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be fully aware of the culture's values

Ben wants to take advantage of the existing culture of his organization. to do this, Ben must first

Social Proof: bill should convince the most influential employee in the ski department, Sally

Bill remembers what you told him about cialdini that discusses the principles underlying effective persuasion. as he prepares to persuade the employees at the sporting goods store to support new suggestions for fielding purchases, he again asks you for advice. which of the following is a Cialdini persuasion technique that you might advice Bill to use to persuade his retail employees in the ski department to support his new suggestions ?

instant messaging

Faraz is an extreme introvert but he realizes that the electronic communication he relies on may be limited in their accuracy. To combat this limitation in accuracy, Faraz wants to use richer communication channels with more 2-way characteristics. Which of the following communication methods has the most two-way characteristics?

an internal locus of control

George believes that he was promoted and given a raise based upon his hard work on the job. George has

transactional leader

In Suzannes eyes, leadership is really quite simple: it is a series of leader-follow exchanges necessary for achieving routine performance agreed upon between Suzanne and her employees. Based on Suzanne's view of leadership, what kind of leader is she?

2 Ways to Build Trust: Practice Openness and Tell the Truth

In class, we discussed "Chainsaw Al" Dunlap as an example demonstrating the importance of contingency leadership, and how the board of directors at Sunbeam eventually lost trust in him and fired him. There are 8 ways to build trust in leadership. Name 2 ways and relate them to the example of Chainsaw Al.


Ivan is trying to understand the concern of an angry customer, but several employees keep interrupting the conversion. These interruptions are an example of

changing his inputs

Doug is an employee of McDowell instruments. Doug takes longer breaks than his coworkers, and often rationalizes his behavior because the organization does not pay him enough for the level of work that he does. Doug is reducing his perceived inequity by

show the speaker respect by not interrupting

Elle is a new supervisor at her lab and lately has had to interact with her employees as they express concerns about the workplace to her. She's decided that active listening is a helpful tool for her in this task. Which of the following is a rule for active listening?

(1) Human side of Problem-Solving (2) Lack of Goal Consensus and Prior Hypothesis Bias (3) This is because: although it was a technical failure, it was a human decision to launch in spite of the technical risk. This is due to members of the group that were focused on the goal of public relations and scheduling where other members were focused on safety. Furthermore, this was not the first Challenger mission - all other missions came off without a hitch and this fueled the assumption that the current launch would take place smoothly.

(1) The Challenger disaster illustrates the down side of the _____________ side of problem-solving. (2) This video further demonstrates the following 2 barriers to rational decision-making: _______________ and __________________ (3) This is because: _______________________________

prior hypothesis bias

Adam is a senior member of your team. He happened to be walking by your office and overheard you on the phone with a client that Adam had worked with before. You share with him that the client is experiencing difficulty with the software, which your company provides support for. After listening to the 1st part of your explanation, Adam cuts you off and says: these guys always run into the same issue time after time. The quickest way to get them up and running again is a full system reboot. He stays in the room and asks you to relay his solution to the client. The client loses all of his data after implementing Adam's suggestion. What barrier to rational decision-making does Adam demonstrate here?

relationships and tasks

After researching many leadership theories, you've decided that developing your leadership behaviors is a good place to start on the path to becoming an effective leader. According to the behavioral approaches to leadership, the most common types of leadership behaviors relate to:


Amanda often helps new employees learn the ropes and prepare to advance within the organization. Amanda is filling which role?


