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Serverless Computing

a set of Azure services that allow you to use execute code in the cloud but don't require (or even allow) you to manage the underlying server or have any control over its performance; functions, logic apps, and app grid are examples of serverless computing in Azure

Azure Traffic Manager

Distributes network traffic across Azure regions worldwide; load-balancing solution

Azure Kubernetes Service

Kubernetes containers in Azure; Runs on virtual machine scale sets; has auto-scaling but also requires more overhead to run

Shared Security Model

Microsoft is responsible for physical security of the servers and buildings, the maintenance of the hardware in their environment, the security of their support tools, and malicious use by their employees. You are responsible for your data, your apps, the cryptographic keys that you generate, the access keys Microsoft gives you, your code, etc.

Azure Active Directory

Microsoft's preferred Identity as a Service solution Azure AD revolves around users, groups, and applications and managing the permissions between those objects; when switching from one Azure AD tenant to another AD tenant, all people with access love access, SMI are not re-enabled, if the subscription has AKS the clusters lose functionality; Pricing options: Free- With the Free edition of Azure AD you can manage user accounts, synchronize with on-premises directories, get single sign on across Azure, Office 365 and thousands of popular SaaS applications like Salesforce, Workday, Concur, DocuSign, Google Apps, Box, Service Now, Dropbox, and more. Premium- group-based access management, self-service password reset for cloud applications, Azure Active Directory application proxy (to publish on-premises web applications using Azure Active Directory), customizable environment for launching enterprise and consumer cloud applications, and an enterprise-level SLA of 99.9 percent uptime, MFA, Advances security reports and alerts, Microsoft Identity Manage (MIM), Azure Active Directory Connect Health Cannot have multiple Azure AD tenants per subscription; if subscription expires, the Azure AD directory remains in Azure. You can associate and manage the directory using a different subscription Join: Windows Register: BYOD & Mobile

Machine Learning Studio

Provides a collaborative drag and drop visual workplace to work with machine learning solutions. It allows you to create solutions without the need for coding. You can build, test and deploy predictive analytics solutions on your data

Machine Learning Service

The Azure service that provides an end-to-end machine learning service. It is also a collection of tools that help you build AI applications. It also automatically recognizes your trends and creates machine learning models that you can use. [Can use own code]

Compute Services

a category of services in Azure that provides CPU cycles for rent

Storage Services

a category of services in Azure that provides cheap, infinite file storage

Database Services

a category of services in Azure that provides fast, structured and unstructured data storage

Networking Services

a category of services in Azure that provides network connectivity, performance, and monitoring services for inter-server and Internet communication

Azure Databricks

a central dashboard for managing big data in Azure, where data scientists, data analysts, and data developers can work together to derive business intelligence from data; workspace for visualizing data

Azure Initiative

a collection of Azure Policies targeted towards reaching a single overall goal. This simplifies managing and assigning policy definitions by grouping a set of policies as a single item. The same initiative can be assigned to multiple scopes to include resources, resource groups, subscriptions, or management groups. An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

a command line tool that allows you to manage your Azure subscription and resources using scripts or commands; works on Mac, Linux and Windows; supported in Azure Cloud Shell; executed commands in an interactive environment

VPN Gateway

a device that allows encrypted private communication between a single computer or a network of servers, and an Azure network; IaaS; AKA Virtual network gateway; needs to be located in a designated subnet in the Azure VNet called a gateway subnet

Resource Groups

a folder structure in Azure in which you organize resources like databases, virtual machines, virtual networks, or almost any resource; each resource can only be in one resource group; cannot have a resource group in a resource group

Azure Datacenter

a group of interconnected buildings in the same location that contain all the servers, power, wiring and internet connectivity to run Azure services


a layer that runs on top of the physical server OS that allows multiple guest operating systems (VM) to run in an isolated manner on top

Azure SQL Database

a managed database solution that is compatible with SQL Server; PaaS

Hybrid Cloud

a mixture between your own private networks and servers, and using the public cloud for some things. Typically used to take advantage of the unlimited , inexpensive growth benefits of the public cloud

Azure Marketplace

a place for Microsoft and third-parties to offer their own solutions that are compatible with Azure; you'll find lots of vendors you'll recognize like Cisco, Citrix, Barracuda Networks, Oracle, etc.

