ধারক; most reliable; authorative and complete; that cannot be improved; conclusive; decisive; Ex. ~ decision by the supreme court >>> A ~ answer is a final one. A ~ decision by a court of law is one that will not be changed. A ~ translation is one everyone turns to as correct. ~ means authoritative, conclusive, final. >>> Mnemonic: ~ -> definitions are complete answer of any question .


নির্বাচনে অন্যায় সুযোগ লাভের জন্য নির্বাচনী এলাকা ইত্যাদির পুনবির্ভাগ; change voting district lines in order to favor a political party; N. CF. Elbridge Gerry + (sala)mander >>> The verb ~ first appeared in 1812 when Massachusetts governor Elbridge Gerry redrew district boundaries, hoping it would help his party in an upcoming senate election. Then somebody noticed that the new district looked like a salamander (সরীসৃপতুল্য), so they combined Gerry and -mander to create the new word ~. And then a newspaper printed a cartoon with a giant salamander making fun of Gerry, which is what happens to politicians who don't behave.


নির্বাহ করা; put into effect; carry out; kill as a lawful punishment; >>> To ~ means to carry out in full or perform. If you ~ all the difficult steps of the dance perfectly, you will make your instructor proud. >>> Mnemonic: Execrate: Exact+rate: if you pay exact rate in the restaurant and no tip for the server, then he will curse you...


নির্বিকার; unshakably calm; placid >>> If you're ~ you are not easily upset. If your goal is to be ~, then you can't let things bother you or get you stressed, confused, or angry. >>> Mnemonic: im-'not'+perturb(able), meaning not a person who is not perturbed (disturbed) stays calm and placid.


নির্বোধ; very unrefined; grossly insensible; crude and undiscriminating; Ex. ~ behavior >>> A ~ comment is very stupid and shows that the speaker doesn't care about other people's feelings. In today's day and age, you don't have to wear black to a funeral, but to show up in clown pants is simply ~. >>> Mnemonic: grass eating people = ~


নির্বোধ ব্যক্তি; slow-thinking stupid person; CF. dull >>> ~ refers a person who isn't very smart. You might be called a ~ if you do something dumb, like stand outside your car complaining that you locked your keys inside — even though the window is wide open. >>> Mnemonic: BOLT (বল্টু)---one whose bolt is loose


নির্ভুলতা; infallibility >>> Something that has ~ is completely accurate and cannot be wrong. Many Christians believe in the ~ of the Bible. >>> Mnemonic: ERR in ~ stands for an error .. so IN+ERR+ANCY = No Error (No Fallacy) which means infallibility


নির্ভুলতা; unerring; never making mistakes >>> "Fallible" means capable of making mistakes — or, easier to remember — capable of failing. ~ means exactly the opposite — incapable of failing. >>> Mnemonic: IN(not)+FALL...A person who doesn't fall is a person who doesn't make mistakes....


নির্মূল করা; root up; uproot; destroy completely >>> The verb ~ originally literally meant "to weed out by the roots." Now you'd use it when you want to get rid of something completely as if pulling it up by the root. >>> Mnemonic: Lord Rama destroyed Ravana by shooting a tir-teer(arrow) in his pate(belly)....


নির্লজ্জ; insolent; without shame; bold; Ex. ~ lie; V: face with bold self-assurance or with unshamed confidence >>> With ~ disregard for the sign that said "no cellphones please" the woman took a long call in the doctor's office waiting room. ~ refers to something shocking, done shamelessly. >>> Mnemonic: Split the word ~ as Bra + Zen. Suppose you went out with your friends and saw a girl in a Zen car wearing only a bra. How was the attempt of the girl? Really bold and ~!


নির্লজ্জ; shameless and noticeable; blatant; bold; unconcealed; having no covering on the face; Ex. ~ lie >>> If masked means hidden, ~ means unconcealed. If you get caught speeding and reach into your wallet and hand the officer $20, that's a ~ attempt at a bribe. >>> Mnemonic: adding to above statement Bar Faced. strippers u know have to shameless in order to dance against pole(in bar) and so they are noticeable


নির্লিপ্ত; unprejudiced; free from bias and self-interest; objective >>> If you can't decide whether to purchase the shirt with orange polka dots or the purple paisley-patterned one, you might seek input from a ~, or unbiased, party (who will probably tell you not to buy either one). >>> Mnemonic: Dis (not) + Interested - not interested in any side


নিষেধাজ্ঞা; ban on commerce or other activity >>> An ~ is an order stopping the movement of trade ships into or out of a country. If you can't get those yummy Swedish fish, perhaps there has been an ~ on trade with Sweden! >>> Mnemonic: ~ = ban + cargo


নিষ্প্রাণ; lifeless; not animate >>> ~ describes a non-living thing. Chairs, baseballs, sofa cushions and sadly, snowmen, are all ~ objects. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);in + animate."Animation" means something moving,having life. "~" means without life, lifeless.


নিষ্ফল; not effective; not having a desired effect; weak >>> If you are a coach with a losing team that doesn't listen to you, don't be surprised if you are called ~. It means too weak to produce the desired effect. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:; global);IN = Not, effect sounds like effective. Thus, ~ = ineffective is UAL.


নিস্তেজ; lacking energy or vitality; weary; sluggish; listless >>> Describe a slow-moving river or a weak breeze or a listless manner with the slightly poetic adjective, ~. >>> Mnemonic: Latin verb, languere "to be weak or faint" --- when you are লাংটা nd doing হাগু your penis is ~


নীচ / জঘন্য / অসম্মানজনক; unworthy; not noble; dishonorable; Ex. ~ deed >>> ~ means not noble, but for those of us that don't live in feudal England and don't worry about lords or peasants, ~ just means base, or low, like that dude in Biology who's always telling fart jokes. >>> Mnemonic: igno(ignore)+ble(able) if something IS unworthy and not noble, ONE should be able to ignore them.


নীতিবচন; সংক্ষিপ্ত জ্ঞান্গর্ভোবাণী; pithy maxim or saying; >>> Use the noun ~ when you have something compact and astute to say, such as "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." >>> Mnemonic: ~---> a + phrase..


নীতিমূলক; (of speech or writing) intended to teach a moral lesson; teaching; instructional; N. ~ism >>> When people are ~, they're teaching or instructing. This word is often used negatively for when someone is acting too much like a teacher. >>> Mnemonic: didi always acts in a way she is teaching something...''didi-act'ic


নীরস মামুলী উক্তি বা বক্তব্য / গতানুগতিক; phrase dulled in meaning by repetition; platitude >>> If you've heard an expression a million times, chances are it's a ~. >>> Mnemonic: represents camera...~ means a remark that is overused....these days we make overuse of camera to take photos everytime to upload them on social networking site like facebook....


নূতন জলবায়ু সহ্য করিতে অভ্যস্ত করান; adjust to climate or environment; adapt >>> When you ~ yourself to a situation, you become used to it. It usually means getting accustomed to a particular new climate, but it can also mean getting used to other situations, such as a new school. >>> Mnemonic: Adjust ACCording to CLIMATE = ~


নৃতত্ববিদ; student of the history and science of humankind >>> If you like to go people watching and enjoy studying the ways that humans behave, then you might be a future ~


নৃত্যপরিকল্পনা; art of representing dances in written symbols; arrangement of dances >>> Use the noun ~ to describe the plan for how dancers will move on a stage during a show, play, or dance. You might particularly love the ~ in the movie "West Side Story." >>> Mnemonic: KO+RE+YO grapher where KO stands for country dance RE stands for retro dance and YO for the yo style of dancing as followeed in the rap


নৃশংস; person convicted of a grave crime; CF. ~y: serious crime >>> Technically, a ~ is anyone who's been convicted of a serious crime, but you can use ~ to describe anyone you think has done something terrible. >>> Mnemonic: ~ ফেলন - যিনি মনুষের গলা / কল্লা ফেলে বেড়ান - নৃশংস


নৃশংসতা; brutal deed; ADJ. atrocious >>> ~, acts of outrageous cruelty, are often committed during wars and armed conflicts. >>> Mnemonic: divide it like.atro(sounds like metro)+city ...and we always get the news of brutel and cruel behaviour ..from METRO (ATRO)CITIES...


নৈতিক অধ:পতন / লাম্পট্য; extreme corruption; wickedness; V.~ve >>> ~ goes beyond mere bad behavior — it is a total lack of morals, values, and even regard for other living things, like the ~ of a serial killer. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);people are deprived of their basic amenities because of the extreme corruption existing among the goverment employees


নৈতিক আদর্শ; >>> ~ is all about authoritative standards—for literature, sainthood, or behavior. Don't confuse it with cannon with two n's, the big gun that shoots bowling-size balls at the enemy. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like canun -> kanun -> set of laws; so ~ is the set of books containing kanun


নৈতিক সমর্থন; approve; support; tolerate; Ex. ~ his rude behavior; N: face; appearance >>> The noun ~ means the face or its expression. If you're a great poker player, you probably have a calm ~. >>> Mnemonic: (count+ten) A ten year old kid is learning how to count upto 10 and his dad's ~ gave kid a lot of encouragement


নৈরাজ্যবাদী; person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate of abolishing authority >>> Should you ever decide to form a club for ~s, you might want to keep this in mind: Running for club president will make you unpopular, since ~s prefer a stateless society and distrust ruling powers. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);Remember who is AN ARCHIST(archer) he aims at them and tries to destroy them(overturn)


ন্যায়পরায়ণতা; honesty; uprightness; wholeness; state of being whole and undivided; completeness >>> ~ is a personal quality of fairness that we all aspire to — unless you're a dishonest, immoral scoundrel, of course.


ন্যায়শাস্ত্রসম্মত / বিতর্ক শাস্ত্র সম্পর্কিত; relating to the art of debate; mutual or reciprocal; Ex. ~ situation; N. dialectic: art of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments >>> ~ describes how someone goes about finding the truth. If you're an investigative journalist, you probably use ~ reasoning. >>> Mnemonic: dialogue -> dialect (সংলাপ / তর্ক / কথ্য ভাষা) -> ~


পক্ষপাত; unfairness; >>> The noun ~ describes a situation that's not fair. If you feel, for example, that your brother gets to do whatever he wants while you must follow the rules to the letter, you might rage against ~. >>> Mnemonic: something not done equally so this is unfair


পক্ষপাতমূলক; able to see differences; discerning; prejudiced; >>> Someone ~ has fine-grained judgment and can tell, for example, the difference between pretty good cookies and incredibly great cookies — a valuable skill.


পক্ষীর ঝাঁক; large group; Ex. a ~ of starlets >>> A ~ is a flock of birds. Although the term can be used for a variety of birds, it most often refers specifically to a ~ of quail. Other terms exist to describe flocks of other types of birds, for example, a murder of crows. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like heavvy (a lot) - hevvy manush - ~ crowd


পচন; decay; V. ~: decay; break and separate into simple parts >>> ~ is the process of decaying or rotting. If you've ever left a carved pumpkin on the porch into late November, you have seen and smelled ~.


পচা গন্ধযুক্ত; malodorous; foul >>> If you want to understand the true meaning of ~, leave your sweaty gym clothes in your locker for a few days. ~ is a fancy way of saying that something smells really bad. >>> Mnemonic: when fat people "bomb", its all stinking and foul-smelling .. just to remember


পছন্দ / আনন্দ উদ্দীপনা; eager enjoyment; zest; enthusiasm >>> Whether you are eating a steak, playing table tennis, or cheering on your favorite team, you can use the word ~ to describe something you do with great enthusiasm. >>> Mnemonic: *গোস্ত* আমার খুব পছন্দ


পতঙ্গবিজ্ঞান; study of insects >>> ~ is the study of insects. If you want to know all about ants, roaches, scorpions, and skeeters, ~ is for you. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);ent(sounds like ant...and ants come under insects)+ logy(means study) studying about insects.


পত্রপতন কাল / ক্ষণস্থায়ী; falling off at a specific season or stage of growth as of leaves; Ex. ~ tree/teeth >>> Hemlock, blue spruce, and white pine are all evergreens. These trees have leaves throughout the year. Oak, maple, and elm are examples of ~ trees. They lose their foliage in the fall and grow new leaves in the spring. >>> Mnemonic: decide US; Decide at what time you want to be in the US; Spring or Fall semester.


পত্রশূন্য করা; destroy leaves; deprive of leaves (by the use of chemicals); >>> ~ means to take the leaves or branches off of a tree or bush. When your mom asks you to ~ the rose bushes, she wants you to trim them back. >>> Mnemonic: de(without, not having) + folio(foliage - বৃক্ষপত্রাবলী)....excessive use of chemicals can destroy the greenness of leaves.


পন্যের বিনিময় দ্বারা বাণিজ্যকারী; trader; V. ~: trade; exchange good for other goods rather than money >>> A ~ is a person who trades goods for other goods, instead of using money. You are a ~ if you trade your scooter for a skateboard. >>> Mnemonic: barter - পণ্যবিনিময় দ্বারা বাণিজ্য করা


পবিত্র; dedicate; sanctify; declare as sacred; Ex. ~ one's life to helping the poor >>> ~ means to make holy or to dedicate to a higher purpose. You need to ~ a building to turn it into a church, but you can also ~ a week in New York City to the pursuit of the perfect bagel. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = Con + Secrate (sounds like SACRED).SACRED is "holy". It refers to holiness when one dedicates his life to "god".


পর করিয়া দেত্তয়া; make unfriendly or hostile; estrange; separate; change the ownership of >>> When you ~ people, you make them stop liking or caring about you. Show up at a conference of cat lovers with a sign around your neck that says, "I hate kittens," and you'll learn firsthand what that means. >>> Mnemonic: alian+ate...if a alian comes and eat all food on earth .we all become unfriendly and hostile to it.


পরপর উল্লেখ করা; list; mention one by one >>> To ~ is to list or count off one by one. Before you ask for a raise, you better be able ~ all the reasons why you deserve more money. >>> Mnemonic: ~; NUMBER + IT means COUNT


পরমানন্দ; rapture; very strong feeling of joy and happiness; any overpowering emotion; ADJ. ~tic: causing or experiencing ~ >>> If you've ever been so happy that the rest of the world seemed to disappear, you've felt ~ — a feeling or state of intensely beautiful bliss. >>> Mnemonic: ec+STACY..remember "stacy's mom"..:P


পরমানন্দিত করান; please intensely; fill with rapture and delight >>> To ~ someone is cast an irresistible spell over them, to make them feel "rapture." I was ~d by her gorgeous voice and stunning way of interpreting a song. >>> Mnemonic: think of rap music which is good to hear.


পরস্পর বিচ্ছিন্ন হইয়া; into parts; apart; V. sunder >>> ~ is an adverb that means "into separate pieces." So if you've torn ~ the breakup letter from your girlfriend; you've forcefully ripped it into separate pieces — and rightly so. >>> Mnemonic: When u sit on something, as it is UNDER ur ASS it breaks apart due to pressure (~> ASS+UNDER)


পরাজিত মনোভাবসম্পন্ন; resigned to defeat or failure; accepting defeat or failure as a natural outcome; N. CF. ~ism >>> Having a ~ attitude means that you give up before you've even started, like the runner who is so convinced he's going to lose the race that he doesn't even bother to go to the starting line. >>> Mnemonic: ~-> A person who accept defeat is called ~.


পরার্থপর; unselfishly generous; unselfish concern for the welfare of others; unselfishness; OP. egoism >>> Someone who is ~ always puts others first. An ~ firefighter risks his life to save another's life, while an ~ mom gives up the last bite of pie so her kid will be happy. >>> Mnemonic: al+tru.. someone who is always true i.e. somelike Gandhiji.. unselfish concern for welfare of others


পরাস্ত; defeat; frustrate; prevent from being successful; thwart; CF. fail >>> You can serve as a ~ to someone if you show them to be better than you by contrast. If you can't dance but your friend Lisa can, you can be a ~ to Lisa's grace. >>> Mnemonic: foreign + oil -> Iran failed to sell oil to foreign (Europe)


পরিকল্পনা করা; think up; invent; plan; bequeath; N: bequest >>> To ~ is to figure out a plan. Men twirling long mustaches might ~ a plan to tie someone to the railroad tracks. >>> the wise people can plan (~) and invent


পরিত্যক্ত / অভাগা; sad and lonely; wretched; desolate >>> Sniff, sniff, boo-hoo... use the adjective ~ to express loneliness and feeling left out. >>> Mnemonic: for + lorn (নির্জন) - for lonely man


পরিত্যাগ করা; renounce under oath; abandon; make a solemn promise to give up; CF. abjure >>> To ~ is to give up an idea, belief, or habit that you've had previously. New Year's is a popular time to ~ anything from sweets to bad relationships. >>> Mnemonic: for swear - I'll give up smoking


পরিধান করা; put on; OP. doff >>> To ~ means to put on, as in clothing or hats. A hunter will ~ his camouflage clothes when he goes hunting. >>> Mnemonic: ~ used to 'PUT ON' diverse sorts of clothes to escape from the CBI or FBI.


পরিবহন / যানবাহন; vehicle; transfer; act of ~ing; Ex. public ~ >>> ~ is a formal word that can mean either the transportation of something from one place to another, or the vehicle that does the transporting. >>> Mnemonic: con = together, "veyance" is similar to "voyage". then "~" means the "vehicle" that we use for transportation together.


পরিবেশ; আবহমণ্ডল; environment; atmosphere; Ex. restraurant with a pleasant ~; ADJ. ambient: completely surrounding; Ex. ambient temperature >>> ~ is another word for atmosphere in the sense of the mood a place or setting has. If an expensive restaurant has soft lighting and peaceful music, it has a pleasant, soothing ~. >>> Mnemonic: if u can remember, the room spray called ~,then that will do things easy.a room freshner is sprayed to keep the room environment or atmosphere smell nice..


পরিবেষ্টন করা; surround; include; Ex. His activities ~ publishing and computers. >>> > ~ means to contain. When you see the word, picture a campus which ~es lecture halls, a football field, a medical center, a dining hall and some parking lots. >>> Mnemonic: We use compass to draw circle which sorrounds or includes da area with in it


পরিশ্রমী; diligent; hard-working; >>> If someone comments that you are very ~, they are complimenting you for working hard and tirelessly. You can have the evening to yourself if you're ~ enough during the afternoon to get your homework and chores done. >>> Mnemonic: ~..if you want to be an INDUSTRIalist you have to be DILIGENT and HARD-WORKING.


পরীক্ষা / বাধা; stop motion; curb or restrain >>> ~: Small word, loads of different meanings. One of the most common is "to inspect or verify." You might ~ the oven to see if your cookies are done. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;chess);in chess when we ~ the king he cant move we are stoppping his motion


পলান; depart secretly and hide >>> ~ is to escape into hiding, often taking something along. As a kid, you may have ~ed from your lemonade stand â with the coffee can of cash in hand, and your bewildered sister still filling cups for your customers. >>> Mnemonic: ~ ab + scond. Absent in a second. When you will absent in a second? =when u STEAL OFF & HIDE, or when u DEPART secretly.


পল্লবগুচ্ছ; masses of leaves >>> ~ refers to the leafy parts of a tree or plant. "Don't eat the ~ on the rhubarb plant because the leaves are poisonous and eating them can be fatal; the stems, on the other hand, are tasty." >>> Mnemonic: ফলজ বৃক্ষ - a lot of leaves


পাঁড়; deep-rooted; habitual; CF. grow old >>> If you're an ~ doodler, all your notebooks are covered with drawings. If you're an ~ golf player, you probably get twitchy if you haven't been out on a course in a week. >>> Mnemonic: In this word. we have a root ie.. veter--that have lasted a long time and seem likely to continue. This itself gives an idea of the meaning.


পাখি রাখিবার জন্য কাটরা; enclosure for birds; large cage >>> An ~ is a place where birds are kept, such as a building at the zoo or a bird sanctuary. It can be a peaceful place to visit, but watch out for nasty surprises dropping from birds overhead. >>> Mnemonic: not a mnemonic.. just something that can help.. ~ is where birds are kept and apiary is where bees are kept.. this might help relate in some way..


পাণ্ডিত্যপূর্ণ; (of a person or book) learned; full of learning; scholarly; N. ~tion >>> If you call someone ~, that means they show great learning. After you've earned your second Ph.D., you will be truly ~. >>> Mnemonic: e(education) olden days people who were higly educated were basically very they were having profound knowledge of a subject they use to behave very rudely with less educated or illiterates people.


পাণ্ডুবর্ণ করা; bleach; whiten; make white or pale >>> To ~ is to turn pale, usually as the result of a physical or psychological shock. Nineteenth century literary heroines were frequently ~ing — before they fainted, that is. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;global);~ resembles blank..which is generally refered as a white ~ means to leave it whiten


পাণ্ডুরোগাক্রান্ত; yellowed; prejudiced (envious, hostile, or resentful) from long and disappointing experience of human affairs; Ex. with a ~ eye >>> So you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror. To your surprise, and horror, instead of your usual rosy complexion, your skin is yellow and the whites of your eyes are yellow, too! You, my friend, are ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ as we know is yellowed .. so when our eyes are also yellowed we cannot see correctly .. hence pejudiced


পাতন করা / পরিব্যাপ্ত করা; pass into or through; penetrate or enter (an organization) sneakily; Ex. ~ the troops into enemy territory >>> If you ~ a group or organization, you join it in order to gain information, like an employee of a donut shop that ~s the competition to try to learn its "secret recipe" for its delicious dough. This verb is familiar to international spies and undercover agents, who are all adept at joining a group under false pretenses, fitting in, and working their way up to the highest ranks in order to find out as much information as they can about the group >>> Mnemonic: IN+FILTER(water filter)....In filters water ~S through porous membrane so that the impurities are removed....


পায়ের বেড়ি; shackle; restrict the freedom of; N. chain or shackle for the foot of a prisoner; CF. foot >>> A ~ is a shackle or chain that is attached to someone's ankles. To ~ someone is to restrict their movement, either literally or metaphorically. You might feel ~ed by your parents' rules, even without the chains. >>> Mnemonic: FEET তার বাধা


পারদর্শী; expert at; very skilled >>> Are you looking for another word to describe a person who is highly skilled, very proficient or expert at something? Try the adjective ~! >>> Mnemonic: a+depth, a person who has deep knowledge


পারস্পরিক সম্পর্ক; mutual relationship >>> ~ is something that scientists are often trying to show--is there a ~ between smoking and poor health or between napping and productivity? How about daily flossing daily and good grades?


পার্থক্য; honor; excellence; difference; contrast; discrimination; Ex. graduated with ~; Ex. a writer of real ~ >>> When you are marked for ~, it means you are someone who is going to do well in life. You will set yourself apart from others. ~ means being set apart, often by excellence.


পাললিক;পলি সংক্রান্ত ; pertaining to soil deposits left by running water >>> ~ refers to the stuff left behind by running water. Think of a city in the aftermath of a flood--streets littered with things that had once been floating--tree branches, parts of buildings, and lots of lots of sand and silt. >>> Mnemonic: আলু ভালো হয় - পলি মাটিতে


পালিশ করা; make shiny by rubbing; polish >>> That seductive gleam on that Porsche behind the dealer's window? It's called a ~, a gloss only achieved by loads of polishing. Likewise, you can ~ resume, by polishing it until it's perfect. >>> Mnemonic: Remember Varnish - used on wooden things to make them shine


পাশাপাশি স্থাপন করা; place side by side; CF. next >>> See the word "pose" in ~? When you ~, you are "posing" or positioning things side by side. >>> Mnemonic: ~..just place something just next to something.


পিণ্ডীভূত অবস্থা / স্তূপ; mass of material sticking together >>> ~ is a fancy word for a bunch of stuff brought together. People, companies, ideas, and other things can group together in ~s. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is like agglomeration which means a collection of things


পিস্তল রাখার খাপ; leather pistol case (that hangs on a belt around the waist) >>> The noun ~ looks like holder and that's exactly what it is. Some ~s hold a single item, like a gun, and others are more like tool belts, holding many small items. >>> Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with gangster.. a gangster wud ve a ~ with him to keep his pistol and Bolster Himself


পুরুষত্বহীন; weak; ineffective; lacking in physical strength or power >>> ~ means lacking power or authority. Captain Bligh was ~ in the face of Christian's mutiny. It also refers to a man's inability to achieve or maintain an erection. If a man is sterile, or unable to reproduce, he is also called ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;general);~: im (means Not) + potent (force, power, influence) : Not having power


পূর্বপুরুষ; ancestors >>> Your father, grandmother, and great grandfather are all your ~. A forebear is an ancestor, or someone you are descended from.


পূর্বপুরুষগণ; family descent; ADJ. ancestral >>> Have a family tree hanging on the wall? Then you know a bit about your ~, or family history and lineage. >>> Mnemonic: Coming down from ancestors.


পূর্বপ্রস্তুতিহীন / উপস্থিত বক্তৃতা; not planned; impromptu; extempore >>> ~ means spoken without preparation. The orator's performance was impressive, but only after we learn that his speech was ~ did we realize the true depth of his talent. >>> Mnemonic: TEMPORARILY done in haste and so not planned.


পূর্বাদেশ প্রত্যাহার; cancel; revoke (an order) >>> When an officer in the military shouts, "Belay that order, Private!" that is a ~. A ~ is an order that cancels or reverses an earlier command. ~ is also used as a verb meaning "to cancel or revoke." >>> Mnemonic: counter + counter the previous command.


পূর্বাভাস দেত্তয়া; give an indication beforehand; be a sign of (what is coming); portend; prefigure >>> To ~ is to predict something or to give a hint of what is to come. If you could take a stereo apart and put it back together at age five, it can ~ a successful career in electronics. >>> Mnemonic: A 'shadow' of an assasin alerts you 'before' his arrival.