Jane is relatively calm, poised, and secure. Jane's boss is more excitable, insecure, and reactive. Jane and her boss differ in their level of which personality trait described in the Big Five personality framework?

managing emotions

Jim has the ability to balance anxiety, fear, and anger and still get the job done. Jim possesses which component of emotional intelligence?

all of the provided answers are correct

SAS is an example of an organization that has a strong culture. its culture has helped SAS to perform well because __________________.


a team _____________ is a written agreement among team members establishing ground rules about the team's processes, roles, and responsibilities

profit motive

a team is characterized by all of the following except

lower turnover and higher levels of productivity

although Costco pays its employees substantially more than its closest competitor, Sam's Club, it has similar financial returns on its labor costs due to which of the following?


an _____________ is a physical manifestation of an org's culture

long, long

an org's culture takes a _________ time to evolve, and it takes a ________ time to change it

(1) emotional labor is when a person displays organizationally desired emotions on the job (2) throughout Steve's tantrum, the hotel staff consistently spoke in a quiet and calm tone & behaved professionally towards Steve and the other quests

from the hotel lobby video, we can observe the concept of emotional labor. which of the following statements accurately describes: (1) what emotional labor is and (2) who displayed it in the video?

top managers seldom receive immediate feedback

high need achievers tend not to make good top managers because:

Zimbardo aborted the experiment early when Christina Maslach, a former graduate student, objected to the conditions of the prison

how and why did Zimbardo's experiment come to an end


how many leadership styles does the Hersey and Blanchard model enumerate?


if a Human Resources manager can estimate the probability that a certain percentage of employees will take advantage of a proposed benefit plan, the manager is operating under a condition of

change his or her leadership style

if a Japanese firm were to send an executive to head up the firm's operations in the United States the executive would likely need to

culture, no matter how good the strategy is

if a business strategy and corporate culture are pulling in 2 different directions, the ________ will win _____________.


if a company creates and maintains a culture that encourages employees to bring new ideas into the company, it is most likely to be using what strategy?

smaller than

in Jack's organization, the span of control is very wide. In Pam's organization, the span of control is rather narrow. The number of levels of managers in Jack's organization is likely to be ___________ in Pam's organization.


in Lewin's Process Model of change, the process by which new behaviors are made relatively permanent and resistant to further change is called


in Tom's company, employees are given the opportunity to participate in decision-making related to policy development, which is known as

strong negative

in a ____________ culture, the reaction to the arrival of the plant manager is "Heads up! The plant manager is coming onto the production floor - look busy!"

personal power!

referent, expert, informational, and persuasive powers all contribute to

stories and symbols

research suggests that organization culture is understood and communicated through the use of

(1) Sample Attitude Statement: Former President Bush dislikes broccoli. He has described his dislike as "hate." He refuses to eat broccoli. (2) Attitude components: - Hate broccoli is the affective component - Doesn't eat broccoli is the behavioral component - Doesn't like broccoli is the cognitive component

select the statement that (1) presents a sample attitude and (2) correctly identifies its 3 components

making generalizations about groups of people

stereotypes can best be defined as

tend to have higher levels of performance and satisfaction

studies have generally found that compared to out-group members, in-group members

both a process and a property

leadership is

humanizing the workplace

most quality of work life efforts espouse the goal of


no longer laughing at a coworker's inappropriate jokes so that he will stop telling them is an example of

upper management

non programmed decisions are usually made by

focuses on technological change

organization development

human behavior in organizations

organizational behavior (OB) typically includes the study of which of the following basic components?

which actions are considered acceptable and which are considered unacceptable

organizational culture helps people in an organization understand

1. hierarchy 2. span of control 3. division of labor ALL OF THESE CAN BE EXAMINED

organizational structure can be analyzed by examining all of the following EXCEPT

having a low tolerance for risk

organizations like 3M, Google, and Apple are examples of highly innovative organizations. they share all of the following except

team-based structure

organizations with a ____________ create horizontal or vertical teams that can define part or all of the organization

organizational chart

the ________ shows all people, positions, reporting relationships, and lines of formal communication in the organization

incentive systems

plans in which employees can earn additional compensation in return for certain types of performance are called


an organizational's culture of ________ reflects the extent to which majority members value efforts to increase minority representation, and whether the qualifications and abilities of minority members are questioned


at the beginning of this semester in BMGT 335, we created discussion groups and team members came together for the first time. what stage of team development occurred at this time?