Virtual Network

a representation of a real network; all virtual machines must be connected to a virtual network subnet, and this allows them to talk to each other and to the Internet as long as it follows the rules of the network that you define; IaaS

ARM Templates

json files used to define infrastructure and configuration for azure resources; used to create identical resources quickly

Azure Archive Storage

long term cold storage for when you need to hold onto files for years on the cheapest storage options; data must be rehydrated before it can be accessed

Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework

1. Define Strategy 2. Plan 3. Ready 4. Adopt (During 2-4) Govern & Manage

File Storage

Access is provided to other VMs, as well as on-premises, through the use of SMB protocol, REST, and native client libraries

Azure DevTest Labs

Azure DevTest Labs is a service that helps developers and testers quickly create environments in Azure, while minimizing waste and controlling cost. Users can test their latest application versions by quickly provisioning Windows and Linux environments using reusable templates and artifacts (ARM Templates). You can easily integrate your deployment pipeline with DevTest Labs to provision on-demand environments. With DevTest Labs you can scale up your load testing by provisioning multiple test agents, and create pre-provisioned environments for training and demos

Security Layers in Cloud Computing

Data: virtual network endpoint, limit SQL Server user rights Application: run API management in front of APIs Compute: limit remote desktop access, limit ssh, run Windows update Network: set up an NSG, use subnets, deny traffic by default Perimeter: DDoS protection, firewalls Identity & Access: Azure AD Physical: Door locks, fingerprint readers, and key cards

Big Data

a set of open source (Apache Hadoop) products that can do analysis on millions and billions of rows of data; current tolls like SQL Server are not good for this scale; Azure solutions include Azure HDInsight, Azure Databricks, and Azure Synapse Analytics


a set of related, interconnected datacenters which are no more than a few miles apart; you must select a region when creating most Azure services; there are currently 54 active or planned worldwide; the most of any cloud computing provider; you will not have access to all 54 because some of them are restricted

Azure DevOps

a set of tools to help companies manage development from development to deployment. Includes project management tools such as Boards and deployment tools such as Pipelines.

Azure Cognitive Services

a simplified tool to build intelligent Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications, services include computer vision, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, speaker recognition, language understanding api, sentiment analysis, translator service, bing search apis, anomaly api, content moderator, personalizer

Azure Advisor

a tool that will analyze your use of Azure and make you specific recommendations based on your usage across availability, security, performance and cost categories

Azure Information Protection (AIP)

a way to classify emails and documents; like a DRM for documents; secret, top secret, public, etc.; enforced by Outlook 365

Cloud Shell

allows access to the CLI and PowerShell consoles in the Azure Portal

Content Delivery Network

allows you to improve performance by removing the burden of serving static, unchanging files from the main server to a network o servers around the globe; a CDN can reduce traffic to a server by 50% or more, which means you can serve more users or serve the same users faster; SaaS

App Services

allows you to upload your code and configuration into Azure, and Azure will run the application as you specify; lots of integrations with Visual Studio, and other features and benefits provided on this platform; PaaS Paid options: Free = 1 GB Shared = 1 GB Basic = 10 GB Standard = 50 GB Premium = 250 GB Isolated = 1 TB


another type of command line tool; works on Mac, Linux and Windows; supported in Azure Cloud Shell; executed commands in an interactive environment; must have PowerShell module installed not just the PowerShell core to run on Mac, Linux, & Windows

Backup and Recovery Storage

as you'd expect, this is a specialized storage account that will manage your backups from virtual machines and perform recoveries

Benefits of cloud services

availability, scalability, elasticity, agility, fault tolerance, disaster recovery, economies of scale

Block Blob

block blobs store text and binary data, up to about 4.7 TB; block blobs are made up of blocks of data that can be managed individually.

