BBH 119 Exam 3

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Which cancer treatment option provides the greatest chance for a cure?


Why do more than 80% of individuals infected with genital herpes not realize they are infected?

Symptoms are mild or mistaken for something else

Define communication.

The act of conveying intended meanings from one individual to another through the use of mutually understood signs and rules

Define sexuality.

The biological, physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of sexual attraction and expression of sexual

Why can an impartial third-party help two people improve their communication skills?

There are professionals who can help, an outside perspective

True or false: Direct transmission of infections can occur between humans and animals.


True/false: The latent phase of syphilis that occurs between stages 2 & 3 can last for years during which the infected individual has no symptoms.


What does it mean to be solution-focused when communicating?

Try to look for a win-win compromise, effective communication requires a resolution that both parties are happy with

What does the acronym FDA mean?

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

What are the 4 basic behaviors that can prevent the spread of colds & flus?

Wash hands frequently and well Keep hands away from your face (Most common entry through mucous membranes) Sneeze/cough into elbow Avoid infected people

Describe the impact technology is having on friendships.

Weaker virtual friendships sometimes becoming more accessible than in person contact

What are the main differences in warning signs of heart attack between men and women?

Women experience -dizziness or fainting -Pain, pressure, squeezing, or fullness in the lower chest -Abdominal pain or discomfort that can feel like indigestion -Extreme fatigue -Vomiting Men do not experience any of those symptoms ^

Can you use silence to make you a better listener? If yes, explain why.

Yes, gives the speaker undivided attention, only speak with question or summary

For effective communication, why is it important to let the other person complete their thought before judging & questioning?

You might not have the full idea of what the person is saying means

In the nonspecific response by your immune system a. The most common type of white blood cell that ingest & destroy pathogens are _______. b. Which one of the 3 initial responders is responsible for eliminating infected cells from within our body? c. What is the name of the chemical signal released by neutrophils & macrophages and what do these chemicals do?

a. neutrophils. b. NK (Natural killer cells) c. cytokines - Attract additional white blood cells, increase blood flow to the area, induce fever

An agent such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa & parasitic worms that causes a disease is known as a __________.

pathogenic microorganism

What are the 3 types of T cells involved in a specific immune system response and what do they do?

- Helper T cells - Secrete cytokines -Cytotoxic T cells - Kill virus infected cells -Regulatory T cells - Turn down the specific immune response

What factors contribute to cardiometabolic risk?

-Abdominal obesity -Elevated blood pressure -Elevated fasting blood glucose -Elevated blood triglycerides -Low/high HDL cholesterol -Smoking -Inflammatory markers -Insulin resistance

What are the 2 ways of artificially acquiring immunity?

-Active immunity via vaccination - Inject person with weakened or dead pathogens -Passive immunity - Inject person with antibodies to specific pathogen

Define abstinence.

-Avoidance of sexual intercourse -By active choice or circumstance

What nonverbal skills can you use to show you are listening and to make people feel comfortable when speaking to you?

-Be silent while person is sharing feelings or concerns. Give the speaker your undivided attention by getting rid of all distractions. -Maintain eye contact, keep a relaxed posture, nodding and smiling so that they know you are listening

Why are most allergies treated with anti-histamines?

-Body produces immunoglobulin antibodies during an allergic reaction -Binds to allergen and causes mast cells to release histamine which causes reaction

What is the difference between chemo & radiation therapies for treatment of cancer?

-Chemotherapy - Drugs to kill cancer cells -Radiation - High-energy subatomic particles to kill cells or damage DNA to halt reproduction

Define conception and contraception.

-Conception - fertilization of a female egg with sperm -Contraception - any method used to prevent pregnancy

What are the criteria the FDA use to define medications as over-the-counter?

-Do benefits outweigh their risks -How long is potential for misuse -Consumers can use for self-diagnosed conditions -Can be adequately labeled -Do not require consultation for safe and effective use

Define the female menstrual cycle and differentiate between menarche & menopause.

-Female menstrual cycle - The regular change in the female reproductive system that makes pregnancy possible -Menarche - The first onset of menstruation -Menopause - The time when a woman stops having menstrual cycles

What are the physical signs & symptoms of diabetes?