businesses pursuing a ___________ strategy focus on a narrow market segment or niche

high consensus

when a large-scale layoff is announced in Bill's company, all the workers including Bill begin to complain. According to attribution theory, we would evaluate Bill's behaviors as exhibiting

increased motivation

when an organization restructuring results in fewer employees, which of the following is NOT a common effect on the employees who remain?

taken a holistic view

when managers consider the impact of a change on the culture, the dominant coalition, and the people, tasks, and structure of the organization, they are more likely to be successful because they have

surface-level diversity

when you notice that someone is tall, what type of diversity are you noticing?


when your group ran the "shipwrecked" exercise in class, you and one other team member felt that ensuring survival should be the priority. the three other members of your team felt that rescue should be the priority. what type of conflict does this disagreement represent?


which attribute is seen as uninversally negative across a wide range of cultures?


which conflict resolution strategy embodies an "I win, you lose" mindset


which conflict resolution strategy requires both sides to sacrifice something in order to end the conflict


which of Gardner's multiple intelligences refers to self-awareness?

whether specific differences that characterize a person are good or bad depends on the circumstances

which of the following best describes the role of circumstances in assessing individual differences?

group cohesiveness, leader's promotion of personal preferences, insulation from expert opinions

which of the following includes conditions conducive to groupthink?

1. scarce resources 2. centralization 3. ambiguous roles and goals ALL OF THESE

which of the following increases the incidence of political behaviors?

asking for a raise

which of the following is NOT a dysfunctional behavior?


which of the following is NOT a type of value

schedule ethics discussions earlier in the day

which of the following is NOT an action that Mary Gentile recommends to keep your colleagues honest?

leading with directness and focusing on abstract results

which of the following is NOT an important leadership skill in a virtual project team or distance management situation?

alma mater

which of the following is NOT one of the factors that has the greatest influence on job satisfaction

they usually reduce organizational performance

which of the following is NOT true about strong culture?

it is fairly consistent across cultures

which of the following is NOT true of negotiation?


which of the following is an alternative work arrangement in which an employee is given more control over the times worked on a typical workday?

job enlargement

which of the following is an example of a job design technique

excessive pressure to perform

which of the following is an example of distress

separate the people from the problem

which of the following is one of the 4 fundamental principles for integrative negotiation?

foster open communication

which of the following keys to successful organization change management would help a manager reduce the spread of rumors regarding a change?

women face more resistance from stereotyping

which of the following may help explain the pattern of differences between men and women leaders?

begin with a hard sell

which of the following recommendations would NOT help someone to be more persuasive?

control: measure and adjust

which of the following represents the step of the rational decision making approach in which the outcomes of the decision are compared to the desired goal?

ethics is parallel to following the law

which of the following statements about business ethics is incorrect?

feedback can be written or oral, but not nonverbal

which of the following statements about feedback is FALSE?

judgement and creativity are the basis of solution

which of the following statements about programmed decisions is FALSE?

the difficulty of changing to a team-based organization

which of the following statements best reflects the costs of teams to organizations?

culture and national boundaries always coincide

which of the following statements regarding cross-cultural differences and similarities is not true?

25 to 54 year olds

which of the following workforce groups will increase the LEAST in size between 2006 and 2016?

1. mindlessly taking the first small step 2. dehumanizing others 3. de-individualizing of self

which option correctly identifies the 3 social processes that grease the slippery slope to evil?

changes in resource allocation

which organizational source of resistance to change occurs when groups who have access to valuable assets are concerned that they won't after the change?

passive resistance

which reposes to influence entails rejecting the influence attempt but not getting in the way of what the influencer is trying to do

economic factors

which source of individual resistance to change occurs when people fear that change will make their jobs obsolete or reduce their importunities for future pay increases?

it has increased a sense of urgency regarding decision making

which statement accurately describes a downside of information technology

cross-functional team

which term refers to a permanent committee formed to address specific problems or recurring needs?


which term refers to having a high concern with others' perceptions and adjusting one's behavior to fit the situation?


which term refers to sharing power with employees and giving them the authority to make and implement at least some decisions?

global transnational division structure

which type of multinational organizational structure works best when bot global integration and local responsiveness are needed?


which type of noise occurs when overly technical language prevents the receiver from understanding the message?

bureaucratic structure

which type of organizational structure places a grater importance on employees higher in the structure, as reflected by centralized decision making and strict chain of command?

matrix structure

which type of stucture is characterized by employees having two bosses at the same time?