Azure Event Grid

build apps with event-based architectures; connects data sources and event handlers

Append Blob

can only append blocks; ideal for logs

Private Cloud

cloud services offered only to select users. This is sometimes called an "internal cloud". Looks and acts like a cloud computing, but uses resources and servers available only to your company/organization

Public Cloud

cloud services provided over the public internet to anyone who wants to sign up for them

Relationship between OpEx & CapEx with Cloud Computing

costs shift from capital expenditures to operational expenditures when you move to cloud resources

Azure Sphere

creates an end-to-end, highly secure IoT solution for customers that encompasses everything from the hardware and operating system on the device to the secure method of sending messages from the device to the message hub.

Azure SQL Data Warehouse

designed for analyzing and reporting on huge data sources; not for inserts or updates; just reports; new name: Azure Synapse Analytics; high availability with SLA of 99.9%

Azure Virtual Desktop

desktop and app virtualization service in Azure; direct access to an app running on a VM; supports multi-sessions; publish as many host pools as you need to accommodate your diverse workloads

Cosmos DB

extremely low latency (fast) storage designed for smaller pieces of data quickly; PaaS; unstructured and JSON data; multi-region support

Azure Files

fully managed file shares in the cloud that are accessible via the industry standard Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. Seamless integration with Windows and Windows Server;

Azure IoT Central

fully-managed global IoT SaaS solution that makes it easy to connect, monitor, and manage your IoT assets at scale

Azure Policy

implement standards for your organization across Azure Rules can be enforced by blocking the action or just reporting the action; non-compliant resources will be tagged but functionality will not stop

Azure HDInsight

includes open-source analytics tools like Apache Hadoop

Types of Computing Services

infrastructure as a service (IAAS), platform as a service (PAAS), software as a service (SAAS)

Community Cloud

infrastructure is shared between several organizations from a specific community with common concerns (security, compliance, jurisdiction, etc.)

Azure Bot Service

intelligent, serverless bot service that scales on demand

Virtual Machines

looks, acts, feels, tastes like a real server in front of you; except it's running inside Azure's data center in a virtualized environment; Azure supports Windows and Linux virtual machines, with dozens of varieties of each; IaaS; in portal includes Maintenance status that could affect your VMs

Artificial Intelligence

machine learning APIs offered in Azure that can analyze voice, text, images, videos, natural language processing, and do various intelligent actions based on that; can do chatbots, real time transcription, translation, etc.; Azure Solutions include: Azure Cognitive Services and Azure Bot Service

Azure SQL Database for MySQL

managed MySQL database in Azure

Azure SQL Database for PostgreSQL

managed PostgreSQL database in Azure

Azure IoT Hub

managed service hosted in the cloud that acts as a central message hub for bi-directional communication between your IoT application and the devices it manages. You can use Azure IoT Hub to build IoT solutions with reliable and secure communications between millions of IoT devices and a cloud-hosted solution backend. You can connect virtually any device to your IoT Hub.

Azure Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)

monitor Azure AD and detect when users are behaving differently than they normally do; requires additional login requirements like MFA or even locks them out when they do

Local Network Gateway

object in Azure that represents your on-premise VPN device


once we know who you are, what permissions do they have

Cloud Computing Deployment Models

public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, community cloud

Page Blob

random access files up to 8 TB in size; VM disks and databases; frequent random read/write applications

Azure Logic Apps

serverless workflow orchestration to let you integrate apps, data, systems, and services across enterprises or organizations

Admin/Root Access

should be reserved for the very few trusted people

Managed Disk

slightly more expensive, but this will allow Azure to provide some additional features that reduce the burden of managing your own storage account; pay per month for a provided GB limit; IaaS

Azure Functions

small pieces of code that are designed to perform some task quickly; these are like connector code designed to do small things; serverless model; provides a solution for building highly reliable and secure serverless apps that supports multiple programming languages

