Bank Mitigation
What is a mitigation bank?
A restoration (PERC) project done for profit, to sell credits as compensatory mitigation
Compensatory Mitigation
Act of Preserving, Enhancing, Restoring and/or Creating (PERC) wetlands to compensate for unavoidable losses elsewhere On-site vs. off-site Mitigation ratios 7.5 to 1 wet meadow 3.5 to 1 forested 1.5 to 1 marsh 1 to 1 open water
Advantages of mitigation banking
Consolidates efforts, increases oversight, likelihood of success Wetland restoration happens in advance of impacts Larger areas, farther from impacts may increase function, permanent easement Market-driven (credits open market)
Mitigation Banks
Early to mid-1990s, short-comings of compensatory mitigation programs were apparent Mitigation Bank idea developed in 1980s, refined and codified in 1995 Consolidates efforts into larger restoration (PERC) projects, increases likelihood of success
Compensatory Mitigation Requirements
Establishment of appropriate hydrology Percent cover by appropriate vegetation Survival rate of planted vegetation Evidence of use by wildlife Absence of exotic vegetation Others Time scale/ documentation/ monitoring requirements differ by project
Four Components of bank mitigation
Four components: Site: the physical area to be PERC'ed Instrument (permit): formal agreement between owners and regulators establishing terms of credit approval Interagency Review Team (IRT): team that provides review, oversight, and approval of credits Service area: geographic area in which permitted impacts can be compensated for at a given bank (determined by IRT)
Step 8:
Remove water control structures Fill ditches Install permanent weir to maintain hydrology System ultimately should be self-sustaining
Step 4:
contour land to target elevation for appropriate hydrology (created marsh)
Step 3:
control hydrology to minimize disturbance during restoration activity Example: draining system
Step 2:
determine appropriate action (PERC) Natural areas preserved, enhanced Farm fields restored, marsh created Divided into phases for credit release
Step 1:
determine hydrology (what type of wetland?) Ditches altered Compare to natural
Step 5:
introduce appropriate vegetation Species used depends on the type of wetland desired, region and climate, as well as hydrology
Step 6:
maintenance to allow system to become established Hydrology Exotic species
Step 7:
monitoring for success Hydrologic monitoring Vegetative monitoring Biota utilization