1. people 2. technology 3. competition ALL OF THESE are powerful pressures for change

the areas in which the pressures for change appear the most powerful involve all of the following EXCEPT

unique leadership traits could be identified and used to select leaders

the basic premise of the early trait approach to leadership was that


the belief that one's culture is superior to all others is called

the process of planned change using scientific knowledge

the first step in Lewin's Process Model of change is

determine what behaviors were associated with effective leadership

the goal of the behavioral approach to the study of leadership was to

top management

the move towards a team-based format is often initiated and communicated to the entire organization by


the organization's compensation structure should be which of the following?

transition management

the process of systematically planning, organizing, and implementing change, from the disassembly of the current state to the realization of a fully functional state within an org, is called

- have complete information - are objective - are systematic in their approach to decisions D. (ALL OF THESE)

the rational decision-making approach assumes decision makers

anger and frustration

what emotions are most likely to fuel relationship conflict

coaches and facilitators

what is (are) the new roles of managers in teams?

both heredity and environment

what is personality a product of?

teams make sense for that organization

what is the best reason to create teams in an organization?

to provide job performance feedback

what is the primary use of performance appraisal information

try to change the culture

what should a top manager who works in a company with performance-reducing values do?

workplace bullying

what term refers to a repeated mistreatment of another employee through verbal abuse, conduct that is threatening, humiliating, or sabotage that interferes with the other person's work?


what term refers to attributing our own characteristics to other people?

organizational citizenship

what term refers to discretionary behaviors that benefit the organization but are not formally rewarded or required?

the contrast effect

what term refers to evaluating a person's characteristics through comparisons with other people we have recently encountered who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics?

person-group fit

what term refers to the fit between an individual and her coworkers and supervisor?

react equivalently to the other party and not overact

when a conflict begins to escalate, one of the best ways to prevent further escalation is to

Situational Leadership would tell Joe to: Change his leadership approach to delegation. This is because: Joe's employees are all highly trained and willing to do the work. They do not need him to micro-manage them. He should give them a list of tasks/goals and let them figure out how best to achieve them.

Analyze the following problem from the perspective of Situational Leadership: Joe is the manager of 5 IT workers. Each day he provides a list of tasks and schedules follow-up to monitor progress and answer questions. His employees, however, seem to resent being assigned work. furthermore, Joe is beginning to think that his attempts at follow-up are a waste of his time because his employees seem to resent the interruption. Joe's unit is in charge of software design and his 5 employees are all highly experiences and well educated. According to Situational Leadership, what should Joe do differently?

filter information and tell her superior only what she thinks her boss wants to hear

Annie has to share a report with good and bad news with her boss. Because communication is frequently biased when flowing upward, Annie may:


Aria has been performing successfully at work for several months. Aria believes that she will get a pay raise if she maintains this high level of performance. this belief is an example of the ____________ expectancy

rational persuasion

Deborah is seeking to use facts, special knowledge, and rational argument to create change among her emplpyees. what strategy is Deborah using?

planning for contingencies

Jim is using the rational decision-making process to decide a course of action for the marketing department. while selecting a preferred alternative, a fellow coworker asks "what is something unexpected happens during the implementation of the alternative we have selected?" this type of question is an example of

escalation of commitment

Jim purchases stock in a public company and refuses to sell it even after repeated drops in the original price he paid for the stock. Jim has decided to purchase more of the stock in anticipation of making profit, and has decided to keep the stock in the face of increasing losses. Jim is suffering from

conceptual skills

John, a middle manager in a high-tech firm, has the ability to identify the products that consumers want to buy, which is based on his ________.

internally or externally caused

Jordan was late to an important meeting with clients today. As Jordan's manager, you've decided to use attribution theory as a tool to address Jordan's lateness. To apply attribution theory to this incident, you must determine whether Jordan's behavior was ______________.


