Basic Economic Concepts Test Review

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the demand in the economy, opportunity cost

How do you compute the cost of choosing one combination over another? (What is this called?)

shift ppc- new resources, trade, technology, education. Free enterprise, produce more capital goods.

How does a country promote economic growth?

shifting our resources from producing one item from the next results in a greater cost

Law of Increasing Opportunity Costs

Production Possibilities Curve (Frontier)

Production Possibilities Curve (Frontier)

some action or something to give so someone could act in a certain way

What are incentives?

where you process property

What are property rights?

is able to adjust to change gradually. Individual freedom for everyone. Notable lack of government interference. Decentralized decision making. Incredible variety of goods and services. High degree of consumer satisfaction

What are strengths of a market economy?

WHAT will be produced? HOW will it be produced? FOR WHOM will it be produced?

What are the 3 key economic questions?

sets forth certain economic roles for all members of the community. Sable, predictable, and continuous life

What are the strength of Traditional Economy?

capable of dramatic change in a short time

What are the strengths of a Command Economy?

discourages new ideas and new ways of doing things. stagnation and lack of progress

What are the weaknesses of Traditional Economy?

does not meet wants and needs of consumers. Lacks effective incentives to get people to work. Requires large bureaucracy (uses resources), Has little flexibility to deal with small day-to-day changes

What are the weaknesses of a Command Economy?

rewards only productive resources. Many people are too young, too old, or too sick to work. Must guard against market failures

What are the weaknesses of a Market Economy?

All the alternatives that we give up whenever we choose one course of action over another

What are trade-offs?

it would still cost or give something up

What does TINSTAAFL mean?

any point inside the curve represent an underutilization or inefficient use of resources

What does a point inside the PPC represent?

any point beyond the curve is unattainable

What does a point outside the PPC represent?

opportunity cost

What economic concept does the PPC represent?

bringing producers and buyers, all market making the decision on what is produced

What is Adam's Smith's Invisible Hand theory?

There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch


someone sits down and says we need to produce this and that and they plan out the economy (union)

What is a centrally planned economy?

government owns most property resources. Economic decision making occurs through a central economic plan

What is a command economy?

the system is characterized by: private ownership of resources, use of markets and prices to coordinate and direct economic activity, acting in one's own self- interest

What is a market economy?

is an economic system in which both state and private sector direct the economy

What is a mixed economy?

beliefs and customs determines the goods and products that are created. Used often in rural and farm-based areas

What is a traditional economy?

trading one service for another for free. Both are wiling and will benefit

What is a voluntary exchange?

all resources are being fully unitized

What is an efficient use of resources?

Individuals who use the other factors of production to produce a product. Examples they are innovative and take risks

What is an entrepreneur?

The next best alternative given up when a choice is made

What is an opportunity cost?

you have more resources than what you are using

What is an underutilization of resources?

Any human-made resource that is used to produce other goods and services. Examples are factories (plants), equipment, machinery, etc

What is capital?

pure capitalism, or laissez-fair capitalism, government's role would be limited to protecting private property, establishing an environment appropriate to the operation of the market system

What is capitalism?

it is the idea that consumers have the ultimate control over what is produced. This is because they are free to buy what they want and to reject what they don't want

What is consumer sovereignty?

All the human time, effort, and talent used to produce goods and services. Examples are workers and their skills

What is labor?

All natural resources used to produce goods and services. Examples are oil, minerals, land, trees, etc

What is land?

the extra benefit of adding one unit (MR greater than or equal to MC)

What is marginal benefit?

the extra cost of adding one unit

What is marginal cost?

1)It is the basic economic problem. 2)It is a situation that exists when there are not enough resources to meet human wants. 3)The principle that limited amounts of goods and services are available to meet unlimited wants

What is scarcity?

it is a situation in which people concentrate their efforts in the activities that they do best

What is specialization?

competition is the basic in a market system, you be more efficacy with lowing the prices

What is the role of competition in a market system?

It is the measure of the satisfaction derived from consumption of goods and services

What is utility?

philosopher, father of economic, division of labor

Who is Adam Smith?

law of increasing opportunity costs

Why is the PPC bowed out?

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