-Frequent urination -Excessive thirst -Hunger -Tendency to tire easily -In women, tendency to develop vaginal yeast infections

Which 2 bacterial STIs can be life-threatening?

-Gonorrhea -Syphilis

What is the difference between a health savings account (HSA) and a flexible spending account (FSA)?

-HAS: Consumer-controlled account attached to a high deductible health insurance plan -FSA: Consumer-controlled account offered through employers

What is amenorrhea?

-Having no period for at least 3 months -Abnormal if due to excessive weight loss or exercise, stress, hormonal imbalance

What are the signs/symptoms of a stroke?

-Loss of balance -Feeling of weakness, numbness, or paralyzed in the arm, leg or face especially on one side of the body -Blurry vision -Slurred speech -Sudden and severe headache -Dizziness or vomiting -Confusion or delusions

What is the primary difference in motivation to communicate between men & women?

-Men - Communicate to perform tasks and seek social status -Women - Communicate to build personal connections and seek social interaction

How many types of human papillomavirus are there and how many are responsible for warts on the genitalia?

-More than 100 types -More than 40 can infect the genitalia

What are the risk factors of type 2 diabetes?

-Overweight -Disproportionately large waist -Diet -Lack of exercise -Smoking -Chronic stress -Genetic factors

What is pelvic inflammatory disease?

-PID is an infection of a woman's uterus, fallopian tubes & other reproductive organs -Is caused by bacteria, especially associated with chlamydia and gonorrhea

What is the difference between premenstrual syndrome (PMS) & premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)?

-PMS - Physical and emotional symptoms that occur 7-14 days before menstrual phase -Exacerbated by stress -PMDD - PMS emotional symptoms plus persistent anger, sleep disturbances, difficulty focusing -Some respond to SSRI treatment

According to Sternberg, in addition to intimacy what other 2 factors contribute love?

-Passion - The motivational component: Intensity that fuels romance, physical attraction, and sex -Commitment - The cognitive component: Short-term decision to love another person, long-term decision to stay committed

Why is it important to see a doctor for regular screenings and checkups?

-Preventative medicine -Identify possible problems before they get worse/out of hand

What is self-disclosure and why are some people uncomfortable with self-disclosure?

-Sharing honest feelings and other personal information- hopes, dreams, secrets, -It leaves them feeling vulnerable and exposed

What are the three common sexually transmitted bacterial infections?

-Syphilis -Gonorrhea -Chlamydia

Define assortative mating.

-Tendency to be attracted to people who are similar to us -Similarity in personality impacts whether the pair is happy

Define intimacy.

-The emotional component of love -Feeling of closeness and connectedness

What are the long-term complications associated with diabetes?

-Vision loss and blindness -Gum disease -Increased risk of heart attack or stroke -High blood pressure -Kidney diseases and failure -Pain, loss of sensation, tissue breakdown -Sexual dysfunction -Poor wound healing that can lead to complications

In type ____ diabetes the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and blood ____ must be monitored regularly.

1, sugar

Being a good listener requires what 3 actions?

1. Concentration 2. Focus 3. Attentiveness

What 3 diseases cause more than half of all deaths annually in the USA?

1. Diabetes 2. Cardiovascular disease 3. cancer

What are the 3 most common withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit smoking and when do the symptoms peak?

1. Difficulty concentrating 2. Negative mood 3. Urge to smoke -All peak within 1-2 weeks

What are the 3 things the 'Affordable Care Act' stopped insurance providers from doing that negatively impacted the health and medical care for certain people?

1. Insurers can no longer place a lifetime cap on benefits 2. Health plans cannot cancel coverage if a person is sick 3. Private insurance plans cannot deny coverage because of pre-existing condition

What are the 3 main purposes of the inflammatory response?

1. Kill pathogens in damaged tissue 2. Promote healing 3. Prevent the spread of infection

What are the 4 high-risk behaviors that increase the likelihood of developing a chronic disease?

1. Smoking 2. Abusing alcohol 3. Lack of physical activity 4. Poor nutrition

What are the two main reasons tobacco companies put additives into cigarettes?