পৃষ্ঠদেশীয়; relating to the back of an animal; Ex. ~ fin >>> ~ is a word taken from anatomy (the study of the body) and refers to things that have to do with one's back. The movie "Jaws" should have been called "~ Fin," because that's almost all you ever see of the famous shark. >>> Mnemonic: ~-Door +Seal. So if the DOOR is SeAled you go from "BACK SIDE". --- Italian "dorso" - পিঠ --- imagine villain just killed someone and then ঘোড়ার পিঠে উঠে - দৌড়া শালা (dor sal)


পেটুক / খাইয়ে লোক; epicure; person who takes excessive pleasure in food and drink >>> A ~ is someone obsessively and unhealthily devoted to eating good food and lots of it. >>> Mnemonic: souds like government..and in india..anything of government is free for if government plans to provide free food people will eat excessively...beyond their capicity..because we take pleasure in anything which is free to us. - গরুর মন্ড খাওয়া


পেটুক; someone who eats too much; ADJ. ~ous: given to ~y; greedy; CF. ~y: habit of eating too much >>> Do you like to eat and drink — I mean, really like to eat and drink? Then you might be a ~. >>> Mnemonic: He is such a ~ and eats so much that the BUTTONS on his shirt begin to pop out !


পোক্তা / সুদৃঢ় / অদ্রবণীয়; permanent; impossible to dissolve or disintegrate >>> ~ describes things that are really hard to destroy or dissolve and that last a long time, like steel and hard plastic or strong friendships. At five syllables, the word in-dis-sol-u-ble itself even lasts a long time in your mouth. >>> Mnemonic: oil and water are ~ and remain permanently separate when mixed up


প্রকট করা; expose as false, exaggerated, worthless, etc.; ridicule >>> When you ~ something you show it to be false. For over a century people have tried to ~ the notion of natural selection, but no one has succeeded. It's a very hard idea to ~. >>> Mnemonic: when you bunked (পালান) your college, and got caught by your teacher... your teacher exaggerated this fact and ridiculed you in front of the class.


প্রকাণ্ড; huge >>> ~ describes something so large it makes you say, "Whoa!" You might have a ~ amount of homework, or see a ~ pyramid while vacationing in Egypt. >>> Mnemonic: remember the colosseum - one of the seven wonders of the world, which was a huge theatre in the olden days


প্রকাণ্ড; huge; enormous; gigantic >>> Whether you're talking about your ~ appetite or a ~ building, use the word ~ to describe something so big that big just isn't, well, big enough to accurately describe it. >>> Mnemonic: word ~ came into English in the 16th century from *Gargantua*, a character in a series of *French novels* of the adventures of two giants who were father and son


প্রকাশ করা; draw out fact or information (by discussion or from someone) >>> When you ~, you're bringing out a response of some sort. A good comedian ~s a lot of laughs. >>> Mnemonic: implicit - which is understood .. explicit - means specifically told/derived so ~ - explicit


প্রকাশ করা; reveal >>> ~ means to reveal or expose information that has previously been kept a secret — like a politician might be forced to ~ his finances or former scandals while running for office. >>> Mnemonic: close is to keep something hidden or covered whereas ~ is the opposite of close..i.e to expose or reveal..


প্রকোপ / ব্যাপ্তি; rate of occurrence; particular occurrence; Ex. high ~ of infant mortality >>> ~ means the frequency with which something bad occurs. You'll hear of "~s of cancer" or "~s of war." You hope the ~ is decreasing, not increasing.


প্রচণ্ড ক্রোধে ক্ষিপ্ত; mad with violent anger; frenzied; madly excited >>> ~ is another way of saying deranged, destructively violent, or unrestrained. Like a wailing toddler ravaging the playroom when he's hopped up on sugar and long overdue for a nap. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);ye to BER ber hi kiye ja raha hai. lagta hai dimag SARAK gaya hai iska


প্রচণ্ডবেগে ধাবমান; violent; hasty; rash; impulsive; without careful thought; Ex. ~ decision >>> Someone ~ acts too hastily or carelessly. Hotheaded, impulsive folks are ~. >>> Mnemonic: im(not)-pet-tuo(to)-us...a dog which is not our pet will be very VIOLENT and RASH.


প্রচলিত ধর্মমতের বিরোধী; (of beliefs) against accepted opinion; unorthodox; unconventional >>> ~ is from the Greek root words *heteros*, meaning "the *other*," and *doxa*, meaning "*opinion*." The adjective ~ was first applied to people who held a different religious opinion from the standard beliefs and teachings.


প্রচলিত মতের বিরুদ্ধ বিশ্বাস; opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to accepted religion; ADJ. ~[^sy]tical >>> ~ies are beliefs that do not agree with the official beliefs of a particular religion; ~ is the maintaining of such contrary beliefs. >>> Mnemonic: Taslima Nasrin, her (her)+esy(sounds like essay)... most of the essays written by her are against popular beliefs --- হেরেছি আমি হেরেছি - সবার মতের বিরুদ্ধে গিয়ে আমি হেরেছি


প্রচলিত রীতি; social or moral custom; established practice; formal meeting; international agreement >>> A ~ is a meeting, usually of a particular group. Political parties, teachers, plumbers, gardeners, toymakers and computer designers all hold ~s. >>> Mnemonic: A group of people who agree upon the Christian practice of tranditional worship CONVENE (gather together) every Sunday in church. They are adhering to a ~.


প্রচলিত রীতিবিরোধী; attacking cherished traditions; N. ~ast: one who attacks traditional ideas; one who destroys sacred images >>> The word ~ is an adjective referring to a breaking of established rules or destruction of accepted beliefs. It might refer to an artist with an unorthodox style, or an ~ attack, either physical or verbal, on a religious doctrine or image. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Greek);icon = idol clash = fragments. So, one who destroys idols into pieces is iconoclast.


প্রচার করা; distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds) >>> ~ means to spread information, knowledge, opinions widely. Semin- derives from the Latin word for seed; the idea with ~ is that information travels like seeds sown by a farmer. >>> Mnemonic: This Seminar ~ the knowledge


প্রচুর; plentiful >>> If you have a ~ amount of something, you have a lot of it. If you take ~ notes, you'll do well when it comes time for review sessions — unless you can't read your own handwriting. >>> Mnemonic: By copying in an exam, some get a LOT of marks


প্রতারণা / বিভ্রান্ত করা; deceive >>> To ~ is to trick or fool, often in relation to yourself. If you ~ yourself into thinking your mom's chocolate cake is low in fat, you'll be disappointed to find out it's made with two sticks of butter! >>> Mnemonic: very close to the word elude (কৌশলে এড়ান), and when you elude someone in a clever way ,you are actually deceiving them.


প্রতারণা করা; cheat; hoodwink; swindle >>> To ~ is to mislead, defraud, or fool someone through lies. ~ rhymes with dozen, and if you say you had two wrong answers on your math test, but you really had a dozen, you might be trying to ~ your parents. >>> Mnemonic: Instead of a DOZEN, he took 13 bananas, cheating the shopkeeper.


প্রতারণা করা; deceive; mislead or delude; cheat; pass time pleasantly; charm or attract; Ex. beguiling smile >>> To ~ is to trick someone, either with deception or with irresistible charm and beauty. You could be ~d by a super model or by a super con artist. >>> Mnemonic: A takeoff from the mneumonic for guile, which is Guys guile Girls for sex; ~ is girls attract and lour in guys for their money and nice cars.


প্রতারণাপূর্ণ; cheating; deceitful; Ex. ~ means >>> Something ~ is intentionally false and meant to harm or deceive. That email message from the Sultan of Brunei offering you millions of dollars just might be ~. >>> Mnemonic: fraud(fraudulen).. one who is fraud... deceptive, one who cheats


প্রতারণাহীন; without deceit >>> If you are ~, you are not a liar; you are innocent, and you might be a touch on the gullible (অতিসরল) side. >>> Mnemonic: "guile" means to decieve guile+less means no deception, only honesty.


প্রতারিত ব্যক্তি / প্রতারণা করা; someone easily fooled or deceived; V: deceive >>> A ~ is a furry, ceremonial hat occasionally worn during ancient pagan rituals... or not. ~ actually means "trick or deceive." We're sorry we tried to ~ you into believing the wrong definition. >>> Mnemonic: duplicates(in movies) are used to fool people....


প্রতিকূল;বৈরী; going against; opposing; unfavorable; hostile >>> Steer clear of ~ anything. If it's ~, it's working against you — like ~ weather conditions or the ~ effects of waxing your back. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;global);~ = ad + verse (versus) versus means compilation/fight between two Opponents so, it is something which shows OPPOSITION


প্রতিকৃতি / পুত্তলি; dummy; likeness of a person made of wood, paper, or stone; Ex. burn an ~ of the President >>> In modern usage, ~ most often refers to a likeness, such as a dummy, that is hanged, burned, or otherwise abused when protesting the despised person's actions. >>> Mnemonic: a fig(ure) y


প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতা; struggle; compete; assert earnestly; state strongly >>> To defend a belief or keep affirming that it's true is to ~. A lot of supporters would ~ that the earth was flat, but eventually, when no one dropped off the edge no matter how far they traveled, the "round" theory won. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;~...sounds very similar to content. So to Have Good Content you have to Compete );~...sounds very similar to content....when the content of your essay is not good, you have less chances of COMPETEING WITH the other's essay.


প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী;প্রতিপখ্ক্ষ; opponent; enemy >>> An ~ is someone who fights against or opposes another. In tennis, you stand across the net from your ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);ADam VERSus hARRY --- They are opponents , advesaries


প্রতিবন্ধ; block; obstacle; V. ~er[^rance] >>> A ~ is something in the way, an obstacle. An untied shoelace is a ~ to walking, and tripping in the lunchroom might be a ~ to getting a seat at the cool table. >>> Mnemonic: ~...HIDE-ENTRANCE....which means obstructing..obstacle or block


প্রতিবন্ধক; something that discourages or deters >>> A ~ makes you not want to do something. Let's say there's a giant pile of cookies being guarded by an angry dog — the dog is a ~. >>> Mnemonic: detergent is ~ against dirts(ময়লা)


প্রতিভাসম্পন্ন; marked by inventive skill; clever; resourceful; N. ~ity >>> Something ~ shows creativity and inventiveness. If someone compares you to Einstein, they're implying that you, too, are ~. >>> Mnemonic: think of a genius


প্রতিমা; religious image; idol; image or representation >>> An ~ is a symbol. It can be literal—-like the little trashcan on your computer screen—-or metaphorical--as in a singer so well known by ten-year-olds, he's called a pre-teen pop ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;similar lookin words);~ ==> idol


প্রতিরোধ করা; hide; retard or obstruct the progress of; block >>> To ~ something is to delay or block its progress or movement. Carrying six heavy bags will ~ your progress if you're trying to walk across town. >>> Mnemonic: ~ from impedance meaning resistance


প্রতিলিপি / প্রতিপক্ষ; thing that completes another; things very much alike; thing that has the same purpose in a different system >>> If you leap tall buildings in a single bound for the Des Moines branch of your corporation, then your Metropolis ~ might be Superman. That means you and Superman do similar jobs, but in different locations. >>> Mnemonic: counter + part >> remaining part which completes something...


প্রতিলোম / বিপরীত / একে অপরের বিপরীতে বসে কথোপকথন করা (v); opposite; ADJ. >>> ~ is a more formal way of saying "carry on a conversation." You could ~ with your best friend for hours over lunch, but continue the chit-chat through the afternoon matinee and you might get shushed. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;rhime);Sounds like INVERSE.


প্রতিশোধ নেওয়া; take vengence for something or on behalf of someone; Ex. They ~d his death by burning the village; Ex. He swore to ~ his brother; Ex. They ~d themselves on their enemy. >>> If you ~ your father's death by killing his murderer (thereby taking revenge for the crime), there is a good chance you'll end up in jail, if you're caught. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like, you killed the man to fulfil your revenge and ~d your brother's death.


প্রতিষেধক ঔষধ; রোগ প্রতিষেধক; remedy to counteract a poison or disease; Ex. ~ to the economic troubles >>> An ~ is a remedy that relieves. So if you get headaches from long bus rides, it's best to travel equipped with the key pain alleviating ~s: Tylenol, lots of water and soothing music. >>> Mnemonic: "anti(against) + dote(u find two dots where a snake(poison) bites)" i.e, 'remedy for a poison'


প্রতিষ্ঠাতা / ডুবে যাওয়া; person who establishes (an organization or business) >>> The person who creates an organization or a company is known as the ~. ~ is also a verb meaning "fail miserably," which is something a company's ~ hopes the company will never do. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = fo + under = go + under = sink


প্রতিহত করা; prevent; avoid; turn away (eyes or thought); Ex. An accident was ~ed by his quick thinking; Ex. She ~ed her eyes from the terrible sight. >>> To ~ is to turn away or to prevent. You might ~ your gaze or ~ a disaster — either way, you are avoiding something. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like DIVERT.


প্রত্নতত্ত্ব; study of artifacts and relics of early mankind >>> If your idea of excitement is sifting dirt to find bits of pottery, chances are that you're an ~ enthusiast. ~ is all about understanding the past by analyzing material culture — that is, objects shaped by human hands.


প্রধান; chief; most important; N: priest; ~ number: number that shows quantity rather thatn order >>> In Catholicism, a ~ is a high-ranking bishop. In math, you use ~ numbers to count. A ~ rule is one that is central and should not be broken. >>> Mnemonic: '~' also means pertaining to the 'heart' and the heart is the 'most important' part of our body. It is responsible for the working of our body.


প্রফুল্ল / ফূর্তিবাজ; gay; joyous >>> The adjective ~ used to mean happy and carefree, but over time it's acquired a new understanding of someone who isn't paying attention the way they should. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~== Be-light- Hearted. means care free


প্রফুল্ল; able to float; cheerful and optimistic; N. ~cy; Ex. ~cy of wood/water/American market >>> Something that is ~ floats in water. Since floating is happier than sinking, ~ also refers to things are fun and upbeat. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ = Boy + ant when a boy feels like an ant, which is very light , he feels very light and lively.


প্রবাসী / নির্বাসিত করা; exile; someone who has withdrawn from his native land; V: exile; banish; leave one's country >>> An ~ is someone who lives in another country by choice. If you leave your split-level ranch in Ohio and move to a writers' commune in Paris for good, you've become an ~. >>> Mnemonic: read ~ as EX-PATRIOT, now no more a patriot, as the person withdrew from his native land and settled somewhere else.


প্রভাবিত করার ক্ষমতা; great influence (especially political or social); hard blow with fist >>> When you speak of someone having ~, it usually means that they communicate a sense of power or influence, particularly in the political sense. "You'll wanna talk to that big guy over there if you want me to let you in. He's got ~." >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like cloud. cloud have gr8 influence over a region.


প্রভাবিত;ভানকৃত; artificial; pretended >>> If a company is hit by job cuts, its employees will probably wonder whether they'll be ~ — meaning they'll experience a change to their employment status. >>> Mnemonic: ~.....past form of SOMETHING which has nothing to do with facts....or reality hence ARTIFICIAL AND THE KEY WORD HERE IS FACT...reality..and opposite of it artificial....


প্ররোচিত করা; start; urge; provoke; incite; Ex. ~ a search/quarrel >>> When you ~ something, you start it, but the word carries conflict with it. If you are suspended for wearing a political t-shirt, the incident might ~ days of protest by students and faculty. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);I am always motivated whenever I see the Institute gate (relate to ~) of "MIT".


প্রলুব্ধ করা; entice; attract; tempt >>> If you find yourself making eyes at that stranger across the coffee shop, chances are there is an ~ about him or her — something mysteriously, powerfully attractive and tempting. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;global);~= allu+ re= if a beautiful girl sells alu by shouting allu re, all guys will get attracted


প্রলুব্ধ; avaricious; desirous of (someone else's possessions); >>> To be ~ of something is to want it and to be a little jealous of anyone who has it. The advertising industry's goal is to make you ~ of the things that other people have — that way, you'll buy them. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = split it as cove(love) + to + US ; because of excessive greed and the love for money ~ people go to USA. i remembered like that.


প্রশংসা ও শ্রদ্ধাজ্ঞাপক; serving to complete something >>> If something is ~, then it somehow completes or enhances the qualities of something else. If your beautiful voice is completely complimentary to your brother's song writing skills, you should form a family band! >>> Mnemonic: Husband and Wife are ~ ie. they both try to make life complement


প্রশংসা করা; praise; N. ADJ. ~able: praiseworthy; ADJ. ~atory: expressing praise >>> To ~ someone doesn't mean to give them knighthood, but to praise them extravagantly — usually in a very public manner. Being ~ed, of course, can have the same tonic effect as having been made a lord. >>> Mnemonic: O, Lord! Let me ~ You for all your help


প্রশংসাত্মক উক্তি; expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death; V. ~ize >>> At every funeral, there comes a moment when someone who knew the dead person speaks about their life. They are delivering what is known as a ~. A ~ is a formal speech that praises a person who has died. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = eu-'good' + log 'root: logue [dialogue, talk, speech]' => Good speech


প্রশমিত করা; mak less severe; ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger) >>> If you ~ an unpleasant feeling, you make it go away. Assuaging your hunger by eating a bag of marshmallows may cause you other unpleasant feelings. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);ass-usage in the toilet gives huge relief


প্রশমিত করা; weaken; mitigate; lessen the seriousness of (bad behavior) >>> To ~ is to make less of something or try to minimize its importance. The fact that you walked your little sister to school because she missed the bus might ~ your teacher's response when you show up late. >>> Mnemonic: rhymes with attenuate meaning WEAKEN


প্রশস্ত; spacious >>> When something is really big and holds a lot it is ~, like a woman's ~ purse that is so big, people mistake it for a piece of luggage. >>> Mnemonic: ~ -- relate it to Capacity -- An ability to hold.


প্রশ্নোত্তরে ধর্মশিক্ষা; book for religious instruction in question-and-answer form; religious instruction by question and answer; >>> A ~ is a series of questions and answers. Catholic children study a ~ as part of their religious education; it outlines the principal tenets of their faith. >>> Mnemonic: ~ (Break it like CAT + MECHISM) Where CAT reminds us of CAT (the exam) and CAT(HOLIC) so Christianity funda... MECHISM reminds us of MECHANISM (Question Answer Pattern of the Exam). --- TEaCH


প্রশ্রয়দানকারী; humoring; yielding; lenient; showing ~ce >>> Someone who is self-~ gives themselves a lot of treats. Parents who are ~ cave to ever desire their child expresses. ~ means lenient, or overly generous. >>> Mnemonic: ~= INDULGE+ GENTLE. Parents who Indulge in issues of there children and are very Gentle. So they lean to the wishes of their children.


প্রসারণীয়; malleable; pliable; (of metals) easily pulled into shape; flexible; (of someone) easily influenced or controlled >>> If you can bend or shape a substance, it is ~. Play-Dough is ~. Wooden blocks are not. >>> Mnemonic: রাজ হাঁসের (duck) গলা ভেতরে ঢুকে থাকে - টান দিলে (tile) বের হয়


প্রস্থ / প্রসার; width; extent >>> If you measure the distance of an object from side to side, you are measuring the object's ~: "Theodore measured the ~ of the table before buying it to make sure it would fit in his small kitchen." >>> Mnemonic: Bra width = size or extent of bra.


প্রহসন; broad comedy; mockery; humorous play full of silly things happening; ADJ. ~ical >>> A ~ is a broad satire or comedy, though now it's used to describe something that is supposed to be serious but has turned ridiculous. If a defendant is not treated fairly, his lawyer might say that the trial is a ~. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like FARTS....what a comedy show in which FARTS and farting was basic knack/talent to be shown.


প্রাক্ - বংশপরিচয়; পূর্ব পুরুষগণ, পূর্ববর্তী ঘটনা যা পরবর্তী ঘটনাকে প্রভাবিত করে; preceding events that influence what comes later; ancestors or early background >>> An antecedent is a thing that comes before something else. You might think rap music has no historical antecedent, but earlier forms of African American spoken verse go back for centuries.


প্রাচীন; antiquated; no longer used; belonging to the past; N. >>> If you use the adjective ~ you are referring to something outmoded, belonging to an earlier period. Rotary phones and cassette players already seem so ~! >>> Mnemonic: Archealogy - study of old things.. ~ - The old things on which we study..


প্রাচুর্য / উচ্ছ্বাস; overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm; flamboyance; lavishness; ADJ. ~rant: high-spirited and lively; growing abundantly and strongly >>> Use ~ to describe joyful enthusiasm and liveliness. You appreciate the natural ~ of small children, but you prefer to enjoy it from a distance. >>> Mnemonic: Indo-European root that has brought the word "udder" (উদর / বাঁট) - amount of milk a cow can give


প্রাণঘাতী; deadly >>> ~ refers to anything dangerous enough to cause death. The cobra's venom is so ~ that if you get bitten and can't find the antidote, it's lights out forever. >>> Mnemonic: ~ weapon


প্রাণবন্ত; lively; spirited >>> Something that seems full of life and movement is said to be ~. ~ films for television and movies include cartoons, Claymation, puppets, and computer-generated images, which are all simulations of living things.


প্রাণিকুল; animals of a period or region; CF. flora >>> When you go on a nature walk in a school setting, you teacher might tell you to observe the flora and ~ in the woods. Flora is plant life; ~ refers to animals. >>> Mnemonic: ~ & Flora sound similarly. ~ = animals <> Flora = plants


প্রাপ্য অর্থাদি প্রদান করা; pay out (as from a fund); N. ~ment; CF. purse >>> If someone wants to ~ funds to you, stick around — it means they're going to give you money! >>> Mnemonic: i PAID money with DIS PURSE(rhymes with burse)


প্রায়শ্চিত্ত করা; make amends for (a sin) >>> In the fairy tale, the baker must ~ his father's sins by bringing the witch three ingredients for a magic potion: a cow, a cape and a slipper. ~ means to make amends or atone for a wrong you or someone else has committed. >>> Mnemonic: Rhymes as Ex Pirate. An ex-pirate always tries to ~ his guilt.Ex pirate becomes pious.


প্রায়শ্চিত্ত করা; make amends for; pay for; Ex. ~ for >>> To ~ is to do something "right" to make up for doing something wrong. Religious believers are known to ~ for their sins, but even students can ~ for a past failure by acing a quiz or two. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;All);at+own(one) - he realised his mistake 'at' his 'own' and wanted to make amends for it..


প্রারম্ভিক; beginning; in an early stage >>> ~ means something is in an early stage of existence. In its ~ form, basketball was played with a soccer ball and peach baskets for goals. Bouncy orange balls and nets came later. >>> Mnemonic: inci(INITIAL)+pie(nt)(PAYment)...wen only d initial payment is given, ur house wil be partially constructed!! -- Latin incipere "to begin." The related, and more commonly used, word inception means the beginning or the start


প্রাসঙ্গিক; pertinent; bearing upon(having connection with) the case at hand; appropriate >>> ~ means relevant; it fits in. If you are giving a speech on dog training, stick to the ~, canine stuff. Topics that would not be ~? Catnip toys, hamster wheels, and the use of a saddle. >>> Mnemonic: ভয়ঙ্কর কুত্তা is a ~ speech on GERMAN SHEPHERD dog.


প্রিয়জনের মৃত্যুর শোকসূচক; state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved; state of being bereft >>> If you have ever mourned someone's passing, you know about ~ — the period of sorrow that follows the death of a loved one. >>> Mnemonic: be-leave-ment; this is the state when some one LEAVEs us forever


প্রেমমুগ্ধ; in love; Ex. ~ of his own beauty; V. ~: inspire with love >>> The rock star wasn't ~, or in love, with the idea of performing old-fashioned ballads, until his agent told him there'd be no big paycheck until he started crooning (গুনগুন) out those romantic tunes. >>> Mnemonic: Enamor is a famous brand of bra. Who's not "in love" with bras? :P


প্লাবন; সামাজিক বিপ্লব (আকস্মিক ও প্রচন্ড পরিবর্তন); deluge; upheaval; earthquake; violent and sudden event or change >>> The hurricane battered the coast, causing the city to flood, and tens of thousands of people were stranded without food or water. When an event causes great suffering, we call it a ~. >>> Mnemonic: it is a CATASTROPHE in the earth's surface.


ফলপ্রসূতা; power to produce desired effect; >>> The degree to which a method or medicine brings about a specific result is its ~. You might not like to eat it, but you can't question the ~ of broccoli as a health benefit. >>> Mnemonic: effic(EFFICIENT)+AC(Y) just check out if your AC has the efficiency to PRODUCE DESIRED cooling .


