Operational Amplifier Characteristics
- high gain - direct coupled - provide gain - 200,000+
I.C. Chip (Integrated Circuit Chip)
- made of silicone - smaller/ less power - less expensive Digital IC for computer Linear IC for analog
Value of forward bias 8====D
In a Data Flip Flop, PR input produces a ______, CLR produces a _____, when activated.
1, 0
Inverted input has a _________ degree phase shift
There are __ blocks in dc to dc converters
Not gate
A logic gate that takes in 1 input & outputs the opposite
RS flip flop
Activated one at a time, R produces 1, S produces 0
And Gate
Ass and kitties
Or Gate
Ass or kitties
Wave shaping
Cleans up data signals
Control Circuit
Determines is the switch driver is on or off
3 Functional Blocks in an Op Amp
Differential Amplifier, Voltage Amplifier, Output Amplifier
Piezoelectric effect (mechanical)
Electrical current produced by applying pressure to crystals determined by the size and cut
Generates a given waveform at a CONSTANT AMPLITUDE, and SPECIFIED FREQUENCY
Power Switch
Increases current and voltage
JK Flip FLop
Is able to function as any other flip flop
Output Amplifier
Low impedance matching, max transfer of power
Two types of oscillators
Mechanical and electrical
Binary to Decimal
Multiply by powers of 2 beginning with the rightmost digit, crosscut zeros, then add the remaining numbers
Voltage Amplifier
Provides GAINS
Differential amplifier
Provides the input, high input impedance
Filter and Clipper
Regulates output signal
Switch Driver
Sets frequency
frequency determining network
Sets the frequency
PR input and CLR input cannot be active at the same time (true/false)
Reference input must be higher than the output for the switch driver to turn on (true/ false)
Amplifier Switching Network
amplifies signal through transistors
Decimal to Binary
divide by 2 and keep remainder
Closed loop
feedback ;)
3 functional areas of oscillator
frequency determining network, amplifier switching network, feedback network
Xor gate
gay marriage not allowed
Value of reversed bias
given value of zener diode
Regenerative feedback is also known as _____________
Degenerative Feedback
inverted feedback
Open loop
no feedback
RC Feedback (electrical) is also known as
phase shift
Feedback network
purpose is to prevent signal dampening
Two types of feedback
regenerative, degenerative
When there is no inverter on a toggle flip flop, the output changes on a ____________.