1. Some additives are used to hide taste 2. Ammonia boosts the delivery of nicotine into the lungs and bloodstream

What are the 4 means of indirect transmission of infections?

1. Touching contaminated objects then touching eyes, mouth, etc 2. Breathing airborne pathogens 3. Bites from an infected vector (insects or animals) 4. Drinking or eating contaminated water or food -Organisms in feces get into water sources

In type ____ diabetes the pancreas produces sufficient insulin but _____ is unable to be used by the body.

2, glucose

Which of the following should you seriously consider when choosing a health care provider? a. Do the doctors/physician assistants/nurse practitioners have the required medical licenses and board certifications? b. Do they accept your insurance plan? c. Do you like the atmosphere in the waiting room? d. Will you be familiar with the doctor/physician assistant/nurse practitioner you have to see when your doctor is on vacation? e. Do you like the hospital your doctor would send you to for a serious problem?


Which of the following statements about OTCs are FALSE? a. OTC do not have side-effects so you can ignore the information in the 'Warnings' section of the label. b. The directions on how much and when to take the drug are only suggestions and you should take however much makes you feel better.


Which of the following statements about safe sex options are TRUE? a. Nearly 50% of college students use condoms during vaginal intercourse. b. Condoms are the most effective protection against transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). c. Birth control pills are more effective for contraception than withdrawal & fertility awareness. d. Spermicides provide protection against STIs.


Which of the following statements about prescription medications are true? a. Before taking a new prescription you should check that the pills in the bottle match the physical description of the drug found on the label on the bottle. b. The 'discard after' date on the prescription label is only there to ensure you will have to buy more drugs from the pharmaceutical company. c. When you start taking a new prescription you should read the sheet the pharmacy provides that tells you what kind of adverse reactions you may experience when taking this drug.


Which of the following statements about evaluating health care information on the internet or social media are TRUE? a. You can consider the information reliable if it is from a well-established medical facility like the Mayo clinic. b. The information on the site is probably valid if the site was updated sometime in the last 10 years. c. Claims made on a health related site should provide references for the research studies that support the claim. d. If the person/group managing the website that discusses which drug treatments are best for your disorder receive funds from a pharmaceutical company they need to include that information on their website.


Which of the following statements about abortion are TRUE? a. Individual states within the U.S. can make abortion illegal. b. Nearly all unintended pregnancies are terminated by abortion. c. One of the arguments about abortion rights is the issue of when life begins. d. Abortion exposes girls & women to physical & psychological harm. e. If safe abortions were not legal, then unsafe & unregulated abortions would still be performed.


Which of the following statements about bacteria are TRUE? a. Both helpful & harmful bacterial release enzymes & chemicals but those released by harmful bacteria are toxic. b. More than 90% of bacterial are harmful. c. Antibiotics treat bacterial infections by preventing the invading bacteria from reproducing. d. Bacteria become resistant to antibiotics through genetic mutations. e. Regular soap is as effective as "antibacterial" soap in preventing the spread of bacterial infections.


Most student have medical insurance provided by ________________ but students are only covered until they are _____ years old.

A family member's employer, 26

What is the definition of abortion?

A medical/surgical procedure used to terminate an ongoing pregnancy

What is a virus and how does it work?

A microscopic organism that cannot multiply without invading body cells Hijacks the cellular machinery of the cells/hosts to duplicate viruses -Cells used to duplicate viruses die after 11 hours of being used

What is an oncogene?

A mutated gene that results in rapid uncontrolled cell division

What is a susceptible host for an infection?

A person, plant or animal in which or on which pathogens live and reproduce

Hepatitis ____ is the most widespread form and is contracted by consuming microscopic amounts of ________.

A, feces

Identify each of the following as a characteristic of a healthy relationship or a dysfunctional relationship. a. All decisions should be made by one partner. b. All of your focus should be on your partner. c. Each partner should provide encouragement to the other. d. The partners should encourage shared activities. e. Partners should justify their actions and interests to each other. f. Partners should avoid being truthful if it will hurt the others feelings.