ফাঁদ; lure or bait; V. >>> A ~ is a fake version of something used to play a trick or lead you into danger, like the cork duck ~s hunters put on the pond to make the real ducks think it's safe to stop by. >>> Mnemonic: Coy (নম্র) means shy, girls act coy to attract guys. ~ traps animals;


ফাঁস করা; reveal >>> If you've been sneaking around with your best friend's boyfriend, that's probably one secret you don't want to ~, because revealing that tidbit of information will probably cut your friendship short. >>> Mnemonic: di + vul + ge: দিয়ে ভুলে গেলে!! ফাঁস করে দেব কিন্তু


ফাটল / গহ্বর / অতল; abyss; very deep crack >>> A ~ is a deep divide, either literal or figurative, such as a giant ~ in an ice cap or the growing ~ between two friends who haven't spoken in a long time. >>> Mnemonic: chashma.. if it has a crack, it is difficult to see


ফালতু, অপ্রয়োজনীয় জিনিস; lacking in seriousness; flippant; self-indulgently carefree; unworthy of serious attention; relatively unimportant; trivial >>> ~ things are silly or unnecessary. If something is ~, then you don't need it. >>> Mnemonic: Free + valueless


ফিনফিনে পোশাক (সচ্ছ); sheer; transparent >>> If a dress is so see-through that light shines through it revealing the goods beneath, it's ~. Also known as "sheer," "transparent," or just plain "sexy," but ~ is so much classier. >>> Mnemonic: " modern gowns are ~" .i.e transparent --- ~স্বচ্ছ phone


ফুটকি; spot; mark with ~s; N: small mark or spot >>> A ~ is a small patch (তালি) that is different from it rest, standing out from the background, like ~s of green in your blue eyes or ~s of light shining on the ground under a tree. >>> Mnemonic: blonde hairs ~ed with brown.


ফুলানো / গাঁজান / প্রভাবিত করা / তাড়ির বীজ (n); add ~ to; cause to rise or grow lighter; enliven; N: agent, such as yeast, that causes dough (মাখা ময়দার তাল) to rise (by fermentation); element that lightens or enlivens >>> ~, as a noun, is that which causes transformation. It's the source of yeast that makes your bread rise, it's the risen bread, and it's anything that changes the nature of something else. >>> Mnemonic: Lift up to the hEAVEN...tht is rise u ll rise up to heaven only when u grow lighter(in wt.)


ব - দ্বীপ; flat plain of mud or sand between branches of a river >>> Named for the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet (shaped like a triangle), a ~ is a triangular area where a major river divides into a larger body of water. >>> Δ


বকবক করা; chatter rapidly or unintelligibly


বকশিশ; n. money given to sb who has done one a service; tip ; >>> A ~ is a tip that's given by a customer in exchange for services. You might leave a ~ of several dollars when you eat lunch in a restaurant or when you get your hair cut. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;GRATE-FUL);"how 'grateful' of you!" you say this after having a tip..


বক্তৃতা; serious speech, writing, or conversation; formal discussion (either written or spoken); conversation; V. >>> If you use the word ~, you are describing a formal and intense discussion or debate. >>> Mnemonic: রেসকোর্স ময়দানে ~


বক্তৃতাবাজ; person who appeals to people's prejudice; false leader of people; CF. ~ry >>> A ~ is someone who becomes a leader largely because of skills as a speaker or who appeals to emotions and prejudices. >>> Mnemonic: demo(means people) agogue (means leading ) so it adds up to leading people in a wrong way... syn:rable rouser


বক্রোক্তি / নিহিতার্থ; indirect or subtle (derogatory) hint; insinuation; Ex. sexual ~ >>> Speaking in ~ is when you say something indirectly — often of a hurtful or sexual nature. >>> From Latin ~, by hinting, ablative of innuendum, gerund of innuere, to nod to : *in-, to, toward + -nuere, to nod*.


বদমেজাজি; stinging; caustic; bitter in words or manner; N. ~: bitter ill-natured animosity in speech or behavior >>> Locked in a mean-spirited, bitter argument? That's an ~ situation that might result in fists flying unless you and your opponent can cool down. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~= Take Acr as Acroo (hindi) and Mon as man(hindi) , so it means acroo man wala .acroo manner


বদমেজাজী; ill-humored; irritable >>> If someone is ~ he has a difficult disposition. Take care not to throw your ball into the yard of the ~ old man down the street — he'll cuss you out and keep your ball. >>> Mnemonic: split it into can+tanker+ous : read this as 'kaan' (ear in hindi)+ taker + us, one who is irritable will always have a one below ear (slap) from us.


বদরাগী; hot-tempered; bad-tempered; irritable; easily angered; >>> Are you easy to tick off? Known to have a short fuse? Then, you could be described as ~. Don't worry; it's not a disease related to cholera. ~ just means you're testy and irritable. >>> Mnemonic: cholera is a disease . When you are sick you get irritated and bad-tempered, you are ~. So ~


বদ্ধমূল; deeply established; firmly rooted; Ex. ~ dirt/prejudice >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe the strong beliefs of someone who has thought that way for a very long time, such as the ~ patriotism of a 20-year military veteran. >>> Mnemonic: if we divide this into three see that middle part...grain....which is the seed of a food plant,,,and we know that food plant is always deeply rooted in the soil before it matures and devlop seeds.


বন্ধুত্বতা; সদ্ভাব ; friendship; peaceful relationship as between nations >>> The word ~ refers to a peaceful, friendly nature, much like the French word for friend — "ami." >>> Mnemonic: ami means friend in usually words which involve ami=friend. ex: amiable, amicable, ~ etc


বন্ধুভাবাপন্ন; মিত্রভাবাপন্ন; peaceful; politely friendly; not quarrelsome; Ex. ~ settlement >>> The adjective ~ means "friendly" — but in particular, use it when describing relations one might otherwise expect to be unfriendly. The end of a romantic relationship that's less than ~ might involve broken dishes or broken bones. >>> Mnemonic: ~= tkae mic means microphone which always makes sound and opposite of it is peaceful.


বন্য; (of an animal) not domestic; wild >>> When animal control finds a ~ dog, they have to handle it very carefully because the animal is so wild that it's probably afraid of humans and likely to bite. >>> Mnemonic: ফেরারী -> ফেরার -> বন্য


বমি করা; surrender something (stolen); eject; vomit; OP. gorge >>> There's really no way to put this delicately. ~ is just a fancy word for "puke." You know... "Barf." "Spew." "Upchuck." Usually applied to birds or animals rather than people. >>> Mnemonic: dis + gorge (কণ্ঠনালী) = vomit


বরখাস্ত করা; eliminate from consideration; no longer consider; put out of court without further hearing; reject; discharge from employment; direct to leave; ADJ. ~ive; N. ~al >>> At the end of a lesson period, your teacher says, "class ~ed." This means that you and the rest of the students are free to go. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);DIS(these)-MISS(girls) are careless drivers , they ELIMINATE FROM CONSIDERATION the traffic around & so are REJECTED @ licence interview..!!


বরাদ্দ করা; assign; set apart for a particular purpose >>> To ~ is to set aside a certain amount of money for an expense. You usually hear about the government allocating funds for education or the military, but you may personally ~ some of your allowance to buying comic books. >>> Mnemonic: ~- to locate, and then set apart for a certain purpose.


বর্জিত; empty; lacking >>> You're stranded in the ocean, miles from shore, clinging to a sinking boat, and you can't swim? Sorry to say, your situation is ~ of all hope. >>> Mnemonic: void - resembles something nullified, ie empty, lacking.


বর্ধন; সংযোজন করা; attach to; add on, append, supplement; >>> When you ~ something, you stick it on to something else. You might ~ a stamp to a letter or ~ colorful stickers to your notebook. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;global);~ sounds like suffix or prefix, that means add at end or begining, so ~ means attach or add on


বর্ষানুক্রমিক ইতিবৃত্ত বর্ষ ভিত্তিক ঘটনা বলির বিবরণী; records arranged in yearly parts; history >>> ~ are chronological historical records. Some ~ recount the achievements of war heroes; others, in the form of high school yearbooks, record historically terrible hairstyles. >>> Mnemonic: ~ as channels which keep records of everything


বলপ্রয়োগ আদায় করা; wring (কচলাকচলি করা) from; get money by threats, etc.; obtain by force or threats; CF. ~ionate: exorbitant >>> To ~ is to use information or the threat of violence to acquire cash or something else. ~ion is a classic shakedown, a gouge (প্রতারণা), a squeeze. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);EX + TORT relate TORT to TORTURE. Threatening someone to get money out of him is obviously a torture.


বলপ্রয়োগদ্বারা বাহির করা; force or push out; thrust out; shape (plastic or metal) by forcing through a die >>> If you force material through an opening to give it form or shape, you are extruding the material. You can use a pasta maker to ~ the pasta dough in various shapes — from spaghetti to linguine to macaroni. >>> Mnemonic: INtrude is to enter whereas ~ is to force or push OUT (ex means out)


বশ্যতা / অনুবর্তিতা; conformity in fulfilling requirements; readiness to yield; disposition to yield to others; >>> ~ is what you do when you try to fit standards set down by someone else. A restaurant chef's ~ with a new sugar-free menu might inspire even the pastry chefs to follow the recipes. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like complete alliance, therefore completely into agreement and ready to yield


বশ্যতা; বিশ্বস্থতা ; loyalty >>> Every second grader knows how to pledge ~ to the flag, but do you think they realize when they place their right hand over their hearts that they're expressing loyalty to what we call the "Red, White, and Blue"? >>> Mnemonic: We have heard the fancy stories of ALI and his GIN... his gin is COMMITTED and LOYAL to him.. hence ALLE + GI(A)N + CE...


বশ্যতাস্বীকার; courteous regard for another's wish; courteous yielding to another's wish or opinion (showing respect); OP. effrontery-ঔদ্ধত্য >>> Sure you wear ripped jeans to school every day, but you don't wear them to your grandmother's house out of ~ to her. When you show ~ to someone, you make a gesture of respect. >>> Mnemonic: if there is no DIFFERENCE between you and him, then you will respect his wishes.


বহন করা; provide for the payment of; undertake the payment of; pay >>> If your mother says she will ~ the cost of your next move, say thank you. She means she will take on some of the expenses for you. >>> Mnemonic: fray (ঘষিয়া ক্ষয় করিয়া ফেলা) - your jeans got frayed and you parent will ~ to buy a new one


বহিঃস্থ; not essential; irrelevant; superfluous; external; coming from the outside; Ex. ~ details/noise/to the subject >>> ~ means coming from or belonging to the outside—~ noise is what you hear when you're in a theater and a train passes by, ~ wires bring your cable connection into the house. >>> Mnemonic: Think of news channels....EXTRA+NEWS...In order to get TRP, news channels show irrelevant or unrelated things hence the news are most of the times ~


বহু লোকক্ষয় করা / গণহত্যা ; kill (usually one out of ten or every tenth man); destroy or kill a large part of >>> If something is drastically reduced or killed, especially in number, you can say it was ~d. "The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico ~d the wildlife along the coast." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Eng);deci [means 10]mate[in ,chess mate means killing a king]so it sound like killing a king in every 10 people,so to kill a king u have to kill 10 ie make killing at huge amount.


বহুরুপী; lizard that changes color in different situations >>> Look closely at that branch or leaf — you might be able to spot a ~ hiding. These little lizards are able to change color and adapt to their backgrounds, blending in to hide from predators. >>> The history of the word ~ goes back to the Greek word khamaileōn, which meant "lion on the ground," maybe because of the creature's somewhat scary face, or maybe because the ridge around the creature's head looks something like a lion's mane. In Old French it became chaméléon, which stuck. Today there are two acceptable spellings, ~ and chamaeleon. We often use the word today to refer to a person who is changeable or inconsistent.


বাঁকাভাবে; crookedly; slanted; at an angle >>> Although it sounds like a sneeze, the word ~ means lopsided or turned and tilted to the side. Like your glasses might be after, well, a sneeze. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Also it can b taken as SCREW which is not straight,it is bent, zigzag etc


বাক্পটু; expressiveness; persuasive speech; ADJ. ~t: movingly expressive; expressing ideas well so that the hearers can be influeneced >>> ~ is powerful, moving, magnificent use of language. Simply put, if you have ~, then you're one smooth talker. >>> Mnemonic: e+loque..(means speech) someone who can Effectively deliver a speech.


বাক্প্রণালী / বাগধারা; expression whose meaning as a whole differs from the meanings of its individual words; distinctive style (of expression); Ex. ~ of the modern popular music; ADJ. ~atic >>> An ~ is a form of expression that is particular to a certain person or group of people. If your friend always says, "squirrelly nuteriffic!" when she means something is great, she's using her own ~.


বাক্যবাণ; mock; make jeering remarks; N: jeering remarks >>> "Loser! Bonehead!" the kids shouted, tossing those words and other ~s at the people who offered themselves up to the annual humiliation of the harvest-fest dunk-tank. A ~ is an insulting comment. To ~ is to insult. >>> Mnemonic: শয়তান তোর *জিবে* টেনে ছিড়ে দেব


বাগাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ; (of a person or speech) using high sounding or important-sounding language; pompous; bombastic >>> ~ is a fancy term for, well, being fancy or pretentious. In fact, you might say ~ is itself a pretty ~ word. >>> Mnemonic: ~...GRAND+ELOQUENT only an ELOQUENT speaker can deliver a POMPOUS/BOMBASTIC speech in front a HUGE/GRAND crowd......


বাচাল; loquacious; wordy; talkative >>> A ~ person just won't stop talking (and talking, and talking, and talking...). >>> Mnemonic: origin Latin word *garrire* for "chattering or prattling."


বাছবিচারহীন; choosing at random; confused; not based on careful distinctions >>> Nuclear bombs are ~, as are earthquakes. They affect everyone in their path rather than picking or choosing. When something is ~, it makes no fine distinctions. >>> Mnemonic: in-'not,unable' + discriminate, meaning you are unable to discriminate between the right and the wrong. In such a situation you get CONFUSED and CHOOSE something RANDOMLY.


বাজেয়াপ্ত / জব্দ করা; seize; take possession of (private property) by official order (usu. as a punishment); commandeer >>> To ~ means to take away temporarily for security or legal reasons. It implies an act by an authority upon one of less power. If you use your cell phone in class, the teacher might ~ it for the day. >>> Mnemonic: fist means hand. ~ is grabbing, taking away, seize, taking possesion.


বাটালি; swindle or cheat; N: wedgelike tool for cutting >>> When you carve a statue from a block of marble, you use a tool called a ~ to cut out the shape. ~ is the name of the tool and also the name of the action. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);~ sounds like diesel...we know there r lot of impure petroleum products sold so those who sell diesel ~ the customers. চাছা-ছোলার যন্ত্র


বাতিল করা; make void >>> When a celebrity wakes up in Las Vegas with a mysterious wedding ring on her finger, the first thing she'll probably want to do is ~ the marriage. That will declare it invalid and officially cancel the whole deal. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;C Programming);AN NULl value is VOID.. C programming !


বিক্ষিপ্ত / খেপা; upset; distracted by anxiety; very anxious and troubled almost to the point of madness; Ex. ~ with grief/worry >>> If you are upset, you are ~. If you want to explain why you are pulling your hair out, just utter "Leave me alone; I'm ~" It'll work. >>> Mnemonic: This year's drought (খরা) made people ~ (upset and anxious)


বিচক্ষণ; shrewd in money matters; thrifty >>> If you're a ~ investor, you know how to spend money to make money — that is, you're prudent, farsighted, and capable of protecting your own interests, particularly in matters of finance or business. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like Granny. Granny is shrewd in money or business matters.


বিদ্বেষপরায়ণ; evil; malignant in intent or effect; deadly; having a malign influence; portending evil; ominous; threatening; Ex. ~ look >>> ~ means the foreshadowing of tragic or evil events. If no one's listening in class and your teacher reprimands you with a ~ glance, expect a pop quiz. >>> Mnemonic: when we pronounce this word this word sounds simillar to word painful........and anything painful is always a result of an evil act


বিদ্রূপকারী; skeptical or distrustful of human motives; person who believes all people are motivated by selfishness >>> If you think public officials are nothing but a bunch of greedy buffoons, you have a ~ attitude about politics. >>> Mnemonic: ~ is one who is skeptic of others because he thinks they have done SINs


বিদ্রূপাত্মক; expressing ~y; occurring in an unexpected and contrary manner >>> If something is ~ it's unexpected, often in an amusing way. If you're the world chess champion, it would be pretty ~ if you lost a match to someone who just learned to play yesterday. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Remember ~ as Iron. Imagine that people were mining a new place in that place they were amazed that unexpectedly they found Iron but no one were sure either it was Iron or not. So it was contrary outcome.


বিনা প্রস্তুতিতে; without previous preparation; off the cuff(end of a sleeve); on the spur of the moment >>> Some of the best kinds of parties are ~ ones, when you decide at the last minute to get together. The adjective ~ describes things done or said without previous thought or preparation. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);just remember prompt of in[promptu] that's it


বিনামূল্যে প্রদত্ত/ ভিত্তিহীন; given freely; unwarranted; uncalled for; done without good reason; Ex. ~ comment >>> ~ means "without cause" or "unnecessary." Telling ridiculous jokes at a somber occasion would be a display of ~ humor. >>> Mnemonic: Gratuity is given freely


বিপথগামী হওয়া; turn aside; turn away from a straight course >>> The verb ~ describes blocking something or changing its course. Hockey goalies ~ the flying puck with their sticks or blockers, making it travel in a different direction, preferably to a teammate's stick. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like reflect. If some thing reflects, it turns away


বিপথগামী, অস্বাভাবিক; abnormal or deviant >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe unusual conduct. Sitting in a bathtub and singing show tunes all day long might be considered ~ behavior. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag: Global) ab (away) + err (error) + ant : focus on ERR and ANT. Ants normally move together in a queue. imagine all these ants moving randomly like a group of honey bees. That would be abnormal behaviour.


বিপদের সম্ভাবনাপূর্ণ; filled (with something unpleasant); full; Ex. ~ with danger and difficulties; CF. freight (মালবাহী) >>> ~ means filled with something — often something bad. Your Thanksgiving was ~ with awkward moments when your family saw your blue hair, and it only got worse when you told them you'd quit law school to join the circus. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english); drought (খরা) is ~


বিপর্যয়; sudden disastrous downfall or defeat; complete disaster >>> Use ~ to refer to a violent disaster or a great failure. If the flower gardens come toppling down during prom, strangling some students and tripping others, you might call the evening a ~. >>> Mnemonic: belt..having bacle ..if we (de)remove bucle from belt,the pant will fall.. then comes the complete disaster


বিপৎকালে ভার কমাইবার জন্য জাহাজ থেকে দ্রব্যদি ইচ্ছাপূর্বক জলে নিক্ষেপ; throw overboard (from a ship or plane) >>> ~ means to push to the side or toss away. If a boat is leaking or an airplane is running out of fuel, you can buy more time by ~ing cargo, or throwing it overboard. >>> Mnemonic: jetti(jet plane) someone throwing out his 2 quintal SON out of JET PLANE to make it LIGHTER.


বিবদমান/যুদ্ধরত জাতি; quarrelsome >>> If someone is ~, they're eager to fight. It's a good idea to avoid hardcore hockey fans after their team loses — they tend to be ~. >>> Mnemonic: belli (TOM) and gerry always quarrel in TOM and GERRY cartoon.


বিবর্ধন করা; increase in size or effect; expand; broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make stronger; Ex. ~ one's remarks with a graph >>> The verb ~ means to crank up the volume. Speakers ~, or raise, the volume of the noise coming through a microphone so that everyone at the rock show can hear. >>> Mnemonic: from amplus "large" + the root of facere "make, do"


বিবেক-দংশন; remorse; strong uneasiness caused by guilt >>> When you feel ~ you feel very, very sorry, usually for something you did to hurt someone or mess something up. When you feel no ~, you're not at all sorry. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);come + puncture..(punch). You will say "come and punch me" only if you are in deep regret of having done something wrong.


বিভ্রান্তিকর; puzzle; mystery; ADJ. ~tic: obscure; puzzling >>> Take the noun, ~, for something that is a puzzle or a mystery. Why do you have to learn difficult words like this? That is an ~. >>> Mnemonic: e(nigma) Consider the word in brackets. Nigma sounds Nagma.nagma's affair is always a mystry and puzzle.


বিমা; ইন্সুরেন্স পরিসংখ্যান বিষয়ক; calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics >>> ~ data are the statistics used to calculate various sorts of risk that insurance companies insure people against. If you want to know how likely it is for your car to be stolen, there is surely some ~ data that could give you an answer. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);dont give me rough value give me actual value by "calculating" it


বিমুখ; অসম্মত; reluctant; disinclined; not liking or opposed; Ex. ~ to cats/doing the house work >>> To be ~ to something is to be opposed to it on moral, philosophical or aesthetic grounds: my father is ~ to people smoking cigarettes in the house, but he would not be ~ to your smoking a cigar. >>> Mnemonic: ~- remember with adverse> opposite situation


বৃদ্ধদের দ্বারা গঠিত সরকার বা পরিচালক সংস্থা; government ruled by old people >>> A ~ is a society governed by old people. Think: tribes where elders are esteemed for the perspective and wisdom they have acquired in long years on the planet. >>> Mnemonic: gerontos (old people / বুড়ো খুড়ো) + cracy (শাসনব্যবস্থা / govt.(eg. democracy,autocracy etc.))


বৃদ্ধি; increase; add to >>> Do you need to make something bigger, better, or stronger? Then you need to ~ it. To ~ is to increase the amount or strength of something. >>> Mnemonic: you can remember it as opposite of segment...... segment means to make less.... ~ to add


বেআইনী; illegal >>> ~ means not allowed by law or custom. An ~ drug trade is one that happens under the radar of the law. >>> Mnemonic: ill+cit(y) = If you want to do any ill to a city, thats ILLEGAL


বেইজ্জতি; deep disgrace; shame or dishonor; ADJ. ~ous; Ex. ~ous defeat >>> Walk into class in your underwear is to feel what the word ~ means. ~ is a noun meaning great public shame, disgrace, or embarrassment, or a situation or event that causes this. >>> Mnemonic: feeling IGNO(IGNORE)+miny(mini)


বেকসুর খালাস; deliverance from a charge; V. ~: free from a charge or accusation; discharge from a duty; conduct (oneself) in a specified manner >>> ~ is a legal word that defendants love to hear because it means "not guilty." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);ACQUIT=ACcusation QUITs


বেঠিক; পথভ্রষ্ট; wrong; faulty; Ex. something ~; ADV. >>> When things are out of their proper places or not happening the way they should, we say they are ~. And remember, ~ is as good as a mile. >>> Mnemonic: ~ : i thought she was a miss, but it was ~ as she was married :)


বেতন ভাতা; salary; payment for an office; compensation >>> Not many workers think of their paychecks as ~, but they certainly could. ~ is another way to describe the money you receive for working. >>> Mnemonic: earning molu (mal ->money) from employment


বেদনানাশক ঔষধ; painkiller; drug that relieves pain or trouble;opiate; ADJ. Ex. ~ statement >>> When your back is killing you from helping your friend move furniture into his new apartment, you need to take an ~, a painkiller. >>> Mnemonic: Ann will not die from pain if she gets some aspirin.


বেমানান; inharmonious; N. ~ility >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe things or people that are too different to get along. When paired with someone you can't work with, don't criticize or get mad. Just say, "We are ~."


বেশি বকে; talkative boaster; braggart >>> A ~ is someone who always brags or boasts about himself. If you get stuck sitting next to your ~ cousin at the family holiday dinner, you may wish he didn't think he was quite so amazing. >>> Mnemonic: can be think as blow-word -> blowing words -> means talkative


বেষ্টনী; extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress; V. >>> That yellow police tape and group of officers encircling the crime scene? That's a kind of ~ — something set up to guard something. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ sounds like warden who restricts entry into the hostel.


বেসুরো; not harmonious; conflicting >>> If you believe that movies should entertain, but your friend insists that movies should inspire, then the two of you hold ~ views on the purpose of movies. That means your opinions are in conflict. >>> Mnemonic: গিটারের কর্ড -> dis + cord -> no harmony


বেসুরো; discordant; inharmonious; unpleasant mixture of loud sounds >>> The adjective ~ describes loud, harsh sounds, like the ~ racket your brother and his band mates make while trying to learn how to play their instruments. >>> Mnemonic: caco sounds like cactus and phonous like phone. So kindly try to remember it like this...a phone with a cactus makes irritating sounds.


বৈপরীত্য; contrast; direct opposite of or to; ADJ. ~tic or ~tical >>> An ~ is the complete opposite of something. Though the counterculture was strong in America in 1968, voters elected Richard Nixon, the ~ of a hippie. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);anti means opposite and thesis means a description of an idea or a topic hence ~ means opposite to idea


বৈবাহিক; pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something that relates to marriage or to the relationship between husband and wife, such as ~ bliss or a ~ argument about who will take out the trash. >>> Mnemonic: nubial is close to nuptial (বৈবাহিক) hence something related to marriage. কনে + বিয়ে - ~


বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী / ধর্ম / প্রয়োজনীয় গুন; essential quality; V: ascribe; explain >>> An ~ is a quality or characteristic given to a person, group, or some other thing. Your best ~ might be your willingness to help others, like when you stopped traffic so the duck family could cross the street. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like contribute...well anyone who has got the essential quality (of being educated)..can CONTRIBUTE alot the national growth.


বোকা - বোকা; smugly and unconsciously foolish; inane; silly; N. ~ity, ~ness >>> ~ means lacking intelligence. When your mother outlaws (বিতাড়িত করা), calling your brother stupid, use ~ instead. >>> Mnemonic: ******* an ass is considered foolish


বোকা বানানো; trick; deceive; hoodwink; N: person who is easily tricked; dupe >>> You know those birds that hang out by the ocean, and *grab your sandwich if you aren't paying attention*? Those are ~s, also known as sea ~s. ~s are found in every continent, including Antarctica. >>> Mnemonic: *SEA-GULL*


ব্যঙ্গাত্মক বর্ণনা; distortion; burlesque >>> A ~ is a satirical, exaggerated portrayal of person. You'd better not ~ your father by walking bent-over and speaking in his high voice. If he catches you, you'll be in trouble! >>> Mnemonic: Jim Carry is famous for his facial ~s because he shows all kinds of distorted faces.