Michelle is a manager whose subordinates have moderate-to-high readiness. According to the Hersey and Blanchard model of leadership, Michelle should use which of the following styles?

an interpersonal barrier

Raphne's coworker, Dayna, recently broke up with his best friend. Raphne feels that Dayna treated his friend poorly and has developed a personal bias against her which is interfering in his ability to work effective with her. This personal bias is an example of _______________ in the communication process

recognize moral issue, make moral judgement, establish moral intent, & engage in moral behavior

Rest's 4 component process of moral deliberation includes the following stages:

Participation and Involvement

Richard is a new manager at an office supplies company. this is his first job out of college and he fully realizes that he is the newest and youngest employee. his boss asked him to integrate a new order processing system throughout the company, but most of the managers and employees are very resistant to adapting these changes initiated by Richard. Richard needs your advice on this issue, which of the following represents the best technique to employ to manage the resistance to change among his fellow managers and employees in this situation?

Sally completely dropped the ball on this assignment. she did not reach out to me for support, though I offered it, and I was blindsided by Sally's failure to execute this presentation

Sally makes a presentation to a large group of important decision-makers in your organization. You are Sally's supervisor and you gave her this assignment. Unfortunately, Sally's presentation did not go well and key decision-makers in your company are unimpressed. The decision-makers want an explanation from you as to why your employee's presentation went so poorly.

(1) Equity Theory. (2) Because the reward he received in quarter 1 did not match the effort he put into his work (relative to Joanna's work & reward), next quarter Sam will decrease his job performance to align with the amount of reward he received in quarter 1 and expects to receive again in quarter 2

Sam exceeded all his sales goals in quarter 1 and he knows that Joanna did not meet her goals. However, when Sam and Joanna compared their quarter 1 performance appraisals, he discovered that Joanna received a superior performance rating and got the same bonus that he did. Sam is disappointed with this outcome - particularly after learning of Joanna's bonus (1) this is an example of what specific motivation theory? (2) according to this theory, because of this incident what might Sam do and why?

management mistake: cold, aloof, arrogant this is because: Sandy is too focused on his own competence and not enough on managing his employees. this requires more interaction & concern for others.

Sandy is Big Sky's Computer's best programmer and as a result, was recently promoted to the position of manager of new projects. Sandy wasn't worried about this transition because he is very confident and competent in programming knowledge. But, since becoming manager, his employees have complained about his communication style and management approach. Sandy has never been much of a people-person but hadn't anticipated this reception to his management style. What common management mistake has Sandy made?___________________________________ This is because:___________________________________

situational perspective

Seline runs a small company that sells medical software. she has devised a process by which her company is able to develop new versions of the software relatively quick and with almost no bugs. however, Seline believes that the success of this process hinges on her company's unique makeup and the type of product it produces; she does not believe that most software companies could use her process to any great effect. Seline's views embody which type of perspective?

Behavioral Approach 1: Production-oriented Welch example: Meritocracy system initiated while at GE where all employees are ranked by performance and bottom performers are fired Behavioral Approach 2: Employee-Oriented Welch example: hand-writes personal thank you notes to as many employees as possible in recognition of their individual contributions to the company

What are 2 types of leader behavior (from the behavioral approach to leadership)? Provide 1 example of how Jack Welch performs each type of leader behavior (as referenced in this video).

problem-solving team

William is a member of a small group of employees from different work areas. they meet once each week to discuss and recommend solutions to workplace problems. this group is most likely a

(1) Where transactional leadership focuses on routine performance and the present, transformational leadership focuses on innovation and the future. (2) The four dimensions of transformational leadership are: charisma, inspiration, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration

You are approached by your manager who has heard you are taking BMGT 335 and have studied leadership. Though your manager has more of a transactional style, he is familiar with transformational leadership and would like to learn more. Which of the following options (1) correctly explains the difference between transactional and transformational leadership and (2) identifies the 4 dimensions of transformational leadership?