A. Dysfunctional B. Dysfunctional C. Healthy D. Healthy E. Dysfuncitonal F. Dysfunctional

Which of the following statements about secondhand smoke are true? a. Some chemicals are present in higher concentrations than in the smoke inhaled by the smoker. b. Non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke do not have an increased risk of lung cancer. c. Secondhand smoke increases respiratory illness in children. d. Among nonsmokers, secondhand smoke decreases the risk of heart disease. e. Exposure to secondhand smoke contributes to premature death in nonsmokers.

A. False B. False C. True D. False E. True

For each of the following statements about the long-term effects of smoking, circle either increases or decreases to make the statement correct. a. Chronic smoking increases/decreases the risk of cancer. b. Chronic smoking increases/decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease. c. Chronic smoking increases/decreases lung function. d. Chronic smoking increases/decreases liver function e. Chronic smoking increases/decreases the risk of type 2 diabetes. f. Chronic smoking increases/decreases fertility. g. Chronic smoking increases/decreases wrinkling of the skin.

A. Increases B. Increases C. Decreases D. Decreases E. Increases F. Decreases G. Increases

Identify each of the following communication traits as to whether the trait is mostly associated with men or women. a. Make expedient decisions b. Focus on connecting to other in conversation. c. Share the most details during a discussion. d. Process problems internally and then verbalize the solution. e. Are less likely to use digital communication tools.

A. Men B. Women C. Women D. Men E. Men

Identify which short-term effects of smoking are due to nicotine and which are due to other components of smoke. a. Increased heart rate b. Reduction of stamina c. Coughing d. Heightened alertness e. Decreased skin temperature f. Dulled sense of smell & taste g. Increased blood glucose h. Bad breath i. Increased blood pressure j. Shortness of breath

A. Nicotine B. Other C. Other D. Nicotine E. Nicotine F. Nicotine G. Nicotine H. Other I. Nicotine J. Other

For each of the following sexual activities, indicate whether there is a risk of pregnancy &/or a risk of STIs for each activity. a. Vaginal intercourse b. Anal intercourse c. Fellatio d. Cunnilingus e. Masturbation f. Outercourse g. Sexting

A. STI, pregnancy B. STI C. STI D. STI E. Neither F. STI G. Neither

Which of the following statements about the Transactional Model of Communication (discussed in the video) are TRUE? a. Feedback from the receiver is important for the sender to know if their message is being understood. b. Texting is an example of a channel for communication. c. Noise that can affect communication is always external. d. As the receiver, our own emotional state can affect how we decode the message from the sender. e. The context in which the communication is occurring has no impact on the effectiveness of the communication.

A. True B. False C. False D. True E. False

Which of the following statements are TRUE about nonverbal communication? a. When communicating, up to 90% of our meaning is conveyed via nonverbal communication. b. Hand gestures, eye contact and posture are considered part of nonverbal communication. c. We are always aware of how our own nonverbal communications are affecting the effectiveness of our message. d. Paralanguage components such as pitch, intonation, volume & rate of speaking are not considered part of nonverbal communication. e. In effective communication, verbal and nonverbal messages should be consistent. f. The impact of gestures, eye contact, and space can differ across cultures.

A. True B. True C. False D. False E. True F. True

True or False: a. Using smokeless tobacco is associated with lower health risks than smoking. b. E-cigarettes were developed to assist in smoking cessation. c. E-cigarettes are more effect smoking cessation aids than Chantix and Zyban. d. E-cigarettes and standard cigarettes are both regulated by the FDA. e. The highest rate of e-cigarette use is in adults. f. After quitting smoking, it takes more than 5 years to see improvement in lung function. g. The ability to smell and taste improves within 48 hours after quitting smoking. h. The likelihood of a former smoker relapsing decreases the by 10% each year they have been a nonsmoker.

A. True B. True C. False D. True E. False F. False G. True H. True

Identify whether the following statements are true or false: a. Smoking is the world's most preventable cause of death. b. Smoking decreases life expectancy by 10 years. c. The Surgeon General's report on Smoking & Health (1964) had no effect on smoking rate in the U.S. d. There is a significant genetic contribution to smoking. e. Only about 50% of adult regular smokers began smoking before the age of 19.