ব্যতিক্রমী; অস্বাভাবিক; abnormal; irregular >>> Something that deviates from the norm is ~. Something ~ can be good, such as an exciting new direction in music or art. But that ~ly low score on your math test? Not so good. >>> Mnemonic: ~ means abnormal. Think of abnormal when you read the word ~


ব্যতিব্যস্ত করা / অবরোধ করা; surround with armed forces; harass (with requests); annoy continually >>> To ~ means to attack with an army, or to pester with many requests. When all your teachers ask you to hand in assignments on the same day, you can end up feeling ~d. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Pranith);be + seize = u are seized by armed forces / by some1 who is continiously annoying u ..!!


ব্যবচ্ছেদ; analysis; cutting apart in order to examine >>> ~ is the process of separating something into pieces. Whether the ~ involves taking a poem apart line-by-line to learn its meaning or cutting open a frog to study its insides, in both cases you're pulling out the parts that make up a whole to better understand it. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);dis(away) + section = ~, ie, moving sections apart and analyzing.


ব্যভিচারী; ভেজালমিশ্রিত; make impure or of poorer quality by adding inferior or tainted(contaminated) substances >>> If you ~ something, you mess it up. You may not want to ~ the beauty of freshly fallen snow by shoveling it, but how else are you going to get to work? >>> Mnemonic: dull+the+rate = impure, means to decrease the rate


ব্যয়; payment or expense; expending; something expended; output; Ex. receipt for the ~; Ex. ~ of all the energy >>> In a trip budget, you need to add up all your ~s, such as hotel, car rental and food costs against the money you have brought to spend. An ~ is money spent on something. >>> Mnemonic: ~=GF K SAATH MALL JAO EXPENSIVE CHIZ KHARDO PATA HI NAHI CHALTA KAB SARA PYSA CONSUMED HO JATA HAI.


ব্যাপক হত্যাকাণ্ড / অগ্নিকান্ডের ফলে ব্যাপক ধ্বংসজজ্ঞ; destruction by fire; CF. burnt whole; CF. ~ >>> The noun ~ means "total destruction." However, this word has become inextricably (অলঙ্ঘ্য) connected with World War II and the mass murder of Jews by the Nazis (in this usage, ~ is capitalized). >>> Mnemonic: *caust* -> *caustic* ... caustic is something that causes burning sensation , acidic ... ~ic is extreme of caustic that is fully destroyed by burning ..


ব্যাপক হত্যালীলা; destruction of life; slaughter; killing of large numbers of people or animals >>> ~ is mass murder. If you have seen news footage of a village after a bomb has been detonated, you probably saw a scene of ~. >>> Mnemonic: If under aged people drive the car, there is a possibility that he may kill people or animals on the road.


ব্যুৎপন্ন; unoriginal; obtained from another source; Ex. ~ prose style; N. >>> Alert: shifting parts of speech! As a noun, a ~ is kind of financial agreement or deal. As an adjective, though, ~ describes something that borrows heavily from something else that came before it. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Eng);Deriv - Drive / ative - Relative Mng:obtaining from the other source.


ভক্তিহীনতা; irreverence; lack of respect for God or piety >>> ~ is a disrespect for the sacred. For example, visitors are advised not to wear shorts or tank tops when touring certain churches and cathedrals in Europe, because doing so is viewed as ~ by those who worship there. >>> Mnemonic: im(not)+piety(sounds like deity which means god).. not showing respect for somebody who is "not god" ..


ভঙ্গ / বিচ্ছেদ; disintegration; reduction to a liquid form; looseness in morals; sensual indulgence; debauchery; ADJ. ~ute: lacking in moral restraint; leading an immoral life >>> The ~ of a relationship means that it's broken up or ended. The ~ of your band means you better get started on your solo album. >>> Mnemonic: dis + solution -> no further solution, it's broken


ভঙ্গ করা; dissolve; disperse; (of a group) break up and separate; Ex. The club has ~ed. >>> You know how rock bands are always forming and then breaking up? When they break up, they ~. The word ~ refers to any group or unit of folks who decide to go their separate ways. >>> Mnemonic: band:[music band] music group.. ~ is to break up and separate..


ভঙ্গুর; hard but easily broken; difficult; unstable; Ex. ~ situation >>> Something ~ is easily broken. Do you have ~ bones? Then, no football or rugby for you. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ brick + little --- Little as it is, but it is hard and easily broken.


ভণ্ডামি; assuming a false identity; masquerade; >>> ~ is the act of pretending to be someone else. Everyone knows the Elvis impersonator isn't really Elvis himself, but your ~ as Elvis's long-lost daughter might actually fool some people. >>> Mnemonic: i [a]m pos[ing] t[o] [be] u => i am pretending to be you


ভণ্ডামিপূর্ণ ধর্মকথা; insincere speech or expression of piety; jargon of thieves; special words used by a particular group of people >>> ~ is language repeated so often and so mechanically that it's essentially empty of meaning. ~ can also mean the specialized jargon of a particular group — like the "~ of piracy" (e.g., Ahoy! Lubber! Arrr!). >>> Mnemonic: monks will be ChANT ing mantras . its known only for saints and monks


ভদ্রতা; those of gentle birth; high social class; refinement; quality of being genteel >>> Anyone can be nice. Many people have good manners. But ~ is that rare kind of graciousness that is handed down from one elegant generation to the next. >>> Mnemonic: having a gentle man quality


ভবঘুরে ধরনের লোক; unconventional (in an artistic way) >>> An artist well-known for wearing filthy coveralls, or a musician who shares a cheap apartment with both his mistress and lover, might be described as ~ — that is, willfully unconventional and nonconformist in both appearance and lifestyle. >>> Mnemonic: bohoman - like river, a man can be ~ travel/live life place to place or differently


ভবিষ্যতবক্তা; having foresight; fortuneteller; >>> If you can predict the future, you may want to keep your ~ powers to yourself. Otherwise everyone will be knocking down your door asking for the next winning lotto numbers. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);take it like this.......clair----clear for voyant derive meaning from voyage which means a long journey so ~ is a person who can take a clear journey into the future and see whats in there


ভয় ও শ্রদ্ধামিশ্রিত সম্মানবোধ; solemn wonder; feeling of respect mixed with wonder and fear; V: fill with ~; ADJ. ~some >>> ~ is a feeling of fear that is mixed with respect and wonder. You might gaze at the Grand Canyon with ~, marveling at its beauty and fearing its depth. >>> Mnemonic: ill just say 1 word.. this site is ~-some


ভয় দেখান; frighten; >>> You can see "timid" in the middle of ~, and to be timid is to be frightened or to pull back from something. When you ~, you frighten or make someone afraid. A pet rat might ~ your sister's friends, keeping them out of your fort. >>> Mnemonic: in+timid(..fearful)+ate... when we are in fear we get FRIGHTENED..


ভয় দেখানো; intimidate; frighten; discourage; dishearten >>> The Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz appeared at first to be easily ~ed, but, in fact, he showed unusual courage. Still, his efforts to ~ Dorothy, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man were less than successful. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ = haunt = if you are frightened you will be discouraged to go into the haunted house.


ভয়প্রদর্শন; terrorize; intimidate >>> (V) subdue, restrain, or overcome by affecting with a feeling of awe; frighten (as with threats) >>> Mnemonic: Think of ~ as abbrevation of ~ard. A ~ard can be easily terrorized and intimidated.


ভয়ানক; menacing; arousing fear; threatening; difficult to defeat; Ex. ~ foe/question >>> What do the national debt, your old gym teacher, and your mother-in-law have in common? They're all ~ — that is, they inspire fear and respect thanks to their size, or special ability, or unusual qualities. (Or possibly all three in the case of your mother-in-law.) >>> Mnemonic: FOR+ME+DEVIL...he is so strong...I'm afraid of him. --- ~ drugs are forbidable (forbidden)


ভরণপোষণ; বিচারকের নির্দেশে তালাককৃত স্ত্রীকে অর্থ দেয়া;খোরপোষ ; payments made regularly to an ex-spouse after divorce >>> When a couple gets divorced, the court might order the one spouse to pay ~ to the other, which is like an allowance for basic expenses like food and shelter. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Ali+mony mony==All I need is Money and not my husband.


ভর্ত্সনা; blame; criticize; express strong disapproval; N: severe criticism; strong disapproval >>> ~ is a noun referring to very strong criticism; the verb means to criticize very strongly. If you take your dad's car without telling him, you can expect him to ~ you severely, and maybe even ground you as well. >>> Mnemonic: Try to link the meaning of this word with the censor board which always critisizes every inch of the film and also disapproves of some of the parts.


ভাঁড়ামি; clowning >>> If someone tells you to cut out the ~, you may want to consider taking the French fries out of your nostrils. ~ means acting like a clown. >>> Mnemonic: Imagine a joker dancing "In the buff" that's what is clowning(~)


ভাগ্য; fate; destiny; Ex. ~ is the Arabic word for fate. >>> When you encounter something by chance that seems like it was meant to be, then it could be ~, your destiny. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like kismat..word in ~ means kismat...luck...


ভাটা / কমে যাওয়া / হ্রাস পাওয়া; (of the tide) recede; lessen; diminish; N. OP. flow: rise of tide >>> When something ~s, it is declining, falling, or flowing away. The best time to look for sea creatures in tidal pools is when the tide is on the ~ — meaning it has receded from the shore. >>> Mnemonic: Relate it to egg ;; now-a-days because of bird flu the quantity of eggs coming to the market is reduced.


ভাড়াটে কর্মী (খুনি, বেশ্যা); one who serves for hire (usually used contemptuously - ঘৃণাপূর্ণ); one who works solely for compensation; Ex. ~ politician >>> A ~ is someone doing a job solely for the money. The work they do is therefore tainted. A hit man might be dismissed as a ~ by the FBI, who wants to go after the mafia boss who is hiring the murderer. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hire - ing);When you hire a person, he works only for money.


ভান / বেশ; outward appearance; costume; Ex. in a new ~ >>> ~, a noun, is the art of pretending to be something you aren't, like when, in the ~ of an invited guest, you fake your way into the party of the century. >>> Mnemonic: Dis~ means a false appearance...therefore ~ ! :)


ভান করা; pretend >>> For a more formal way to say pretend to or imitate, choose the verb ~. You might ~ indifference when you hear about some gossip, but you're probably dying to know. >>> Mnemonic: ~(sounds with foreign)foreign ppl always try to decieve our country


ভাবগত; theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational >>> Use the adjective ~ for something that is not a material object or is general and not based on specific examples. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;joe's slang);~: sounds close to retract....and you cant retract anything from an ~ speech or passage.


ভাবাদর্শ; system of ideas characteristic of a group or culture >>> An ~ is a set of opinions or beliefs of a group or an individual. Very often ~ refers to a set of political beliefs or a set of ideas that characterize a particular culture. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);ideas +g for groups


ভারসাম্য; balance; balancing force; equilibrium >>> Looking for a really fancy way to say "balance" or "equilibrium"? Then stand up straight and try ~ on for size. >>> Mnemonic: equi + pose => If you hold an equal weight in both hands you will have a better pose.


ভারী; heavy and awkward to carry or wear; burdensome; Ex. ~ parcel/uniform >>> You have to wrestle a bit with the longish word ~; it's ~, or kind of long and clumsy, to tumble out in a sentence. It's hard to use it gracefully. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);(Come-bear-some) come bear some heavy things that are hard to manage


ভালাবাসায় অন্ধ হত্তয়া; be excessively fond of; show signs of mental decline >>> Who doesn't love to have someone ~ on them? If you ~ on someone, you shower them with love and attention. Sounds like the life! >>> Mnemonic: when you go on a date what will u do u shower her/him with love ri8 so ~=shower with love


ভাসা - ভাসা; casual; hastily done with little attention to detail >>> No reason to get excited — ~ has nothing to do with bad language. Instead, it means not paying attention to details, like friends who are so busy studying for a test that they only give your new haircut a ~ glance. >>> Mnemonic: relate it to the cursor on your computer screen..the mouse is used to move the cursor hastily without going into minor details


ভিত্তিগত; basic; primary; essential >>> When asked what the ~, or essential, principles of life are, a teenager might reply, "Breathe. Be a good friend. Eat chocolate. Get gas money."


ভিন্নমুখিতা; act of turning aside; pastime; >>> A ~ can be something that takes you off the course you are on, like a detour while you are traveling, or a game of tennis that takes you away from the stress of work. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - DIVERT or change the course.


ভীমরতি; senility; feeblemindedness of old age; Ex. In one's ~ >>> The noun ~ describes the mental decline that many elderly people eventually experience. Those in their ~ sometimes act silly or forgetful. >>> Mnemonic: DOT : Full stop, i.e the end... Thus ~ is old age,near to death!


ভীষণ ভয়াবহ; ghastly; horrifying; Ex. ~ remains of the bodies >>> ~ means disgusting and bloody, absolutely repulsive and horrible. There's a wonderfully creepy movie about a man who suffers a ~ death at the hands of the *grizzly bears* he was studying.


ভুল করতে পারে এমন; liable to err >>> As humans we are all ~, because ~ means likely to make errors or fail. Nobody's perfect, after all. >>> Mnemonic: fall+iblle....think of a person who can FALL FOR anything, hence makes mistakes.


ভুল ধারণা বা মোহ থেকে মুক্ত করা; correct a false impression; undeceive; free from a wrong belief >>> ~ means to free someone of a belief that is not true. Many teachers of health find that when they teach, they spend as much energy disabusing kids of false beliefs as they doing giving them the facts. >>> Mnemonic: story: like a girl fall in love with a rascal, and her father comes to know. what he will do is abuse(গাল) the boy and ~ the girl about the boy. simple naa.


ভুল পদক্ষেপ / অসমীচীন মন্তব্য; social blunder >>> A ~ is mistake that embarrasses you in front of others. If you run into a friend out with her grey-haired father, and you blurt out, "Oh, hi, you must be Tara's grandfather!" then you've made a ~. >>> Mnemonic: gappe - গপ্প (ফাইজলামি) মারতে গিয়ে ~ করা


ভুষি; worthless products of an endeavor; husk(outer seed cover) separated from grain; Ex. separate the wheat from the ~ >>> The proverbial phrase "separate the wheat from the ~" may not be terribly meaningful to you — unless you happen to be a grain farmer. Then, it is good to know that ~ is the husk surrounding a seed, and that it is generally thrown away. >>> be silly or tease one another


ভুয়া; false; based on a fallacy; misleading; N. fallacy: false idea or notion; false reasoning; Ex. popular fallacy; Ex. fallacy of the argument >>> Something ~ is a mistake that comes from too little information or unsound sources. Predictions that the whole state of California will snap off from the rest of North America and float away have proven to be ~ — for now, anyway


ভূত; মৃতব্যক্তির আত্মা; ghost; phantom >>> If you see something you think might be a ghost, you can call it an ~ to hedge your bets. ~ doesn't commit you in the same way the word ghost does—and saying that you've seen one won't cause you to be committed. >>> Deriving from the Latin apparere "appear," ~ was first used in 1520 in a religious context, referring to the moment when the three wise men appear before the infant Jesus in the Bible. Later, ~ came to include the appearance of ghosts, or ghostly figures. It can also mean a memory so vivid it's like seeing a ghost.


ভূতপ্রেত ঝাড়ান; drive out evil spirits >>> To ~ is to cast out a devil or evil spirit, using prayer and other religious tools. You're probably familiar with the name of the person who does this: an exorcist. Don't try to ~ a demon yourself. Call an exorcist. >>> Mnemonic: remember the movie which priest WHO DRIVE OUT EVIL SPIRITS suicides in the end


ভূপাতিত করা; cut or knock down (a tree or a person); bring down (with a missile) >>> Something that has been ~ed has been brought down, like a tree that has been ~ed by a powerful storm. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Eng);~ has 2 meanings..~ is like i ~ down and the other can be remembered like i ~ because i was pushed by dat "cruel" guy and it was could ve costed me my life


ভূমিকামূলক / আবেশক / প্রস্তাবনামূলক; pertaining to induction or proceeding from the specific to the general >>> ~ is a way to describe something that leads to something else, so when applied to reasoning it just means you collect information and draw conclusions from what you observe. >>> Mnemonic: Think of Duck in an --> Aviary : if I see a duck maybe there's other birds nearby- moving from specific facts to general conclusion


ভেড়ী; female sheep >>> At last, a word that only means one thing: a female sheep. A ~ is a sheep that is female. That is what a ~ is. >>> Mnemonic: Like eve -- Adam's wife in Judeo-Christian mythology


ভেলকি দেখান; cause to appear by magic; summon (a devil or a spirit) by magical power; practice magic (esp. by very quick movement of the hands); evoke; ~ up: bring into the mind; Ex. The magician ~d a rabbit out of his hat. >>> If your mom can magically ~ up the most delicious meals from the most random ingredients in the kitchen, she might just be the best cook in the neighborhood. >>> Mnemonic: To con a jury u need magical power


ভোট দিবার অধিকার দেওয়া; admit to the rights of citizenship (especially the right to vote); CF. franchise >>> The verb ~ is used when a group of people are given voting rights or freedoms they didn't have before. Many people under the age of 18 would like lawmakers to ~ their peer group so they can vote. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);en+franchise...a franchise is an official authority (to sell goods...or any other thngs)of a company.and every franchise boss has VOTING POWER in the company.origin-franch.means free, so freedom is nothing but voting power.


ভ্রমণকারী; wandering; traveling from place to place (to perform work); Ex. ~ preacher >>> An ~ is a person who moves from place to place, typically for work, like the ~ preacher who moves to a new community every few years. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like itenary( plan of a trip).. so a traveller..keeps on wandering\ travelling... hope its hlpful


ভ্রমণপথ; plan of a trip; record of a trip >>> An ~ is your travel plan — where you will go and when you will be there. >>> Mnemonic: the car i10 is rarely used to plan a trip in it...


ভ্রান্ত; mistaken; wrong; incorrect >>> The adjective ~ describes something or someone as mistaken and incorrect. Early explorers had the ~ notion that the oceans were full of dragons. >>> Mnemonic: Sounds like: "Error in us"--> Something that is full of errors and mistakes.


মজা করা; amuse; Ex. ~ oneself; CF. divert >>> Visitors to an elementary school during recess may be surprised by the way the kids ~ themselves. ~ means to play in a carefree way or to amuse yourself in a lighthearted fashion. >>> Mnemonic: sport - we ~ ourselves by playing sports


মজুত করা; gather; store up; amass >>> To ~ means to gather or earn. If you want to run for office without belonging to a political party, you must ~ enough signatures — usually a few thousand — to get onto the ballot. >>> Mnemonic: GARDENER is ~ing GRAINS. ~y is a place to store grains.


মতবিরোধ / আপত্তি; disagree >>> To ~ is to publicly disagree with an official opinion or decision. ~ is also a noun referring to public disagreement. >>> Mnemonic: ASSENT, ACCORD etc mean, to agree and ~, DISCORD etc mean to disagree.


মতৈক্য; agreement >>> If you clean your room of your own ~, you parents will be pleased—it means you did it without having to be asked. They might even ~ you an extra privilege. Warring nations make peace ~s. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like ACC(~ING)+cord(record)...well ~ING TO our RECORDS we are in agreement with our investors ,as where to invest their money.


মত্স্যবিজ্ঞান; study of fish; >>> When you want to get schooled on how schools of fish live, breath, and migrate, you're diving right into what zoologists specializing in the study of fish call ~. >>> Mnemonic: origins in the Greek word ikhthus, meaning "fish" and the suffix -ology, or "the study of," ---- eak + thu


মদ্যপানোৎসব; drunken revel; >>> The noun ~ describes a rowdy gathering that involves drinking too much alcohol. ~ is said to be a popular pastime of some rock stars. >>> Mnemonic: wen u see a car driven unusual than the driver could b drunken -~ : car unusual


মধ্যবিত্ত শ্রেণীর লোক / বুর্জোয়া; middle class; selfishly materialistic; too interested in material possessions >>> The adjective ~ means relating to or typical of the middle class. If someone says, "Oh, how ~!" it's probably an insult, meaning you're preoccupied with middle class small mindedness. >>> Mnemonic: high class family chicks are gorgeous, but middle class ones are a little bore... They are nothing but ~ --- help for spelling .. বর্গী এলো দেশে


মধ্যস্থতা করা; act as judge (at the request of both sides) >>> If your two best friends are fighting over the last piece of gum in the pack, you might ~ by telling them to split the last piece. ~ is when a neutral third party helps end a conflict. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Technical+Eng);bit-rate, bit rate is the judging or deciding parameter for the transfer rate or say speed of data transfer..


মনমরা; disheartened; dejected; sad; directed downward >>> If you're feeling sad, gloomy, blue, low, grim, depressed, or melancholy, you probably don't care if there could possibly any more synonyms for the way you feel. Rest assured that there are, and one of them is ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = Down + Cast; if a man is from low 'caste', he will remain sad among high caste people.


মনের স্থিরতা; calmness of temperament; composure >>> If you take the news of your brother's death with ~, it means you take it calmly without breaking down. ~ refers to emotional calmness and balance in times of stress. >>> Mnemonic: Latin "aequanimitās" <=[ "aequanimus" (even-tempered, fair) <= aequus (even, level, equal) + animus (mind) ]=> to bear with equal mind means => to bear with a calm mind


মনোভাববাচক অব্যয় / প্রচন্ড বিস্ময়সূচক উক্তি; meaningless word; interjection; profane oath; swear-word >>> An ~ is a swear word, a curse you let out when you are startled or mad. You probably already know a lot of ~s, but you don't need to see them here, no way in heck. >>> Mnemonic: Your parents will surely utter '~' words if you are 'Expelled' from the exam.


মনোযোগ না লাগিয়ে কাজ করা; work at in a nonserious fashion; splash around; move noisily in a liquid >>> You ~ when you are a little bit involved in an activity, such as an art form or a hobby. Maybe you only ~ in mystery novels, but you are very knowledgeable about comic books. >>> Mnemonic: ~ double - doing more than one task at a time - so not attentvie


ময়নাতদন্ত; examination of a dead body; postmortem; V. >>> An ~ is the dissection of a dead human body to figure out the cause of death. If you watch much TV, you've probably seen hundreds of 'em. >>> Mnemonic: ~- if some one came under auto(piss(hindi)) - needs examination


মরণ; death >>> Resort to the noun ~ when you describe the end, termination, or death of something or someone. >>> Mnemonic: mise (mice) are seen on the road ~


মরিচা পড়া; destroy or wear away gradually by chemical action (over a long period) >>> ~ means to eat away at and cause to deteriorate, like rust slowly taking over an old bike left out in the rain. >>> Mnemonic: split into car + rod so he destroyed the car with rod


মর্ম উপলব্ধি করা; be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of; >>> If you ~ something, you recognize its value. We can all ~ how refreshing cold lemonade is on a sweltering summer day. >>> Mnemonic: u went to a museum "fully conscious" of the artist u ~d a painted which increased it's worth ..the artist was thankful to u..all the meanings get covered


মর্মভেদী / তীক্ষ্ন ব্যঙ্গপূর্ণ; (appreciatively) cutting; sharp; Ex. ~ remarks; V. incise: make a cut into >>> The adjective ~ describes something that is sharp, decisive, and direct. A comment that cuts right to the bone can be just as ~ as an actual knife. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ can be correlated with our incisor teeth. which is very sharp both in human and animal, and they use it to cut food thus ~= incisor= cutting


মর্মযন্ত্রণাপূর্ণ; sorrowful; >>> ~ is not a woman's name (that's Dolores), it is an adjective that describes someone showing great sadness. If your friend Dolores is crying about a lost puppy, you could call her ~ Dolores. >>> Mnemonic: dolo - যে সর্বদা চোখ *ডলতে* থাকে


মর্যাদাহানিকর; expressing a low opinion; disparaging; V. ~: detract; disparage >>> Something that's ~ is insulting or disrespectful. If you make ~ comments, that means you say things that are unflattering, unkind, or demeaning. >>> Mnemonic:they ro (row-হৈচৈ) on gate coz of ~ remarks


মশলা; seasonings; spices >>> A condiment adds flavor to food. Ketchup and mustard are popular ~ >>> Mnemonic: CONDOM+MINT...a mint flavored condom....


মস্তিষ্ক - সংক্রান্ত; pertaining to the brain or intellect; intellectual rather than emotional; CF. cerebrum >>> If you are a ~ person, no one would ever call you a drama queen. You make decisions using your intelligence and cold, hard facts, instead of your emotions. >>> Mnemonic: cereBRAINal


মস্তিষ্কের ক্রিয়া; thought; working of the brain >>> ~ is a noun that means "the thought process." When you need more time to answer a complicated question, just say your ~ isn't complete yet. >>> Mnemonic: cerebral refers to the brain ~ is the functioning of thoughts.


মহাকাব্য; long heroic poem, novel, or similar work of art (celebrating the feats of a hero); ADJ: (of stories or events) resembling an ~; grand >>> An ~ is a long poem or other work of art celebrating heroic feats (achievement). After you sail around the world for seven years, fighting corruption and planting vegetable gardens, some poet will surely write the ~ of your adventures. >>> Mnemonic: ~(E+PIC)excellent pics are described in novel and heroic poems


মহাকাশীয় / জ্যোতির্বিদ্যা - সংক্রান্ত; enormously large or extensive >>> If you lie down on a big field or on a rooftop and look up, the sky is so wide and high, it is ~ in size — bigger than huge. Everything in that sky, including the stars and planets, is also ~ because it is part of a science called astronomy.