AD Connect

software that can synchronize your on premises Active Directory with Azure Ad

Load Balancer

sometimes called a level-4 load balancer; allows you to improve performance by splitting work among two or more identical machines; allows for horizontal scaling of application performance by adding more servers; IaaS

Application Gateway

sometimes called a level-7 load balancer; a type of load balancer that operates at the application level and can understand HTTP syntax; it can make load balancing decisions off a domain name. or part of a URL path; IaaS

Azure Cloud Shell

supports the use of Azure CLI, Azure Powershell, and bash to manage Linux, Windows, and Mac OS VMs; accessible via mobile Android or iOS


the ability of a system to automatically grow when automatically grow when maximum capacity is reached and automatically shrink to minimize waste


the ability of a system to grow it's capacity "easily" when a system reaches maximum capacity

Disaster Recovery

the ability to recover from a big failure within an acceptable period of time, with an acceptable amount of data lost


the ability to respond to change "rapidly" based on changes to market or environment

Fault Tolerance

the ability to tolerate hardware failures in your system, required to achieve high availability

Single-Sign On

the ability to use the same user id and password to log into every application that your company has; enabled by Azure AD

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

the concept of having something additional to a "password" that is required to log in; passwords are findable or guessable; but having your mobile phone on you to receive a phone call, text or run an app to get a code is harder for an unknown hacker to get; required for authentication when supporting users on on-premises Active Directory (AD) only

Azure Key Vault

the modern way to store cryptographic keys, signed certificates and secrets in Azure; specifically for server applications not Azure AD; all encrypted

Economies of Scale

the more you buy something, the cheaper it is per unit to buy and the cheaper it is to maintain


the policies and procedures of your company that protect your account and your data

Azure Container Instances (ACI)

the quickest way to create a container on Azure. You can deploy an image to Azure in about a minute. It can be used in production, but is not easily scalable.

Azure Portal

the website located at that we use to manage your Azure subscription and resources using a friendly user interface

Virtual Machine Scale Sets

these are a set of identical virtual machines that are designed to auto-scale up and down based on user demand; IaaS

Azure Resource Manager (ARM)

this is the common resource deployment model that underlies all resource creation or modification; no matter whether you use the portal, PowerShell or the SDK, the Azure Resource Manager takes those commands and executes them

Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)

this is the computing paradigm where Azure provides you the virtual hardware (vm, load balancer, vnet), and you can have complete control over that. It replicates the exact function of equipment that you'd have in your own data center (like server, firewall, router, etc). Examples: VM, Load Balancer, Application Gateway, VNet

Internet of Things

thousands or millions of devices around the world that collect data and send them back to the cloud for processing; Azure solutions include Azure IoT Central, Azure IoT Hub, Azure Sphere

Azure Security Center

unified security management and threat protection; a security dashboard inside Azure Portal; also can be used to test whether or not an Azure environment passes regulatory standards (security score); also has JIT VM access- reduces exposure to attacks while providing easy access when you need to connect to a VM;

Availability Zones

unique physical locations within an Azure region, made up of one or more datacenters; there is a minimum of three zones in each region; you can manually place your resources in an availability zone for highest availability

Blob Storage

unstructured data like files and documents;


what percentage of time does a system respond properly to requests, expressed as a percentage over time

Azure Database Migration Service

will help you migrate your database

Custom Policies

you can create your own policies if the built-in ones don't meet your needs

Software as a Service (SAAS)

you lose even more control over the hardware and the software; generally, Azure provides you an application that they developed and you just configure it to your usage. You are a tenant using their software Examples: Azure Database, Cosmo DB, Outlook 365

Platform as a Service (PAAS)

you lose some control over the hardware; generally, you upload your code and just configure the environment in Azure to run it; no installing required Examples: App Services, Web Apps


you provide something that proves who you are, like userid and password; multi-factor authentication falls into this category

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