A. True B. True C. False D. True E. False - 90%

With managed-care insurance plans, (circle the correct response to make the statement true) a. a person who pays a high monthly insurance premium will have fewer/more options when selecting their medical provider. b. A person who pays a high monthly insurance premium will have a high/low deductible they must pay before the insurance company pays for coverage.

A. more B. lower

Identify the following types of cancer a. Cancer of muscle or connective tissue is _________. b. Cancer of the bone marrow is ________ c. Cancer of blood-forming tissue is _______ d. Cancer of the tissues that cover the body is _______.

A. sarcoma B. lymphomas/mylomas C. leukemia D. carcinoma

What provides 100% protection from STIs?


An abnormal immune system reaction to harmless substances is known as __________.


What is the purpose of 'memory' T & B cells?

Allows the body to quickly identify and attack a pathogen it recognizes

Explain atherosclerosis?

An arterial condition characterized by narrowing of arteries as a result of inflammation, scarring and fatty deposits

Vessels that transport blood away from the heart are ______ and vessels that transport blood toward the heart are _______.

Arteries, veins

What is the main contributor to attraction?

Assortative mating

Which of the following statements about effective conflict resolution are true? a. Striving to win the argument is the best way to resolve conflict. b. It is more effective to deal with frustrations as quickly as possible rather than letting frustrations build up. c. You can most effectively resolve conflicts by immediately agreeing with your friend's solution to the problem. d. For effective conflict resolution, you should summarize what you heard your partner say about the issue to ensure that you are both trying to resolve the same conflict. e. Reminding your friend about all the previous problems they have caused that are similar to the current conflict will increase the likelihood that you will resolve the current conflict.


Which of the following statements about different sexual activities are TRUE? a. Condoms break more frequently during vaginal intercourse than during anal intercourse. b. Some people engage in oral sex rather than intercourse. c. Sexual fantasies can reflect personal desires a person is not comfortable acting out in real life. d. More female college students masturbate than do male college students. e. Sending sexually explicit text, photos, or videos electronically is known as sexting.


Which of the following statements about sexual orientation & gender identity are TRUE? a. There is scientific evidence that sexual orientation is a conscious choice and can be readily changed. b. Heterosexuality is the only sexual orientation that receives full social & legal legitimacy. c. Homonegativity is the irrational fear of or discrimination against homosexuals. d. Gender identity is mostly determined by whether you have XX or XY chromosomes. e. Bisexuals are attracted to people of the same sex. f. The term transgender characterizes a state in which someone's gender expression is different from their assigned sex at birth. g. Hormonal treatments are not effective in physically transforming a transsexual from one sex to the other.


The proteins on the surface of pathogens that trigger a specific immune system response are known as _________.

B cells?

Why is using "I" messages an important communication skill?

Begin the discussion with an "i feel" statement, making the conversation about the other person may make him/her feel attacked and trigger defensiveness

What is the process by which a malignant tumor spreads to other parts of the body?

Cancerous, invade other tissues in addition to the one it started in, will spread throughout the body

Which blood vessels deliver nutrients to individual cells and remove the waste from those cells?


An infectious individual who is not exhibiting symptoms is a _________.


What is a carcinogen?

Causes a mutation in the DNA of a normal cell

What are the differences between colds & flu?

Colds - More than 200 different viruses cause cold symptoms -Last about 1 week -Nasal congestion, sore throat, headache, mild fever, coughing Flus - A contagious respiratory condition caused by a group of influenza viruses -Last longer than 1 week -High fever, body aches, fatigue, dry cough

What are the 2 modes of transmission of infections?

Direct -Contact with infected people -Skin to skin or contact with blood and body fluids -Contact with infected animals -60% of human pathogens originated in animals -75% of emerging diseases involve animal to human transfer Indirect -Touching contaminated objects -Breathing airborne pathogens -Bites from infected insects -Drinking or eating contaminated water or food

Hyperglycemia is _________ blood glucose.


Match the hormone with the correct function in the menstrual cycle. a.Estrogen b. Follicle-stimulating hormone (release of the mature egg) c.Luteninizing hormone d. Progesterone -Thickens the uterine lining -Needed for fertilized egg to implant in uterus -Causes the egg to mature -Triggers ovulation

Estrogen: thickens uterine lining Follicle-stimulating hormone: causes the egg to mature Luteninizing hormone: triggers ovulation Progesterone: needed for fertilized egg to implant in uterus

Explain what happens during the excitement, plateau, orgasm, & resolution phase of the sexual response cycle.