মাংস ও অন্যান্য খাবারদাবার জমা করে রাখার ঘর; pantry; place where food is kept >>> When your mother buys groceries, she puts them in the ~ or the pantry. A ~ is a room or cabinet where you store food. >>> Mnemonic: kid went up the LADDER to steal jam from the ~


মাংসাশী; meat-eating; CF. herbivore >>> Vegetables? Forget it. If you're into eating meat, meat and more meat, then you're ~.


মাটি খুঁড়ে তুলে আনা; dig up; unearth; OP. inter >>> To "inter" a body is to bury it or place it in a mausoleum, so to ~ someone is to take the body out again — usually to find out how they died, to make sure it's really who we think it is, or to move the body to a new burial site. >>> Mnemonic: inter = to bury. so ~ means opposite of bury => to dig up.


মাটি বিশ্লেষণ করিলে তন্মধ্যে মিশ্রিত যে গলিত জীবদেহ পাওয়া যায়; substance or rich soil formed by decaying vegetable matter; CF. soil


মাড়াই করা; beat with or as if with a ~; move wildly; thresh grain by hand; strike or slap; toss about; N: threshing tool consisting of a stick swinging from the end of a long handle >>> To ~ means to wave around wildly. If you are stranded on a deserted island and you see a ship in the distance, it's a good idea to ~ your arms in the air to get the captain's attention. >>> Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with fail....if a child fails in his exams, he is beaten hardlyyyy by his parents.


মাতাল; make drunk; intoxicate; N. intoxicated person >>> If a party host wants to ~ her guests, she'll serve them many alcoholic drinks. In other words, she'll try to get them drunk. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like IN+eBEER+ate...hence drunken


মানচিত্রনির্মাতা; map-maker >>> Unless you're the one guy in America who actually asks for directions, you've probably broken down and used a map at some point in your life. The ~ is the person you should thank for getting you un-lost — the mapmaker. >>> Mnemonic: graph- kind of map, grapher- map maker.. --- It comes to us from the Latin word charta-, which means "tablet or leaf of paper," and the Greek word graphein, meaning to write or draw.


মানিয়া লত্তয়া; agree >>> If you ~, it means you agree with someone or give in to his or her wish. The word is often used in a political context — the Queen ~d to the Prince's demands for more territory, a larger army, and funnier jesters. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);in the word ~ acce sounds like"axe"- when you have "axe" scent girls will agree to what u said


মান্ধাতার আমলের; obsolete; old-fashioned; outdated >>> Something is ~ when it is so old that it is no longer useful. If your parents believe that you shouldn't use the Internet when you write papers for school, you might call their ideas ~. >>> Mnemonic: read as antique(old item)+dated(outdated)..hence outdated


মামাতো;চাচাসুলভ, চাচার মত; of or like an uncle >>> Everyone likes an ~ guy, that is someone who is kind and patient and generally indulgent with people younger than he is. The Dalai Lama is an ~ fellow. So is Santa Claus. Unless you haven't been good. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english...);split the word like av + UNCUL(UNCLE) + AR...SO related to an uncle or suitable to an uncle..~..uncle.


মায়াময়; deceiving; based on illusion; causing ~ion; deceptive >>> If something is difficult to see, understand or know it is ~. Your mother's reasons for insisting on spoon feeding you when you're 25 years old can be ~. So can the meaning of a short story. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);illu+sive just like ilu(i love u)+shiv i deceive shiv bhagwan(god of hindus)by saying ilu.


মারমুখো; warlike >>> If you walk into a high school where you know no one, find the toughest looking girl in the halls and tell her she's ugly, them's fighting words. Or ~ ones. ~ means eager for war. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);lets break ~ as belli + cose ...belli we can remember as sumo's with huge bellis will fight (wrestleling) each belli-cose means a warlike


মাস্তুলওয়ালা মালবাহী জাহাজ; large three-masted sailing ship >>> Though a ~ was a large ship with multiple decks, it was no cruise liner and probably didn't offer round-the-clock buffets. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - GALLONS and gallons of goods are transported by means of LARGE SHIPs


মিটমাট করে ফেলা যায় না এমন; impossible to reconcile; incompatible; not able to be resolved >>> Your dad wants Mozart in the car and you want Eminem? That's an ~ difference right there — two tastes or ideas or preferences so different from each other there can be no compatibility or middle ground. Diplomacy can't help, only headphones. >>> Mnemonic: arre yeh kon si chai le aye... its not compatible with my choice...


মিটমিট করে জ্বলা; shine erratically; twinkle; N: dim or unsteady light; faint indication; Ex. ~ of hope >>> A ~ is a tiny glint of light or the sliver of an idea. Either way, it's a sign of a lot more going on behind the scenes. >>> Mnemonic: glitter - ~ing starts


মিতব্যয়; efficiency or conciseness in using something; thrifty management of resources >>> The general sense of ~ is careful management of resources such as money and materials, so as not to waste them, but the more familiar reference is to a system of producing, distributing, and consuming goods and services.


মিতব্যয়িতা; thrift; economy; ADJ. frugal: practicing economy; costing little; inexpensive >>> If you try to avoid waste by reusing and repurposing items that most people would throw away, your ~ will save you money. >>> Mnemonic: একটা *ফু* ও *গাল* দিয়ে বের হয় না


মিতাচারী; (পানাহারে) সংযম; sparing in eating and drinking; temperate >>> Reserve ~ for someone who exercises restraint, especially with regard to alcohol. A rock musician may sing about enjoying wine and women, but in his private life he may be ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);focus on 'abs' part of this word. Abs...To build a six-pack abs, eat n drink carefully


মিথ্যা উদ্ভাবন করা / নির্মাণ করা; build; lie; make up (a story) in order to deceive; Ex. ~ the whole story; CF. fabric (কাঠাম): underlying structure; Ex. fabric of society >>> Do you like to construct mini airplanes from kits? Work on an assembly line? Piece together Ikea furniture? Then you certainly know how to ~, or to put together, things. >>> Mnemonic: i ATE u believe..i suppose no...!!!


মিথ্যা গুজব; unfounded false rumor; exaggerated false report >>> During a political campaign, you will often hear on TV commercials some ~ about the opponent. This is a false, deluding statement designed to confuse the voters, as it presents the other candidate in a bad light by spreading an untruth. >>> Mnemonic: When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck ... let's not believe canards


মিথ্যা বড়াইকারী; boaster >>> If you know someone who is a real show off and is always bragging about how great they are, then you might call this boaster a ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like dragg art.. the art of dragging oneself too much(boasting)!!!


মিনতি / আহ্বান; call and bring into use (a right or law); call on/upon (a higher power or god) for help; ask for; beg for; conjure (a spirit); Ex. ~ the veto power; Ex. ~ one's advisor/God >>> To ~ is to call up something such as a law, a higher power, or even a ghost. In court, you might ~ the Fifth Amendment (the right not to say something that will make you look bad) if you don't want to talk. >>> Mnemonic: In a VOCabulary test, I ask for help


মিষ্ট কথায় প্রতারণা করা; persuade by praise or false promise; coax; wheedle >>> To ~ someone is to persuade them by using insincere compliments or promises. If you say "Please, pretty-please, I'll be your best friend," when asking for a stick of gum, you are cajoling the gum holder. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Bollywood);Remember, our bollywood actress, KAJOL, she is one of the most talkative, candid and energetic actresses we have in the industry...why is she portraying that image??? Probably she is doing this to bag a film or two from KARAN JOHAR!!!


মুক্ত করা; free from an entanglement or difficulty; disentangle >>> If you need to be untangled, set free or otherwise released from something or someone, you need to be ~d. >>> Mnemonic: concentrate on PLAYED A TRIC(k) in order to FREE himself from the prison.


মুখবিকৃতি করা / ভেঙ্গান; facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust, etc; V. >>> The ~ on her face when he asked her to the prom told him her answer was "no" before she said a word. A ~ is a facial expression that usually suggests disgust or pain, but sometimes comic exaggeration. >>> Mnemonic: grim (হিংস্র) + face = facial expression of disgust


মুগুরপেটা করা; club; heavy-headed weapon; V. >>> As a noun, a ~ refers to a heavy club used as a weapon. Synonyms for ~ include truncheon, nightstick, cudgel, and billy club. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Blud+geon-Blood+Generator...If you hit someone with a ~(eg;a hockey stick) then blood comes out.


মুছিয়া ফেলা; cancel; remove a word or name (from a book or list); erase >>> To ~ is to cross out or eliminate. After Nicholas proved he had been in school on the day in question, the absence was ~d from his record. >>> Mnemonic: ~ rhymes with sponge..which is used to remove dirt..


মুছে ফেলা; erase; strike out >>> The author looked at the computer screen in horror. With one keystroke she had ~d her entire manuscript. ~ means to erase.


মুশকিল; struggle and thrash about; proceed clumsily or falter (as in water, mud, snow, etc.); proceed in confusion >>> A ~ is a flat fish with both eyes on one side of its head; and, as a verb, to ~ is to wobble around like a fish out of water. >>> Mnemonic: Fly+under water is accompanied with lots of struggle and confusion


মূর্তিপূজা; worship of idols; excessive admiration or devotion; ADJ. ~rous >>> ~ means the worship of images as if they were gods. Many religions prohibit ~, some even to the extent of forbidding any representational objects in houses of worship. >>> Mnemonic: combination of idol+ adulatory(adulation) gives the meaning


মূর্তিমান নিরানন্দ / আসরের আনন্দ মাটি করে দেয় যে ব্যক্তি; grouch; spoilsport; one who intentionally spoils the pleasure of others >>> A ~ is a person who spoils all the fun for everybody. You may be a ~ if everyone's enjoying their meal at a restaurant and you complain constantly about the terrible service. >>> Mnemonic: kill+joy....... kill here means spoil .+ others joy spoil others pleasure....


মূলগায়েন এবং দোহারগণ কর্তৃক গীত পালাগান / গীতিকা; story set to music to be sung by a chorus (shorter than an oratorio) >>> If you ever listen to classical music, you've probably heard a ~ — a piece of religious music made for voices and instruments. >>> Mnemonic: (Melody) ta dhinac dhaina-can ta ta


মূল্যায়ন করা; estimate value of; >>> When you buy a house someone will need to ~ its value before you can get a mortgage. To ~ something is to figure out its worth in the marketplace, on the field, or in the world of ideas. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ -consider praise and price --what is the price of praise which u cant say but u can estimate..


মৃত দেহ; corpse; dead human body >>> A ~ is a dead human body used in scientific or medical research. If you are dead, you are a corpse, but if Dr. Frankenstein robs your grave so he can use your body for research, you become a ~. Umm... congratulations? >>> ~ comes from the Latin verb, cadere, which means "to fall." Its English origins refer to soldiers who died in battle, i.e. the fallen. Dissection of a ~ is a major rite of passage for medical school students--some have been known to run from the room and throw up — though most surprise themselves.


মৃত ব্যক্তির সম্পত্তির উত্তরাধিকারী; person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will >>> A ~ is simply the recipient of money or other benefits. So when your big sister finally moves away to college and you get to move into her bigger bedroom? You become a lucky ~. >>> Mnemonic: BENE(root for GOOD) and FICIARY sounds like if the fisherman does GOOD FISHRY, he will RECIEVE ITS BENEFIT


মৃদু / অমায়িক; soothing or mild (food); agreeable; causing no trouble or offence >>> When you have a nasty cold and you're very congested, food can taste unappealingly ~. That means dull, flavorless, or just plain "blah." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;slang);seeing the Black Land ,the blond girl smoothly became agreeable


মেকী; counterfeit; not authentic; intentionally false; Ex. ~ interview >>> ~ means fake—a ~ dollar bill is counterfeit, a ~ Renoir was not painted by him, a ~ attempt at reconciliation would come from someone who never intended to end a fight. >>> Mnemonic: ~ Sounds like BRUTUS-so he is a fraud


মেজাজ দেখানো; bully; intimidate >>> To ~ is to intimidate with language. Picture yourself in a police station. The cops are trying to get you to talk by using tough, even abusive, language. They are ~ing you. >>> Mnemonic: brow (/eyebrow) ভ্রু-কুঞ্চিত => beat with brow


মেয়েদের পোশাক আটকানোর পিন; ornamental clasp; pin >>> That fancy pin your Grandma used to wear on her blouse or lapel? It's a ~, held in place by a sharp needle clasp. >>> Mnemonic: women wear brooch/clasp on chest. So if the pin pierces the BRA they say OUCH. BRA-OUCH.. ~


মেয়েলি; having womanly traits >>> The word ~ is used to describe a man or a boy with characteristics that are more often associated with females. You were once teased for your ~, high-pitched voice, but now you're a world-renowned singer. >>> Mnemonic: e+FFEMINA+te...focus on the middlie part must be knowing about FEMINA MISS INDIA , where the focus is on mainly promoting womanhood.


মোহ; misleading vision or visual image; false idea or belief; CF. delusion >>> An ~ is something that isn't real. It may look real, but it's actually fake — just a crafty construction or fantasy. Like the old rabbit-out-of-the-hat trick practiced by magicians around the globe. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like ..i +llu..(lost) here means.....your plans about future to do something great) finally you have lost your vision of reaching at the helm of organization...hence you are now misleading people.


মোচড়ান; twisted >>> You've probably heard the word "gnarly" used to describe something really awesome. But ~ means rugged, roughened and knotty, like the hands of an old wood carver, as well as the wood he carves. >>> Mnemonic: When you say the word "~" very fast..(say it na).. you're tongue gets TWISTED..(It's a tongue Twister)


ম্লান / জীর্ণশীর্ণ; wasted away; gaunt; Ex. ~ faces of the rescued miners >>> Someone who is ~ looks exhausted and worn out, exactly how you'd expect someone who's been lost at sea for days to look. >>> Mnemonic: হাগতে হাগতে রাত দিন যায়


যথোপযুক্ত; appropriate; fitting >>> Something ~ is fitting or relevant. It is ~ that radio stations play Christmas carols on Christmas Eve, and that your tax accountant takes vacation after April 15th. It all makes sense. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~=> opposite of OPPOSITE i.e. perfectly matched; appropriate; most suitable


যাওয়ার সংক্ষিপ্ত রাস্তা; direct quick route >>> A ~ is the swiftest, most direct route between two points. If you are shopping at the mall on a weekend afternoon and you see an empty parking space, you should make a ~ for it or risk circling the lot for hours. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;BEE + LINE);moving in a particular line(direction) like a bee


যুগযুগান্ত / বিরাট সময়; long period of time; an age; longest division of geologic time containing two or more eras >>> An ~ is a really, really, super-long, impossible-to-measure length of time. If you sit down to dinner hanging your head and moaning that it's been an ~ since you ate anything, you're exaggerating. Four hours ago is not an ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi , English);~: Reminds of GODREJ ~ fridge ...which keeps food fresh for long period of time --- Greek aiōn, "age."


যে কাব্যালংকারে প্রতিটি শব্দের প্রারম্ভে একই ব্যঞ্জন বা স্বরবর্ণের পুনঃপুনঃ ব্যবহার; repetition of beginning sound in poetry >>> ~ is when you use words that have the same sound at the beginning, like "Stellar students synthesize sweet sentences." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);sounds like literature iteration (observe the word very carefully). hence can be related to repetitions(iterations) in poems.


যে চাকর সব রকমের কাজই করে; handyman; person who does all kinds of work; CF. do everything >>> If you're running late and still need to iron your clothes and make breakfast, but can't find your shoes, you may wish you had a ~, or a servant who does a variety of odd jobs for their employer. >>> Mnemonic: fact + totum (total) -> taking care total / all facts -> a servant


যে সময় সূর্য নিরক্ষবৃত্ত অতিক্রম করে অর্থাত যখন দিন ও রাত্রী সমান হয়; period of equal days and nights; the beginning of spring and autumn; Ex. vernal/autumnal ~; >>> The ~ is one of the two times in a year when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator, and day and night are of equal length. "During the spring ~ you can balance eggs on end, because of the equal balance between night and day." >>> Mnemonic: Equi+ nocturnal.


যোগদানকারী; partner in crime >>> An ~ is a cooperator or participator, commonly in criminal acts. So you're an ~ to the gas station robbery if you distracted the store manager while your partner in crime raided the registers for cash. >>> Mnemonic: i alter the mnemonic given by preetisoni...~-Ac+com+plice rearrange it u ll get com(company)+ac(assume as "against")+police and it looks like company against police which is a crime..


যৌগ; combine; produce by combining; increase; make worse by adding to or increasing; exacerbate; Ex. ~ an error; ADJ: consisting of two or more parts; N: combination of two or more parts; area enclosed by a wall containing a group of buildings; >>> If you ~ a problem you add something to it to make it worse, like say, putting water on a grease fire. ~ means to combine; a ~ is a combination or mixture of two or more things. >>> Mnemonic: the pharmacist ~ed the formulation


রক্ষক / ব্যাপক সমর্থন করা; support militantly; fight for; N: person who fights for or supports strongly (a principle, movement, person, etc.) >>> ~ comes from the Latin word campionem for "gladiator, fighter." Rarr! No need to grab your sword, but a ~ is also a person who fights for a cause. If you are the ~ of fundraising, you keep pushing to raise money. As a verb, to ~ means to protect or fight for something. You ~ your little brother by defending him against meanies (লোভী ব্যক্তি) — no matter what, you are always on his side >>> Mnemonic: ~s are like super man who has capability to support and defend there friends [Secondary Meaning]


রঙ্গপ্রিয়; said or done in jest or playfully; marked by joking >>> Do you like to make a lot of jokes? Are you often silly? Are you usually happy? If so, then you are a ~ person. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);Joke(joc) + cooler (cular). Imagine a cooler which throws out jokes. (~ = said or done as a joke)


রচনা লেখা; write; compose >>> The verb ~, rarely used today, means "compose" or "put down in writing," like when you find a quiet place to sit down with your notebook and pen and ~ a journal entry or a first draft of a short story. >>> Mnemonic: when you are on DIET(indiet)...,u write down whatever u ate to count calories!


রণতরীর বহর; fleet of warships >>> If an ~ is looking for you, that's not good news — it's a fleet of warships. >>> Mnemonic: do u know n~ river ? fleets of warship in n~ ~ ~


রদ করা; abolish >>> ~ means to abolish or avoid. When someone cuts in front of you in line, they are ~ing your right to be the next one served. When you cut in line, you are ~ing your responsibility to those who were in line before you. >>> Mnemonic: Imagine a boy is making sighs to a girl standing in front of her GATE,seeing that ,her BRO comes & get rid of the boy (abolish)


রন্ধন প্রণালী; style of cooking; Ex. French ~ >>> ~ is a type of food that is cooked in a specific way based on a culture's ingredients, region, and traditions. If you're craving cannoli, a visit to Chinatown doesn't make much sense, since cheese is more characteristic of Italian ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);Remember MULTI ~ RESTAURANTS...different types of foods lyk chineese,mexican etc..i remember it lyk dis


রসপণ্ডিত / শিল্পকলা প্রভৃতির সমঝদার; person competent to act as a judge of art, etc. (whose judgments are respected); a lover of an art >>> A ~ is a person who, through study and interest, has a fine appreciation for something, like the ~ who can identify the clarinet player on a jazz recording by the sound of his inhalations alone. >>> Mnemonic: (In Hindi Language) ~ sounds like kaun inse sure nahi hoga, kaun nahi sure.. Ye to expert hai. He is ~. He is EXPERT.


রসিক; given to(having a tendency of) joking >>> Your friend Robert who always makes funny observations and light-hearted quips - ঠাট্টা? He's ~, meaning he's good humored and jokes around a lot. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = JOKE + OSE .The suffix OSE indicates this is an Adjective, therefore pertaining to jokes.


রহস্যময় / দুর্বোধ্য; mysterious; hidden; secret >>> "White bunny. Moon. Square." Do you understand what that means? Of course not! It's totally ~. ~ comments or messages are hard to understand because they seem to have a hidden meaning. >>> Mnemonic: Crypt means Secret . . . So ~ means something secret . . .Puzzle


রাখালী; rustic; pastoral >>> As an adjective, ~ refers to an ideal country life that many yearn for. If your parents wanted to raise you in a ~ environment, you may find yourself living 45 minutes away from the nearest movie theater or person your age. Not ideal. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds a bit like বকুল ফুলের গন্ধ - we just can have that at country side


রাগান / ধুপ-ধুনার গন্ধ; enrage; infuriate(make furious); make extremely angry; outrage; N: aromatic substance burned to produce a pleasant odor >>> ~ means both "to make angry" and a stick that burns slowly and emits a strong smell. If your new college roommate burns ~ in your tiny dorm room, you might get ~d and storm out. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~~>insensible... insensible people infuriate(~) me.


রাজকীয়তা / মহিমা / বিশালতা; impressiveness; stateliness; majesty >>> Use the noun ~ to describe something that is splendid or magnificent, such as a lofty idea or an impressive building: "The gilded domes (সোনার দ্বারা গিলটি করা গুম্বজ) and ornate detail added to the ~ of the church on Red Square." >>> Mnemonic: grand+eur...................and grand means huge, big ,large.....anything that is grand is always impressive.


রাজনৈতিক দলের সমিতি; private meeting of a group of people in a political party to select officers or determine policy; CF. the ~ club of Boston >>> The noun ~ is a closed meeting of members from the same political party. The Iowa ~es get a lot of attention during the presidential primary season. >>> Mnemonic: cau + cus sounds like can collector come to discuss..... lets get together in a group and discuss about who will be elected ...


রাজমুকুট; crown >>> A ~ is a crown, or something on a crown. If you've just won the Miss America pageant, reach up your hand — that's right — that rhinestone encrusted circlet on your head? That's a ~. >>> Mnemonic: dia + dem; dia + gem; dia is related to circle; Circle of Gems (মণি) is what a crown has


রাষ্ট্রবিরোধী অপরাধের ক্ষেত্রে প্রদর্শিত সাধারণ ক্ষমা; pardon (allowed by government to political criminals) >>> ~ can mean a pardon for a wrongdoing, or it can also signal a government's willingness to overlook something. >>> Mnemonic: am-nesty-> similar to "i am nasty" but still my parents generally pardon my mistakes


রাসন / স্বাদ সংক্রান্ত; affecting or relating to the sense of taste >>> If you want to improve the ~ appeal of a grapefruit, you might add a spoonful of sugar. ~ is an adjective that refers to tasting or the sense of taste. >>> Mnemonic: রান্না গোস্তের মত


রুচিহীন; untidy (of a woman or clothes); slovenly; dressed in an unattractive way; shabby; CF. unattractive woman >>> Someone ~ dresses badly and has a shabby, unstylish appearance. If you can't remember the last time you went shopping, beware, you may be ~. >>> Mnemonic: a ROWDY(গুণ্ডা) person is ~


রুফ থেকে বাড়িয়ে বানানো জানালা; window projecting upright from roof; CF. sleeping room >>> Almost like a picture in a pop-up book, a ~ is a peaked extension, with a window, that rises up from the roof of a house. The word ~ often refers to the window itself. >>> Mnemonic: consider it to be a window in a dormitory(dorm)


রূক্ষতা; sharpness; roughness; severity (of temper or weather); Ex. asperities of a Russian winter >>> ~ is the harsh tone or behavior people exhibit when they're angry, impatient, or just miserable. When your supervisor's "Late again!" greeting causes your entire future to pass before your eyes, he is speaking with ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ can be thought of as A spear with severity. i.e Sharpness


রূপক / আক্ষরিক নয় এমন; not literal but metaphorical; using a figure(impression) of speech >>> When speech or writing is not literal, it is ~, like when you say you have a ton of homework. You don't really have 2000 pounds of homework, do you? Also, when art depicts a figure from life it is ~, like a ~ drawing of a dancer.


রোগসংক্রমণ; infection (by contact); ADJ. ~ious; CF. infectious: that can be passed by infection in the air >>> Have you ever noticed how when one person yawns, the people around him tend to do so as well? This phenomenon can be described as a ~, the spreading of an emotional or mental state (in this case, fatigue). >>> Mnemonic: contag(sounds like contagious...)so when you come in contact with a diseased spread infection.....


রোগ - জীবাণুমুক্ত; নির্বীজ; preventing infection; having a cleansing effect >>> If something is ~ it is sterile, sanitized, or otherwise clean of infectious organisms. Hospitals make every effort to keep operating rooms ~ so that patients don't contract infections after surgery. >>> Mnemonic: a+septic which means removing or preventing septic


রোগাক্রান্ত / ধ্বংসপ্রাপ্ত; suffering from a disease; destroyed >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something that has a condition that makes it weak or unable to grow, like a ~ lawn with more brown patches than green. >>> Mnemonic: trees bina (without) light gets ~


লক্ষণীয় / দৃষ্টিগোচর; distinguishable; perceivable; Ex. ~ improvement >>> ~ means noticeable. If your extra hours training are having no ~ influence on your basketball game, it means your game has not changed. >>> Mnemonic: Mnemonic: @ NOC - everyone is using dual screen for monitoring - they are ~ to get information any of the monitor any time


লক্ষ্য করে দেখা; catch sight of (something distant) >>> If you spot something, you ~ it. When you spy it, you ~ it. It's a good verb to use when you catch a glimpse of a rare bird in the trees. Or when you finally spot Waldo in a "Where's Waldo?" book. >>> Mnemonic:Time on time revolving we ~, so moments flit, so moments fly ----- ~ to *describe*


লঘু / পাতলা করা; make (a liquid) less concentrated; reduce in strength; Ex. ~ the influence of the president >>> When you ~ something, you make it thinner, weaker or more watered down. Like ice-cubes melting into your soda — it totally ~s the bubbly taste!