leader-member exchange theory

Your new manager is very busy every day. You don't expect to have much interaction with her. After a week or so, you realize that even though she's busy, she still works to develop relationships with her employees, but they differ from employee to employee. Research suggests that this phenomenon reflects _________________ theory


______ is the process of creating and doing new things that are introduced to the marketplace as products, processes, or services


__________ is the process through which children learn to become adults in society


__________ power exists when subordinates behave as the manager does and wants because they seek their approval


___________ organizations are flexible and decentralized, have open communication channels, and focus on adaptability in helping employees accomplish their goals


___________ theory assumes that people are motivated to work toward a goal if they want that goal and think they can achieve it

bounded rationality

_____________ is a shorthand term suggesting that, while individuals are reasoned and logical, humans have their limits


_____________ is the process by which the receiver of the message interprets its meaning

realistic job previews

_________________ provide both positive and potentially negative information to job candidates


__________________ need quiet time to recharge their batteries

fixed interval

a $10 bonus for every fifth sale would be an example of which schedule of reinforcement?

set of shared norms for managing conflict

a conflict culture is a

highly skilled workers

a flatter, team-based structure inappropriate for firms that rely on

task conflict

a group of managers cannot agree on what the next month's sales goals ought to be. the group is experiencing

transferring employee training to the workplace

a major challenge of training programs is


a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs because of experience is called

as age increases, diversity awareness decreases

a researcher is studying the relationship between age and diversity awareness and finds negative correlation. what does this mean?

moderately favorable

according to LPC theory, a situation that has low position power, low task structure, and good leader-member relations is

the individual returns to the lowest level that is now deficient

according to Maslow, if a previously satisfied lower-level need becomes deficient,

it tended to specific a set of leader behaviors that would lead to effectiveness in all situations

according to your text, what was the failure of the behavioral approach to studying leadership?

face to face

after months of progressive discipline including verbal warnings, written warnings and coaching sessions John has decided it is time to fire his underperforming employee, Bob. Which communication channel the best choice for John to send this complex and sensitive message to Bob?


after working in a fast-food restaurant for three years to pay for your college tuition, you vowed never to work in a restaurant again. but after graduation the only job offer you receive is a managerial job at a local restaurant. your acceptance of this job may result in _____________ dissonance.


all of the following are considered cultural dimensions EXCEPT

sending a memo to colleagues

all of the following are examples of oral communication in organizations EXCEPT

high profits for stockholders

all of the following statements about the key outcomes expected to result from the psychological states detailed in the job characteristics theory are true EXCEPT

it is the same as the 360-degree feedback system

all of the following statements are true about MBO EXCEPT


because of its higher cost, which influence tactic do leaders typically use only after others have failed?

network organization

common in the garment industry, __________ is a collection of autonomous units or firms that act as a single larger entity, using social mechanisms for coordination and control

Martin Luther King Jr. used kinesics in his speech by: moving his arms and with varying facial expressions thoughout the speech. Martin Luther King Jr. used paralanguage in his speech by: varying speed of delivery, his use of pause, and varying his volume during the delivery of his speech

describe how Martin Luther King Jr. successfully employed kinesics and paralanguage in his "I have a Dream" speech that we watched in class.

1. training 2. management development 3. survey feedback ALL OF THESE are popular people-oriented change techniques

each of the following is a popular type of people-oriented change technique EXCEPT

to reduce fear of obsolescence

each of the following is a reason to secure top management support for a change except

all of these can reduce political behavior

each of the following reduces political behavior EXCEPT

renewed concentration of authority in the hands of top managers

empowerment will enhance organizational effectiveness under all the following conditions except

goal difficulty

expansions on goal-setting theory argue that goal-directed effort is a function of four goal attributes: goal acceptance, goal commitment, goal specificity and