Excitement (desire/arousal) -Erotic mental or physical stimulation that leads to arousal -Increase heart rate, blood pressure and respiration -Nipple erection -"Sex blush" -Penile erection; labia and clitoris swell, vaginal walls lubricate Plateau -Intense excitement building to orgasm -More rapid heart rate; genitals more sensitive -Males secrete pre-ejaculatory fluid which may contain some sperm Orgasm -Peak or climax of sexual response -Males have single orgasm with ejaculation -Women can have multiple Resolution -Return to normal

True or false: You only need to follow recommended health screening timelines if you are old.


True or false: Your mucous membranes are your strongest protection against infections.


True/False: Almost all individuals infected with HIV are aware they have contracted the virus.


True/False: Continuous treatment with antiviral therapies can completely clear the infected individual of the virus and prevent the development of AIDS.


True/False: HIV can only be transmitted via vaginal or anal sex.


True/False: HPV vaccine is only effective in males.


True/false. The range of activities that fall into "Normal" sexual behavior is very narrow.


True/false: The same herpes simplex virus causes both genital herpes and cold sores around the mouth.


True/false: To ensure a healthy relationship, both partners should only focus on their identity as a couple work to grow common interests.


True/false: Treatments for genital herpes alleviate symptoms and clear the virus from the body.


What are the primary differences between health savings accounts and flexible spending accounts?

HAS - Through high deductible insurance FSA - Through employers

What is the most commonly reported STI on college campuses?

HPV infection

When more than 90% of a community is vaccinated against a disease, the community has achieved ________ immunity.


What is a myocardial infarction?

Heart attack

All 3 types of this viral infection is characterized by inflammation of the liver.


Which of the cardiovascular diseases is known as the 'silent killer'?

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

The body's cellular & chemical defense against pathogens is your _________ system.


The lifelong protection against the same infection in known as ________________.


What is the definition of infection?

Infection - Invasion of body tissues by microorganisms that use the body's environment to multiply and spread disease

Cells in the body require this hormone in order to transport glucose into the cells.


What is the difference between an ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke?

Ischemic -More common -When either the cerebral artery or on of the carotid arteries that run through the neck to the brain becomes blocked Hemorrhagic -Weakened cerebral artery leaks or ruptures, spilling blood into brain tissue

Many chronic diseases can be __________ but most cannot be ________.

Managed, cured

The public insurance program funded by federal and state government that insures low-income individuals and families is __________.


The public insurance program funded by the federal government that insures people with permanent disabilities & people who are 65 and older is _____________.


The muscle tissue of the heart is the ________ and comprises the ______, the two lower chambers of the heart.

Myocardium, ventricles

What is the psychoactive ingredient in cigarettes (both traditional and electronic)?


The statement 'it is not just what you say but how you say it' is referring to this type of communication?

Nonverbal communication

Choose the word that makes the sentence correct. Conflicts are a normal/abnormal part of relationships.


Individuals infected with Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who have developed AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) typically die from _____________.

Opportunistic diseases

The abdominal organ that produces insulin is the _________.


A worldwide spread of a disease is known as a _________.


What is the definition of the following health insurance related terms? a. Premium b. Deductible c. Pre-existing condition

Premium: The amount you pay an insurance company for an insurance plan Deductible: Total out-of-pocket healthcare expenses the patient pays before health insurance begins paying Pre-existing condition: A health issue that existed prior to joining the insurance plan

In managed-care plans, the insurance companies have contracts with specific medical _________ and with large employers to insure their ___________.

Providers, ?

What do B cells do once they have detected an antigen?

Release antibodies

Just because plant-derived medicines and probiotics are natural does not mean they are _________.


What is conception and when is it most likely to occur during the menstrual cycle?

Secretory phase

What is a biopsy?

Small sample of the abnormal growth is removed and tested

In which stage of syphilis do you find a chancre (or painless sore) at the location where the bacteria entered the body?

Stage 1: Primary syphilis

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