লঙ্ঘন; violation (of a rule or regulation); breach >>> When you break school rules about gum chewing, you commit an ~. An ~ is a petty crime or a minor breaking of rules. >>> Mnemonic: a football player kicks someone and his bone is FRACTured. It's a violation, but not a crime hence ~...


লম্বা বক্তৃতা দিয়ে সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণে বাধা দেওয়া; block legislation or prevent action in a lawmaking body by making very slow long speeches; N; freebooter >>> As a verb, ~ means "to obstruct legislation by talking at great length." As a noun, it can refer to that oppositional speech. "The Senator prevented a vote on the bill by reading the dictionary from aardvark to zyzzyva." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);something that is filled to burst the final outcome (which delays the outcome)


লাম্পট্য / কামুকতা; gross lewdness; lustfulness >>> ~ is a noun applied to a person's feelings that are lustful or sexual in an extreme or unnatural way. A person's ~ may lead to wrong and unlawful physical acts or attacks on others, or to the making and viewing of inappropriate pictures and movies. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi );~==imagine in a pub a pole dancer with lots of cherries clipped on her body....and she comes to you and says.."*LE CHERRY kha*..." dat point all the lustfulness/gross lewdness gets activated..:)


লুকোনো / গুপ্ত; secret >>> Pick the adjective, ~, to describe something that is done in secret, like your ~ attempts to steal your brother's Halloween candy. >>> Mnemonic: Plan(Clan) this(des) time(tine) in ~ --- Plan this time secretly


লুচ্চা / কামুক; lustful >>> Making ~ remarks are sexually inappropriate. Personal and sexually explicit comments might be acceptable when said in private but they are not all right when said to strangers in public. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like NUDE....done(seeing which one becomes lustful) --- লেংটা & NUDE


লুণ্ঠন করা / (ভেড়া / অনুরূপ প্রাণীর) লোম; wool coat of a sheep; V: shear (কাটা) the ~ from; rob by a trick; swindle; plunder >>> A ~ is a sheep's coat. Or a goat's. Or a yak's. A person's coat can be called a ~, too, if it comes from a sheep or goat or a yak or even if it just looks like it did. >>> Mnemonic: colleges are PLUNDERING (লুটপাট) in the form of ~(FEES) and capitation


লেগে থাকা; stick fast; be a devotd follower; devotion; loyality >>> If you don't want monkey droppings to ~ to the sole of your shoe, watch where you're walking. Maybe if you'd ~, or stick to, the zoo rules and stay on the walking path, you wouldn't have to worry about it. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~ is relating to a adhessive which is used to stick or join two the meaning


লোভী; greedy; extremely eager for; Ex. ~ learner; N. ~ity >>> ~ usually means very eager or enthusiastic. If you're an ~ reader, it means you read as much as you can, whenever you can. >>> Mnemonic: a person is always eager to be in ~(a video)


লোম / ঘাড়ের অপরের লম্বা চুল; hairs on back and neck, especially of a dog; Ex. make someone's ~ rise >>> If that mean-looking doggie has his back arched, teeth bared and the hairs on the back of his neck are standing up straight, walk away slowly. You've raised his ~, or instilled a feeling of anger. >>> Mnemonic: *Jackals* have hair on back and neck


লোমহর্ষক; grisly; horrible >>> Gothic novels, horror movies, and crime dramas don't shy away from showing ~ scenes of death, pictures that inspire fright and repulsion. Synonyms include "ghastly," "grisly," "loathsome," and "macabre." >>> Mnemonic: ~ - CRUEL + SOME


শক্তিশালী করা / পৃষ্ঠরক্ষা করা; support; prop up; N. stationary structure to support wall; Ex. flying ~ >>> You can ~ an argument with solid facts or your financial portfolio with safe investments. You may find that giving compliments to everyone you meet ~es your popularity. To ~ is to sustain or reinforce. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);remember by your BUTT or BUTTOCKS ! what do they do? They provide you with a padding when ypu sit, giving support.. :)


শক্তিহীনতা; lose animation or strength >>> To ~ is to become pitiful or weak because you're sick, in love, or stuck somewhere. A prisoner might ~ in jail, longing for her freedom. >>> Latin verb, languere "to be weak or faint" --- when you are লাংটা nd doing হাগু your penis is ~


শত্রুভাবাপন্ন; (of someone) unfriendly; hostile; (of something) harmful; detrimental; CF. enemy >>> Censorship is ~ to freedom. So, most teenagers would argue, are curfews. To be ~ is to be harmful, antagonistic, or opposed to — like smoking two packs a day is to healthy lungs. >>> Mnemonic: inimi=enemy, and enemies cause damage. So ~ means something damaging.


শপথপূর্বক পরিত্যাগ করা; renounce upon oath >>> ~ means to swear off, and it applies to something you once believed. You can ~ a religious faith, you can ~ your love of another person, and you can ~ the practice of using excessive force in interrogation. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ think it like injure. so once you are injured you will give up. so ~ means give up


শপথপূর্বক বলা; declare openly; N. ~al >>> When you ~ something, you say it openly for the whole world to hear. If you're a witness in a trial, you'll be asked to take an oath in which you'll ~ that you'll tell the truth. >>> Mnemonic: (a-vow) vow means to make a promise so you declare openly


শব্দ বিকৃত হয়ে গেছে; mixed up; jumbled; distorted >>> A ~ message makes no sense. If you get a bad phone connection, your friend's message might sound ~. Or, if you have rewritten the same sentence numerous times, its message might also be ~. >>> Mnemonic: whn u GURGLE the sound is ~ --- GRAB sth so hard that it ~


শব্দকোষ; brief explanation of words used in the text >>> A ~ is a dictionary of terms specific to a certain subject. A biology textbook might have a ~ in the back, so you can quickly look up all those technical words.


শব্দবিজ্ঞান; science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in >>> If you choose to study sound, your field of expertise would be called ~. Once you get your degree, you might be hired by concert halls to improve the ~, or how sound carries through the room. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);a+co(couple)+stics(sticks)-a couple of sticks when striked produce a sound...relates to science of sound...


শব্দের কথা সম্বলিত ধাঁধা; riddle; difficult problem >>> The tricky word ~ is used to describe a riddle or puzzle, sometimes including a play on words or pun. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);drum ke andar kaun hai


শয়তানসুলভ; devilish; fiendish >>> ~ means "evil." This is a strong word. Too much math homework might seem unfair, but it probably isn't ~. >>> Mnemonic: দিয়া(dia) দিব বলিয়া(bo) আজ কাল করা(lical)


শলল্যচিকিত্সা দ্বারা অঙ্গ কেটে ফেলা নেত্তয়া; cut off part of body; prune (a limb) >>> Use the verb ~ when you need to describe the surgical removal of a limb, such as an arm or a leg. For example, a doctor might ~ an accident victim's badly crushed arm. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;global);a(r)m+put+ate : Imagine a silly situation.tiger ATE your ARM which is PUT for eating. so your arm is CUTOFF from your body


শান - পাথরে ঘসিয়া ধার দেওয়া; sharpen (a tool); N: whetstone for sharpening a tool >>> The verb ~ means to sharpen skills. When you practice shooting baskets every day after school, you are honing your skills as a basketball player. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like cone, and both horn and cone are sharp.. --- ~ skill


শান্ত করা; প্রশমিত / উপশম করা; pacify or soothe; Ex. appease a crying baby; >>> Appease means to make or preserve peace with a nation, group, or person by giving in to their demands, or to relieve a problem, as in "the cold drink appeased his thirst.


শান্তিপূর্ণ; calm; peaceful; Ex. ~ days >>> An old man watching his grandchildren play might look back fondly on his ~ days, remembering the peaceful, happy time of his youth. >>> ~ days of spring


শালীনতা; propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners; appropriateness of behavior or conduct >>> ~ is proper and polite behavior. If you let out a big belch at a fancy dinner party, you're not showing much ~. >>> Mnemonic: "decor um"; decor them to make them more proper and correct


শাস্তি থেকে মুক্তি / অব্যহতি; freedom from punishment or harm; CF. punish >>> If doing something usually results in punishment, but you do it with ~, you will not be punished for the deed. Students are not allowed to chew gum in school, but teachers do it with ~. Not fair! >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like immunity. Punitive means punishment while ~ is freedom from punishment


শিথিল; careless; negligent; not paying enough attention; Ex. ~ service >>> That dad who buys beer for his teenage kids? His parenting style might be described as ~. A paperclip chain used as a bike lock? That would be an example of ~ security. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - re~ - careless


শিরশ্ছেদ করা; behead >>> When the bad-tempered Queen of Hearts cried "off with their heads!" in "Alice in Wonderland," she was ordering her henchmen to ~ those who had offended her. >>> Mnemonic: capitate(capital)->say head of country->so ~ means dehead or behead


শিরোনামা; title; chapter heading; text under illustration >>> A ~ is a brief description accompanying an illustration. You know the online photo of your baby cousin face-planting into a cake? The description underneath it that says "Hugh's First Birthday" — that's the ~. >>> Mnemonic: Interesting ~ all the time captures our attention


শিশুসুলভ; childish; infantlike >>> ~ means immature or childish. Thumb-sucking and temper tantrums are examples of ~ behavior. >>> Mnemonic: very easy, look at the word INFANT....A NEW BORN BABY...SO SOMEONE behaving like an ~. Be careful not to confuse with "infantry" - (ground troops, soldiers who fight on foot)


শিষ্টাচারবর্জিত অশ্বারোহী সৈনিক; casual and offhand; arrogant; N: knight >>> ~ means snobby. Someone who is ~ has a bad attitude and regards other people as inferior. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ sounds like cavalry (অশ্বারোহী), which is the part of the army which serve on the horse back and they are definitely more arrogant than the soldier on feet


শীতকালীন; wintry; wintery; of or like winter >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe something that has to do with winter, like a grizzly bear's cozy (আরামদায়ক) ~ cave. >>> Mnemonic: Similar to hibernate. Bears hibernate during the WINTERY season.


শীতযাপন করা; sleep throughout the winter >>> To ~ means to take a season-long snooze. When a bear crawls into a cave with a belly full of food ready to sleep through the cold winter, that bear is going to ~ until spring. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - mode in computer, make it inactive


শীর্ষ; peak; pinnacle; highest point >>> When something is at the very peak of perfection, reach for this noun from Greek: ~. A brilliant violinist might reach the ~ of her career, but eventually she might become unstrung. >>> Mnemonic: Like acne=high points on skin(pimple).~=Highest point in ones work.


শুভলক্ষণযুক্ত; favoring success; giving signs of future success; >>> Use the adjective ~ for a favorable situation or set of conditions. If you start a marathon by falling flat on your face, that's not an ~ start. >>> Mnemonic: : a+uspicious—sounds like "a suspicious" any thing suspicious is not favourable, so a(not ) suspicious means FAVORABLE, SUITABLE


শুষ্ক করা; dry up >>> The verb ~ means to dry out, dry up and dehydrate. It's helpful to ~ weeds but certainly not crops. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);desi cake is always dried up.


শূন্য করা; reduce; exhaust >>> To ~ is to use up or consume a limited resource. Visiting relatives might ~ your refrigerator of food, or a pestering friend might ~ your patience. >>> Mnemonic: If you de(remove) + from plate.. you will reduce its contents.


শূন্যবাদী / নাস্তিক্যবাদী; denying the existence of God; >>> If you are ~, you don't believe in God. Or in any gods for that matter. You're also probably not interested in praying or participating in religious rituals.


শূন্যে ভাসমান রাখা; rise and float in the air (especially by magical means); CF. light >>> To ~ is to float in the air, defying gravity. It also means to cause something to do that. With a magnetic force — or a magic wand — you might be able to make your teacher ~ above your classroom. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ sounds like meditate ... when you do meditation and yoga .. you feel like floating in the air ... which is magical !


শোষণ করা; drink in >>> ~ is a fancy word for "drink." If you need to ~ ten cups of coffee just to get out of the house, you might have a caffeine problem. >>> Mnemonic: im+bibe...sounds like pipe...and u need a pipe to drink in sth...


শোকপূর্ণ; sad; solemn; suitable for a funeral >>> ~ describes the mood in a locker room after an overtime loss in a championship game — sad, serious and gloomy, as if you were at a funeral. >>> Mnemonic: ~ funeral


শোকসূচক গান; poem or song expressing lamentation (for the dead); >>> An ~ is a sad poem, usually written to praise and express sorrow for someone who is dead. Although a speech at a funeral is a eulogy, you might later compose an ~ to someone you have loved and lost to the grave. >>> Mnemonic: E(a)-LEGY(legendry) if a legendry person dies......people sing a mournful poem or people lament or regret for his death.....


শোকার্ত / প্রিয়জন-বিয়োগবিধুর; deprived of (something valuable); lacking >>> So, they took the thing you most loved, and you're never going to get it back. You've gone beyond just plain grief-stricken — you're ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ = beer + left and therefore DEPRIVED of beer


শোচনীয়; (of a condition) wretched; as low as possible; lacking pride; very humble; showing lack of self-respect; Ex. ~ apology >>> If it reeks of humiliation or looks like the lowest of lows, then you can safely describe it as ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like REJECT. Poor people are like REJECTED (~) people in the society. poor people or people lacking pride (~ people) are rejected in society


শ্রদ্ধা স্বীকৃতি; honor; tribute; great respect; Ex. pay/do ~ to >>> ~ means great respect and honor, or something done to honor a person or thing. We pay ~ to our ancestors and say prayers in ~ to their memory. >>> Mnemonic: Home + Aged (age) -> we respect the aged persons at home (our parents, grandparents etc.)


শ্রমশীল; demanding much work or care; tedious


শ্রুতিকটু পদের পরিবর্তে কোমলতর পদের প্রয়োগ; mild expression in place of an unpleasant one; >>> Pardon me, but when a polite term is substituted for a blunt, offensive one, you should call it a ~. >>> Mnemonic: Assuming: females are milder than males as they are more emotionally inclined. It reads like E(xpress) U(yourself) Phemism(like feminism).


শ্রুতিমধুর শব্দ; sweet sound; >>> Shakespeare's language is a good example of ~: pleasant, musical sounds in harmony, as with "To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow / Creeps in this petty pace from day to day." >>> Mnemonic: Sounds like SYMPHONY. Music is sweet sounding.


শ্রেণীগত নাম; meaning; distinguishing by name; V. ~: indicate; refer to directly; mean; CF. connotation >>> ~ means the literal meaning of a word or name. Although Paris might make you think of romance, its ~ is simply the city of old tribe called the Parisii. >>> Mnemonic: ~ means, 'meaning' and connotation means 'implied meaning or secondary meaning'. Its easier to remember both together.


শ্রেষ্ঠ ও অমোঘ ঔষধ / স্পর্শমণি; cure-all; panacea; something invigorating >>> Miraculous, magical, and maybe a little mysterious, an ~ is a sweet substance or solution that cures the problem at hand. >>> Mnemonic: cure all ills


ষড়যন্ত্র; treacherous plot; secret plan against the law (by two or more people) >>> A ~ is a secret agreement between two or more people to commit an unlawful or harmful act. ~ theorists are people who believe that the government is secretly controlled by power brokers in flagrant violation of the constitution. >>> Mnemonic: con(together)+piracy(means harmful).So together involving in harm


সংকীর্ণ / পৃথক্; narrow-mindedness; isolation; ADJ. ~: of an island; isolated; narrow-minded; CF. peninsula >>> The noun ~ refers to the quality of being isolated or detached. In fact, the word is based on the Latin word insula, for "island." The phrase "no man is an island" means that no one can be completely separate from others. >>> Mnemonic: we insulate electrical wires.. by insulating , we are ISOLATING the wires from the environment...


সংকেত লিপিবদ্ধ; arrange (laws or rules) as a code; classify; collection of laws, rules, established social customs >>> To ~ is to arrange information in a logical order that others can follow. Legislators may try to ~, or gather and organize, all laws related to a particular issue to make it easier to understand. >>> Mnemonic: a program ll work only when the codes are arranged in correct order


সংকোচক / কঠোর / রুক্ষ / কষায় এমন; binding; causing contraction (stopping bleeding); harsh or severe; stringent; Ex. ~ criticism >>> You know that vinegar-like liquid teens put on their faces in order to tighten their pores and dry up their pimples? That's ~. An ~ personality, on the other hand, is perceived as bitter and perhaps even a bit toxic. >>> Mnemonic: ~- stringent means harsh , we can probly remember like this..


সংক্ষিপ্ত; brief and compact >>> If something is ~, it's short and gets right to the point. A ~ edition of your diary might be 50 pages of the most important entries. >>> Mnemonic: con(KAM MEANS LESS)) + cise(SIZE).......SO anything which is LESS in SIZE.


সংক্ষিপ্ততা; conciseness; shortness of duration >>> The noun ~ means shortness or conciseness. If you give a report on agriculture in the northern hemisphere in 3 minutes, you have done it with incredible ~. >>> Mnemonic: brief + tea session,tea time is short.......


সংক্ষেপ করা; condense or shorten >>> So the editor wants to cut your epic 800-page history of the stapler to a 150-page summary instead. Don't cry — he just wants to ~ your masterpiece, trimming it down to the more readable essential elements. >>> Mnemonic: a+bridge..well bridges are meant to reduce the gap between abridging..something means reducingor shortening something.


সংগঠক / উপাদান; supporter; voter; member of a constituency; component >>> ~ means part of a whole, as in "we'll break this down into its ~ parts." The word comes up often in political contexts: ~s are the people politicians have been elected to represent.


সংগ্রহ করা; gather leavings; gather grain left behind by reapers; gather bit by bit (facts or information) often with difficulty >>> Seeing a word in context lets you ~ information about how it's used. ~ means to gather bit by bit. You might say, "I couldn't understand her accent, but from what I could ~, she needs money to take the bus." >>> Mnemonic: ~ knowledge to *clean* (clear) you concept


সংগ্রহ করা; pick out from others (to kill the weakest members); reject; select; collect (information); N. >>> To ~ means to select or gather. If you decide to make a literary anthology, you must ~ the best possible stories and then arrange them in a pleasing manner. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);If you CALL you take it; if you ~ you reject it.


সংজ্ঞা; suggested or implied meaning of an expression; V. connote >>> When you're talking about the implied subtext of words rather than their literal meaning, reach for the noun ~. A political boss might not want to be called "boss" because of the negative ~s. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);can + notation -notations have implied meaning


সংবর্ত / জট পাকানো / দুরূহ; coiled around; twisted; involved; complicated; intricate; complex; >>> If something is ~, it's intricate and hard to understand. You'll need to read over your brother's ~ investment scheme a few times before deciding whether or not to go in on it. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Digital Signal Processing);Convolution theorem was very hard to understand!!


সংবাদবাহক; messenger >>> A ~ is a person you trust with delivering important messages or packages. Let the mailman deliver your electric bill and the form letter from the "Save the Orchids" foundation, but only trust a ~ with your book contract or birth certificate..


সংযত করা / দমিয়ে দেওয়া; discipline; punish in order to correct; CF. castigate >>> To ~ someone is to correct him or her, often with the use of some pretty steep punishment. ~ can also mean "to restrain." Either of these actions may be necessary when someone isn't behaving like they're supposed to. >>> Mnemonic: relate it with upper one "Chaste (সতীত্ব)" as to keep ur virginity you have to be disciplined .. so for chaste and ~ go hand in hand


সংযোগ - প্রবণতা; tendency to keep together >>> ~ means sticking together. If your group of friends heads to the lunchroom as a team and sits all together, you're demonstrating strong ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);SIMILAR TO ADHESION WHICH KEEPS TOGETHER...


সংযোজন করা; attach; add to a large thing; take possession of; incorporate (territory) into a larger existing political unit (by force); N: building added to a large one >>> An ~ is an extension of, or an addition to a building. A small room off of a main room is an ~, and attics are another type of ~. >>> Mnemonic: a+next


সংলগ্ন থাকা; stick together >>> When things ~, they come together in a meaningful way. It wasn't until we won a game that our team finally ~d, and we actually felt like a unit. >>> Mnemonic: involves word "co"+"here" everybody come here...means stay together


সংলগ্ন; adjacent to; touching upon >>> Use the adjective ~ when you want to describe one thing touching another thing, or next to it but not actually touching. >>> Mnemonic: Each state in the United States is touching/adjacent to another; they are all continous, which sounds similar to ~


সংশোধন করা; ameliorate; correct; change ; generally for the better >>> ~ describes actions or speech intended to correct or improve something. If you confused your audience when you gave your speech, don't be afraid to ~ what you said, meaning you make minor changes to better explain what you meant. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;say amen after your pray);after we ask God to ~ the sinful world, we say AMEN


সংশোধন করা; correct (usually a text); N. ~ation: correction of errors; improvement >>> When you ~ a piece of writing, you correct or revise it. If you are asked to ~ a report, that just means you need to go through it and make revisions. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = amend means...make improvements


সংশোধন করা; উন্নয়নসাধন করা; improve; amend >>> To ~ is to step in and make a bad situation better. You could try introducing a second lollipop to ~ a battle between two four-year-olds over a single lollipop. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Ameli (Imli) improves the taste of food. The verb ~ comes from the Latin word meliorare, meaning "improve." Food drives can ~ hunger. Aspirin can ameliorate a headache. A sympathy card can ameliorate grief. Family therapy can ~ severe sibling rivalry. Anything that can lift a burden can ~.


সংস্থাপন করা; enclose; place in something; fix firmly in a surrounding mass >>> The verb ~ means to implant something or someone — like to ~ a stone into a garden pathway or to ~ a journalist in a military unit. >>> Mnemonic: ~ded system fix all things together/enclose.


সঙ্কট / জরুরি অবস্থা; urgent situation; >>> Think of a mix of excitement and emergency, and you have ~, a sudden, urgent crisis. The very word conjures up danger and intrigue that demand a cool head and an immediate effort at a solution. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = Excitement + EmerGency


সঙ্কলন করা; assemble; gather; accumulate; make (a report or a book) from facts and information found in various places; Ex. ~ a dictionary >>> When you ~ something, like a recipe-book or a mix-tape, you put it together using things that already exist (recipes, songs). >>> Mnemonic: Things COMe in PILE bcz we ASSEMBLE,GATHER or ACCUMULATE data.


সঙ্কেত করা; signify; indicate; be a sign of >>> A dark sky full of clouds might ~ a thunderstorm. In other words, the clouds indicate or point to the fact that a thunderstorm is on its way. >>> Mnemonic: be a token for something...means be a sign/signal for something


সঙ্কেতাক্ষরে লিখা; encode; convert a message into code; put into cipher >>> >>> Mnemonic: cipher is a secret when you ~ you encode and when you decipher you decode.


সঙ্গীতবিদ্যালয় / স্পর্শকাতর গাছপালা রক্ষা করার কাচঘর; school of the fine arts (especially music or drama); glass-enclosed area; >>> A ~ is a place to grow. It could be one of those glass greenhouses where rare and delicate plants can thrive. Or it could be a place to grow your artistic talent — like a music ~. >>> Mnemonic: Conserv-a(r)tory - School where art is conserved


সঙ্গীতের শেষধ্বনি; conclusion; concluding part >>> If you decide to leave the theater early to beat traffic, you'll miss the ~ — the exciting final part of a theatrical performance. >>> Mnemonic: super singer grand final...le


সঙ্গে থাকা; associate with; keep company; N: husband or wife (or a ruler) >>> If you keep company with someone, you are ~ing with them. "The students tended to ~ only with other students from similar backgrounds. The staff wanted to break them out of their comfort zone, so they organized games to force them to mingle and meet new people." >>> Mnemonic: sort with whom you be connected


সঙ্ঘবদ্ধ করা; introduce something into a larger whole; include; embody; give material form to; ADJ. >>> To ~ is to include or integrate a part into the whole. ~ is a more active version of the word "include"; if you ~, you are adding something to the mix. >>> Mnemonic: IN CORPORATE life you have to integrate and to become united to have greater profits


সজ্জিত করা / অলঙ্কৃত করা; adorn; ornament; enhance as a story (by adding fictitious details) >>> The word "bell" shows up in the middle of ~, and bells are something that decorate, or ~ something, making it more attractive. If you ~ speech, though, it can get ugly if you add a lot of details that aren't true. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~--we add BELL to the Christmas tress to adorn it


সজ্জিত করা; equip; N. ~ment >>> provide with military equipment >>> Mnemonic: couture means dress ,~ means furnish with dress or equipment;to equip or to attire


সজ্জিত করা; marshal; draw up in order; arrange in order; clothe splendidly; adorn; N: fine clothes; ordered group; Ex. in battle ~ >>> An ~ is a display of something — usually something varied. So, you might encounter an ~ of bathing suits on the beach or an ~ of cereal brands in the cereal aisle of the grocery store. Which would you prefer? >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);For secondary meaning .. " jese kehna . arrey wah kya kapde pehne hai ":)


সতনদী; gully; narrow channel formed by rainwater >>> Ever see a dried out stream or brook that sometimes, after a good rain, is racing with water? That's an ~, or a creek that dries out and fills with water depending on the time of year and weather. >>> Mnemonic: it is like a ----------> a row (of water)


সতীত্ব; self-restraint; sexual chastity; sexual abstinence; voluntary control over bladder and bowel functions; >>> ~ refers to self control. It's the ability to hold it all in. >>> Mnemonic: sounds like "abstinence" which is to stay away or to restrain.


