Basic Jail Officer Mandate

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What is the major difference between jail officer and a road deputy?

"Community" Patrol

What element should an effective security plan include?

-Admission of Inmate -Escorting (anywhere) -Counts -Release Procedure -Control of Contraband -Tool and key control -Development of security policies, plans, and procedures

List different types of inmates counts?

-Census -Formal -Emergency

Types of unethical conduct

-Dishonesty -Brutality -Prejudice -False Swearing -Violating laws & regulation -Civil rights violations -Sexual Misconduct -Discourtesy -Accepting gratuities -Compromising jail security & safety -Personal Behavior -Apathy

What rues should be followed to prevent the officer from becoming distracted during a count?

-Don't let the inmates continue to moved around -if unsure of count start over

What are the different phases in trail sequence?

-Entering the courtroom -Waiting to testify -Taking the stand -Direct examination -Cross Examination

Describe the roles of court personnel?

-Judge (control) -Prosecutor (acting on behalf of the govnmt) -Defense Attorney (acting on behalf of defendent) -The Jury (panel of citizens) -Court Clerk (Judges right hand man) -Court Reporter (record & transcribes all statements) -Bailiff (maintain order for judge)

What are the for distinguishing characteristic of a profession?

-Knowledge -Qualification -Controlled -Conduct

Describe professionalism and how a professional officer is identifies

-Needs to have a calling -Conduct -Knowledge -Obligation to serve

While patrolling in the jail, what are some sign of impending trouble?

-Obvious tension -increase request for movement -Racial or ethnic slurs -Increasing infraction of the jail rules -An unusual accumulation of commissary items in the cell -Missing tools -Attempts to cover security cameras

Influence of Ethical behavior

-Peer Pressure -Social Control -Fear of Punishment -Training

List reasons for ethical behavior

-Pride -Rules & Regulations -Upward Mobility -Role Model -Avoid the Set-up

There are three steps that you should take to prepare for a case going to trail

-Review original report -Review evidence -Meet with prosecutor

How should jail officer respond when confronted with an armed inmate?

-Tell the other inmates to "Lockdown" -Call for back up -"Drop the weapon"

What are the 7 rules of testimony?

-Tell the truth -Don't guess -Be sure to understand the question -Take you time -Loud and audible response -Don't look for assistance among the crowd -Beware of questions involving distance & time -Be courteous -Avoid joking -Do not argue with defense attorney -Realizing an error -Testify objectively

What information must a jail officer know to be an effective patrol officer?

-know as much information as possible -be fully informed about all activities in the jail -know the jail facility itself so well that you can walk through the jail in total darkness -know the jail officer safety procedure and develop an ability to follow the procedures -know the jail emergency evacuation procedures and policies

What O.C.G.A code section makes it the duty of the jail officer to make notification to a consulate?



Any form of attestation by which a person signifies that he/she is bound in conscience to preform an act faithfully and truthfully

what are some conditions that might warrant medical attention for an arrestee?

Can't stand/walk

What does CHRI stand for?

Criminal History Record Information

What is the questioning called that the defense attorney does to the prosecution's witnesses?

Cross examination

How should you dress for court?

Departmental uniform or business attire

What does using slang or jargon do in court

Distracts and it doesn't impress that jury

What does being released on time served mean?

Earned allowance can be used toward their release

What are the two basic factor used in the classification process?

Gender and charges

When might a court ordered release be issues for an inmate?

Health conditions

What health concerns should a heath screen questionnaire cover?

Medication, special diets, allergies, injuries, diseases, current mental state, recent injures, and pregnancies

Are employees of the jail allowed to give advice as to which bondsman or bonding company to do business?


While waiting to testify a court, who may you talk to about he case?

No one

Who is allowed to carry a firearm on the jail?

No one

In preparing for the trail, who should you meet with to go over your testimony?


What attorney is representing that state in a criminal case?


To what types of facilities caould an inmate be transferred?

State Prison or Local Agency

How trustworthy are informants?

There is no such thing as a trusty inmate

What is Ethics?

What is considered right and wrong

When should a frisk (pat down) search be conducted on a new arrestee?

When an officer bring them in

Describe a civil rights violation where an officer may misuse his authority

You can misuse your authority be deliberately interfering with an inmate's protected right under the United State Constitution (Bill of Rights)

what is classification?

a systematic way to arrange inmate into housing assignment

When should al keys and tools be accounted for?

at the end of each shift

What guidelines should an officer observe when walking down hallway with a blind doorways or corners?

be alert, walk on the outside of the wall, and make wide turns


divided into syllables or words meaningfull arranged; intelligible

When should a health screening be completed on a new inmate?

during intake/booking

What are the objectives of jail security program?

ensure safety, maintain order, prevents escapes

When does the jail have authority to refuse an arestee?

if an inmate needs medical attention

How can an officer determine if a discount is legitimate or a prohibited gratuity?

if its in the companies contract

What is code of conduct

is a positive tool for law enforcement, but it is mostly generalized and broad in scope, not really specifying what is right or wrong

What is the definition of a foreign national?

is any person that is not a U.S. Citizens

What is an "OR Bond" and who has the authority to issue it?

is the release of the person upon his own recognize only, issued by a judge

What types of inmate may be classified as special concern inmates?

mentally ill, developmentally disabled, disabled, elderly, substance abusers, cross dressers, transgenders, gang members, and child molesters

What are jail officer's "patrol" responsibilities?

preventing criminal activity, maintain peace, protect

What is the definition of bail?

the amount of collateral necessary to ensure that they will be present for court


the way a person behaves themselves

What is the penalty for improper handling of CHRI?

up to $50,000 or up to 15 years or both

What is required in order to preform a body cavity?

warrant, medical staff, and probable cause

How can a personal behavior outside the jail affect a detention officer?

your behavior reflect on you co-worker an agency

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