Motivation Element #1: Intensity Example #1: employees at Lincoln Electric all try hard at their jobs - so hard that they show up early, leave late, and very seldom miss work. Motivation Element #2: Direction Example #2: employees at Lincoln Electric direct their motivation toward high levels of productivity (efficiency) and quality (effectiveness) in their production output Motivation Element #3: Persistence Example #3: employees at Lincoln Electric are able to maintain their effort over the course of the work day and throughout their careers (evidenced by low turnover rate/long tenure of employees at job), and the success of their motivation system which has been in existence for nearly a century

in class we discussed the 3 key elements of motivation. define these elements and provide an example of each as they relate to a factory employee at Lincoln Electric (the motivation movie we watched in class)

an individual is more likely to obey and commit unethical action when an authority figure assumes all responsibility for the individuals actions

in class we watched a video about an experiment conducted by Milgram. What did we learn from Milgram's study about obedience and authority


in class we watched a video where Joshua Bell, a world-class violinist, dresses as a street musician and plays in a train station. the morning commuters ignore him and do not recognize the musician or the quality of his music. this phenomenon can be explained by __________________ schemas, which refer to the way individuals sort others into categories (or stereotypes) in

functional departmentalization

in class, we looked at the example of Joanna and her popular vases. when Joanna found out that she could not keep up with customer demand, even after hiring and training several new staff, she grouped her employees into units by skill, knowledge, and action yield. what type of structure method did Joanna use to organize the work of her business?

a high focus on adaptability

in class, we watched an excerpt from a movie highlighting an employee orientation in Hudsucker industries. Hudsucker industries is an example of a mechanistic organization, which can be characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

long-term plans of marketplace competitors

in dealing with the work-related activities of people, managers must understand all of the following except

compensation packages

in exchange for employee contributions, an organization provides rewards such as pay and insurance benefits. these kinds of rewards are combined to create

the system that creates and maintains the situation

in his ted talk, Zimbardo identifies 3 factors that trigger the Lucifer Effect. Which of the following correctly present a factor that triggers this effect?


in the case of the sporting goods store, Bill is young, new to spring goods retail, and a new manager. Based on this information, what type of power does bill have?

change agent

in the continuous change process model, the person responsible for managing the change effort is called a


in the past, Karson Photography Studios directly hired and managed its own custodial staff. now, Karson contracts this work to a cleaning company. this is an example of

leadership substitutes

individual task and organizational characteristics that tend to outweigh the leader's ability to affect subordinates' satisfaction and performance are called

management is more important in regard to creating and directing change

the textbook makes several distinctions between management and leadership. these distinctions include all of the following EXCEPT

taken for granted

the values that make up an organization are often


the video Drive suggests that one of the best ways we can motivate individuals in a sophisticated, technological work includes 3 techniques. which of these techniques is also a core job characteristic from Hackman and Oldham's Job Characteristic Theory?


two gas stations in your neighborhood must work with each other to set gas prices and maximize profit. unfortunately, due to years to intense competition they do not trust each other. both neighborhood gas stations cut prices even after negotiation with one another. when they did this, they were enacting ___________ negotiation. in this type of negotiation, the parties center on their individual positions while trying to claim portions of a fixed pie

leaders can change their behaviors

unlike LPC theory, path-goal theory assumes that

a signal to carefully examine the advantages and disadvantages of a change

with respect to managing change, management should consider resistance to change as


you are a front-desk manager at a local hotel. during your shift, a guest displays violent anger in the lobby frightening and disturbing guests and other employees. you don't have much time to think and approach the guest by smoothing over differences in an attempt to achieve some sort of superficial harmony and calm his ager. what direct conflict management strategy did you use?


you are in the process of dissolving a business partnership and its become too difficult to continue without help. you and your business partner have decided to bring in a neutral third party to act as a "judge" to determine how your conflict will be resolved. this process is called


you work in a business where most employees throughout the organization do not have the discretion to spend more, to hire people, and to make similar decisions. most of this power lies farther up the hierarchy of authority. what term best describes the distribution of power?

better define member roles to improve individual accountability

your project team in BMGT 335 is struggling. you realize one team member in particular is engaging in social loafing. which of the following is a recommended strategy for dealing with this?

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