সদাপ্রস্তুত / পিচ্ছিল; fluent (with insincerity or superficiality); facile; slick >>> A hiring manager might think you're being ~, or slick and insincere, if you say you've led a successful multinational corporation when you were actually in charge of flipping burgers for a fast-food restaurant chain. >>> Mnemonic: ~ liar (সাবলীল মিথ্যাবাদী)


সদালাপী; easily approachable; easy to talk to; warmly friendly >>> If the adjective ~ applies to you, it means that you are friendly and pleasant. A snarling junkyard dog is not ~. >>> Mnemonic: affection+able=affection to others


সদাশয়; generous; charitable; having a wish to do good >>> Choose the adjective ~ for someone who does good deeds or shows goodwill. If your teacher collects homework with a ~ smile, she's hoping that you've done a good job. >>> Mnemonic: root: bene= good + evol= wish


সদৃশ করা; পরিপাক করা; absorb; take (food) into the body and digest it; understand (knowledge) completely and be able to use properly; cause to become homogeneous (the people of a country or race in the wasy of behaving or thinking) >>> If you are trying to fit in, you are trying to ~. >>> Imported from Latin, ~ has the word similar within it and in fact, means "to become like something else." If someone moves to another country, he or she will need to ~ by adapting to and taking in the language, culture and customs of the new place. You can also turn the phrase around to say that a country ~ immigrants, which means that a place accepts immigrants and allows them to adapt easily. In scientific use, the body ~ nutrients as a part of digestion.


সদ্য - আরম্ভ / অপরিণত; (of desire, wish, plan) recently begun; not explicit; at the beginning of development; rudimentary; elementary; Ex. ~ mass >>> ~ means just beginning to form. You can have an ~ idea, like the earliest flickers of images for your masterpiece, or it can be a feeling, like the ~ sense of anger toward your new neighbor's talking parrot. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;hindi);choate seems like "chote"..for example "chote bachche" means not fully grown up or in the initial stage of life.


সন্তানসংক্রান্ত; pertaining to or befitting (মানানসই) a son or daughter; Ex. ~ respect >>> If you describe something as ~, you're saying it's offspring-related. Depending on who your parents are, your ~ duties might include taking out the trash, or washing dishes, or ruling empires. >>> Mnemonic: Phil and Al (can be names of children, therfore it is pertaining to a son or daughter - definition)


সন্দিগ্ধ; গ্রেফ্তার - সংক্রান্ত; fearful; discerning >>> If you're ~, you're anxious or fearful. If you just got run over by a crazy bicyclist, you might be a bit ~ crossing the street. >>> Mnemonic: ~:hen is always fearful...


সন্দেহজনক; (of words or statements) ambiguous; intentionally misleading; (of behavior) questionable; OP. un~ >>> Try to remember that uncertain means ~ and certain means un~. That's a tricky movement the un- is making, and a lot of people get stumped. >>> Mnemonic: If everyone spoke in an "equal-voice" you wouldn't be able to decipher who was calling.


সন্দেহজনক; questionable; (of something) causing doubt; (of someone) filled with doubt; >>> Choose the adjective ~ for something you have doubts about or you suspect is not true. That bridge you just "bought" might be of ~ value. >>> Mnemonic: ডুবে আছে না ভেসে আসে বোঝার উপায় নাই - ~


সন্দেহজনক; মিথ্যা / মেকি; (of a story) widely believed but untrue >>> Urban legends — stories about phantom hitchhikers, deep-fried rats, and spider eggs in bubblegum — are classic examples of ~ tales. They're told as if they're true, but no one can ever identify their origins. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hypocrite);~ Hypocritical (of false appearance of virtue)


সন্ধিক্ষণ; crisis; point in time; joining point; joint; act of joining >>> A ~ is a crucial point in time when a decision must be made. At this ~, a president might say, the government must decide whether to go ahead with war or to try to solve things diplomatically. >>> Mnemonic: sounds very similar to PUNCTURE...well if your tyre gets punctured when you have an important meeting, you find your self IN a HUGE CRISIS.


সন্নিহিত; adjoining; neighboring; close by >>> ~ means close to or near something. You may consider the people up and down your street to be neighbors, but your next door neighbor is the person who lives in the house or apartment ~ to yours. >>> Mnemonic: sound is like edge


সবদিকে নজর রাখে এমন; prudent; cautious; acting after careful thought >>> If you are ~, you think carefully before doing or saying anything. A good quality in someone entrusted with responsibility, though sometimes boring in a friend. >>> Mnemonic: circum(means circumstance)...spect(means to inspect) a kind of person who inspects circumstances before speaking, and such people are generally considered as prudent.


সব্যসাচী; capable of using either hand with equal ease >>> ~ people have the ability to use both hands with equal dexterity. But the ~ probably prefer to write with their right hands, since lefties always smudge what they've written as they drag their hand across the page. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;veeru sahastrabudhdeo(VIRUS) in 3-idiots movie is ~ in writing);need to know cartoon network: in dexter show the small kid's name is dexter who is highly talented,skilled...


সভা বা প্রভৃতিতে অসন্তোষ প্রকাশ করের জন্য শিশ বা তীব্র ধ্বনি; shout of disapproval or displeasure (made at the theater or a sports match); boo; V. >>> Boooo! Hisss! Come on ref! Are you blind?! Those are just a few family-friendly ~s, or rowdy cries of disapproval. >>> Mnemonic: if someone CALLs me a CAT there will be a shout of disapproval from my side n i would boo at them back


সমঝদার ভাব কিন্তু অপটু (কর্মী); aimless follower of an art or a field of knowledge (not taking it seriously); amateur; dabbler; CF. delight >>> Though ~ might sound like a nice French word, don't use it on your friend who thinks he can play the guitar after several short lessons. A ~ is an amateur, often one who pretends to be very knowledgeable. >>> Mnemonic: Dont know how to tie tent (তাবু) but always do this


সমন্বয়তা; absence of contradictions; uniformity; degree of thickness or firmness; Ex. ~ of thick cream; CF. viscous >>> Foods like puddings and gravies need to be the correct ~ — that is, the right thickness or texture — for the dish. It would not be good, for example, for gravy to have the ~ of cottage cheese. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;ENGLISH);'~' ='constancy' which means the quality of being the same and not changing:)


সমন্বিত / ব্যাপক; broad; including a lot or everything; thorough; inclusive >>> When you want to describe something that includes all or most details, you can use the adjective ~. If you get the ~ treatment at a spa, it might include massage, manicure and a facial. >>> Mnemonic: we always hear "~ win" from cricket commentators.. it means the side wins making enough runs or with enough wickets.. so its covering n winning in all aspects over the opposition..


সমবেত হত্তয়া; combine; fuse; N. ~nce >>> Waiting for a plan to come together? You're waiting for it to ~. ~ is when different elements of something join together and become one. >>> Mnemonic: coal- combination of wood and charcoal.


সমবেত হবার জন্য আহবান করা; call together; Ex. ~ Parliament; >>> To ~ is "to call to a meeting," specifically one that is formal. There is no fun to be had when you're ~d; there is serious business to attend to. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);In convocations colleges call all the students to get together.


সমর্থক;অনুগত ; supporter; follower >>> Because an ~ is usually something or someone that sticks to something or someone else, it's logical that it can also mean a person who believes in and supports a certain philosophy or leader. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);if u know the meaning of "adhere" which is to stick to .. den "adhere+nt" is someone who sticks to..


সমর্থন করা; confirm; support; strengthen >>> To ~ is to back someone else's story. If you swear to your teacher that you didn't throw the spitball, and your friends ~ your story by promising that you were concentrating on math homework, she might actually believe you. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);just focus on borate part of this word -- Borate test is a confirmatory test in chemistry.


সমর্পণ / (জমি, অধিকার) হস্তান্তর করণ; yielding to another; ceding >>> ~ is the act of giving up something, usually land, by the agreement in a formal treaty. For example, after a war, a losing country might make a ~ of part of its land to the victor. >>> We can see its relationship to other words, such as se~, which is the idea of one government breaking away from another, or "giving up" the connection between them, as happened in our own country and led to the Civil War


সমসাময়িক; living at the same time as; existing during the same period of time; contemporary; of the same age >>> When two things live or happen during the same period of time, they are ~. If you annotate an old poem, the annotations and the text of the poem are not ~. >>> Mnemonic: sounds similar to co-evolve meaning EVOLVED OR BORN AT THE SAME TIME


সমাধি কালে ঘণ্টাধ্বনি ; tolling of a bell especially to indicate a funeral, disaster, etc.; sound of the funeral bell; V. >>> A ~ is a ringing sound, particularly from a bell tolled to announce a death or the end of something. Which is kind of depressing. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~== k + (hell+bell) === when u die u wil be in hell... so ~ means tolling of a bell to indicate funeral


সমানুপাতিক; equal in extent; of the same size >>> The word ~ has to do with things that are similar in size and therefore appropriate. Many people think the death penalty is a ~ punishment for murder. In other words, the penalty fits the crime. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);SPLIT AS COMMON - ENSURED -RATE. WHICH MEANS, OUR RATE WILL BE EQUAL TO THE CHEAPEST PRODUCT!


সমালোচক; (in ancient Rome) overseer of morals (also taking the census); person who eliminates inappropriate matter; V. >>> A ~ takes out things that are objectionable or inappropriate, like the ~s at the TV networks bleeping out all the bad words in a show. >>> Mnemonic: ~ board which removes inappropriate matters from movies


সমুচিত; adequate; (of punishment) severe and well deserved; comeuppance >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe a fair and fitting punishment, like the ~ clean-up work assigned to a group of students after they made a big mess. >>> Mnemonic: ~=deserved (of punishment) ~=co+n+dign ~> come+and+dine...imagine after a well deserved punishment, ur mother calls u back for dining :)


সমুদ্রের ধারে বালিয়াড়ি - ঘেরা লবনাক্ত জলের হ্রদ; shallow body of water or lake near a sea; lake separated from a sea by sandbars or coral reefs >>> If you are snorkeling off the coast of Florida in water cut off from the main ocean, you are likely in a ~ — a body of water separated from the main ocean. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);~ sounds similar to monsoon ... when it rains a lot the pits nearby the coastal area is flooded with water , and form a ~ !


সমেত; tending to include all; all-~; Ex. ~ charge >>> Call something ~ when it's designed or inclined to include. An exclusive club might let you in, but an ~ one will ask you to join, no strings attached. >>> Mnemonic: Everything is IN the CLOSET.


সম্পূর্ণ আচ্ছন্ন করা; occupy fully; absorb >>> ~ is a verb that means to consume all of your attention or time. Once you ~ yourself in the culture of high salaries and unlimited spending accounts, it's hard to go back to cooking at a sandwich shop. >>> Mnemonic: pick the word gross - grass garden is fill with grass.


সম্পূর্ণ বা আংশিক স্মৃতিলোপ; loss of memory >>> When you have ~ you can't remember what happened to you in the past. ~ is a total or partial memory loss. >>> Mnemonic: ~.......remember AMir khan and his movie Ghajini were he has memory loss also Tare Zameen Par where he shows about DYSLEXIA same as ~


সম্পূর্ণ, অসীম, নিশ্চিত; complete; totally unlimited; having complete power; certain; not relative; Ex. ~ honesty/ruler; CF. ~ism >>> Use ~ as a noun or an adjective when you're so sure of something that you know it will never change. For example, a devout person's belief in life after death is an ~; that person has ~ faith in the afterlife. >>> Mnemonic: "solute" sounds like salute and we use to salute people having complete power.


সম্পূর্ণভাবে রূদ্ধ; concerning alchemy or magic; obscure and mysterious; occult >>> If you want to keep cookies crisp for a long time, store them in a jar with a ~, or airtight, seal. ~ means sealed so that no air can get in. >>> Mnemonic: HELMETic - air tight ~


সম্প্রদান করা; confer >>> When you present an honor or gift to someone, you ~ it, which is the same as giving it, but often classier and more respectful. >>> Mnemonic: (~) best people are ~ed with awards and trophies


সম্বন্ধীকরণ; অন্তর্ভুক্তি; joining; associating with >>> An ~ is an official connection to something. To have an ~ to something is to be affiliated with it. The Tea Party pretty clearly has an ~ with the Republican Party. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;~ed to universityso joining of a college to a university..or association of college);~ed to university so joining of a college to a university..or association of college


সম্ভাব্য আদেয়ক / সহগামী / অনুচর; dependent on something uncertain or in the future; conditional; happening by chance; accidental; N: a group of soldiers, ships to a larger force; CF. ~cy: future event that may or may not occur; possibility; Ex. prepare for every ~cy >>> The adjective ~ can be used to describe when something can occur only when something else does first. Making money is ~ on finding a good-paying job. >>> Mnemonic: remember continent and small continent depend on others


সম্মতি; agree; accept; N. assessment >>> ~ means agreement. If you nod your head in ~, you agree to something or you ~ to it. You can ~ in the same contexts as agree, but you'll seem a bit more serious. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Taib);as + sent, when You are sending anywhere you will agree by this decision.


সম্মান; honor; glory; acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement >>> নাচো *কুদো* - in front of *honorable person* tribal dance


সরকারি সংবাদপত্র; official periodical publication; newspaper >>> A newspaper or journal can be called a ~. In fact, many English-language newspapers from coast-to-coast include the name ~ in their title, from The Daily Hampshire ~ in Massachusetts to the Mariposa ~ in California


সরল শান্ত ত্ত মনোরম; charmingly carefree; simple and happy; Ex. ~ scene >>> A week at the beach that goes perfectly is an ~ vacation. ~ means so wonderful it seems almost magical. >>> Mnemonic: sounds and means like idolic


সরস ক্ষুদ্র কবিতা; witty thought or saying, usually short >>> An ~ is a short, clever remark. One of Oscar Wilde's many memorable ~s is "I can resist everything but temptation." >>> Mnemonic: telegram-->simple note....~--->witty note


সর্বনাশ; posion; cause of ruin; ADJ. ~ful: harmful; poisonous >>> The noun ~ refers to anything that is a cause of harm, ruin, or death. But we often use it for things that aren't that bad, just feel like it. You might say mosquitoes are the ~ of your existence. >>> Mnemonic: Modern technology is BOON OR ~. Boon is useful and ~ is Something causing misery or death


সর্বসম; in agreement; harmonious; corresponding; coinciding exactly; >>> The adjective, ~ fits when two shapes are the same in shape and size. If you lay two ~ triangles on each other, they would match up exactly.


সহকর্মীদের মধ্যে অন্তরঙ্গতা ত্ত পরম্পরের প্রতি আস্থা; good-fellowship; CF. comrade >>> ~ is a spirit of good friendship and loyalty among members of a group. You might not like your job, but still enjoy the ~ of the people you work with. >>> Mnemonic: break it up.. Camara + de + rie.. you give or share your room with your friends with whom you have mutual trust.. good-fellowship..


সহগামী; that which accompanies; Ex. Deafness is a frequent concommitant of old age; ADJ: existing or happening together with something else >>> ~ means accompanying. If you run into someone that you have a crush on you might feel nervousness with a ~ forgetfulness. >>> Mnemonic: intermittant (সবিরাম) - ~ (সহগামী)


সহজতর করা; help bring about; make less difficult >>> To ~ means to make something easier. If your best friend is very shy, you could ~ her efforts to meet new people. >>> Mnemonic: when you provide FACILITIES(facilit+ ate).. it makes things less difficult.


সহজসাধ্য; easily accomplished; ready or fluent; superficial; not deep; Ex. ~ solution to a complex problem; Ex. ~ speaker; N. ~ity: ability to do something easily and well; ease in doing resulting from skill or aptitude >>> If someone does something easily, or shows ease, it is described as ~ in a good way, but if someone takes the easy way out and shows a lack of thought or care, it is ~ in a bad way. >>> Mnemonic: ফ্যাসায়া দিলি (Tag:;Hindi);fluent fluent baat karke ladki fascile(fasaayi)


সহজাত; inborn >>> If a characteristic or ability is already present in a person or animal when they are born, it is ~. People have the ~ ability to speak whereas animals do not. >>> Mnemonic: he always ATE in an INN(restaurant),it was his INBORN habit


সহজে ধোঁকা দেওয়া; easily deceived >>> If you are ~, the joke is on you because you are easily fooled. >>> Mnemonic: ~ = Gull + ible = girl/galli + able A girl who is able to be tricked or deceived easily. ---* গুল is liable* for his being বোকা and easily deceived


সহবাস করা; live together >>> The verb ~ means to live together as if you are married. If you and your significant other are thinking of ~ing, make sure all the chores are shared equally. >>> Mnemonic: co - together, habit resembles habitat ie, a living ~, is living together..


সহযোগিতা করা; work together; cooperate treasonably with the enemy >>> When you work together on shared goal, you ~. If you don't just split a project up evenly but work together on creating solutions, you ~. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);co(together)labor(worker)so ~ ==>work together


সহানুভূতি; ability to identify with another's feelings, ideas, etc.; identification with and understanding of another's feelings; CF. sympathy >>> Use ~ if you're looking for a noun meaning "the ability to identify with another's feelings." >>> Mnemonic: simliar to ===sympathy ( the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in their situation)


সহায়ক; helpful; contributive; Ex. ~ to/towards >>> ~ means tending to cause or produce something. Regular exercise is ~ to happiness and a feeling of well-being. >>> Mnemonic: ~ - come(con) + do(du) + civil work(cive).....doing civil work is helpful & contributive.


সহায়ক; offering or providing help; additional or subsidiary; N: helper; assistant >>> When you're offering something in support of an already existing thing, you're offering something ~. The ~ police will help out the regular police with things like directing traffic and crowd control when there's a special event in town. >>> Mnemonic: aux+hillary:hillary helpful to obama


সহায়তা / শক্তি বাড়ান; support; reinforce >>> When you cheer up a friend who's feeling down, you ~ them. To ~ is to offer support or strengthen. >>> Mnemonic: RELATE TO BOLT>> USED TO SUPPORT OR REINFORCE


সহ্য করা; tolerate; endure; Ex. ~ no interference; N: small stream >>> A ~ is a small stream, as in "burbling ~." It also a stuffy way of saying "put up with." The lord of the manor might say, "I will ~ no trespassing on my land." >>> Mnemonic: teacher will not ~ if you forget to bring book


সাক্ষ্য দেওয়া; testify; bear witness >>> To ~ is to prove or declare to be true. For example: the fact that you aced the SAT ~s to the strength of your vocabulary. >>> Mnemonic: Remember, how during your college admissions and form submissions you had to get your Mark sheets and DOB certificates ~ed by a GAZETTED officer.. those for done to authenticate them or to affirm them as true or genuine.


সাঙ্ঘাতিক ভুল; error; stupid mistake >>> A ~ is an embarrassing mistake. Accidentally called your new boyfriend by your old boyfriend's name? Ouch. That's a ~ you don't want to repeat. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;~ with a BLENDER);Isabel ~ed by dropping her BLENDER down in the food contest. So, jury`s pants got dirty because of the sauce on the BLENDER.


সান্ত্বনা করা; lessen sadness or disappointment; give comfort; allay the sorrow of; >>> Perhaps you avoid babysitting your baby brother because you're worried that if he starts to cry, you won't be able to ~ him or make him feel better. Or maybe you just hate changing diapers. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Gaytri Nokha);con sa sol lagaye apke shoe me ki app comfort feel karenge


সান্ত্বনার অতীত / শোকে পীড়িত; hopelessly sad (at the loss of something) >>> If you are sad and can't be cheered up, you're ~. Why are you ~ after scoring a touchdown? Oh . . . for the other team. >>> Mnemonic: dis + console (বোঝান) - ~


সাবধানী; cautious; unwilling to take risks; sparing or restrained about giving; OP. bold >>> Being ~ (pronounced CHAIR-ee) is being wary or cautious. ~ is the word "char - দগ্ধ করা" with an added "y" and to char is to burn, so if you're careful and don't want to get burned by a person or situation, you're ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ : Think of it as "BramhaChari": What do the Bramhachari's do ?? They refrain from Marriage/ Females in general. They are unwilling to be bound by family life.


সাবলীলতা; smoothness of speech >>> Do you have a way with words? Can you speak and write easily? Then you have ~.


সামরিক কর্মচারীদের কাঁধের ব্যাজ; ornament worn on the shoulder (of a uniform, etc.) >>> An ~ is a decoration that is attached to the shoulders of a uniform. If you are a guard at Buckingham Palace, you have pretty nice ~s on your uniform, but they aren't as amazing as that hat. >>> Mnemonic: relate paulet to pilot...~s are there on pilot's uniform


সামরিক জান্তা / রাজনৈতিক উদ্দেশ্যে গুপ্তসভা; group of persons joined in political intrigue; cabal; group of military officers ruling a country after seizing power (by force) >>> When a government is overthrown, the coalition or group that forms and takes control is called a ~. If the military has seized control, as so often happens, then the group is called a military ~.


সাম্প্রদায়িক; held in common; public; of a group of people; of a commune >>> ~ and community both come from Latin communis "common, of the community"—if a pool is ~, it can be used by the members of the community that owns it. >>> Mnemonic: ~ pertains to community.


সাম্যাবস্থা; balance of opposing forces; balance of the mind; equanimity >>> ~ is a state of balance. If you play sports so much that you don't have time for your studies, you need to study more and play less, unless sports and studying reach a point of ~. Or become a professional athlete.


সার কথা / মূলকথা; essence; main point; substance >>> When you need a quick summary of the essentials, rather than the whole story or a thorough explanation, you're looking for the ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~..sounds very similar to list.....SO your lecturer is asking you to LIST OUT THE MAIN POINTS of the paragraph.


সারগ্রাহী; selective; composed of elements drawn from disparate sources; selecting individual elements from a variety of sources; N. ~ism >>> She listens to hip-hop, Gregorian chant, and folk music from the '60s. He's been seen wearing a handmade tuxedo jacket over a thrift-store flannel shirt. They both have ~ tastes. >>> Mnemonic: ~ or elect means, chosing the best from many sources which is the meaning of the word ~


সারসংক্ষেপ; brief, comprehensive summary; >>> When you search an online encyclopedia, you are searching a ~ of information on just about everything. A ~ is a comprehensive collection of something. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);CUM(hindi for less) PEN use karke u can just write summary of topic.


সাহস প্রদর্শন / বাহাদুরি; swagger; assumed air of defiance; false show of bravery >>> If you act with ~, you are making a bold showy statement. Picture a cowboy bursting through saloon doors in an old western, and you can picture ~. >>> Mnemonic: Brava+Do = Act like brave but not brave. Pretended bravery


সাহসী; courteous; faithful; brave; >>> A man who is courteous and attentive to women can be described as ~: "The ~ stranger picked up the packages Veronica dropped and held the door open while she entered the apartment building." >>> The word ~ originally described gallantry, *valor*, honor, and courtesy, associated with the medieval code of knighthood. Medieval knights are no longer with us, but ~ has survived in modern usage to describe a man — or a behavior — showing courtesy or attentiveness toward women


সাহসীভাবে; in a spirited manner; with courage; Ex. fight ~ against a superior boxer >>> To do something ~ is to do it in an enthusiastic, plucky manner. If you study vocabulary in a ~ manner (and we know you always do), you make it a point to have a great time learning new words. >>> Mnemonic: play GAME in ~ manner


সাহায্যে; means; effort; Ex. by ~ of hard work >>> The word ~ is used to indicate that something came about through a particular force or means. So if you make a lot of money, that's probably by ~ of hard work. >>> Mnemonic: good result by ~ of hard work


সাহিত্য - সঙ্কলন; book of literary selections by various authors; CF. omnibus >>> A collection of writings is an ~. The heavy textbooks that span the literature of an entire culture and that school children transport in over-sized backpacks with wheels? Those are anthologies. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);nth, we say nth term in maths,so N number of writers compiling and publishing there written stories,acc to Oxford: a collection of poems, stories, etc. that have been written by different people and published together in a book


সিংহসদৃশ; like a lion >>> If you are ~ you resemble a lion in either good or bad ways. >>> Mnemonic: ~- LEO means Lion(refer astrological sun signs)


সিংহাসন ত্যাগ করা; renounce; give up (position, right, or responsibility) >>> Sometimes someone in power might decide to give up that power and step down from his or her position. When they do that, they ~ their authority, giving up all duties and perks of the job. >>> Mnemonic: ab+dicate dicate sounds like dictator. Dictator is an authoritarian ruler who has lot of power. To remember better,ab normal is opposite to normal.So,~ is opposite to dictator (ie)losing power.


সিক্ত করা / অনুপ্রাণিত করা; saturate(soak thoroughly); fill; Ex. ~ someone with feelings >>> To ~ is to fill up with or become "soaked" in an idea or emotion, as a sponge takes in water. One visit to Africa might be enough to ~ ambitions in a medical student to return to heal the sick. >>> Mnemonic: very close to imbibe. imbibe means to drink. ~ means drink so thoroughly that you soak everything.


সিটমহল / রাষ্ট্রের যে অংশ অন্য রাষ্ট্রদ্বারা পরিবেষ্টিত; territory enclosed within an alien land >>> An ~ is a separate space or group within a larger one. Imagine an ~ as a cave carved out of a big mountain. All of the bears live in the cave or ~, while the people live on the mountainside. >>> Mnemonic: An ~ is enclosed.


সিদ্ধি / সফলতা; bearing of fruit; fulfillment; realization; Ex. come to/be brought to ~ >>> An idea that is made real, such as a plan or an apple, has come to ~. >>> Mnemonic: fruit production


সির্কাম্লযুক্ত; vinegary >>> relating to or containing acetic acid >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like a septic contains a lot of acid.


সীমাবদ্ধ করা / চারিদিকে রেখা টানা; limit; confine; draw a line around >>> To ~ is to limit or restrict. If you spend too much time watching TV instead of fulfilling other obligations, you might ~ your TV-watching time to one hour daily (or two hours, if your favorite show is on). >>> Mnemonic: ~ -> circle + scribe(a writer of manuscripts); so ~ means a person writing around the same lines or topic.


সু-উপযুক্ত; (of a word or remark) apt; suitably expressed; well chosen >>> ~ describes something that's really pleasant. If someone behaves in a ~ manner, she's being agreeable and appropriate. You know, the way you should behave when your great aunt offers you those stale candies. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like felicitation... in felicitation the person is praised with SUITABLE, APT , WELL CHOSEN remarks..


সুখ; happiness; appropriateness (of a remark, choice, etc.); quality of being ~ous >>> ~ is a state of happiness or the quality of joy. Sitting on the roof with a telescope and iced tea on a clear, starry night is one way to find perfect ~ — a happy place. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);~ seems very like facility. If one gets all facility (s)he must be very happy. Thus ~ may stand for happiness or some thing producing happiness


সুখাদ্য ভোজন - বিদ্যা; art and science of preparing and serving good food >>> ~ is all about food — the study of food, the history of food, making good food — how we have come to eat what we eat. >>> Mnemonic: ~ concerns itself with the law and culture of your belly, *gastro*, in ancient Greek


সুগন্ধ বৃক্ষনির্যাস / বেদনা উপশমক; something that relieves pain; oily liquid with a pleasant smell from trees >>> If your lips are cracked and dry, lip ~ will make them feel better. A ~ is a soothing substance with a consistency somewhere between solid and liquid. >>> Mnemonic: Just think of medicine Zandu (~),which relieves pain


সুগন্ধি; fragrant; having a sweet smell; >>> If something is ~, it smells good. Think fragrant roses, Middle Eastern spices, freshly cut grass, spring rain, leaves burning in fall. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);it sounds like a romantic!!! so if a get some good smell, we feel romantic


সুচিন্তিত / বিচার - বিবেচনা পূর্ণ; consider; ponder; ADJ: done on purpose; slow >>> To ~ means to carefully think or talk something through — it also means slow and measured, the pace of this kind of careful decision making. If you chose ~ly, you make a very conscious, well-thought-through choice. >>> Mnemonic: daily + berate => if you get berated(scolded) daily, you need to think it over as to why it happens..


সুত্রপাত; beginning; origin >>> When you talk about the ~ of something, you're talking about where it began. The ~ of hip-hop music was the party scene in New York City's South Bronx in the 1970s. >>> Mnemonic: জেনে নিস where it first begun


সুন্দর হাতের লেখা / লিপিকলা; beautiful writing; excellent penmanship >>> Ever see a framed diploma in your doctor's office filled with fancy old fashioned curvy handwriting announcing they trained at such and such a university? Well, that style of writing is ~, and it's mostly used for important public documents. >>> Mnemonic: calli is the term for beauty and is opposite to caco, and graph is something that is written to project yuor ~ is beautiful handwriting


সুপ; clear beef (or meat) soup >>> ~ is a clear broth made by simmering meat, fish or vegetables in water with herbs. A nice cup of ~ will make you feel better if you have a cold or a stomachache. >>> Mnemonic: bou-ill-on. so when bou (wife) is ill then his bou(wife) make soup for him.


সুপ্ত; sleeping; temporarily inactive; lethargic; latent >>> Mnemonic: DORM is a dormitory a place to if you are sleeping you are inactive or lethargic..


সুপ্রজনন - সংক্রান্ত; pertaining to the improvement of race; N. ~s: study of hereditary improvement of the human race >>> ~ is the idea that self-selecting genetic characteristics, such as hair or eye color, can improve a race. The Nazis' ~ plans to create a "master race" of blonde, blue-eyed people marked one of the darkest periods in the twentieth century. >>> Mnemonic: eu+genic...trying to improve your genes which imply heriditary which imply race


সুপ্রশস্ত; spacious and comfortable >>> If your house has a big and comfortable living room, you could say that you have a ~ space for entertaining. ~ means roomy. >>> Mnemonic: people always want there cammod(commod) to be spacious and comfortable,as a living!!!


সুবিচারপূর্ণ; sound on judgment; wise >>> If you're ~, you've got a good head on your shoulders and make good decisions. Humpty Dumpty's decision to sit on a wall? NOT ~. >>> Mnemonic: judi+cious--- having JUDgement qualities


সুবিশাল; affectedly grand; pretentious; high-flown; ridiculously exaggerated; impressive; great in size or scope; Ex. ~ ideas >>> You've got big plans. Huge plans. Whatever it is, it's going to blow minds and absolutely rock worlds! Well, to some people those plans might sound a bit ~, or unnecessarily overblown and even highfalutin. >>> Mnemonic: grand+iose(..pose), people who give POSE (show off) are usually reffered to ~ persons


সুমহান / শ্রদ্ধা উদ্রেককারী / মহামহিম; impressive; majestic >>> ~ is not just the eighth month of the year; it also describes something esteemed or regal. The 200-year-old newspaper covering the royal wedding might be called an ~ institution. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Global);~.. The month of the sun sign - LEO the lion (the king of the forest,the most majestic animal)


সুমিষ্ট; sweet sounding; pleasing to the ear; melodious >>> Use the adjective ~ to describe a sound that is soothing and soft, like "the ~ harmonies in a 70s pop song" or "the ~ tones of a harp." >>> Mnemonic: Dull Set (old phone set) - ~ voice from dull set


সুযোগ - সুবিধা; convenient features that helps to make life pleasant; social courtesies >>> ~ are the little things in life that make you comfortable — like more legroom on a flight or the chocolate on your hotel pillow. >>> Mnemonic: a man at ease


সুরভিত; soft and mild (of air); fragrant >>> Tourists who flock from Minnesota to Florida in the wintertime are hoping for ~ weather — that is, those frosty Midwesterners are trading mountains of snow and freezing winds for warm sun and gentle breezes. >>> Mnemonic: BALMs are used to make us feel good, mild when we are having headache or tension. hence ~ means mild, pleasant


সুশীল সমাজ; people of standing(rank or position); people of good family or high social position; class of people just below nobility >>> The ~ are the powerful members of society. In the United Kingdom, where there are still kings and queens and dukes and duchesses, the ~ are the people who rank just below the nobility. >>> Mnemonic: guard / sentry (প্রহরী) of ~ nobel man's house and ~ are sentry of society


সুশীল; well-bred; elegant; striving to convey an appearance of refinement; Ex. ~ poverty >>> Although the adjective ~ means high-class and refined, it is often used today in a somewhat mocking tone, as though good manners and elegance are passé. Still, it would be nice if more people were a little more ~. >>> Mnemonic: this word is very close to GENTLE..AND A GENTLEMAN IS ONE who is WELL BRED, elegant and GIVES A REFINED APPEARANCE .


সুসংগত; harmonious; in harmony with; able to exist together >>> A word that comes up a lot in discussions of both food and people pairings, ~ speaks to a person or thing's ability to exist agreeably with something or someone else. >>> Mnemonic: Company's all people always have to be in harmony fro better sucess


সুস্বাদ পানভোজনে আসক্ত; connoisseur of food and drink; gourmet; ADJ. ~an; >>> We call a person who truly loves food—food at the highest levels—an ~. Occasionally, you might find the word ~ used for a person who loves something else, but an ~ is usually someone who delights in fine food. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English); who can write an EPIC on CURRY has to be a CONNOISSEUR OF FOOD..


সূচকসমূহ; signs; indications; Ex. ~ of a student's potential; CF. index: something that reveals or indicates; sign; Ex. cost-of-living index >>> Can't find any information on the yellow-eyed junco in your guide to rare birds? Check out your bird book's index. It's an alphabetical list in the back of the book that catalogs all of the subjects covered by page number.


সৃষ্টি করা; make ~s; invent or fabricate (a word or phrase); N. ~age: word or phrase recently invented >>> If you ~ a phrase, that means you come up with a new way to say something, like the person who ~ed "webizens" to describe people who constantly use the Internet. >>> Mnemonic: ~-~ is invented...~s are minted(fabricated,invented) in everyage,every ~age,recent!!


সেঁতসেঁতে; damp; N. ~ity >>> When there is a lot of moisture in the air, it is ~ out. The air in a rain forest is ~, the air in a desert is dry. >>> Mnemonic: ~ity=damp


সেনাপতির সহকরি; staff officer assisting the commander; assistant >>> A general's assistant is his ~. The word means someone who serves as a helper to a higher- ranking military officer. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounds like adjecent, your boss assistant will be sitting sdjusent to your boss. hence ~ means assistant.


সেবকোচিত; trying to please; obliging; willing to please others >>> If only the world were populated entirely with ~ people! ~ means willing to do something to please others, and ~ people or animals are wonderful to be around. >>> Mnemonic: com + plais(please) + ant come and please the a(u)


সোনা বা রুপোর বার; gold and silver in the form of bars >>> If you wanted to rob Fort Knox and take all of its gold, you'd plan a heist to get the ~. ~ is gold or silver in bulk, often in the shape of a bar. >>> Mnemonic: He has billions, and so he buys ~s


সোনা, রুপো বা তামার তারের সুক্ষ্ম কারুকার্য; delicate ornamental lacelike metalwork >>> Ancient handmade jewelry is often known for its ~, which is a noun describing delicate ornamental work made of some type of metal. >>> Mnemonic: nilgiri hills have reservoirs of sme very fine/delicate metals like silver.-- these seems like ornamentations on INDIA's land.


সৌখিন / আগ্রহাম্বিত ব্যক্তি (পশুপাখি পালনে); breeder or dealer of animals; one who has a special interest, as for raising specific plant or animal >>> Someone crazy about something can be called a ~. If you join a club to promote the well-being of pheasants (রঙ্গীন পক্ষীবিশেষ), someone might describe you as "a pheasant ~." That just means you like pheasants a lot. >>> Mnemonic: fence + ier --> one who keeps the animals fenced --> breeder of animals --- Make sure you don't confuse this word with the adjective fancy, which has a comparative form that is also spelled "~." That ~ would be used in the sense of "more ornamental" or "more extravagant" — as in "My prom dress is ~ than yours."


সৌন্দর্য নষ্ট করা; mar the appearance of; spoil >>> To ~ something is to ruin its appearance, which is what would happen if you drew a big bushy mustache and a pair of antennae on the Mona Lisa. >>> Mnemonic: dis-নষ্ট করা + গঠন-figure


সৌভাগ্য; chance; luck >>> >>> Mnemonic: ~ - short for ~py....if you have luck/chance you are bound to be ~py.


স্থানচ্যুত করা / তাড়িয়ে দেয়া; remove (forcibly); force out of a position; Ex. ~ the food caught in his throat; CF. lodge >>> To ~ is to remove something. When you're choking, you need to ~ the food from your throat. >>> Mnemonic: u hav been forcibly removed of this lodge(~d of this lodge)


স্নান; washing >>> An ~ is a washing or a cleaning of oneself, for personal hygiene, or a ritual washing or cleaning associated with religious observance. >>> Mnemonic: ab+solution sounds like blue solution,means pure water,which is used to wash yourself.


স্পষ্ট; totally clear; definite; outspoken >>> Anything ~ is very clear, whether it's instructions or a dirty movie. >>> Mnemonic: "please sit" let's CLEAR out the things


স্ফীত; (unpleasantly) swollen or puffed as with water or air >>> Both as a noun and a verb, bloat refers to being swollen, puffed up, or overfilled. You can ~ something by filling it up to the point where it swells.


স্বকীয়; essential; inherent; built-in >>> The ~ qualities of something have to do with its nature. An ~ quality of dogs is that they're loyal. >>> Mnemonic: in electronics u will hear about ~ bonds(which is buil-in)....but extrinsic bonds one has to add something extra


স্বজাতি; of the same kind; uniform in composition throughout >>> If a group of things are ~, they're all the same or similar, like a room full of identically dressed Elvis impersonators.


স্বজাতীয়; related; belonging to the same group; similar in nature or character; Ex. ~ languages; N: relative; kin; kinship >>> Your ~ are your people. If you say are going to visit your ~ during the holidays, that means you are going to visit your relatives. >>> Mnemonic: all of them are 'kind' 'red' indians ..... so they belong to one community / group share kinship


স্বত: সিদ্ধ সত্য; self-evident truth requiring no proof >>> An ~ is a statement that everyone believes is true, such as "supply equals demand" or "the only constant is change." Mathematicians use ~ to refer to established proofs. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);Ax +i+om - when the axe is on me I will tell the truth. This is surely evident.


স্বদলদ্রোহিতা / দলত্যাগ; desertion >>> Is your team so bad you have begun supporting a rival team? Then you're guilty of ~ — the act of shifting your support to a new cause. >>> Mnemonic: de + affection -> no affection; if you have no affection then you will leave it


স্বধর্মত্যাগী; one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs; N. apostasy >>> An ~ is someone who has deserted his cause. >>> Mnemonic: ~ can be thought of as 'opposite state'.. That is changing to the opposite state, and not loyal to his current state..


স্বর্গসুখ; blessedness; state of great happiness >>> If you're extraordinarily happy, you might describe what you're feeling as ~. The noun ~ refers to a state of great joy. Being blessed, or at least feeling blessed, is often linked to ~. >>> Mnemonic: ~ -- beauti(ful) + tude => The one which is beautiful gives extreme happiness


স্বর্গীয় দূতসম্বন্ধীয় / নিষ্পাপ দর্শন; angelic; innocent-looking; CF. seraph: winged angel of the highest order >>> Use the word ~ to describe someone with a round face and an air of sweetness, whether you're talking about a cute cooing baby or your innocent-looking, round-faced 40-year-old brother. >>> Mnemonic: ~ -> chehra(face) + ruby; ruby is cute looking, so BUBY'S CHEHRA is ~.


স্বর্গীয়; heavenly >>> What is the difference between a ~ being and a ~ body? The first is something living such as an alien or an angel, whereas the latter is an inanimate object such as a star or a planet. Both, however, are from the sky. >>> Mnemonic: ~ sounding more like Galaxial


স্বর্গীয়; like a spirit or fairy; unearthly light; heavenly; unusually refined; Ex. She has an ~ beauty; CF. ether: upper air >>> ~ is something airy and insubstantial, such as a ghostly figure at the top of the stairs. It might also be something delicate and light, like a translucent fabric, or a singer's delicate voice. >>> Mnemonic: Ether is used in scents.Its smell is so pleasant that it makes person light and heavenly


স্বর্গীয়; perceive intuitively (by or as if by magic); foresee the future; foretell; dowse; ADJ. N. ~ation >>> "To err is human, to forgive ~" means that everyone makes mistakes, but we should try to be like god and forgive one another. ~ basically means relating to, coming from, or like God or a god


স্বর্গীয়; relating to paradise; blissful >>> The adjective ~ describes a blissful state, like the one most people hope to enjoy on a Hawaiian vacation. >>> Mnemonic:আলিশান


স্বাভাবিক ক্ষমতা; fitness; talent >>> An ~ is something you're good at. A rock star might have an ~ for energizing an audience, or for trashing his hotel room. >>> Mnemonic: remember this word from various "~ tests" which check talent or IQ etc


স্বায়ত্তশাসিত; self-governing; N. autonomy >>> ~ describes things that function separately or independently. Once you move out of your parents' house, and get your own job, you will be an ~ member of the family. >>> Mnemonic: ~ resembles automatic..somethin thats self governing doesn need or require help..


স্বার্থচিন্তা; excessive interest in one's self; belief that one should be interested in one's self rather than in others; selfishness; ADJ. egoistic, egoistical >>> Someone who is full of himself and doesn't give a darn about other people has a healthy supply of ~. ~ means "me me me me me-ism." >>> Mnemonic: how to u differentiate ~ and egotism:::::: egotism - the t in it indicates boastfulness (হামবড়াই)


স্বীকার করা; admit; acknowledge as being true (often reluctantly); yield; grant; Ex. ~ a goal >>> If you ~ something, you admit that it is true, proper, or certain--usually in an unwilling way and often in the context of a competition, as in "At midnight, the candidate finally ~d defeat." >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Eng);~ = Cede.


স্বৈরাচারী শাসক; tyrant; harsh, authoritarian ruler; CF. ~ism >>> A ~, is a cruel, all-controlling ruler. For example, a ~ does not allow people to speak out against the leadership, nor really want them to have much freedom at all. >>> Mnemonic: Cruel dictators --> kill the ~ on the spot with a pot


স্বৈরাচারী, অগণতান্ত্রিক ; subordinating the individual to the state; completely dominating another's will; Ex. ~ regime/father >>> If your teacher orders you to detention every time you show up to class with a dull pencil, you could probably describe her as an ~ — a ruler who prefers order to freedom. >>> Mnemonic: disciplinarians are ~s


স্বৈরাচারী; having absolute unchecked power; dictatorial; N. autocrat, autocracy >>> ~ describes a way of ruling, but not in a nice way. An ~ leader is one who rules with an iron fist; in other words — someone with the behavior of a dictator. >>> Mnemonic: auto(means self)+cratic(cracy)......means goverment...............goverment by self ,goverment by one person.


স্মারক, স্মৃতিরক্ষাকর; remembering; honoring the memory of; Ex. ~ stamp >>> Anything that acts as a memorial to something or someone is ~ — whether it's an action like a charity walk or an object like a war memorial. >>> Mnemonic: com + MEMORATIVE memory = remembering


স্যাঁতসেঁতে; damp; unpleasantly wet >>> You can describe something that is unpleasantly cool, damp, and clammy as ~. If you have ever visited a cave or unfinished basement, you know how a ~ place feels. Yuck. >>> Mnemonic: ~...Damp


হইচইপূর্ণ; violent; rough; noisy >>> The adjective ~ is what you would use if you want to call attention in a loud or clamorous way. >>> Mnemonic: SPLIT IT LIKE...BOIS(BOYS)+TEROS(TERRORIS(t)).....SO BOYS WHO BEHAVE LIKE TERRORIS.(t). .AND WE KNOW WHEN BOYS BEHAVE LIKE TERRORIST..WAT WE MEAN IS THAT THEY ARE too noisy and behaving like rowdy........


হতবাক করা; astonish (making dumb); ADJ. ~ed, dumbstruck >>> The verb ~ means to puzzle, mystify, or amaze. If people never expected you to amount to much in high school, but you grew up to be a rocket scientist, you will surely ~ your former classmates at your next reunion. >>> Mnemonic: FOUND everyone DUMB on your sudden success


হতবুদ্ধি; confused; lost in thought; preoccupied >>> If you're ~, you're muddled or preoccupied. It happens when you're lost in thought, dazed, or overwhelmed (say, on the first day of high school). >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;eng);Be mouse(think,muse) for one day. confused or ~?


হতাশ; thwart; defeat; prevent from accomplishing a purpose >>> When you ~ someone, you do your best to annoy, confuse, or even torment that poor person. Maybe you constantly change your mind — that's sure to ~ anyone who tries to make plans with you. >>> Mnemonic: agar ismein bhi mnemonic chahiye then u r definately ~d !!


হয়রান করা; annoy by repeated attacks >>> When you ~ someone, you bother them to the point of exhaustion. It's not that each attack is so severe, it's the constant small attacks that wear someone out. If you ~ your boss for a raise, you might end up getting fired instead! >>> Mnemonic: the girl was ~ed because her ass was huge


হয়রান করা; besiege or attack (with an army); harass; beset >>> ~ means to pester or badger with persistence. A babysitter might find annoying the children who ~ her with requests for candy, cookies, games, and piggyback rides all at the same time. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;english);not able to withstand the HARASSMENT of the senior players the new player opted to BE out of the LEAGUE


হস্তকৌশল / ইন্দ্রজাল; sleight(dexterity) of hand; CF. light of hand >>> When a magician waves his hands over a hat and pulls out a rabbit, he is performing an act of ~ or trickery. >>> Mnemonic: ~: legendary man


হস্তক্ষেপকারী; intruder; one who interferes >>> If you intrude on people without their permission, you are an ~. An ~ crashes parties and laughs at "No Trespassing" signs. >>> Mnemonic: INTER (between) + LOAFER (idiot) = a loafer tries to INTRUDE in other's affairs.


হাঁটুজল হাঁটিয়া পার হত্তয়া; place where a river can be crossed on foot; V. >>> When you're out hiking in the wilderness, you may have to ~ a river if there's no bridge. Roll up your pant legs because you'll have to wade through the water at a shallow point. >>> Mnemonic: ~ crossed the ~ in your ~.


হাগান / রেচন; purging or cleansing of any passage of the body; purging and weakening of strong emotions as a result of experiencing a dramatic work of art >>> Use the noun, ~, to refer to the experience a person can have of releasing emotional tension and feeling refreshed afterwards. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;Hindi);CATHA sounds like KATHA(a religious story in hindi)..KATHA leads to the purging(means release) of emotional tensions.


হাতুড়ে ডাক্তার; quack; pretender to knowledge (esp. in medicine) >>> A ~ is a quack, a person who is trying to deceive you with false claims. Beware of ~s who try to sell you access to the fountain of youth or to a Ponzi scheme disguised as an exclusive investment fund. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;English);you hit CHAR LATEIN (in Hindi language) (4 kicks) to the person who misguides you as he himself doesn't know anything....


হাফডোর; deck opening; lid covering a deck opening; V: emerge from an egg; produce (young) from an egg >>> >>> Mnemonic: sounds like LATCH..which opens the door ( lid here )


হাবাগোবা মুর্খ চাহনি; stare foolishly; look in open-mouthed awe >>> When you stare in amazement at something, you ~ at it. You might stand frozen in one position with your mouth and eyes wide open and ~ when you see a famous movie star on the street. >>> Mnemonic: গাউয়া (গেয়ো) কাক - stare at everything on city


হাসি-তামাশাপূর্ণ; bantering (cleverly amusing in tone); joking >>> ~ is how you can describe clever chit-chat. If you are out to flirt or impress, using a ~ tone is always a good bet >>> চাপাবাজিপূর্ণ


হাসিখুশি; good-natured; merry; cheerful >>> Use ~ to describe people who show good humor and are full of joy. Santa Claus, with his constant "ho-ho-hoing" is a ~ figure. >>> Mnemonic: ~=jo(joy)+vi(by)+al(all), so ~ means happiness, joyful, merriment


হাস্যরসময়; joking (often inappropriately); unserious; humorous >>> Someone who is ~ is only joking: "I was being ~ when I told my mother I want Brussels sprouts with every meal, but she took me seriously!" >>> Mnemonic: Face is not Serious - someone who makes funny faces ~


হাস্যরসিক; queer and amusing >>> Need a mental picture for the word ~? Think of one of those cute-homely troll dolls — blend those two words together — "doll" and "troll" — and you get ~, a description of a figure that is adorably strange and whimsically cute. >>> Mnemonic: Dance Rock and roLL


হিতকর; kindly; doing good >>> ~ is the type of act that helps others. If you're a ~ person, you probably spend a lot of your time volunteering at soup kitchens or homeless shelters, helping people who are less fortunate than you are. >>> Mnemonic: Simply think about beneficial(something gives benefit) which help people.


হিমবাহ; great mass of falling snow and ice >>> Look out below! An ~ is a whole lot of falling snow and ice. Also, life can feel like an ~ when things get hectic. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;chemistry);remember ~ can all of a sudden recharge and cool itself as it it is having a huge mass of ice in it


হিমশীতল; intensely cold; cold in manner; Ex. ~ zone >>> Like the North Pole on the coldest day of winter, ~ is an adjective that means extremely chilly. It applies to both temperatures and personalities. >>> Mnemonic: ~-concentrate on fridge which is cold


হিসাবপরীক্ষা; examination of accounts of a business; official examination; V. >>> An ~ is a thorough counting, review, or assessment of a situation or collection of things. Before baking cookies, you'd better make an ~ of the ingredients available to see whether there is enough sugar and butter.


হুকুম করা; command; order; forbid >>> To ~ is to issue an urgent and official order. If the government tells loggers to stop cutting down trees, they are ~ing the loggers to stop. >>> Mnemonic: EN(means to become) + command and order people to join and become members of your group. | the only thing ~ brings together is a command and the person on the receiving end of that order


হৃদরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞ; doctor specializing in ailments of the heart >>> A ~ is a heart doctor. He or she is the one to visit if you feel a tightness in your chest and shortness of breath. >>> Mnemonic: CARDIO + LOGIST cardio means heart..and a person studying the logics of the heart is a ~.


হেয় করা, অপমানিত করা / লজ্জিত করা; lower; degrade; humiliate; make humble; make (oneself) lose self-respect >>> To ~ something or someone is to humiliate them — no, more than just humiliate them. If you ~ another person you are bringing them low, humbling them in a mean, base manner. Not nice at all. >>> Mnemonic: (Tag:;a bas kar bhai. Aur Kitna neecha dikhayega);~-abe(a slang used to degrade acvv person)+shhh(se)usually an attempt to degrade a person's opinion..ovral goes to humiliate a person....


হৈচৈ; confused uproar; loud noise; din >>> ~ is a fun, rhyming word for an uproar, a brouhaha, or another crazy situation that has gone completely higgledy-piggledy. >>> Mnemonic: হাবলু বাবলু সবাই মিলে ~


হৈচৈপূর্ণ ঝগড়া; brawl (noisy quarrel or fight) in which a number of people take part; melee (দাঙ্গা) >>> If your marching band gets into a fight with another school's pep squad, your principal might say the ~ was uncalled for and undignified. A ~ is a noisy quarrel. >>> Mnemonic: ব্রা-ফ্রা কাঁচ - if you wife ask you ... what happen ;)

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